PAGE 1*WO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Torontoi University. Graduate of the Royali College of Dental Surgeons of On-1 tario. Office King St., Bowmanville.i Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. 3. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. bouse phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity anid member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail t.6 branches. Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Pbhone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to lat. D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phono 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan. Bonds for aale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, flouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. au Comnplete Motor or Horse Equipment Ail caîls promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowrnanville phone 10 and 34 Branch Storea Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge f or dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy- ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- nianville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly o! Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR.* F. .TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night cails promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of 'University o! Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniakillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto Collego of Chiropractic will be in the Bo'w- manville Office Tuesday, Thiraday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calîs made during fore- n0onfl. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN In Bowmanville on Wednesdays 6:30 to 7:30 P. M Studio at Trinity United Church Toronto Address: 220 Yonge Street. Inquire at Statesman Ofice PAINTING AND DECORATING See the 1927 lineofo Wall Paî>er.s. Maxirnurs a specialty. Pricos the bost yet. Phone for any dosired information. J. H. ABERNETHY Phone 431 Bowrnanville SKATING Band at Taylor's Rink, Bowmanville Tuesday, 'hîînsdayi Saturciay Nights Adtpission 20c and i Skating Saturday Afternoons Aduli 15c Children 10c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. THE EDITOR TALKS WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL Very nany attempts have been SCEYANA ETN made to answer the question, "What Fair WeI Be Held September 20-21 is the aim of Education"? Answers have been almost as varicd as the A large attondance featured the number -o! attempts, for still therel annual meeting of West Durham Ag- are "many men o! many rinds". ricultural Society held in Council Principal L. P. Jacks of Glasgow, Roorn of Town Hall on Friday after- Scotland, gives a prctty sane andl non, Jax:uary 2lst. President Alani safo answer as follows: Carnpbell o, cupied tho chair. Tho airn of education should be Treasurer's repor wa.s road and to make a man ready for a socially adopted. surnnars' follows. useful occupation, to prepare him It wos decidcd not to hold a Sprixîg for doing sorne work in the world, show. whethor with his heod, his hands, orý Socety ill hol4d a standing field his hear', or ail three, which would~ crop competition ini oats and alfalfa. givo hirn a sense of persounal useful-j Deparirnent judges will he cngagedj ness and s0 form a basis for his self- i where cornmites in charge recom- respect. The man or wornan whos-a mrnn sarne. occupation if of no social value is a Preo;ident and Secretary were ap-1 frustratod hurnan being, no mattor! pointe'd delogatos3 to attend Fair, and, whthcr ho or she lives in a palace,î Exhibitions Associations Conventioni a pri-on or a slurn. This ideal o! ai in Toronto, Februiry 2-3. socially valuoble occupation has notý Direc. ors werc roquested to mk haçi the prorinence given to it tha:1 a special effoit to incroaso the mern- it deserves as the great aim of cdu- ber-ship this year.1 cation. Directors wore authorized te plant * * * hado trocs on the fair grounds. Srnie Happenjing* 50 Years Ago or More ini Tyrone and Vicinity. When Broguey John lost a consid- erable sum o! money one night? When William Clemes' hand was' takon off in bis threshing machine? When Jim Kelley rode up)stairs in Jos. Niaynardi': Ilotel, Bowrnanvillo?. W.NJ1 leing, 2i184 Arthur Ave.,1 aWoJ.,Flin, i21re4wirghis sub-, saeptionin ee th 'o Yu Reniember When' colunin a going. A former Bowmanvîlle girl in Hamilton writes: The Statesman ar- rivod yosterday and 1 read it aIl with koonst jterst. 