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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1927, p. 6

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j THPAGE SSATIXN B 1927y..vrirnQA NIb. geai n m .C aesl week I r. -Pmî ~ F . H . B O U N S A L L N o . 5 > T ~ '~ ~1 8 . 5 ' < 0 I B L T Se e s o u d a 3 a s y u e k n l a o e PropietorPh ~Bowmanville A RL LImu II n f M l $779 r gtif a th oi ers d nt i e y W . cam- a h s __ ~ O ag. ~j p~ ~ * fî a B o 4 . u t i n o . . . . . î u u n , 'o i c o rs a a a r y , ] !J., 6 1 0 0.0 0 y o u r m o n eyS a c k - aai d t o n lv e y o 6 0 . d a h o m . tMh eI BU L . .1S ith,, S.S. N,,) 19.......... .lu 0 School S ction lelnturu's and ce nts b let-a. Ask u Mr. ame u rleM M aralaiasi N obl . iM..ute, S.QS. No. 6 . ~.. interfest coupîonsdue 197r. 880 P horsrilg, S ', No 2. I 'P .MAY ___ . 1 J. Siniltb, S S. No. 19 - pîamais ay-wheére laN -0h ; t e.auesl Allun and daughtei-s $485.6 1vsitd hon sister, Mms. Roy McKay 1101$481 65'South America recenîîy. 100 001 W. R. ALLN,«r. BAKERe But be sure to get Mecoy', th Mr. Charles Thackray srent the la - - -- - - ----------pug .Ab 5Lima Deans 2 l- 5*m Vpe- BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS 7 dN t~ ' ORONO (Crowded out Iast week) (From The Nerws of January 13th) Dr .E emnadesdOne Mr. and Mrs. Snowden, Osaca, vis- S A E E T Guelph Rotary Club on Friday Iast. itd issst T11.Jon eny ______ The boys have a great rink here Dollars MaT W M. Stutt is speding a ew tn rc n ni tbx.s year. The ice surface is about who is seriously ill. w Towshi ofDaringon the saine size as Taylor's Arena. "EBJ h Why sufer from cornas when they, att Towshp f arinton"HRBJUCEistheony ed- anbepainle&zly rooted out by using SaeyD poi Rev. Geo. Mason addresseà the cine for indigestion, gas pains, sleep- Holloway's Corn Rernover. from Childhod 1- Vesper Service on Sunday arternoon. lesness and a general rundown con- CongTatulations to Dr. and Mm.Va lt Miss Helen YeUlowlees was' the solo- dition", said Mr. S. G. Seager, 318 McElroy, Peterboro, former residenta aut O I d g R c e i t s n d E p e n i t u e s s t B u c e A v e , W n d s o , O t. I w s f O x o n o , o n t h e a r r iv a i o f a li V e I f y u d e s ir e to p la c e a n y o f y o u r overseas and ever since the G reat daughter vlal aes jwlro te fo 96School bas entered a team in the War I suffered froin these coni- aubeperjwly o otr fo 96Town Bowling Leèague. They will plaints. I was losing weight at the Misos Louie Stephenson, Oshawai*>v preciou.s belongings in one of our (Coninud frm Jn. 6h.) be known as the Training &*-hool rate of three pound.s per month. Af. and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bodley IN Safety DpstBxs o ilfn Teain. ter taking two bottles of HERB Clark.son, spent the weekend with Dr. Our staff ready to render prompt and t1TER JUICE imagine my surprise when my and Mrs. Kerslake. liieourteous service at aIl times during WIRE PENCE BONUS Matnsaly1rdyngtad - odton t o- TeDsrc ilisalV~D banking houî... The cost to you is Scolbwigta lydea only nominal and we are glad to be If you ant you chuldrn to FE RUARV eated a team oftown bo iers ~ tinued taking it and gained ffteen officers Of W olverham pton Lod e, S-Jo n osbe asitn e w e o Ifave ae or c md re son M n Flohh, U $ 501amesin the. Sof ow owlaere- opounds in weight. I feel in perfect O.E.B.S., on Monday evening, Jan Mwisi acess to your box. have lert inds, sound Myra Rolhns ................ 