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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1927, p. 5

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THE CANADLAN STATE8NANl, BUWMNVILLE, TRURSDÂY, jAtA Harold H. Tonkin, 0Onhawa son of Mr. W. H. Tonkin, hm là d isex. aminatians at the Ontario Collge ci Pharmacy wlth second clama honora ini every subject. Harold is now in à Tanmlyn store Mt Hamilton. ANNUAL MEETING Horticuit ural Society COUNCIL CHAMBER Friday, Jan. l4th 1927, at 8 p. m. Election of officers and other imiportant business. lease get your neighbors to join for 1927. Annual Fee only $ 1.00. Tdie law requires that ail per- sons voting miust have paid their fee for the coming year. Dr. D. W. Bet, Jno. H. H. Jury President. Secretary. Cough Remedies We -have every standard Cough Remedy on the market. See Our Window, We specially recommend Meloids for hoarseness. Cherry Bark Syrup for hacking cough. Broncihial Sprup for bronchitis. Rikers Syrup Tar and C.O.L. for coughs of long standing. Rexail Emulsion C.L.O. for Iung tonic. AI! Best by Tegt and money back if not satiafactory. Jury & Loveli The Drug Store of Quality and Success. !-BUY IN BOWMANVILLE- IDistinctive Prizes Bridge or Euchre Which ever it is to be you will need prizes and what a wealth of ii you will find at tfile "Big 20". These gifts are priced in figures of rea.son and cSnuon sen"e. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOW]AANVILLE Olympia Cale AND Candy Works Cowan, Bowmanville NQW OPEN Home-Made Candy all made an the promises. SPECIALS Christmas Rock ........ 28c lb. Home-made Mixtures . . . . 25c lb. Assorted Nut Taffy ... .. 25c lb. Chocolates hard and soft centres.........39c lb. Caramels, Nuggets, Fudge 30c lb. Candies in fancy boxes from 25e to $3.50 MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS Firet Clas Cafe in every par- ticular. Wben in town et et the Olympia Cai.a NEWEST PLACE IN TOWN LOCAL AND OTHERWISE HOCKEY NEWS Is your Statasman paid for 1927?; Hockey fans and players Ïave Mr. T. B. (Jhalk was electesd May-! been baving a lot of £un sa fer this oof Port Hope.! seasqon even if the local teams do floti or. .D rso a lce happnto be leuding 'their sect- Myr RoD Prstnhaswa.cedions at the present moment. Mr. and Mis. John H. Truli apent Just to gyv'e the Intermodiate Christmas at Mr. Aithur Stainton's, players a try-out an exhibition Zion.1 game was played at Taylor>s Rink Miss Borea Murdof spent the New l on Deceniber 22nd with Toronito Year with Miss Ethel Connors, Port Argonauts. Bowmanvillo won 4-2, Hope. with 10 minutes ovortimo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page recently i visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page, Then the Juniors had a chance to Oshawa. showing the maddening crowds what Mr. F. Merritt, Toronto, and Mi.- they had up their sleeves in an ex- H. Dionne, Perth,, N. B., spent Sun- hibition fixttire with Wesloly Juniors day at Mr. John St.acey's. of Toronto. When the firing ceas-1 ed Dudley & James' local crew had Mr. S. H. Nicholson, Toronto, bas piled up the samo number of goals been vi.iting his sister-in-law, Mrs. as they give to the earthly existence W. H. Wood, Base Line. of a cnt, while the 'Tribe of Wes- Mr. Richard Edgeton was electedi loy" carried off the proverbial goose Reevo of Cartwright dofeating! egg. In othor words i,, was 9-0 fori Creigbton Devitt by 22 majority. the lhome brews. Beehive Rebokab Lodgo is holding a Progressive Euchro in the Oddfol- New, coming down to, games thati low3' Hall on Thursday, January 