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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 7

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TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL~~.E, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Very Fine Quai ity - - - - »7 Truly satiefing-onlY 43c per 1/ lb. 'PONTIAC' "CHIEF OF THE SIXES" The Brilliance and Snap of a Real Big Engine With a motor whose officiai power rating is from 201% to 40% mrater than that of any other Iow-cost six, the Pontiac Six introduces into its field a thriliing and brilliant performance. By this decisive power supremacy alone, the Pontiac Six reflects those ideais of high quaiity upo nwhich it was conceived, deveioped and pre- sented to a warmly receptive publi-at a price so unexpectediy low that only General Motors could possibly achieve it. Corbett Motor Sales McLaughlin, Oldsmobile and Pontiac Cars and Atwater Kent Radios Phone 248 Bowmanville CONTENTEDI1 Contentment is not mereiy a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge. that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked so hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY! That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! AND YOU WILL THEN ENJOY A HAPPY NEW YEAR J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanviile By71ZcC/eI14.1 i7fil]m e Ynur nase may flot know-but if it~ gets cold it wiIl feel "so". If you want "better fuel and a warmier house-send your coal order here. gcCLÏELLÀ&CO. LTD. PHONE - ï .ij.R.ESIDEN5E OFFIE- 'i-1- 226-274 15 i&l 7 2 18 ORONO 0IIART F ENGISH AND HOCKEY NEWS j1IILRT CANADIAN NAMES (PIrom The News of January 6th)1 Port Hope 4-Bowmanvifle 3 Miss Gladys Tucker bas returnedi Kind friends in Stratton -have sent ta Whitby Ladies' Coliege. 1 us a copy each of The Bude and Buwxnan'ville lost ta Port Hope in Miss J0 Armstrong has returned Stratton Post (Launceston) and The an O. H. A. Intermediate fixture here to her po-ition in Syracuse, N. Y. Western Turnes, (Exeter.) In looking Wednesday evening. It was the Mis Douzh Rchads as om through these papers we were struck be.t game yez with good hockey, badj frniTrot frNew Years. with the similari'ty of surnames of hockey, and a littie bit of prize- frmTootofrthe peuple of Cornwall ap)d Devon fighting for exzra measure. The Mr. Phil VanDusen bas goite ta and our own Durhamn peorple. For visitors seemed to have ail the goad London where he has secured a job. instance, under Stratton and Bude in luck as Bowmanville unintentionally Clarke Township Agricultural So- Cornwall we find these famniliar scored most of 'the winners goals. ciety will meet on Friday, January namnes: Brown, Young, Thomas, The first goal plinked in after the 21st. King, Blight, Clarke, Andrews, Ba,- rubber hit "Denny" Densem's stick. Mrs. Robt. Tbompson returned dercock, Cooper, Treleven, Banjbury, Hooper kicked the next one in and home tihis week from Hospital at Tor- Skitch, Jones, Hill, Gilberft, G;rille,' Colwell scored anather by a kick. The onto. Ward, Hlocken, Harris, venning, last was a slow one which squeezed Mr. and Mrs. Toughton, Toronto, Cory, Cullis, Davey, Lewis, WieKett, between Bert's legs wben he wss on spent New Years with ber sister, Mrs Isaac, Stevens, 'Burr, Furze, Rogers, lus knees. So the eaztern teamn Geo. Wannan. Hockaday, Penfound, Masan, May,! didn't really win their own gaine. But Cann, Moore, Rice, Barrett, Med-1 that's the way luck goes in hockey Mr. Wallace Sisson bas resumned land, Pethick, Oliver, Legge, Han- sonietimes. Goalie Joe Micks was b is former position in C. G. Arm- cock, Tape, Batten, Luxton, Lyle, right an and