5.00 ames n tcondition. as Iewe-ucddittron1glyldre-'nly uaryua 24th.h nerves, ruddy ciieeks aglow NOVEMBER sented by Radcliffe, Allen, Hyslop, comniend HERB JUICE to anyone Orono Women'e Institute wiU nieet wth health, give them î ~I a Blin ........... 5 0 Brown and Cunningham. Their op- sufering fro ingetncsip-n h Cuilhabron Pidy OLÀJEN-They love il! ____ponents were Johnston, Miller, Rh- g 9" Pindieston, ChlvrJnur 1t t3p.m ol al Now on sale at al $1. ards, Brown and .Carberry. Rich-trouble. 1 would not take one bun- 1 could bave just one more Labori Druggist"-1.OO a jar. SEE DAMAGES ards had higb individual score of dred dollars for the good HERB Saving Device, what would it bie?. S MDR AI SHEEP 'w ý _ej"qW ' 204, closely followed by Fred Allen JUICE bas done me". Mr. AIf. Real left Monday fo.r P C.A.NAm.DA Js$ 6.0 erag, av- For sale by Jury & LovelI, Ltd., Toronto wbere he enters Christie BW AVLEBAC -.W ap aae You Tyere.e....... $6l0 rIt 16 and leading druggists everywhere. Street Veterans' Hospital for treat- BWAVLEBAC-.W ap aae en Br ranches ais. et Newcastle, Newtonvjlle, Orono, Oshawa H ,ro YoBennet MA10 16 00 Boy Scout troup was organized ______________ ment. Aif. was gaassed overseas and! atrold tunnlet...................~ and held its firat meeting Friday. te old trouble has returned aifectngi Abr ude......... Scout Committe is composed of Dr. hfS is heart action. com ng ll-t Rndl ..AP .RIL .2...... 0G. E. Reaman, Messrs. Hyslop, Bradt, I m c u t eryall cbiîdren are ujcto -Wrnthat yoldIlar egon ositsr- .J.NDicEnso J.ECunningam islScout ,When tha. o. CundaingeamndssiSso Driworms, and many are born wt take ZUTOO. MWhen you feci a CCdd foqs r ear. ..........................2.00 MHoterand M. Fre Alle and r.raehms' ifering be-1 coniingontaeUOO tth istAbrt Rundie .................. .....35.001 Claude Ensor are assistant Scout mflK Wan(xcllntterdy pai aItue1irî felig osîc- îAle. i l kinser.................. . 361500' îao sign of aaa t Zfc . t fi ick- 1-Aix WSkin......................3-00,'Masters in charge of each of theStacAiitPeet Te netelntrney nes-take ZUTOO.i first two patrols. Th'le troup at pres- Neutralize SoahAiiy vn hemscldnewshl tthe1 You %i11 be ail rigliî in2o0mnutîîes if iî's JULY ent consista of two patrols of eigbt Food Fermentation. Stop home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent oni headache, or the next norninig f it is a Haroldi Skinner....................20.00.byea. This, of course, will bej Indigestion. itwhe n abut ne onndr te and cold. Pain aIl gone, and the whole body A. H. Erý,nt.......................00added to as time goes along. The ________aou We hndedaný ZUreltd( ndW. CI mens ........... 1 Ioledrsae ri Sterad ifflfty were present. Mesars. Rus: »RS Don wat-dn'îtak chnce. Gt AGUS and Ted. Smith. ion, gas, wind, or flatulence, stomacb Edgerton and A. Somerville furni9h-ý ZT- Tablets to-day-ad a% e iîemn LAW.Ciempns ....................501______aiiyo aa* ed the music. red 0îaca i frts- i ed S. Snowdefn........................ 23.00 aiit rsourness, gastric arh,]Ff raht !e orflicd TAKt iIE. ECMof er psad o errear o Fidyeartburn, etc., would take a tea- A Power of its Own-Dr. Thomas' T acleca oldandealAETIIE. ml potiAtr Çcii NOVEMBER 50 THE LATE MRS. JOHN WOOD)LEy spoonful of pure Bisurated MagnesialEclectri-c Oil bas a subtle power of B.N oisn o edotcoQ1W .Reynolds................... 