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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 6

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0~ PÂGE SIXrE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JAiNUARY 13, 1927 12 Pinkhams Vegetable CoIDpomUd Restored Her Danglter's Health Toronto, Ontarlo- "My dzgbtde in 16 now and hbu an mvalid ever mce abe vas six mon ths old and bas been com- 'peUed toremain Sont of school the greaterpart of the tirne. W e have tried different kinds of medicine but none bel~e brmuch. I a 2 ~~ta k en Lydia KL Pinkharn's Vege- table Compound when I was run-down, and it had helped me so much that I tbought it might help her at this âmne. She han gained ever since she began taking it. She attends school everydaynow and goes skating, and does other out- of-door sports. 1 recomxnend thia medicine to any one who la run-down and nervous and weak."-Mrs. PMvKS, 106 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a dependable Medicine for young women 's troubles. For sale by drllggists everywhere. c The Tonic That Helps Build Strength Rapidly scorr's EMULSION Rich In Cod-liver 011 Vitamins Scott & Bawne. Toronto, O)nt. 4 MA SAPE AND SURE PEMEDY FOR AILING CHILDPEN MILLER'S WORM POWDERS r.,oNTAtN NO NARCOrTIC@. EAS LY T A KEN. OU JCqKL y ANo TtMOnT OLICATE SySTESd. Cook's Regulating Comnpound A4a/e' ,etabie regulai,.g inedijn,. ;,,Id in thr,,e de- grt ferngth-No. 1, Si& N.21;N. 3. 85 pr boa. Soi !Iï ail druggi.ta. or ment repaid on reelpt of price. roc pamphilt. Addtrëeaa: THE COK MEDICINE CO.. Tie Great [F.nglish Preparatin, e ones a,îd ,nvigorates the whole pervous systen. malies newu Blood iold Vemns. Used for Nervous ha rýL)blity, Mental and Brain Worry, spnden 1,Lov4cfEnergy. Palpitation of Ih erFîineMemor>i. Prices2peebox,îý6 for S5.9SoId by aldruggisîn., or mailed in pain Lk.o reieof price. New p.imp hliW mailed '~w.Ug WO MDICIE CO.TONTO.ON1. MisioLUa4y bociety iheld a SOuCialUv-1 ening on Deçember 28th in CSsarea Church. Program was given byJ XRSIN0 HUH Blackstock Auxiliary. Mrs. Gord-1 XRS N FTOGTO on, President, opened the meetingjT YU witih greetings. Mrs. Roy Taylor,l If nohody smileti anti nobody cheereti President of Blackstock Soiety, oc- A.nd inob.ody helpeti us along, cupied the chair very capably for the If each overy minute looed after reniainder of the evening. Those bimseîf aking part were Miss Susie Van- n odtig I ett h Camp, solo; reading, Mrs. Jos. Ford-i strong; esr; Miss Olive VanCamp gave a r-e-1 If n obody cared just a little fore you citation "The Cattle Thief". A pag- Annboytouhaotme eant "The Voîces of the Aoe"~.nd we al tood alone in the battîs was: given by the girls. A reading of life by Miss Anna Bruce; Anson Taylori What a dreary old world it would gave a recitation suitable for the'1 be Christmas season. A short play byl e the Juniors "How we got Our Life iý sweet just because of the Bible"; Mrs. Il111 gave a readinçg; friends we bave miade Miss Ruth Marlowv of Toronto, favor- And the things wbicb in conine ed us with a solo; a pantomine "Sil- we .hare. ent Night". given by Gracie Mouni- Ve want to 1ive on, not because of joy. A pageant "Why we work fori orevs Mission" by th ouunrselvesI Missons by he oungr grls But because of tbe people who brough, the program to a close. Al care; numbers wcere suitablè for the ocra- It's giving and doing for scmebody sion indi much appreciated by the! . cîse Nestîcton anti Cosarca Auxiliary. On that ail life's splendor depentis, We hope this ia! just a beginning of Anmi th, joy of this world, when miany miore ýocial timt>s between the vou've summed it aIl up societics. Proceeds anmoun:cd toIi found in the making of friends. $ 1 r. .50. --C. A. Ward. Muscular Rheumatism Subdlued.-ý1- When one is a sufferer frorn muscu lar rheumatism he cannot do hetter than to have the region rubbed with Dr. Report of <hri, Thomas' Eelectrie Oil. Let the rubbing be brisk and continue until ea-.