gtopped ail but ihree. strong's Big Store. lFound. Jewell, Saunders, Colwill, He was tbe salvation of bis tearn and Miss Eleanor Milîson and Miss Oda Jeffery, Shurt, Hallett, Williamsu, he sure looked good ta, the -spectat- Gam.sby, Business College, Toronto, Giffaord, Jennings. ors. In the first period the red and spent the holidays at home. 1 Under Bradworthly and Hols white scored two while the red, Mrs. Campbell wtiho mnade ber worthy in Devonshire these surnanues- white and blue got one. In the borne witb ber brother, the late Jas. occur: Bond, Oke, BartlettD n, second the score reversed and the Maguire, bas gone ta the cty. 1Hearn, Iýeard, Fiý'e', Nance-Kivel, licasntte one e wfwinle is-n Misses Marion Brown and Neya Jennings, Baldson, Bennett, eray, itrsulted ine.noThefgoal foraPor Rainey, in training at Oshawa Hos- Hill, Barfett, Cann ,Newiton, Down- Heta n h amoterenddoa- for thet pital, were home for New Years Day. ing, Roobins, Hunt, Snoh ateHopeiad e laers. e -3fr h Mr. and Mrs. O. Scott are occupy- Coombe, Webber, Martin, Fuifond, Port Hope-Goal--Joe Micks; De- ing tbeir residence, tbe former borne Mitchell, Wilson, Cornish, Rowland, fense--Qrossett, Hutchinga; Centre af the late James Maguire, for the Peters, Letcher, Je'well, Balch, Hol. -K. ae ig-.W ,A wintr. mn, ohns RadeyParonsOr-HilIs;, Subs.-Stevenson, W. Hilîs. winter. eterchard HyeCaihw vntn, Bawm;anville-Goal-Co*'well; De-1 MaosterKetheMclray ofPetr-Pengilley, Berry, Martyn, Pearce. fes-opr Dne-ete haoe, sethe holo iy a Nobe hsenansar ufficient to, in- Moyse; Wings-I. Piper, A. pr; Le" the hme i rada-dicate irom what part ai England Subs--Luxton, Roubeck. _Referee enss hraey fCcrn, h smany of the forbears af the present -Mathews, Toronto. MissRaiey f1Cc-ra-, -1- isresidents oi this county came.______ visiting ber grandînother, M rs. John N. Powers, spent Christimas weeki with friends in Whitiby. The whistle of tbe Flax Factory these days is an intimation ta citizens that operativrus in that establishmnent are once more in fulli-swing. Dr. F. J. Cuttell ai Toronto, Assa- ciate wvith Dr. Fisk, one of the fore- most Orthadantists in that city, spent New Years Day at haome. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson and family, Lake Shore, spent Christmnas at Mr. and Mrs. James Maffat's, Miss Bella remaining for a f ew days. Misses Mary andi Margaret Sisson spent Cbristmas week in tibe city with their mother, Mrs. Bertiha Siseon, and their aunt, Mrs. Edmiston. Miss Leta Hancock ai Broaksville, Penn., remembered Orona Women's Institute witb a Christmas gift ai $5.00 ta belp carry un their work. Anniversary and Thankaffering ai Park St. United Church, Sunday, January 16th. Rev. Dr. A. J. Juhnstan, Toronto, will be the speak- er. Choked fo.r Air. Soxie littie ir- ritant becuxnes lodge'd in the bron- chiaI tubes, <thers gatiher, and the a.wful choking of asthrna resfilta. Nothing offers quite such quick a.nd positive relief as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. The healing, soothing smoke or vapooe penetrates, clears the passages and gives untold relief. It has behind it years of suclcesa. It is the sure reniedy for every sufferer. McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets Fine For. Thin Under develooed Kids Chrîdren Love Them Recause fle3 Are Sugar Coated anmd as Easy to Tae .as Candy. It's your duty, Mother, to se. that the frail. peaked, sickly youngster The financial statement ai the Or- grows- up' to be e-trong in biody, -keon ana Telopihone Ca. Ltd., shuws a cash in mind and robust in healtlh. balance ta current accaunt ai $2282.