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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toi University. Graduate of the1 College of Dental Surgeons af taria. Office King St., Bowman Office phane 40. House phone DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Cal Toronto. Office, King St. East,1 manville. Office hours 9 a. m. p. m. daily except Sunday. P] 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto versity and member of Royal Ccl of Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Do ion. Dentistry in ail ita brari Office King St., Bownanville, posite Bank of Montreal. Phone LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan an Farm and Tg Property. Royal Bank Build Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succ«eor to lste D. B. Simupson,0 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor fer Bank of Montresl Money ta Loam Phone Bowmainville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds for mi Offices-Bleakley Block, King1 Bowmanville, Ontario. Phon Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Coimplete Motor AHoreEquipmeni attended to. \U~'/Private Ânibulanz \WI Bewmanvi île phone 10 and 84 Bran>ch Stores- Orono & Newcue ALAN M. WILLIAMS Enibalmer and F'uneral Direct Calîs given prompt and persanal tention. No extra charge ford tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowme ville, Ont, S- MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. W Gold Medalist of Trinity Universi Toronto. Four years attending Ph siclan and Surgeon at Mt. Carir Hospital, Plttsburg, Ka. Office ai Reaidence, Wellington Street, Bo- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colleg Toronto, formerly of Enniskilli Office and Residence, Dr. Beili former residence on Cburch Streq Bownianville. Phone 259. 44 VETERINARY DR. F. M. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Nlght calsa promptly attendedt Office: King St. East, Bowman vill Phono 248. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V.3 Orono Honor Graduate of University4 Toronto. Ail cases given proml and careful attention. Offie Dr. McElroy'a former office. Phouei Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmi and Bouse Sales a Specilt3 Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P.C Phone 197r3. 1-U E iro ni le Bi ti ill ich 4 D. oi aii ml si ne rt cE ýtE t dii as lity an( gE '1. le t' yo. Oe. 0!. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduateofo Toronto College o! Chiropractic wil be la the Boir- manville Office Tuesday, Thuzsday Land Saturday evoaings, phone 141J. Resideatial calsa made duting fore- noona. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN In Bowmanviiie on Wednesdayis 6:30 ta, 7:30 p. m Studio at Trinity United Church Toronto Address: 220 Yonge Street. Inquire at Statesmnan Office PAINTING. AND DECORATING See the 1927 line of Wall Papers. Maximurs a specialty. Prices the best yet. Phone for any desired information. J. H. ABERNETHY Phone -131 Bowmanville SKATING Band at Taylor's Rink, Bowmanville Tueaday, Thuinsday andl Saturday Nights Admnissioni 20c Skating Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday nights and Saturday afternoons. Aduits 15e ,Children 10e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 A LIFE THAT COUNTS THE EDITOR TALKS IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL A life that counts must toil and fight As a boy no better boy could ho Like A Visit From Friends into Must hate the wrong and love the found than hie or one more gentle- Win. B'imacombe, Selkirk, Sask., oyal right; manly. He was carefully trained writes: Gentlemen-Enclosed pleuse On- Must stand for truth, by day, by from birth and his environ'ment waà find subscription for The Statesinan lle. night- one of the best. The influences for 1927. 1 look forward te get- 22. Such is the life that counts. surrounding him were elevating and ting my copy of The Statesnian each A life that counts must hopeful be-1 ennobling. In fact, lhe was the em- week. It is like receiving a vi.sit eg, In darkest night make melody; bodirnent of the good, the true, th from the many frjends 1 associated oge, Mt wi h d inbnddke beautiful. In his deportmnent hie as-1 with in Ontario. 