1 do onjoy The When Mr. Moore and Charleo- Mc. W. H. Dustan who wit'h Mrs. Waltcrs teamed for Mr. S. Vanstone? Dustan is spcnding the winter with their son, Will at Fresno, Calif.,I When Dr. Law'.s office was in Ty-1 sends the editor a picture po-st cardi rono and he marriod a siste, of Hughl ond soys: I arn feeling much btter McKay? Inow and hope to continue. The When Wzn. Darlington ran a candy weather is gotting much wormer. store noar tho school house? He Mrs. G. A. Gillespie of Liberty-, was. a fine vocali.t" st., town. who is spending the winter WhcnGeoge ibbrd ra h.s ledat Braden Castie, Manatee, Florida, Whe Gorg Gbbrd anhiss)d ritez: We are enjoyig"he Iot againsý another man's .Jcigh-tonguo erymuha-ishyou aIle outho andles haf hs hndhere for a few months to enjoy thbi When the Methodist Church was gtorious sunshine and live in the opcnod and Sarah Cleniens was or- open. G. W.-Bonnot, 8.50 Kigsway, Van ouvýer, B. C: Pleaso find e clà,o ý2.00 f«r my subseription to The itatesman for onother year Nwhich ,orne regula'1y. 1 caîl lt a letteri .onm homo ovcry week. We have ioen quite intcrestod in the 'Do You Remembor' colurns, also the Edi:e,ýr ralks. Hoping t.o sec rnany more )f thcm. Mrs. Chas. L. Brown, Detroit, lich: Ploose find oncloscd checkl for the dear old home paper for an- ther yoar. We called on Mrs. A. V. Brewster, (Allie Key.s), who bas ceen away frorn Bowmianville 20 cears but sho stilîs looks quite nat- uraI. We are getting to like it bet- ter in Detroit aIl bhc time, in spite f our thoughts woandcring back to te old town quite often. We look forward for The Statesman every ;cek which cornes very regularly. Edward Montgomery, the -vener- bIc postmaster at Blackstock writcs: )car Editor-It gives me groai pleasure to read 'Do Yoýu Remomber Vhen' items, also Rcv. D. Rogers' rticle.s. Although not a very old man I iemember thomn nearly ahl hav- ig livcd ail my lifo in Cartwright. I weIl romemaber the people thought no person could make a horse collar to fit like Saini Mills of Enniskiîlen r shoc a horse liko Morgan Wood. I aiso romember Jimmy Floody. S. H. Short, Vineland, North Car-1 olina, a brother of W. D. Short, Con- ession St., town, writes: The States- mon is like a letter !rom home. I was interested in the 'Do You Re- riember' columns a.s I could recaîl iearly ahl the comments. I arn 72 'cnrs old and the Lord has blessed ne with good heailth and finances. I nay sec Canada for the last time ext summer. 1 arn on c ruthe. ' with one leg and con get oround bet- oer than a 'lot o! folks with both egs.1 In our Talks we rccently discussed il___- -- ganisu: vsWhe weetecorv ,he difficult problem of choosing an 1br.1 occupation for a boy who ha.-s finished WhenDr and Mrs.W.E. TII"vs o his scheol course. Principal Jacks. n$25 touching on one phase of this sub- little boy was killed by a pilecof lum-St ject says: Though man was madealber falling on hîrn while vsiting hisiCO' to be a worker he is not made for grandparents in Tyrone? Ir any kind of work you moy choose tei When Rev. Cephas Barker was edi- b. give hirn. He is not made for the to !teBbeCrsinOs RE work o! a machine, and hie in Bowmanville and Paul Trebilcock T is not made for the work o! a was foreman of the printing office? of beast o! burden. If you give a man the work of a beast o! burden or the Wheri Bin Mason threw a sledge work o! a machine you wrong his nat-, hammor across the street from Win. NI ure as decply as if you gave him no; Armstrong's shop and it wcnt thru fo work at ail. The kind of work ..Gardiner's window and neorly kilI- oe human nature asks fer, takes to, and i..col Mr. Gardiner? W deîights in is work that givesz the docr, H. L. Brownjbi of it a sene o! his