- Extracted from the livers ai the 53, and $500.00 in General Reserve lowly codflsh are the health, weight account. and strength produicing vitamines Mr. Cbarley Knox emplayed with that are found in MeCay's Cod Liver the Generati Mtars, Osbawa, con- Extract Tableta, which are dold by tracted a severe cold with prieurnonia pharmacietsalal over North and threatened. He la naw pragressing South Axicrica. favorably.1 Doctos know about tihevi snd so Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Billings are do ail druggiste and if your eilîdren muving into their handsome new need building up asic for these tab- residence built an the saulm part ai leta today if ima want te give ydur the former late J. L. Tucker property loved cnes a good appetite apd put (Mabarry's Corners.) pounds oft good healthy flosém an Speaking oi the 'riait oi Mr. Rubert their boncs. But ho sure and get Jackson, a former Kendal boy in a McCOY'a. recent issue af The News, it ws.s Thoy are net exponsive-O tab- stated that be is a grandiather, lts-GO0 cents and if you arceflot wbich we learn is incorrect. pleaaed with the imProvement after Protect the cbild fronu the rav- 80 dayu--your money back. ages uf wurxns by using Mother A vry elckly châild, age 9, galnod Graves' Worm Exterminatar. It is 12 pounda In seven montha and lao a standard remedy, and years ai strong and héalthy. use have enhanced ita reputaition. On. sklany woman galned 9' The dance under auspices ai Or- poundi In 24 days. ana Junior Farmers, in the Town_______________ Hall, Friday evening when a very en- joyable time was spent. The Tay- lor Edgerton orchestra put up theBe aeo music. wa eo Mr. W. F. Ralph ai thie -Temper-Bld e ance Hause, went ta Toranto Tues- YYei& nls8 day for an operatian, for the re- mral ai a cataract froïm bis oye. Operatian is believed ta have b,,Gen g- p- ig t quite successful. An appeal for lathing, especially Diatuirb.d Reit Undermin.. H.altm, for chilîdren, bas been received by Sapa Vitaîf'ty, States Physicien Who Orona Women's Institute f rom Miss Recommande Home Tr.atumnt Ragers, a school teacher in the. AI- Mnadwmnwo r osat gama district. Any one caring to e n oe im r osat nelp may leave their donations at ly annayed and distresaed by Bladder Mrs. Cuttell's or Mrs. Dicksan's. Weakness or Uriniary Irritaitions shouid take imniediatue stops ta coin- Mc. Isaac Winter, aiter fourteen bat their trouble before it reaches a years continuaus service at tihe Cor- sraso ehp agru tg ner Store, severs bis conneetion, a~e edcepisi therewith owing ta jîl health. Mr. akceHadcepisi Winter proudly stresses the iacti feet and legs, nervouanesa, restless- that during aIl that tume na barsh ness, irequent bu t scanty urination. wond bas passed between them. Wc with burning and pain, getting-up- join his nîany fiends in wishing hum nîghts--tiheae are saine ai tbe mare, better condition of bealtil in bis re- troublesome signa ai Badder Weak-l tirement. ness or Irritation that sbould have The Annual Meeting of the Bad No matter ýhow stubborn your case ai Education, Orona School, iras, may seem -to ho or how many differ- held Wednesday evening of lastj ent medicines you have tried witiheut week in the Schoal Auditorium, Rev.i success-don't give up, and think S. T. Tucker occupied the chair. The vomir case hapelesa tir the natural annual statement presented by the osquence ai advancing years. un- Secretary-Treasurer ai the Board, tii you haive tried the apecial privato Mr. A. J. Staples, was a clear presen- prescription ai Dr. Southworth, a tation of the financial affairs ai the pyîian ai nearîy 50 years suc- Scihool. Retiring Trustee C'. A. p- cflepeine Chapman was reelected. Ini order to reacih the inany