~e is secured. There is more virtue in a bottle of it than can be fully estimat.ed. ~ lCowan, Ruby e Dudley, lunreath 4 Gaines, George jLaw, Maretta J Lycett, Helen ~/,. V>Parnell, Charles I ~ Rickard, Evelyn Samis, Melville Wright, Douglas "Sh rle.Gawell,Clr "Sireywas se James, Mary -1 - 1 iWalkey, Earl "You know, 1I haxe reald a gî,.,. deal about Long Distance s.,- vice, so titis afternoon I callh mv narried daugliter.' "Do Y<îu mean Shirlev w ho inov,. I u * vte Morganville, Iiit sp n ng? uVs nd de vou knoNw I coulul heuar ler v'uice as d.4tinctl v a. l I ar yours;. Shirle.y wtts SO urprised and tipiighteul that s-he wants nie to caîl lier every %%e(ek." Constant improvemont in telo- phone equipmnent and service lias îirtuall v ablished dfis- tance. Every d:îv friends ini cies hunilreds of miles apart, are re-unitedl1)iv tie modern mnagic.-1,ong Distanoce. Have you ever vi ited a dis.- tant friend by teleplione? If not, wby not givc someone a pleasant surprise. Cal] ber hy Long Distance. Andernon ,Eleanor Butler, Fred Clark, Bessie Clark, Bray Clark, DeNMaio, Alex. Garrod, Nellie Gioson, Connie Henderson. Muriel James, Mary Lake, Muriel Martin, Aresta Spencer, Doris Walkey, Earl Blackburn, Farewell B Iutler, Ainsley Clark, B esi e Clark. May Clark, Rite Cowan, Dick (owani, Marjorie <owan, Nora C ooîk, Eileen Garrod, Nellie Gýaine, larence Deline, 1-ao James, Charlie Jonf-S, ROS Lake, Muriel Parker, Ida Rinkard, DoroUhy Rowland, Hilda Spencer, Doris Thackery, Charles jGrahami, Stanley 1Caswell, Clara Wilson ,Mrs. J. L. Joblin and MsaG Ferguson. It was decided to holti annual valentine ontertainmenIto evening of Februray l7tb. SALE M Report of î S..No. 9, Darlington, for the Faîl term: (*-signifies ab- sent for 2 or more exams.) Jr. 1V-Helen McDonald hon, Les- lie Welsb hon. Sr. 111-Marion Honey bon, Doris Collacott hon, Violet Strutt, Ednai Sadler*, Isabelle Tait*. Jr. III-Elnior Strutt, Bert Fosteri Olive Morden, E.dgar Cator, Lorne Foster*, Audrey Cowling*. Sr. lI-eatrice Cator, Annie Tait*. Jr. Il-Marie Collacott hion, Lii- lian Mord-en. Sr. I-Frances Hutchison, Willie Darch, John Foster. Jr. I-Lela Welsh, Helen Morden. Sr. Pr.-Charlie Foster, Harley Cowling. Jr. Pr.-Beryl Thompson. Oscar Conlin, Frank Conlin. Prornoted to Jr. Pr. from Class B Isobel Brown, Gertie Hutchison. Laurence Savery, teacher. Acids In Stomach CARTWRIGHT LCINBLKSO UREN Result.s of elections for Cart- Wel, here we are started the New The many friends cf Mr. Alber- * wn-ght Township Council for 1927: Year. Holidays over, elections Clark,' Oshawa, will bo sorry to hear Reeve over, schooLs reopened, and e'very- of hlis Most se'riousilns. r Cause Indigestion Creighton De'vitt.............. 335 ohing ready for going ahead. The J. J.* Hubybard ia on the sick ls.. Richrd dgeton.......... 37 Crismasand New. Year holiday Mr. and Mrs .Jas. H. Demille, Car- Croate (las, Sournessansd Pain- season was rnost pleasant. The air wright, apent Sunday with Mr. and How Té Treat. Majority for Edgerton 221 was mild and bright. As we start Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Mt. Carmel. . _______Councillors the year under these favorable cir-. . MT. R. Franklin, Orangeville, is Medca athriie sat tatner-Johbn Watson, Jr ............ _.5291. umstances we ought to make good. visiting old friends.... Mr. John ly nine-teuthof Ue cases of tna- Norman Greene............... 5211 The municipal election was keenly Moore bas'purchased a new radio.. . IY inetenhsof he ass O stm-Normaji Taylor............... 475 contested. There was a large vote Mr. H. Collett visited recentlly witli acb trouble, indigestion, sourness, Jos. Forder, Jr ................ 4411 polle(l and an evident int.erest was Mr. and Mrm. J. J. Hubbard. burning, gas, bloating, pausea, etc.. John Jobb.................... 217 manifest. Reeve, Richard Edgerton; are due te an excess of hydrodi- First four Councillors elected. councilmen, John Watson, one of loriec acid in the stomach and not the new men in the field headed the NESTLETON as some believe to a lack of digest- ive juices. 