personal usoful- I ncss, and se mainains his self-res-1 pect and entitles him to the respect OAOIA OTSS te o! his fellownien. OoTRCAfOTET In these days society is -zadly in ' Canadian and International fo neod o! an industrial version of i ratorical Contest w morality. Man as a political being,' rnanas vocrhas ocawel taghtDear Mr. James,-I wish to thank may theapoitiea, maist-nytugh belyou for insorting the notice about the Internatonal OrotorcalCont&-:ab has not alwoys learned even that' th.T.MLuhin ...,CMG etenGratnB rtiFrone,:trD le-son-but mon as a wocker has been : o.L .MLuhiDSOCMGjbý.enGetBian rnlMex- P loft to find his moral way as best hoe President of West Durham Agrîcult- ico, United States and Canada. IW coni. He bas been ill-instructed., ural Society. arn Director for Canada. The Unit- a The love of our fellowmen is avry-col States pays the expcnses. of thoe loft.y virtue. Ih bas been extensive-j Ofcr e0tdfr 97ac winners in the other countries to !ni ly preoched, but the industrial ve- President-Col. L. T. M 'Laughlîn. Wsigo t h ialcnet i sion o! the love o! mai bas never: s ieCl.n .GI Octobor.n been effectively presented. It has 2nd Vice-Geo. F. Annis. 1 Ibogan nny ceaI intellectuol devel- t been brought before us as if it were Drcos1 opinent, whcn I organized a debating o a beneficient extra, a virtue which Darir-- oBr, .Chs society in Solina whcn 1 was cleven a we exerise in cour lisure time, whichl 1aIn o.onBaeS Ca.jvars o! ago. 1 wa.: admitted te the has nothing to do with the hammer- lin, L. C. Snowden, H., Skinner, H. Good Templars ait thirteen by special ing an'd the ploughing and the manu- E. Tink, K. Squoir, J. F. Osborne, H.1 Dispensation of the Grand Worthy o facturing, with the accouant keeping, G Macklin, G. A. Stophens, Alau Chie!, who told me long afterwardsO ondth bok niiî bywhchweCampbell. that the "Solina Lurinory" which I ce earn our daily bread. As a generall Clarkc-N. Allin, R. Osborne, H. started, when I was thirteon, was then thing, though, there nover were more i Gibson, R. GraWF. ikad first paper ' 4arted in a a Good T MV people engaged in an effort to hel-pi Bowmanvile--Jamegs ?rokes, T. Wj plar Lodge in Canada.ri woringmo o!ai clsse t mae1awkor, Neil Mutton, W. H. Carruth- From thir con tilI 1 was nineteen, the best use of their lives3, morally orM1.Elot .P rd. - when I wont ta tho Normal School, and spiitually as welI as industrial-! Lady irecr-r s. (D apbll r.MJ. speke fifty-tvo times a year at e'r ly, and the mon who fails te achieve' pne Mslln apel r.M bates in Good T I Sos de- r success bas poszibly only himself to R Elliott, Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. Tepr eDvsopsor and n adfi-r blame, if not physically handicap-R. T. Stephens. to pk lu t yhre:eev t ped I onorary Directox s-F. W. Bov- tien ke aord t easrn sihers avoyle * * * jen, M. P., W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., weokdayig hfor t bs i h ours ai Amon themanyhelp to oungMayor T. S. Holgato, J. A. McClel- >day r ing 1the floiv nonth1 e!cMc mngthe mansan hepte lian, H. W. Lapp, R. F. Aitchison. F . mental deveopment onticely by cotions published with that os one of F. Morris. o . spoaking aloud the thought-sthat fill-A their chie! aims. now The Auditors-Geo. Hall, ;o .rymn naottegoyo ho Youth's Companion o! Boston, Mass., Chose. ky mdii bu the .%-ocyz of the trflc that wc have beon recommending W Folloiving the general meeting aj beouty I could sce as I looked avec n Statesman reoders for some weeks mceting of directors was heîd when 1 Darlington elleven miles from the S hos begun publishing a sories o! spoi Chas. H. Mason was reappointed Sec- huIs of our !arm three miles north- lei cial articles on the choice of voca-: retary and R. F. Ai.' chison, Treosur- east of Tyrone. ti tions by &omne o! the best men in tbe1 oer. country who will write !rankly about' Executive will consîst o! Piresident, I nover had a line te guide myG occupations ùhey theniselves have, lst and 2cd Vice Presidents, Pastl herses, cor a bit in their mouths, nec i chosen and in which they have woni President and Secretary. anything on thein heads. 