0W1'i the a o beded neepire.d to that which was ideal, and_____ oe6 This is the lifeta ons e lived and walked on the higheri ione A life that counts must aim te rise and nobler plane of life. He was Every Little Bit Helps Above the earth te sunlit skies; naturally kind hearted, eympathetic Win. HI. Baskerville, box 12â, Must fix its gaze on Paradise and obliging and hie had a high sense Glenside, Sask., writes: Dear Sirs- To be a life that counts. of honor and integrity. But hie had As it is getting near the New Year 1 mi-e The life ta counit must helpful bei 1a brigtis o nweg n suppose you -could handie a littli Thecars ad nedsof thes sl;lie availed himself of every opportun- money so I will add my littie bit. teMust seek the slaves of sin te free ity ta acq uire a liberal education. Enclosed please find P. O. order for Thsi telfeta cu-s But, if there was any one hnii $2.0 or iNihich please extend my hes. Thi is he ife hatcourts. which hie excelled in was in deport- 'u bscription another year and o.b- op- The life that counts is linked with, ment. As a refined and courteous lige. ffli. Godgentleman hie had very few te equa And turns not froin the cross-the hx.m. W'herever one met him ho ai- rod; ways poi.ýed as a cultured and ae- Readei, Comments on Merchants' But walks with joy wbere ies,. comiplished gentleman He was a Christmas Advertising trod- good conversationalist, affable, * This is the life that counts. pleasant and agreeable. t Waai A former young Bowmanville1 ___________ ways a pleasure ta meet him, and ta aynwlvn i etr nai receive hi.s kindly words of sympathy Olakes this comment in a letter ta ng, TH-E EDITOR TALKS 'and cheer. the editor: We enjey The States-( . 1 man very nmuch and I think ýhe 1 We estimate that during the over Ho lived the consecrated if e-tol1 Christmas advertsiing of the local t 48 years that we have edte The, the good of humanity. A cotise-t merchants 'as very appealing and1 .C. Statesman there have appeared airer cration which stîrs within us our bot-I interesting. There are so many new1 2,500 obituaries-about one a week 'er element. When we hear of one merchants I do not know who they c -much the greater number of theml who lias consecrated 'himiself te a alI are or what they sel se that I wasi 91 having been written in this office. service of any kind there is a feel- glad ta see in the paper recently thet The little poem pxublished herewitft ing that ho has a sincerity of pur- lis~t of merchants classîfied accordingc was sent out on aur last Christmas pose, and thatlbe will put forth his ta g0oodS stocked.c card and we ha've received so many very best effor:s in order ta achieve Y nice erpressions about it that we arel suc ess. Would Feel Lost Witheut Paper 5 now giving it te ahl of ouT readrs There is a difference between ser-V te.Onegod ldy els u sh h s ea vice and consecrated service. Both, Mrs. G.eo. A. Watts, (Nee Nele %1 t., it severai times mand keepe it by her. however, cali for an effort and a Bingbam, Tyrone), R. R. 1, St. n s: The author is unknown te us 1'willingness te dare and ta do. But. Ann's, Ont., writes: Dear Missi A rthe rmarabe cinidecea consecrated ,service calîs for aI Haycraft and Staff in General :-I may be mentioned here. In going greater depth of purpose-a giving sbould feel loat indeed without -the through somne papers in aur library, away of every other purpose, if nec- weekly letter from Boiwmanvil]e and Iat ee w cm aros n rtce e.sary, in order ta succeed in that Vicinity. Hope we may live te see c' witIh a similar beading ta the one on one consecrated purpase. He aI- the day -Mhen not anly Ontario but thelitle oe. Te sbj.ctof heways endeavored while living the, ail Canada may take the stand for or sketch was an eastern gentlemani earth-life ta keep in mind the' rhbto ae yte bs e wjiofe acquaintance we had enjoyedý thought of living the ideal life in loved and banner county of dear nid fi y when attending te Bay of Quintel the world ta camne. There are tinos i Durhiam. It is depressing te say Conference at Belleville and Picton.! when it requires courage ta live- the least ta witness Ontario's back- 9 e As hie was not known te many of aur when the seul is tried and the fut-I ward step whether brought about by ti readers, we need not mention here bis uire looks cark. iMen it might political trickery or man's natural al naine in reproducing some outstband- very justly bo said ta require more i depravity or bath combined, but îtli ingpargrpha frot Lie tatcourage ta live than w4at it. requiresý is no tinte for gloom. Vigilance shall f e Counted. ta depart. bete acwodAfindo oursd * * * Isays hoe thinks the women are greiat- ***At bis funeral services bis pastor! ly ta blame by net taking a more di said in his address-what higheri determined stand. Poor dauglhters di The writer introduces his sketch testimony could any mac desire teocf Eve! When were they not ta in with these thaughts on moral philos- hoe given of him? blante? But perbaps they are nlot t ophy: Life bore in mortality's vale isl "The impression whieh the deceas-1 guites Trblishehaef-r frequently beset witb many cares ed made in every department of lifel gotten -the aid days if they ever re- P' n-Oft-times the beart is heavy and the a hto ulue ita e n-1 nbered them. -load seems bard and difficult ta bear. wtlea.faclue Crsingn - Despair causeshrimien rpe te "The graces of politness, courte-syl Subscriber Pays Tribut. to Former th soladcussteitprlddw and gallantry were canspicuaus inEte d acesT cf feeling ta gather round the heart1 him. 