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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1927, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927 COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE CARNI VAL AT ORONO IN SOLINA VILLAGE Wednesday, January 26th The N e vvc a,4t I e 1 rid e ý nci nt Pranme house ln good condition, well t equipped barn, suitable for Biacksmith A carnival in connection with the Shop; large loft: stabling for '2 cows, 2 horses,echieken house, pig Pen, garage. a)pening of the new Skating Rink THURSDAY, JANJUARXT 2th., 1927 %~ acre land' excellent garden, small will be held in, Orono on Wcdnesday fruits, bard and sott water; splendid * Jna Publie School: church. near by. Good eve ning, Jnay 26th.- - bargain for quick sale. Apply Norman Prizes wiii ho given for character SHAWS NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE E. Wright, Owner, R. R. 1, Ridgevile, - tms cmcc;unies, races, etc. _____ Onta rio. Band in a-tendlance . Adnis1-icn 2.5c Mýissa Vers Werry, Oshawa, is vis-I Mi-es Irene and 'Marion Ba.skzer- Rev. and Mrs. E. R. James hiad hier sister, Mrs. R. K. Bragg. . ville, Toronto, have been home for a~ busineýs in Toronto )n Satu:day. 1"Mr. Perey Gilbank has resumed few days. STEAMSHIP TICKETS MILK PRODUCERS, ATTENTION!i studies at Queen's University, King- r e ukehvn i- Epworth Leaguers werc treatedi M. A. JAMES ston, after spending several weeks ed to try life in the city is now - B adlyonmosthpu ak y Mr. J. To Europe-Canadian Pacifie, White A etn fteMl rdcr1 at home Mr. Wesley Heard'sployed in Fittings Limited. Oshawa îaiy nMody vnig Star Dominion, Cunard, America4 of the County of Durhami has been!l sale passe(i off very successfuily onl Citizens are pleased to see Mr. Mrs. (3eo. Mar.-den w-ho has been Ask for informatioi. phone 5? arranged for Friday afternooa, Jan.1 Wednesday and since then he and John Scott and Mr. Harold Laking dewn fronm Brandon, Manitoba, visit- Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 21-.t, in the Commnunity Hall, New- Mrs. Heard have moved to their new e ut again after their recent illiness. ing lier sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb,j castle, at 2 o'clock. The meeting1 home, (MIr. Gill's south re,-idence> on Ms Rv)E .Coehsbe sa r-etýstn eaie nLn __________________ - las heen called for the purpo3e of the Kingston road . . ..r D. Mr D. s. Rv)E.B okehsbe i tpo-n iiing xl:vsliLn liscusting the a(lvisability of organ- rg aMM.R.K raghv rsedn the week wth lher parents, (ion. MEDICAL BagadM.R .Baghv izing the lairvme.n of -lhe County. instailed new radios in their homes,l ,r. and Mrs. Camplin of Unionville. Mîr. H-. W. Dudley w-as zuninmonedi J. A BULER M. ., . M Prof. C. B. in. Secretax-v of the and along with several others are Miss Brh Thonpo, etn-tCîbne nSaudy wigt Honor graduate of Trinity Unxiver- Toronto Milk Pro-ducers' Association, finling that a comfortable way for ville, is visiting Mr.z. Walter Cou..h, ',ue serious illness ami death of hisi sity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Col- and Mr. J. A. Carrol, -s't. Direct- getting their Sunday services. ... Mr Miss Hazel Barrie and other friends younger sister, and remiaine4l overi lege, Licentia.te of the State Univer- ,ýr cf Agricultuial Representatives, W. D. Bragg and Mr. W. J. S. Rick- in tlie vilenity' for the funeral. sity of New York, Matriculate of the wlll lie present to take part in the aî-d accempanied by Messrs. Mark Messrs. Gordon Ashton and Chas. Post Graduate Medical Sehool and d i s,, on s. There ia already a and Harold Allun of Newcastle, mot- Glenney of the Young Pecpie's The nioniiaers of Mr- T. A. Rod- Hospital of New York and Fellow strong orgaxization in