1 neyer tl sucs. The knowledge and ex-' Committees appointed t Grounds- said "gee" nor "baw" to thern whileT periece hs rtr hv curd Ellio:-t, GilI, Bradt; Attractions--J.' I was plowing. Thoy knew where Ii is beîng pîaced ait the service <f boy Baker, R. Osborne; Donations-Car-, te go quito as w'll as, I ýdid and they ei ereaders o! The Companion. They ruthers, Camtpbell; Grant f romn town loved ta go the right way. Theyw will tell the boys just what pre'para- -President and Secretary; Grant' were intelligent friends o! mine. O! ea bsiesorpoesin re-fom Township-Baker, G. A. Steop. course, the 'horses revcrently lis[-Y .tion eahbsnsorpoesini- ned for on hour twice a week when i :quires, what qualities it demands inboins. thoe 'h !olo i, watdificltes Dote o! Bowmanville Fair for 19271 spoke on the subject o! the debate t( aid sacriofces a boy must ho ready teswill be Tuesdoy and Wedne-sday, for next Thursday, first on Mondav,3 anfac ifiaterearbodmstid hadtoti-Septe.mber 2th and 2lst. when 1 mode the hest speech I couldb face wha rewrds nd wat stis-on my side for bal! an bouc. andg factions they may hope to find in it. Recei1Mts thon onswered my arguments !rom - The subscription price o! The Youth's Balance on hand.........$Il ».23 tho standpoint of my oppocients. Thon ti Companion is only $2 a yOOr. It! Legislative grant........... 391.00 on Thursday, I spoke for ball! anY is îssued weekly and is o geniniel Municipal grant............ 307.04 heur on the other side, and shat- I yong!ok' mgain.Dnations................. 5.71 teced thcir arguments for the 'extfi ***iMombenship focs ........... 152001 bal! As we said beforo the choosing Goto receipts.............. 984.85 The Goed Templars and Sons o! and deciision o! on's li!e-work is' Rent o! stands............. 300.50 Trieac raiain eet, .penhaps one e! the mostdifficult' Grand Stand receipt . .. .....116.25 Temrancro d orenioties evtet0 lproblems that face the youth o! this! Meney berrowed........... 200.00 Young people who spoke regularly1 un any other country. It becomos' Field Crop grant ......... 196.00, thon the high ischools could de. moere perplexing as the years go by, ML-cellaneous............ 116A.e1tuyigt01dveomelte because thle number and varietics o!iAtrsuyn tedvlpeto 3calling.s Lae constantly rnultiplying' $2953.72~ young minds for more thon 60 yoars,1 .and specilization in so many cllings' Expenditures1 strongly believo that there is ne fis becoming the vogue. Truly a bey y 120' in whi the humai mmid coni Cashpries .......... $144. 0ho developed so defiritely, and so .needs ail the intelligence and pra<ý-; Field ('rop prizes .... 205.00i onrhniey n cratyo tical hbelp and counsel lho carn nlist'E.Far onetin 900bmpreaing oelouiladtprant mad te beîp hirn te a wise docision. The1 Judges focs ................. 4400 anc1 ho spech pewcî to t iiihr Companicin in its last issue soys edi-, Keop of stock ........... 6.251 nnony by Expressing nboughts in thel torially :A million beys are facing' Fixing grounds et,. ........ 139.47 best 1o..Àlle a -tvcon ih tody 'o .ue.tie~, Wha shh IIntorest.................... 12.50, u tei e niomry. (lo with ny life? What is te be my S3ecrtacx' solar ....100 3winil asavr dial place in thi- busy nhl, h l'ntn n, advertising . 262.54' worlrl"? Other illIions wbe neced Lal>or.................... 5-,0. 25High Scbool Principal. I hople i'-5 not now mnake their decision- are î'oagc, insurance, etc. 144 97 rnay rte" hi-z school as aoiîpetiýor.i 'hinking a great deal about *:bosi,,Sundries .................. .5..41I9 Ibia Pr -Ipkms'ci r in questieeonun( will bo glaîl o! any Ilalaînce on bond........... 1076 offer a shield for the best speakri. help they coni get in naking up their ' the High Siheels cf WbitbY s'. 04n:iwa minds hew te answer them. Such $2s.2 onianville, Port Hope and Cobeurgr boys do> nît nocul or xant tii ho tolîl Assets iii the International ('onnpe itîcîl. wlu.t they' ought te, (Io. Thcy vant Bîine, o6~Yeurs hiîpefully' te cecicle fer tlîenslv os what troue V alue' of bond.......... .290000 James L. Hughes. or profession tboe' iall onts c, and 'j ui-n........ i 1o.oo.anuary 21 st., 1927. within roa-î,n tbey shouldl le alluîwesl opou i in..... 500 te ii Ci; orfo bu~' <r mc vc1 Peultry building........... 