PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTI Honor graduate in Dentistry 7 UJniversity. Graduate ai the College of Dental Surgeonsm tario. Office King St., Bowan Office phone 40. House pho DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate ai Royal Dental C Toronto. Office, King St. East manville. Office hours 9 a. r p. m. daily except Sunday. 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate oi Taranto versity and member ai RoyalC ai Dental Surgeons. Licensi practise in Ontario and the I: ion.- Dentistry in aIl ite bra Office-King St., Bownianvillt posite Bank of Montreal. Pboni LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notar Money ta boan on Farîn and Praperty. Royal Bank Bui Bowmanville. Phone 351.' W. R. STRIKE Successos te sate D. B. Simnpson, Barrister, Solicitor, NotazM Soictor for Bank ai Montre Money ta Loan Phoi Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for Offices-Bleakley Block, Kng Bowmanville, Ontario. Phg Office 102, House 409. FNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Horse Equipme Ç~ ) AilCaa prom] attended to. \U~/ Private Ambula \~V/ Bowmanville ph« Branch Store&-- Ooo& Newca ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaimer and Funeral Direý Calîs given prompt and persoa] tentian. No extra charge for tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowi ville, Ont. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. Gold Medalist ai Trinity Univer Toronto. Four years attending1 sician and Surgeon at Mt. Cai Hospital, Pittaburg, Ks. Office Residence, Wellington Street, J manvilie. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. b Graduate ai Trinity Medical Col Toron ta, formerly ai Enniskil Office and Residence, Dr. Bel former residence an Church Str Bawmanville. Phone 259. 4 VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Night calIs promptly attended Office: King St. East, Bowmanvi Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Oosi Honor Graduate ai University Toronto. AIl cases given prou and careful attention. Office Dr. McElroy's former office. Phoni Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Fari n sd House Sales a Specialf Ternis moderate. Enniakillen P. Phone 197r3. 1 CHIROPRÀCTIC AND DRUGLE! THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate ai Toronto Collel ai Chiropractie will be in the Boi inanville Office Tuesday, Thunsdi and Saturday evenings, phone 141 Residential caIls mnade during for noon,. Frank Converse Smith W ueaday, T'hu;-sday and Saturday Nights Admission 20c ating Monday, Wed- esday and .Friday nights /jand Stra fenos Adults 15c ,Children lo LE ror( ai Ani one n.t Ph Coli ;ed Don le, To, eal Me lone ;uce ne lai du ,mar 3-ti ait3 Ph> rmE 1ana M!. lee dith' 'e to. Sc. of aipt e- ies: [ty. O. -ti. 35 -g. mw- re- THE EDITOR TALKS SOME YEAREND THOUGHTS MARKET FOR DAIRY PRODUCI Somehow we can neyer approach The asat Statesanan for thus year. Hon. John S. Martin Telse Farine !onto a year end without seriaus thauglits. Was Christmaa a blessed day for At Oshawa He Secs Dairy industi Lyal It La the main dividing uine between you? On- two distinct and very important per-' Snow a plenty for Christmnas Day. At the annual banquet ai the Os ille, ioda ai time-the year going out and Cbldren had a real merry Christ- awa Milk and Creain Praducers'A 22. the one caming in. The reflective mas. saciatian on Tuesday, Deceniber1 mind naturally aska as the year end Why not carry the spirit ai Christ- the speaker ai the evening was Ho gets near: What progreslias beeln mas ahl throtagh the year? John S. Martin, Provincial Minist lege, made in my lufe with ail the oppor-1 Joy ai living is enriehed and ai Agriculture. 0w- tunities the past year has brouglit tal deepened at Christmnas because aur John Baker, Salina, propasedit ta 6 me for impravement? Then turn-j rsouis are attuned ta the strains ai toast ta Ontario Departinent ons ing ta the new year coming in asks: i that beavenly antheni:* Peace an Agriculture, stressing the impo What bas the next year got in store1 Earth, Goodwill ta men. ance and efficiency aifsanie and for me and mine? Shail I find a' Of Christni1s past let us remember reply Hon. Mr. Martin said it was real jay ini living? When the end naw pleasure for hi ta apeak ta far Uni- cames shaîl I have ta my credat many, Only the amibes, forget-ing ail the people and lie feit tlhey were the re lege god works and helpful deeds and