thons- Mr. E. E. Patterson, former awner ands wha cannet conte ta bis office, and manager oi the Breoklin Crearn- Dr. Soathworth bhas placed bis URA- ery, bas bougbt the Creamnery here TABS in good, local drug stores- frein Messrs. H. N. and Lauie Junk- and invites you ta try thern without er and Wallace Sissan, and toak aver risk af cast, unless pleased. if the management ai the business Mon- IJRATABS bing yau swif t and cor- day. He also purchased the ci- tain comfort yuu will ho hatppy. If plete equipment, trucks, etc.. Mr. they do not satisfy, they will coati Patterson bas had long experience you nothing-sa, if yau need thi. in the Creanuery business and bas a grand inedicine, try it tadatyl Au reputation for turning out firat- good dsuggists. class butter.1 W. M. S. ai Park St. United Churdb met Tuesday aiternoon Graup No. 4, witb Mrs. M. J. Tant- blyn as leader, had charge ai the pro- gramn, wbich consisted ai bath Christmas and Néw Yea-r Thaughts; piano solo, Mrs. M. H. Staiples; Scripture Lessan, "The Birth ai Christ", by Mr.s. W. S. Cabbledlck; Christmas reading by Mrs. M. J. Taniblyn; vocal duet, Mrs. W. S. Ceibbledick and Miss Gladys Coyble- dick geading by Mms. L. Buckley; paosolo, Mias Gladys Tucker; the Stusly'Book was taken by Mrs. M. H. Staples; reading by Mrs. John Tain- blyn; sla by Miss M. Powe~r; read-' in by Misa Penound and a pianmo »ooby Master Obarlie Buckley. Constipation Biliouaness Stomach and Bowel Trouble Relieved by Fig-Lax Tablets 25e and 50e a box BOWLING ALLEY NEWS 5 Pin Bcowling Club Officerit Meeting ai Bow'manville 5-Pin Bowling Club was held Friday even- ing, JanuaTy 7, 1927, te eleet affi- cers for this year. Ail the tennis except one frein the asat series en- tered jand this place was taken by the Gaverninent Boys' Training Sehool teanu. Everyone was pleas- ed ta have thein enter. Officers elected are: President- Frank Williams; Vice-Preidenv---Dr G. C. Bannycastle; Secretary-Treas- urer-C. A. Smith; Executive Coin- mittee-E. Gibbs, A. J. Wadhams, J. Williams. Prize Winners Announced The lst scihedule being a ver find the fallowing players winners ai the prizes below: $10.00 prize, bost.scare in beague gaine-James Williamns 317; $5.00 Prize, lst dbigh average bewler-L. Roenigk 213; $3.00 Prize, 2nd bigh averag ebowler-M. Caak 204; $3. Prize, 3rd high average bewler-mB'. Colwell 204; $2.50 Prize, 1 higb scare-Winnie varcae; $2.00 Prize, 2 high score-Bertha F'reema.n; $2 Prize. Boys' high score-Edward Rundle 293; $3.00 Prize for best score for men uver 45 years ai age -AI J. Wadhams 362. 10 high average buwlers-L. Rue- nigk 213; B. Colwell 204; M. Cuok 204; F. Williams 200; JI Williamms 200; A. Elliot 196; F. Meure 194; R. Witheridge 194; G. Wiglht 193; T. A .Dustan 191. Town Leagime Standing Teamas Won Lost Scare Pis. Rackney 22 il 31199 30 Bonnycastle 19 14 30790 28 Crossey 20 13 31473 27 Cale 19 14 31014 27 Smith 19 14 30782 25 Rotary 18 12 28256 25 Dur. Tex. 19 16 30560 23 Johnson 15 18 30885 19 Harnden 14 19 30468 19 Lapp 13 20 29782 18 Plummer 13 17 27252 17 Welsh 9 24 30031 14 This series la coinpleted when Rotary Club plays Nunîwer's teain. A HOLIDAY WEDDING A prety wedding was solemnized on Monday, Decemnber 27, 1926, at the home ai Rev. William Higg, Port Perry, when bis eldest daughter, Mary Ellon, was united in marriage with Mr. Charles Alvin Richards, M .D., ai Curtisville, Pennsylvania. The ceremony was perfarmed by the bride's fatfiher, Rev. Wm. Higgs, as- sisted by Principal F. L. Farewell uf Onitario Ladies' College, Whitby. Miss Aileen Higgs was bridesmaid and Dr. Griffin wgs groomamen. The ceremony was periormned un- der an arcb ai evergreens in the