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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1927, p. 1

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~br Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Puh1ishers. (R1XtNff A MkTTT T rP rITl -%A I iii ~ w EdY1INL1'4 LLL IUI<EK COMING REV. DR. J. W. PEDLEY, President of Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada, will give his popular lecture "The Humnorous Side of a Minister's Life" in St. PauI'a Church on Friday, January 28th at 8 P. M. Musical numbers will be given by Mesdames R. J. Gi, Alex. Col- ville and C. H. Dudley. ADMISSION 25e Progressive Euchre will be held in the A. O. .F. HALL on THURSDAY-, JANUARY 27TH at 8 P. nM. by COMPANIONS 0F THE FOREST Good Prizes, Refreshments ADMISSION 25c Amusement Tax 2c extra -Buy In Bowmanville- STOCK REDUCIN Ollers Many Ternpting B We are determined Io make quick work of winter goods. To do this in the most effectivie have been literally slashed in every direction ta very attractive. The high quality is stili there, back of every sale but you are enabled to buy prices of the whole year. Don't delay anoth( and see. You will be convinced it will pay yot buy now. Ladies' Winter( MARKED DOWN ONE-THIRD BELOI REGULAR PRICEkI Your choice of any coat in the store at this tremen A Few Ladies' Coats Cie at $5.00 Each Ladies' SiIk or Cloth Dr NOW REDUCED AS LOW AS $4.E AIl other Ladies' Dresses in Silk, Crepe, C-î drastically reduced in price for immediate sale. Men's Fancy Tweed Ovei Almost aIl sizes available, well made, this some priced as low as ................................. Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and th( down ta haîf original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is beingc low prîces. Coc,çhso & Crydei Bowmanvilll. Pbon.104 With Which Is lncoi-porated Tne Bowmanyille News IJIJJ VNII UUýJ 1 NUR~uuY 20tf., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Cnnv MN . FOR SALE! 31/4ACRES on which is a seven room frame house with modern conveniences, good sized outbuilding, and hen bouse 72x12; also a num- ber of young apple trees, small fruits and fiee gard- en. Would be an excellent site for a hennery bus- iness. Price $3000.00 Apply to IEdith Y, Scobeli Insurance and Real Estat. Agent Bowmanville I -IMIr., Iq . VEGETABLE GROWERS MEET MINISTERS AND CHURCHES j HIGH SCHOOL REPORt HORTICULTURA.L SOCIETY HE-AR ED. R. KELS5Ei- FRIDAY The monthly meeting of the Bo'w- St. Joseph's R. C. Churcb, Rev. J.1 Cbrintaa Examinationa HOLD ANNUAL MEETINGRoayCu rst aFeCMý manv-ille Branch of the Ontario Veg- J. Butler. Morning Mass 8.30 a..m. RoiesReete o 97mnty SvclebPr rmen in a r..Cin. etable Growers' Association will be Sunday Se'hDoo 2.30 p. mu. Evening Tihe names of al atudents wbohRlce or 97 uay evcebo.i ' rnt held in thre Council Rooni, on F'riday,1 7 p. mi., Sermon and Benediction. obtained at least an average of 60 Annual meeting of BowmanvjlleCurh January 21, 1927,, at 8 p. m. Mr. S t. Jodhn's A. Y. È~ A. at their per cent are included. The namnes Horticultural Society attracteci a In order thAt as many as possible Richmond of the Ontario Agriculture i meeting Monday evoning discussed are arranged in order of neit: larger attendan1ce of citizens than may hear Ead. IR. Kelsdy, Toledo, Ohi- College, Guelph, will address the l prograins for the coming year and Form V-Ten Papers-Merriul usual on Friday evening in thre Coun- io, a former Vrice-President of Rotary meeting, and in add'ition movingl adjourned for the Vestry meeting. Ferguson, Minnie Pear'ce, ooh i on hntePeiet r .Itrainl rnt ntdGuc be shown. Ail members and frienda alsCuciRv .W etJms iePprs-Levi Annis; W .Best presided. bas been secured wirere Bowman- are urged to be present. Newcastla !. D., Mînister. il a. m.