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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incoi-porated Trie Bowmanvile News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l3th., 1927 $2.00' a Year In Advance 5e a Copy No. 2 T t, 'y <'v -Buy In Bowmanville- STOCK REDUCIN Ollers MWany Tempting 1 We are deterrnined to make quick workc winter goods. To do this in the rnost effectivi have been literally slashed in every directiont very attractive. The high quality is still there, back of ever sale but you are enabled to bu prices of the whole year. Don't delay anot] and see. You will be convinced it will pay y( buy now. Ladies' Winter 9 MARIKED DOW] ONE-THIRD BELC REGULAR PRICI Your choice of any coat in the store at this treni A Few Ladies' Coats CI at $5.00 Each -ASIC KERSLAKE'S FIRST- BUYING ADVANTAGES Quantity buying gets best price alvisya. Being associated with some eight hunjdred otiier druggistas in co-operative buying we are enabled to get our goo>ds at Iowest cost. We are sharing our saving with our customers in reduced price.s. See following: Thos. Electric Oil........ 33c Colgates Tooth Paste .... 25c Dodds Kidney Pilla 35 pilla 40e Milburns H. & N. Pilla.... 45e Nyala Kidney Pilla, 25 pilla 25c Lydia Pinkham Co....$ 1.00 Odorono . .. .32c, 55c and 89c Danderine...30c, 55c, 90e Chases K. & L ...........O3c Colgates Shave Stick . ... 35e Chases Oint.ment ........ 50e Colgates Refil.......... 25e Perry Davis P. K ......... 45e Sal Hepatica . .30c, 65c $1.25 Ransmo's Rive Syriip .... 42c Horlicka M. M. 95e and $3.50 This Week's Specials Horehound Twist 26e IL. 2 lbs. for 45e Satinettes 27e a 1b., Regular 40c Moira Chioclates, 19 lànda 39ce ~. Sa"v This List With Lust Week's. More to Follow. KERSLAKE'S PH49 THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- tendous reduction. Iearing Ladies' Silk or Cloth Dresses NOW REDUCED AS LOW AS $498 Ail other Ladies' Dresses in Silk, Crepe, Canton or Cloth drastically reduced in price for immediate sale. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats Alrnost ail sizes available, well made, this year's styles, some priced as low as........................................... $ 14.50 Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and they are rnarked down to ha-if original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is being cleared at very low prices. Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman, Bowinanvlll. PhonO 104 Limiteai Royal Theatre Wednesdlay-Thursday, Jan. 12.13 *"Whuspering Wirats" A baffling, lsughing, thrilling mystery with Anita Stewart, Ed- mund Burnsa nd "Heinie" Conk- lin and "Our Gang" Comedy. Fridlay-Saturday, Jan. 14-15 Buck Jones In "30 Below Zero" With Eva Novsk MondaY-Tu.sday, Jan. 17-18 Cecil B. DeMille'a production "The Volga Roatman" With William Boyd, Elinor Fair, Victor Varconi, Julia Faye and Iheodore Koedoif Adnision, Adulta 35c; Childr.n The one and only picture we have neyer seen an adverse comment on Wada««day-Thuraday, Jan. 19.20 "Rin Tin Tin" la "WhiI. London" Wlth Helene Costello and Merrili COMING JANUARY 24-MB James Oliver Curwookde il' Il milD.ymd BOARD 0F HEALTH REPORT DARLINGTON COUNCIL Towin