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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1926, p. 6

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'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMiBER 30, 1926 PAGE SIX After taking IONC ZUTOO TABLEIS Says they are liarmiess Mru.(Dr.) Shurtleif, cf Coatlcook, amye Imut have taken 1000 Zutoo Tableti. A ,el y every resnedy witbln reach, I îsaredtem Il four years ago for EtTOO, whlch I have taken ever since I find the tablets a harmlesa and efflciea* reniedy for ail kinds of headache." eS ceuts per box-at al] dealer&. CARRIED WIFE TO BEU Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mjinesmg Ontario. - "I ar rac- tal neC and I recommedLyi E. Pinkharn'eVegetableCompound to suffering women. For three months I was almost heiplees and could flot mit at the table long enough to drink acuî of tea& ny atime my hus- csrried me to bed, 1 would be nowesk. Then he read inthe<paper of a woman suffering as I did h goK better after takig the Vegetable ompound, go lie went and got it for me. When 1 had taken three botties I was just liii a new woman and hae hadlplendid health ever since. When I.fel My besring-down pains always taeIt ometinies a half bottle or hvr I need. It is My only medicine and 1 have told msny a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vefretable Com~pound, I will gladly write to her. Ido ai I ean to rec- ommend it for 1 f..! 1 owe mylfe and strength tt "-Mrs7. NL Bowsm,R R. 1, Minesig, Ontro Do yen feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometirnes? Do yen have this horrid feeling cf fear whîch some- tinie cones to women when theyare flot well? Lydia E. Pinkhan's Veg- etable Compyound in excellent to take at sucli a tme. It always help, and if taken re ary and persutently wmIlrelive coLrwndition, Cook's Regulating Compound A .afe., .liabl. regul ohma «DÇ&OM medwiine. Sold i three de- grÈ f Btregth-No. 1. Il; M782, $3; No. 3 35 pet box. ~ Sold by al druggiste, or sent ppadon receipt of price- F ecea pamphlet. Addrese: THE COOK( MEDICINE Ca.. TOMONT,GNT. (FormerlyWi.dsoe tcý thre I I Le] for Ne-v'cs ~~ 1kiii .. ntîîîand Irain Wrr), De .Irv. 1jass of -ner"v Palpitation of lhe )frt, 1ai!mng »Memnor'. Prce$2 petbox,.3 j6 for 15D b old by ai1 druggits, or mailed in plain 'tg. on recelpt of price. New paimphlidi mailed re.THIE WOOD MEDICINE COJTORONTOAONT Children Need Vitamins To Aid Growth and Build Strong Bones SCOTT'S EMULSION Abounds In Cod- liver Oil Vitamins scoltt & flowne. Toroito, Ont. 2-41 ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct cf SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grade* of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 amploy ne cern.tery caretakera «a agents prcferring to elsd my own <coda tIns saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A caîl seliciteti. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowuanvllla Phone 826W Box 94 ft- r*R YouR EYE URINL Refreshes Tired Eyes WriteMurineCo..Chicago.forEyccarýýok ýj,ý To tell yen the trutlu, we are living Jeans was net aIoe a Man cf Cea-, S'2g *mn-Dalyexonly. nay under a great strain in China just ina: H. was a radical. This ta why 4.31 P. m.-Dally. now and sometimes we feel as thoxigfh so many have avoideti Ris teachiaga 7.20 pi. m.-Sunday only. we wcre on the cdgc cf a voecano. te VhIs day. Murray ia frankcacas OING EAST But the future o! Christianity in itaeif about it. 10.22 a. m.-Dally. 12.22 p. m.-Daîiy except Bunday China ia at stake. andi if we were te "Mca have avpided foilhwing Ris, 8.26 P. m.-Daily except Sunday. withtiraw, aur work wonld get a 4 teachingsans they would avoid des-' 11.27 p. m.