gýbr With Which Is lncorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIU M. A.. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3Oth., 1926 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy ,No. 52 "«SEWING FOR THE HEATHEN"I Those wbo attended the entertain- ment in Trinity School-room on Mon- day evening under auspices of the Y.L.B.C., were delighted with the presentation of the one-aet play "Sewing for the Heathen" put on byF ladies from Providence, The lad- ies had gatbered te prepare the an- nual bale for the misîsionary box and were busy sewing and discuosingt pIons when another box a'rrivedt containing their huaband's garmenta requiring much needed repaira. '1het characters in the play were well1 cliosen and each did ber part exceed-( inly well 'whether ap hostess, maid,( deaf grandma or others. The whole story while carrying a good moral provided humer and interestt o tbet end. Those taking part were: Mns.t Milton Wight, Mns. C. A Wsglt, Mn Melbourne Wight, Mns. S. Dowson, Mns. Harvey Barrie, Mns. C. J. Smale and Mismes Ada Wight, Làeta Jackson and Eileen M. Souch. Pre- vious te the prtsentation a piano duet was rendered by Mna. M. H. Hoop- -er and Mns. D. Alldread; solo, Mils Eleanor Wood, Mns. E. Daniel, sc- companist; two recitations "ýBurgiart Bill" and "Putting Daddy to Sleep", Misa Mabel Dowson; vocal du-et, Misa Marion Pickard and Miss Dorotiiy Plummer, Mns. (Bev.) J. U. Robin@, accompanist; humorous duet Miss -Jean WigIt and Master Howard1 Wight. Rev. J. U. Bobina made ai very capable cbairman. Bev. Roy2 H. Rlckard offered the openlngs prayer. i DAYLIGHT SAVING BY-LAW Due to an election being neces- sary for the School Board cîtizens %vill have' an opportunity on Monday next to express their views by ballot on the question of Dayligft Time. For several years past the town couneil has complied witb petitiens asking for Daylight Saving Tinne during summer months. Considerable exception and opposi- tion bas been taken te this "fast time". Týhis objection took tangible form when a IlaSgely signed peti- tion was presented te council this fali asking that a vote be taken on the question at the -next muni- cipal elections. We believe the council is willing te give Bowmanville which ever turne the majonity of citizens favor. Se t'hat is is up te electors te turu eut on Monday and express their wishes in order that the council may gev- ern thereselves accordingly . Personay we are opposed te day- ligilt saving unless iV la generally adopted througlbout the province. Many local menchants, professienal men, mothben who 'have chidren at- tending sehool and rural resîdents who shop in Bownnanville do net fan- or chang-ing the time as it is up»ets general routine. *We can appreciate the attitude of local factonries on t1ii question whe have direct communication witb city industries. However, let -the citi- zens express their views and we1 should ail be demooratic enough tei ibid. by the wlll cf the majority.1 UT 1882 COST 0F NEW ADDITION TO BOWMAI'VILLE MERCHANTS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXPRESS APPRECIATION We widh te caîl the. attention of For nfomaton f rtepyentheThe Statesman readers te the adver- Public School Board lias asked un toltis6ments of local Merchants appear- liublisoh cost of new addition toling in this issue. 'Witb practicaily Central School. Auditor's statement on. acco>rd Vbey have taken in Januarywill givethe finlfgrs te irst opportunity after the in anarywil gveth fialfigre: hristmas rusb te extend te t L.rcuome r1,,v aze uia Iii i Contraetor's tender..$17,272.00 tio for past favors and generous Porcb over rear entrance 280.00 parnage receiveci duringi the year. C0hanges in otiien rooms 275:00 In the samne messages they wish on. Cupboard i one roo.u 25.00 and ail unmeas-ured liappiness sud Extra 2" x 4" basemeut go otn hogottecmn floor .................... : g00 dortuetruhuttecmn Architeet's tees ..........1,82000 Sye ar. nl prt fgo-j] Inspecter's fees ..........234 .00 Sulakidysitetgd-wl Sewer Conuection .... 