in H.althy Condition 1926 Statutory meeting of council was held on Monday, January 10, 19)27 The following excerpta are taken with the following niembers-eleci from the Secretary's report co"rer- present: Reeve, 0~. A. Wight; Dep. ing the year's work which has been Reeve, Silas Wif-liamns; Counciors, forwarded to thie Provincial Board Geo. F. Annis, A. L. Paiscoe and Har- of Healtb St Toronto- i old G. Macklin.' Board waa composed of Dr. JohnI After taking the declarations of Spencer, Chsirlman, Dr. B. J. Haz1e-* office the Reeve requested %ev. J. Rl wood, Medicai Health Officer and Blok to take charge of the cpening Mayor, .T S. Holgate. Six meetings ceremonies. Mr. Bick then -ead a were held during the year. chapter froni the bible and offered Dr. Spencer visa appointed Milk prayer. Inspector and Chief R. Jarisasss- Councillor Annia moved that a. vote tant. Two cases of selling milk b,- of thanka be tendered Mr. Bick for 1ev standard vers reported. his services and the words of coun- sel given them. Resignation of Mrs. Aspinaîl, Pub-' Short addresaa vere then mnade lic Health Nurse, vis a ccepted tO by thpi Reeve, meimbers of C unhcîl take effect on June 1, 1926. Misadohr rsn, ie hc h Olg To wa apoined o fll heminutes of last meeting were read vacazLcy at $1250 per annum, duties and aproved. to commence Septensber 1, 1926. Howard Gaud ssked permission to Govrnment Inspectera report re-1 trim wiulovi trees at lot 12, con. 8, garding unsanitary condition of Request granted under the advice of stabling and buildings of certain the Road Supt. deala vas read at June meeting. Par- A. Farrow aaked that linancial a». ties concerned viere iven 30 da"s sistance be givea te Win. Hubbard. te make a clean-up. H. Ferguson, M. B., stated that he Communicable diseases reperted was not in a positiq# physically or ,financislly te take proper cars of te Secretary John Lyle for 1926 1hiuseLf. $10 wus grsnted as a tem- vere: Chicken pox 12, messies 13, prr eif adaon ob x Scarlet Fever 3, Tetamus 1, Tuber- Iprr eif adaon eb x culoais 1, Typhoid Fever 2-Total' pended by one of his friends. 42. By-&ws were pasaed: Local Board of Helth-H. Ferguson, M. !B., C, Expenditures for yeaz vers :- W. Sîemon, M. D., A. Hogar'th snd Nurses salary $1000, M H. 0. uabsry the Reeve, C. W. Hastings te be Sani- I$400, secretary'a salary $50, su:- tas-y Inspector snd W. R. Al-lin, Sec- Iplies $74.34-Total $1624-36. -retary. Auditors-.F. J. tiroat sud W. G. Rundle; Shesp Inmpetora-S. A. Noruhcott aud Harold Skinner; - Road Supesintendent-Thos. H. Ris-h- arda; to borrovi $25,000.00 to meet cuis-eut expenditures; authorize ex-~ penditure of $20,000.00 on construc- tion sud maintenance of roads during yssr 1927. 1 John Colwill, Jr., asked permission to cut dovin a tree in front of his [G SA LEbouse in Hamtpon. Referred ta [G SA EDepu:y Reeve Williams:n Ra 20c per hour te man and 10e perà heur for man and team vihen open- ~argainsClerk vas airtiiosized for appli- cants for office of assessor for year 1927. Ti nte for collection uf taxes visa extended to Saturà y.January 22nd, 1927, 2 p r n ,tU py up to of reducing our Janusry 31, 1927, ýafter wh icb date je maner pices5 per cent ia to be added. ie maner pieesOrders wers dravu on Treasurer:c to mnake buying Municipal World, 7 copies $700; à e, our guarantee is and asseor'a guide $10.50; W. RJ Allin, election etepenses $5.00; J. L.t iy at the lowest Johns, do No. 4 $9.00; C. M. Car- her day. Corne rurthers do, No. 1 $14.00; A. Hawkey, do, No. 2, $14.00; Rosa Stevena, do, j ou handsomely to No. 3, $14.00; E. C. Adhton, do, No.b 5, $14.00; L. J. J. Courr.