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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Tor University. Graduate of the R College of Dental Surgeons of tario. Office King St., Bowmani Office phone 40. House phone DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Coll Toronto. Office, King St. East,1 manville. Office hours 9 a. m. p. m. daily except Sunday. Pl 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto1 versity and meniber of Royal Col' of Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Dot ion. Dentistry in ail ita braric Office-King St., Bownîanville, posite Bank of Montreal. Phone LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Fanm and T( Property. Royal Bank Build' Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to lste D. B. Simapson, i Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone Bowamville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sa Offices-Bleakley Block, King Bowmanville, Ontario. Phoi Office 102, Bouse 409. FUNERÂL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor Borse Equipmeni AIl calla prompt attended to. Pvate Âmbulani Bovamanville phonq 10 and 84 Branch Stores- Orono & Newcasl ALAN M. WILLIAMS Ensbaîmer and Funeral Direct Calîs given prompt and personal tention. No extra charge ford tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowmj ville, Ont.8 MEDI CAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. I Gold Medalist of Trinity Univers] Toronto. Four years attending Pl ician and Surgeon at Mt. Cari Hospital, Pittaburg, Ks. Officea Reidence, Wellington Street, Bc inanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Collel Toronto, formerly of Enniskilli Office and Residence, Dr. Beit] former reaidence on Church Streý Bowmianvllle. Phone 259. 44 VETERINARY DR. F. M. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Nlght cals promptly attended1 Office: Kng St. Eat, Bowman vii' Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V.à Oreno ifonor Graduate of Univeruity Toronto. Ail cases given pr- and careful attention. Office- Dr. INcEfroy's former office. Phone Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctionoer Faim and flouse Sales a Specialt: Ternis moderate. Enniakillen P.( Phone 197r3. 1-t CHIROPIIÂCTIC AND DRUGLES THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto Colleg of Chlropractic will lie in the B"~ manville Office Tuesday, Thurada ànd Saturday evenings, phone 141J Reidential calia made during iort nooDI. THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927 THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL WOMEN TEACHERS PRAISED Man's lie rnay be divided into That Young Bowman was very Mrs. Thos. Creeper, 256 Havelock Dr. James L. Hughes Bears High olto bhree periods---chibhoo.d, =nheod :zemiperaniental is evidenced by this St., Toronto :-I do prize The States- Testiniony. loyal and old age. These periods' have narratiye of a music lesson, with man -so much. It is like a dear Editor Statesman-Dear Sr-Il On- their respective importance, for il as~ Prof. Peterson: It was a Spring friend calling on me every week. always like te nead articles by Char-1 ville. life cornes to its maturity we feell monning and "A Mountain Air" was____ lie Bice of Denver, my seat-mate andi E22. lessa able to meet the stress of the1 the lesson. I played the flute, s battle we are increasingly able tel keeping the notes acfit and eaieb note W .H Argall, Newtonvilbe. En-. pîsymate during the five years that closed find Post Office Order for The sny father wa.s the teaicher in 1olina discern its moral and spiritual .iýgnifi- full te the next. "Good" said my Saen lege, cance. John Ruskin after bis wide teacher, "very good". "Play it!n It is a nice little pap- sehool. We verY often spent our 3eW- experience wrote: The more I thinki again". I stood straighterband erad nyrmse ek eStrastgte noeo te to 6 of it, I find this conclusion more im-1 started. TPhe tones were b1t ol certainby miss it. of the beautiful woods of the dis- niter___ trict. He and I pitched queits for hone pressed upon me-that the greatesti than before. After a bar or tVJo, tours each day in the summer tume thing a human seul ever doee in 'ohis Peterson began te play the violin Mrs. E. Brimacombe, 68 E. 24th and we became so expert that ne two world is to see sc«ething and te tell, softiy-net the notes, I fellowed but St.. R-anijton :-In renewing mny sub- men in the district ceuld win fromn what it saw in a plain way.. Hun lower ones. The violin and flute scription to The Statesman, I wish US. Uni- dreds of people can talk for one who seemed te, be one instrument-net in te say t!hat I amn still able te read Charlie became a very independent lege can think: but thousands can think the least like either alone. This yeur paper and find it very interet- thinker, and he is one of the beys te fer ene whe can see-To see clearlyl music wvas more sad and more wvon- ing and enjoy reading it very rnuch. with whorn I have always kept in min- is poetry, prephe.c and religion-aiIý derful than anything I everji1 wish you and your staff a prospereus tow h hes. in one. It is in their autunin daysý heard. The sound wai a cry fromî New~ Year. 1 was gbad te note bis article on, OP- thaL men see rnest clearly the pur-1 a world I did net knew. My rindl the very obd ideal that boys from ten 301. pese of life in the clear lig'ht of a could net take hold ef it. It wa.s Mrs. M. E. Lord, Bowmanville, w~ho onward should be taught by men. ___trained experience cf its values.- They pure sadness passing by, geing, ge- is spending the winter at Fairfield, I was at the beadî of the public can then retire at serne distance froni ing, tsking me with it, rnaking me Califennia, writes:-Pleased find en- schools of a large city for errer fortyý the werld and see it in its truer per- part cf it, lifting me up and avway ciosed subseription for Statesman years, and my experience led me te specrive. i This is3 one fruit te ble1 te a kind ef giory of Alhicb pOeity for 1927. We are having a lovely believe that a mucb larger percentage D. gathered i a man's hret tue. The: at its best had only .hinted. MY winter here, mibd and very sunny of women are geod teachers than ef use of its garnered experience brings. fingers grew wet on the stops. The westber meat of the time, quite like men, especially in the character de- .own its ewn bappiness. page of music bbtrred. MY lips spring today. velopment cf the so-calied bad beys. ling, We have given this lengthy quota- weuld net meve. We stopped. Elven in training their pupils te win tien because ef its strong appeal te "There now, try again", said Peter- The Editor waa pieased te receive henors in our annual .choo1 sports us now rather than its aptness or son, tapping the music with his bow. a cepy of the Dallas Times-Herald twe of my lady principals were more bearing on what fellows. It was ne use-I could neither talk, f rom our oid friend Lt. Cel.-Edwy successfub than men in schoebs of the c.C.* s nor play. He tapped the musi White, Divisienal Headquarters ef saine size as theirs. Olten and often have we watched again, but I wras gene where the the Salvation Anmy at 500 North Er- One of theni was Bowmanville à he threngs of school cildren, dur-.< music went. The lec-ien was over vay, Dallas, Texas. The paper con- girl, Miss Georgina Rgid, afterwards e91 ing our nearly bell-century of oýcu- fer that day. taîned an illustration of a fine new Mrs. Riches. She bad one ef the pancy cf The James Block, trooping three-stery Salvation Army building best managed acheels in Toronto, and down Silver Street at 12 or 4 o'clock As we laid down "TPhe Werld 'Phat nearing conmpetien. This edifice theugh it was in the peereat parts frein the Central Schccsl where tihe Was" after reading the Bowman will include a large auditorium, a of the City where the homes, many foundation cf their éducation was be-, autobiograpby we thought that every Sunday Sehol Auditorium, a relief of themn were net geod places for ing laid fer a future life Of useiful bey and girl has a similan history il department, a gymmasiurn, and gen- cbildren to get 'high moral training, ai. aciiya wnee hr emn twore written. Wbat ýa splendid eral effices of the Salvation Army for, she had littie trouble in transforming St, boys andi girls were geing te, finti exercise it weuld bie if the boys and the Soutdbwest. both boys and girls inte co-operative, Des: positiens iwhen their seholastic educa- girls cf the senior clames in public' joyeti-, hopoful, helpfui, Young gent- tina ibico ihshool, coliUeeshosadjnorcassi ihleman and ladies. tiniversipybli s or mplh ete. i ahel n uirclse n hg1 Mrs. (Rev.) S. H. Rice, box 188, The great majonity cf the good or nivriywscmpee. feisehopla were assigned