7lbe delicate stomacb CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL poll; Norman Green entering bis second year wa.s close with hizn; Nor- We were pleased to see our Past- lining is irritated, digestion is delay- o e rfih .Atkn ed and food sours causing the dis- Inaugural meeting of the Councilj man Taylor another new man cameloRv .E rfih .Atkn agreeable symptoms which every was beld January 10, 1927. AIl next; Jos. Forder entering bis second h is usual wýork on Sunday. He gave stoniach sufferer knows so well. subscribed to necessary declarations. ya.Jh obwsnnfri h pedddsoreo hv e Artfiia dgetetsar nt ee- MnuesofIat eein rad an mrar. before thee an open door. He shal Artiicil dgesent ar no ned- inues f lst eetng eadandpreserve thy going out and thy coni- ed in such cases and inay do rmal adopted. Victorian Women's Institute meti ing in. God is Love. Mrs. Griffith hainn. Trying laying aside all di- By-laws were passed appointingi We<lnesday, January 5, at Mrs. John is far from well yet and we hope gestive aida and instead get froni Fred Hyland, Asses-sor at salary of W rigbt's with tbirty members pres- and pray for the best. any druggist a few ounces of Bis- $120.00; R. Nesbitt and Roy Frgu en t. The President, Mrs. Van- uraed agesi ad tke -ea-so, adiorsof 92 acouts;Dr Camp presided. Meeting opened by Officers elected and installed no urated Mainea adtergakef a tea- son audiors of 92ar nco, nds ~"the Insiitute Ode and The Lord's Monday 1evening for Nestleton Court spoon fuinqrter i g laThs sofwter F.D. Glrhow e nitr Inspectrdanf Prayer. Scripture lesson by Mrs. j. No. 1031, Canadian Order of Forest- ihtate r evstng ThesfsweetensnD. albih , ebr fBar fG. Marlow. Mrs. VanCamp gave a ers are: Past Chief Ranger-J4. L. ~he tomchpreent theforatin of last day of'the convention. Jcsblin; Chief Ranger-R W Jackson; of excelle acid and there is no sotur- N. H. Marlow, School Attendance Miss Appelbe, Vice-President of the Vice Ohief Ranger-T. G. Wilson; neas, gas or pain. BL-urated Mag- Officer, presented his report which ýFederated Women's Ins-titute, was Recording Secretary-Henry Thomp- nesia (in powder or tablet form- was accepted. He was re-appointed. one of the speakers esht day. It son; Treasurer-Peter Wright; neyer liquid or milk) is barleas to John Watson was appointed to would be just splendid if we could Chaplain--Jehn Wilson; S. Wood- the fftomach, inexpensive to take and, procure wood for hall, icarry out some of her address se wards-Percy Philp; J. Woodwards ia the Most efficient form of magnes- CI-erk was instructed to advertise cially "The desire and hope that -George Black; S. Beadle-S. T. ia for stemach pur-poses. It is used tenders for 30 sticks of culvert tim- each township may have printed its Ferguson; J. Beadle-Dan Black. by thousands of people who enjoy ber. on1itrcIrcra cuae We vnn etn atwe their meals with no more fear of in- Or(lers were signed as followP: 1oan corleecord, a posbaccur ate We vnn etn twe digestion. .MngmrSc a. was in charge of President teek the E.MotgmeySe. res. it, from the 'ilme of its firat settlers formn of grandmothers and grand- ____________________ S. S. grant............. $200.00i dwn :o the present, Much important fathers night. A good progTram was W. Beacock, Bootb No. 1.. 10-001 bistory migbt be secured from our given consisting of: Lesson was read Safe Spcedv Relief D. English, Booth No. 2 12.00: grndparents. We then had read- by A. H .Veaie; duet by Mrs. p. Eedc.S. T. Bruce, Booth No. 3 .... 12.00 ings by Mrs. Mahood and Miss Mary Wright and Mrs. R. Suggitt; reading mI't Neuraighia ÀDrNF. crhurso, Booth No. 4.. 