tears, people ai the Province. Far ta service for others or xiii it bie bar' Only the bopes, fargetting ail the dairying hie said was now havir ni-ren in unselii.h, helpful upliftang sor- fears; good tumes and mast important ofa lies, vices for those witb whom I have as-' Liie's way is ail toa long, that we had a market for their prAuct ar op- sociated ? Indeed, a rushing flood, sbould bow having a market takez off bal! tl 01- ai thoughts sucli as these rush 1 Beneath the ancient burdens af burden ai farming. He expected1 through the mmnd and seem ta de-! dead years. see a great increase in the useç mand an answer. Opportunities' 0f Christmas in the future let us mlking machines and urged ail1 will come-they always do. Shah Il speak increase production, for the industi grasp thein as they came and turn' Only with courage, iooking for the had a great future aheati of it. >. tbem ta profitable accaunit ta myseli best, He said the City ai Toronto woul and others? j Only witb hope leaving ta faith the bave a million people in ten year 'wr, i rest! tume and the City ai Osfihawa itsei ing, Another thought cornes upper-1 Liie's day la ail taa short that we was growing rapidly. 'But mar mast; No twa years are alike. Every1 should seek than ail this the United States watt annual spin ai the wheeî aif'rimeil To dim its brightness at aur awn pravide a market for its demand wa brings changes. Rase Macaulay; bheet. increasing faster than it couldb .c. eaya: Here we are îacing anothe-r1 In the great game ai lufe it neyer supplied. New Year. Soon will came againi pays ta let our soul abnivel with hate Indeed lie expccted that the another quackening ai eap in the thoughs-to paralyze aur power for would soaner or later have ta bowe 91 trees, ai green in the undergrowth,, good by induiging illwill towards our if not entirely remave the duty o ai the blood in man's veina, ai activ- fellawman. the dairy producers for thsy wouI itY amang publishers and birds-ini Our lives are ail toa short and tao simply have ta buy Canadian mil brief, an,other year. full ai trials and tribulations ta and butter and Ontario and Quebe The chef food for thaught offered, waste the preciaus hours in the littIe- would be the provinces ta furnis] bby hi hnin ad inficie inper-, nesa ai malice towards aur brother that daîry produce. In New Yo:l le. iot s hw ange an rfiietin the man whatever the provocation. State they were well organized arg 3t. variety are years! How many nul-1 tihe prices were now higlier than i es: lin ite a a a uf~d _____Ontario. lion oethemhasman ot uffeed'The brightest aide ai farming wa or enjoyed, or bath, since lie first lbe- dairy farining and cows have dong -gan ta sufer and enjoy at ail? The1 THE EDITOR TALKS more ta imprave the farina than an: Spring is backward or the Saimmeri thing else sud lie gave several in, La wet and cold-variety oi weather Do yau read good literature-his- stances maoin ha own caunty ai Nor conditions and every change attend- try other gaod books, magazines, folk. ored by varyi'ng results. 1newspapers? If so, and you have He told ai improved conditions ir orWe ail know, toa, that no year is read the lives ai great anen and wom- Northern Ontario through the Gai. like anather, except it bie that ail are' en ai any peri'od ai the world's his- ernment's assistance in starting y remnarkable for important and excit-ý tory you must have beeu truly iam- creameries. " ing event.s. Yet every year brings, pressed with one autatanding iact- He referred also the policy of the itsimortnttimes-the tumes we< namueîy, that tbere was something Governinent in demanding that the hav liedin av evr eeninPort-, within theniseives that hled, yes, standard ai equality be steadily in. ant. The newspapers aIl declare' agi impelled thean ta rase. What was it? creased and said that in thie last " the ycars end that "A mementous Supenior mental endoaniente? Very three years it liad gone up 22 pei period a closed or La about ta rarey. Ws it grsateror bette-r or cent. -begin," etc., etc. Yet the carlier advantages ai education? No, . "Produce the quality and your air marks that we take no note ai Timne quite irequentîy the ve'ry oposte ticle will always ssiI". That was but ai its bass. Was it greater physical force?