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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1927, p. 3

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e ns. - rj5~JAa Lfl~UdiU isost ~1 'k i groceries at a price that most attractive values. enables us to seil them at We solicit a mhare of your trade. IiARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE MiE CAPADAN STATE8MAI. BOWMANVlLLE, THURpJ)AY, JANUAiY 6th., 1927 .ZLUp Lthe vUJL-4¶.ouUghngil caused by irritation in the respiri tory passages and is the effort to di lodge obstructions that corne froi inflammation cf the mucous men brane. Treatment with Dr. Tho)ma Ecleitirie Oil will aliay the inflaminî tion and in consequence the coug wiLl usually stop. Try it and yo will be satisfied. Good Prices FOR POULTRY Don't seli your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I arn prepared to buy any quantity of poultry at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and I will cali. 1. STEIN Whitby Ont -' s i Il -Buy In Bowmanfille- EAT CAWKER'S MEATS Then you will enjoy a year of satisfaction and contentment. Cawker's have been supplying the people of Durham with good meat for over 75 years and are stili going strong. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville u n -Buy In Bowmanville-6 The Taste That Satisfies That is the compliment we have often been paid about our plain and fancy baking-it has the taste that satisfies. Take home something today from our win- dow of "good things to eat". The Bownàanville Bakery Suecessors te Christie'& Bakery Bowmanville W Inerna andExte~[P imm Mi. sud Mis. C. L. Upper andi daughtex Phyllis, London, have re- iurned home afteî spending two weeks pleasautly with ber parents,I Mi. sud Mis. George B. Biekle, Lib- erty Street. Mis. M. A. Darke, Miss Clara Darke. Port Ho,.e, Mi. sud Mis. Hector Daîke a,.id three children,~ Toronto, Mir.and Mis. Frank Jackson~ and babe, Courtice ,with Mi. end~ Mrs. Robt. W. Holmes. CHINA WEDDING A very happy gatbering of about 30 relatives sud friends wtho attend- ed the wedding of Mi. Donald Mc- Donald and Miss Alice Haggith ou January 1, 1906, assembled by in- vitation at their home on New Years Day and speut a most enjoy2able' time. During the afteruoon Mi. Aichiel MeDonald, brother, Oshbýwa, called the company te eider and in a short speecb congîatulated the bride sud groom of twenty years ago, and on behaîf of those present sud sonie wbo were unable te be preseut asked thein te unwrap a number of parcels whicb when completed re-1 vealed a very pretty china set sud a "'imber of othier beautiful pieces of thius. M..sud Mis. McDoualdi made very appropriate replies thauking their friends for the nice expression of their good wishes on this happy cocasion by the beautiful1 gifts. A very pleasant evening was1 spent in gaines of vaious kinds.. Among those preseut weie Mrs. Joihu Goodman, Mi. sud Mis. A. E. Goodman, Mi. sud Mis. A. P. Mc- Donald sud son Scott, Toronto; Mi. sud Mis. Archie MeDonald, Marion sud John A. McDenald, Mr. W. G. Mutten, Miss;es Ruhy and May Ar-- tueur, Mis. Wallace Battie, Grace, Jean and Helen, Oshawa; Mi. sud Mrs. Ed. Haggith, Hampton; Mm. John Mutton, Mi. sud Mis. John N. Lawiie and Miss Mildred Lawiie, Mms John Curtis, Town. Congratulations aise îeceive<I frein Mis. Robt. Me-od, Woodsteck, aud Mis. Phemie A. Wright, Toron- te; Mis. W. G. Armour, Oshawa, who were unable te be present. GOD 13 LOVE By R. L. Werry Endiess mercies are my portion, blessings crown my day&; Giftz unmerited uustinted, Caîl for songs ef ceaseless praise; Eveiry seasen brinats new blessings Frein tube hand of God above; Every moment bringa new witneas;f God is good and "God is Love". When I long for friendsbip's comfort' Lot me turu my face te Thee; 1 shall feel I'm net foreaken While 'libo careat, Lord, fer me; Let me ing the sang immoctal Wltlh angelie hoats »aboy- Sweetest anthem cf the ages: God la