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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1927, p. 7

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TEE ANAIANSTATSMA, BWMANIL,.ETHURDAY 3AUARY61t. 127PAGE 55VU~ Full of Flavour J' TEA- o Sa whyr accept exhausted# bulk tom Your Business* -ý and we have put in a complete Une of rubbcr footwcar that wilI attract you. The JN-JIER-N brand of rubbers, goloshes, overshoes and work-boots are awaiting your inspection here. We recomxnend thcm - and we neither recomxnend nor handie anything but the best. Look them over. You'Il like themn. A. DILLICK, KING STREET, Bowmanville's General Store St, Spc.dy Reliefihm PaM.euralqia -Headache TwRwCsMPL - KELimATism Xeuntt-MLuma9ov$iatic Megical for IfeadchsVuii umao-Si.c Don't surrender to Pain. Pain is T-R-C's, you have a remedy that Nature'. warning that something seri- wiUi not only bring you safe, speedY ous i. wrong in ybosr body. Therefore relief from your suffering, but one you should flot resign yourseif that wili also enable your body to suffering, but should endeavor to throw out the poisonous to find a means of correcting ', substances that causes the pain. any poison or other destructive Prove it for yourself to-day- agent, which is both causing get a 50c or $1 box of yaur pain. and breaking T-R-C's from your druggist, down or harming your bodly A or s2d l oc for bookiet and structure. In Tempieton'a generous trial to Temrdetons Rheumatic Capsules, or -'L", Toronto 2. T4 CON TENTED I Contentment is not merely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked s0 hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY! That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE ade Quality lunthes pays in financial value as well as comfort", says Lumibes Jack. Thers is quaiity in our lumber and in thse manner of ous- service. There is sin- cerity in our business conduet and our ne is a synonynt for thorougis reliabiiity. Pitons us or eaul. We'li bc giad Vo give you lumber advice when you need it. MICLLÂN&CO.. LUMBER W FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 led in opening prayer. day odeurs on a Thursday. son ancudYDoîphsMobnettWle. o IA. Tait A. Dillick I ANOTHER WONDER IN SCIENCEJ Fred Knox Aie,1 Elliot The Chritmtsas celébration wam Rice & Go. J. G. Devitt quite an elaborate affair. Thte dec4 By Ch&&. M. Bic., B.A., LL.B., A. Has-nden E. S. Nayior orations, although simple, were ar. Denver-, Colorado. Harry Aluin W. G. Nelles ranged by Mr. Hyslop ili such a way F. J. Horne E. W. Sisson as to prosent quite a gorgeous speci It ta asserted by mompetent authl- G. S. Ma-son H. 'J. Babcock acle. The dining-halI, where dinnei ority, tihat wititin a few days, a teie- Haddy & Go. R. E. DjnniweIi was served, resenVibled a cedar grove, pitonessUbscriber in London will bel T. H. Knight Phare & McCoy se. numerous were thte' trees whîch able te put in a eaul for a corres- W. J. Dudley Editih V. ScobeIl covered aIl the bare spots. Tie Pondent in New York, and converse T. B. Gileshrist The Hydro Shop liglits were tinted, giving a sun-set witit ht, partly by land-wire, bu W. H. Dustan Dominion Stores effect. 'lite play-ro-om at Cottage mostly by the etheric route over the A. L. Nicholis Fvans & Wilkins "A" was the scene of the evening ocean. Titis new communication is Mason & Dale G. G. Bonnycasdle program. It was even more beauti- made possible by the use of -a high- S. G. Chaitran Thurston Fur Shop fuily decked titan the dining-il power electron-tube station at Rug- Alex Edmondstone The boys sang Geristntas carols and by containing somte novel features, G. M. Cawker & So Dr. G. E. Reantan occupied the chais. and buit psimarily as partV of ise Dingman & Edmondstone In ýhis remnarks, lie weloomed al t navy systent of communication ail Coucli, Johnston & Gryderman Ltd. the celebration and spoke of t over te earth, and, secondasiiy, Vote _______________ progress made in te past year. Dr. keep Downing street in cose ase ______________ G. C. Bonnycastie promised a trophy ciation with the Dominions far and being built on te sante principie. for tlie Seitool hockey ehampionsitips. near. The "Contmonwealth cio When television oosae, wqsat thon? Ms-. A. M. Hardy, Supt. of te Good- teyear, gave a short talk Vo the boys. States" is a psychloogical ma.tter. Blessing or te reverse. Has Vt Severai presEentations were made te Balfour-te ntetapitysician.statesman, hunsan nervous systent been ts-ined winners 9f honora at the Schooi. has said, and radio ta the bindery. up Vo it? Samt Twinney won tbe popularity The frequency of the continuous "I have heard of thee by he bear- contes, which -wes -decided e weel lwaves emitted by titis station is ing sar, earier by vote, and seceived the controlied with great accuracy by a But n.ow mine eye seeth titee". aard as te most popular boy, Mss vibraing tuning fork. The many It would seent that te patient Boncsaweig opeetto high-power electron tuibes set in par- Job had thte televisiconic mind and Boastleman Foutain Prentain allel are used Vo magnify "five hun- eye. Pencil Set. Leslie Finn was awas- dred thousand million tintes" bhe________________ ed a gold pencil in receog- energy of one of the harmonies of a nition of lita unbroken record as a smaU triode valve operating te Q, DI "itead lsoy" for more titan a year, tuning fos-k. An extraordinary de- Jvven in A en Mven Ms-s. Hardy niaking tlie presentation. gree of fiexiblity of these tubes as8Ai~ .. The Mason & Dale I'ropisy for te osciUlaVors and receivers makes pos,- ra8r40 'ivh onrCotaew onbyCtLf subIe sote rmTkal fct k"AHor Cottagerawn y otaeM. ing vessela touans f ils . Special Treatm ent a HoMse J. J. rwnd:oth e:ms- on teé seas, in closest associatin mkn ie ranioad M- wite nee be.Ws'itesExplais aWedrous alue i s ,Brown aecepted on behaîf of bis Sixty-two years ago whie ise Doctor Southwoith'a 'Ustab." cottage. New Head Boys and Sub. Unîed Sattes wes in tise iear of And Invites AD e, Try TL*m Head Boys for te fisst montit in te its domestic -life and deatis struggle, Wlthout Cost Uni... Pkas.d. xsew year were introduced, and te an Ediniturgit mathematician read a boys wes-e by this time ail ready for papes- on tihe eiects-o-magnetic wave Wit middle age ailesenta attacking Senta Claus in te pes-son of Dr. theory piat set pitysiciste, te think- oves- two-thls-ds of eitsopeut do, Bonnycastîs, wlio made a fis-st class ing andi acting with amazing resulta oves-y man wlio notices uch di ona.. job of it. There ivere presents on today in te use of electnic waves. ing syniptoms as Lameness, Pans lante ree for ail, Vhit being msade In titis country e few nights ago, back and down t14rongh groins, acan- possible by te generosity of mes- flexibility of radio 'tvaves, cars-ying Vy but fréquent and buriiing Urina- c<han:s and friends in town who made a demontration was given of te tien, "Getting-up-Nigitts", Nos-vouis donations VoeVite OiTistmes Fund. sound impulses. Tite "voice" of Isritability and Laac of Foce- the nsayor of St. Louis was sent Vo should at once t-y Vise amnazing value a station of tlite Westinghsouse Comt- of Dr. Southwortit's URATABS. ONE YEAR MOR.JE pany in Pittsburg, Pa., and itl While new to many, the trsily s- ___ was employed Vo irelease a sound it-1 mas-hable value of URATABS bas I I ha but one yer ta liva: pulse f ront the radio station's Vo St.1been horougitly proven by More One, year te hielp; on. yeas- te rive; Louis in its new energîzed fort, 1titan 40 yeara of succesaful use inVte One year Vo love; one yeas-teVo iss; Titere it actuated relsys titat tlrew1 private practice of Dr H.C. South-Oit e ig n ea esie into preparationfor