îce, do, No.e 6, $14.00; Hugli Annis, do, No. 7, c $14-00, A. S. Tilley, insanity Certi-b ficate, $5.00; N. F. MacNaichtan, 50y per cent cars of Joe MeQuarrie, Boy- h manville Hospital, $19.59; Judge J.b January 22, 1927, at 1 p. m. N 1 W. R. Allia, Tp. Clerk.R chair. - Seérip-t-ure *-lesonwas read by Misa Marguerite Armstrong; Whlstling solo ws rendered by Mi«a Margaret Pollock; Topic vwuatsken by Mr. Earl Ouïborne on Christ of the Indian Roa.d; piano solo by Mr. F"rancis Sutton. A half-hour'a re- crestion Was enjoyed at the, close. Trinity United (Church, Rev. J. Ul Robins, Pastor. Sundsa' servkceg-. Il a. mn.-Mra. A. H. Barker, z'eturn- ed missionary from Korea vill give an addresa vihen the members of the. W. M. S., Junior Auxillary, Mission Cile and Mission Band'are exp#fl- ed to attend snd occupy the centre of the church. 2:30 p. mi.-.Sundsy School and bible claeses. 7 p. m.- T'le Pastor will preseli. Good mnus. c by the choir under direction of Mr. Francis Sutton, Organiat. jHOCKEY NEWS Bovinanville Juniors triniméd the Cobourg aggregation at Taylos's Arena Tuesday by 9-3. Tie home teani sl dolled up in their nevi ed, white sud blue sweaters vers as at- tractive as vax models in s fashion show. "Pete" Grant in the net for Bovmanville as right there sd only the harog ones got by. "Dutch" OsEbosne seemd to go wild and vent through tume sd again. If hie didn't sore he came back chekigi ike a madman. Visitra scosed the fis-st goal, didn't take -the locali long to jump into the lead witb a couple counters. 'Mie1 Dudley sud1 James es-ev ers ahed at the sd ?f every pesiod, scoring fous- goals in he last pesiod.c Oui- boys are doini better siry game sd vitb their new sweaters thy are surs to do their bet. Watj they need is more support frni.the people of their ovin tovin. Conteib out sud elpi theni in. Lin-up: il Cobourg - Goal-Elliot; Defecel v Beudaîl; Ferdella; Centre--Coole ; Wigs-Hodgetts, Butler; Sub-- i Par-ker, MeGlade. s Bewinanville - Goal-Grant; De- 0 fence-OCsborne, Freenan; Centre- e Cades; Wing--Rundie, MMullen; a Subs-Piper, Boach.- N Referee-Mortley, Teornt. s Bowmanville Interusedintes vers defegted lu Ogisava Monday by 7-5 'i lu oeeof the fastest games of tuis b seailon. Thse best thlug about thse]y gaine vas thet net a penalty vas re- f cordd-a thng vhicis seldoni lip- il pens vith tises. aId rhval teama. Cewell played a apectacubarS an» se p lg n aly evesythnt. ode- bonajunior, subbed for the Bey- sanville te» an ud dd sesy vieOU Dle mure te"s e ls.ratu-ngtai t st Taylor'. Rtnk Frldaynicht s See Our Baby Window We specialize in every depart- ment of aur business. This week ans cf eus- windows is filled vitli "EVERYTHING FOR BABY" COUGH? Baby Cough Bemedy COLD? Neat littîs Hot Water