good and "God is Love"'. Teacb me Jesus, 'till I know Theeý; Dîaw me, 'tilI I feel Tbee useai; Cleanse me, 'TilI to beavenîy man- siens r con read my titIs clear; Corne, O Lord, witb. grace sud beal- ing, EverY doubt and -fear remove, To my waiting seul revealing: Thon art God and Thon art Love. Montreal, ChrLatnus 1926. Brown.... .Ju<ing frem appearance 1a skating riuk la being eiected at Fiog Pond! by Mi. Nelson Marlow. . *. Mi. Cecil Wilson spent the week- end *at Enniskillen .... Sorry te re- port the ilinesa of Mrs. George Mai- low, Si. .. . A number frein bere at- tended the dances at Lotus aud De- ,vitt's Hall, all report.ig a splendid tim..... .Mm. Robert Dickey and son Marwood, spent New Yearýs at Mr Fred Bailey's, Blackstock... Mr. Jas. O'Neill, Toronto, spent the bell- days in Nestleteu Station, guest of bis aunt, Mrs. George Marlow, Si. . *..Miss Annie Brown, Betbany, was home for the holiday. . Miss Hill is visiting with ber brother, Mr. Maivin Hill,. ... Céoii practise and Ladies' Aid were pogtponed lact week ou ac-' count of ilinezas i the bug .. School Section No. 5 held their an- nual achool meeting on Wednesday, December 29th., when Harold Bea- cock, Secriaiy, J. A. Johusten and Robert Dickey weîe elected tiustees. WEDDING Annjs-McFeeters A quiet wedding took place on New Years morning at the home of Mr. J .A. McFeeters, Lonsdale Road, Toronto, when bis sister, Margaret Ida, and Mr. Arthur W. Annis ot Tyrone, were married by Rev. J. R. ITrumpo or, of Tyrotie. 1%le bride, who was unattended, wore Chinese blue crepe with silver lace, and carrie.d buiterfly roses. Af-i tralncheon at the Caris-Rite Htlu r and Mrs. Annis left for Detroit and Chicago, the bride wear- ing Alla4in Faille wiibh hat to match and seal coat. On tiheir return they will make their home i Tyrone. Mr.-:. W. W. Henderson, Bow- manville, attended the wedding of her sister. INSURANCE: Fire, Life, Accident and' Healtýh, Automobile (fire, theft, property damage, public liability, collision). CON VEYANCING- Deeds, Mortgages, Diacharges of Mortgages, Agreements for Sale, Leases, Wills, etc., prepared at moderate rate&. PRIVATE FUNDS to lban. REAL ESTATE AGENCY: Farm and town properties list- ed for sale. Edith V. Scobel Insurance and Real Estat. Agent Bowmanvill. e-Mi. and Mm. Everett M. Hardy,' tMi. and. Mis. A. M. Hardy, Rev. E. A. Tonkip. AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTERI My Dear Niece :-AnnuaUy tbe unpleasant truthi presents itself te ihundreds of cthers besides yourael that a sort of duty is imposed upon them te give presents. It is tftds bard word "duty" that robs, the giv- ing of presents of ail pleasure. Certainly there is ne ceinfeit te, lie ruabed at the last moment with a list of people oe e la bliged te re- member te bie forced te de anything as in duty bound inakes of one3eif a slave. To feel bound to give with the thought uppeimost of other peopie's' opinions, criticisms and compari- sons, ia of itoelf a bugbeai. Sucb a spirit of giving is net the spirit wihich is iutended at Cbiistnias time. toe Mucb of the fault lies in os wbo receive piesents--and they arei the ones w.ho give as well-wben tneyl ridicule and laugb and compare thbe gifts tbey get. This forma a dsabit cf sarcastie re- marks snd sneers, îelating for tbe beniefit of others tibe meritsand de- :merits -of gi-fts in thbe giver's ab- sence. But wby be miserabie about it? Wby harrass yourself with the hor- rible tbougbt of Lýt w;hat this or ýthat; one wiIl say? W(hy spend what you know ip your owu -conscience you cannot afford just because you ust compeite witb otiluers in their gifts te, certain ae- quaintances, whom througb paat ex- perience, you lcnow te, be critics and hard te please? As you ask my advice, 1 say don't' do it. Altbougb you may at first feel uncemifortable. te break a habit it will pass quickly and you wiU bel assuied sueh People canne deride yeur gift. To tîy aud give