46:00o and appreciatien on the part of these Draiage............220.00 progressive merchants is rte be cern- Drkna e rmit... on..in- mended. It shows tibat truc senti- sramne ert i cooin- 18,50 ment in a large mneasure la a big Insurance on new pat 12610oifactor in the 'heurts and mincis et Furniture, deska, etc . ... - 875:01 hes merchaints in their daily bus- Windw gards....... 45001iness transactions wîtlh the public. Basernent equipinent... 800.00' Electnie fixtures.......... 198-'00 TWO CHILDREN KILLED AND i--,including t-wo other MTE NUE rooma...............115.00 MTE NUE ':xtra varnishing et». inoon 15.00 Mn. sud Mns. A. M. Hardy ett Ex r1 siiewalk on girls' 0 . Friday niglit ton Atlanita, Georgia, eide....................5.0where their daughter-iu-law, Mns. Extra labor putting down 15<' Everett Hardy, la Iying seruons l l scats, etc ............... 1.l0in the Hospital there as a renult cf a - eaci-on -train collison at Bockmurt, e21,641.60G a. Mns. Hardy and chilc-ren wene - - 7 âOW travelling froua Miamni, Flonida, The debentures sold by the tOu" wbere Mn. Hardy resides, ennoute Vo for tii purpose wer-e $22,000. Bal- Toronto to spend Christmuas wIi.n $ue~3.58.40 wil b. nequired for a 1 the accident occurreci. Mrs. Hardy f e;ice andi pittiiig gii- l#'P1y- waus eniensly injnred and lien two rreundin shpe. jchilciren, Hazel age 8, and Kexineth, -round ___in ____________aged 6 yeera were instantly killeci. Mrs. Eves'ett Hardy's maiden name -was Georgius Miiseon, grand-daugb- ten of the laVe 1Ebçr Milison, Darliug- ton. After the death of lien par- entsabah. esided withb ler gieat iche, B11ev. E. A. Tonia, Bowmianvilie. She -bas be-en married 'about tea years. flue bodies cf ithe tw* chilcren will Ibe bronght to Bowmanville on Thurs- Iday, the funeral taking lc Stn day.1 1927 Forty-four years ago we first wished our customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Our business then was a modest size. Today, founded on a staunch base of industry,, integrity and intelligence, that small business through winning the confidence of the buying public has grown to many, many times its original size. To everyone in Bowmanville and the surrounding country, and particularly to those whose support and custom have macle this growth possible, we extend in the spirit of true friendahip, our sincere Season's Greetings, and the hope that the coming year will bring you an abundant measure of ail the good things that make life worth while. Ladies' Winter Coats MAREX.D DOWN ONE-THIRD BELOW REGULAR PRICES Your choice of any coat in the store at this tremendous reduction. A Few Ladies' Coats Clearing at $5.00 Each When needing Men's or Boys' thrifty habit to first visit our store. to meet a price. Clothing you will find it a Quality is neyer sacrificed ST. PAUL'S ENTERTAI'NMENT Srt. Paul's Sunday Sciiool Christ- mas entertainment on Wednesday evening was a splendid success and every number on the prog-ram' wasT well given. Bey. Dr. Best, thne minister was chairman, and as usual kept everything going 'ively. After 4510 opening cbekn Il " WoaddefuA Light" by the Sehool, the Pnimary Ciassa gave a motion song; recitationst were given by eric Swindela, Helen Williamns, Marion Jewe]l; doîl drill byIgins' class; Christmas song "Wish-t es' and Scout song and a dfril1 eyi the boys; piano solos, Mr. Neil Stewart, Bores Murdof; song, Chester Jury; dialogue, Primary Clasa; Cyching song and chorus, 'boys' ciass; Holly wreath, song andç drill by the girls; Club swinging,e Misa Edith Peardon, accompanied by Miss Laverne Orohard; comic quaitet i Messrs. Bounsali, Cole, Stewart andi McGregor. Distribution of gifle by8 Santa Claus brouglit a very hiappyd evening te a close. The credit ofP tihe training of the seholare for thes choruses in given to Mns. Best wbo i aIse acted as accompanisit, snd