~ Very lias motta and lie said 30,000 cus- 'r. * i seldoni if at ail. Thli influence ai tamers, for bis. Wyandottes' 25,000 !t- We ga aiten hear the remark i relativea or well-tc-do friends? Sucli ai in the states and througli 18 these times that so far the nineteen-: iavoring conditions may help srnie ou t the reat 'ai the warld. ".Our n- th and twenticth centuries thus fan but that was not the secret ai their desire is ta help cvery fariner in the have been the most remarkable this achievement. Wcre there other province whe la willing- ta produce - ad world bas ever known. No doubt factors in their enviraumiett or au<o-godsufnmatrwtitL. but science, mechanics, discaveries diations that gave then sanie essen-_____ and other branches ai researchi, ex-' tial uplift or belp onward and up- perimentatiýon, and investigation havei ward? Nons sucli recordsd. What We admure the success that comes wrought great wonders and changes then was it that made tbemi great? ta the average man or waman who V., and are cantinuing ta do. But the' Almost invariably the cheéf factor in works well aud is the bulwark of Y- historians will tell us that in history! their ives was ans and one only-thc moat ai aur private and public in- el for van-oua reasons the cbasing ai theý power ai will . Tliey believed that stitutions. id years stands remnarkabie and the wbat others had done thcy cauld do rnewspapers echo the refrain in their and did it. A perâon's knawledge may he closing issues ai the year, as, indeed, ** greatly încrea.sed i duning the longî they bave alwaya comnented and ~5 We aantoulfrth trh winter eveninga there La a will to mci dolihea cametedanetaanýfa the statement that only two bus- read and digest a feiw gaad books. e, the inailthe aosbefore aiews-1 incsmen in a huqsdred really nake nuch tail one s bspown tawn paper papers were. Not only in tcsea succesa ai businesu; but we do mc ooea i w onppr e-Dailies have their place but theelper- 'à years which have survived the swirl- know that only a very sanali pesona interest is îound anîy in yaur t, ing waters ai oblivion and seem toi centage ai the men in any caliing orsoa L us memorable even naw as we look poe(o)o cuain iet h local paper. Send us news that will -back; net aniy in ycars ai wars and front ranks-only anc here and there itrs oriinaa itne canquests, great flooda and earth-' out ai the miass riscs above their fel- quakes, pradigiaus discoveries; but in yiiiws-yet the tnulah remainis good ecdionc ai thase pîacid, obscure un- that what man lias donc man cana do. ostentiati oua years now sunk and Maniy men are employed in factories f10 YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? drowued long rince in time. but only a very iew are realhy mast- There are go very many ways by er nechanica. In the professions By Edson R. Waite, Shawne. ,OU&a. whicli we can make aur yeans reai-ly tihe sanie caasditiolnis ubtain-j-there worthwhule. But ta do this it is mroct'are many Iawyers but a veny amaîl That the best business concerna *important that we begin -on the ad-! number are ranked aus first-class. advertise. vent ai thc new year. What have W'lerever eues gaes a frt-clasa 'mat is wiiat lias made theni thie you planned for 1927? preacher, teaclier, musician, onatar, best. * *c treader, fanmer, merchant is nat aiten That Newspaper Advertising lias fudamo'ng the masses ai then. built therr business. The active mind will find sucli an Stil in evcry ine of activty thiere That they long ago foutu! out that immense variety ai intere.sta in tii is abundant room at the top. Mlen nswspaper advertising is the mnarket lii. that it neyer need sufer ironi' ane investigates it will ýbe foumnd that place for the thniity buyer. ennui. The idle or indifferent mi those at the head ai their classa are That the uewspaper aida point to sufers frani stagnation as does thle not cxceptionally endowed with un- the direct route ai saving. watcr in a pool that lias na autl«t.1 tellect above their fellow men. But TDhat tbey show the way ta true The studiaus, abserving miund finds: the iew brilliant anes willcd ta rise c Soinry- inspiration on every ide. Tiiere s, and succceded. So. reader, can you That newspaper ada create a mar- the wbale wonld ai practical aPPli-; if you strive liard enougli sud long ket. ances-money, bouses, clothes, au-to-1 encugli. Wherc thcre's a wiil tliere's That they attract people ta a bus- minubiles, telephones, ail the innumer-1 a way. 