te fisst tinte wort. Reports fs-oLndoctors a n ebhe ethar V; o e yarVoile; a mecitanisnt used n ligbting the users alike offes- convincing ps-oofs Oesitte ari iVewie strsee systent of St. Louis. Tiis "I have neyer found anything Voeitelp One yeas Vo MIsinnty Makes-' psaise; was te first tinte in histes-y tat -MY case until I1Vs-ed URATARS". Oeyear VoefIl withfork mydays radio waves lied been used for audit "URATABS as-e Vhe best ting for Ohn Iyes- ou stand eforew s-eward a purpose. IV nterked an entry into 1Biadder Weakness and Irritation I I thinkta oud sd eforeamch dey another spitere of radio-activity. A1 have ever used". "No more bac'k- In ttaet I woul spedeah ay voice, and a city springs frontU ches, no more pain, no more dailyInusVievrsefam wy darkness into liglit; a voies, a whis- enibas-sassmn er s Getting-up-nighta. The a I tay onte Foe cros Vte ar Per, and cities may fail sonse day. In nowdseep asoundly and geV up inVte T A my et costh a olden tintes iV required a san's on-ni Torning full of pep-Vhanits VoUR- P ny dtnete, ad Ints.b or a trumpet to shahs Vite walls. ATABS.'-This is amezing evidence' PrepI are Vo met eie In the taboratory of an interna- No mettes- iow long You have bee SOrif I bae da yeins- Vo tive tional radio corporation in New roubled or how stubbos-n yous- cas- juest smiday n helin og fived York, men as-e seeing "as titrougit a ntay seen teVo se a en-day est ofA idtstreteuesan glass darkly" one another aV eonsid- Dr. Soutliworth's URATABS offera A fellow-creature witen in need, erable distances, trougqs walls and comfo-V and reief-and you can 'Tis one witit me-I taesne heed: things. Dr. E. F. W. Alexander- make te test wititout niak of cost, But try Vo live eacit day He senda son of he Genes-al Elect.ric Corspore- for any good dsuggist wlll supply you Tc serem acosM tr'en. tion, is authority for te statement, on guarantee of money back if net -sm rcosMse' na titet television. i. on lie way, ves-y satiafied. Ts-y URATABS odey! flear indsed for practical purposes. IV sesoi'ves itseof into a mattes- of "iightning speed". To make vision G ie 0 P u d et a distance a completé success, itan d 10 P u d will be necessas-y Vo send .300,000 pieture units a second, teV t a 300,-I 2 D y the etiter, or oves- netallic wire, six- Ta' on oebtsin teen eomipleted pietures e second, ~ men, women and childron mat can't Witen it is possible Vo send trougisW -VWk Inwisr en pteteks ongoo Ccd lty ier Vien it will ha possible Voese e t Viehe t a os-f w ptyting n odbit o ity ver receivingr station of tise wire, te t a lt Exts-act Tablota. picture in full sent fronthVie broad- eggs, hiens rteed a dozen Chock full cf vltamîne--the klnd casting station. For os-dînas-y use, lit Vite things they pick titat are exts-acted fronitishe lver. Dr. Alexenderson ises sent a single 4up ranging in suminer, of tise ccd-the klnd tisat are a rosi Pitotograpis complets in two min- they can't geV in winter. The help to firail, randown, anoamie, utes. Quick worlc for Visepus-pose bitters, tonics, digesters, herbe and sklnny, mon and women. in view; slow wos-k witen television mineraîs necessery Vo egg-development Try thoe agas- eoted tstle.. la consides-ed ;but iV hau resoived it-. are combined in Pretts Poultry Reg- tablots for 80 day-lf they don't self into quialesslng theo process, and ulator. -More Eggs" guaranteod- heîp r.tly get yous- mener back. tise inventos- bas in use ea ystem of O.wmn andtu onel cluster ligitta wiich mes-ea., the. or- One t, wetan genBite tabita, ltu dinary sendlng apeed ps-oceu forty- tset. Âday& Sxy drugltsforMe- aine ý tins,..d laOI Coy'a Ced Usis- xtretTablat. A gpitue oatofrm t ktrè imosd e as ife Y PUUrjo btire and formula on uaeObox. thlt thi.eye sannot doteet the cn- "Ott M çeylethé----- Gan aeti.n, A "telVWalo" pic Mietus-.lm.