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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 r t OBITUARY Mrs. Tho.s. Saowdem4 Maple Grove The cannnunity and the cburchî Maple Grove, Darlington, sufered severe loss in the passing away Mon day, January 1Oth., 1927, of Mi, Thos. Snowden. Strick,en a littie over a year agc she had gradually failed until <i night she slept peacefull away. Rachel Grace Cole eldest daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sanue Cole, was born at Maple Grove i February, 1859, where she attende( school and church and has aIwayi lived. Her bright, cheerful disposi tion madle ber friends everywhere Married in 1886 to her now sorrow ing husband they lived on an ad joining farm for a littie over a yeas then nioving ta their present honi where they have resided ever since It might be said of her, ber king. dom was her 'horne and thosq wbc were privileged to share the bois pitality of that home, could not bui appreciate her kindly ways and gent. le speech. Wherever one met Racli ai they always found in her the samn kindly heart, always ready with sym- pathy and help, but neyer saying the unkind word. She was a faithful member of Maple Grove Church, one who was always in ber pew, when health per- nitted. Her funeral on Thursday, January 13tà which was largely attended, was conducted by her pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A. As he spoke of the noble character of the deceas- ed, he said, how appropriate to the life just closed were these words £rom Prov. 31 :28 "'Her children arise up and cali her blessed; her hbusband also, and ie praiseth ber". And heTr life migbt be said ta be successful because it had filled so well the place God had called her to fil in the home. She leaves ta mourn her going, be- aide her husband, one son Leslie, one daughter Lola, (Mrs. H. G. Free- =an) . Her youngest daug'hter, Shirley, (Mrs. Howard' R. Foley), predeceased lier about two yean ago. Also a brother, Mr. T. J. Cole, Maple Grove, and two sisteirs, Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brantford; and Mrs. (R.ev.> W. C. Frank, Victoria, B. C., survive. She is not dead, the child of our affection But gone unto that school, Where she no longer needs aur poor protection, And Christ himself doth rule. Ttbo remains were borne to the grave by six brothers-in-law, John, Samnuel. Richard, Wiliam and Charles Sncswden and D. H. Coates. The floral tribute" consisted of: Pillow-T. J. Cale and sisters; Sheaf -Husband and Children; Wreaths- Snowden Brothers and Sistere, the Janmes Families, Maple Grove Sunday School: Sprays-Snowden nieces and nephews; Mr. and Mrs. John Mc.1 Gregor and family, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. James A. Phillips, N. Y; Dr. and Mns. Wm. A. White,, N. Y; Mr. and Mn-. William Lyrner; Mr. and Mrsý. E. J. Hart, Oshawa; Maple Grove W. M. S; Mrs. H. F. Freenian and Chrisie, Bowmanville; Mrs. T. Baker and Vera, Sauina; Bouquet-Hi R. Foley and family. Those from a distance were-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden, Mrs. B. J. Gay, Oshawa; Mr. and Mirs. John McGre-ý gar, Malcolm and Dorothy. Mr. Johni Lee, Mr. andl Mrs. Fred W. Lee, Mr.' Rof Lee. Mr. Hartnell Cale, Mr. F.letcher Werry, Mr. I. J. Luke, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow- den, Taunton; Mrs. Alfred McCaIl, Pete-boro; Mr. D. H. Ccyatcs, Dr. L. H. Coates, Brantford; Mrs. G. R. Pascoe, Toronto. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Thos. Snowden and faniily, Maple Grave, desire ta thank al their friends and neighhors for the sympathy and lindness extended ta them during the ilîness and death of Mrs .Snowden and for the beauti- ful floral afferings. Applications For Assesso Applications for the office of Assessor for the Township of Darlington for the year 1927 wilI be récelved by thxe un- dersigned Up to Saturday, January -'2. 1927,.Eat thé. hour of one oclock P. m. Appilcants to appear in persan hefore the councll on that ,lat,- at 1:30 P. m W R. ALLIN, Tp. Clerk. liampton, January il, 1927. 