'Pien find a way or make it. iness. able appliances and cantrivances for'bat they make a greater volume mau' comortuse r asentaianofaisales. man' cofort us or stetatin.!That a greater volume makes low-' Besides these tibere are endiess fanas' ai activity aifxork or pay-businels IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL er s-elling caste. ioa vaiaus kinds, the learned pro-1 That lawer selling casts makes fessions, a great variety of other C. Baskerville, East Rochester, N. hower prises ta the consumnera. callings, sports, travel and mucli else Y., un aending bis subacription ta The. It always pays ta buy froni the that goe ;ta make up an active world- Statesînan for 1927 writes: "Wishing merchant wlio advertises. sucli es thc anc in wbich we are priv- you and ai the staff a Merry Christ- Thc Canadian Stateanian stands iieged ta ive. Wliy be idie or out mas and a Happy New Year". Ed- ready at ail tinies ta assist nier- ai a job amid sucli vanied activities?. Sanie ta you, Cliarlie. chants ta croate a profitable market. Thli art ai living finds no lack aiof _________________________________ tools or material. It is evident that! whoever wants ta live an active, busyL O!.î1r I1 .f ie-to pracktise the real art ai liv-1 YTD t'rOMPET'ryR~r ing-and enjay a worý1hwhile exist-1 once, if he looks around intclligently will fin nacrhlig elha, 7D.Frn rn NewYea realuion ar ai rihtjust se much business ta be had, and if backed by sufficient wEi terialcusyar -rd t bh an absolute necessity. The first day That is not true. As a rule the oi a new year is most suitable for more tradesmen the more trade. A making a freali stert in ane's liîe good, lively competitor wiil increase Ta this thoueht add t.his other, naine- yaur custuan. ly, that a normal young persan ai Two first-class groceries in a block either sex can, ta a reasonable de- are botter for both than a manopoly gree, if possessed ai good health,i would be for either. be or do what he or she desires tabie1 The place for a young lawyer ta or do, by the exercise oi ail the will-i hang out bis ahingle is not a town power they can command. Think1 where there are no lawyers, but a very seriously over this statenient, tw hr hr aemnadgo young folk, and believe in your own ons. eter r ayadgo power ta rase. Then fix high your'eles objective, give free rein ta your am-1 "Where the carrion la, there the bition, and resoive at once ta exert1 cagles are gathered together". And your supreme effort ta reach in duel where no eagles haver there is slim time the goal you have decided ta' picking. reach. The power is within your self-na doul>t about it. Yeu ca If you are a young graduate froin be what you decide ta Put forth your, a medical achool don't go ta sanie1 very best effort ta be and do what~ forsaken neigbborhood where there you sincerely resolve ta do-pat-I are no doetors; go where physicians lence, perseveralace, determinatioii, flourish. industry, supreme energy and indoni- Cnptto osntk rd. itale illpawr wll et en iiee.huilds trade, makea new trade, stim- ulates trade. Good maorningl Have you renew- No anseiman can get ail the bus-c Od YOUT Stateunan. Many have. Thin ess possible ln any cammunlty. His hs renewal iUme. Reno*wiwth im for, personality attracts sone, repels oth- I 1927 papers andi magazine.. See Our r. Tlaev's always a lot oi bus-t clublblng last. j mes for somnebody else.r 1 lar iii 'U t in~iitg. Don' Don't brin g sport. 't knock your competitor. encourage busybodies who you talcsoa i ha. Be a goo< Play the game. Keep goot natured. Beat your can-petitor if yau can, but remeiber the sureat way ta beat hii is ta seII botter gooda, ta use fairer methods and ta be mare court- e aus. Don't play the cut prise gaie with han. Kc.p yaur nargin of profit fair. Cutting prises is cutting lhe If your campetitor lies about you or uses, underhand means ta han You , neyer mmnd, Yau go on and ho on the level and look pleasant. You can't fool the people ai the time. Straight business wins out in the long run. There's business enaugh for you bath. Go aiter lt. Your competitar will do you a deal ai good. R. will muke you elberget- ic careiul, more attentive toa ffiairs anti aitog»th« er wW bring anoai. ta yiour pocket if you use bine rlght. CTS THOUGHTS FOR FARMERS ners Prof. H. H. Dean of Guelph Agi try. cutural College Thinca Farnera 1 Net Get Fair Play. )sh- As- In an addrees on Tuesday ta Hat 14, ilton Kiwanis Club Prof. H. H. Dea Ion. Guelph Agricultural College, is r ter ported as saying: Feriner as a Business Man the In the United States it was t] ýo(fsaine story, according ta Prof. Dea .rt where