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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1926, p. 6

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YA~75 OAA.TEE CANADIAN BTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLIE, THURSDAY, DECEMJBER 16, 1926 TUslaie fflemgi ç u U GNC Garam duBy. a t fo Fr.. Ev. C OLD. *-to M nhyanofw me D Thrs oe Things il o do-they won't hurt you. FOR GIRLS WHO WORK Lydia L. Pinhhaa's Vegetable Compound Ih a Great Friend- ht Stops Pain and Restores Healtl Toronto, Ontario. - 'I work ia factory and I would have Wo get away from my work every tirne I wassick. The dragging-doWlpnsmdrap wereveybd but my baek wus terrible. It hurt 80 that 1 couldn't lie down witb it. I heard some of the gCl talking about Lydia E. Pink- ha's Vegetable Compound, and VeY told me Wo try it. I have taken about a dozen botties of it and it bas done me alot of good. I neyer have any pns ocre back now, and have flot been offr from work a day since 1 have taken it. 1 recommend the Vegeta- bie Compo und when I have the op- pcrtunity." -MiBsRoLLO, 21 Howie Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. "The Advice of a Friend" Hanover, Ontario.-"I was terribly paied and a few odd times I almost fid.I1 used Wo do housework un- il a few months ago and sometimes I had Wo leave my work and go to bed. 1 arn now a mender in te knitting- mill. I suffered five or six years froîr pinful periods before 1I Wok Lyda E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundc by the advice cf a friend. 1 got re- lief almost immediately, and I tell my friends what a good medicine it ia. You may use this testimonial il pou like, if it will help others."- Mis J. PEAnsoN, Victoria Street, Hîanover, Ontario.c Cook's Regulating Comnpoun A gaje., eliable ce quiai, iedicne. &Ald in thrc grec of atrength-No. 1,1 No. 2,11l3; No. 3, $5 pr b, Sl y aldruggibte, or se Vepa4 on ~receipt of pri, 'rec pamphlet. Addregss THE COOK MEDICINE CC TORONTO,NT.(FormerlyWifldir .2 je u in v ci;. îaks e w fi i ' Used for lverî'c "î ,, t .mnl a nd Brain Wnr, Dsprrkn' v. l.oss cf F.Pee-,oPalpitation for Z, "I by ail drîîggi'ds. or mailed in pi. plig. con rel'eîpt of prce New p.;mphi#7t mail Mf.TE WOOD MEDIC.INE <.OJORONTO.ow Safeguara Your Body Against Winter-IlIs With Vitamin-Rich AlNoris;.hment- Take x 4 7 7 - j FERTILIZING LIGHT SOILS AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETrERI (Frm 'he ewscf ec.9)Bringing a Poor Soul Baék to Con. My Dear Niece :-Small hings are Mi'u. Hamraond Arch is reported dition-Sweet Claver Easy te motntathug esld1 hn seriously ill. e Grow-Rotations With Claver 1 sa until they assume greater propor-j Orange Hall is being redecorated t1tiens and push themnselves into ouri and other improvements made. I (Family Herald and Weekly Star, kncswledge. It is of the smail things spent the weekend at the homeofHugy soils do not forin a This is one big reason why w Dr. and Mrs. Kerslake. UE large percentage of the cultivated: should net judge toc 'rashly the Mrs. S. T. Tucker lefV WednesdayNN areas in Eastern Canada. There! things that are toc small for us te for Owen Sound o attend the funer- are, however, districts, where jfirstý understand. In big tihings we may aI o be brthe-inlaw Mr zo ~,U1~ settlers reaped good crops, theirl, be more sure and even then slow alofner thrin.wM. iamg u sons obtained on'ly fair yields andý judgmnt is always bes't. Paring a cern is both risky and in- rl! O 'Vh rnen r srgln omk But iV is the littie actions, the few eff ect ive. 1V is much better Vo use C h i4< I d .Ie., a living. The question arises: words that niislead us; they might HolwysCr Rmvradea whether these fatras should be aban-! mean so much in any direction, and dicate thent entirely. No rig-s to alu your doned or handled in such a way as until we are quite sure of our ground rid cllos o restore fertility.i we should believe the best motives Mrs.