-",Cit Seven Papers-Dorotiiy Robins, Nora Officers elected for coming year: ville Rotary Club wiIl give a compIi- ___fRfg" 7p .-h iboMuieWidtDrtymentery Cornmunity Service Pro- growers cordially invited.eso Reue. 7pm-"ie iboM rie intt Drty President-Dr. D. W. Best; Vice- grani on Friday,,Januery 2lst et 8 1Value of Self-Respect". 2:30 p. ni. Barton; Five Papers-Beatrice CrY- Presidents-W. B. Couch, Dr. V. H. pmsap Rev.G. aso, C R.B~__ udaySehol nd ibl Clsse. dxiian.Storey; Directors-A. H. Fletcher, C Rotarians who ireard Mr. Kelsey President. Se'y.-Treas. Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U Forin IV-Nine Papers-Gertrude W. Bagnell, A. J. Wadiranu-, Mr. speak et Niagara Falls last spring are Robinis, Pastor. Sunday services at Ferguson, Kathleen Hall, Lola Welsh, Stewart, T. A. Dustan, S. J. Jackman, vryentirusiestic about bis coming 11 a. ni. and 7 p. ni. Sunday Scirool Tom Hoar; Eight Papers-Dougla6 A. S. Baker, C. A. Cawker, Oliver bere to address a Bowmanville and- Ail ~~at 2:30 p. ni. Good music by tire Carrutirers, Doris Stainton, Edward Roberts, Dr. J. Baldwin; Delegates t< ece Try sue I.hoae Afternoon Tea SI onorganist. o r~Caverly and LMnaMurtry eqadFRena H. H. S.urnvtind Dr . Btaldwinec tbemelves of this opportunity ht LeaDilngeulFedHeurtndAtH -tce; e.they will irear an address full of St. John's AgicnCburch. Rev. ilt and Frank Hastings equal, retary-J. H. H. Jury; Tresurer- humor and seriousness that will fair- AN4D R. J. fillires, Retor. Third SundiryThoms Sykes, Nellie Snowden, Greta J. A. MeClellan; Auditors-Ge. W. ly play on tire heart strings and M u iaeafter Fpipirny, January 23rd. 1927. Pollard, Dorothy Allun, Ruby Witir- James and A. L. Hagenman. reachdcown into your susatl o M u iae8a m.-Holy Cmuimi a eridge, Marion Allin, Herry Cowling, An appropriation of $50.00 iras makre inward resolutions to ire the -Mornin Prayer. 2:30 P. n.- un GeoCle. been set aside to beautify tire town iretter sort of men and women tirat will be ireld at tbe borne of day Schlool. 7 p. m.-Evening Forin lîl-Nine Papers-Gordon wirich will inclQse a Bird Bath on the community would like you to be. MRS (EV) . CDRMNT Prayer. Osbo'rne and Marion Riekerd equel; ovel in front of bospitai, and mak- Frank, Mulholland, a former Presi- MRS.(RE.) . MDERENT St.Andrws resyteianChuchEight Iapers-Elgin Munday, Eileen ing tbe vicinity of the drinking dent of International Rotary says-. Queen te. St.Ade'Preebtrin bouh Hockin. Leon Moore, Marguerite fo4ntain, east of Cowan Block morel "Ed. R. Kelsey bas ii reai message corner Temperance and Chureir Sts. Armistrong, Vere Wood, Morgan attractive with' climbers and s[rubls. and knows bow to deliver it. I lhave le . R ob t. M cD erm ent, M . A ., m in - L unn ey , H elen D arch , Jim D evitt, c i i i s o h e r r s l e n a h a d h m t l n m n c a s o s T uesday, Jan. 25 ister. Morning Worsirip il a. nM. Stanley Riekard, John Alexander, Activters of atbe 80e.rArsu is hea inftlkuoencefogoccaisin froi 330 e 6o'cock Evening worship 7 p. ni. Sunday Bernice Bagnell, Fred Jaekman. mtbrhpo but8. A.