the farmers' share of the n in tianal incarne has dropped from 20 Ia per cent in 1900 to 9.3 in 1921. Du arm ing that year, he stated, while t> eal farmer received 43 cents per ýperso: ýr the banker and other professioný ng men got $1.83, and aill ther wori ail ers $1.00. Prof. Dean was flot muc and impressed with the statement tha the the fariner was flot a good businet ta man, pointing aut that in 1855 of required tihree hours and dliree mia ta tes*;of labor ta produce one bush4 ;ry of wheat rompared with just ten mit u tes today. ild He Blames Tariff rsl This speaker believes that the prc ore tective tariff system was Iargely t red blame for this great discrepancy bi vasj tween farming and other industrie be and warned his audience that tIi farîners in this country would soo folIiow the United St.ates' exanipi lyand demand real protection for a: er or protection for nane. uld himproved Farin Buying Power 1]k This speaker, who is head of ih )ec Dairy Department at Guelph, mad ih a plea for a steady price for mIk )rk "We do nat find sensational fluctu ,d atians in prices for bread, gas, elect in ricity, water rates or street ca fa-res", he said, "then why expec ra milk ta be lower in price during thi ne sumner? Th>e farmera' caste, an( l the costs of milk preparation an( in distribution were practically as hig] )r- in summer as in witer, therefore thi price paid by the consumer ought noi in ta be lesis. )v- . A spirit ai ca-aperatian, as wehll m ng "live-and-det-4ive", should be morT cammaon tihian it Je between farn ie and city people. It would bie ai e advantage ta manufacturers, nmer. n- chante and wage-earners if 'the buy et ing Pawer of Canadian farmers werc e- increased. Canada spends a greai deal of money each year seeking new markets, but right at home isaa asmarket that ia warth much mure than Ls that ai any ioreigit country. )0 There ia net a fariner in Canada h. but could advantageously spend at Ir least $100 yearly more than lie is ie doing at present, for needed impie- ,e mente, electrical appliance, furni- turc, carpete, hardware, cIaothing, boots and ahoes. The addition of one 'hundred dollars per iarmn for spending money would mean a mar- sket for over seventy million dollars' 10 worth ai goods right here in Can- )fada". ,If you see cutter drivers lookcing >glum, just think matoriste have a gfive-dellar reduction in licenses and cutterists will bave ta go ýthraugh the pitc-h hales at the saine old price. For 1926 ? To our friends who have patronized us so loyally during the past c year we txtet urI cordial thanks. For 192 7 Most To the above friends and others we desire "toi wish you health and many I a joyous day and a happy heart to play the part along life's great high- way". F. R. Brown Ki th ou Ki, Ling St. E. Bowmanville1 Sir, cere Wish The loyal support and atronage of our friends ade ours a happy Christ- as and it 18 our wish that ey, too-every one-en- )y a Bright and Prosper- us New Year. Alex. Elliot Jeweler ng St. E., Bowmanville DO TeRoyal Bank of Canada General Statement 3th November, 1926 LIABIiITIES C:ap tal Stock Paid up .. . .24.INA. 00 Reserve Fund .............................*440000 B alace of Profit s carried forw ard .. .................. ..,, « 1 ,4 00674 .58 "3,8509,674 38 1Ividends tnclalued . .. ... . .. .13,142:64 D vidend No. 157 (nt 12 o7,pe r sonu ai>. pay b e lii D ace«M« b ef 1926 . . .732, .00 0 D» Ieit ot bearing interct ... . . ..... '.... . . 8161,174.458.50 Deposte bearing Interest, Including itertt ccrued to date of Statement....... ............................ 451,689,830.13 r ata i D e o s ts . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8*' * 6 1 2 , 86 0 , 2 8 8 .6 3 Notes of the Bank ln circulation........................ 39,171,262.94 Balances due to oter Bank* ln Canada ....-ï.. 1,390,944.68 Balances due to Bank@ and ilanking Corespondents ciao. ý h rrc than ln Canada .. . .......... .'...."'.""' 16,764,934.43 ills Payab le . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 6,103 ,180.0 5 Liabilities fot incuded ln the foiregalinl...................... 40,6".64 21.04lEIv.24 851.442.817.86 ASSETS Goid on Subsidiary Coin an hand.......... 21.604,304-74 Gold deposited in Central Gold Reserves .... 8,400.000.00 880.004.50.74 Dominion Notes on hand. ...8. 33.401,580.50 Domi nion Note@ deposited ln Centrai Goid Reaerves ......... ......................9,.0uoo.00 United States and other Foreign Currences 26,862,177.19 $99.868,262.43 Notes af other Canadian Banks .......................... 