13. are recorded in the O. H. A. Bluel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lnngmaid, Books, we find the Juniors enter-i Oshawa, celebrated the 40th anni- taining Sheriff Paxton's Pets froini vorsary of their marriage on Dececi- Whitby. At the end of a perfect ber 22nd. hours play both teamas had scored 5 Mrs. Robert McLaugblin, Mis. J. goals onch. This called for an extra session, in fact bofore the tie A. Sykes and Mrs. Bessie Blair, was broken 3 ten-minute periods awa, visited Mrs. M. A. James, Lorne wi eesr adcd inr OBITLJARY James Maguie, Orouo A much esteemed citizen of O-rono, Mr. James Maguire, pasaed away at bis home, Mill St., on Saturday, Docenaber llth, following an ilînesa& cf somne twa weeks. Deceased was born in Manvers towNnship and the greater portion of bis life was spent on tihe farci close to the village of Lifford. In 1916 ha bough't the old Barret1 bomestead property on MiII St., wbere witb bis s-ister Ellen Maguire, who prodeceased him about a year aga, he residod up to the time of his deatb. He was a member of the United Oihurch and a regular attendant at nîl the services. In politics he was a stnuncb Liberal. Rev. Chas. Barltrop, a former pastor on the Lifford circuit, paeys this fine tribute to the memory of deceased: "I have been acquainted mitb the la~e Mr. James Maguire for more thant 56 years, and 1 wish to bear tsetimony to bhis noble life and dharacter. He was but a young mnan wben 1 was stationod on the old Manvers circuit and in nil tihe time since, 1 have nover heard a word of aspersion against hici. He was ai- ways considered one of the best neighbors, a true friend, a consistent mombor of the church, a wise pro- vila Ila 1t.wVef. Cutting- out -al frills- and- thrills-1 vider for his borne, a sympatifizer Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Snell, Fox- and there were many during toe with thé church in its work, amiable bora, and Mis. H. Patterson, Ottawa, game-Bowrrnanvill-e earne.d a 6.451 in disposition, and in a word, an bave been visiting their motiher, Mrs v,, hontest man wich is the noblest M. A. Comstock. ____ work of God. His home in oId The monthly meeting of the Hos- Next we read on the sporting pag- Manvers was always a home for the pital Auxiliary will be beld at the es of the great metropolitan dail- ministers in the aid years." Nurse's Résidence on Friday, Jan- les: "That Bowmanville intermed- The funeral services at the bouse uary 7tlh at 3:30 p. m. iates in n fast gante defeated Pict- and grave were conducted by bis Mr. Ezra Gifford bas bought the o n at the latter pl'ace by 7-4". Hur- pastor, Rev. S. T. Tucher. bouse and lot on Brown Street, Bow-' rab! Such a victary in the good aid The palibearers were Messrs. John cianville, part of tibe estate of the days when Fred Downey, 'Buck' N. Powers, D. T. Allin, C. C. Cain, late Mrs. Isaac Wescott. Humber, 'Fitz' Downey and others Orono, Richard Wilson, Lifi ord, Listof owmnvile ercant an used ta wield the hickory in the aId Heber Preston, Betbeny, and John Litofes omnvillehave rans an drill shed rink wouîd bave been James Clark, Ballyduif. pruessona mo wb hae aree 70heralded by the band leading a torch Members of the femily présent at close their Places of business Wed-I ligbt procession around town. the funeral, wero Iis sisters, Mis. afternoons appears on page . Dobson, Mis. Campbell, Mi. and Mis. 7. Tuesday night thé Juniors played O0. Sctt; Mrs. Dingman, Stratford; Mr. Alpha Pinch beaves itoday ona at Port Hope on a very wet sheet Miss Maguire, Mr. George Campbel], trip to tihe Sunny South where heo f ice and other unfavorable e.ndi Mr. H. M. Joy, Toronto. will spend somte weeks wità hbis I unconstitutional conditions which______________ brother, Mr. Bers Pinch, El Paso, made fast hockey impossible. As a Texas. 