2-2w. ,p on Ily 7h- lel in 3"s r- d- r e e. t- t h- r- le )f le 'y :e le Is n re 0 0 e MAPLE GROVE Visitais: Mr. Ray Snowden, Ton- onto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. a W. J. Snowden; Mr. and Mrs. Ivi- a son Munday spený, Sunday with ber -parents at Part Granby; Mr. D. H. iCoates, B. A., and son Dr. L. H. Coates motored f ram Brantford and attended the funeral of Mrs. T. Snow- den; _Mrs. McCaUl, Peterboro, at Mr. L C. Snowden's; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, Cobourg, witb her *parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Porw- er; Our Young People wha attended Winter Schaol in Cobourg returned 1home on Manday reporting a good time. . .. Don't fail ta be at church next Su.nday ta hear Rev. R. N. Burns, D.D., wha was unable ta ho wvith us last Sunday. Boys' Brownie Suits now clearing >at Haîf Price at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's SOLINA Sauina Woinen's Institute met ati Mrs. John Baker's on Friday after- noan with good attendance. The program included instrumentaIs by Mra. Isaac Hardy and Mrs. Narman Yellowiees; readings by Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Mrs. C. Brunt and Mrs. Har- vey Hardy; vocal salas by Mrs. Smales and Miss Kathleen Baker. A debate, "Resolved that mare wom-1 en marry for a home than foýr lave,' proved vory interesting and enter- taining. Affirmative was taken by Miss Nora Werry and Mrs. E . J.1 Black; the negative by Mrs. Willý Ashton and Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Judges, Mrs. H. Rarris, Mrs.. E. R. Taylor and Mrs. A. Milîson decided in favor of the negative. Exchange of 10c packages created mue'.h mr ment. It was decided ta ho]da o Social on Tuesday, Februany lSth. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoat-5 from $14.50 up at Couch, Jahnston & Cnyderman's. SOLINA LAYMEN'S BANQUET ______ An uiqu ernt tok lac at Mr. Chas. Garrod bas been under Sauina in the evening of January the doctor's care. Also Mr. Hall. 6, when 60 laymen of the commun- Hope ta see thein around again soul diystdown ta a banquet prepared * . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradley vis-i ibyte sa iso h oe' nt ited at Mr. E. Bradey's... .Mr. and byte lde fteWmnsIsi- Mrs. Sulas Trewin. spent a few days uTheprs. ftegth*gwwitb friends in Toronta recently. . Tr uroeoftegab-ngwa Congregational meeting at church to pomoe acloer flowhipin hean Wednesday... . Several frnm here cammunity and within the church. are attending the courses given by It was alsa ta cansider the tlims the Ontaria Department of Agreult- r of the Maintenance and Extension ure at Enniskillen, which they are en- Fund. joying in work and in a social way.. Mr. B. G. Stevens, as Toastniaster,. . The stormion Friday and Saturdayl eably performed bis duties, Mrs. John blacked aur east and west main road,l Baker directed the singing of the fiUling in witb drifting snow. Nal 3evening assisted at the angan by cars for a while no..... A sleigh Miss Margaret McKe-ssack and Mr. laad from Mr. A. Beech's went tai Hilton Tinlc, vialinist. their son's, Mr. Elmer Beec, wed- f Mesdames H. E. Tink, N. Yellaw- ding anniversary last Wedneday.j lees, E. R. Taylor, S. E. Werry and. . League service in charge of Missl Miss Edna Reynolds graciously ser- Mabel Beech. ved at the tables. 1 fter propaing a toast ta the King COURTICE -Mr. Stevens called upon Mr. Arthur_____ 1 Pascoe and Rev. C. C. Washington Mr. and Mrs. Blake Courtice vis-! ta speak in bebaîf of the church. Mr. îted at Reovo Wight's, Providence. Pascae related the history of Early M7. ael ron oooo J Methodism in the cammunity ani is spending a few days witih MisYs 3how the membersbip of today was a Mîabelle Waler...Mr. W. W. Han-; iunion of Mt. Vernon and Eldad con-cock. Winnipeg, is visiting bis'math-. .gregations, the present place of wor- er, Mrs. Jamxes Hancock, and brother. j ship having been erected in 1855. ýMr - Ilorace Hancock.... On Sun<1lav, Rev. Mr. Wa-hington responded by morning noxt Rey. RN. Burns, Tot:-l a fitting testimony of wbat tho1 onto, ivill preach in the interest o(f chucch had meant ta bim the ltt:e' the Maintenance ani Extension Fund red brick at Zion was the meeting j....Last Thursday at 2.30 p. m. auri plae o hi anestrs.W. M. S. held their monthly meoeting, tl Messms. John Baker anI Allan1 at the home of Mrs. W. H. Nichols i McKes-oýk was thon a-kc ta move The stu<ly hak was taken by 'vr,.R, and propos~e a toast ta Our Country, Gay and Nlrs. A. E. Rundle, a reading Mr. Baker charmingly luo h by Mrs. L. J. Courtico. The bibleý possibilities of Canada oe-.thuh, .lesson wbicb vas Ist Cor. l3th wa, haunded iin the north by Aueoa; read respon.sivcly aftem whicb Mrs. iA Borealis and in the south by the j. Gay gave a beautiful explanatianl wn. Allan respondo.d al)ly em-i of the chapter vrse by verse. Re-j phasizing the fact that a ýcoun1ryfres hnients in charge of %lr..Jas.