8.70557%M5 Choques on other Banks... ..................: 21,214,390."0 Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents ciao- where than la Canada. ............... 264779.M9.26 1)omlnion:and Provincial Goenaent Securities, (not Canadian =uiialScriisand British,. Foreign and Colonial PublicSeurlaies other than Canadien, (flot exceeding market value) ............... Railway and other Bonds. Debentures and Stock.<(net C exceeding market value> . ... ............. Cali and Short <flot exceeding thlrty dys) Lona.tu Canada on Bonds. Debentures and Stocks and other Securitiés of a sufficlent marketable value ta caver.............. Calil and Short (flot exceeding tblrty dayal Louas elewhs* thon la Canada on Bonds, Debenturesa nd Stocke and other Securities of a suMient marketabls valu. to ý,.urrent Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebat. of lnterest) ater snaklng full provision for mli butd and doubtiul debts 81............. :urrent Loans and Discounts elsewÉ*re than la Canad (le«a rebate.oaI ltereot) alter maklnd full provision for $766,376.943.26 26.880.492.86 16,880.958.4B 29.7i9.56L19 S867.0Ofl.12 aIl bad cTnd doub, au fllouta...... .................1,84239 Bank Premises at not more than cost, lee amonutawitten of.............40,64 Reai Estate other than Bank Premîsos .... ........................ Mortaes on Real Estate soid hy the Bnk ................... i Liabllies of Customers under Letters of Credit mas parcontre ...............3111 8SIM Shares oficçd Loaos ta Controlled Companles ....... ............ iSepocit with the Mînister for the purposes oi ahe Circulation Fund .........i280. Other Asses nat lncludsd la ah. ioeegolng ..................................52,884-94 AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE 8766.376.94U.26 ra Ta& SHàamEoLDSa or Tas ROYAL BANE aF CANADA: mcezc W. bave eanleed theoaove tatemet oai liabiliti.. and Agnts t lth November. 1926 with the booksancd accutsai The Royal Bank of Canada at Head OMeie and with the oertifl.d rtw irons the brancb. eow. have verified the cuand securite at Head Office et the close of ths Bank's fiscal year. and duriez the yscr e counted the cash and exaasined tht securities et several ai théhI- portant branches. w. have obtained aIl thse infornmation and explanatians that we bave required, and in aur opinion the transactions of the Biank, which have corne under aur notice, have been within the Powors of thse Bank. Tbe above staternent i» in aur opinion properly drawn up 50s ta disclose tbe truc condition, ot the Bank as et lOth November, 1926. cnd It ians atahy the books of the Bank. A. B. BRODIE, C.A., af Pre. Waterbouss & CO. JAS. G. ROSS, C.A. Auditors. Montreai. Canada. 2Mt December, 1926. of P. S. Rass & Sons PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit and Lacs Account, 3th Noveasher, 1925... Si.249.435.32 Proftsior the year ai ter deductlng charges of management. accrued lntereet on depoits, full provision for &Il bad and doubtfuIdebtsandrebcteofiitereston unatzred bis---------------------------------------........ 4,516,239.26 OC ?LO LIA £5 APPROPR1ATED AS FOLLOW5t D)ividende Nos. 154,155,156 and 157 et 12% par anaun. Bonus of 29, ta Shareholders............... Transi erred ta Officera' Pension Fuad .................... Appropriation for Bank Premises .............. Reserve for Dominion Governanent Taxes. Includini Ta« on Bank Note Circulation ...... .......... Balance ai Profit and LoscarrneS iorward ........ il. a. UâOe.a Montycal, 27th Decomber, 1926. 82.925.008.00 488.000.00 100.000.00 400,000.00 C.9. NEILL, Gcacrai Menafte, Il _______________________ Our New Years Message to Friends and Customers. The year 1926 will soon take its place in the "files of time" and as we look forward into 1927 we extend to you most cordial greetings. During the past year we have been favor- ed with increased patronage by you and we trust our service has been mutually helped to you. We have endeavored to show merchandise of the finer quality, destined to satisfy those who desire "ithe best" and our aim for 1927 will be to maintain the standard which bas placed this store among the best in Ontario Towns. Sincerely yours, S. W, MASON & SON Dry Goode and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THUR.SDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1926 . 1 71."7.U3 $3674MM&52 il