Bottles. BATH? Takeun Povider, Soupe, Waah Clotbs, Etc. AFTER BATH? Wonderfubly sts-oug durable Baby Pants. AT ALL TIMES Nipples, Fodas, Soothers, Ccd Lis-es-Oit, (every child ahould use this), Milk o~f Maguesia, Cas- taris (33c), Dextri Maltose (85e.) AUI supplies for chilulsen as-e selected by us wlth exm~ting. cas- sud as-e guaranteed frseg sud s-e- liable. Jury & Loveli b'xtra Hevy Baby Pwt, 5e M~1um v.lght Haby Pants SS, il' . lit RENEWALS COMING IN NICELY We at ta thank ail thoe vwo have se psomptly reneved tleis- sub- sesiption te Thet Statemman for 1927. A reord vsa establisied vien ev- esaI hundred ressevals vers recoived during the pst veek. Scores et citizen& in the imanediate district cslled at tie office wihibe vesy mail brouglit ita quota-cf lettes-s froni dis- tant subscriers-f-ozwaer Durhami Uld Boys sd Girls-froni Nova Scotia te British Columbia. Thse kindly thoughta expressed iu niany of thse lèttersarase grestly appre- ciated by time editorsansd staff. We .have taken the liberty f publishig excerpt3 front Mme fihese letters pages 2 and 3. I ~tite~m~în Ly Le 1. y r- d d 1 t MINISTERS AND CHURCHES MUSIC STUDY CLUB Cobourg United Church Official The regular monthly meeting of Board bas invited Rev. W. R. Tan-1 the Music Study Club visa held in St. !t ton, Napanee, te become its pa.storu Paul's &-hool-room on Wednesday for next conference year beginning evening, Jan. Sth. Tihe prograni July lot. vias in charge of Misa E. Painton and St. Joseph's R. C. Chuich. sunduay vas as folbows: Piano solos, "The services: Moring-Mass 10;30 a.ins. Mslden's Wish," Chopin, and "Morn- f Sunday School 2:30 p. m. Benedie- ing Mood," (Peer Gynt Suite), Greig, Ztion snd sermon 7 p. m. Rev. p. by Ms-. Francis Sutton; Vocal solos, eP. Butler. "Dear Love Thou'rt Lilce a Blossom," Rev. R. N. Burns, D. D., Toronto, Liszt, and "Oh! Wondrous Mystery vil preacli at Ebenezer at 10:30 a. of Love," Liszt, by Msa. T. W. Cavi. m. on Sunday and at Maple Grove at ker; Readings, "Our- Christmas" and 2:3 p. m. n c nne tio wi h txe "The M odesn Girl" by M -. W . Ad. 1 Maintenance and Extension fund ans; Vi in sl , "S u e r" -vos-k. Drdls, and "The Old Refrain," Kr-eisler, by Mr. Francis Sutton; A Union Week of Prayer services ae on the Life of Liszt by Mis ?vers held last wssk in Tsiity sud E. Painton; A piano trio "L'lliance," 1St. Fau's United Ohurches. Addrea- Rossini, b56 Mn. Albert Cols snd ses viere given by Beys. Dr. 'B'st J. Misses Ada and Dorothy Allia; A U. Robins, Geo. Mason sud W. A. re.ading "'Dihe Song in the Mas-ket Butiner. Place" by Mrs.. W. Adains, with Mr. St. Paul's Chunch, Zev. D. W. G. E. Chase talking the sang vihicli Beat D. D., Miniater. il a. m.- came in at intervals; Vocal&sl "h l"What wiuît 1Tou have mue te do". Lorely," Liszt, by Mrs T. W. Cw 7 p. m.-"ýWbere there'a a výIiitbere's ker; Violin solos "Serenade," Schu- a Way". 2:30 p. x.