-Daliy except Saturday nîght. great sctback. It wonlti ikely b. truetion, 'because they have feittti n don26a n-d Wal fer assg eri fona sonte years befere we could retnrn9/ .te fcllow Jeans was destruction, for ondn idWet lsofay tpSna CONDITIONS IN CHINA CHRISTMAS GREETiNGS JESUS AND THE REBIRTH LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE Intereeting Letter Front Rev. Geo. Pssim 72.3 _ By Chas. M. Bice, B. AX, LL. B. Consider well the character andi W. Sparlîns He whose band prepared the foun- Denver, Colorado, And A Durhamn ability cf the men brought cuit for tains 0Wd Boy. councils or scLhool trustees. The members of the Young Peopu- Where the crysta.l waters spr'xng Setad pl~a1, Mte les Societies in this District who Ha.s provideti that "the moujntaina It is significant that two men cf Graves' Worm Exterminator ta ac- support Rev. Gco. W. Sparling, M. To the people peace shall bring".1 great distinction in the literarY ceptable to cblîdren, andi it does is A., Professer in West China Univer- For He maires what seems repellMng world, have written regarding the, work surely andi promptly. sity, Chengtu, China, will be inter- Precicus treasures to contain; life cf the. founder cf Christianity, "Coing up 1" Enupress Avenue, Un- ested in the foliowing letter writte*n That in Faith and love excelling andi their appeal has been to t S',' ited Church, London, lias moveti by him and whicli appeared in St. Ernest seuls may strength obtain. within their circles insteati cf te thel again the mnatter of stipend snd as Mary's Journal.1 one who reads as he runs. We have, usual it is upwards. This miakes While the. year, its course complet- reference te Gilbert K. Clicsterson. the second, if not the third increase We wonder wliat Canadian pap- ing,1 andi J. Middleton Murray. Natural-1 sînce thie present pas:,or, Rev. J. F. ers are printing ilese days in Te- Brings inte the mmnd today ly, tihey have deait with the. suibjecti Chapnuan, B. A., assnmed the. past- ference te conditions in China. I Iflu.e te whom is sent a greeting matter from separate angles, each te eOrate. Th ineaesfo $20 expet he ar sy~n me vry Te their homes se fat away, his own liking and bent. Tliey are1 Rev. Mr. Chapman is sen-in-Iaw cf alarming things for the situation cer- May yen know that still unbroken at the opposites in most things. 1 Mrs. Levi Morris, Bo wn anville. tainly warrants st-reng statenients. Is that eriele true and strong The Murray's work is later in the Toeïa eehrcr eoes Yen know there bas been more or Which delighta in friendship's token arena of debate and mch in dispute'but you will flot be coinpletely sat- lescivil war in China now for ten In isid n ir nAeia h sidgau]yteGvrmn tlic days cf joy anti song. in England, where 't waa first Pub- isfe ntil yen have nsed Holloway 's years and gaulyteGvrmn ihd n eei meia h onRmvr hsbeen weakening until now we Like the mcn who heard the story is due te the place held by the anthor, practically have ne Govrnment and Which the angels brougih te theni in thé lterry worîd, and to te or-î Turnips are still comving in freelYl we are all dependent upon the local May yen view the wondrous glory, iginal way in whicli le lias deaît with asys Acton Free 'Press. Price keeps officiaIs for protection. 0f the Christ of Bethleem. a sacred subject. up well, 30c per bua5hel. During tic past ycar the civil war May y'ou flnd with ahi who listen Mr. Murray is editor cf the chef A Remedy for Earache.-To have lins dcveloped a ncw phase and now Music sweeter than ail sound; li!erary weekly in England, and lias the earache is te endure torture. the flghting is rcally betwecn the And whi'Ic merning dewdrops glistnwitnnoesadisasofnt, The ear is a delicate organ and few Boîshevistie or Red forces and the May your heart with joy abound. Whatever lie writes, the peet nestles care to deal with it, considering it -Anti Red.s. The Red forces have Ridgetown, Ont., 1926.1 about lita prouctions. In lis cirî.. er k for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' had their headquarters in Canton, T. Wa'tao, he is nameti a "sensitve" -a mystie Eclectrie Oil offers a simple remedy. whcre thcy have beceme almost en- odnry. I sh efe mt,' A fewdrp onaie flntr ti'rely Boishevizeti and are now try --fhidnail. t i hs efne mste atdos uon adpece cf inthor ism which cnal:les him inhiwokm icedcto an pacdnte ing te figlit their way up through but if we can hang on and continue 'Jesus, Man cf Genius," te make car will do mucli in relieving pain. Ohina in thue hope of taking Po5«S tihe work, I beieve Bolshevism lier. new approacies. 1 asoline tax yiclded this Province sien cf ahl China and unifying it un- can yet be everceme and Cliristian- Frtc itetecii eis$3,376,000 this year-nearhy twice der Soviet Rule. The Canton or ity wihl get a real place. bist fecf Jen wthe li atism byi last year's suni. Southern forces are really beung TJie better and thinking clascf Jhn. ie Jeus cintereat t tIi. hrewresipey aha directed, flnanced andi controlled.by1 thle Chines, do not want us tc, icave widhn.orhd bega ofit ttwonde Tr er-wek n mnyfils rceorded.a Russian Bolshevism, se yen can im- i and withebelocalt toffWodeialsekapromiseallus proed agie wattha mens Thnan theonadIl ieve wepr i et ro-fui event, and net untîl then. It Its Quality Sella It.