thec training of the drills to Miss Pea.rd- on.U Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, Dec. 31, Jan. 1 *The Family Upetairs" Wiant happens behinc the. clesed doers of haIt the homes of Amer- ica, with Virginia Valli and J. Farrell MacDonald. AIse "Thle Vision"~ In Natural Colons and Comedy Matine. New Yesr's Day at 3 o'clock. Usual Pnices. Monday-Tueiday, January 3-4 Lon Chaney lu "Tihe Roaui te Mandalay" With Lois Moran, Owen Moor sud Henry B. Watliall. Wedneeday-Thuraday, Jan. 5.6 "Exit Smillng" A Comedy Dram" witb Beatnice Lillie sud Jack Pickfoiàd. Friday-Saturday, January 7-8 A figliting dramu of adventure, courage loyalty and strengtbh on the bigh ses. COMING JANUARY 17.18 Cecil B. DeMille'. "The. Volta Boetass" De Milles greteut plture «d penhpe Vhs fiest oftVhs pae IMa. i j[ CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING CHRISTMAS DAY MfR. AND MUS. THOMAS PIWL ENTREES Fruit Cocktail Plain Guet Pudding ROASTb Dreused Young Turkcy Cranberr sauce- Drcsaed GooseÂlule Saune SirloIn ncet Jus-Jus VEGETABLES Bolied and nrowned Potatoa Green Poe DE&IIIeeNs DeopAppe PeSSERT d Ce& Deep Aplne Pie Wupe r stmed atePuMin Peinnfue Frruit Nuta Candy eu fthe Balmàorel Hôtel wiýlb« Ra»sud proaperoua su i a -'i À ' 4 e Couch,Jhnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvllle Pfolo14 Limiteai CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING TOWN COLINCIL ELECTED ON CHRISTMAS DAY BY ACCLAMATION Municipal nomination meeiing on Mr. nd M&. isoms F inge Monday night was about as quiet and Mr. nd Ms. homa Pînle tame an affair as could possibly lisp- pen. Only ten candidates were nonninated te fill the naine chairs a Amlong the mauy Yuletide gather- around the ceuncil board. Mayor, aings was the home-coming of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve were each -Pingle taniily (six sons and three honored wkthout opposition. Only sdaugliters), te celebrate on Christ- six of the seven candidates nominat- -mss Day the Golden Wedding or ed for councillors qualilled which efiftietli anniversary of the marriage biought about the clection of the. en- 1cf their parents. tire counicil by acclamation. Coula- eTIsonns Pingle and Fanny Burton ciller J. O'Ncil who hbas rendcrcd were uniýted in mar-nage at bhite. faithful and cfficiem service for 1vals, Ontario, by Rev. Dr. Campbell threc years was nominated btu de. aon Decensber 25, 1876. Mms.pingle elined te qualify. Geo. W. James -was -the daughter of the late Mn. sndi taking bis place. -Mns. Thos. Burton who lived te cele- Council for 1927 W41 consist of: ebrate their diamond wedding. Mayor-T. S. Hoigate A eomewhet remarksble incident Reeve-M. J. Ellioit in tbf. gathering ils tha-t it ilth rs Deputy-Beeve--W. H. Tbicksoa time ia tî!enty-tliree yeans that the Councillora--W. C. Cavcnly, W. H famlily bmas sl been -tegether at one .Carruthers W. A. Edger, A. J. Wad- turne. There bas only be-en two harms, M. H. Minore, Geo. W. James., deaths in the family circle of ben Members of the. 1926 counicil ad-1 chidren and twenty-¶ve grandcxild-, dressed the meetting brielly giving an ren- son, Oscar Pingle, was Iâuled~ account ef their stewardsbip. oversews in 1916, and a grand- Ceuncilior Cavenly attempted te duughter Vers (Harry's daugliter), enliven the occasion by inviting died of dipbatheia. cniticisim fromn the audience. Ex- The celebraition cof thus lhappy Councîllor P. H. Mason accepted the event teck place at the home of challenge by intimating that several ther da-ughter, Mn. Sain Glanville, illegal expenditures bad been made 3Elgin Street, North, Bewmanvillej by the council. Our venenable citi- where decOrations cf yellow and 7 en and nonegenarian, Mn. David green made every room indicate the Keitb. sided with thne counocil 'ona Golden event. grant to Bowling Club. Rev. D. W. Best, Minister ef St. The meeting ended in harmony Panl's Ohurch was enairman and i vh Mayor Holgate lead&,g in sing. bis genial and happy mannes', called iug the Nationaq Antletn. the. company te order and intreduced the bride sud groom, the wedding SCOLBADEETN mardi being played by a grand- -____OAR___ CIO daughlter, Miss Florence Cox. Six Qualif y to FilIMThe Vacancie. Ou behaif ef the fannily the k'ol- on Publie Scijoor Board. lowiug addrealswas nead by Mn. Cee.