- L. T. Barraball was taken Vo chid s foot-no tacks to Typical cases are seen in he& are meant. St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, Fni day, where she underwent an opera-1 irritate, but a cushion of' counties of Durhami and Ontario, 1 To fret and worry over hidden tien, and we understand bier condi1 J where settlements were made about motives is ail wrong and very foolish. tien s semwhat mprovd. - live lafllb's ol give a hundred years age. The Bowman-; A slip of the tongu ncnesto Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mowat, Tor- springiness to the natural ville Statesman stated recently that, with your neighbor which you con- onowere visitors at Mrs. Mowat's tread and protect the foot "there are sections in these counties sidered a slight upon you probably onto, ~ihere the soil is sandy in nature.' meant nothing at ail; and even if itI parent's, MT. and Mrs. J. E. Richards. against dainpness. eften ever laying a gravel lied, andý did it would be more dignified on Mr. and Mrs. Jol i.ere also down U To because of its porosity eating up' your part Vo ignore the matter. frmtect orteIeed manure and yet remaitting poor.' Nothing is much more uncomfoft- Mr. and Mrs. M. Breslin attended H U R LB U As things are at present, much of able than ill-natured neighbors. thefunralatToronto, Tuesday, of CLJsHIOnN- "SOLE his sort of land is going euLt Of cul-' People living near you can see and he furaflieDvdPpenctvton and becoming derelict owing, know se much, and so can you-if who was in bis 96;.h year. Deeeas-- Sho siChlr n tothe coat of cropping it." ,yeu both wish to put Vwo and two sed 60dea rîbus alowofh feetontde- n order Vo get an expression of together about the doings of each Th Frers deiae nna vlp oraly he aelHe opinion, the matter was submitted to, other, and the different hings you Th amr doaeAna elpnral.Te r oe W. C. Hopper, Field Husbandman at' see; the result often couldn't be ChrLtmas Number is a real dandy- n cost because longer in wear. the Central Experimental Farm, wba anything but dislike and unneighbor- as good in content as iV looks artis- The health of your child de- is familiar with the methods adopt- liness. tically. IV hs one of the publics- pnso ood shoes. ed ta build up light seils; also Vo T. So much iachief can be wrought I iens that would cheer every mem- 10 GIsOf g.G Raynor of the Dominion Seed hy noticing what was meant for any- ber i thefarinhomeespe Iay We s" and recomniend tbemn. Branch, whose duties h-ave aken him one to see-such littîe things, per- wherein are young people or children i Vo almoat every farming district in haps, whi-ch seent of ne accaunt, but of the primary classes. 1V is truly' Eastern Canada. IV will be seen wben alked about o others soon be- a galaxy of treasure-trove cf good ~ ?that beth cf these experts are agreed corne exaggerated into ugly scan-- tbings and artistit. I Ireci K nfox that the lightest soils will neyer lie dais. - Mrs. William Jackson, of Glidden,I fit for anything but the production IV is neyer gacd pclicy te provoke Sask., is vîsiting lier niece, Mrm. MI om[ cl.Onaio lf rees. Soils with somne body Vo a quarrei or Vo be on a disagreeahle J. