MRE CANADIA-N STATESMAN, B(,WMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, DECBMBFR 30, 1926 CHRMST&US VISITORS Mt. John Palmer, Toronto, at home.r Miss Thelina Gilders, Toronto, at horne.t Mr. Oliver~ S. Banna witb bis par enta at Mona Road.y Mr. and Mis. Frank Bottreli with relatives in Oshawa. i Miss Spiers, Tbironto, wfth herc cousin, Mns. W. B. Tapson. R. P H. Elliott and Miss Jean,v * T t tM .John Lyle's.G 'qnÏlByam, Toronto, with bis TUp ,Mrn. F. G. Byam.V Mr. and Mis W. C. Ives and Ruth1 wth relatives at Bloomfield. Mr. and Mis W. P. Corbett andN Bob with relatives at Barrie. Mr. sud.Mis. Dolph Tuclier, Tor. onta, st Mx. A. Mingeaud's. Mise Ada Langdon, Canton, witb Mr. and Mis. David Alldread. Mr. and Mns. E. R. Thurstoit, Tor-. onto, at MT. Jerry Weetaway's. Mns. W. E. Tilley with ber daugh- ter, Mis. A. N. Mitchell, Toronto. Mi. and Mnz. W. Chipps, Oshawa, at Messrs. M. and H. Jamieson 's. Miss Edythe Clemens, Toronto, with Mi. and Mm. Harold Clemens. Miss Ethel H. Mollon with her ai-1 ter, Mis. C. PRL Peteikin, Tioronto.4 Mr. Max Quick and Miss Lenore Quick, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Quick's. Mr. and Mis. Robt. Holmes with1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hînkson, Oshawa. Mr. Peicy Bradbeiry, Accountant Bank Montreal, at his home i Lind- say. Mr. and Mn. Joe O'Neill and1 daugbter Kay witb relatives in Lind-i say. Mr. and Mis. Clae Symous andi ..janily, Welcome, at Rev. W. A. Bun, Jer 's. Miss Olive Mutton. Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mis. Davidi Mutton. Mi. and Mi. Henry Brock guest of her brother, Mr. F. J. Clemens, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. David Alldîead with lier brother, Mi. W. ALan Petern, Canton. Mr. and Mis. Nelson T. Bragg and Mia. F. LU Bragg, Toronto, at Mr. W S. Bragg's. Messis. Philp and Ross Tilley, Toi- onto, with thgir parents, Dr. and Mia A. S. Tilley. Mr. Cyril Darke, Port Hope, re- cenly visited bis aunt, Mns. R. W. Holmes. Miss Muriel Moffatt, Biebop Stra- chan Sebool, Toronto, with Mise Jane Mason. teiv. R. H. Rickard, Abet Co- lege, Belleville, with his mother, Mrs James G. Rickaid. Mr. and Mis. Harry Bruat, Roc- ester, N. Y., wit2h ber father, Mr. Warren Dngman. Mi. W. J. Furze with bis brother- in-law and sister, Mi. and Mn. S. Westlake, Oshawa. Mr. Maitland Gould, Toronto Uni- jversity, with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. M. G. V. Gould. Mr. and Mns. C. H. Papineau and son.s Loftus and Charles, Oshawa, at Mi. Her7y Latbîop's. Miss Helen and Master DonaWl Mason with their cousin, Master Jack Haddy, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dilling and son Rance, guests of ber parents, Mi. and Mis. J. Rolson, Oshawa. Mr. C. Hughan and Dr. J. S. Someis, Toronto, at MT.. W.* J.