14.001 Crozier. Meeting closed by the in- b r.J edn ure yMs Stop Your Rthoumatiam Dr cth, M. H. O. ...100.00 i stitute Ode. A social hour was Wrgt Mrs. .GrdnSugtt yMsrs. Sei1eir~ ru ~ N. H. Marlow, School At- WrgtadMs jgit ess Templ1en for nro Stra cd edneOfcr.....1.0 spent, lunch being served by Mrs. Porteous and Veale. A discussion Si boxes STot oUYS &d ~ tndF. ceBru ic 0.001Wih assisted by Mrs. R. Stinson, by Mr. R. H. Suggitt and Mr. Peter L T RLrih B fTe.GaiM~ .VaCm n rs .b'tWright on the progress of tihe church. "F. 8() Wright. February meeting wiIl be Meeting closed with Mizpah bene- W Beacock, Sec'y. L -.B. o fH 8.00) held at Mrs. Jas. Byers at 2 p. mi. dito. M.R.HSggt wa _______________ i. Howe, Sanitary Insp. .. 6.00dito. MsR.H ugtwa H. Parsons, printing ... ... 8845 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahood, with pianist. Dr. R. Archer, visit to Wm. their many friends are enjoying Burr's................... 10.00 their radie which was a Christias January monfihly meeting of Wom- Judge McGlade, elect. board 6005 gift from their daughter, Mrs. Ar- en's Institute was held on Wednes- THIS MOTHER Council adjourned to meet Fe,.1 cher. day, January 5, at Mrs. S. F. Fer- 5, at7 3p.m We would be pleased to hear more guson's with a goodly nuinber pres- 1Richard Edgerton, W. E. Beacock, family histories. We are glad that ent.. After routine business which GL U D U H E ,Reeve. Clerk. Mr. Murray Emnierson 'has made a consisted of giving Miss Ethel Thomp- sîart. Who will ho the next? son a donation ef $500 fQr wreaths and flowers furni.sled for decoration CAESREAFor the best material, the beat day also a donation of $5.00 to Mua- 1$ W EIL CESREmade, the b:st fitting and'best value kk optl a good progrn in en' Su-tecal atConhJohn- was rendered censistlng of readings Mis. arkaTeli 11evLvdi E. and Cosarea Women's ston & Crydermnan's. Eats Everything, Nothing Bothers Iimn In my opinion", sai.d Mr. J.N. Meagher, 39 Priniro-se Ave.,Otaa "there is nothing like MILLER'Sý HERB JUICE. Before using thisi product 1 wa.s always constipated, my liver was inactive, my foodi would not digest, I had terrible gas pains and Mny nerves xvere complete- ly unstrung. HERB JUICE is cor- tainly a remarkable remedy. It r-e- Ileveti me of al my troublejs. I now eat everything I want and notlhiing bother-s me wbatsoevor. HERB JUICE i% the greatest niedicine I ever u.ed". Fo)r sale by Jury & Lovell Ltid. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL -istmas Examinations held in Newcastle Higfh S2hool when pupiks took less than 6 subjects they are not ranked: FORM 1 FORM1 8S 91 79 92 96 69 94 69 82 97 92 7;' 96 60 100 51 94 79 86 65 85 52 76 62 FORM 111 94 39 e 43 54 .56 57 76 88 90 69 77 95 78 57 65 86 56 50 75 66 66 66 69 '51 96 53 56 65 72 93 79 rt Ir S. is n ýh AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER t My Dear Niece :-What a whole- rsonie condemnation your letter con- tains for tihe poor, old mythical Santa Claus! Ye.t not mythical any longer as he appears in fiesh and b]ood bere, dthere and every-where at the samie .time! s It must be a sign of the times, of' rthe very modemn tisnes indeed, as everything is chianging so rapidly year by year. 0f course we knowv Santa Claus is a busineýssnman, and that is where tbe rub comes. In the old far off days whii<h you recaîl, such super- abundance of toys and gifts and presents were unheard of. Children theni were happily sat- isfied with their own family Christ- mas tree, their littie stockings con- taining 'all the presents they would get. Now it is different; from store te store eager children clamour for w~hat they want and what tbey ex- pect te have; they study pricýes withi clever sopbisticated eyes, and you cannot hood-wink then into sorne- thing c1ieap, and taw<iry to pass as ex- pensive and up-te-date in toys. Each year it beconies a big ques- tion of spending more and more to satisfy and give pleasure, beicausef the actual pleasiire la killed if a child knows the value, size or ahund- ance or its presents does not equal'1 another