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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1926, p. 3

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rH~ CAI'~A1>iAN ~TATE~MAI%. UUWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMSER 30, 1926 PAUZ TENUE fHappy New Year At this season of the year we are prompt- ed to again express appreciation to those with whom we have enjoyed such friendly relationships in the past. To these and to others whom we hope to add to our business circle dui'ing the coming year we extend most cordial wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Opposite RICE & CO.« Post Office Phone 66 Bowmanville L 4 Il il S me ere Thanks To ail our customers in town and country we ex- tend sincere thanks for the opportunities of serving them we have had dur- ing the year now closing. For them and for the citizens generally we wish a Happy and successful U27. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville j' Best Wishes To ail we extend best wishes and a New Year in which their anticipations and de- sires niay be realized to a large degree. At the same time we would express ap- preciation of the business that has been extended to us. HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE SHEL Product Famous for their high quality Enjoy your motor at its best by using Sheil Aviation Gasoline Sheil Coal Oil for your stove or iarnp. It burns with a clear steady flame-free from srnoke. A trial will convince you as it has others. Batteries Charged. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 North Side King St. E. Bowrnanville BAKER'S SCHOOL Report of Christmas exaininations of S. S. No. 19, Darlington: Sr. IV-Wesley Yellowleee80, Doris Millon 74.4. Jr. III-Gladys Yello'wlees 79.7, Howard MilLson 69. Sr. II-Wanda Varnum 75.2, Mar- tha Varnum 73.6, Dorothy Wonna- cott 70.6. Premoted te Jr. II-Mary Strong 79.6. Jr. Pr.-Verna Milîson 91.2. Attendance for Decembe-100 %.ý E. M. Smith, teacher.1 MAPLE GROVE Report of S. S. No. 6, Darlington, Christmas examinations: Sr. IV-Ellen Gimblett (hon), Etelkoa Trimble, William Laird, May Freeman, *Vernon Trimble. Jr. 1V-Do rothy Stevens, Eluie Samis, *George Jarvie. Sr. II-Betty Snowden (hon), David Bothwell, Alfred Laid, *Wil.. fred Aldwortih, *Leslie Alldread, *Lavonne Trimble. Jr. IIU-Norman B'othwell (hou), Lloyd Metcalf, *Whelsby Flint. ST. Il-Douglas Bothwell, Kennethi Flint. Jr. 1I-Mildred Snowden (hon), Alex. Chobotar. 1-Thelma Freeman, Jean Stevens, Helen' Metcalf, Hazél Flint, Elsie Flint, Robert Bothwell. Sr. Pr.-George Jarvie, Lyra Freeman, Fred liane. Jr. Pr. (a)-Bobbie Snowden, AI-1 bert Bothwell.- (b.)-Jean Jarvie. *-Indicates less than 60% on total. Afice G. W*rr, teacher. TYRONE Report of Christmas examinationsi of S. S. No. 18: V Clasa-Aunie Gardiner 71. Sr. IV Clas-Irene Canieron 80,9 Earle Goodman 78, Clarence Good- man 59. Jr. IV Clas-Ted Woodyard 74, Lorna Hooper 70.1 Sr. III Gass-Myrtle Brooks 82, (promoted ta Jr. IV clams), Edua Cameron 68. Jr. 1111 Clas-Helen Trimm 83, Adelaide Annis 75, Fraucia Tbomp- son 74, Nina Hodgson 72, Clarence Hatherly 65, Jack Gibbs 58, Lorne~ Annis 57. Sr. II-Eva Colacott 73, Jackie Timni 69. Jr. II-Verona Worden 77, Charlie Henry 64, Florence Campbell 54, Donald Thampson 49, Bobbie Cam- eron 48, Dorothy Knapp 37. Sr. I1-Susie Thompson 85. Sr. Pr.-Harry Campbell 83, Bar- ry Collactt 68. Jr. Pr.