ý Bragg's, M.P.P., and Mi. Thomnas Jackson 's. GUITAR LESSON S I have bien sppointed by Hariy Wagner ta teaci Guitai Lessous accordlug ta bis advanc- ed syxnplified eysteni. iCuaranteed satisfactoiy Te- Bulte. Lissons given every week by appoindtuent phonie 186r24, Bow- mauVille. Hubert R Osborne m- - Ini The Frie Accept this expressig for your business and May the light whie1 to Health, Happiness, steadily for you throul KNOX'S SE IPhono 120 CHRISTMAS VISITORS 1 CHRISTMAS VISITORS Mi. aud Mn. S. C. Chartran with Mi. Gordon Chartrait, Toronto, at t relatives at Prepeott. bomne. Miss Dorotby Bonnycastie, Toron- Mr. W. J. Williams, Donlands, ati to University, at bomne. home.d Mr. and Mns. W. G. Nellea 'with Miss Meloris Burns, Lindsay, at1 relatives aot Masey, Ont, home.a Miss Muriel Pring, Toronto, is vis- Mi. Fred Herman with bis aiter in iting ber cousin, Miss Beatrice Cat- Belleville. or. Mi. Fred Ratcliff at bie home in Misses Elizabetlh and Jennie Spryl Stouffille.. with Mi. sud Mns. Fred Spry, OYr.. Miss Theresa Murphy at ber houme ono.I lin Lindsay. Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellysi Miss Florence Vann with friendi witb Rev. S. T. Bartett and family, in Welland. 1 Toronto. Mi. Ted Pethick, Detroit, et Mi. Miss Nellie L. Pattinson, Toronto, F. C. Petbick's. with ber parents, Mr. and Mia. Jos. Miss Annie Steel, Marceiler, wbh Pattinson. friends in Toronto. Prof. and Mis, C. W. New and Miss Barbara Yellowlees, Toronto,1 fsmily, Toronto, withbher fatbei-, Mr.t with Mn. L JolIow. J. H. Jury. Mi. Lawrence Mingeaud, Windsor, Mns. Eva Meath, Oshawa, and son at Mr. A.* Miugeaud's. Mr-. Jack Meath, Toronto, at Mi. W Mi. and Mns. W. E. Green, Toron B. Couch's.1 Mr. and Mis .R. H. Warder and-~ 8 i Fe atns Miss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i MainWîe1wt n Mi. Harold Cana, Oshawa, with hisi Mn.s W.aE.ion ucbOswh r. adisister aud other relatives. M'. W.d M. orm, sawa. o ad Misa Sybil Burk, Toronto, with ber« son Hubert, Batavia, N. Y., witb Mr ohr n .W uk and Mis. Robt. W. Holmes. MT. Cec-il Herman, Detroit, at bis Miss Evelyn Jouess, Halîville, Mi. faVher's, Mr'. F. B. Heiman. Hoarsd sud Miss Marguerite Jon- Capt. snd Mi. C. W. E. Meath, Ot.-1 ess, Toronto, at Mi. F. H. Joness'. tawa, at Mi. W. B. Couch's. 1 Mr. and Mis. Fiank Has'tings andiMiss Julia Sinclair, Toronta, wlthil1 sons Bud aud Billie, OchawaM, with ber sister, Mns. Alex. Christie. 1 I ber mother, Mns. William Todgham.1 Mr. Ted Humphrey, Whitby, withi Mi. and Mns. A. J. Wadhams, Mis.1bis mather, Mns. F. O. Mason. Wm. Gibson, Mi;ý and Mis. Geo. IMi. and Mis. H. B. Ceeper wdth Souch. with Mr. J08. Gibson, Toronto.1 their son Norman, at Hamilton. Mi. and Mns. Milo Logan and baby Mi. Parnell McMann, Toronto,, Betty aud Mis. J. Sauderson, Toron-1 with bis mother, Mns. Fred Baker. 1 to, with their aunt, Misa Emmenson. j Miss Florence BeUlman, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Geo. Gibson snd fam- witb ber mother, Mns. E. Beilman. ily and Mr. H. W. Pointon, Toronto, Miss Emma French, Toronto, with witb theur inather, Mis. Louise Point-Mis Marjorie Rowe, Aigyle Street. on. .. Mr. Ewart Poll-ard, Toronto, at bis Miss Muriel Dech of the Sica, fathei's, Mr. Chas. Pollsrd'a, Salemi Childiren's Hospital, Toronto, with j Miss Iris, Booth, Toronto, wlth bier ber grandparents, Mi. and Mis. John~ parents, Mi. and Mns. W. E. Booth. Grigg. Miss Beatrice Devitt, scesy Mr. Gardon Souch, Detroit, Miob., Wage