te eacb and everyl chance acquaintances is felly, sud meansmuchsacrifice of time snd, money-two things yeu are net at liberty te speud lavisbly outaide youî own family circle.1 To solve tii gift piobieun yen should make up youî mmnd te stari eaily in the year witb plans fer the next hrims MaIe a Eist cf real friends sud Your own relatives te whom you first owe rýemembranees; write ag-ainsti their naines tbeir particular tastes or bobbies and then watcb for bargain, duringtube year. By planning far abead yen will bve im te make many tbings, and gifts made pemsonally have a value far, abead cf their cost. In fact even M'oussefriends te wbom yov feel reluctant te give could not but value what you put labor and time rather t.ban rnoney, into. Then when this season corneà around again yOu will ba savad this worry and anxiety. -Youi lovingj Aunt Susan. I Arrived tee late fox last w.eek.-l A Prime Dressing for Wounds.-I [nb somie factorie., and workshops carbolic acid in kapt for Use in esut- erizing w.ounds and cuts sustained bY tube workmen. Far bettes, te keep on hand a bottia Of Dr. Thom- a' Eclactrie 011. It i. just a quick n, action and does net sear tbe ahini or bure thie flash. SIERIC E GROCERY STORES' i». NEW YEARS VISITORS NORTH DARLINGTON I HARDY CHILDREN BURIED ie r.E. I. Osborne, Toronto, with Report of S. S. No. 13, Darlington :1A BO M VLE ým Mr. and Mis. W. H. Osborne. lass V-KaUhleen Dudley 75, There were laid te rest in the Bow- Ml- Miss Doris Courtice, Toronto, with Fred Smith 70, Harvey Smi 63, manville Cemetery on New Year's a' ber uncle, Mr. R. E. Osborne. Ruth Farrell 62. Day ,the remains of Hazel Mary a- Mr. Harold B. Mollon, Detroit, Sr. Iv-Laura Davey 66. Hardy, age 7 years, 8 months, and Mic.,is pedin bs hliaysat Jr. IV-Grae Smith 67, Agnes Kennetii Melville Hardy, age 5 years, hm. ssedn i oiasa Hooey 65, Grace Farrell 61, Augus- il mnonths, wjso were killed in a rail- 3u home.tus Johnsten 60, Gladys Smith 59. way accident on December 23rd., at Mis. John Goodmnan, Toronto, i Sr. I--Doris Dudley 76, Myrte Rockmart, Ga., dhildren of Mr. and - Donalier sister, Mis. Donald Me-I Hughes 63. Mis. Eveîett M. Hardy. Doad Figures indîcate %. It ýis many years since a tragedy Miss Hilda Curtis spent the week- Reva McGiIl, teacher. quite s0 sad has happened te this end witJh lher sister, Mrs. Joe Coe,j community. Toronto.I The funeral at the home of their Miss Rets T, Bennett spent Newi BURKETON grandparents, Mr. and Mis. A. M. Years withhlber sister, Mis, S. French, i Mr. and Mrs. H .Trick spent New Hardy, Division St., New Yeaîs Day New Torcnto. was conducted by the Rev. J. U. Mr.andMrs W.YougYears. with -their daughter in Lind- Robins, Pastor of Trinity United Mihrant Mrs. on Toront*o, and family also Mr. Lloyd Cochrane Church, which was largely attended withberaun, Ms. ohn Morris, kay.... .Mr. and Mis. Ben Hubbard yrltvsadloefin. Beech venue.spent New Years at Mr. S. Me- The paîl bearers for Hazel Maryl Rev. and Mi.:. W. F. E. Storey and Knight's ... . Mr. Percy Davidson bas were: Me.*srs. Herman Lapp, Wvilliam famniiy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. sprained bis ankl.... .Mr. and Mrs. Poihten, Edsail Oliver and Alfred Robt. Fallis, Liberty Street. James Trick, Millbrock, are visiting Reid' ;for Kennelil Melville were:1 Mr. C. E. Moody, Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mis. T. Trick ..Mr. An- Messrs. Harold Gili, Norman Elliott, 'spent New Years with his niece and dy Fleming spent New Years at Lloyd Richards and Allan Kniight. nephew, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wake- Claremont.... Mr. Mervin Gatehell, Besides wrçaths from the aet lin. Toronto, spent tbe weekend witb hisj and grandparents there werefowr IMi. and Mis. Elton Manning,' ror- parents at New Park. He aiseof yn-tTsntfo anme0e onte, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Souch, Osh- called on friends here .... Russell