-Billie Brooks 79, Aileen Knapp 65. A las-Billie Savage 90, Ethel Partuer 60. Figures denote per cent. H. M. Turner, teacher.1 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Repart of Autunin Tenu Sr. Room-The standing as seen below is the pupil's average mark orj percentage on work of the whole Falli term, including aIl examinations:,_ Sr. 1V-Betty Garrod 66,L - rence Gaines 65, Vivian Simpson 59, Rosa Cowan 58, Ruby Nice'a 8 Marion Rinch 51, "*AlberttPac 63, ***Alfred Garrod 58. Jr. IV-Verna O'Neill 84, Ruby, Shaw 71, Jessie VauDusen 69, John~ Riokard 65, Fred Cowan 64, Ruth Pillsworth 59, Betty Lake 58, Gar-, ne-t Caswell 56, Dave Gray 55, Violeti Henning 47, "Dfon McEac-hern 50,1 ***Velma Brown 47. Sr. .III-Adair Hancock 81, Edwin Hancock 76, Aida Pillsworth 74, Bil- lie Phillips 74, Billie Toms 72, Tom Spencer 71, Jamies Wright and Helerfa Hayes 70, Mary Brereton 69, Lewis Clark 69, Gardon Gar- rod and Milton Brown 68, Irene Brereton 67, Florence Spen cer 66, **George Buckley 70, **-**Alan Spencer 57, ***Fred Couch 54. Figures indicate %. *-indicate ne of examinations missed. Thot. A. Rodger, Principal. Intermediate Rooin Jr. 111--Jean Rickard 82, Mariei Henning 81, Hubert Anderson 78, Billy Brunt 76, George Grahami 74,1 Gwen Williamns 72*1 Harry Couch 72*1, Alecia Williams 70, Margareti Toms 67*3, Mary VanDusen 63*3, Marion Aldread 63*3, Lyle Moore 62*1, Mary Chaplin 58*1, Harold Brown 33*6. *-Below 50% in eue or more subjects during the terni. Promoted froin Jr. te Sr. Il on werk of Faîl terin-Evelyn Allin 84, Jack Haie 79, Jack Toms 78, Harold Deline 76, Majory Lycett 73, David Noden 73, Louise Hancock 72, Char- lie Brereton 71. H. A. Mazan, teacher. Fit Book for Faîl termi-Ilean Clark 74, Norton Cowan 73, Joe Hocekin *72, Doroîiby Aldread 68, Hazel McManus 66, Muriel Shaw *65, Marion Eddy 64, Mike Arych *64, John VanDusen **59, Dorothy Heu- ning 57, Lloyd Aldread ******32, Hiliard Brown 26. Failed in one subject ~ Couch, Johuston & Cryderman in-I vite any lady who thinka of buy ng. a Fur Coat ta caîl at their store as they will not only oeil any kiud of a Fui Coat at mucb lesu than the or- diuary price but every coat they sell carnies their guarantee with IL. A 150 year oId toast to faner»: Let the wealthy and gi ýeat Roll in splendor sud tate; I envy themnnt I declare it. I est my Own lamb, My chicken and ham, I shear my own fleece sud I war it. 1 have lawns, I have bowers, I have fruits, 1 have flowers. The lark is my morning alarmer, Sa jolly Boys no~w May God speed thie plough, Long lf and uuceeoe ta the Farme! DARLINGTON Report for Decenaber of S. S. No. 3, Darlington, (Base LÀne:) Sr. IV-*Walter Blackburn 86, Iva Foley 84, *Leë Bell 82. Jr. IV-*Etliel Hopps 75, f for- othy Rundle 58, f Lewis Rundle 52, tFreds Attree 50. Sr. 11-Bob Finnigan 64. Jr. II1-Eileen Morphy 70, FIer- ence Foley 69, fBesuie Blackburn 51. Sr. II-Winnie GibRon 70, tJack Finnigan 49. Jr. II-Wibur Blackeburn 63,An nie Kush 60, tHazel Hopps 58, tAI- oysius Kush 39. Jr. I-Eunice Liane 67. Sr. Pr.-Grace Trull 67, Bobbie Gibson 62, j'Maurice Morphy 48. Prs.