ecreary'with Mi. and Mns. A. H. Hauson.I Minimum Wg Board, Toronto,1 with ber parents. Dr. and Mirs. J. C. Miss Ethel Webber, Bancroft, and'- Devitt. Miss Ada Webber, Toionto, at bosse. Mi. sud Mis. Chas. Cox aud Mi. IMi. and Mns. Thos. Percy with and Min. Gus. Bonsaîl with the' Mi. and-Mrs. Hsrley Percy, Toronto.1 f ormei's dsughteî, Mns. J. D. Fluker, Mi. Roy Candler sud Norman, Whitby.I Toronto, at bis father's, Mi. S. Cand-i Mi. and Mns. J. E. Hiuksou, sons lai. aud granddaughteî Oshawa, were Te- Misa Jane Mason, Toronto, withI cent guests of Mi. snd Mir. R. ber parents, Mi. and Mis. C. S. W. Holmea. Mason. Mi. snd Mis. Colin McLean and Misa Mildred M. Lawri%~ Toronto, daugbter,- Irma, Alta., with bis siater, with ber paTents, Mi. and Mns. J. N. Mm. Frank Crydeiman, Kingston Lawrie. RýoSa, Mr-. and Mm Alex. Haddy sud BIRTHS MASTERS-ln Clar-ke December ith. ta Mi-. sud Ms-. Hawa liMstiers, a son. MERCER-In Mondal December 20th, 1926, ta Mr. snd Mm. William Mencer, a daughter. PATTERSON-In Clarke, December l6th, ta Mi-. sud Mms. Robert Patterson, a daughter. POWER-In Bowmanville Hoapital, on Dec. 17, 1926, ta Mi-. and Mm. Lewis Power, a daughter. BRYSON-In Bowmanvllle Hospital on Dec. 16, 1926, ta Mi-. sud Mrs. Eruest Bryson, Orona, a son. TAYLOR-la Bowmanville Hospital on Dec. 6, 1926, to Mi-. and Mns. T1ho&. ;f'ay loi-, Tyrane, a dauthter. MULHOLLAND-Ifl BowmauvtIle Hos- pital, on Dec. 23, 1926, to Mi-. sud Mm. Fi-id Mulhollaud, a daugbter. TIiOMPSoN-in Bawmanville Haspital on flic. 17, 1926 ta Mr. sud Mm-. Leu Theuipson, Tyroni, a daughter. BONNETTA-In Bawmanrille Hospital on fiee. 21, 1926, ta Mi-. sud Mm-. Aber-t E. Bonnetta, Oshawa, a daughter. TAYLOR--On Thu-sds. Dec. 23, 1926, at the Prirate Patients' Pavillon, ta Mi-. and Mrs. J. Caard Taylor. (uee Mldred MeLaughlin), a son. DICKINSON-At Bowmanvilli Hos- pital, on Christmas Bye. 1926. a sou, John Howar-d, was bai-n ta Mr. sud Mm. Gai-net 1-. Dickinson, Elgin St., Bow- matîville. MARRIAGES WILLIAMS-JONES-On Dec. 24, 1926, at Bowmanville by Rev. W. H. Spargo, Misa Emily Jones and Mr. J. E. Willams, bath of Bowmaavilli. WILLIAMSON--OSEORNE-At FInret United Chureb parsouage, Liudsay, an, Dîcember 22nd, Rev. T. E. Molling af- ficiating. Verna Priscilla Wiliamson and Thomas W. Osborne, bath of Omemee. DEATHS PROVAN-At 'Oshawa, on Saturday, Dec. 25, 1926, Jaflues W. Provan. BO0SNELL-At Exeter, flecember 21, 1926, Henry Bosnell. Interment at Wel- corne Cemetery. WALTE-I Courtice, on Thuraday, December 23, 1926, John Walter, Pont- master. in his 76th year. JACKSON-In Newcastle, on Saturday, December 25th. 1926. William H. Jackson. Iuterred in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. MacCONNACHIE-In Toronto, an Bat- urday. ]lscember 25th, 1926, Mary Gal- braith, wife af James MacConnachie, Bowmanville. CHAPMAN--Suddeflly iu Cramaha township, December 21, 1926, Frank Chapman. Brother-in-law of Mns. Oea. E. Purdy. Eawmanvtlle. CLI MI E-Iu Ottawa, on Wednesday, Decembîr 22nd, 1926, Miss Elizabeth Dingwall CMimais, yougest daughter ai th. late Rev. and Mrs. John Climie. In- terred iln Bowmaaviile. COBBLEOICK-In Edmonton, Alta., on Wednesday. Decimbir 22nd, 1926, Mar- garet Amn Mania, irellat Of the laI George Cabbledick, aged 87 years. la- tii-ment et Orono Cemnetery. 