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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 3

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£HE CAA.DIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 PA<*N TERNE Something extra good for Engines, Autos and Flashlights. Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store V~More winter eggs at big prices wî thou t cost to you. Your hens pay for it or we will give you your money back. You take no chances; simply use in their daily feed, a little of Pôultrip Reiu1ato»r 500POLRI OK F RE E PRATT FOOD CO W CANADA Imit'I Radio, Gasoline Be sure to see these Batteries before buying elsewhere. JJ 'I -Buy In Bowmanville- EAT CAWKER'S MEATS Then you will enjoy a year of satisfaction and contentment. Cawker's have been supplying the people of Durham with good meat for over 75 years and are stili going strong. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville .11 r. -I -Buy In Bowmanville- The Taste That Satisfies That is the compliment we have often been paid about our plain and fancy baking--it has the taste that satisfies. Take home something today from our win- dow of "good things to eat". The Bowmanville Bakery Burceaaooea to Christiea Bakry Bowmanille Bowmanville -Buy ln Bowmanvile- PROFIT IN POULTRYfi With eggs at hig'î prices it pays to give the hens best attention to get good resuits. We are recognized as headquarters for Poul- try supplies which inlude-Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash, Gunn's Big Sixty Beef Scrap, Swift's Laymor Meat Scrap, Oyster Sheli, Mica Grit, etc. Try "Dairy Rations" to increase cows inilk production. WE RECOMMEND AND SELL 1IARR Y ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE ADULTS OLAJEN means long lie.. When you feel yourself slipping, OL.AJEN will re- store to you that grip on liec whicis you wish to retain. Now on sale at aIl Druggist-4$1.0O a jar. Notehowf e clilden amrng oodathu malngtIs puchaer Iseworms Whidli cause great suffering, 'kOu M%,5 .n;?,t sfter night, have been robbed of inat idadta 0o h 4and if flot promptly deaît with mayl c.oarnusinNvrhlnlsîbxc infnt ded ndtht 0 o tse74agent's commission. A cal solicited. ousfontiuioallowese dfs-tramc nglton jirtet,ie o rai oeir deaths recorded were 70 years of cas 4siuimlwanse if. tknacriit ieto@ ,sntb yordruggist wll retum rn o G? -A age and over andI several over 80 F H BLJSALcut o emdy iIe"s Wom*oni, years and a few cover 90. Proprietor Bowmcnvillm odr l lertesoais nd soeD pssji w o w A. Phione 826W Boxr 94 bowels of worms and will soac upon wlth a bot drink et meultime. thse system that there will l no re, "Ta SIýei Tn-nitht. tise RAZ-MAI! To. If one be troubled witRh Côrme, bl currence of ths etrouble. AndI notj dey. for t.sthma. Chroni'- Bronchitis, wlll find in Holloway'is Corn Reînov- onythsbt eywilrpartse 1- Head mnd Branchial Colde, Hay Fever.-' eran application that will entirely Jurie ta tIse Organs that wormi s o C m or u e relieve suffering. suOW ad restame tlien to aoundnese. 1 forC m o tU -Buy In Bowmanville- 1 PASSJNG 0F O0W FRIENOS 114 THE EDITORS MAIL 1 PUBLIC LIBRÀRY ACRICULTURAL SOCIETY Wjtth evemy succeeding year leav- Miss M. M. Armour, 113 Dela-1 TQe annual meeting of Bowman- Annuai Meeting, January' 21at ing behind it in the rnournful list of1 ware Ave. Toronto: I encloae two I ville Public Library will be lheld in _____ those dear to us who have passed 0v- dollars for my subseription te Thse 1 the Reading Room on Monday, Jan- Annual meeting of tihe West Dur-1 er the Great Divide, between itb be- Statesmian for f9~27. I hope that uary 17, 927, at 8 p. nm. Memibers hamn Agricultural Society wiil be ginning and its ena, I think 1 corne Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James are both of the Lib'rary are respectfully in'vit- held in the Council Chamnber, Bow-c to appreciate more and more the feel- in b>etter health. Wishing you ail ed te attend. manville, on Friday, ,January 21,E ing oft expressed by people older a Happy New Year. H. W. Lapp, Secretary. 