prsence ai about twenty-five Tela- tives and intimate iriends. Miss Edith Widup played the wedding march. At the conclusion ai thme ceremony a dainty wedding break- fast was aerved. The fiuwers used far decaratian were pink and whitie carnations. The bride was gawned in white geoTgette trimmed with peuris, and cairried a bouquet ai pink roses. The bridesmaid wore a dress ai blue taif- eta trimxned witlh silver and carried a bouquet ai red rases. Aiter the wedding trip, Dr. and Mrs. Richards wiil resîde at Curtis- ville, Pa. Mrs. Richards' many friends in Tyrone and vicinity jain in hearty congratulations. Internally and EIxternally it' is Good.-The araw.ning property ai Dr. Thomas' Eclectiric Oil is that it can be used internally for many coin- plaints as well ai extternallY. For sare throat, croup. whaoping cougu. pains in the cbeât, colic and many kindred ailments it bas qualities that are unsurpassed. A bottle ai it costs littie and there is no Ions in always having it eat hand. Do as Mr. Gard Mr. Anson A. Gard, the woll knowU Littérateur af Ottawa, called the Wan- dering Yankee, says In an unsolicited testýmona1 for ZUTOO Tablets : "Zutoo Tablets stop my heïd- &Ches go conipletely tliat 1 do not mind having them mny moe." No need for any one to sufoe frem ha. ache if they do as Mr. Gi dois and take Zutoo -Buy In Bowmanville- Canada Is Prospering This District Is Prospering Our Business Is Increasing And we will do our utmost to assure you that we xiii give honest values, high grade merchan- dise, efficient workrnanship, courteous and prompt attention to your wants during 1927. W. Len. ELLIOTT Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting King St. W., Phone 348, Bowmanville -Buy in Bow-manvile- ARE YOU ONE?0 Who is yet to appreciate the values, satis- faction and service we are giving customers who want the best and choicest in meats? If you are we ask an opportunity of supply- ing a share of your requirements from our well equipped stock of fresh, cured and cooked meats. LANCE GARNET Phare. & McCoy Cash and Deiv.ry Dutchurs Ph...BI D518vfl --Buy In Bowmnavile- Buy Groceries THE NELLES CASH AND DELIVERY WAY It' s a saving habit which makes available ex- tra money for other necessities. T hat is Why we introduced this thrifty meth od of buying groceries. Without quoting prices you know you can buy groceries for less here. WË DELI VER IN TOWN W. G. Nelles Phone 62 BOWManil I SPECIAL CANNED GOODS SALE 'Where QuJ.ty Coui;ts" Put in à supply durinR this Special Sale. Wc esp<ciaIly recomnirnd our DOMINO BR.AND Vegetables. SpecalIy -ûccurtd, fancy grade and vvery can guarantred. Our Baysie Fruits aie deliciou . Spec ially *selected tfram the finest orchards of Ontario. OnIy the choicest fruits packed under this abeI PEA&S reg 2 lins CORN 2 tins 33c Domino Brand 3 c Domno Brand reg. 19c Bayslde Choice Quality 2 tins 27c Choice Quality - 2 tins 27e Standard Quality - 2 tins 23e Standard Quality 2 tins 23c TOMATOES 21/2s 2 tins 27 Standard Quality 2& 10c tin, 2%&s 2 tins 23c Brunswick 4 tins 25c Bayuie PEARS 25c "ia BLUEBERRIES 21 c fi Aun CHERRIES 29c Niagara Peape 3 Fall is epl 3 SHRIMPS 21c GoldneHat wiQuikER39C Choice GolenHalowQUKE with Chine Santa Clara DATE QOATS PremiuniPU E 2 b. 2lc SOUP's 2 iba. 29c 2 lb. 1 "-'etu" 2 6tis2 1 c _ Large___ IDOMINO Brand W-e RICE2't,. 25c California State 23c tin Asparagus Delmonte Spinach 21c tii Sauerkraut -15C tii Cho>ice Salmolb36c Coho. imoltin C Pink Salmon 13c Lobster - 25c & 42c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL%,E, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 PAGE BEVEN

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