25t AV, hi W: Mns. Moigritsan sud son Wilfied, Wesley, Taoront», st Mr. J. W. i Hamilton, and Mr. Herbert Wakelin, Knight's. JO Boston, Mass., with their mother aud M.RtDa- udM io um sister, Mis. Wm. sud Miss Eva Wake- mas with Mi. sud Mns. Jas. Miligau,j Car lin. Oshawa, 1r Mns. W. H. Peikin, Mooiefield, Mr. sud Mns. C. N. Ruse with their Mr. Russel Peikin, .Harrow, Miss daughtei, P,<r. J. K. Stoutt, Niagara Vers McGilI, Cadmus, sud Misa Vida Falls, N. Y. WoîenTarnt, a Mi. . E Bel- Misses Elsie aud Irene Bragg, Toi- Boi man 's. onuto, with their parents, Mr sud Mra out Messrs. Gurnsey sud Howard Mc- W. J. Bragg. Sm- Clellan, Buffalo, N. Y., sud Misa Mary McClellan, Taronto, witb their M.adM.Mr.eTugaO h parents, Mi. sud Mis. J. A. McClel- awa, witb bier -parents, Mi'. sud Ms. t, lau, Bank of Montreal. , W. O. Souci. m& Misas. Lanad, Niman sud Miesa Maîjorie Cole, St. Cathai-1 i-' Messrs. MisnEd u oranH.aBot- s, witb bier parents, Mi. sud Mns.- Ernest BottrellMs E . o-J. E. L. Cole. treUl, Mi. sud Mn. E. J. Dopp sud thîee childiren, Toronto, wità Mi. Mis. W. Buîleigh an,!i daugtii sud Mis. Thomxas Bottrîli. Gwen, Windsor, witb beý brother, Mi Mr. Fred Brirnucombe and son j T. B. G'Ic-.rist. Api Garfield of Toronto, Mi, and iÇrs. 1 Miss Gladys Bateman, ToranteBO' Richard Suowden, Oshawa, Mi, sud; witb bier parcuts, Mi. sud Mis. J. - Mns. Foster Suowden, Joe sud' Bis- !Hamxilton Batiman. anç iii, Zion, with the Misses Brima-i Mi. and Mn. T. C. Jiwell and' to combe, Elgin Street. . Miess iaukie M. Jewell with Mrs. G.F ,Mi. sud Mis. Samx Stewart,Mis W. Grant, Toi-auto. 7ç M 1-jph( es Belle sud Flora Galbraith, Bow- Mr. sud Mns. Wallace Shaw sud - manville, Mr. Donald Gibson of the sou Wesley, Toronto, with Mi. sud 0. A. C., Guelph, wire Christmas vis- Mn. D. R. Mairison. AU itars witb Mi. sud Mis, D. J. Gib M- udM.Rx ael, 1wu son, "Hazel Dell Faim". River, Man., Miss Grace Caverly, - Mr. and Mis. Rd. Hamlyn motaredi Torou-to, at Mi. W. C. Caverly's. a witb Mi. sud Mns. Fred Downey,! Mi. sud Mis. E. W. Rundle sud B, Misa Mildîîd sud Mi. George Daw-1 daughters, Doris sud Wihua, Oshawa, uey to Toronto sudd5lpint a happy1 at bier motbei's, Mms. J. T. Bragg. S Christmassreunion with Mi. sud M. ud Ms SaneyElittnijs W.S.Caern, St. Catherines, Mi. L. J.,19< Mi. sud Mns. W. L. Allen andj Henry, Hamilton, at Mi. S. J. Henry's. a Louise, Cobourg, Mi. and Mrs. G. B., Mi. sud Mns. R. S. Virtue sudB Ball, Mi. Jack Aflen, Toronto, Mr., DoTotby, Oshawa, and Dr. sud Mis8 . sud Mis. C. M. Cudlip, Hamilton,~ W. T. Veale, Harrow, at Mi. C. TA.Ga Mr. H. M. Allen, Part Hope, sud Mr ohnston's. Wh Allen Bali, M-)uý-real, with the M'Isses MiBuai.Hwad Puued Allen, Beecb Avenue. Mns. Jessie Grigg, Misses Jane sud' r Mi. sud Mis. F. C. Virtue and Ruth Grigg, Toronto, at Mi. N. S. Sa fsxnily, Burliugtou, Mi. J. J. Virtue Pilummer. sud Mimses Sadie sud Laura Virtue, Mr. Lawrence' A. Washington, kil Mr. sud Mns. H. J. Sleanou sud Miss Dna olgTrno ihhsy Greta Slemom, Miss