the task of1 Sydney, N. S:-Find enclosed Post teachers cf Englanti and the United aIl these years we are alîre to see ai writing for their composition exer- Office Order fer Satesman for 1927. States are wemen. lange addition erecteti to the Central1 cise a chapter of their autebiography, It ks always a ploasure te senti my In the most fereign district of New School and two on ttbree more teach- beginning as John G. Bowman titi as nenewal, f or 1 weubd greatly miss the Yr iyn fm emrtah ers engageti to cepe with the increas- far back as they coulti recolleet. Yoirkerittuonebodet effnemsrthat Th or ing attendance of saolans and the course their teachers het e lp Sitatesma bingsbudeachf wesrr th tThe ers, whem I trained myself is Prin- t theusanios graoe'have passei tbocuh themn by explaining a score cf par- deair old homeland. We are baving a cipal faa o1fnieyros n paythe vacusigrades hae ond oc'cu-l iculans that they sheuld know about1 fine winter se far. Had quite a let ef the largée schools in the weniti,' I . sigthi acs ivn roe nd she bas net the slightest friction tce other Canadian to'wns or ofi <pootint aheen n htbs tn lut a couple warm raina in cennectien witb the training of te every prov'ince froini te Atlantic to te mention and wbat to omit. With oen talaayadwehvbrtounscfitefrige. 'lie Pacifie offering positions and ai proper direction wrizing cf auto-1 oenenjeying mild days andi bright As 1I calied rny old chuni Charlie large number have gone aerons to théeigapiscol. maeaveyi-sunisihine. Hope it wibi continue. i sign my name as Une Republic te. the south ef us whore buresgrades oitbe mte aer i Trust yeu aIl had a happy Christmnas .Jim Hughes. tmretting and profitablerexercise. and that the coming year will be Toronto, January 17th. 1927. rnost cf theni 'bave or are nnforing *and good andi wbere Canadians are fbeiwtbgoabnso o ni _____ mont neepected and trusted clasael! (Owing te ilîness the editor. basyus bon. workors ,sought by many fiins for' been unable te, complete this review, IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL at- positions cf -trust and nesponsibility. ob.erving only that the lad wbo iedj Mrs. Marie LeDwc, writing froni dis- Se that ne congestion of inbabitartts his parents andi ohers on many boy-, Chatsworth, Southern New Jersey on Robiert Annot, Park River, North ian- bas occurred here. i ah jaunts and adventures-as ne-1 January lltb saya: We have beon Dakota,: We can hardly get along cordeti by bimsebf in "The Worbti having ramn and fog, but d6own in without your paper wbich rentaina .tf fits eaisusterear wa n'That Was"-is now at tbe beat ieFl Forida they have bad a bati' frost. se rnucb interesting home es - hi im en.saieychs Tery weltian 1ortie# of the large and successful edu- We have friends down thero who çay suppieti were overy girl and boy who cational institutions of this contin- . t bas been impossible te seil the fruit T. J. Clarke, Watrous, Ssk:- bas graduatod fromi Bowmani ent. StilI the old aphorismn it is as in former years. For some reas- Encloseti money ordor for renewab ç.Sehools te do as Dr. John G. B-cwman, claimed holda true that the boy is~ on it is tbe same in Jersey. Apples of Statesman and New Outiook, fer ýt ChancelIor of the farnous Universityi fathor te t'he man.) are still on the trees or on t.he grounti wbich we look for eac-b week with -of Pittsburgh, has done in the volume______ under theni, as gro'wers cannot get pbeasure anti profit whiicb gives us the 'h he eetywoeadwspbihd enough te cover expense of market- old home news anti general churcb nel îseel ing. Here it is the saine with cran- news. Lots of snow here and ideal and l year by The Macmillan Coem-J BEAUTIFY BOYS' FARM beesadbregwrare4evwate icChita. ow- pay niit Th ol ia osers. Our crop was igter than Was", heing an interesting review of The climax te a year of highly usual and we sold at btter prices Mrs. Samuel E. Souch writing bis cbildbeod anti boybood fnom hbis successful activity came for the Tor- than we expected. fo ttir letrnwn e ealistrcobezin O tefly ojto Horticultural Society in its an- -_____Thgtaemafoswehve rt !ge, leaf we reat: "Do l'eu reinean-ber nual meeting wben the mernbera fil.