-Te fact pgneartf th fightnjsThew s mand iniband1blev e m i but itewas a Rebirth of the Seul. A Mir- that so many thousands cf intelligent ing place arounti Hankow ofl thel Red lement gets control, it miglit be acle? A foreordinatien! , peophe continue te use Dr. Thomas' Yangtse river and for seule tiine otherwise. The. yonng inan cf Nazareth, until Echectric Oil speaks volumes for its during the past month communies-1 The British Consul lias said 8ev- Riq baptisrn, and Ris New Vision, healivg eficiency. Ever since it was tinwth Shangliai hias been eut off., eral tumes that lie wsnts ail women faila te intercst this biograpluer and first intreduce it lias grown stead- chre are three great generals lnda nd chihdren to leave the Province, lie passes Qver a great deal te reacli ihy in public faver, ewing entirely te up against the Southera forces. TPhe1 but we do flot think it is necessa1 the main story; but in it aIl the .çyrj- it.s manifold usefulness in relieving Christian General Fcng U Hsîang, is.. ay with the South and from reports he Hewever, as far ns our Mission goes, er does net challenge the more ceom- and liealing sickness. As a specifie is under the influence of Russa. we have recommcnded that those bative Chesterton, or the Protestant for enta, burns, sealds, and varions whose furlougth is due next spring, fundamentalist, in respect cf the inflammatrY Pains its -record ia be- 0f course, whercver Russian Bol shculd go now. There are about 8 birth cf Jeans., yoad reproaci. shevisin goes it is violently anti-Brit- falnilies included in this, with near- To Murray the matter is cf less Are you as skihiful witi a snow ish se that tliey have succeedeti in ly twenty children. This will re- importance than te most writers, be- shovel now as at winter? inoculating a great number cf Ohmn- ieve th, situation soniewhat in case cause uis vicw cf Jeans is on a dif- For the beat material. the beat esc wîtihi the sanie views, se that cf a genera.l evacuation. The oniy ferent plane, always hovering close made, the beat ftting and best value wierevcr the influence cf the. South fsmily te go front the University un- te the Mystericus. Net the human in Men's Sulta caîl at Coiscl, John- is felt there is a strong anti-Britiali der this regulation are thc Carmcai- birth, but the. Rebirth. ston & Cryderman'a. lias. Tic Britisoh have been very I ena; they will be gcing some time Wihu h atr h cmr_________________ patient dnring tic past year and this fali. wtoudthe blacfnettereforme have borne insults anti losses sucb l asssc i.poeae wit minti.h he earlofenoifercesus she lias neyer before received from lemsoftepoeaewt akn. Teari ieofJu. any country. Britain takes a pol- lie missionaries anad wouid b. cx- lad nothing te distiaguisli it se far it meant the annihilation cf organiz- icy cf non-interference in Chinese ýremely sorry te sec us leave, and it as there is a record, and te tii. anth- cd Society. Their instinct waa truc; affairase that shc does net give any us very gratifying tc, us tO know tint or there is ne neeti for detaiha, snd it does mean that, and Jeans meant assistance against the. Southi or Bol-1we are really wanted. W. aise he practices economy of spaee in bis it te mean that. He preacellct an- sheisie ar cfChnaaibouliknow that what we are doing ia book, te, be naed for the larger pur- archy, but an anarchy sueli as that shvsi ato hnatoglwhat the. Chinese need at tic pres- pss after a morntary chaos a new andi Russia la known te le epenly aabout aasîst-1Soth.cnt time, snd wc have ne doubt contesmytcir i ura more splendid,_ a new and ineffable, ihe ultmhe South.ogh cme Four weeka ago today, wlicn Chia- tcutmt rmt osevisua18 into phay every now and again, antiodto ms ei. esc scidiers seized two British slips our danger andi we have hope mhat we addts te tth. attractiveness cf hia Tiie stooey cf thc Passion is given on the Yangtse river the British gan wihl sec it defeated. The better work, and causes the reader te panse ae'w meaniaga in this work cf orig- boats nearly teck a aliare in the. mat- Olhinese do not want it, but it lias a a moment and think for hinielf. inality thrcugliout. His cf te. he drnndd hereeae ftremendons appeal for young, hot- .