1927, at .2:30 p. m., for thse electionc than I, of utter loneliness, as friends1 of officers and the transaction ofc are gathered to theiT fathers and Mrs. M. M. Bush, (nee MaggiejgnTlbsns. Almnbr n t&ey are left, awaiting tiheir turn te Tait, Bowinanville), 5538 Larch OBITUARY goe nter bus iness tAlhembcetre n answer thse final summons.1 St., Vancouver, ,B. C., writes:-I arnm Ms onWarn oot cordially invited to attend.j It is right that we should approachl getting The Statesman Tegularlyl ___Joh _Wrre,_orIto C. H. Maso., Alan Camipbell, 1 each New Year with hope and con-j and amn afraid 1 would nlot care te fidence even though happily we knowl do wi-ahout it. 1 like teo el '1lhere passed away after a linger- Secretary. President. 1 naught of what thse future has in how every one is gettîng along clown ing ilîne-s, on Friday, Dec. 3lst, 1926, 2-2 A store. But it is natural and fitting, East and would give anything if 1. onWrrno omFo too, that we ïhould pause as the Old could drop in and see you aIl. widow for eleven yeaTs, she h.ad1 HEREFORD SALE Year breathes its îast, to gie a made hier home with her only son,i ____ thought to those who have pa.ssed Harold M. Gully, City Dairy Co., Frank W. Warren of 78 Kilbarryl The 9th annual sale of the Vict-1 on during the past twelve months. As. Toronto, writes:-I amn pleased to road. Hem husband, prior to hial oria County Hereford Breeders As- we grow older, if we ourselves are~ notice the "Buy in Bowmanrville" deatb, was an accountant at thse sociation wil be -held in Fannings I spared, the list of friends, cut dlown pyropoganda which i ses conspicuous Gutta Permha Rubbem Co., and prier Sale Barns, Lindsay, Ont., Wednes-ç by thse Grirn ReapeTr, grows longer in your paper. This cannot be used te coming to Toronto was a druggist day, January 26th., 1927, at oneA year by year. We make new too large bor too often. Ahl of the in tihe village of Brooklin. Mis. o'clock p. nm. 24 head, 11 males, friends, perhaps; acquaintances, itudents of direct mail advertising1 Warren, on moving to Toronto, took, 13 femrales. Inepected by H. D. surely; but what truer word than that dlaim that persistency will evetitually a very active interest in the work ofiSmith, Sec. Canadian Hereford "there are no friends like old seil a logical prospect. If this stuif j he Methodist Church, and for ai BTeeders Association. W. F. Mar- friends"? of local buying can be given te the, number of years was prominent inl quis, Uxbridge, Ont., Auctioneer, as- And o, sa, lokin bak oer~natives in large enough doses and Simpson avenue chuTch. Ansong theî the short span of a year and noting ofren enough they may eventually pal-bearers were Capt. Lou F.! sOnet.byW. . Wilson, DPor op, th vcat laesinth crce ~Iregard its importance 100%. When Scholes and John Seholes, brothers- Ont., teWd. . oThu ato ueford thosacn aesinthca im freds, Wis imecornes the old Town will in-Iaw of Frank W. Warren, M r.AI- lOnt,esdet. Fyor Scatay og - toewo I alm redIl bo,1dM W t e.W.TyoSceayBb think I can appreciate the feelings ,bom n it deserves to. Ian Lockhamt, Newcastle, Mr. M W.icyeon. 