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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1927, p. 5

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frE CA.NADLA.N 5TATESMAN4, B(,WMAN VILLE THURSDAY, JNAY2,12 AEPV DONATIONS TO HOSPITAL Donations flot previously acknow- ledged: Mrs. J. K. Gabraith, Toronto- Pair of Pillows. Mr. C. Richards-Gladioli. Women's Hospital Auxliary-22 Sheets 20 Tray Cloths. Mrs. Richard Tudor-Flower Vase. Anglican, St. Paul' and Trinity Churces-Flowers. Miss Edna Reynold-Basket of Plums, 2 Jars Fruit. Solina Women's Institute-14 jars Fruit. Mrs. Arthur Bellman-Bag of Garrots. George Fogg-Bag of Potatoes. Mrs. Frank Morris-Jar of Jelly. Mrs. John ColwiII--Jar of Jam. Mrs. Irwin Bragg-Basket of Ap- 'les. Mrs. George Stephens-Basket of Apples, Basket of Potatoes. Mr'. and Mrs. C. H. Mason-2 quarts Devoné-hire Cream. Mrs. Shortt-I dozen Buns. Mr. Osborne-2 Squash. W. M. S., Tyrone-2 dozen jars of Fruit. Mrs. Rundle-5 jars Picklies. Epyworth League, Trinity Church --Jar Cocoa, Jar Marmalade, 1 lb. Currants, 2 lbs. Raisins, 4 boxes Corn Flakes, 2 boxes Shredded Wheat, Bag of Apples, head of Cab- bage, half dozen Oranges, tin of Honey, 2 bags Sugar. J. H. DeMill-Bag Potatoes. Girls' Morning Hour of Trinity (liiurch-1 dozen Bananas, Grapes, 4 Grape Fruit, 1 dozen Oranges. T. W. Cawker-Goose. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder-Turkey. Wonien's Hospital Auxiliary- Datés, Figs, Custer Raisins,, 2 doz. Bananas, 3 dozen Oranges, 2 dozen Grapo Fruit and Grapes, 2 bunches of Celery, 3 heads of Lettuce, Nuts, box of Chocolates. Mrs. Albert HilLs-Quart Cream. G. A. Edmondstone-Turkey. Rebekaqi Club for I.O.O.F. Room -4 Sheets, 2 Wash Cloths, 4 Pillow Slips, 2 Bath Towels, 2 Tray Cotha, 2 Dresser Scarfs. W. J. Dudley-Smoked Ham. Harry Freeman-Quart of Cream. Bowman.ille Dairy-Quart of Cresin. Cash Donations Mrs. William C. Phillips $10.0 Williami Allin.............. $ 1.00 S40 WEEKLV FOR VOU Ambitious, Inexperienced men wanted. Write at once for free catalogue expiain- ing how you can earn whiie iearning: Garage Work. Battery, Weiding, Barber- log and Hiairdreasing. Heniphili's Practi- cal Schocie, 163 King West, Toronto, Ont. MEN AND WOMEN Make Big Money Selling Neckweari or Guaranteed Lingerie Direct. Advanced stylec--Anierican Prices -Canadian Goods. Tell us the line you are interested in. Public Service Mil& of Canada LUI Dept. AI London Canada -ASK KERSLA Getting1 One thing you are sure of, th Kersa IN HOUSEHOLD DRUGS AND SELL THE BEST M~ Where external use or short-tii to use the first quality we haý Following prices are Tr. lodine, 1 oz .......... 20e Tr. Iodine, 2 oz .......... 35c Glycerine, 2 oz ........... 15e Glycerine, 4 oz ........... 25c Epsom Sats, 1 lb ......... 20e (Howards) Epsom Saîts, % lb ....... 10c S'weet Spts. Nitre, 2 oz.. .25e Sweet Spts. Nitre, 8 ot. - .85c Pure Castor Oul, 6 oz...2Ue Liquid ParalBin, 16 oz.. 75c (Rusian Ol) Rochelle Saîts, 4 oz ....... 15c Boracie Acid, 1 lb ....... 