-Rse atat inf le vo oles indi frm33 o6olf Scirool et 2.30 p.nm. cessful Flower Show was held duringth atirtebeiesnndn Forin lI-.N'ne Papers-,Herbert summer from which surplus recçipts iris dkaily life exemplifiestie id- under tire auspices of tire Trinity United Cirurcir will hold its Conimer, Jebez 'Vanstong, Brenton were given te tire hospital. Mecuber- eaes ir talks about; and h liasC a way Ladies' Association of - annuel congregational meeting on Hezlewood, Wînnifred Rickard, NO- samp of at least 400 is tbe objecit- 'of inspiring tirose who hear bs with Thursday, Januery 2'7th et 8 p. ni. velda Berry, Marie Valleau, Nellie ive tis year. This will place funds a desire te do worth while things. Re St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 'Reports will be presented fron tire Kirkton, Marion Hemilton, Laurence et tire society's disposaI te beautify is acco*niplishung a great work in tiret A silver collection will ire taken. various organisations of tire churcir. Ashton, Greta Munday, Vera Trimb- tire lot West of 'Vanstone's Bridge on ire is arousing men to a realization of 1, Musical part of tire prograni will be le, Edison Mitcihell, Piryllis Cleni- soutir side of King Street. tiroir individuel responsibility te so- Conie and bring e fniend. Junder tire direction of Mr. Frencis ence, Wilfred Greenerway, Beatrilce H .Moe oenetAtrrtceyadi hzlgtn h ap Sutton, Choir Leader. Members Cryderman, Gerald Bradd; Eigtirt H J.Moe,an Govesrien letur ner ct an i tir iiiting tire ampeo and adirerents of tire churcir are Papers-James Hancock, Evolyn Wil iea lsrtd etr n etrwlEiluiet ir atrayt __________________________ crdialy invted.auspices of society on Friday, Feb. bte a" corialyinitd.Bickle, Frank Jamieson; Seven 4tir., subijeet: "Tire Relation of tire Mr. Kelsey bnings tire experience The four oirganizations of tire Iapers-Wallece Horn, Elizeabetir Horticulturel Society to tire Commun. of 25 years in -business, conrbined Woman's Missionery Society of Trin- Bigelow.y. Makre a note of this date end witir 13 years e Rotary Club Secre- ity United Cirureir turned out in large Form IA--Nine Pepers--Winnl-ke t fe o hsmeig ty. er o cu xctv numbers on Sundey morning to heer fred Lancaster, Evelyn Pearn, Seat- eeainde for tis eein. ar,3 years o Scou Eecut- Mrs. A. H. Berker returned mission- rlce Lapp, Beatrice Mollon, Ada AI- fon tirougirout tire country. 'lb ary of Korea, who gave e very in- lin, Muriel Moore, Ruthr Allin, Olive TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE . His subject-Friday evening ill teresting eddress on tiret fer eway Jones, Mabel Curren, Leola Miller, "unsine and Service". land, describing tie piysical fatures Margaret Oliver, Florence Benett, onday evening tie opendg guns In the aftrnoon Mr. Kesey wil G S A L E ~ o!tire country, its people, tire work Bernice Belîman, Jean Bell, eGlaudys in tire cempaign for tire Young addross the students et th ire Rgi of thre missionarles snd tire effects of Janiie-SOn, Marlon SnowdenRirPoe' Parliament were fired and Scirool. tireir teachîng in Hospital, scirool, Luxton; Eigirt Papers-Pryllis achqita large numbor of votera were I iiesol elz ia and tirrougi tire classes fonnied tirere. Beatriýce Allin; Seven Papera--CoY-. on irand te ireer tire campeigners. privilege and oppoztunity is thirus Sire ernpirasized tire need of more aine Semis, G'race Hastings, Editir The platfornis up<>n whicir thre two to iroar such an inspirational speaker arhelpers'ansI money te spread tire Pascoe. parties are eppeaiung to tire elector- as Ed. Kelsey, Trinity Ciruroi will R gains gospel for wiric'i tire number of Forni IB-Nine Pspers--Jobn ate are tire positive aud negative of be crowded Friday night long bfr workers et preseut are very inede- Jury, Kennetir Osborne, Harold Sle- tire subject "Is World Peace Poe- S o'clou'k. quate in tins tirickly fpopuiatod coliu- mon, Morley Vanstone, Kenneth irjsue?" Tis Community Service is a coin- try. Sire also gave a most inter- Morris, Irvin Yeo, Robert Corbotrt, Mr. Lorme Jackman leads tire alfIr- plimentary progrem prescentod by tire iesting story to tire Ladies' Bible Harvey Joint. Eigirt Papers-Os. nietive, and Mr. Wreford Soucirtire Rotary Club and as suci tire Roter- Ciasa in tire