-TeSaemn sasw v [n. whnyuwr four and bow many ed tbe auditorium of the Gage In- R. H. ?ickard, Winsor, in for- ovely warm weather more t.ban tbree th' diféentthigsthere wene in youri stituto and wben it was announiet waî ding bis subacniption ecoe weeks but it unibealthy, aso et dl anti how often you had to aitilth at the Ontario Government lhad ac-, clipping froni the Border Citiffl Star many are il] wth the flu. Last 'anti how you were somotintes oie- cpeitesceysofrt euiy bc ibrci o yo u et week 114 scbolars were eut ef 4-t.ceped he ociey'soffr t beatifi Wi(l wil reallto anti ejoyale ad cheol with ilîness. My sister, Han- some and often very happy? Dr. the grounds ofthe Bwa oil rs the very "Telue Bid" ahCoo aslidbywih rip Bowinan rememibers it &11 beauti- oy'TranigSh l The society Iight opera, "h leBr put on dng thoe bolids butis nogbotter fulîy and he tells about a little boy'a, will undertake this work nieyhr eeayasagb AaHu-digtehldy bti ovbte. worlt iun sarh a natural tender 'aY' without charge te the Go'vernment cke. First paragraph of whichbMy bter, Thomas Bradley's witiow that bis story is irrésistible. Here isianti will expenti--orne $16,000 in car- reatis: Several fartons contrihuteti dieti on Decemben 1,5th. We lookc or youtb without sent#nentaliLy or mon-, rying eut the plans whicih it tas evol- to tbe suciicess ef the lig'h-t oera, "The eagerly for The Statesman every te. alizet i vew or prejudice-juet youth ved.u Message of the Bbueirti", whicb waG week; it is the finat paper te be reati le. witb obarni. In "The World That'_____ u nb> h uir Mr rnonemater how rnany ottbers conte. Was",feeling teuches ordinary life, jey nteK1fC Hl ~ How many strange naines appean in in a way se dlean anti simiple and1 IN THE OLD FARM SLED nigbet. inte Kof altheexce Darlington anti in Bowmanville, tee,. Se. ricb that it takes Cite neader baek. ence oitho acting. Untier the Absence ef 21 years do bring many to "a sumnmer morning that lasted' I recaîl the joys of winter un the. direction of Mn. Asa Huycke, the changes. We want you te kno'w cf all day". You see how yýou bec blesseti bong-ago, cmoeofLe prtepincpl ow very prouti we feIt over the' pt yeu. Hunier and chararrre81 When the frost had sprinkleti dia- anti chorus teok their parts like pro- adoemjit go l W t -o sebre tirawn net fromn the intellect monda on te bosoni of thel fessionals anti the voires of the en- gave for anti e teedably Ianling-ton en: but from, living. snow, tire cast were exceedingîy goed. Wae kit Ontario Tem~prnte Ax-. ***1Wbenthai was full of s_________ newsite wouldn't go back on Th edrwl editti t-y tha ol ir o setnd h1 er Tempérance pninciples. Solina logtrier ofwis retintexpéiencey tat eltnpyrnsead Win. J. Milis, St. Marys, senda an- Division Sons of Temnpérance te- an long aons et ofhis o eeni Ad ce ep oeara asolekother btter unter date of January serve munit credit. Hope tbey keep feaant i -n a e o hisver nt A nti ouit kepyory ease ea-8th., whicb will intenest many af eur up the gooi work. AS yeu kno'w, onee baiéat. luTth e faew bi herti nt nvouon th epram eider readers in Darlington: Dean Mn. we have so-calleti Gevernmnent Con- onc en oat.sTheTrose tays n heWa tenesposhe upr ogramme ~Ettor-Yesterday morning te cun- trol. But it in the Governinent bat daysen k were n e uomnyrinse eoruInthe <spts e useigte ahneng rent issue of The Statesman came ta is controîle.d. We seo mene drink- ty.teeweent0mayaitwso nubs<ipym nigtveis hanti, witb its interesting anti rom- ing anti more disgusting behauiur 0. so mu>nh maple sugar as you wantei.j that coult any way compare iicntotiuinbyD RgesbIitasee senbefryes ~.Part of the wonid was juat right tei1 Witsent cLItr niukioln o be .Roseen- befr.steet seen e eenor par- live ini, like a summer morning thati full cf fun f rom bheels to bhead retteEnsilno h een eoe tet hr erpr -lasteti all day. Part of it itai te bel Went straw-riding 'reund the coun- ties. Ceoincitent tberewitb, I pick-1 lors (forsooth) are unfit te walk on semoothedt over anti polishoti up before; try in the oIt farn alot. eti up asat evening Beenhani Tretter's owing te the filtit anti some streeta it woulti do anti thon this badtot be "Horseman andtihIe West" anti idly are net safe for womon at night. mixeti witb the just ight part. It' Underneath the quibts you'ti cutitle turning the pages, was attractet by Even the "wets" are' tisgusqted with wsafairy world in whjch Iliîved.1 itin close t ee "lie"'thbe name "Tom Barton". The foi- present conditions, as well they bave Ire ahs a y'satborpysosthat sîttng eep or1bwing