35C KERSLAK -THE DEPENDABI 2 Mens O Haif ' ALL WINTER C JUST LOOK AT MY W S.G. CH PHONE 26 WHITE SHIELD CLUB PARTY LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 BIRTHS "Ths.WRichard Bragg, Si'.,lub" 1STEPHENS-ln Dariington, on Mon- "The WhiteRShherd Motge,'SrClub" visitiflgiday, January 17, 1927, te Mr. and Mrs. W. celebrated its fifth birtbday party lier sister, Mrs. S. Bath, Pickering. J. K. Stephens, a son. on Wednesday, December 28, 1926, in Miss Rfhea Deyman, Toronto, spent! WiGHT-At Bowmianville Hospital, on ,.lJanuary 10, 1927, te Mr. and Mrm George igt.Pau's ectre oom whn aoutthe weekend witb her cousin, Mrs- . Wg r Providence, asn 75 members and their friends gather- j. Ellis. JEBSON-At Hampton, on January 6, ed to 'have a good time. The roomi Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Loekhart have 1927, te Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson a was si ply gorgeons with ita Xmassy returned frart, a pleasant visit i daughter-Dorothy Gertrude. deoainflowers and streamers Trno NORTON-At Locust Hill1, Ont., on adcoratons sdeMs rudTrno Wednesday. Jannary 19, 1927, te Mr. and and bier helpers for the îovely scene Mr'. John Pinch, Regina, Sak., a s. hs .Nron eDr ru) they create<l. visited his uncle, Mr. W. B. Pineb,, WOLFRAIN-At Bowmanville Hospit- Busies as ispnse wit fo onSatrda. -al. on Tuesday. January 18, 1927, to Mr'. this evening apart from ealling the Readers in searcb of sonie migbty and M.Haniet). lrin on Dn roll. good bargains in Men's OvercoatsT-A 52 Frizzeli Ave, Toronto~ Regrets were received from Toi'- on't ma iss hrig s D. oeni t rs F. yt, <fiee Eveyn92WiiiMr.a onto White Sbield Club, that owing Dntdau erigD. elhtn tM e . P(I3eatriceDoeven>wli) te, weatber conditions they wonld flot Paul's Cburch on Friday, January duhe.(etieDre. li ihus to celebrate this ra 28th. Good musical prograin. 1 date as had been expected, s0 every-1 Mrs. Howard Couch and daugbters, DEATHS one started in to enjoy theinselves to Marjorie and Eileen of Bethesda, are the limit. visiting bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. DINNER-At Port Hope, on Monday, Community singing aeconîpanied J. Bragg. .anuary 17, 1927, George Dinner. RACE-At Edmonton, Aberta, on by Mrs. Best started the bal olling, Reserve the date for Valentine en- Tuesday, January 11, Cecil Etheibemt after wbich two very huinorous dia- tertaiiment in St. Jo'hn's Churchj Race. M. A., in hie .51st year. lous"The Soldiers Return" by Parish Hall on Monday, February 1 4 ORCHA RD-At Oshawa, Suflday, Jan- logus. aladMs acelad t8oeoksap _ uary 16, Sarah Elizabeth, widow of the Mr.Halan rs athlladia 8oclc sap.31 laie Edward Orchard, aged 59 yeare. "Two Gossips" by Mrs. Reader adij Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mayori DOWSON-In Bowmanville, on Sun- Mrs. Blunt kept everyone in roars T. S. Holgate, Reeve M. J. Elliottl iay, Janusry 16, 1927, Mary Jane True- of laughter. Solos rendered by MrsI and John Lyle, J. P., attended the c'ttwidow of te lte ark <Dowsoo, A. Clvile bo i alaysa wecoml Ccksutt anqet n Toont Tus- ged 74 years. A. Clvile ho s alvay a elcmi CcksuttBanuet n Trono Tes- BARRIE-At Port Hope, on Saturday, visitor, were greatly appreciated. day evening. Jamuary 15, 1927, Sarah Darling, beloved Guesin cote-tî erenext in or- Port Perry is selling its own de- -wife of the late Robert Barrie, In ber Guesig cntst~wee 6th year. Interment at Bond Head der' and lots of fun cauaed through bentures, bearing 5% interest, to cemetery, Newcastle. being one word ont, while the lucky Bowmanville investors. These de-; WARD-in Bowmanvîlle, on Friday, onle were hianded a prize. As bentures are glt-edged t.rustee in-! .anuary 14, 1927, Elgin westiey Ward. ,.ideqt and deariy beioved son of Edith everyone was getting dry through ve-stments. Apply to Harris & Har- and Ievi Ward, In hie 2051,i year. Sadly their