« worth living in nmust ho wo rth liv-ý Sho rt t andl Mrs. H. F. Hancock wore iîîg foi.. served and enjoyed thorougbly and, Mr. H. W. Barker, A1ssistant1 NIrs. NichoLz ani her daughtor, Mrs. 1 Treasurer of the United Church, who Wýa1ter Szider were very genial hast-' waý presont ta ropresent t1oMi-esses. About thirty were prosent..l sionary, Educational, Social ndEId1ad League visits aur League this Bonevalont work of the church was week on Friday evening. We ex- then introduced. Mr. Barker prov- pect a good time. ed a genial guest. In vivid pictures he threw upon the canvag of thaught Ladies' Dresses in silk or clotb, nawi c o ntrac ta between paganism and reduced ta $4.98 at Couch, Jahn- christianity-in its effects upon bu- stan & Cyderman's. man develop'ments. As Anglo-Sax- ans we are debtors he said for ail SOLINA turne ta the saving leaven of the_____ teachings of Jesus. Messrs. A. L. Pascoe and B. G. I The allocation ta the M. and E. Stevens attended Grand Divisian in Fund for Eldad cangregatian is Toronto last xeek ...Mrs. John $700.00. Over $650 bas been suh- Reynolds is viiting in Toront .... scribed already, indicative of layai- Miss Margaret MeKessock visited at ity ta the ever expanding and sacri-I Mm. Edwin Woods', Bowmanville ...j ficial work of thle church. Mr. Jae Reynold s h een trans- ______________ferred ta the Montreal Bank, Sim-ý coe...Mrs. R. J. McKessock i.s __________ _______________ with MmI. McKessock who is progress-! ing sîowly in Toronto Goneral Hos- Ipital .... Miss Nora Werry visited at' Mr. L. C. Snoîvden's, Miaple Grave, ...League nmeeting Monday even- i 1 E ffi i ency ciple part of the pogram consistedl i1JR.Bick on Korea its pol.Te .were much enjoyed. . .. What wa alwas a eal leasre ivoted hy everyone present ta he the 1 premier social event of the season in this locality was the "At Homne" of the Y. L. B. C. and the Y. M. B.C. bol<I in the hall, Wednesday even-j Ur ing, Januamy l2th. A 100 per cent Present was reoar<Ied on the class registerAt 8 odl((ck a Table De ~ PRIES 'Hote suppor was partaken of which .en owerwill likoly make the Cock.,hutt ban- onlaomquot fade into inqignificanco. Be- thei twecn courses the latest popular sangs were sung. After supper Mr., PRICES i Harold l'ascoe assumed the raie of toa.tmu.ter and toasts t(( aur King 1hy others anti Couritry, aur Sunday Sehool, nover hghertbe Ladies, tho Gentlemen, were re- e neverhigherspecti%,.ly, propo.sed, druiik and re- ,,ponded ta. The speeches dem,,n- strated that this community bas nxany rivaIs for the honor of taking ('haun- 1 coy IM Depewv's poÀtion as the nînat popular afte-iinner speaker. TPhe ronîarks af the young paple we -- rotb instructive and humorous. Thbe L O V E L Lbalance of the evening was spent in playing rollicking games and con- It I Don Proerlytests and canimunity singing. It I Doe Prpery I10 only, Ladies' Fui Tnlmmed Coats originally up ta $25.00, o $10.00 at Couch, Johnston & Cry- dernian 'a. HAMPTON Dr. H. Ferguson of Enniskillen,; will hold office hours in Hampton ati Mr. F. J. Graat's residence everyl rTuesday afternoon froin 3 ta 5 p. nm. i TYRONE Mrs. Fred Souch, Osaca, is visiting Mrs .Albert Hawkey. Mms. Robt. Hodgson bas returned from visiting Taranto and Oshawa 1friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lau. Buckley, Or- ana, recently visited his father, Mr. John Buckley. The Mis7ionary prograin at Sunday School an Sunday included a reading by IMiss Nina Hodgson ;Mrs. Russ-ell' Wright read a letter from Bey. G. W. Sparling, aur missionary in China. TPhe church anni'rersary will bel held an Sunday January 30, wbeni Rev. J. U. Robins, Bowmanville, %-illI preachat 10.30 a. in., and aur Past-I jor, Rev. J. R. Trumpour, in the even- ing. Generous: Thankoffering is ask-1 ed for. BURKE TON Mrs. Trimmer, Sheguindah, is vis- iting at Mr. Abbot's. Masters Robert and Edgar Wilson have been visiting their