20.00 in haIf a glass of bot water immed- its own. AIl who have used it knowAi O ost --l EEME One of the district's oldet pion- iately after eating they would soon this and keep it by tîbeni as the most i eerspased o hr rwar onFriayforget they were ever aflicted with valuable liniment available. It.s usesý A. IL Brent........................4500 December 24th. in tlie persan of Mrs. stomach trouble, and doctors would are innuinerable and for many yearai IlghAnis..............8500John Woodley, in ber 90tb year. Rer have to look elsewbere for patients."Iit ha been prized as the leading lini-1 Irnported direct froni the Orient A SiM 702.001 maiden naine was Catharine Bribin Ia explanation of these words a well ment for mai and beast. 0 CHRNI BONHI .S IADeP STATIONERY AND PRINTING an hwsbo i Darlington known New York physician stated Athinura meeting of the' in d chss. Ben e BRONCHiALCOLDS, HAY FLVEP JANUARY Township, Durhamn County, on June lîbat most forins of stomacb troubles Tinnship Council befo're the mem- SWaiowRAMHc"ulesScnd5 f r trial. M. A. James & Sons, printUng ..$ 4.371 29th., 1837. In 1855 she miarried are due to stomach acidity and fer-onsi on anu teme- Tenipieîons, Toronto. $1 et ycur druggist'a. R. J. Loveti Co., duplicate leIter Itbe late John Woodley and about mentation <>f the food contents o eseetetn ntebsns f n a k d it b,-2b>34b i~ad...........................1.5four years later came ta Enniekillen the stomaýob.combined with an in- therssio ak t n te d . . urckend Pat ..... EBRUARY where the yaung couple settled on sn.fficient blood supply ta the stoi- or of ark St UnitedCpurckargad. Municipal Word, supplies .....1.o the c sut oneastnotheatof ach. ot water increases the boodpaae of scriptire and soIicitedi rg tA u i u a k g s M a n y C h ldre n n d MAYthe early da ya as a pi nic gr und and or powder, instantly neturalizes the C u~ l Adisj M. A. James & Sons, printing and lis still known as "Woodley's Grove". excessive stomac.h acid and stops and several of the officiaIs at dinner, o~ I Mne1a iJ UN E while two sons John and Thomas have of plie two therefore, en marvrel- Ngt of agony come in the Kee Sron O Muicpal JUlV blnkforms .64 viv edefour and onS e isonr- 'ysuccesaful and decdy pre- train of asthma. The victim cannot, A JULY vivedby fu daugbtersanoesn feraible ta, the use of artificial digest- lie down, and sleep i. driven froni AST H , M Mueî,i id1.kas follows: Mrs. N. Stotts, Petrol- ants, stimulants or medicines for bis brain. What grateful relief is Chronic Bronchitis, Head and Bronchicil Colda, IIay Feve S.nR.ipar &C, spcai n- la Ms.E.Mecaf1.65ne Eni- indigestion. the immediate efect of Dr. J. D. 'cu may. nichtialer night, have been robbed of éleep, and lectors Roll............ .16.25 killen; Mrs. A. Maitland of tbe l2th ___1_________________________ I Kllogg's Asthnia Remedy. It ban-i SPEC AL Kelog' Atha emdy I bn- ooawtrungulation Nevertlieles. if $1 boxof RAZ-MAH. o EI IJ .IIij Brown Bros, Municipai Cash B*lookî 19.76, line of Enni.skiîlen, and William ises the frightful conditions, dlean itsîkenaccording tdieios, des not seFor book'et and ce. 22.1 IWodle anAutdlia Oe boterthsanaegbesheexfict pur druggist wiII return yoor ioney RZMAH cnaîs OUS tria1 of RAZ-MA H. Jo.Brisbin, of BrtRiver, Ont., BeAiu d one to again sleep as soundly and no..ketutir-ace ofedns h drA uN Ld, eplt AUGCJST and tîvo sisters, Mrs. Laura Hicks, A3a d rW anessQ restfull.y as a cbild. Insis't on the uith a bot drinir et 'neatime. fi>s The Pleasant M A. James & Sons, irintin g MI Wm. LÏittle, Tyrone, also sur-G ttn T genuine at your nearby druggist. P4 ie ongt sRiMI o adv.