~le ~ the aupreme trsgedy may be a way the slips in def4ult cf whici sie headeti students as weli as for tIi. Tu ususon'cs cweuBa ay lohav roedimt weuld fire on thc miitary headquart- labco la. Ti.ftrcfhnas1boapyla uî:JhnsBpsm darkness, seeking liglit. ers in the city of Wan Hsien. Wlin at stake in the present war. like the biood on the doorposts cf the Chinese military sie h w ehv aldt hs h r sali gpwsol eue But the. greater tragedy lay in un- seiedtictw Wehae cblti o hos wo r lar e w EgYptWasonl aTefuige fulfilime nt. The daii e ry on vessels there were tiree British offi- duc te corne back fromt furlougi thia ftroetheossthofecorne.TIc Kig- themro esaurin crs on board each cf theni, and they spring, te, leave their wives and fami dom of Ced that Jesus discovered, of"ciElihnasb- said they wonid hbld thenu as bost- ilies at home for a year, but for theI was other than that. And it wasani"wihbsbe tmln ages and kihi theni if the Britishi kili- men te corne eut. discovereti and crented on that day block te many, lad ne>t te do with cd any Chinese. There were about whea Jesus waa baptized by John the physical torture of Jesus tait. bor d ad GcftI ipesolwiec onand came up eut cf thc wster. Cc ane, lbtewith sornethiag far great- Tien Jsus kew tna tliebelief cf the. authoir. On tby Milers Werm Powdcrs, bing in whom lue lad scuglit existeti, andi hapenCros , ccthing was gcind t had seizeid. Tiiere wcre probably demand cverywbere, can b. got at tînt H. andthGcwhm . *hpeaeHmJasbied an five tbousand Chines. soidiers aleng a ny clucmist's or drng sluop, at vcry h o wo ehad s niae oHsdsilsbfr the. bank in front cf the city, armcd amaîl cost. They are a rciiabîle rem- songlit were one. Yet more tlian He ointaed tge Risdisis efe; with rifles, machine guns and hcavy edy for worm troubles and can îbJ one, two in an ineffable relation cf H. outaril ave oupRisect he guns, which Ikept fring on thb Britishb l rle uo o xe Wrsuniîty, -se complet. and so peaceful, I something thort eni fec Thte- gunboats. At last, thle British cenid fnhytheliyed ipnd toep e worm sSo far bcyond ail that the intellect 5iessiab ship faîled! And Jeans died stand it no longer and tlucy matie a rmn . yteladabt Ii uf could comprehcnd of union b.tweea iîaîn ry nRsmda effort to relea-ýe the British officers aein ts that ormocau e There two, that there was but on. relationi that lueur may have beca the picture on board the two steamers. A smal hi arc mn mothbesoetfecie ta that wonhd net . wicihy betray the,'lic lad dcscribod before: "And yen gupba lait o utcft temers anld remedy for the relief cf their chiîd- truth-Father and Son. 1 shaîl sec tic Son cf Man sitting on up bsid on ofthesterer nan The Son lad found His Father, thc right laad cf power and ccrning grîppod it with grappling irons and rn and the Fatier Ris Son. 'For this,' with tbe Clouds cf Heaven." rescued the ihree men on board. Tic Rcduced by Astluma. The con-I my son, was dead and is* alive; he was 1 JenwsaJwndtsith Britishi officer in charge jumped at stant strain of astluma brings the1lestad is ffoundoundation fer a readt dcascfwlt the head of his mon on board the a onainfragetda fwa stemsipani assho dadontbirpatient to a dreadfui stato of hope- "0'The ioneiy God lad longeti for'klappencti in His life. No other but steck. he nex: sofice elddlted lesà exhaustion. Early use sluon His Son, for one who should know a Jew couîd have appeared as Jeas with buTes. TIc firng was dle by ail moans be made cf the fa--- His secret leart, irnd pasa bcyond' the Teacluer and Jesus-Messial. tong 'bats.The couldnet ms ove ous Dr. J. D. Kelogg's Asbhma Rom-J the terrer and the hîgltning, th' At last one appears with antliorityi steo thatothe steamer treu te edy whidh more tian any other acta eartluquake and the tempeat, te, the, Who bas a good word for Judas. I officers there. Two of thenu jumpcdquclaniseyontearpsJslcef I.thlmîlvce Ai there had been no Judas, there wold into the river, but one was shot, sages and brings bessed holp andj through the long history cf Israehl e ne ceebration cf Cliristmas-tide, whie tc the wa rscud. Fia- comfert. No borne where