___ Pingle and the presen-tation Of two The. Public Scbool :Board wuêicb la bagis of gold made by two grand- lookd lupon as the Seuste of Muni- daughters, Marfion Glanville and Cipal affairs cropped into sudden sud Donna Pingle: unexpected prominence as a resuit 'Tis a ghorious event in the annals efthie nomination meeting Monday of the House of Pingle whiclu this night. Seven candidates' were noia- joyous gathling l is er. te celebrate. inated Vo fil tbree vacancies. An For dear Mothen and Fatiier it lu on- -alection is the resuît, six 'having ly the occasional family that can qualified-Chas. F. Rice, G. L. Hall, boafft of a golden wedding anniver- F. C. Coîmer,- (alli membera cf 1926 sary attended hy se many sons and Board), and Wm. iltoclc, H. Clii! daugiiters snd grandchildren aud eaverly and W. YP.'Corbcett. D. R.i near relations. Morrison dropped eut of the. running. And aillof us ber. ieyouisly join in Conipeti ion may b. the 'lifé of congrNatulating you botli for the 50 trade eut it takes an electien te stir golen jears of mes-ried hlappireos up in 'erest in scbool board matters. o wh this Chniatinas fedtival Is AIl sorts of ctreet molirs and crlii- thie 5Oth milestene sud hope that we ismt are afloat co-mmenting on tffh. may mark the ensun anniversanies affaira et this depar.ment. year by ycar witb gradually increas-ý Others* are raising a rumpus that ing uibcns and that at your Dia- the town should net 1>. put :e the moud jubile. we wilI have s real expense of an election c:aiming there crowd. i-s ulIterior motives a. the bottem ef Healh iand bappiness seem Vto bel the wbele thing. Most- ef this uproar the. watchwond in the. Pingle famiîy, and talk comes frem priva-te ci:.izenu and iththe ne xcepionandi noV from tlhe candidates. çon and our brother Oscar, Who pa.&odmmes h r ek eci along oves-seau, nearly ail your ing îe-election, are entitled -te con- chlciren snd tIueir children are tak- sideration. The new men aise are ing Part iu this happy occain. good i ciîens and wHI, ne doubt give o. a good accolunt of themsv-esý if 'Twas -9 happy thluuglit when you elected. seleeted Chiotmas as your bridal By aIl means, ratepayera, show day-for the wbole world celebrates Fluat you are intercsted in education- wIth yvu-and i a great savg ai a affadin, by coming eut e vote next ta you elton.a they canla al Monday. Yen are entitleci te vote make one gift do du-ty for both OC. for thnee candidates. casons. To paraphrase a popular song let us hope tluat we'll ail "go Pingling PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS - along" from year te year-joyfnhly marldng a rkch succession of wed. Public Schoola open Tuesday, Jan. ding sud Christmnas dayB. 4db 8V 9 a. m. And se, dean Motheir andi Father, we Several changes in organiz*tlpu aUl join Iu wishing yon a Merry make it necessary that new pupilsc Christmas, a jeyful Golden Weddiung sbould attend on opeping day. Day and a Happy New Yean--aud Parents and ratepayens are inviteci aak yon te saccept these Golden tek- te the opening of new moins on y< ens of eus sincere love and affection Monday January 3rd a: 8 p. m. snd1 Gao. W. Pingle on belalf of FamilIy. hear an address by Mrs. Jas. Long-' head, Trronto. The groom made a suitable reply Bowmanville Schools were closeci thanking aIl for their kind words snd on Wednesday for the Christmas gift sud expressing the appreciation liolidays. In nnany of the scheol ot hie good wife for the pleasure mons befcre closing Christmas en-1 afforded by this day's gathering. tertainimenta werc held sud giftse x- (Coutinued on page 8) changed. LOCAL AND OTHERWJ5E Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr spent New jYears in Toronto. 