1result Bowmanville came home witb the small end of the score by 3 to 2. Lost or Found Congratulations te Mr. A. J. Treb- Bill Bradd who keeps a fatberly oye ibcock, Toronto, and Mr. Allun F.I over this young fiock of puck-chas- LOST-On Saturday, Dec. 18, between A.nnis, Oshawa, on being elected rs says lho bas the évidence for a Bowmanville and Tyrone, thie back of a members of tho Board of Education protest which hoie ntends puiing.1 cutter. Finder please notify Fred G. in their respective cities. "Ginger" Edger will act as bis ad-1SmtRR., yoe -f The regulai meeting of the Home viser before depositing thé cash aud School Club will be beldl on with order. Articles For Sale Wednesday, January l2th at 8 p. ci. Smeoybstmaeafrcth FO SAEBycraean lb A cordial invitation is extended te oeoyhstr effrmte FRSL-aycrig n rb aIl parents and thoso interosted in spoiting editor's almanec and we aie Apply Charles E. Morris, King St.* R.. afrad t -tust o or mmor as owmnvile.52-8' the welfare of the schooi childien. afidttrstaarm oiasomnvle te the îesult of ae bague gamel FOR SALE-Higb grade Shlrlock Mr. and Mis. W. H. Mer -k uf played in Oshawa. But if l'm not Manning Piano. Sligbtly used, $260 cash. ala N.Y.,andMi. Dvey arn 1 right I stand coriected:- Oshawa Neil Yellowlees, Centre St., phone 262, aloN. ., nd rs. ave, Trono,,Bowmanville and Mr. Harold Nicholson. Stir ing, Wo.________ Ont., are visiting relatives owng ta O O AEYugsw ao the seriaus illness of the lattei's Now dear readers of The States-I type. Alo utting box, aimost new. mother, Archie Thompeon. R R 6, Bow- mteMis. Robt. Niclhoîson, in man,' and those wbo say they don't manville, phone 139-2. 1-1w' lieve me or have it your own way, FOR SALE--WooQ lots from $20 un. A musical evoning under auspices 1 could have wiitten a whole ltFroci 5 ta 20 y'ears Ito remove tbe wood. ltSome fine large timber on some lots. of the "Mumi" group of the Wnm- more if I bad seen these gamos. Good weli upboastered cutter wanted. C an 's Instituto wili ble held at the But getting second-hand information J. Mitchell, Newcastl,e, Ont homo of Mis. Chas, F. Rice, Ontario about a hockey gante froinia, bias- ARTICLES FOR SALE-I gasoline St., an Tuesday, January il at 8 ed spectator is hiable to be about street pump, 6 gai. visible measure; 1I n- p. ci. Silver collection. Pro. ,eeds in as accurate as tlfe information a sîde 1 gai. Bowsem pumo. would make a aid of Hospital fund. Cme wrd oitca hndottanù- good puci» for handling 4.eol ail or Lubri- Come - ard oliicin hads ut t anin-cating ail; 1 rubber tired open buggy. nocent voter the nigbt before an Apply to A. W. Piakard, or phono 185, A very plensaît evening wn.s spent election. Bowmanville. 48-tf on Tuesdny, Jan. 4tb, at Queen Mary FRSLEDmno in.o i Logo Cmpninsof the Forest, Anyway, the editor didn't give Me kinds sold on paymsnts spmead over two Port Hope, wben Disrict Doputy the first inkling hoe wns figuring on Years. Steinway, Helntzman and Ger- Mrs. E. Mitchell, Bowcianville, merpn-n heehckycat hard Heintxman used pianos takren as stalbed the new officers. Those ac until an boum before we went toi be cleared at bargain prices and on easy cocipanying bier were Mr.s. Charles. press. If jobs weien't so0 scarce1 termis. F J. Mitchell. Dîstributor. Bow- Mutton, Mis. H. A_4î,lee, Mrs. D.