2-2w of some of my seniors, who bravely1 MsForne .LkefKdon Comst.ock, Bowsnanville, MT. Arxn:- bear ha ineffable sense of solitude, Ms lrneM ueo ern strong and Mr. McEaclhern, Toronto. even when surrounded by those of a East Wliitby, who is spending this The interment took piace in Grove- younger genemation who love them1 winter wîth Uncle and Aunt Currie, si<le Cemetery, Brooklin, on Monuay.1 and leave no wi.Yh ungatified so far 315 N. Madison Â've., Mason City, Mrs. Warren 's maiden naine was as in their own power lies. The Iowa, writing her Uncle M. A. James Hannah Lockhart, daughter of the T UIT & TtU one great wish, to see and be with tells of an immense snowfa]i follow- late Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lockhat andj IiNSU R1AiNI., their oid friends, contemporaries of ed by mil d, foggy and next day tem- sister Of Mis. M. A. Comstock, Bo'w- another age, who have passed aîong perature dropped to 12 or 14 de- manville. She was born in Oshawa thse silent road with faces toward grees below zeTo and a resI blizzard in 1843, but resided for many yearsi Etemnity, could not be fulfilled-not was blowing, se that corn growing in Bowmanville. Mi. andl Mis. FrLf, Acdn n yet, at any rate. State ha, plenty of variety in its Manson1 W. Comstock attended thee FeLe, Acdn ad weather. Miss Luke tells of a visit f uneral of their aunt on Monday. HealtIs, Automobile (lire, theft, ta the sugar-,beet facta9ry an im- property damnage, public liabiity, INTERMENTS IN BOWMANVILLE mense industry there running al1 thmuTH OA AS ECERclion thse busy season day and night. The TEWMNA ECE olso) CEMETERY 1926 wheel in which the beets are washed O F YOTH can take care of 65 tons an houri OVYNIG JanUary and a "river of watei" is utilized. By Ch&&. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denirer,CO EAN NG 5-Mary Robbins, aged 71 yeaxs There are literally mounitains of Colorado. Deeds, Mortgages, Discharges 5-Robert Fielding, aged 80 years sugar. She offers congratulation te1o otae, Areet o 9-Elizabeth G. Connors, aged 70 the electors of Durham and Ontariol Sînce the world wax closed, women Sale, Leases, Wills, etc., prepared yeamu, 10 monthB on thse splendid support they gave On- have corne more iuta public service, at moderate rates. 9-David Burk Simpson, aged 70 tario Tempemante Act but is not veryl and are crowding out the sterner sex years, 10 monthe proud of the result in the Province in. many occupations. From this RVT FUD 12-Blanche Morris, aged 15 years.~ as a whole. arises many perplecing questions,PRVT FU S 18-David Galbraith, saged 77 years. particularly inahs Western lhemi- tea ban. 20-Isabella K. Galbraith, 82 years. Staff Captain Gertrude Hollande s:>here. One of thlee-las been' 22-John Smith Moorcraf.t, 70 years. a Bowmanville glil,* now on the Sal- raised by no less a scholar and edu- REAL ESTATE AGENCYs 24-Mary Jane Rogers, 87 yeas. vation Armny staff at Catherine catar Dr. Charles W. Burr,I Faian w poetslg- 25-Elizabeth C. Gilbank, 71 years. BoolhI Mothers' Hospital, 300 Walk- neurologist, profesoir of mental dis- j amadtw poete u. 27-Charles Woodward, 4 days. ley Ave., Montres), Que., wrltes. eases at thse University of Pennsyl- ed for sale. 29-Mary ElizabetRh Cann, 60 years. My Dear Mm. James.-You will find vania for over a quarter of a cent- enclosed $2.00 for the home paper umy, whether or not women should Febru"r for another year. Thse paper ba be employed as teachers of boys cverl I U 15-Andmew Sharp, aged 76 years. been wondemfully interesting the past a certain age-lO years in this case.- 22-Amelia Huglian, aged 65 yer. year, and its aîways been a joyte He takea the negative position of the, Edith Y. CobeII 24-Edith Luella Reynold,s, 31 years read its pages, especiaîly, would I issue, and, as thse stands high in thse 26-Annie Affin, 56 yesrs. mention thse Editorial Page, which la educational and psychologicai fields, 27-Anthony Grant, aged 54 years. always full of food for thought, and hie la attmacting muc!h attention. Hias urance and Real Estat. Agent so inspiring. 