Northumber- ored te 0.zhawa on Wednesday even-ILeague, attended the Bay of Quinte gers Class cf S. S. boys accompanied of the Toronto Academy of Medi- land County. ing andi by special request, assisted Winter School at Cobourg. by their girl friends were taken for1 cine. Office-Mrs. McNaugliton's Res- in the service of sang at the evan- A nuniber of our young people a sleigh ride and a skate oni the Bow-1 Idence, Newcastle. Hours-_8 ta Io gelistic meetings being carried on in spent a jolly evening as gueats of nianville rink by Ma.ter Jlohn Rick- a.m. 1 to 3 p. m. and by appoint- DRA CUTYB S the South Oshawa Churdli by Rev. R. Miss Tucker Coueh at a hitdy ado usa vnn~I a ment.DRA ONYBY A. Whattam and Evangelist, Lind- party given by lier on Tliursday even. good tinie ail around. say .. . Mr. Gordon Ashton is at- xng. _____ A brief acceunt cf the life cf Dr. tending Winter School at Coboturg. Mran Ms.W N. uklyef Shin Moise entertained the mem- W. H. Walton-Ball, Toronto, and aMran s.W N.Bclyef bers cf the Bow-manville Hockey part tini e -eident of "Harris Lodge", Wednesday mornxng for Lynn, East- team at lis home on Monday even- Newaste apeaed n Te Trono c Ontario. te visit hîs sister, '%,rs;. ing on theix- return from the Port DIVIDEND NOTICE Telcgram i its feature column "A OBITUARY (Rev.) R. A. Delve, who bas been Hope ganie. Evex-yone expres.s:ed NO 6Peep Behind the Curtains cf Tinie"_____ very iii. lis appreciation cf the hospitalityo NO 6which reads: John Herring, Oshawa Mr. Irwin Colwill lias beexi e'xoy. Shixi the best maxi en the tea and IpraRoate'Cmay Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball was born in ing a ten days' visit witb his aunt, his good wife. ax Impueria Roal te es'omany Durhani County. Hi.s ancestorsI Following a two wecks' illncs.s the _Mrs. Laura Colw-iil and lis cousins, UntdCuhRvE.BG Monthly Dividend of one and were the first settiers of Port Hopei de ath nccurrcd at his 'hoe., 19 M)r. Chas. Colîvili and Mrs. Keyser UntdCudi e.E .Coke, one-lhaif per cent. (1%%) in1 1793. He ivas educated at Wes-1 Brock Street, East, Oshawa, on Fri- and their families, Walkerville. ing orsipn. 230 p11 . m.-Mouna ýwil be ayale o Janary levville Publie SchocI and Port Hoe day, January 14, of John Herring, Rev. E. B. Cooke preached two n Wosi;23p.i-Sda 3l-st ta shareholders cf rec- Hxgli School, and at the Royal Coilege i a ifeiong resident of tàue dstrxct. fine sermons on Sunday last and at Sehool; 7 p. m.-Evening Service. ord of January 25th. of Dental Surgeons graduating in Holi was hemn 69 years ago at Thorn- the evening service Mrs. C. A. Cowan, JmS. eor. Jan. 3rd : 8E. R.1 I1903. He later studied in Chicago. ton's Corners, about two miles west Miss Edna Rickard and Miss Beatrice Jaoey CommuJn.n; il 8a.nm.- This is Monthly Dividend No 1 Dr. Walton-Ball has been practising cf Oshawa. Bragg rendered a mucli apprcciatediM-o Praymmnir; ia. 76, making a total cf one in Toronto for twenty-four years. Deceased was a member of King trio as part cf the choiras service cf Morning Oryr;23 p. m.-Sundayý hundrd andthiry-fou and One of his hobbies is the collection ofi Street United Church and Corinthiani Scng. cio;7~.m-vnog one-lxalf per cent. (134Y%) rare cld print.s and engravings; an-i Lodge, No. 61, I.O.O.F. Mrs. Salomie Goard. ivio lias beeni Dr. axid Mrs. J. A. Butle-r were paxd to sharehelders since ther i, Harris Lodge. lis country The surviving members of the fam- under the cai-e of Miss Rowlan d,'th e h est and hostcss; at a skatingi organization ini April, 1920. rlace at Newcastle. He is a memn- ily. heside his wife are: Three daug'h- Willowdale Rest Home, for several parý,y oxi Community Rînk on Mon- IMPERIAL ROYALTIES ber of Wilson Masenîc Lodge, the tex--Mrs. Edward Michael, Rar- months, suffering froni partial par- day evenixîg and w-len the hou,- had COMPANY Ontario Club, and is a îîîember cf thcenîony; Mrs. Frank Snudden, North alysis, has returned te Newvtonviilei passed, the January roses w-ere gailyl BJ.EHon1Toron-o Academy cf Dentistrv. O.hawa; Mrs. Harry Young, and on.eresewllb uNd y Ma looiixg cxi the dheeka of the merryl By . .sonn Frank, both of Oshawa. Randaîl. gliders. After the skate tlie Doctor! H.