afternooq relating a per- cen Janiieson, Allen Clemence; Seven negative perty. Tire leaders are ians cordially invite cituzens of to'wn sonal experience ,w -&.young girl Paperes-Raymnond Burns, J»hn eech iýupported with eigbt o!f.a pro- and eçu'qntY, to tire full seating çgpa- f reducing our in Korea and irow sireand lber irus- Brough. posed cabinet. Eecb party was city of the cirurcir. mariner prbces were led in thre miniatretion of ____ given forty minutes and tire speakers mne rcstegse ocran villages ad leraedfroni eaiir aide. Tire buyin somte of tire resulta froni tis AGRICULTURAL& SOCIETY MEETS speakers for tire affirmative, not in- «"HUMAN NATURE AS SEEN BY nae byn it. Mrs. Berker is tirorougirly FRIDAY AFTERNOONI cluding thre leader, wene Miss Marion A NEWSPAPER EDITOR" Our guarantee is conversent witb bier subject it ireing Pickard, Mr. Stuart James and Miss ____ fifteen years since sire first went Tire notice in enother column that Betty Sergent; for tire negative, tire, George B. Van Blaricorn, editer o! at the lowest tire. Mr. Clgrence Ferguson as- West Drhiam Agricultural Society leader, Mr. Jack Minore, Miss Ida Th"e Canadien Lucmermnan," Tor- sisted 'in tire closing exorcises of tire will irold its alunual meeting Friday Payne, Mr. Gregory Colmer, Miss onto, gave a very intereating and er uay. Cf4ne monning service owing te Rev. J. U. tins week et 2.30 p. ni. in tire Coun- Laverne Orcirard and Misa Helen irumorous address et thre Rotary Club I afRobins ireving to beave to conduct tire cil Room, Bowmanville, is an intian- Cryderman. Friday week on the &abject: "EHmnan uî handsomef; Y unra service of thse late Elgin ation and invitation to every citizen Ail tire sieakoresiruowed a keen Nature as Seen by an Editor." Werd. Iu tire evening Pastor Roi,- in tis tewn and district to attend. study of their asbject and spolie Euliveuod witir a nunsier Of samus- i, prescbed e very helpful sermon Peetmmesae fcuswzth tire ease of practised Parles.- ing atories, Mr. Van Blarircom's talk on "Tire Love of God" Mal. 1:2.* Tire Peetmubr ro ore entarlans. Sallies of sparkling wit was full of optimistic pirilosophy and choir rendered excellent music at expected to attend. Tirere are scores cm io oh gop n etgo dif Telvs n h bobbî sehices.p lsud whgnesatei e d irefr everyone in excellent irumor. How- deedest tiig i. tire workd la a news- o a tssrvce.ahian x d ed iin tirs trudogîeir evor, it was plein tiret botir aides paler," ire told iris hadr "It is .A a s ke e ownale air the strut aird were jut iraving a prolimiuary work- llvesttoday whien it is inued-; k is Tin litlecomentwhih tre edf- n owouaauing airt i .a itandowout sud tiret next Mouday night deadest to-snomrow. If yen won'î Ts apretleee, waa wnltee n Mos prt !tanigr ilurlshowjut before tire voting would be tire believe tiret try. ad find a copy of reaewal blank sent In by I. C. Roue, society iras reached a cnitical penlodreltt.ysxdr'dil 15SSlco Nobi, dsaa plndi rcod o oerhai' Next Monday uigirt each party Newspaper in r,lire declared, wan't- 15ke Tire St t h, *man. inie c peny. reoerd une i l be given tirrty minutes to sun' ed to be faitr and aicurate. They HkeTh Satomu acoetrtion ud a rad optnisŽe t4irurrespective plationis sud wanted te get tire fa<ts sud if Mis-. viseaion and aintr future tc thn tire voting by ballot wiil takre takes wore made sonietimes, it W vsio an f iin hf t re arc e ab place. Votens liste are posted in sirorld ha e re e re'i tirt it'was soltel e e.ieloftire Sunday Scirool roon; names of not posaibe for newupaper mente .be theae is to re aineicmu ysiuined.Tninity Younug People wiricir bave always on tire spot and tbey irad SRoyal T e te i ob anand been omitted cen ire