cbild's. Well we cannot bring back the oldi days, my dear niece, but perhaps we can inculcate inte the cbjîdren a diff- erent view of Christmias if we try. Tlhis idea which seenis uppermost in their minds of how much they wil1 get, of how many different Christmias' parties and trees they are going te, j of thei-r egotistical selflshness, ofi each one for hiniself, is flot whatWe would wish our little ones to, remeln-, ber of Christmas.1 The true nieaning of Christmas seesus lost, or Ihidden, beneath thel bulk of Santa Claus, be appears in November and keeps well to. the front until after the Christmas se- son la paat, as if by sheer force he would oust out froni the minds ofi children ,and grown ups alike, what the beautiful festivity of Christmasi ineans to us and to the whole worid. ýOnce upon a time he mysterious]y! crept down our chimneys in _h.mi. dle of te night andi dealing out bis gifts to each of the little socks, s'ould vanish; we nover saw himn, and J only heard of bum in whispers arounti the ifireside a f ew days before Christ- mas. But we were very contenti and happy. AIl te extravagance andi hosts of toys, the excitemept of many trees, and presents of these days cannot nake the chiltiren one iota happier than those of the olti days. Your loving Aunt Susan J. A. McCIeIIan, Manager j SCalin __ Puzzlem 'A-'valuable These letters, properly rearranged spell the name of a late famous Can you gues what bi& naine was? If you are clever enough to solve this fascinating, but simple problem, you stand a chance of becomlng the owner of a valuable and higbly profitable lot-AT NO COST TO YOU %VHATEVER-sltuated in the valuable oil producing district of the Province of Aberta. Ail you bave to do to stand a chance of becomlng the owner of this valuable leasehold property ls to send us your solution of thie problem. If you are declared the winner, you will recelve a certificateof ownership from a well-known Canadian trust company. This la an opportunlty you should not neglect. This evening, or rlght now, work out the solution of this puzzle and send us your answer. -----USE THIS COUPON -- Century 011 and Land Co. Llmited 190 St. James Street, Montreal MY SOLUTION 19......................................... MY NAux . .................................. MY ADDRUM............................................ ................. ............. A E L I R 87 1 81 3 81 93 71 74 82 60 44 54 ti0 78 90 87 80 76 75 70 66 64 77 78 69 74 86 55 55 60 67 43 50 64 70 55 65 91 84 75 89 86 82 62 42 79 23 33 39 50 42 69 50 73 69 78 76 27 28 70 81.2 46 55 59 5 7 68.3 74.7 93 80 77 81.5 86 64 51 54 52 91.5 65 76 63 68.3 39 82 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumnatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEAR Accptonj~ IBayr"package Safewhich contains proven direc=ions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 ts.blet Alobottieu of 24 and IO-Druggista. Am>trin la the tUsôs mark restuit .dluCanada) of Bayer manufacture o ni o.etie. scidester of Salleilicaoid (Acetyl Balicylle Aeld, "À. B. A."). White Ih la Woui kuov tltat Aspîi l meana Bayer manufacture. to soldat the public against Imitations. the. Tabimta ., ,.ai. lnp.. .. U e tanped wlth tharfelr seitra" mark, tha "Bayer rou,'t surprisei o ep My voice!"' TO HELP YOU wthYOUR INCOME TAX RETURN T 0 assist the income tax payers of thîs commu- nity in preparing their rcturns for the ycar 1926, due on April 3th next, the Bank of Montreal bas issued a bookiet on THE CANADIAN INCOME TAX ACT Tis bookiet, compiled from authoritative sources, containing flot only the full text of the Iaw but also clear interpretations and illustrative examples, may be obtained witbout charge, on application to our nearest Brandi. 13ANKOf i c-MONTREAL Ettablished 18-17 %kdatiAusetalzs excesor à 75o.0ooo 0 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH =c 17-1 Lumbago PAGE SIX

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