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mn., Jackson, omnil@ nai them are usual'ly capable cf rester- footing witih others; you neyer know an fmiylftVe anarikys atian. when you may desire heir gaad icorners 16 yesrs ago, and aniongst The Treatment Advised fellowship, and you cannot demand them they acquired some 1300 acres"Teeaeqieanme cfiwenyueditifoucnt locf land. Mr. Jackson passed 5way couTier,"aes Mr. anor, be- f t.whe n IV sîl aifng theoway about a year ago. onte, syMr an "e i tallnghew. Annual Meeting of the Park As- ~sides Durham and Ontario were the It is only the boish and iîl-nat- sociation-was well attended, the fol- acreage cf light scils is large. I ured wlho are proud Vo boast they do lowig we eleted n Excutie-.have no doubt that nature intended net require friends, and who declare A. J. Knoxe Dr. Neil Colville, J. J.A-D much of tii light land Vo be the they neyer trouble how they offend Gilfillan, T.1 Smith and Jas. Stark. 0h4 orne cf the white pinle, and hus a er diaplease their neighbors. This Exectiveseleted fficrs- resiesource cf permanent wealth. Gev- sort neyer have good friends. Exe.cut ile eofcer:PresJden YEAR AHEAD ernments, fedenal and provinciaa, are There are very f ew people who do Knox; Treasurer--J. J. Gilfillan. 1 J. M. GREENE MUSIC GO PETERBORO Va bie ccmmended far their policy cf noV wish te he thought kindly cf no Word was received here that Mrs._________________ reforesting large areas with pinle. matter how hey disclaun that weak- Thomas Vinson, ,Toronto, a one Front my knowledge .and experience, ness, whicih after aIl may be a vir- ime well known milliner in this if te soil is noV so light haV the tue. A hearty handclasp by one town pased wayat ier orn onwind carnies iV away, it can he made who really likes you is neyer Vo be Tuesday. Deceaged had been inprdcie1 sie. ; 1 oorhealh fT a earpast Re G oo Prces "Few soils in Ontario are so run' IV seems a PitY that many go peosr e bealb er for i nat e- G o -rcdown that they will noV grow rye, through life pretending-like the ment in Orono cemetery Fiday. FO buckwheat and s'weet claver. These Miller cf thIe Dee-Vhiat they care .The following merning a telegnam FO crops, witib he aid cf sheep, elould fer nobody and nobody canes foar to the family froni Chicago, Ill., in- build up many light soils. These thent, when aiýl the time it hurts ta formed thent that Charles Kirk, a fN T! Tl7 crops may also hie acccmpanied with, believe this, and tlhey could soon . brother of deceased, had passed PO UP#L 1ft1 potato growing for the early market.' mend matters by checking the im- " away. Plenty cf humus at alI tumes in the pulse of making trouble out cf lit- . Astbma Can bu Cured. Its sufer- seil is the key Vo success, and the VIe titings. Your ioving, Aunt . ing hs as needless as it ix terrible Vo ploughing under cf green manuro of Susan. e endure. Aftr its many years cf re- the nitrogen gathering type is te' ____ lief cf the mcst stubborn cases no bontsliyurnuir est. i - ______ stferrcn ob tesrfc ffco o' sl ou olty .It is a poor soul indeed that wiil hold the sand and sti'll noV use up any iveness cf Dr. J. D. Kellegg's Asthma Untlvoav irt c n t grew sweet clover when twenty meisture. r Remedy. Comfort cf body and pounds of good seed te the acre is' Inoculation cf clever and alfalfa t paeof mind rtu with its use and sulted me. scwn very eanly in the spring, and' seed witb nitre-culture may assist in peace ref s u rn ep u ebckfrwffere if possible there bas been a' getting tbem started, especially nit; fsunhlepcr e ack forwee hyhaent engrw o goed. Ask your druggist;h a I amn prepared to buy light dressing with stable mate. hreVehveetbngrnfoI - supply you. any quantitv of poultry. at Rlye and buckwbeat may alse be, seme years. Seme sandy soils, too,I n Oreno L. O. L. No. 409, new offi- t". pleugbed under or grown as cr0135' are acid, and dressings of ground cens are: Pt. W. M. Bne. A. E. Mort- god pieadi1o o gan nesetdyni limestone (about 1 ten per acre) Id