excerpt, will, I feel sure, roason te ho. ~ho w-as like many beys todiay a lover' Making a protoctor, as you mighi roetrsti-g oteldimr of Ntur an fond geatplesuri' sy, f yur rm.wbo remember burly Tom as bie My Dear Mr. James-I eari freon ifn atueregati font great posre ndsay, cf yot urven. om1haunteti the village on tbe bibi (En- The Editer Taiks-that colunin whinh ,e arnddcown ay e un tateedA ti whin that curve was sue-. niakillen) tho2e rnany years gene by: 1 first reat iun The Statesman antis bhr ieejyethe wrunnig seani' >hngtht as iwyssue io-"A différent kinti of character was murb enjey-that you bave reu~i w-boere-ho enjoyeti tbe lt liefoui pleaAn se, :ldlir hat you to I t1Tont Barton who ran the city inother mlestone in yeur lite teday. - ter-brds te ora gas IHotel, itself somewhat unique in thatl Accep- my congratulations anti these frogs, etc. Even th oa gas s in a pretty frequent squeeze., I sitrub-e, ferns and other growtbs fW How the air would ring witb music for it w-as oniZinally thel linos which I inscnibe te yeu my dean I ciatei bs amirtio, astheruner-sudaîog, irs- Union Gburcb cf Branden. Iti olti frienti: __________________filloti full wbtb gin]y charmas, ' whiie the old straw inka were being e'ciock p. m. 24 head, 11 males, 'Tis the sweetest recollerticit et the jtbrewn through te uptair windows 13 femaies. Inapecteti by H. D. Agents Wanted obeniahei long ago, 1 te te treet, whereat ie loudly call- Smith, Sec. Canadian Hereforti When tMb frost genis glittereti brigbt- et; "Boys, don't waete the feath- Breetiers Association. W. F. Mar- î AGENTS-Get in a profitable alI-yoar ly on te passing fields of aitow. ora". Thte fine vaa subdued, but quis, Uxritge, Ont., Auctioneer, as- commission business of yeur OWTIn. FveiT Andi we't like once more te, travel things went front baud te verse, anti aisteti by J. H. Wilson, Port Hope, preperty owner ia a oustarner or pros- pect. Nine hundred varlOtles ef hardy these patha we used te treat- fiitafly the Citjy iotel wau closed. Ont. W. M. Thurston, Dunsford, Red Tag Nurnery prodqpta. Çaah every Joit in an oit-tume strawv-ride Party Oit Tom Barton had tva fine mso Ont., President. For catalogu ap- wek opoesu~etn ntu- in the o014 u le. ne o vo as s reywoundedpyý e.W fyoSceýB tienq fres. Write D NfIU-taa e.ofwo eeri tpy oGa . ;lr eceayBb [ES, MONT1tEAL, 90o Fred W. Grant, in Barrie Examiner in tîhe Riel EùeUion". canbon. 2-»J r -Buy In Bowmaville - The Best-Liked E3 R EA 0Dl Gee !--But It's Good! t That's the way the boys feel when you give them a sandwich made of Corbett's Wholesome Bread. Sandwiches are good anytime, but sandwich- es made with Corbett's Wholesome Bread taste just so, much better that it's remarkable until you learn that it is made with the very finest flour and other absolutely pure ingredients, and then care- fully baked to the beautiful golden loaf that it is. Creamy white goodness-fine texture-thin tempting crust-just taste the toast it makes-you will understand why so many people demand Cor- bett's Bread. We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Phone 3 Orono Buy In Bowxanville- COAL BIN CETTING LO'W? These cold wintry days are certainly causing lots of exercise around the coal bin. Well, when the bin gets so low that you must have more coal just order a couple tons of the fam- ous Lehigh Anthracite. It sure does make warm friends. We are here to give you prompt service. Builders' Supplies a Specialty J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildera' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville -Buy In Bowmanville- The Daily Task 0f knowing what to serve for meals is most easily solved by a visit to our modern and sanitary butcher shop. We have almost everything in meats to satis.. fy a growing boy's appetite to a fussy old dispep- tic. Try us and see. Don't overlook our display of Cooked Meats. G A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowxnanvî lle Admission 20c Skating Monday, Wed- nesday and. Friday night and Saturday afternoons. Adults 15c ,Children 1 -Buy In Bowmanvill- The Old Reliable Grocery Is determined to give aIl its old and any new customers the Best Service Best Groceries Best Satisfaction That will be the means of adding you to our ' growing list of customers. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville

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