-Hazel Roberts, Vera Gibson, Helen Rundle, Sammy VanCamp,' Bernice Roberts, Douglas Hopps ab- sent. *-honors; tfailure (belo 0 on total.) Ruby M. Brags, teacher. COURTICE Repart of S. S. No. 8, Darliugton. To pas 60%; *__Failed in eue sub- ject. Sr. IV-Gladys Bickle 77, Archie Mur 76, hJare Courtice 74, Annie Wikins 74, Dougas Courtice 71, Nor- man Walter 68. Jr. 1V-Marion Trevail 83, Jacki Gay 78, Hazel Walter 78, Robert1 Ceurtice, 72,' Nona Adams 71, Ken-, ueth Essery 70, Walter Shortt 69,~ Helen Wilkins 66, Eva Courtice 62,* Salva Kellar 54. Sr. III-Wilfred Brown 76, Dora Rizneck 72, Lamna Bar:ber 72, Alice Rizneck 71, Mary Konopachi 68,- Bernice Gay 67, George Shortt 67, Elsie Courtice 54, Harry Bickle absent. Jr. lil--Sadie Allin 72, Tal.bert IGeariug 70, Claude Grahami 67, Heot-I or Barrett 65, Curtis Geaing 65,1 Hlenry Howard 614, Florence Wilkin.s 61, Boss BaIson 60, Bruce Muir 57, Mabel Walter 54, Eldon Essery 50. C. E. Williamson, teacher. Junior Room Sr. Il-FloSence Courtice 80, Joyce Wushington 75, Audrey Trevail U-, Rosina Edgar 67, Raymond Barber 59, Marlon Courtice 55, Elsie Brock 48, Edith Allin 46. Jr. II-June Walten 60, Lattie Neal 59, Ella Baldwin 66, Leslie Kinsman 42, Edth, Essery 42, Hattie Snudden 42. let Cla&us-Gladys Reynolds 88, Gar-, don Balson 76, Ronald Graàani r3,1 Margaret Gay 71, Ruth Nichols 70, Margaret Adami 69, John Walter 65, Ivan Cochrane 60, Jean Gay 57, William Cochrane 57, Bernice Coch- rane 57, Irene Nichols 52, Sandy Mur 50, Raymond Buson 48, Doris Wilkin 45, Willie Nichols 40, Elmer Huggins 35.' Sr. Pr.-Dorothy Snudden 80, Alec Konopacki 75, Herman Allin 70, Fred Adams 60. Pr. B-Frances Reynolds 80, Laur- ence Courtice 78, Theeda Taylor 75, Ethel Wilkins 70, Ernest Gearing 68, Ethel Walter 65, Blanche Tayler 60. Pr. A-Walter Staples 75, Bill Var- coe 65, Junior Varcoe 60, Tommy Barber 60, Percy NichaIs 40. C. G. Nicholson, teacher. SHAW'S CHRISTMAS TREE The great event of the season, thel annual Christmas Tree and Concert,1 took place at Shaws' School on Tues-, day last. Under the Chairmanship of Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, the program went off splendidly, among Christ- massy surroundings of beils and greenery. Messrs. Wilbur Basker- ville and Gordon Ashton wjth violins assisted the children in their choruses while Miss Beatrice -Bragg, to whom, as the teacher, much credit is due,l presided at the organ. Choruses, dialogues, recitations followed each other until at last dear old Santa 'Claus arrived, respiendent in his coat of red and whiskers of "Wight." Ait last, to the joy of the pupils and~ many uothers, the presents were dis- tributed and the citizens of the com- munity went to their various homes, somewhere near the "wee sma" houri of the morning. For the pupil standing highest in the Senior Fourth, a prize was don- ated by Miss Bragg, and aàsa for -the pupil receiving the highest marks in the Junior Classes. 0f these, the former was won by Miss Sadie Allun, but since she was also auccessful the previous year, it went by reversion to Oharlie Clemente. The second prlze was received by Helen Riekard, who made 85% on the Chriatmnas exasn- mnations. INSURANCE: Fire, Life, Accident and Healtîh, Automobile (fire, theft, property damage, public liability, collision). CONVEYANCING: Deeds, Mortgages, Discharges of Mortgages, Agreements for Sale, Leases, Wille, etc., prepared at moderate rates. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan. REAL ESTATE AGENCY: Farm aud town properties liat- ed for sale. Edith V. Scobeli Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bowmanvile OBITUARY Mrs. W. W. Down, Bewnsanville Awell-known Darlington lady passed away on Thursday, Dcme 16th., in the person of Mary Jane Knight, beloved wife of W. W. Down who though not in good health for sometime was able ta .ettend to ber husebeld duties up te a few days before her death when she beame unconscious and neyer recovered. Mrs. Down was the second daugh- ter of the late James and Mary Col- will Knight, Lake Shore Farin, and ail her life before and after marriage to Mr. W. W. Down bad been spent in and around Bo'wmanville. Heri home was well-known for its hos- pitality and ber friends were always welcome whenever they called or were invited io share -the good thingsi she so well knew. how to prepare and' serve. The funeral was held on Satur-' lay, December 18, a very large con- course of friends, relatives and neigh-1 bors assembling at the family resi- dence on the Provincial Highway,l east of Bowinanville to show their respect for the departed and the sym- pathy for the living. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trin- ity United Church, assisted by Rev. D. W. Best of St. Paul'.,,cnutd the eervice. cnutd Mrs. Down was a memaber of Trin- ity Cburch and when able was regu- larly in ber place at the services. One of ber last acts wus te phone the treasurer of Trinity Church and in- forni bim what she desired ta tcon- tributIe to the Thank-offering fund for the anniversary'held on Sun- ,day, December Stb. The paîl-bearers were six nephews -Messrs. Heber, Norman and Rta-1 sell Down and Russell, Earl snd Or-1 ville Osborne. The flower-bearers were Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Dr. G. E. Reainan, Messrs. W. H. Hill,_ C J. Rundie, Fred Allin and F. C. Hoar. The floral tributes were beautifult including gifts from Husband, Broth-1 er and Sisters, Mss. Edwin Dewn and family, Mr. J. F. Osborne and family, Mr. R. J. McLiaughlin, K£C., and Mss. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Li. Os- borne, Mr. and Mss. A. H. Allun, BRoys' Training School, Beef Syndi- cate, Mr. and Mss. R. L. Johnston, Miss Vaun and aithers. She leavea te mourn her sudden passing her husband, one brkther, Mr. H. J. Knight, Lake Shore Farm, and four sisters, Mrs. S. Stanley sudi Misa Emma Knight, Bowinanville, Miss Jessie Knigbt, Toronto and Msi C. A. Bonisteel, Belleville. One 1 brotiher and two sisters predeceased ber. Among these atteuding the funer- el from a distance were :-Mrs. W. R. Knight, Ottawa; Miss Jessie Knight, Mis. R. L. Osborne and Mr. and Mis. R. J. McLaughlin, Toron- te; Mrs. McDonald, Montreal; Mr. E. F. Weatherilt, Clarkson; Mr. W. S:ianley, Mr. and Mrs. Heb>er Down, Pickering; Mr. W. Webster, Little Britain; Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Bonis- teel, Belleville; Mr. and Mss. R. Hal- lowell, Starkville. APPRECIATION Editor Statesmn:-It was with sincere sorrow I heard after bis fun- eral of the death of the late W. J. Roy. We travelled together two 'win-ters, Mr. Roy as secretary aud I as president of the West Durham Farmers' Institute. It was in the pioneer days of ensilage and silos. Mr. Roy spoke one winter at ail the meetings on the cultivation of corn te be used as ensilage. I believe Mr. Roy erected and filled the flrst, silo in West Durhamn and the flrst silo I ever saw. We had many cld dark drives after meetings were over. He was a good conversation- alist and few men were better in- formed on public questions. It was always a pleasure to meet and have a chat with hlm. I neyer heard the late Mr. Roy