on, W. M. Bre. E. J. Hamm, D. 1 av at~~.n sured then petatees may ho grown as 1 May bie necessary before legumes Nihv a hes wil gi e x- a profitable crop. Sivee- doyen will grow successfully. ýl E. Cepping, Rec. Sec., W. Bre. C. tra good price. pasturage may be afferded te sheep! nedyn anb salse t .BrowJ.H. i. ScJ.,Cha.,Alfne.d hchhl e nih h olaWeînd the organic matter of the soil f Bel C rsBro . in. Sec., hr. fe Phone 81, 'Whitby, andci over bas often preduced very pro-, increased by piougiting them under,, . ea, W.Tra.,S.E.Anen. elSmtD ef eftbecosofse nsc i C.,W.Br. . . lle. ecurrs rverse charges, or drop a fitale npso ee n uhIi't short rotations may lbe started which Lst W. Bre. George Morten; 2nd sus"weuld include other crops. If pos- Bro. R. G. Su',ton. Committeemenj crd and I wîil all. Temto fte5nnt a<îvi;edý sibie, te soul whicit bas a tendency -Bros. J. H. Thompson, W.BA. by Mn. Hopper for biow saol. OP i Vo blow should be kept cevered with - .MroW .RbnoBr.EA. which ne trop is being prolued is l rpa l ie. Freape -E. PMeron, W.eA. Robinson . IE. Wfirst te es:ahiish windbreaks. Cut.- atrea ationes. For exampf id E. Pa'tron, BeMrt on ..,on. C. I. S EINtings of wilews, popiars an od poa tree-yaroato n cb fllensisting .d .,Br. ci.MetoW.G. Unes. TCo. l ~eiders or other quick-growing trees' dpetat e folioedsby fil re hse-d *t W. .li. Auditoi'v-.nt . are planted first, which oon develep XlnBo hsOnt lvctnst etti e ue'.Si r Ni ovle Whitby Ot into trees, and in a few years' timequrrnt 81; 7 hr aleTi i-o1er uh a Organit matter in sandy soils oxi- )OX, (ter Vlu Tismore permanent sorts, sc sdizes very quickly, and . thenefore 'rt' who know ho-wN suddenly croup may maples, spruces or others suitable te utb nopoae rqety C- cize their children and itow noces- .ergo aepuinbte h, promt ationis n " ne- ho egin ar pu inhotwen he.Rotteci manure applied at frequent saryprmtato si applying reemporary rapidly growving kinds. inteivals, and pneforably disced in, of Dr. Thonmas' Eciectric Qil itecause - ,. . Atrhehaebngveiee without doubt the most succesaful lief.alwas kee at an4l suply ' shelter from te prevailing winds at< ý rtiizs experience has aught titem that tti-s .W< P f b ae egowto e liefor titese sods. ian excellent preparation for te .. ' Buckwiiteat and rye will often os-I The removal of the first cutting, ,' treiattaent of this alIment. And ite $'l.. tbi the evs hnsewn, and cf dloyen and the ploughing undeni OIare wise, for its varieus uses render ..~ "- ~ - ~ m eue epog ne oef the seccnd trop ix aIse a practice 'ni, it a valuable medicine. , - - ' ces h rai atr rsm- hichit xmoit deirable. When more Mn. H. D. Gerry cf Ottawa, wbose ie ie rtcife ie wind' titan one type cf souix found on the commercial erproteetsonould betus oî ffering of 22 western herses by bas becen given, native grasses wiIl fan, and manure ix not plentiful, lý auction held in the Agicultural Hall ' gradualiy tome in whicb may bu usedi oedrial hevilersciii ad Vie man- bi ere passed off quite sutce.ssfully. --------- 1 '_" Vo increase te organir matter; Even e ntehairsisadtemn Th atndne was large and the li~eI r ete ia ocv rigue on te ligbter ones. ,distribution of te animals was, be- *. at al, and should b2 encourageil. Nitrogen ix te fertilizing consti- sides loally, t the tonship o Before buckwbeat or nye " "iv tuent most deficient in sandy souls, Hope, Darlington and Cartwright. MONUMENTAL ART WORKS mucit of a trop it wîll generally bel and this ix best applied in manure, 0f 20 miatured Clyde mares and 1feund necessary Vo apply a iighti or by growing legumes. For itay geldings te average pice nealized ESTABLISHED 1857 dressing of manure wjiich shouid be crops on these soils 75 ibi. cf ni-1 about $70, and two colts broughti disced in, rather titan piougited in, trate of soda broadctast on the sodi $27 eacit. Mn. Gerry conducte<Iu Importer direct of adVtsedsnsmw tdeprj'aspin rewhixbgnning~ te sale himnself assisted by is' SCOTCH AND SWEDE titan it wouid be on ether soiîs, îith- wiIl serve a considenable intrease in' financial agent, A. J. Staples, and GRNTSotfrIrwrig the yield. will at an opportune time in te GAIE u unhrwni future make up another offerin g. &Bd only the best grades of Qualities of Legumes A Nitrate Dressing For Scalds or Burns.