~ I'd have told bici ta do it biciseifI nanVille. 5-t Bickeil, Misses Edith Joint and Editib because I've heard hici tell aboutI M. Smiith. îvhen ?he used ta play hockey with NOTICE Mm andMrs Wm Ruifod, as1 'Hami' Hooper, 'Cadie' Lunney, Arýt WaN.,shing andl ironing <one. Satiefact- anqrt anMsip, ceRemfted, their DenscHbegi' adIon guaranteed. Give us a trial. Terme anqut twnsipcelbraed he" nse, Hbe iggnboham aW oderate. îWork called for and de- golden wedding anniversnry on Do-j the îest of tbe waod chioppers. llvered. Mme. MarJoaam, King Street, cenîber 2lst. Mr. Runmford was Ante1bngtetgtFastp ast, Box 12, Bowmanville. - the third son of the late W. B. and 1Aohrtigtetgtwdiel Mery Ruford ealy poners, i me the admisýsion fee ta local games ne rs RClfordearownshponercoci-1 bas been raised. It sbould have EARN $6.00 TO $8,00 PER DAY ion foc Clrk le wî o np, Duri beon done lngI . Hockey. sticks H. aro wbile leamnlng, Garage Work, Counî, whre h wasbamn 4 yersatng ao. Welding, Vulcanizing, liricklay- ago. Mrs. William Wight of Thed-1 skates, sweaters, liniment, travelling ing, Barber and 13,auty Culture Work. fard, is a sister. epnses, in fnct everything bas gane Good positions now open. Only few up but cliewnig guin, so 'how do you weeks taken ta qualify. Caîl or write for frce iliustrated catalogue. Heciphill Mr. and Mis. William H. Wiggi expect the managers ta cnake ends Cbartered Scbool. 163 xlOng West, Tor- Oshawa, celebrated the 60th annîver-' molet at twa-bits a game? Do be onto. sary cf their wedding day on Christ-i reasonable, you galîery chirpersi COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE mas et thir résidonce, 75 Elgin St.; Youis for a rail seat IN SOLINA VILLAGE East. Both are enjoying goadl Adami Fakir. health: They roceived a numbor of ______P rame bouse In gaod condition, well beautiful bouquets and tellegramns of; equipped barn, sultable for Blackenliîtl congratulations and best wishos foTl A few Ladies' Coata at $5.00 ecdi Shop; large loft; stabllng for 2 cows, 2 barses, chicken bouse, plg pet), garage: many more years of health and hep-! et Couch, Johnsten & Cryderman's. 14 acre ]and, excellent gardon. amal pinossa Mi. Wigg, wbo will cele-; fruits, bard and soft watem; silendld ___________________________ Public School; cburch near by. Good brato bis 86tb birthday next Maiebi bargain for qulok sale. Apply Norman was boinoar Kedron about rive~ RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR B. Wright, Owner. R. R. 1, Ridgeville. miles north of, Oshawa. Mis. Wiggi Ontario. is a sistor of the lato Robert Cherry i BOWMANVILLE and the late Mrs. W. EUlenor ofj CAAAN ATO LRALA 1o 1 Gle IfOING EAST i Miler's B eauty Parlor We thank oui ciany customors for libir pat patronage. It is aur hope that duing thbe caming yeaî aur efforts ta please will bc favared with your con- tin.ued support. We specialize in Violet Ray,' Mange and Hot Oul Scalp tioat- ments, Clay Packs and Face Mas- sage, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Mnc e ling. JANUARY SPECIAL- MARCEL 75c J. W. Miller 1Phone 131 Proprietor Bewmanvil 12.39 a. m.-Dally Flag for Passongers ta Trenton and East 8.42 a. m. -Dailla except Sunday Stop 9.13 a. ciSun ay Only Stop 10.14 a. m.-Paily Stop 1.47 p. m.-Dally Except Sunday Stop 2.46 p. m.-Daily Except Sunday Flag 7.14 p. m.-Daiiy Hxcept Sunday Stop 9.58 p. m.-Dally stop. 11.21 p. m.-Daliy Except Saturday Fiagi GOING WEST 4.22 a. c.-Daily Flng 5.33 a. m.-Dally will lot off paasengersý froci East of Trenton 8.19 a. m.-Daiîy except Sunday Stop 2.02 p. m.-Daiiy Except Sunday Stop 7.11 p. mn.