grand- mother at Myrtle. Mr. Sidney Pe.dlar, while working, in the wo.ods gat bis ankle badly hurt. Hope ta see him able to be around soo n. Sorry ta report aur teacher, Miss Marion Warder, Bowniancville, is still unable ta take her work but we are fortunate in securing the services of I Miss Thelma Gilders, Bawmanville. Owing ta the very heavy faîl of snow it has been very hard on the mail carriers ta get througeh People who are anxious for thear mail sol get busy and see that the road r passable. UNEQUALED QUALITY Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Hosiery, Caps, Scarfs, Gloves, Sweaters, Shirts, Wind Breakers, Rats, etc. Kiddies Suits, Boys Suits and Overcoats. A Buying Event You WilI Long Remember MEN'S OVERCOATS---Some Lines Actually lower than the Wholesale Cost. MEN'S SUITS --- At Prices Slashed to sel1 Quickly. UNDERWEAR---At prices that will Pay You to Buy for now and for next year. Society Brand Suits and Overcoats included in this sale. Sale Starts Friday, Jan. 21 MEN'S OVERCOATS Inciuding Society Brand, every coat in store on Sale as follows: Overcoats, Values up ta $20.00 CLEARING FOR $11.50 Overcoats Values up ta $25.00 CLEARING FOR $17.45 Overcoats, Values up ta $2750 CLEARING FOR $18.95 Overcoats, Values up ta $30.00 CLEARING FOR $19.95 Ovorcoats, Values up ta $35.00 CLEARING FOR $23.95 BOYS' SUITS, NAVY BLUE 2 Pair Bloomers, Wool Irish Serge, new models, values $10.00 to $12.50, CLEARING FOR $7.98 25 Only, Boys' Suits, 1 Bloomer Pant, fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Values up to $10.00, ON SALE $5.89 15 Only, Boys' Fancy Tweed and Worte.d Suits, 1 Bloomer Pant, Values to $12.50 ON SALE FOR ONLY $6-95 UNDERWEAR AlI Wool S.hirts and Drawers, Peninan and Acadia Make, Worth $1.50 ta $2.00, ON SALE $1.23 EACH MEN'S UNDERWEAR Combinations and Separate Shirts and Drawers-. Every garment in the store at 20%7 REDUCTION TO CLEAR Sale Ends Saturday, Feb. 5 MEN'S SUIT TROUSERS Regular $2.50 FOR $1.98 Regular $3.00 FOR $2.39 Regular $3.50 FOR $2.79 Regular $5.00 FOR $3.98 MEN'S HEAVY WORK CAPS WITH EARBANDS Regular $2.00 FOR $1.39 MEN'S SUITS Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Values ta $25.00 CLEARING FOR $14-95 Values ta $30.00 CLEARING FOR $19.95 Values ta $35.00 CLEARING FOR $23.95 Including Society Brand Suits MEN'S HAIR LINE STRIPE SUITS, SPECIAL 6 Only Suits, beautiful quality, Values up ta $27.50 and $30.DO ON SALE TO CLEAR $18.50 EA CHILDREN'S REEFERS AND OVERCOATS 11eavy Quality Tweeds, some lined with polo while others are lined with red flannel Regular Value.s $7.00, $8.50 ta $10.00, ON SALE $4.95 FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS A line of Fleeced Drawers and Shirts, worth $1.00 a garment, OUR SALE PRICE 79c EACH MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Regular $2.50 FOR $1.98 Regular $3.00 FOR $2.39 Regular $3.50 FOR $2.79 Regular $4.00 FOR $3.19 NAVY BLUE SUITS A splendid liine of AIl Woi Serge Suits, Navy Blue, Regular Price $35.00, CLEARING FOR ONLY $25-95 MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Hardl Fii-bs. Ail Woal Worsted, double hrea.sted suits, A BIG SPECIAL AT $22.50 YOUNG MEN'S IRISH SERGE SUITS AIl Wool Navy Blue Double Breasted Style, CLEARING FOR ONLY $18.95 BOYS' OVERCOATS Any coat in the store, Values up ta $15.00, ON SALE FOR ONLY $9.95 LA MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Cotton Tweed, very heavy Tan and Grey shades, worth $1.50, ON SALE 89c, 2 FOR $1.75 MEN'S HATS Any bat in the store Value to $5.00 FOR $3.29 CAPS Any Fine Cap in the store, value ta $2.50 ON SALE FOR ONLY $1.69 EA 20%/ DISCOUNT TO CLEAR The following list will be sotd at 20 per cent discount ta clear. This moans 20 cents on every dollar saved. Children's Suits of al kinds, Men's Neckscarfs,' Men's Pyjamnas, Mon's and Boys' Sweater Coats and Wind- breakers,, Men's Bath-rohes, Gloves;, etc. HEADLIGHT OVERALLS AT $2.29 ANOTHER LINE 0F OVERALLS AT $1.69, 2 PAIR FOR $3.00 Te. Be Phone 61, Bowmani GILCHRIST ville Opposite Bank of Montreal Cilchrist' s Creai Mid-Winter sale A Complete Sacrifice of ail our Heavy Winter Goods. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILI.E THURSDAY, JANUÂRY 20, 1927 4, '4 L When We Test Eyes TREMENDOUS BARGAINS

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