1 would say, keep the dictum is: "'TIe schooling of all boys4 Bowmnville March good work goîng, for many Bowman- 'over 10 years should be in the hIands 23-Margaret Jane Galloway, ffd ville boys and girls are being lhelped of men." Ainong teachers tee not- ednuologist la in te mnrýy 28 yeams. who are long distances from home, ednutIe inity 27-Albert W. Brown, aged 70 yearsl and many seek this page in prefer- among men who 'have risen toe'higbi ence to any other of tee paper. 1 estate, and ffho paa-sed thmough thse _____________ AprîlJ had thse pleasure of seeing twoBow- public sehoal as a most admirable _______________ 1manville boys thîs week, namely R. training ground, the has some adverse 3-Mary J. William,, 84 yeas Luther Wermy and LieuL.-Colonel cn-tics. And their experiences may lO-Eliza Potter, sged 81 years. Levi Taylor. They Were present at b' condensed into tee following sen-, i 14-Robert J. Bain, aged 67 years. the welcome meeting afforded our tence: "4Boys need to corne underj 20-HannaIs Mohan, aged 50 years. new Commissioners tyax'well and thse refining influences of woanen, BUY IN BOWMANVILLE- wife. Thse latter took a promînent quite as mucli as under thse stern May part in aIl the services of thse week- rougIs influence of men," 4-Eli7a Willmott, aged 84 yesrs. end. TIse Burr school of psychoanalysis 4-Vers Kelley, aged 1 years. 1 ivish aIl the home folks a very comiters with the declaration, that 10-ElenSmit, aed 9yers,11sappy and prosperous New Year and tlhe boy up to 10 at home is niuch D itn iv xnonths. abundant succes, te the old town I more under tee influence of his 20-Alfred Mann, aged 77 yeais, il love. The pas year te me ha, been mother, therefore, it is good for him month,.fulo lsigadcer for ivhich te have s maIe as teacher at the pub-J and cheer, .lic sehool. Prizes June We wonder what thse parent- 4--James Smnith, -aged 74 yesrs.. teachers' associations and teachers 4-Mary Carfrae Allin, 62 years. VETERAN WEEKLIES MERGE and educators thiaughout the coun- B ig 4-Albert E. Goode, aged 51 years. try think of thse Burr idea. B ig rE c r 7--John J. Bottrell, aged 65 years. Announcement was made recently In this Denver public scIsools teat 8-HugIs F. Connors, aged 37 yearsi, of thse sa le of tIse plant and busi- have gained a commanding place _____ 11-Frederick John Bennett, agedj nss of TIse PeM~broke Observer and mîth educators, thse woman teacheri 65 years. Ottawa Valley Advocate to Pens- greatly predominates, and, so faT as 1 10-Infant Janes. broke Printers, Limited, publishers known, she is not likely te lose that WIsicIs ever it is ta be you will li-Ambrose Allin, aged 48 years. of Thse Penibroke Standard Thse position in tIsepublic school. ne rzsadwa elho 14-Infant Edger deal, under considemation for sosue During tihe early period of thee edpie n wa elo 16-John Jones, aged 66 years. time, was closed by Messrs. Alfred civil war in this country between thel it you will find at tisle "Big 20". 