placed thereon sometimes to eccept second or tirrd __________In view of tire many probleme cn- by sonding.tire naine te eitirer W. R. hand information, seeking to ton- fronting tire societ iereioudh Strike or Cecil Bellman. Trere are1 finm it efterward. Tise baste with idusreucio.a large atteudance. Th~e future pol- apparently some very interestingj whic'i matter had te bie prepared for idos edutin.icy and auccess of West Durbham Fair Monday nigts ahead o! Trinity i publication was anotirer fac'tor. It ~a i gWedanadayThuruIay, Jan. 1920 will be deterniined by tire memubers Young People sud aIl wio are inter- aareginttmndwn "Ri-Tn-in i o Fidy ftrnonnext. ested will ire sincerely wolcomned. tis featune was considered thse won- jh Cabinets are as follo<ws. Affin- der was not tiret tire were so many ">à ri g.Wil. Londone. ANDA OAOICLative-Mn. Lorne Jackman, leader; mistakes, -but tiret tire were so feiw. CANAIAN-ORTORCALMr. Stuat James, Miss Betty Sar- Newspaper mon' met al sorts acnd ______ CONTEST gent, Misa Marion Pickard, Mn. Dan conditions orf mon sud one type de-. Friday-Saturday, Jan. 21.22 C DO.-borne, Misa DoTothy Robins, Mn. scribed by Mr. Van Blaricorn as To Colebrate Cnd' ixý% Lyle Foster. tire individuel viro wented to use tire Hoot Gibson in Jubile. Ther. Will Be National Negative-Mr. Wreford Soucir, nvppr as e screen behind' wiich 'e s s"The. Buciraroo Kid" Championtbips Followed by leader; Mn. Smith Ferguson, Miss !hr e udsnipe et sornebbdy ire did Froi treatoy "h romse e"International Contest Ida Payne Miss Helen Crydonman, not like, tire man wiro pestered the ,ýe suetins, tire diamondOhubioeeseeMe"Mr. Gregory Colmen, Mise Laverue ne apaper to publir letters tiret ire by Peter B. Kyne. o!nadhiencnedraion, tuirera isr Orcirard, Mn. Jack Minore. dcl n&t bave tire courage to aigu. Matin.. Saturday at 2.30 p. mn. te be e Canadien Oratorical Contest sTyo ir e n speak mpirasi ofdtire ee open to pupils in tire aecondary1 WARNING-SMALLPOX homtyo citiz r teusspakngvol!tiroir anton or Cloth schos, including higî scirools u_____ome ntonir eevefrstiey vo ts Janury 2-29 olleiateinsttute. 1A t a meeting of tire local o f us1iug eteirbaestiefforts to mke. Jauay24Th'ie winner o! thia contest vWho o! Healtir o! Darlington ield ou it r. a bote larc in viricir o io. I*"Fox WeeVc"- vilI have tire title o! Canada's Ghiam- Wednesdey, Jenuary 12, 1927, a l et-' Mr.Van Blric u lsereced h Ail specially selected Fox pion Orator, wiIlItien go to Wash- ter wes placed before tire Bad otired teey to ridce dtesonwr Posurs.ington leter in tire year to compete from Dr. N. H. Sutton, District offi- pb offeelireniele and de fmor tire International Onatorical Con- cen o! Healtir, calling attention to tire sypubl ic ffc anderplod for more rcoats MondayTuesd'ay, Jan. 24-25 tet witirthe champions of Great fact tiret sailpox ired appearedin cyndiatets. osdrtinfrsd rc a sJames Oliver Curwood's Mexico sud otirer countries. ties o! tire Toiwnship o! Darligtou, yer' syls,"Tl,* Country B«yond" Toronto .Daily Star is in cierge and suggesting tiret tire Local Board JUNIORS LOSE CLOSE GAME yer' tye, heeoratorical conties for tire should take sonie inimediate aton_____ Wit Olve ondn, alp Grves province of Ontario. Iu association in an enideavor to fonstaîl a ple Whitby 3-.Bowinanvill. ........$14.50 sud J. Farrell MacDonald. wýitirtire nevapapers in otien pro- outbreak o! tire disease in tire Muni-____ eyaerakdvinces, sud in association vith a ciDality o! Darlingtn. omuil uno rce e ey ae m rke Caadin Cnimtteeirededby r Wtirtin eudin iewit a.sdocd- vasdefatel i Wiitb Tusda DJVVIVIAINVItilillý'- ()NT THITWýZnAV TAXTYTAn-%7- nt,,,

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