'Phe virtue.s of Christianit y Etee Tahr and ta glisten in tlhe oye. Exits of 1 found beautiful expression in his gr escape-the avenues o! the sul- i character. Norman W. Reynolds, 109 Mac- in are noV easily found, and often they, His biog'rapher cancludes thualy:, pherson Ave., Taronto, writes: I th are hedged about with obstaclesi In îife's decline-in the great always look forward ta my week]y gr el ties seem sa very ifictthay aver- rainstorm of affliction which came perusals o! your valuable papier e' id ims semse er difiultteove-,upon him when nearing the end of whiich contains se muclu news from TI corne. hutares-One wbosehert is, bis journey-amid it ail hoe peace- the home districts. Most of this hi Onuil o cmathy and loe ea isifuliy pa.ssed on titrougli the River of pews would neyer reacb many of us-t flofs pahanloean pnDeatl. in any other way except through lit whom we may cast aur every care.I1 However, it is a pleasing thouguti your pape,. Not only are these ta e, And tihat One la noce other than the to cberish that everyone beyQnd the: items o!fnww interesting te me but is SGod of the Universe-the Creator o~ storm, beyond the clouds, and beyond! I am also kaJd to reiad the Taiks by hie SMankind. ** the sulent gloonu which hovered ove r'tihe Editor, and thue various letttrs TI bis losng our, lu ws stil end written fr on other parts cf the cc In the great micds and spirits of i ng bhis way onward where lie no wInthd by f omer f D urntpeope. af aur race we notice that which is un-1 estu-and sweetly resta in peace. i aIn te lastopyMo! ourpelir was stinctive with us ail, and that is theý Purity, culture and reflne.ment1setrfomM.Jh Elitwo E passion te reaclu out continually inta were the crowning virtues of hia was Principal o! Boiwmanviile Higluhi the great unknown realizing as we' life. And his life was like a IIl Schooi when I was a student there. ec rdo that we were born forrmuch benedictian, fragrant witb faith Wi, he I cann wo spe a o hgof tun greater ibings than ihat we ever hope and love. f'hemor difote tehew o inwasbliead ut now appreciate or Jknow, and that' In the beautiful glow o! te tmon-1 ortUe thav, etb illnePublic and bh far out beyond us in the distance lies' ing we lay this tribute at bis foot heigh Sbuain wtI hhneyr flog en mare and more of God's great end: while we crawn bis brow wit fie'w t e kily yin wehich laoVander marvellous works. No wonder -the' e-. a.trsoowllinto epameincitesendr 4n Psalmist sbouid have saîd: "Greati Soine day we shail meot again in fe coli reaigt ne and marveilous are Tby works, O the early resurrection morn! Tinî the mathemnatic'ai course at the Uni- Go!" Bu, n bentds o orthe-1 bld hlmn a long-a lat versity. wondering we listen te the Apostle fareweli! This is the kind of lf ife tI haeoutereurnednhom o fon iti Paul and we hear hlm say: i"Eyel that counits. tI vîsitong manoer ofli bath net seen ,ear bath rnot lteaoed,I Editor's Note-We may add bore teacer ckof in, am Èa avent. R Jano neither bath entered inta the heart, uat it is impassible to compute the' McKs ock ,wba basthe bad alers- ar of man the things which Gdh h eneficient influence of such alilfe piusloper.tin atesGeneral Hos-Pa prepared for tihenu that love Him". as lias been outlined. We sic-1 'eacluer throughout most of my Plub- miu ***cerely hope that the publication o! lic Scbool course. The fact tat heo ofi Life fr mny f u isa sver 5 much of this sketch as we have 'has tauglit so successfully in the o! Lif fo may f uisa e'sre will prove an inspiration taentany a saeso struggle. And yet through al i aadwma'aliealiersa ineshol at Salinsa for 26 years, wcr strggls ad is tiunphsupwz'dcantsanexpressive of te atruethel la surely a record not often found in Iy and onwesad we s ti wend urway cuits xrsieo teiuteirural scbools la it flot, Mr. Editar? tw4 andohwtad eig- ndOr a gooid and the beautiful. And sa, I1ntight continue express- nel Nothithsandig- ing thoughts that have occurred toe Thý "Sontetintes tbe shadows are deeP, D URHAM COUNTY BOYS me ini reading your paper front week the And rougb seents the way ta the goal; 1_____to week and sweing se many familiar dai And sorrows so often tliey swcep Anather Bowmanville boy "Ppe nantes . Mareover many ideas are rur Uý,ke billows, riglit over the seul"- Behind the Curtain of Tinte", thel ugse o ute omn yh We seem ta stumble at tintes an daily feature in the Taranto Tele-' he excellent articles written, but 1 HiE the world's greet star stairs which grant which published photos cfpoims o re.the siape through the darkness of the minenît Toronto business snd profe..