&Two brothers, James of Mitkhelton, Mr. J. H. Best cf Newcastle called and Mrs. Butler entcrtained their K. . Koînpfe& Co GALVANIZED ROOFING Sask., and William cf Enniskillen, on The Guide on Saturday. His get elgîfly tter home Limited and three sisters, Mrs. Thomas All- hcalth lias gix-en hlm somte concern, King St. East. Torr ton ado Lodod11L-ondon'l î7edrooili Re,00W anMcs.Jas.Alîian fdrMa. . haing adatlspodffurshawas,'c-i qi-,survivWrte.orteeamxî Frsey ailofsshawalao suriv.nth.GenralHosptamTorito. Heof ntetixg cftheyou en meand Ontario an-ifril;t xaid oric,. Snii no.aro- The funeral was held Tcda n g nten s omlie in Ne Pca s hotCusslnArcltrese Lifor -.stirnat- laijkv& c. atron evc bigcnctdadined ol nTronto.- ted for Tliursdaý evening, January rnn. Rex 1.,Halon.ay aftenoC.nW.servie i odut Hope Guide. 1 2Oth in the Cemnîunity Hall at 7 :30 o Iamllo b Re. . W DMile.Miss Alicia Williams, assizted by p. ni- Thece is considerable bus- ________ --ler sister Gw-en, entertained over a1 incas te ho attexîded te. The dele- score cf lier young boy and girl gates te the Conferencýe of Junior frienda at a deliglitful birtliday par- Fax-nex-s in Belleville xiii give their Ixty Friday evening. TPhe ycutlifui reports. MrF.CPaesn gi S. W. MASON & SON'S gust ail tlioroughly enjeyed thcm- cultural Mer. F.C. atiePr on, egri selves in the merry games and ever xiii ho present te lead in the discus- the tasty lunch that followed. sos Mr. Jast fve yas, ci ndaoun heliuinace ere arc sc'ry toi Mc. Joe es. inWdatt, -ouAskpertoAninane 1~ee Ohio, working mostly for Ohio leaco of the death of Mrs. Orchardi farnaerSlias eealepnCintiteue s*of Oshiawa w-ho like lier daughterj ter with 'lis daugliter, Mrs. Roy Mi. Aie a ee rqetvs IHooper, Bowmanvil, le, and witlî otlier itor ini years gene by witli Mr. and In F ll win wih is T ous nd one m irelatives. On Saturday lic called Mrs. Isaac Selby and fanîily, and ai- on lis old friend, Dr. Farncoimb, ta se with Mr. and N. T. Se1by and fai-1 In uliSw ng ith it Th usa d one - o, le related much cf lia most iy now cf Regina, Sask., and es Savng hen min l B rgansculture. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Selby, MisAda Barker, nurse in train - attended the funeral on Tuesday cf j ____________ing at the Women's Cottage Hospit- this weck. ai, Wellesley St., Tarante, under- FOR SALE-One cuîtter, iwc afts har- wcnt a rather seciaus operation at n,-ss, one road cart. Apiuiy to Mrs. A. An Apology: the same 'liospital last Wednesday. l'Elsoth ecate.23 Iater adviccs arc te the cffect that______ We regret exceedingly that owing to the tremendous rush the operatien was quite succesafuil for ur ry ood Bagais tat omeune beamedepete asand that the trouble was net of sueh HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY forou Dr GodsBagais ha so e ine bcam dpleedasa malignant nature as at first feared. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS early as Friday afternoon. Truly the prices are most remark- Miscose nark e oud aee mptietcndj Pere was a fairiy goed attend- able and extra provision has been maetruhth atr eenbcady for graduation but it ance at thc annual business meeting able ad extr provsion hs beenmade hroughthe fatorie wilbeforemeseecsand belectionandofecoffiof rsic of NofwN aststl and wholesale houses for more merchandise at Bargain Prices for can return to duty. Mrs. J. R. Horticultural Society ini the Council THIDCV~AVFisher and son Emerson motorcd te Chamber Friday evening. T U S A ,FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Toronto t-o see ber an Fx-iday. As a result of the elections, this The Ladies' Aid of the United commendable and floucishing society MJurch licld their January meeting starta off this year on a new ecal A SECIL P RCH SE F "OM N'SDRESESat the home of Mrs. Walter Couch with its firat lady president, Mca. J. A SP CIA PU CHAS OFWOM N'S RESESan Thxrsday afternoon, with the E. Matcîett, wha thus vacates the fastcolrsStrpedBrodclth reses nd ng-President, Mixa. W. Rickard ini the seccetacyship which Êle lias filled Guaranteed fs oos tie radlt rse n n-clair. Mca. Gee. P. Riekard, Mrs. witli sucli conspicueus succesa evel' lish Gingham Dresses. These well-made garments are positive- Norman Aluin, Mrs. Merklcy Clark since the society was ficst organizcd, ly worth Dollars more~~~ and ar f rdi ie 6t 4wt ihr-adMca. Walter Coud pcovided the and a bcand new secretary ini thc sh orth orletsin mre anare oe e in gret v3rtof styles and efreshmcnts. Mca. Monzc Cow- person cf Miss Hazel Barrie. shor orset n tree-uarer seevs ina geat arity o stles nd an's gcouip prcsentcd an interes-ting Thc meeting opencd with the form- pattrns.prograni consisting of a talk on Sun- or President, Mc. Fred Fligg in the CLANttePSAErACs..5 ny Florida by Mca. Ugicw;a reading chair. Mes. Machett read the CLE N S EEPSAL EA H $-50by Mca. Wm. H. Cowan; a piano minutes whicli wece adeptcd. Mcs. ___duet by M1isses Bertha and Nora Matclictt also prosented the report Cowan, axid an aipliabotical contest cf the treasurer, Mca. J. R. Fisher, FIN ST OU LE ED IZ D FAN ELE TE LA KET ii which Mrs. Lerne Cc -hledlick'.s wlic was uxiable to lie pre-;ent. Tliere, FINET D UBL BE SIED LAN ELE TE LAN ETSgroup were the wixiner-. Februax-y wece 91 paid up xiembers. Thc ce- meetixng xiii bh ld at Mca. Fred cci sami oxpexîîiturea h<îd bcth We have been fortunate ini procuring a furtheî- quantity for Lcvekin's, Atlas Fruit Fanm. bec,, heavy lut thc former- lad hy, thsekn. Double whipped and of l)articularly good weight A mîeeting of the Womnx's Me- good mnaxgement been kept alieadl thi weked.meniai Litîm-arv Aid wil!libe neld ;n cf the ittter hy the -malI angixi cf and size,I Council Chamber. (omniunitv laill. one dollar and sonie edd cexnts. CLEAN SWEEP SALE PAIR $1.87 ,fcxi Friday, January 21-t at 1)p. ni. At, -le nequcat cf President FIligg, i,,'[ho regulax- meetixng cf te Mis Messrs-. Frank* Allix axnd H. R. Xore Underwear, Hosiery, Prints, Ginghams, Floor, Cover- ings, Cottons, Towellings, Gloves and Dry Goods at the same spectacular Price Reductions. We handle nothing but the finest I)ositively no Seconds of any kind. Remember oui' GUARANTEE: "YOUR MONEY BACK FOR ANY OR NO REASON" WATCH THE WINDOWS FOR THE SURPRISE SPECIALS! SHOP OFTEN CLEAN SWEEP PRICES ON ALL LADIES' WINTER COATS FOR THE WEEKEND!! ATTEND OUR DRESS SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY!! NO RESERVE POSITIVELY, AN ENORMOUS VARIETY 0F THE NEWEST MERCHANDISE PHONE 106-USE IT-WE DELIVER PROMPTLY Se W. MASON & SON Dry Goocis and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville Very satisfactory report., wori giv- en hy the Treastirer and gro up1 leaders, and arrangements made for an Indian l)emonstration to bc held in 'March. After a musical number, a talk was given by Phyllis Clemence nn "God's Gifts to us and what we should give Him in Return". Th i- was followed by an essay on China, (given by Minnie Pearce. The mieet- ing was ciosed as usual with the Band heliediction. BANQUET The Young Ladies' Class of the UNITED CHURCH NEWCASTLE are holding a banquet in the Community Hall on Thursday, Jan. 27 at 6.30 P. M. Rev. Roy H. Rickarid, B. A., of Albert (ollege ,Belleville, will b. the s-peaker of the evening. Good musical progTun. Admnission 60c. l'c-sdeit Mi-.J. E. Macîctt 1st Vice Presidexit -Mmý. T. Moffat. 