-Sunday Sdxool bert-Elman, and4 "The Her;d Gil'a and Bile Clsses.Dream," Labitzki,. by Mr. Frauci St. Andrew'a Preabyterlan Chus-ch, Sutten. corner Temperance and Chureh Sta. Rev. Rebt. MeDeranent, M. A, min- lister. Mornlng Wos-uhlp il. a. m. bWL LEAF CIRCLE Eveniug worship 7 p. m. Sunday ____ School at 2.30 p. m. A very pleesaut evening visa apeut At a largely atteudsd meeting of at the regular, meeting of Maple Trinity United aitarch Official Board Leaif Circle No. 143, Conapanions of on Fridsy evening s unanimous lu- Fos-est on Thursdày, Jauuary 6th., vitation *,as exteuded te the pastor, vuien D. D. H. C. Comp. Mitchell Bey. J. U. Robins, te remain another vith P .C. Camp. Raibinson, acting yeair. Bey. Mr. Robins m'cepted as Mar"lil; installed the officers for the invitation in very cordial aud 1927: spp'reciative renias-ls. Newly elected offices-s are: C.C.- Trinity United Churcii il bold Ms-s. C. Mutton; S.C.C.-Edith M. its annual congregational meeting Smith; N. Baston; on Thursdsy, January 27tii at 8 p. mn. Treasurer-Mrs. H. Cameron; Chap. Reports will be presented froxu the -Mrs. H. Ashise; R.G.-Editb M. varioua organizations of rhe chus-ch.1,Joint;LG-r. D. Bi.ckell1 .- Musical pas-t of the prograini ili i>e Msa. H. Wakelîfi; O.G.-Mrs. T. under tbe direction of Ms-. Francis B'rookham; Auditors-Mrs. W. Hall, Sutton. Choir Leader. Ms. J. S'windles; Tsustees-Mrs. E. St. John's (Anglican) Cburc&- G. Mitcuhell, Msa. C. Robinson. Rey. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Second Aîe the installation a pre.senta- Suuday after Eptphany, January 16, tion was made te Comp. Ms. R. HIL 1927: il a. m.-Holy CommusxioxnDill-ing in houer of ber this-tieth wed-' aud Sermon'; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday dinc auniversary. A short address Sehool; 7 p. m.-Eveniug prayer and, vas read by C. Comp. Mutton, vihile Sermon, "A Study in St. John's Camp. Robinson preseuted Coxup. Dil- Firat Epistîs." Annual Vestry ing with a Silver sud Pearl Cake meeting in Psrish Hall on Monday, KuMe with thse best wishes of zhe January l7tii, at 8 p. m. Com.panious. Camp. Dilling, atho taken by surprise, thanked aIl for On Monday Bey. R. J. Sbires, tiheir kind remensbran-e. Meuars. L. H. Cooke and F. ;,. Pal- Ou Monday, Januaîy lOtIt, D.D.H. nier vere guesta of Oshawia A.Y.P.A. C. Camp. Mitchell installed thé offi-a at its annual banquet. A meet ex. cer-s of Maple Buda No. h, Coxupan- cellent progrian vas cas-sied through, ions of the Forest as follows: C.C.- aîl enjoying their visit immenssly. Eva Tu1; S&C..-C1ama Ashîse;t Oshawia bs-sncb bas a menibessip of Secretary-Mrs. N. Barton; Asst. Do( in a vas-y flourishiug condition under es-on; Chap.-Ruby Thomas; R.G.- t the psesidency of Ms-. Terrett. Theo. Allin; L.G.-Charlotte Mit- chell; I.G.-MaTgaret Cale; O.G.- t Trinity Young Peopbe's meeting on Eiîeen Gibhs. Monday evening vas in charge of rtem tigwscod Miasionary departnient. Miss FIor- Afttheme:n vs lsda suce es-s-, covenes. ~ 0 happxy social time via speut by al. I INAUGURAL MEETING 0F 1 ~TOWN. COUNCIL Mayor Holgat. Dispenses WitL Ad- Ydresa a" EGeasDevin to. Buninua à ayr-T. S. Holgate. B ReeveM. J. Eliott. Deputy lReev.--W. U LThickson. Couacillbrs-W. C. Csverby, W. H. Cas-ruthers, Geo. -W. James, W. A. Edge-, A. J. Wadhams, M. I. Minore Town Couneil for 1927 haltE its 1inaugurab meeting Monda:y at '111 -a .m. aifter John Lyle, J. P., had svoru in the mesbes vise ves-e aU presut te take the oath of oflce. L Mayas- Rolgate called on Bey. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Ts-iul±y United Chixreà wvho rsad a portion. of Seriptu-e and offe-ed a prayer., Thse scripture read by Mr-. Bobina vis most appropriate for thei occsasion, taken from I Peter Chapi. 3, verses 8 18: Finally b. ye ail of eue mind, having compassion oeeof anether, love as breth-en, be pitlf ni, b. cowa- teous, etc. Strikiug Committes of Meus. Thikaesn,. Cavery. Cairratlaers as. appointed te draft the Standing Committees for ther, yeur, vhich re.- port vas adegited witakoirt change. Standing Commitgaus: Finaace..Casrnths, James, Min. ors., Car-utlhes-s, James. Props-ty-..Edger, Thiclcson, El- liott. Roadas & Streeta-Elliett, Cverly, Thicksorn. Par. Dept.-Thickos«, Wadbams, Edger. Police--Janes, Minore, Elliott. CAuetez.-Wadharn, Ud!ge-, Cav- es-Iy. Relief & HeodtL.-Mino-e, Thick- sou, James. Priati*g--Caverly, Cerruthers, Wadhams. Manufacturr.....Mayo, Caverly, Thicksou, Minore, Elliott. Court of RewWone-Mýayr, Elliott, Thickaon, Caverly, Minore. Counicil then adjonrrned for even- ing session at 8 p. nm. Sick Childsen'a Hospita, Tos-ente, Muskoka Hospital, Gravenhat, vere eaci gs-auted $10,00. Resiguation of Franuk WiMlfn aas caretaker of fis-e alarna system vis accepted sud Fis-e Cominittes iu- strueted to eue anothi. -MMs. Mayor Rolgate, Beeve ElIliottsud CIes-k Lyle viere appoiuted delegatea te represeut 'Bownsanville at the Cockshutt Banquet and attended On- tario Tourista' Association Cousen- tion in Toronto Jauua-y l8th. Accounta vies-spasssd smeuuting to $792.39. Bepresexstatiye of Gbove Indem- nity Co. addresamd coumail s-e taking on public liability insus-ance. Cer- mittee vill report at, next meeting. Mayo-, Treaau-r and Flnasse Conxmittee vies-e authorjaed te invest th $25,000 recelved fs-os IL M. Iolllngmhed Ce. fs-ont meof Rosa Oan Ce. By-Imuwa vi-epsaed te borew $50,000; a.ppointing L S. Caverty, asessber Board cf Health; aud Dr. J C. Devitt re-appoluted menaber Higis Ichool Bougd. Resoution vas passed instructlng Waterworks Conamittee and Engineer ao prepas- change of rates for vat- s- sud meter sprvice and reiport at next meeting. Clsrk vaisautructed te moud let.; ber cf condolence te famutly of lat* Win. M. Horssy, viho hadt aerved tii. ovin s Poâic Magtgtrats, Mayor and Councillor. Copies cf Municipal World yul b. Fecursd for ssch meraber of Cooncil fos- coniing year. At the close of session Mayo- [olgate iuvited menies of council and tovin officiais te the Corouation Cafe vihere asaumiptueus oyster sup. per vas sujoyed tuidst good fellevi- ;hip, stos-y tebling and intes-esting smiuiscencea by the venerable ferk. A REALISTIC PICTURE Ail Elensents Happily BIended in "The. Volga Boatman." the stark realiani of "Tie Volga loatman", Cecil B. DeMile'm nevi îrsonaly-dis-e'ted feature, is dtatin- d te make it oeeof the meast tabked- 1 pictures cf thse season, in thse pinion of mauy critics. Preaeutiug or a backgr-ound the mnaelstrom* of tussa in Revorlution, DeMille lha (ven in romance, melodrama sud sues- witb a deft hand, caqpitaliz- rg on bis sense of thse spectacular thout loaiug the human teuch. j

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