1 Mr. and Mýrs. Geo. E. Chase with -relatives in Brighton. a Miss Edith PeaTdon, Lorne Villa, 9visiting friends in Torontv. Mr. and Mrs. R. Holmes spent New Years at Mr. Frank Jackson's, Courtice. à Mr. Albert Mmdnprize and bTide, -St. Mary's, recently visited bis -brothpr, Mr. W. J. Maàinprize. 1 Owing te a break down ini Lino- rtype machine The Statesman isaa day late in being published this week. Music Study Club wiU mee Wed- nesday, January &'th at 8 p. m., St. Paul'à Scbool-oeoom. Subject Liszt. For a good time go ito the Progre... sive Euchre given by the Rebekabu in the Oddfellows' Hall en Thursday, LIJaavuary 134ah. Mr. and Mns. George Memullen have returned from Port Coîborne and are ocupying thoir bomne on IWellington Street. Dr. M. A. Shipley of Cliaton, paid Ide aunt, Mss. Edwin Word., a short visit on bis way te Montreal, on '1huraday last. Mr. J. A. 'McFeeters, Longda" -Road, Toronto, announces the en- gagement of bis aister, Margaret Id.a, and Mr. Arthur W. Annis of Tyrone, the marriagl e otake, plate early in Janaiary. Mesura. J. B. Truil, Earl TruR snd Lewis Truil, Manton, Ata., gaye theïr parents, Mr. and Mzs. Lewis Truil, Base LUne, Danlington, a plega. ant surprise by coming home fer Christmas. Té make a clearance of ail Ladies' Wiziter Coats, Coucb, Jonuton A Cryderman will giv. one tlird off auy coat lIn the store and- bave laid out coats to b. aold e the rldiculoudy low prices of $5.00 eacb. The upt-own brancb of the Cana- dian National Express Compauy whixeW bis erved Whitby for mrny Yeare will be closed on Februazy 1, 1927, and thereaiter ail expreu bus- inesu wll be tranuwited fom junc- tion Station. Miss Ada Wight who - bas been spending the past six montha with lier parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Alex. Wight, Providence, left on Tuesday for Ednýonton, Alta., where she tholds a good 'position on the public achool teaclbing staff in tthat city. Master Gordon New, the 12 year old son of Prof. and Mrs. C. W. New, Toronto, and a grandson of Mr J. H. H. Jury, town, was giveri con- siderable prominence in Toronto papers last week for drawing a relief map Of Onitario showing the province's min-oral weath. Tbf. unique map -bas been parcheaed trom him by the Ontaio department f . Inas f ,r $25. The m inister of mines com-mented very favorabîy on the work of the boy. The relief featurea on the map were made w-Ith a liour and water mixture cf thie boy's own invention. The "'Neyer Say No" Music Club Iield i.tâ 8send meeting on Deeen. ber 2ffd at thieborne of Mbo. .J. Al-. bert Cole, A.O.C.M. Presidmit Beatrice Lapp presided. Meeting opened wltli club chorus thon roU caîl. A good programn was given by 12 girls. The. life of J. s. BCh ws given by Mrs. Cole. prisas will be given at next meeting for tb. best essay on the lle of tbis great comiposer ,writte« by the pupils. A musical contest was engsged in. Re. fregshments serveil and the meeting closed witb the National, Antbsm,. February meeting prograrn in charge of the "Presto" group, Helen Baker, convener. Thýe lifeofBeetheven will be taýken. GOLDEN WEDDING RECEPT101ON Mr and Mn. Cliristian Rehder wlU celebrate their Golden Wedding Au- niversary on New Yedrs Day, jan- uary 1, 1927. A recePtiuon will 4be held in their bonor at the home of their daugliter, Mrs. (Dr.) B. J. Haz- !ewood on SaturdaY froin 4 te 6 and from 8 to 10 p.m., when tbey wjill be Pleased to welcome their frienda. SPECIAL NEW YEAR DINNER AT BALMORAL HOTEL Aloo Special Suaday Dinner Chri.--tma-t fegt-ivities make it a particularly busy week for the wom- en folks who do the cooking. Why net return the compliment hy takring he man the rest of tlhe family to the Balmoral Hotel for New Yeean or Sunday dinneïr? This very at- :ractive and tempting dinner will be served boîth days from 12:30 -to 2 ý Celery Beets *t %.,ana lan