exertions, refreshments were, ris, Fort Perry Ont. 2-t rissed by Mother. Father, Brother andi served eacb helping theniselves froin Miss H. 0. Burk, Lindsay, M iens nterred at Groveside Cerne- a gaif'y decorated table simply lad-1 Nellie Bnrk of Jeffery Hales Hospital,, ______________ en down with goodies, and a ve'yl Quebec City, Que., Mias Sybil Bnrk, happy social hall boni' was spent, Toronto, enjoyed a pleasant visit at IN MEMORIAM after which came the big event Ofj the home of the lattera' mother, Mrs. ____ cutting tho huge birthday cake by H. W. Burk, Centre-est. MARTIN-In loving rnemory of Our Miss Allen with its five candles Another newspaper amalgamation decar daugbter, Janet Martin, who died bunnthe liglits being turned asoîninae Jr 7 January 20, 1918. burniiumatdingnar 1,Oh how patient in ber suffpring when down to give a more f estive aspect. when the St. Johbn (N. B.) Globe, no hand couid give ber eaae, Membera who were at the first p5i'ty '(d the heiper of the heipfless, saw ber of he lu ha th piviege offirat pnblished in 1858 ceased publi- j"dgrief and sent ber peace. of th clu hadthe anivieery- cation and was absorbed by the' Just nine years, how swift trne fies, blowing out the candies adeey Evening Tmes Star underth ite ovesà sweetest rnemory neyer dies. one then receive.d a piece of cake. o the tvnig iesGlbe e miss bier eriies, bier cheerful ways, Before departiug for home evei'y oDurebani Cnn TymeshtbrG Asc- with bertwe epent rnany happy days, Durhm Conty hort itle flot at te ethat the tears are member was presented with a box ofl iation wfl bold its annual sl t shed that tell that the heart is torii, chocolates throngh the generosity of i owmanviîle on Thursday, March years andl remembrance siiently Mr'. J. H. Jury, which caine as a veiy 3Md. Mi'. L. E . O'Neill*,-Dept. of borne. pleasant surprise and was heartily Arclue oono a aea Mîssed by Piather, Mother, Sisters and appreciated.inspection of the cattle to bie listed'____ Reluectantly the goodnight Songland reports an exceptionally good bIovIing mernory o! Bla M. Hutcbeson, was sung and aUl agreed that everyl class of stock. beioved wife of Henry Rogers, Enniskil- day, in every way, we are gettingj neoou'enrbectes len, wbo paosed away January 16. 1925. botter and better. thn erson of Mi'. Iblciieth1,> iLn Often my tboughts do wander the ersn o Mr Isac Lthrp, ib- To a grave net far away, Hearty thanks were extended to erty St., celobrateJ his birtbday oui WbereI laid rny dear wife ailwhobadheled o mke hisPasylChristmas Day and bas now enteied Wha would1 i ae6tea ap lier band, sucb a bhuge siiecess. tupion bis 88tb year. Though unable! Her ioving face te sees __________to go about the streets be is enjoying' 1 ill always think af >0u dear wife, iNo eyee may see me weep, good health and is bright and happy But many sulent tsars I shed A few Ladies' Coata at $5.00 each at home, reading and chattiug as Wb n others are asieep. at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. much as many yonnger men. aan Holsworthy correspondent of Ex- Sale of Rosa Can Co. factory w"s eter Western Times just te baud completed last week when payment in say8: "Sympatby is ext.ended to Mrs. full was made by the R. M. Hofings- Articles For Sale Holinan in tbe sad bass she bas sus- head Co. Lîmited of Canada to the FO 1AEGnieas frie tained in the death otfiber busbaud, town of Bowmnville. The latter coat, reasonabie. Appiy Mme. W. P. Rev. William J. Holman, Rector of company is rusbing the womk of al-1 Prower. Bowmanviile. 