2nd Vice Prea.-Rev. E. B. Cooke Trcýa>urr-lNrs-. J. R. Fisher Secret.ry-Miss Hazel Barrie Directors for 2 years---Mr.-:. Benj. Moise, Mc. Thos. Rodgen, NMca. How- ard Toxîîs, Mca. J. Cunningham, Mrs W. F. Rinkard. Audii4rs-S. W. Suttox, and J. W Bradley. Delegat tii Pr-ovincial Herticuitur- ai (oxnvention ixn Toconto on Febru-1 acy I ti and Il th-Mrs. Matclett. A slioct prograni followedl, coni- ai ting of an adilcess on Troc Plant- xîg hy Dr. J. A. Butler; reading by Mc. Rîsdgen; speeches Iy ',%I. J. A. Roszei and Rev. E. B. (ooke and im- î,ruxîîtu remlarks by Messrs. Frank Aluin, Thos. Moffat, Ge. P. Ri--kard anîd H. R. Pearce. After the meeting was dismîs.sed. the officex-s and directors met and de- eided to institute a membership con- test riglit aw-ay witli Mr. Thos. Meffat and Mr. Gea. P. Rickard the respective captains of the twe com- peting ides. The absent ones fcom yauc bouse- hold wouid be sure to appreciate your thoughtfulness if you acranged to have The. Statesman sent te therni regularly, as numbers of youc neigh-1 bors are doing for thelr young folks who are sway trom home. Outdoor Work % ý- requires bodily comfort for the worker. You can't do anything properly if your feet are wet, cold, uncomn- fortable. You know us. You can depend on our strong recom- mendation of the >NfRfjERNQ brand of rubber footwear, of which we have stocked a complete line. If you'Il drop ini. you will find just what you want. A. DILLICK, KING STREET, Bowmanville's General Store IWhen You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS---.CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut, BkH. S. BRITTON, Bkr&Grocer Newca.stle Are You Undecided ? WHAT TO DO WITH THE GIFT MONEY YOU RECEIVED FOR CHRISTMAS Why flot buy a piece of furniture to adorn or add comfort to the home life? Our tremendous stock of furniture offers many practical suggest- ions. You are cordially invited to inispect our furni- ture. But this places you under no obligation to buy, unless you see what you want. Our long experience in the furniture business places us in a position to be of particular service to young married couples "starting up housekeep- ing".y F. F. Morris Co. The Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville Stores--Orono and Newcastle PAGE EIGHT Sale Extended cesThe big Tornado Sale has been a huge suc- ces fo whchhundreds of satisfied customers can testify. In order to enable you to buy your needs we have extended this Sale With Further Great Reductions 1STARTING FRIDAY MORNING AT 9:30 A. M. SHARP Men's Pure Wool Underwear ................$1.19 Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, best quality .69 Men's Wool Work Sox .......................19 Men's Black or Striped Overaîls............... .98 Men's Big B. Overails .............................1.39 Men's Big B. Work Shirts .........................69 Ladies' Fleece Lined Bloomers............... .59 Ladies' Corsets, fine make ....................98 Flannelette Blankets, double bed size, paid 1.85 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, pair............ .69 Men's Two Buckle Overshoes................. 2.69 Men's Four Buekie Overshoes ..............3.39 Ladies' Fine Rubbers................... .... "** 5 Ladies Four Buckle Overshoes, pair......... 2.98 0f Course It's At A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville IL i

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