-1 fil night. We grope along blindly and '<ocal men. This tine te is Cec<il G, ie somotimes fali. And yet amid it al Scohel, youngest brother cf Mr. A. Two Ennailen 50d Boys Met F re -thro' the sunahine and the stormi- H. Scobeli and 'Mca. W. J. Hoar cfi FrtTnei 0Yaa r we look upward, and strive ta gain; this town. Besides publiLqhing a] Dear Mr. Editor:-A few weeks or the richer and cahier heiglits tihat photo cf Cecil now it showz hini as, a90, %wbule coming front London ta 1 livc success may cornte at last ta reward ie %%*as a, eigiht ye'ars cf ago, adding St. Nlarys, I glanced up from t he Inia u, for our tcil. Suci, indeed, were thi, comment: Cecil G. Scobelli' papier I ixas reading andl there stood! his teaspiratons-the longngs and th oninBravil n ent toa at the end o! the aisle cf the rail-1 fat struggles-w.hidi helpod to crown the _'<chiiolthre. He i, ga hi., prife-- way coacht a fine looking aid gentie- 1hiic Joily good luck ta the happy creir reachig nty saio. Ho recalIled n'or 0f kiddies, big and amaîl, jicstactîy the meeting above refeu-red u Agents Wanted Jally gond luck ta the lot o!fou, ta, and said it iras held in 1876. few SALSMEW ff r teay mply- Jolly good luck ta us ail! Retired front the active ministry, ho Rigi ALSE-We ctrsed ml la noir a citizen o! St. Thomas, visit ment and psy weekly to oilaur complote Cogauain oM.JStle whrh odmeH ry eLg- and exclusive lUces of guuranteed quai- ogauain aM.J tae rir 0tldm ar ag- east lt, lole roat, frouh du g-to-order treflo Eliiott, St. Catharines, son-in-law o! lin, (son o! f litomas), an aid achool reetl aItd plnsW trcIe lutae ap Mr. and Mrà. S. J. Henry, Boirnan- chum o! mine, and Wmm. May, once usti, ,18and u prityo.,lo,,, a, oneM-ville, On being elected Chairman of an employee of my foîtlter'a, fty vers NURSERMES. MONTREAL. si' the Gardon City Council. ire years ago, also reaide. Ii îsd EDITOR'S NEW YEAR THOUGHTSL Would Not Trade Places With Anyl Man in Town. Reader, have you cirer conside-red what a host o! individuals o!fuvarious classes an editor has tao please and ectertain? A prearluer bas bis aira rangregation, a pihy.--iian bis pa- tients, a tearber luis arbolars, their parents and lis trustees, a aterchaci his custonters and a ntarried man bis uvife and ofîtintes he fanda lis job a vr-y difiruil one. But the editor o! a taira neirapaper mus, please everybody irba reads bis paper and you mnay take il fron us-he bas a huge contract if lho attempts ta piesse eî'erybody. But w0 have had 48 yeacs' emporioaco and would not irade places îvith any mac in toîrn., An editor gels orean.z a! pleasure, toco. Did yaur read "In the Edit- or's Mail" columa la aur last Stateaman aIso this week? The kind iror-ds of aur readers cheers us and are 'eaiued more Ihan gold dol- lars. They are the things that en- courage us and make us feel that liard work lais wrth vimbue, outaide o! the material return that it may bring ta the publishers. Sucu ex- pressions o! approval o! aur wark contes ta us at more or less frequent iccorvals tlrrout the yoars. Sonte- times it is one thing, somûtintes an- other, ,that inspires the expression of apprecialion, but it la encaurag- ing, whatover the incident that in- spires it, ta ho told that sontething s'e have done or are dfoing meets witli the approval o! aur readers. ln ta field a! labor is this true more, ire belie-ve, than la aewspaper work. Ia aur earlier editarial oxperien- oes ire foît adverse criticiant rather :eeciy-that lieiag a foature ire had overiooked irben cluoosiag the "traublous sea c! journaliant" as aur fld o! acýtivities. But ire were oaa disillu.-ionized and, o! course, got to expect ta lue criticized oe imos condemned for sica of commis- lacn air omission, for things we pubi- isb and thiaga ire negeect--or refrain from pricîing. That la ailla inte ay's work and tho shafts do not on- te quite so deeply as Ihey !ormerly id. Icdeed, ire have la our active Jas greatly enjoyed a contest. A tan bas ta have vlgorous apposition Lo find out irbat mental stcongtlie'h reaîiy poasessea, and so e ehave la past years engaged in many contesta -not ail mental, either There is a vast differenice between 1e aditors o! country weeklies, like lie Stateantan, and editars o! the ceat city dalies. Not one reader na thousand kcows the editors o! te Daily Globe, Star, Mail or Tele- ,ram, and cares bass probably, but :veryibody knows who the editor o! rhe Statesman is and ntany kacir m personaily and such knowledgo, hey think sometimes, gives thm herties that they n ver thn k o! .king with the city chaps. But there saiea vast difference liotween ai ïome-tain weekiy and a city paper. 