3-t Milton Damerel, who was cut off ini terations to bniltàing and installations RS E-osen cwt rne bis prime. There is a son to carry of machinery with a vwtosar Fg~aOut JALa-yo27teiAppiytaeSyney on the naine." Ris mother, Amelia manufacturing bore about the middle Brown, R. R. 6, Bowmanviile. 2-2w* Johns, was a cousin of the late Di'.i of February.RAI FO .AL-omit ne John Hoskin, K. C., and Miss Maryl As a result of a meeting of local radie set, for sale cheap. Apply te Dun- Hoshin, Toronto, and bis fathei'j merchants and professional men held can Smith, Liberty St., Bowrnanville. 3-1 whose naine 'lie bore, was cousin ofl in the Council Room Thursday even- FOR SALE-High grade Sbiriock Mi'. M. A. James, Bowmanvill, n. ng it was decided to take a secret, Manning Piano. SlIghtiy used, $260 cash. vote on the question of observing thej BomanvIleeCnrStpae22 Wednesday afternoon hall holiday.1 Fifty had the opportunity of voting COWS AND PIGS FOR SALE--Goafi which resnlted in 27 voting for Wed- renewed Jersey and Duýham~ Sprioger, 7 '.KE'S FIRST- years olOl,,quietand easy milkem, aiso 8 ine.sday aftern.oon holiday il months' jdgs, 8 weeks o Id. Appiy J. L. Meteaif, j n the year; 15 favored half holiday Lot '-0, Base Line, phone 183r5. 3-1 only 5 nionths (May, June, Jnly, Ang- PURE BRED SHORTHORNS FOR ust, September); one blank ballot SALE-I Bull, 10 menthte aid; a few th e t ami one spoiled ballot were ejected; goodregistered fernalesin calf. eason mercant decine to ote Fol(.y, phone 4"71r32, Bowrnanville, B. R.1 bat is getting the best at I TAKING STOCK 0F HEALTH ARTICLES FOR SALE-i gasoline lake's _______ treet purnp, 5 gai, visible measume; 1 In- side 1 gai. Bowser pump, would makea D SICKROOM SUPPLIES WE j Dr. Hastings' New Year's Message good pump for bandling coal ohl or Lubri- The nd o thecating ail; 1 rubber tired open buggy. ~ONE CANBUYApply te A. W. Pickard, or phone 185, 90E A U h n fteyear is nsually the Bomnille. 48-tf ne service niake it unnecessary timo of stoclvtaking and of planning-- - - ve a cheaper article to offer. for the year ta come. How many FOR SALE-DomInIon Pianos of afl of you have considered health a kinds sold on payxnsnts apread over two forfri qnlit. I one of the most preciaus assets te; ?ard Heîntzman used pianos talion as lie inclnded in the reckoning at tfihis part payment on Dominion piano& will SPECIALS tinie? Look back over the year becîeared at bargain prie« and on easy which bas just drawn ta a close and .d nvie. 5-t Note Paper and Envelopes, a,.. up your docto's bills. How em F..MiclDatbta.B- Regular 50c value..33c mnch was spent for disease that was preventable? If during the year 'Waflted Hairbush $1.25 you paid na doctor's bills, wss it due POTATOES WANTED-By thie oad, your care of your body Or was it Phone J. H. McEwen, 133-2, Bowmanville Comb............. .35 blind chance? 2-2w -Do yen know, as a resnl.t of a cors- POTATOES WANTED-By the- load. $,0plete physical examination, that you 1.50 per bag delivered, phone 133-2, Baw- are entei'ing upon a New Year with manville. 3-1w' Both for .99e a body that is îree froni defectaj WN DT ea rm onrc whih, f fnn. teexit, ou.d e.8.~ arm for sale. State cash prie. D. F. Save this list, wateb for more. iljy be eorrected now, but which, ifl Bush, Mnneapolis. MInn. 61-5 neglected, would iusidionsly steal1 BADR ATDBadn 'days and years from your Ifle lat.e rrooni wtbborne privileges, gentlemen on? Are yeui' cbildren free from prefermed. Pbone 182, Bowmanville. 