astbma is lad H. waited, and now His Son was; at this season. "Jeasscf Keriothi ally the third officer was rescued. Prosont in te east degrechodbe toHrbys eith ftc is lest forever in the darkaescf Fieetof tic six mon were res- withont this great uÉ.medy. Son'a own seeking tirongli a Love: listory. Ris merncry lias been cuvedout a erbels. ?o_______________ which had follewed the echoca cf His hI otteti ont, writea Murray cf Judi- Britishl and five seamen were killed voice tbrough thi. prop:hets." ilmn. Ytev bthble- and oite onetoo hm"helnl o ahr hf rs in the Cod-rnan, the. name Judas afterwards died cf their wounds. -kl ~ foot-steps down tic dread corridors shouhd have been revcred as the. aced slat ix iudrcd ohiee ty. as -they carne near, smne mc near that narne cf the. man by whos. band Britishers ,, Rixbnre hnee i is Ionging heart wouhd burat te J od's sacrifice was made possible. soldiers, rescued their mca and creat- - je i speak a word, but none had Pasacdi For n believer in the Man-G.od, Judas ed groat havoc amnoag the Chinese i * ,the veil and the. werd had net been stands next. te Jeans Rinuself in the soîdiers. Ail this time the soîdierelJ ,spolcen. But now one liad net fait- great story." on the shore kept fiing on the BritI f ered; Hia Son wsbradte Fo inthiswr, w it inh n e ii.siohran oapeaed, le oncly God bad reat." A new sud, ures romain fast in thc mmnd, eteleti inna h ioeadoee Ir beautiful conception in oihd r by subject and writer: Tffhe; with her machine guns. The big-1 ~ ~ s.- pros.. pol union1of Gcd and Son at the bapytisi-1 ger guabeat fired shalls inte the miii-' Teiteoîn.yGdldesîunno tary luadqarters in thc city, whici but net Ris new borniSon,. 'Phe. a crc yc ondubtterbl ctc by thety they destroycd. An eyc-witncss iSpirit drove Jeans into tic desert uof tl bu theriil osfnce role t writiug the report says the, British 1 M ra and Satan tempteti Him. 1teCoswhcn Ris mal. folowera killed one 'hundrcd Chines. soidiers. T uri tidJssbeivdhded ros ft Allod n rth solera agone t eaiways tliaHe was the Son'ofJea n behîvdld ldfr aey and en ritih sldies a; 1cisely the same sense as H. beieveti ton thoussand Chinese anti on.yin .11 ilmoý n teb. ens c f Ced. The CONVALESCENCE After ilînesa: To get back to your normal Seif talc. OLAJEN. It supplie* perfect nourishment in the. Most palatable form knoivn to the. medicaî world. Now on male at ail Druggists--$1.OO a jar. King St. W., BOWMANVILLE PURPLE 1 GUARDS At the. annual meeting and eÎeet- ion of offic erscf Bowmanville PUrpie Guards U. O. L. No. 2884, the. fol- lowing officers were instailled bY Bro. Chas. Fletcher andi his installating team cf Ionie Lodge, Toonto. P.M.-F. H. Bounsail; W.M.-And- rew Gonnel; D.M.-Thos. B. Sellera; Chap.-A. Fletcher; Rec. Sec.- H. Henning; Fin. Sec.-J. Swindell; Tressurer-E. Mitchell; First Leot.. -Francis Purdy; Sec. Let-Cecli Gatchell; Director of Ceremonies- Harry Hooey; IniLde Tyler-F. Page; Outaide Tyler-H. FrY; Coi- nIittee Men-H. Fletcher, D. Gilfil- Jan, J. E. Elliott, Lewis Roach andi W. MeIntoali. Don't seli your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I arn prepared to buy any quantity of poultry at good prices, and if you have fat hens wiIl give ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and I wilI cali. 1. STEIN Whitby 'Ont.1 Bowmanville We Thank Youi We thank you foi, loyal support and acceptance of our efforti to serve you since we started in Bowman- ville. We wish for you one and al a Happy and Prosperous New Year. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone 518 Bowrnville CONTENTED! Contentment is flot merely a s9tate of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked so hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY 1 That if destruction were its fate tdday, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a pollcy! AND YOU WILL THEN ENJOY A HAPPY NEW YEAR J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. 1 Bowmanville flu il y It Is Our Hope It is our hope that we may continue to serve you in the future-not however without thanking you for your many past favors-and pausing to wish ail a Bright and Prosperous New Year. W. Len. ELLIOTT The Furnace Man Phone 348 i ~: '<4; 4 A VEAR AHFAD J. M. GRIEENE MUSIC 00 PETERBORO Good Prices FORI POULTRY

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