C. L Cherry, gDenta oeges, erondtMm.W.hCbisg Taronto, weie among thase wboa tgsnprntBy.aDan . .b tended Christmxas gathering at the Washington. be home of Dr. sud Mrs. C. W. Slenion. Mr. sud Mis. Goldwin, Anderson, tel Mi. Prowei McMurtiy sud Miss Lucyn McMurtry, Detroit, Midi., at Mr. W- IB. Mi-Murtrys. Mr. sud Mis. W. J. McLaughlin, Oshawa, Mi. sud Mis. Poster G. Bray sud Misa Catiherine Pinch, Toronto, at Mi. W. B. Pincb's. Mi. R. G. Williams, Niagara Falls,p N. Y., Mi. and Mns. J. F. Goyue,I Oâbawa, with tibeir mother, Min. E., Wlims, Scugag Street.. Mi. and Mns. Murney Moide, ndly piritShanuonville, with their daughten, Mns. W. J. Maiaprize snd Mns. F. B. Herman, Carlisle Ave. Mi. sud Mye. Byron Haddy sud Betty, Mr'. sud Mia. Chas. H . Hsddy sud Jack, Miss Agnes Haddy, Tor- [on of our appreciation osto, at Mi. F. A. Haddy's. Misa Greta Morris, Toronto, Dr. courtesies of the past. and Mi'.. J. W. Langmid and fsmlly, Iilluminates the road Mple Grove, et Mr. F. F. Morris'. I Mi'.. J. T. Colwill and Miss Minnie and Prosperity burn Colwlll witai Mi. sud Mrii W. J. ColIwll'l, Toronto, wbo celebrated tbeir silver weddiug ou Christmas [gh the coming year. Day. Mi. sud Mns. F. A. Fitchett., Billy sud Sheila, MQntreal, Misa Car- rie I. Paintan, Whitby, with their 1 parents, Mi. sud Ms-s. William Paint- 10E S OIIDX'cUdan, Westuxouurt. 10 TO EMns. J. C. Vanstone, Mr. sud Mns. Bowmanville Byr iS s Agftne seF.May Vas-1 stoan is g sVanstane, Tor-j otat Mr. andMmP C. Van- atone'., Cedex Cllft. Dr. anud Mrs. J. R. Hanootk, Col- barne, Mi. sud Mm-s.Wlbert J. Hmn- cock, Potes-bore,' Mr. sud Mss. P. LUIaln son George, Clarke, w*tà -jMi. sud Mis. P. R. Bi.wu. NILLIAMS--On Cbristmas night, Dia. b, at hi- late residence, 234 Pape meue TrntEiza A. Williams, la r 51iyeai, widow af the late Jesse W. iliilams, tai-mirly of Oshawa. Ont. L.OCKE-Suddenly an Dec. 27th. 1924, t22 Rase Park Drive, Toronto, Rer. seph Hendenson Locke,.bai-n lu Tai- Lraghau, Ireland, 1843. For 62 years a niater iu the Mîthodist Church af anada. Lost or Found LOST-On Saturday, Dec. 18, between >wmanville sud Tyrane, the back af a utter. Finder- please notify Fred G. nith, R. R. 1, Tyrane. 51-tf PURSE LOST-In Bowmanvile ou 7ursday. Dec. 23rd, a suis]] purs con- Eining maney. Reward If left at Otatis- sun Office or returued to Miss A. Wer- yHorney St., Bowmanville. 52-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Baby carrnage and cilb. Lpply Chai-les E. Moi-ris, Tang St. E., owmanville. 52-39 FOR SALE-10 yaung Yorkshuire pigs nd twa caîres. W. T. Pertt Hamp- n. Phone 376r34. 52-2 PIGS FOR SALE-9 'Yorkshire pige. weeks' aId, Apply C. H. Onowden ,hone 203r2, Bowmanville. 5>2-i ST-OVE FOR SALE-Emp-ess Cook ove ln good condition, selI at bai-gain. L. Bickell, Duke St., Bawmanville. lhoue 468. 62-1* FOR SALE-High grade Shirlock anning Piana. Slightly used, $250 cash. eil Yellawlees, Centre St., phone 262, lornanrille ARTICLES FOR SALE-i gaaline treet purnp, 6 gaI, visible measure; 1 in- ide 1 gel. Bowser pump, wauld make a ,od purnp for handling coa] ail or Lubri- Lting ail; 1 rubber tii-id open buggy. pply ta A. W. Piekard. or phono 185, 3owmnanville. 