1-tf E ' ~ PHONE the danger of sinalîpox and di'pht- POIONW TE Prcia nus 49 hriawith consîderable experience, disengaged. Ae you or the menibers of your Apply S. F., Drawer B, Bownianviile. LE DRUG STORE- family likely te have yaur next suna- 2-4t mer's vacation ruined by typhoid WNE TOC- aal on fever? Have you paid attention wom, or general housework andi plain to the warning te the seboolý physi- cooking by an eîderly couple onîy. Muet 1 _c.-nordentis+«t_+tyour child's vis- bave gooti references. AppiyMe.J Once every six months would be be- ihere is, after ail ne newspaper u~ru1u~~~yter for it gives yen just thatmuc that means se mueh ta one as bis own A K II A INstai-t on any disease condition wMlt town paper. The daily bhas its place [A R R A Nis beginning. By doing this, everY1 and is a necesssry visiter te oui' Ne'w Year eau be made a happy one, homes but the persenal interest us BOWMANVILLE happy in'the exact knowledge that found enly in your local paper. Send yeur health-your greatest POsse- in news that will interest yonr ein-i being adequately safe-guard- frienda, especially those at a dist- ed. 1 ance. L I ves' 5th Anniversary Sale DEPENDABLE FOOT WEAR Offered at Exceptionally Low Prices We celebrate this month community. To make grand dlean-up sale of the completion of five years of service to this this event noteworthy we are celebrating with a dependable footwear. MEN'S BOOTS Black and Brown Caif Leather with welted soles and rubber heels, Regularly sold $8 to $8.50 Anniversary Sale Price $6.98 MEN'S FINE OXFORDS i Dressy Shoes in fine caîf leather, medium and round toes, have flot ail sizes in each kind, but ail siz- es in one big lot, Regular $7.50 to $8.00Y Anniversary Sale Price $5.98j MEN'S BOOTS Black and Brown Side Caîf Leather, a good Sunday boot for out of town customers and real value at Anniversary Sale Price $4.98 MEN'S AND LARGE BOYS BOOTS We are clearing out several hiles that sold from $4 to $5 at Anniversary Sale Price $3.48 Men's and Boys' Hockey Boots at 20% off j Wi*nter 7?.h Womer WOMEN'S STRAP SLIPPERS. Taken from our stock of fine turn sole goods, in Black Patent and Kid leather in values to $9, we give you your choice at Anniversary Sale Price $6.98 WOMEN'S STRAP SHOES AND OXFORDS In above kinds in Black Kid and Patent, we offer the best that can be made in shoes for ladies Ail good fitters and value at $7.00 to $7.50, WOMEN'S OXFORDS i In Patent Leather and Black Kid cuban and low heels, RegularI Values $4.50 to $6.00,I Anniversary Sale Price $3.98j A SPECIAL LOT 0F LADIES' A SHOES AT $2.68I Women's and Girls' Hockey Boots at 20% off FARMERS-LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR LEATHER TOP RUBBERS HERE Bowmanville ont Coats Pric!o 4e Little Shoppe, Wituh c,?he Larje Stock Q3C1WMWNULLE TAý GOwMNVILE. OTA ISpecia7"'9tinomns7pae Eýxclusive but flot Exp ensive i-s Coats -Suits- Dresses-H-osierg - G1oves -Underwear -Etc. T rade in Bowman ville Where You May Buy With Confidence And Satisfaction MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS SENT C. O. D. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR FOOTWEAR NEEDS FOR 1927 And Cbildren. Ives' Shoe Store Footwear and Travelling Goode Balance of Our w omen'y s PAGE VIVIC JANUARY 20, 1927 left, selling

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