%.o NEWCASTLE UNITED S. S. UNIQUE YULETIDE GREETINGSi BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS CHRSTMS______ NME F or originality of thouglit and The foundation of the new <'hool .A splendid prograru of recîtations, something different" in the way of bas been completed. musical numbers, dialogues, exerc&I Christmas greetings received 'by The es, pan tomine, followed by the arrn- Statesman we place Harold M. GUI- Dr. Reaman iast week addressed Val of Santa C!aus and ilhe distri- Iy, 198 Gienrose Ave., Toronto a the Kiwanis Clubs of Orillia and bution of the "fruit" of two abun- native of Bowmanville, at the top of Mîdiand. :antlv productive Ch:tmas trees the heap. are hi.s giad tid- Neryaltebywethm fo provid-ed. a long and happy evening's i lgs: theholidy, da ilrebos et me n od enterýainrnent for the crowded gath- .Thirty Yeare Ago iahe oiaadalrtre ng eIring of young, middle aged and eld-j hneg were thirty-six for a giapnd i orntgod sprits. cnToe erly that packed every portion o thie' shilling; butter ten cents g ond eogtTono vaceinated S. S. rooms of the United Chus-chimilk a nickel a quart; the butcheri asat Thursday at 8 p. m. Rev. E B. gave away liver; the ihired girl got The boys and Staff of the School Cooke oficiated as chairman-.1- two dollars a week and did thel are deepiy grateful to the following tough there -as no particurlar chair washing. Women wore clothes;: who donaýed money to the Christmas on the platformi for very long at a didn't powder and paint, smoke, play fund and made it possible for eacèh time-and Pleasantly sand'wiched the po.ker or Charleston. o f the 70 boys to receive a present vas-loua contributed numbers with lisi Mens wore whiskers and boots,1 fontVsSh hit'sTe:W geni.l nd inue bguiingrema.rks. ichewed tobacco and spat on the side- T. Milen,- Mrs. W. J. Bagneli, G. E. 'Mle Young People's Orchestra esiîv- walk. Beer was five cents and thelIChase, R. F. Aitchison, M. A. Jamies ened the occasion by a numnber of lunch was free. Laborers we & Sons, W. B. Couch, J. A. Holgate seleetions additional to the follow- ten Ilours a day without a strike. & Son, L. Stevens, F. C,. Pethick, Dr ing PrOgram: Song-Mr. Giarence Nobody tipped waiters and a hat V. I-. Storey, F. G. Vanstone, M. H. IAilin's dlais of boys "Good Night check glafter was unknown. A cai Minore, T. A. Dustan, Len Elliott, Ladie.s, Please remove your bats". oil hanging iamp and a gtereoscoPe Rice & Co., T. B. Gilchrist, Jury & chorus by school, sin.ging from n 1r~, in' the parior were luxuries. Lovell, F. W. Nelies,, A. Tait, Ma.son ern slidesý dialogue-.Lloyd Haco1 No one was ever oPerated upon & Dale, J. W. Miller, G. A. Edmond- Nbrton Cowan, Joe Ho.ckin, As-chie for appendicitis or bought strange atone, John A. Gunn, W. P. Corbett, Martin; choru-.Primary Dla, glands. Miorobes were unheard 0f; A. Coie, McClellan & Go., F. F. teacher-Mr-s. J. G. Hancock and folk iived Vo a good old age, andiMorris, C. W. Jacoba, G.G.Bny Mis Minie Selby;addess.Mrevery year walked miles and miles castle, F. Knox, W. J. Dudley, A. L. Ho'ward Glenney, Superiutendent: to wish their friends-A M'ERR.Y Nchols. recitation--Stanley Brown; Broonm CHRISTMAS. and Dust Pan Drill-8 Prsmary giiis; To-day You Know A most important.item was losV in recitation-Ruth Honey; Sno'w shov- Everytbody drives gai buggies; the Christnmas rush, nameiy, the pre- eing dill and Dong-Mr. Laiwrence 1 plays golf; shoots3 crap; borrows sentation Of awards won at the s-e- Grydennan's ciasi; secit&Lion-Hekl- rnoney; goes to tihe mnovies e'very cent Boxing Championships. 'Thiis en Richard; Monoogue-Murnel 1night; smokes cigarettes; dqinha pRe- took Place Iwo weeks ago before a Henderson; dialogue-5 F mr kus Juice; buys on mas-gin; blaines gatliering of the boys and Staff. Dr. Glas gils; reotaton.