relatives aind friends including awa, with Mr. and Mis. A. E. Man- Cochran e spent New Years holidays wreaths from the Goodyear Office ning. here. Staff, Goodyear Factory Council, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Dunn and son Goodyear Factbory Employees, and Lloyd, London, spent 'lhe New Years NESTLETON sprays from Mr. and Mrs. Arthurl holidays with Mr. and Mrs. -j. B. Millson, Enniskillen ;Mayor T. S. Bickle. Mr. A. J. Veale, Windsor, was a Holgate, Mrs. Jollow, Misses Bessiel Mr. Norval S. Washington and New Year visitor with his fatiher, Mr. and Ella, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid' son, Ralph, Ford City, Ont., weîe re- John Veale and friends ..Mr. and and Alfred, Mr. A. H. Hardy, Miss cent guesta of their uncle, Rev. W. Mis. R. A. Wright, Oshawa, spent a A. Draper, Mr. John and Miss Eva C. Washington. few days with his brother, Mr. Pet_ Hellysi, Masters John and Fred Mr. Roy Campbell, Toronto, Misst er Wright... .Week evening meeting Neal, 'Bowmanville; Mr. snd Mis. Faye Campbell, Ontario Ladipr Col on Tbursday took the form of a so Isaac Hardy and Mi. and Mms. Har- lege, Whitby, epent New Years at Mr. cial meeting wtheii a good progran e adSlna r.Wle n W. C. Ashton's. was given. A few sports were iu- daughters, Toronto; Miss Dorothy Miss Viola Brdgman, Ottawa, vis dulged ini and lunch served.. Mr. and Lyla St. Piere, Toronto, Mi. sud ited bier aunt, Mrs. Jo~hn Reid and Clartnce Ferguson, Victoria Univer- Mr. Fred Hardy, New Toronto; cou.sin, Mrs. W. H. Pearn, during the sity, again occupied thse pulpit of the Heels & Mechanical Geods Office New Year holidays. United Churcli on Sunday sud gave Staff, Goodyear, New Toront o; Mrm. Mr.andMrs Wilia T issus a good disàourse on looking f or- Joseph Kniet and daughters, Mr. I and M issm rewin, Ms ward. Giarence will ever be a weî-1 and Mis. Ed. Aldswoith, Mr. andI Gaet NewiYeh a with RiDa r nd comn visiter at Nestleton ... . A num- Mis. Ed. Aldswortb, M. and Mrs.î i. GaN e rewusawhDandj ber of 1friends and neigh'bors gather- 1Ed. Wilkins, Oshawa; Mr. and Mms. Mr. nd is.WiliamEppett ~,ed at Mr. and Mrs. T. Oscar EdwasTEHard yWib;M.sdMs Mrsan r . ti uinsplt, St. on Saturday, January ist tu cele- James Hardy and Charlie and Mr.! erus, r vo tigther vcosstnn, Mr.1 brate with them the twentie'b anni- and Mrs. Gordon Hardy, Lindsay. and Mria. W. J. Bragg and tiheir num- versaiy of their wedding. A bount- We are glad te report that Mis. reatve it~isviiity.Ieuv ess a e~ed and the even- Everett M. Hardy who waa injured Mr. aud Mrs. Bruce E. Ingham,l ing was spent iu social chat, music lin thse railwAy wîeck at Rockmart, is Owen Sound, spent New Year bell-I aud other amuséments. The couple Iimpioving. Her Toron'bc> doctor days with ber giandpa.rents, Rev. and 1 were Iýe recipients of mauy very weént dewn te Atlanta, arriving back Mis. W. C. Washington. attrvLotive and useful prezents.. in Toronto with ber on Menday. Her Mi. 'and Mrs. O. J. A. Henderson Mrs. Vertu McMullen, Yelverton husbanid also accompanied ber te who have been spending Christmas wbo bas undergone a slight operatios Toronto. vacation with bis parents, Mi. and is staying a week or two witftliber Mis. Hardy ia now in 'the Stiatb- Mis. W. W. Henderson, wIll retuin parents, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Wil- cons Hospital, where it is tbeught te Kingston on Suuday. .im... . The many visitors, scbool she. will recover rapldly fromnlber ini- Mr. and Mis. B. E. Read, Mi. and teacheis, etc., who 'have been hou*- Juries. Mis. Clair Read and c$ildren. Osbh- daying around home bave retuiued CR FTAK awa, Miss Florence Piersen, Toronto, te their various occupations.Wewsteeen ou sice spent New Years with Mi. and Mis. ewstoxen Ou sicr Harold Wakelin, Church Street. tbanks te ail kiud, sympathetic1 Mi. and Mis. Stanley Lince and NESTLETON STATION frieuds, wiso* o offeîed, and Doris and Bobby, motored frei did assist us in this the theur of oui Strathno-or, Detroit, Mich., and spent Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hulbeit and sad bereavement. We feIt tbat tihe New Yeas with their cousins, Mi. famiiy aud Mms. O. Brown and coming in of the New.Yeaî Nitb en- and Mrs. Harold Wakelin, Churcb- daughtei Dorotby, spent Suiday at tire silence throughout the town, a st.Suuderland at lhe home of Mi. Wqn. beautiful, kind tbought of sympathy. Regal Table Sat .... 