-Dr. To- VERMONT BLUE MARBLE After some trop bas been grown Practically ail crops grown on as'Ecýetri Ol s Tstn ordre-Iadsm ir bas heen added Vo Vte light souls will respond Va a dressing edy for te prompt ýteatment (if li1xmploy no temetery caretake seil, it is most desirable that telcof nitrate cf soda, but for most 1 scals ad bmns. Itsheaing o'ter siagente preferrnig W seli my o'wn gewth ôf legume trops bce attempt-I rosit ix doubtful if dressingsi net injure tite nmst <li c'eI ory, as te nurse trop might use up, regen, phosphorus and ptai r chiid, as there isz notiting of an In1 I 1 StC 2326 te ax'ailable suppiy af moisture. In I necessary Va maintain the fertility junieus nature in its temposition.--atitis case the legume crcp, which' cf aandy sella. Titey wili speediiy id a child ef m- - I migbt consist cf red dloyen, aweetl In addition Vo huckwheat, fali and litties andresrnwoe talty bastbe o yer for cwing a, buckwheat cr0 n ea"n aoyea one (ote OtPm wormlesuantirestereVh.fitait fit e c'lear or lfaîf a, ckaul be on i aendng y e conthes, petari tome imnpaired by te attacks cf ~ - buckwbeat stuhble which itad beenijprincipaliy) are aise good trops for tese internai peets. lightly dised. The stubitie would 1hbuilding Up sandy sollz. FronthVie felling cf te tinîber Vo its miiling. Fnom yeun pur- thase (>f lumber Vo ycur build- ing there is danger cf miscon- struction. You tan hold Vo one hing steadfastly if you wouid buiid for strength' and safety-our reputation for square lumber dealing. You'Il receive courteous consideration here whether yen need a few feet or thiousands of feet cf wveil seasoned lumber. If CLELÀN&CO. LI I TEID LUMBER &W FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 WORRY KILLS Worry is as deadly as poison-slowly but sure- ly it undermines health, saps strength and kilis. Very often you ,'ývorry about things that neyer happen-but the fact that they seldom happen does not lessen worry's effeet on you. Then too, there are many things YOU SHOULD worry about. Disasters-accidents, fire or other losses may strike you at any minute of the day or night. Death may select you next. So insure yourself-your loved ones and your property today! Then your worries will be over. INSURANCE 0F ALL KINDS Automobile, Lif e, Health, Fire Accident J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Inisurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Try and Wear Them Out WE'V gotin alime of "Vrubber footwear - the OWTMERN - ,that wiil take your 6'! boys and girls aIl titeir tim-- and a lang timne-to wear out. You know nun neputation. .When we say we strongly recommend the M4ftfi«2 hrand, YOu know that it' a good one. Corne in and sec themn-and hning the famaily. you WiU b. delighz.rîi wi-th thora. A. DILLICK, KING STREET, Bowmanville's General Store Greatest Fuel Saver on Earth The saving on 1 ton of coal or 1 cord of wood pays for it. 75 SATISFIED USERS IN TOWN alresidy. This is net an experiment-been in use .4 yeaTs GUARANTEED TO SAVE 25 to 50% or nieney refunded. Further particulars me F. 0. MASON or M. MAYER PHONE 425J BOWMANVIILLE

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