-Dally Bxcept Sunday Flag 7.06 p. m.-Sunday Only Stop 8.40 p. mn.-Daily Hxcept Sunday Stop CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION COING WEST 8.10 a. m.-Monday, Wednesday Prîday 8.45 a.c.-Tuesclay, Tbursday, Saturday GOING EAST 4.15 p. m.-Tuesday, Tbursday, Saturday 7.32 p. m.-Monday, Wednesday. rlidey CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV .GOINO WEST .28 a. m.-Dally oxcept Sunday. I6.09 a. m.-Flag Stop, Sunday only 7.20 a. m.-Suniday oniy. 8.20 a. m.-Daîiy excopt Sunday. 4.31 p. m.-Daily. 7.20 p. m.-Sunday only. GOING EAST 10.22 a. m.-Daily. 2.22 p. m.-DaIIy oxcept Sunday 8.26 p. m.-Daily excopt Sunday. 11.27 p. mn.-Daiîy except Saturday nght. 12.26 a. m.-Daiiy for passengers from. London and West, also fiag stop Sunday only STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Europe-CanaLdien Pacific, Whlite Star Dominion, Cunard, Arican, Ask for Information, Phone 58 Stetemman Office, Bowmenvlle. Progressive Euchre tJnder auspices of Rebekah Lodge Iwill be held in 1. 0. 0. F. Halli on Thursday, Jan. 13 at 8 P. M. Lunch semved and srix prizes given ADMISSION 25c BOWMANVILLE MAILS CLOSE (Standard Time) 8 a. m.-All pointa east, Includ- ing Newcastle, Orono, Clarke. 9 a. m.-Hampton, Enniakillen, Tyran., Courtice 8 a. m.-Teronto, Oshawa, aUl points west of Toronto; Port Hope, Peterb ara, Lindsay 6.80 P.M .-All points West 9 p. m.-Esat and West, Newcastle, Orono, Clarke BIRTNSj WOOD-In Orono, December 27, to Mr and Mr@. Fred Wood, a son. BRYSON-In Orono. on Thursday, Dec. 16, to Mr. and Mm. E. R. Bryson, a son. SCORGIE-In Enniskillen, on Decem- ber 24, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Albert Scorgie, a son. McNEIL-In Haydon, on New Years Day, January 1, 1927, to Mr and Mrs. Alex. McNeil, a son. SCOTT-In Bo*manviile Hospital, on December 29, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mot Scott, a daugbter. COLLACOTT-In Tylbne, on dCrsitmas Day. December 25, 1926. to Mr. and Mrs Norman Collacott, Tyran., a son. MARRIAGES ANNIS-McFEETERS--On Saturday, January 1, 1927, at the home of the brides brother. 17 Lonsdale Road, Tor- onto, Magaret Ida McFeeters, Toronto, and Arthur W. Minis. Tyrone, Rev. J. R Trumpour, oaiciating. DEATHS HORSEV-In Bowmanville, on Satur day, January 1, 1927, William Mitchell Horsey, In bis 95th year. PARSONS-At Montreal, Que., on Jan. 2, 1927. William Henry Parsons. Inter- ment at Union Cemetery, Port Hope. SHAREN-In Wallaceburg, January 4, 1927, Ruth, widow of the late Robert Sharen, In hem 52nd year. Born at Port Hope. HENDERSON-At ber late residence, 687 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Sacelia W. Vernon, beloved wife of Colonel A. G. Henderson. HALL-On Monday, January 3, 1927. at 26 McAlpine St.. Toronto, Anne Gat- chel, widow of the late George E. Hall, Whitby, aged 91 years. WALTER-At bis late residence, 33 Prust Avenue, Toronto, Tuesday, Decem- ber 28 .1926, William Henry Walter, be- loved busband of Adelia Walter, lit. bis 79tb year. HARDY-Killed ln railway accident on December 23, 1926. at -Rockmart, Geor- gla, U. S. A., Hazel Mary Hardy, aged 7 years, 8 months, and Kennetb Mel- ville, aged 6 years, il months, dearly bcioved children of Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett M. Hardy. Interred in Bowman- ville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Charles Horn, wbo answered the call for larger ser vice at Hampton on Dec. 31, 1922. Jnauary brings sad memorles, Of a .loved one laid to rest. And those who miss hlm most today, Are those who loved bimt best. Wif e and Family. GRIFFIN-In fond and loving memory of my dear nephew, Bruce BarI Griffln. Who paesed Into the arms of Jesus, Dec. 30, 1926. He was only a littie white rosebud, A sweet little fiowem from birth, But God took hlm back ta heaven. Before he was soiled on eartb. Aunt RIva. WN h je ard5e Stock OWMAVIA.Specialist inWomen's.Rpparel Exclusive but notffxpen sive W\ormen-s Coats -Suits- Dresses-1osi erg -Gloves -Underwea r-Etc. Hi Wanted WANTED-To hear frorn owner of Farci for sale. State cash price. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 51-5 BOARDERS WANTED-Board and rooci with homne privileges, gentlemen preferred. Phone 182, l3owmanville. 1-tf WANTED AT ONCE-Â capable young woman, for general housework and plain cookxng. by an elderly couple only. Must have good references. Apply Mrs. J1. Harvey, Church and Scugog Sts., Bowmanville. 62-2' Agents Wanted AGENTS-Get ln a profitable all-year commission business of your own. Every property owner la a customer Or pros- pect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week. Complete equipment and instruc- tions free. Write DOMINION NUJRSER- lES, MONTREAL. 90 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-7-roomed trame bouse with aIl modern convealencea. Hardwood floors throughout. Âpply to Fred Cryderman, phone 104 or 418, Bow- manville. 47-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acres, soutb haif lot 21 .con. 5, Darlington. Plowlng possession at once. Pull poessioin April 1. 1927. City property wil1 be considered lni exchange. For terme ai,- ply to Mrs. C. J. Kersiake, R. R._1, Hampton. 87-tà FARM FOR SALE BV TIÉNDÊPR-44 acres more or lesu, mile norti of Hami, ton, known as Cambrian Woollen mile, on which are ample buildings, frame bouse, good barn and outaide stabllng; plenty fruit trees, good well, bard and sof t water, ample summer wood, large rilnning utream of fresh water etocked with ttout running through zropertv. Tenders wIll be received up to .lanuary 15, 1927. For further particulars aply2 to Jo.. H Martin, Trustee, Ini on. -ASK KERSLAKE'S FIRST- Advanced Service. For twenty-one years we have been giving the public 'what in considered Good Drug Store Service hi% order to stili1 make this service bettez we are cutting our profits to a minimum, thexeby making it advantageous to buy vour "Drug Store Needs" froni us. We will supply the samne high quadity goods as has been oui rule in the past but at reduced prices. HERE ARE SOME 0F THE LO)WER PRLICES: .Castoria................ 33e Carter's Pis............. 21c Fruitatives ...22e and 45e Nerviline.................32c Abbey's SaIt ... . 35c and 69c Perfect Uiver Pilla ..2 for 25e Philip's Magnesia 12 oz.. . 48e Wampole's Magnosia 16 oz 50c Gin Pille, 40 in box ...40c Nyal's Kidney Pilla 60 in box ................... 50e Mocca ...22c,'44ceand 88e Dextre Maltose........... 85e Hoilick's Malted Miik 90e and $3.50 Scatt's Emuisian, large. .$1,08 Scott's Emulsion, sinail. ..:57c Woodbutry's Boa.... .3 for 69e .8 .1927 PAGE: SPECIAL IN TOOTH BRUSHES THIS WEEK REGULAR 50c BRUSH-3 FOR 97e Term&: Cash in 30 days Plume Orders D.Iiv'.sed Save this ist. It "iIlb. added to next wonk KERSLAKE'S PHONE -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Clarence S. Mason 's Little Shoppe With the Large Stock i Announces January Clearing, Sale Ail Coats and Dressês 46 Highest Grade Coats at ýLF PR 't / 150 Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices EXTRA'SPECIAL 10 Only Fur Trimmed Coats, $ 10,00 Each

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