48-tf FOR SALE--Choice pure bred Toulouse .eese at $4.00 each; large pure bred white Pekin Ducke $2.25 each; pure bred arred Rock Cookerels, bred fi-arn birds lirict fi-rn Guildi boot peu and pidi- çreed male $2.50 each. Apply Richard 3andeu-son, R.R. 1, TYrane. Phone 820-21. 50-8 FOR SALE-Dominion Pian of &il kiads sold on paymentsa.pread ove- two seari. teinway, Heintis -an sd Ger- hard Heitaman uzed piaoc taken as part pas-ment on Dominion pianosWinl e cleared at bargain prie.. snd on easy trma. F J. Mitchell, Distributor, 80w- vailleS-It 10 Things out of the bundreds that have built up oui business sud made it The Most Popular DRUG STORE iu this commuity 1 A big assortuxeut well ai- r4nged foi convenieuce sud dis- 2 Truthfulness about mer- chandise. 3 Your mouey back if you are not satinfled. 4 Eveiy article prlced in plain figures, 6 Quick, courteous, careful service. 6 Quallty always guaran'teed. 7 Rapid teleplIone ieivice. 8 The aame puice to everyoue. 9 Careful attention ta chlld- ion. 10 Efficlency iu every depait- ment. Jury &Lovell Agents Wanted DISTRICT SALESMAN WANTED-To reprisent "The oId reliable FonthlUi Nur-- series'? * A splendid opening for a re- Hable and risponsible man. For ful particular» write fftone & Wellngton Toranto 2. 48-d Beehive Rebekah Lodge is holding a Progressive Enebre iu thie Oddfel- lows' Hall on Thursday, Januaiy 18. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS Ladies sud Gentlemen :-I bave again beau uominsted as a member of Public School Board sud have consented te stand. if elected 1; will continue ta gire this important departmeut my best attention. Soliciting yauî vote sud influence I reain, Yours îespectfully, Geo. L HaN. Ladies sud Gentlemen :-Haviug been nominated as a candidate for the Publie Sobool Board 1 solicit youî vote sud influence in my behalf. My long resideuce in BowuianviUle sud my pievious experieuce in muni- cipal sud educational siffairs places me in a position ta reuder a valu- able service to this CommuuitY through the Scohool Board. William Brock. Ladies and Gentlenien :-Having accepted the nomination for member of Public School Board sud believ- iug that my experience for s nuum- ber of yeans as a school, trustee in the West aud as a membei of School Board here for twa yeais qualifies me for this position, I solicit yauî vote sud influence on election day. If elected 1 will serve the best inter- ests of the tawu without feai Or favorT. H. Clifford Caveriy. Electors of Bowvmanville: Ladies sud Gentlemen :-Raviug bien urgid by a number of ratepaY- irs ta stand for a member of the Public Scbool Board I bave consent- id ta do so. The increasiug expen- ses in the administration of aur schaols makea it oui of the most im- portant branches in oui local munici- pal gaverument. If electid I amn piepared ta give my best tboughts an attention to conductiug the affara of this depaitmeut with judicious ecouamy aud efflciency. Soliiting your vote aud influence ou Mauday sert, Youn reipecdtully, W. P. Ces-heu. Wanted WANTED-Ta heai- fi-ouiownem of Faim for sale. State cash picte. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis. Miun. 51-5 WANTED-For Bowmanrilie Hospital. s ward rmaid. flutes 10 begin Jan. 5SM Apply ta Superintondent. 52-1 WANTEO-Liresaslesmen ta seilnaw Autornatic Dampei- Spicialty for furnaces and stores. Exclusire territory. Ex- ti-a good uioney. Automatic Damper Co., 67 Adelalde St., Easat, Toronto, Ont. 50-30 WANTED-AT ONCE-A capable young waman, for general hausework sud plain caaking, by an eldîi-Iy couple anly. A young Engiish woman prefei-red that bas no home. Muet Love gaod rifemonces. Apply Mi-.. J. Har-vey, Church and Sou- gag 5Sts., Bawmaurille. 52-101 SE R VICE GROCERY STORESE YOU PAY LESS FOR MORE AT TH4E SERVICE STORES King St. W Phone 529 Bowuîanvlfle Quick Quaker Oats, large package...............29e Clark, P & Beana, 2 for 25e Faucy Rice, 3 lbs. for .... .28c Cbistiî'z Soda Wafers 14e pk Maicaroni, 8 packages .... 25e Cio>wu Coin Syrup . . 2 for 3e Soap Chipe ...2 lb for 28c Laundry Staicli, 2 lb. for 28e Silver Gloss Stamcli2 for 26e Coin Staich ........ 2 for 19ce Huron Tissue, 6 roîls ... . 28c Inter4ake Tissue, large 3 for 23 PAGE FivEc CLOVERVALE BUTT'ER ...........45e per lb. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ............2 For 19e 2 & 1 Nuggît Shoe Polisi Sweet Mixed Pickles .... 45c 2 for 25c Fioeh Cafee .......... 55e lb Maple Leaf Matches 400oe lroTa......6cI 3 for 25c eiv e.....9 b Good Size Oranges, dozen 49c English Breakfast Tes 69c lb. Delaware Potatois peck . .39c Freali Peanvta....... 19c lb. HORSESHOE SALMON /zs........... 21c tdu REGAL TABLE SALT ..................2 for 19c SALT, THREE BAGS FOR...............19e FREE-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-FREE Order Over $1.50 Gets 1 Package Lux Free Order Over $500 Getz 1 lb. Shortening Free WE DELI VER- GROCERIES a Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With the Large Stock Announces January Clearing Sale Ail Coats and Dresses 46 llighest Grade Coats at. Hall Prce 150 Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices EXTRA SPECIAL 10 Only Fur Trimmed Coats $10,00 Each Cjh e Little Sh opp e- -With V1he LCarge S"oc OwM ANVILLE ONTA1Seifs nWmn4pae Excldusive butnotExpensive Women-s Coats -Suits- Dresses- Hosi ery - G1oves -Underwear -Etc Property F~or Sale HOUSE FOR SAL.E-7-roomed trame hounewith ail modern convonlene. Hardwood flooru throughout. ite Fred Cryderman, phone 104 or 41 , w- inanvilie. 41-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acres, south hait lot 21 ,con. 5, Darlington. Plowing possession at onceî. Full poum.ioin April i, 1927. City property wMflbe conidered ln. exohange. For ternms ap- ply to Mrs. C. J. Keralake, R. R. 1, Hampton. 37-tf FARM FOR SALE 13Y TEWNOER-44 acres more or leua, mile north aof lia ton, knowu as Cambrian wooilen Miii, on are ample buildings, trame hause, good bain and outside stabllng* plenty fruit trois, good well. bard mdâ sot t watîr. ample summum wood. largse running etream of fresh water etoeked with trout running through property. Tenders wlU beh reelved up to JaflU5ry 15, 1927. For furtbsr particulare appir ta Jas. Hl Martin, Truste, Ennie=on.