-rtsng ......... vive. She leaves a total of eighty- G tig-L>p-Nights Ii.y tfoe s3hmnaClronic BronchitinT EM P LE TON 1S U4zy To DECEMBER Lhree living descendants, there being 1 nn(a meeting of the Horticult- Head and Bronchbai Coide HayFe TaeCo -ivrOi 'oes'Lgtadt t ...M.13.8 Jame & sons. pîiuting five chibdren, twenty-seven Ouicklv ra Society was beld in Centre St f£,o R1 A Z e-L AM , aie C'od-liver ua chu gran-kly ________1,Ijnited Cburch on Monday, JanuarygadS_ _ At1 ,v .1, is o- hilre an eiht re-ý rea 1tb when the following officers were r o . A and î'ossagI. starnpq................18 80 children andHeigh greamrea ____ iPFesat oe reten Wf--elctd grandebjîdren; the oldest otfftýhFn;UsJb DcW orkMany Predcn-.J ay -- $itamins7 _122' generation is 6 years of age . FneYUe a yDor Fost V Pre sidnt e .Hnt-r.J .Coe Sen--ti & flowne, Toronto. (mi 2c-44 BOARD OF HEALTH be funeral wvas beld froin the 2nd Vie Pres.dent-MrsO Ropr _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ JANUARV - ~~-r0id8t1ce of ber <aughter. Mrs. John What a wonderful comfort it la to See.r ob pone ae JANURY ecrearyto___apoOliverie .5, lîOlivenrs,. King Street, witb whom shelsleep aIl nîght aid not get up Once Treasurer-Miss Davy SEPTEMBERhad resided for the past .ýîx years, from Bladder Weakness and Irrita- 1irectors 1926-Jas. Stark, T. Smitlh, SEPEMBR Ion Sunday, Decemoer 26-:11. Rev. tion.ic o JuryIimfetnt . 00SIA. M. Stuart of St. Paul's United A.Henry, Mrs. Dick.,on, Mrs. F. o O~ THOMAS' * Nf H .nîîîeai ts.... H ur.10n ce tesricsa The daily annoyance, restlessnemsl Hall. U7 n Chrchecnt mae seriesdand nights of misery, backaches and ner- D)ireeîtoi-s 1927-I. T. Chapmnaî, Mrs.' ~ 'OI 0 çtTOA'DECEMBER 11Ctemety mae.tHlldl votis irritability .hat resuit from R. H. Allin, Mrs. Mla,,Donaild, Mrs i E L C RC.Iii i,.. UPIII'fW.160 eeey Bîadder Troubles, are wrecking the J. N. Powers, Mrs. NfeKay. IM " cmu jls'e wMIlk. W h.Allr, S-v .HPoftIl 1600 The paîl-bearer2 were six grand- lives of tbnu-zands wbo migbt other- -uditon:-Mrs. Cut.ell ,Miàis WaI.h. OIL e 'P. sr ors s n Pli miiag. sonIS as follows.-Messrs. Garnet wise be in the best of healtb. rtfo PatsCw hr'F E SURE. SAFE AND îIMPLÉ il. B.ûoril.._............... it, e i.21stîîtts. e.Oliver, W .Oliver,! REHon.FORrAs TdÉnt-T.4Smith. W IltFI.for Pe nattsrbesw, ohamus F R E E 9THUDLfYFEIcîsI i ofI. _ ri.....e 101PryNetaf omnMiln n peaceful, health-giving sleep and, The Oil of the People.-Iany O AIMND. F AS A Of-£E W........................4. ILstiI PeanRyodMatNan Miladad ob aoir etlyumstbv Thonias" PRA? FOD O.of ANAA. Imê.dTORNT IONFO SCHi 'I în. I 1,Ast.Ramod ailad.freedom from daily irrtation-, bave come and gone, but Dr. hm ATIN FniSC . W or, t ., f 8.10tbat's why Dr. Southworth's URA-' Eclectric Oil continues to maintain Il- of I_.....ABS give such wonderful satis- is position and increase its sphere BE FOUNO. OCTA fi, r,,,tHofi .8,0*1 â oTrTLE TO.OAY ANt[) , W. Hastings, San. tnsp., seie- j..T AVÉ TRAYn.o uai ugm o JUNE faction. of ui.efulness eacb year. Its ster- 0 HTHE TIME WHEN YOU A ..... A NijlsOn, S.S. No. 14............ 00.00 Made from a special formula and ling qualities bave brought it to the' WILL NFED IT. iý ~~~~~_____ .1. . Smith, S. S. No. 19.......... 