2 for 19e Sait, 3 bags for .......... 19e Clarks P & Beans, 2 for 25c Laundry Starck, 2 lb. for 28e Fancy Rice, 3 ibs. for .... 28e Silver Glosa Starch 2 for 25e ,Christie's Soda Wafers 14c pk Corn Starch ........ 2 for 19e Marcaroni, 2 packages for 25e Huron Tissue, 6 rolls ,.28e Crowp Corn Syrup . .2 for 33e Interlake Tissue, large 3 for 23 Quick Quaker Oats, large Soap Chips ...2 lb fer 28e package.............. 29e Horseshoe Salmo<n %,s, tin 2lc CLOVERVALE BUTTER .......... 45c per lb. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .......... 2 For 19e 2 in 1 and Nugget Shoe Sweet Mixed Pickles .... .45e 'PoIish, 2 for .......... 25e Freeh Coffee .......... 55e lb Maple Leaf Matches 3 for 25c Serve Tea .......... 59e ILb Good Size Oranges, dozen 49c English Breakfast Tea 69c, lb. Delaware Potatees, bag. .$1.98 Fresh Peanuts.... 19e lb. Plum Jam, 3 lb. Jar .................................3r3c Betty Bright Aluminum Ware, Any 79c Article Every Piece Guaranteed FREE-FRIDAY& SATURDAY ONLY-FREE Order- Over $1.50 Gets 1 Package Lux Fre. Order Over $3.00 Get 1 lb. Shortenin Fre. Phone Orders Promptly Delivered AT THE SERVICE STORES -Buy In Bgowniaville - Eat More Corbett's Bread Is just as good advice as if your family doctor re-, comniended it. A loaf of Corbett's Wholesome Bread is ful of proper nourishm ent, well proportioned, to make children strong and robust and to keep old people, Only the best ingredients-first grade quality -are permitted in Corbett's Wholesome Bread. W. Specialize in Wedding Cakes W.P. Corbett Baker and Confection., Bowmanville Phone 3 Oropoo ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY, cf obtaining your favorite-blend of Dominion Stores High Qqality Tes. at a very remarkable saving during our Gigantic Tea Sale DOMINO.Blend TEA Reg. 69clb. 65C lb. Il3- Sc .b. 1i7r. Averyeonomical blend of Ceylon and Iodlas Te. d=ecI lpated by us frooe the RICHMELLO TEA 75C lb. For these who lkesresflsvoy Tes ve recommead co cur i le o 8lend, whl s a blcnd of the rinest Tes rSu thern india. Ceylo and ?o c n Idla. You wfll b. deligbted with ibis blend. IDS.L BULK TEA Reg. 59c lb. 55C 14, AR3 lb. Jar Pure Raopb.rry Strawbôflry, JAMor Black Currant Reg. Prico, i., 9 ST. Evaporatt.d MILK, 3 iNs 23c GEORGE'S Whil. it faste Raisins choice Smyrnumn andID Snaar Cookinâg oLe araie 2 ls. 27c FIGS Ex e P ue S 15 oz. E aster s.21 _ 2 ilis. 29c Seeded 15C 12 .2 1. 4Ç c___ FL XO California Stàat& ýj Dlmnt. The aew Ecoomulcal Aprgs*c c'a. Soap. Flake PocktSieS.1ý D«* Pineapple 23c pkg. Matches ý"21c .il, 2% .27c E C'ls -, 0NE ton of coaI eut of every five is wasted, ac- cording te the U. S. Geologi- cal Survey, because it is used wrougly or bought wrongiy. You can save a large part ef that 20% by using Consoli- dation CLEAN Ceai - the clesest approach te 100% fuel because it ie ail coal. For your furnace's sake try a load of oui Consolidation CLEAN Ceai. JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville -Buy In Bowmanvlle- There'ys No Reason Why we can't supply your needs to your sat- isfaction in groceries this year. We have the ex- perience, the quality, the variety and have bought i are prom ptly reli.ved by -R- THiOMAS' EC LECTRIC 01 L TIIAT IT MAS SEEfd SOLD FOR NEAALY FIFTV YEARU NO18 TO-OAY A GREATER 8MLER THANEE »EFOR 18 A TESTImONIAL THAT SPEK8 FOR IT8 NUMERgua CURATIVE OUALITIE& A VOU PAV LESS FOR MORE VA&-or 4t Phcme 529

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