~Cî,recethe Government; neyer goes Vo bed V. H. Stox.ey and Mns. Storey were Mlark; dialogue, "Uncle Jc' Ws W they are lhaving a wonderfu* time. aise present: Physical Director, J. -Mn. Rodger's lass as..isted by the saime day they get up, and think E.'Cunninghamn, occuPied the chair Sadie Allun and Evelyn Rcad These are the days of suffraget.. and spoke of boxing in its easliest song, Old Maida--Misa Lilhia Go ting, profiteex-ing, Price-cutting and stags n fhwi a hne wii'sGlas;, recitation.s..Margas-et gvrmn oto, and if you think sadicallW and progressed in the lait Toms and Jean Rickard; song, «We liei ot living 1 wish you-A 25 years. Dr. Storey made the Three Kings of Orient Are", and HPP NEW YEAR. formiai presentation of the -large "Th Chrci inth Widwod"byshield whitih lie lied douated. This "Th (evhu E. the sildwo ofd" by YH FHOIDY shield, «"The V. H1. SVorey Trophy", Yorgs en (Rev.) E B. Cok-Ie's <Hen. WEN AYHL HLDY carrnes the naines ,of 6acli year's youn mes; reiÉaio~sIre-H7- champions on numerous sinali eilver dersgn and Dorothy Alcread; dia- We, the undersigned Business andpltshihaonhetpynds loge,"Th Od olk' oxn"-nsProfessional men of the Town Of for perpetuai competition. 'Mr-. Norman Ainkad Gass; re ctt;isBomanville, agree te, close our s-e- Cunningham acceped te ts-ohy on -Evly Ailn aciMajorieLyet; petive places of business t jgie beit1ifofcbte iyia opsVnet Mr-nWomine "Laes inly Li ogli our. clerks a half-itoliday each and and Dr. Reaman accepted on behaif gs G lass of youlsin every 'Wednesday at 12:-30 noon of the School. Dr. Storey aise pre- lsind ~ ~ ~ in thbceo. Re.Ro ~during the Year 1927, save and ex-1 sented the medals won by Vthe fisve -Buy in Bowxnanville-- ARE" YOU ONE? Who is yet to appreciate the- values, satsL faction and service we are giving customers who want the best and choicèst inmats? If you are we ask an opportunity of supply- ing a share of your requirements from our well equipped stock of fresh, cured and cooked meats. LANCE 'GARNET' Phare &Mc Coy Cash and DeUiv.y uttýhr@ Phe.. 518 DB l il -Buy In Bowmnaille- Buy Groceries- THE NELLES CASH AND DELIVERY WAY- Ites a' saving habit which makes available ex- tra money for other necessities. That is why we introduced this thrifty method of buying groceries. ý Without quoting prices you know you can. buy grocerieis for less here. WE DELI VER IN TOWN W. G. Neiles, Phone 62 Bowjnviile 'PONTIAC' "«CHIEF OF THE SIXES" Challenging for Leadership on an Entirely New Basis In the field of low-cost sixes, leadership has heretofore been sought largely on the basis of price. Now the Pontiac Six boldly challenges for léadership on, an entirely new basis-uality. One ride in this General Motors' Six will reveal that its engineers have utilized re- sources neyer before available to the de- signers of apy car ..For here, at a price so low are elements of beauty, cornfort, stamina, size and ro.adability. To see Pontiac is'to revise yodr standards of six-cylinder automobile values. Corbett Motor Sales McLaughlin, Oldimobile'aud' Pontiac Cars and 1 ~Atwatr Kent Radios Phone 248 -Bownviil. II i 4 ne Lr- y er et e ig id x. Lo ie r. ky a. 'y ie S. n d a r, 1. .e t r. Il r. Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us to(lay about a policy! AND YOU WILL THEN ENJOY A HAPPY NEW YEAR J. J. MASON & Sc:)ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville -Buy In Bowmanville- Canada Is Prospering' This District Is Prospering Our Business Is. increasing' And we will do our utmost to assure you that we willigive honest valires, high grade merchan- dise, efficient workrnanship, courteous and prompt attention to your wants during 1927.-* W. Len. ELLIQT Plumbing, King St. W., Heating, Steamfitting THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOFMANVIIii.E. THURSDAY, SANUARY 6tih., 1927 INA lit,

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