100"001fotadkp.i hradi a 124 1, . CShotriige S.S. o. 0..125: 00 used in the Doctor's successful nriv-frnanketithendtcn Il. ~Sliortrlcig(-, SS. No. 20 .... 143.00o ate practice for nearly 50 years- tuyb aldtealo h epe Noblue t.MeteaIf, S. S. No. 6 ..00UAAS.nwo.inbe fo Thousands have benefited by it and LEGISLATIVE GRANTS lIli, Smith,, S. S. No. 13 ..... 200.00 ordugsfrinxesv hm wuluenote ppato. S. G. Chant, S. S. No. 12.......... 250.u0 du0s friepnsv oe ol s n te reaain I-Sc. No. Slaro.s. îxperieneo,_etc.511 T. hoar, S. S. No. 10.37500 use, have brought quick heîp and Ofcr n or fMngmn Cook's Regulating........nd ....................... 0A WAns S N. 18.0.0cmot.t ayohuans f the newly organized Orono Publie ....un ...................... 2I5 00 JULV 000 No matter what your age may ho Library are: dadaowbý A sae, relhabe igi .... ............... 25,00 Il.F. Osborne, S. S. No. 4 ...... 10.9or how many medicines you have us- Mrs. F. J. Hal-Chairman Medicine. Sodind b. e................ .......................2 rI5. 0 A . Millt.on, S. S. No. 14.....10000 led without success, if you want ta Mrs. Jas. Dickson--Secretary No 3 e~î. .... ...2 .00i.C. Pascoe, S. S. No. 15 ...... 100.001f resosIregtb~o 7 ... ....... ................631.25 Nobi, 1. MoteaiS S. No. 6 ...... 125.0'rgtyuhvaBadeaneno Mrs. T. Cowan-Treagurer E on recep of 9c..................................1510SEPTEMBER try URATABS today. Yu rg Ms nImn alsn S od1a i rî s8 o e t > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 3 . 1 2 t h e r e ot o f e e f l u n r k s e p M 8 . J R . C o r - i a i n .... . You drug 1 Mr. S.Cuttell, Miss M. A.Was pmhe. Addre ! 0..................2 7 rdHSih .SN .. ... 9-00.00 gist will refund the smaîl cost if you Mr.RMr. alh TOTHCOOKT.oMEDIWIN l.......... ...................54.1'n0.SewnMs alsn TM~OKEîC ZC ................................ 5.00NOEM are not weIl pleased. Mns. H. G. McKay.- _______________1................ ............245.00 N9E1E 14 i .... ...... . ..............-5 Arthuir Nilison. S.S. No. 14 .100.001______________ Hon. Board-Dr. M. M. Tucker, Rev .......-Î,0L ' aeeS .N.15 100 -j S. T. Tucker, J. J. Gilfillan, Thos. .... of.B-read W o o 's16 .. .. ............................2 7 93 7 .1 .J. Sm ith, . S ,S N o. 19 ........ .1 0 0 .0 0 1'~w L o N- ODSPHOSPHOD NE 17 . ...... ..........7508 F P C. Shortrigé, S. S. No. 20. 12501 ~*Sii't, Howard WaU,~ R SherwinE,,ery housefe knows het ther. claà certain T h e G r etn e g l s h INu ?1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..e7 8 0 0 hb e 1 M e cao l . . N, . .... . . . .T h ma.. . . . 3K a24 .i b5 0n , w icim a r e l i r r o- -t S. No. 6. 150 00 rrng S iI e 1littie better. Ih la ibis " Knack'- thai we have e [oneaii(4 ivigoratý, 9 ........ .n..... ..... - 324.0ingongwhlselet nkwsbber proddpz-le nevossyie. thic e w i8lieu.................... ......34.75 DECEMBER mogheelcnwbokpacedbound. and which puiste is ni-Talcy,- Loa in a jendVus j e w or e ou....... ..........................2 a ,. o0Fi rihuîr Milison, . S. S No. 14 .... 100.01n theof will bnee oundBtteRe in od vins Usde o Nevou IlC..Shnrridýý,S. S. No. 20. 12500* v r DaylAhes y Margare. Pedlar; The Sea y. ý feilîy. Menta and Brani Worry, ,18 - ol . M taI. .N .6... 100 Hawke by R. Sabitini; Canadian h therileai. od ahi drugism. orfaIn ep, rLOCA SCHOL ATESaàd/e Doe Husesof1Rmanc-by Kath.ine-ir"p_ pi eruci ut peo. New p0m h - fldD HaletandImany.others PAGE SIX 't' i 5)0 ~i. 1~

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