17-William Federick Daniels, aged Logan and L. H. Logan, editors of North and tee South, this question 7 montlhs,, 14 days. The Pembroke Standard. By this W55 stressed as a waî matter as mucli 17--Andrew McFeeters, 84 years. purdhase two of thse oidest weekly asayiigesat twaage1 These gits arm priced in ligures 18-Margaret Douglas, 90 years. newspapers in Ontario passed out of by a certain school of thought, thati 18-Elizabeth Ann Allin, 65 Years. existence, snd in future will be is- tepeaec ftewmnta Ielo esr n omnsne 21-Canon W. A. MaeNabb, ared sued under thse captian, Standard- in thse American public scisool Isad 1 76 yars.Obsever.had its influence upon thse lives of 76 ya ear.Ose.. Ameican males; in biief, thlat the 27-Infant Page.Ineressing overhead coats, making American youth had been "sissified," W T . £ ie 30-Infant Heard. production of tw.o weeklies, even in and would rebel at wam. But t1Is: . .A le JUIY y ears. a as large as Pembroke, an argument went by tIse board se soon economic impoesibility, are tee reas- as the nation participat-ed in tIse wax. BIG 20 BOWXANVILLE 4--John Mutton, fl 6 er. ona announced for the amalga.mation. In tIse hardes, possible school of ex- 5--Jane Osborne, aged 76 yaers The Pembrake Observer, whicli wae perience, the spirit of Anserican 1 1-Kenneth Gray, aged 26 yearu. established in 1855, lias for fifteen youthI seemed to fihave been harden- 19-Elizabeth Morris, aged 91 years years been editeci by M. Jones, and ed, and exalted at tIse saie time, - 22-Martha Wakelin, aged 62 years. ha, always supported theIse Lberal neut on tIse education at tIse 22-Harriett Green, aged 70 years. party. Ise Pembroke Standard hd fthat Ameican institution, ________________ 22-,Selena Jackman, aged 87 years was established in 1867 55a a SUP- theschoolmna'in. A kind of latenti Auguat porter of Conservative policies, and chivalry showed itself at tIse front. p Auutfor tIse past four years has been Another pointrer long tesi01 21Welam Hnr. ggtage 4oneand L. . Loan, y orMesrs. y. o- utionalry Dr. Buir, la, that ail educa- f e o g t s yers gn n LH.Loan orery ftien above tIse elementary school A The Canadian Eciho, Wiarton. TIse should be iven only to those worth P4oprnetor Bowmanville Good, Prices FOR POULTRY Don't sell your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I arn prepared to buy any quantity of poultry at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and I win1 cail. 1. STEIN Whitby ouLi .8 we are con- inum is the ier for tea. IOSIE is good tedt 104 r in Aluminum. IMA' Bronchial Colda, Hay Fever )f ier and a entire ISPECIALI RAZMAIF, IPrbro!ý'et',ndi ner.I tive relief, c u. trial cfRAZ.UAH, ýdrog. Yn [Zr Srto TZgnp«oj Caçeulct Ltd.. Toronto 2. R48 T EM PtETON' S RAZoMAHm- WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY We, the undersigned Business and Professional men of the Town of Bow.manvlle, agree to close our re- ýspective places of business to give Dur clerks a half-holiday eaeh and every Wednesday at 12:30 noon during the year 1927, save and ex- cept the month of December or any other week on whicfi a public holi- lay occurs on a Tbursday. A. Tait A. Dillick Fred Knox Alex Élliot Eice & Co. J. C. Devitt A.. Harnden E. S. Naylor Harry Allun W. G. Nelles F. J. Horne E. W. Sisson C. S. Ma.son H. J. Babcock Haddy & Co. R. E. Dinniweil T. H. Knight Phare & McCoy WV. J. Dudley Edith V. Scobeil T. B. Gilcihrist The Shop WJ. H. Dustan Dominion Stores A.. L. Nicholls Evans & Wilkins M4ason & Dale G. C. Bonnycaitle S. G. -Ghartran Thurston Fur Shop Alex Edmondstone C. M. Cawker & Son Eingman & Edmondstone Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Ltbd. .Miler's BATTERIES FOR EVERY NEED MASON & DALE B eauty Parlor We thank our many custamers for trheir past patronage. It is oui hope that during tihe coming year our efforts to please will be favored witih your con- tinued support. We specialize in Violet Ray, Mange and Hot 011 Scalp tieat- ments, Glay Packs and Face Mas- sage, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Marceî-ling. JANUARY SPECIAL- MARCEL 75c J. W. Miler 1 PA(M TELBU uw Phone 131

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