7h former la usually ail read--every olama af cews and editorial wb.ile' city paper bas no such interest or tlhe average reader. We May ýwrong la aur opinian but we be- ive if tihle truth could bie ascertala- I tbat not anc persan in a hundred eads on an a'verage one irbole cal- an daily la a city paper autside o! rtbs, mariages and deaths. The hle! readers of noix»papers are waun- n and young falk, and the average aily paper contains very littie a! tereat ta then. What a hoat o! matters there are hat the general public know very tile abolit la the weekly routine fgetting out a country or oYrdin- ry tain newspaper. Ia the case fthe rural weekly, the labor on te art o! the individual la usually ich heavier per muan titan in the Ices a! the great daubae because fthe di.sparity la the sizes a! thel lorking forces. Thte ordinary week- newspaper as a tub bfias only one, ao, or tbrce at most working la tbe ewa department of the orgacizatio)n hero are no specialists, such as sy emîiploy in the offices o! the g'reat hies. ýInstead, every mac in tlhe irai neispaper office is expected ta Sa jou'rnaistic "Jack o! ail trades". is ".style" ntay not lie as good as at cf aome o! the star reporters an ie metropolitan dauies, but la bis Id, circumse-ribed as it caturally at lie, the experien.,-ed ceira gath- er anI all-around noispaper mac, .rûnuan an the country weekiy, thel ;e neirepapors cf w'hich there are i any un the rural field, could givel sciry relative la the jourcalistir I tuily cards and spades and hoat Blut ire set aut 10 îalk about aur vn affairs-of tîhe many kindly ex- esalons o! approciatian whbch conte us noir andI again and cf the en- aragement ýhey afford ta thaýse io sornttimes wcrk long days aIlll eweek ta give the news o! the 1 wn anti district and i'ellg' t mnnt the-reon ta aur teaders. Weil The Stateanian receive aur fullt are o! suri encouragement from rfrienis and it holps mare thlan can tell you; but there la the noraus side, toc. We do not irk e are oxaggerating whea ire ýthan an average a! five roaders rwoek write or speak ta us in caovaI cf The Statesman and tlue! runer in widu it cavers its field; rdo ire overstate the fact irben gay rhat whon interrogated as irbat they lik e et la the paper -e out of that five say that they ail lte pages interestiag and idi frontm the first page ta te t-advori-enents and aIl. irs, but am going avec Ihere short- ao offert a to-union o!fnty ara. tbeard o! either o!fttem for Upon the %treets o! aur tawn, a vevenings aga, 1 ran inta Cea. rgs, who had just came front a t ta the old homeatead aortn- a! o EnnLiakillen, and iras able to aIle nie with the Iatest evuoent- ons o! that corner o! the uni- ,e. WM. J. boUNi, il -Buy In Bowmaville - For Goodness Sake THAT'S WHY THEY PREFER CORBETT'S BREAD It is the -goodness" in the bread that provid- es the necessary nourishment which makes it a body-builder for both young and old. We could use cheaper ingredients but we re- fuse te; accept anything but the best. That's why "Corbett's Bread is Best Bv Test". Delivered fî-esh daily to your door. We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono Buy In Bownianville- COAL BIN GETTINC LOW? These cold wintry days are certainly causing lots of exercise around the coal bin. Well, when the bin gets s0 low that you must have more coal just order a couple tons of the fam- ous Lehigh Anthracite. It sure does make warm friends. r We are here to give you prompt service. Builders' Supplies a Specialty J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville r -Buy In Bowmanville- The Daily Task 0f knowing wrhat to serve for meals is most easily solved by a visit to our modern and sanitary butcher shop. We have almost everything in meats to sati.s- fy a growing boy's appetite to a fussy old dispep- tic. Try us and see. Don't overlook our display of Cooked Meats. G A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville -Buy In Bowmnanville- The Old Reliable Grocery Is determined to give ail its old and any new customers the Best Service Best Groceries Best Satisfaction That will be the means of adding you to our growing list of customers. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville ru Il-,

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