say an unkînd word about any persan. He was always the saine and always a gentleman. » For several years he was Assemsor ,for the Municipalbty of Darliugton 3and faithfully perforiued the duty.1 At a nomination meeting at Hanap-; ton -there was ratiher a bitter attack mtade on him; he answered the at- tack with a emile on bis coiuiten- suce. Very f ew could bave doue 80. Caîl it what you like but the day he died, although I hud not heard he was i11 yet I knew be was failing, Ïmy wife snd I were talking of old friends and 1 told her that some day wbeu I bad time I was going te make Mr. Roy a visit. I am sonTy I did net do se before lie passed on. Don'ti delay when you can, do a kind acti or brighten -the lives of the old or those wbo are afflicted. Another kiudly honorable citizen bas passed over the sulent river sud lef t us the poorer wi-th his passpg. T. Baker. Hampton, December 27, 1926. AUCTION SALES Thursday, December 3tih-A. H. Hardy will sell on Lot 13, Con. 5, Darlington, faim stQck, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. Theo M. Slenaon, Auctioneer. Ther- on Mountjoy, Clerk. Friday, Janu"r 7-W. Chobotr 1%miles east of Courtice, on King- ston Highway, will seIl 5 acres of timber lu '/,& acre lots; also quantity of chattels. See bills. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. F. 0. Mason, WM. Mar, WOOD SALE Friday, Docember 3lst-Mr. R. E Moule will seIl on N.H. lot 21, Con. 9 Darlingten-, about six serez of stand- ing mixed timber lu 'À acre Iota, mare or less. Quantity of choie. pine suitable for lumber purposes., Purchasers to have ta April 1, 1928, te remove tii-ber. For ter nissd particulars ses bills. Theo.M S lemon, Auctioneen.M. Cordial Thanks For the steadiiy increasing business that has corne to us during the year we ex- tend most cordial thanks to ail our friends. And for them ail we wish a New Year in which happiness and pros- perity may be enjoyed in goodly measure. W.P. Corbett Baker and Confectiones' Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono Happy New Year We value very highly the friendship of the many people in town and country with whom we have had the pleasure of doing busines& To these and to ail the other citizens we wish a Joyful and a Happy New Year. F. F. Morris Co,' The Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle L 'I M I A Happy New Year! W. take this opportunlty of tharima- aur numerou eue- tomera for their continued patronage during 1926, and exténd our'heartlest wlsheu for a Prouperous New Year. Let us help you during 1927, and we can do this when you buy your groceries at Dominion Stores "Where Quality Counts," and where REAL VALUE la obtained. Finest California Navel 49c, 59e ORANGES and 69e doz. CRISPO FIG BARS 2 lbs.35c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 25e Other Kinde 14e Tin 15 oz. S E "Raisis 15C il ex. sRaisisi. r25c 0,,,,,PEEL 27lb. % 1h. et. c,*,,d PEEL 19c Finest Currants 2 lbs. 27c Santa Clara Prunes 16c lb. G:'iDATES 21bs. 25ci Table Figa' 25c lb. Table Rais"ns35e pkt. Mixed Nuts 25celb. New Washod Brails 23c Filberts 1fib. SHIRRIFF'S JELLY25 POWDERS 4 pkts.25 DziinStores C K Plain or Çý Fry's Breakfast Mayfield Brand PoSt's Bran COCOA Sliced 1/2 lb. Tin 24c Bacon 39 2 Pkts. 25c y rHIC CA.ýADiA.N STATEMAN, tiUWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1926 .L- U(vB TIMU

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