'ff.0 nake any greot success of life ex-_____ ccpt in occupations that tbey adopt,$ 1.6 MY OWN WORK %villingly and for wbich they feel in', $7507.t65 iimywnkfen ayt <o, - bcmns.lves sonne genuino fitnoes.L iiisLt i oI ok rn a ody *1 Notes.......... $2000.00, In the fie'ld or fireA-, at theo îlsk Before any yeung person realiy. Focs for 1927.............. 113.00 or bim. decieý %,bt aciviy t selct s aInn rouriij' market place or traîîquil die ci ng ht otivty e slct$21 13.00 rnui; lif c'llig h î, sh shuldsec teLot i' but find it iii ry heart -,o say, obtain a., much reliable inforrna'ion, -Wn a-itiho'bknnea" o! the difforcot vocations sucb as hel hnvratwiesbkonea- may îesicc to follow. One excellentl "thi' ether fellow" as wol as for hici- tray. booik that nigbt ho cca<l is "Nlaking escf-the cool life Is a lifu' of son-l'This :s nov werk; muy bessicg, nîît Ceeu" by Joîhn T. Faris, Flemning il. vice' fer others. StilI if o youcg nny oni; i Revil('elpiOS, ecnto Ii bsfn; desires te live the lifo t.batl 0f ail \vlîî live I1oac the ene by whe mj Foreoeîd, the authon says; i"SyM-ý iounts lho sheulîlstrive te kiicw ao This \wîck coni bcst ho donc in the patby with youcg men in their pnuîb- grcat deal aboîut the pesiion ho isi ight way". bone, thir ambitions, their strugglcs,1 tii fili. Hoeshculd get postoil about i their failuresý and their successes bas ittcoindition.,; ai the niateriai ro-1 Thon shall I sec it tret tee greot cor le1h11t tîeth- s rno o fthewards. the <drawbacks and advatîtagosi _ smîî nll Is the one that gets the trad(e. Mark Ay'cc, 3018 Tcnry Place, 1Les Angeles, Calif., sends t1heso intcrest- ing commonts: 1 note -y esteeniedj friend, MnI. W. M. Horsoy bas goco te bis nrewacd. I have known laina sicce 1874 and as w~e wcne both bon n I)eviîn,-bine n;' usoul te nove seme friendly' chats. Hle sure bas been a gocul citizen o! the dean eld town. I alse no)te thot another eld coca- rade e! mine bas possed away, Mc. J Walter, Ceurtice, who aIso came frein near rny native berne in Bing-1 landl. In leeking over the nam o f! Bc>wmanvillc busincets meni I note en-j1 ly one mon now carryiig on bus-1 iîness whe was in business wben rny brother John and I Ianded in the dear old tewn on June 14, 1872. That s., My g(od friend Chanles uawîcor. Pblea.'cd te note th-at my oId nom- cade' o! Salvatien Army eorly daYS. Luthber Werry , nas net forgotten te compose petry. He used te write soeo gd cengs fon th-e Wac CrY. I aise noîte that another o! nny (Ad soidior 'comrades, Pnof. Charbeis T. Paul, bas net responded to youc wish te wvrite somnething for the 'Do Yeuý Remember Wben' columi. Ho ougint to kîow some csld atonies. My old chum, Lieut. Celonel Edwy White bas sent sonne intenesting reminiscen' ces. Lest but îot least I note that the vuiters o! the town believe in an- other vecy dear friend o! mine, Wni. Brock. wbe headed the polistheo sanie as My dear old boas, M. D. Wil- liams, when ho Tai for councilman many ago. AL90 pleesed to rnote that another dear old boss of mýine, John Lyle, J. P., took a verY nice wîay of deciding theo tie vote for sehool truatee, 90 " not to show aily 3favop*itiam. 'mat wfll b. inotes enough for this tume froni 70 Oud Li0tleMark L Farmers of Ontario ORDER YOUR FARM HELP NOW To Make absolutely sure of having FARM HELP for 1927 send in your application at once to GEO.A. ELLIOT, Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Almost Every Day We have the pleasure of adding new custom- ers to our growing list of satisfied patr'ons. Our aim is to build up) a trade by giving the best and choicest meats obtainable-at a price that is reasonable-and a prompt and courteous service that makes folks feel they want to deal at our store regular1y. LANCE CARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Dolivery Butchers Phne 518 Bowail Decidedly Different Bread-Cakes-Buns-Biscuits-Pies-Rolls -Cookies-alI in endless varieties and made from delic ,ious recipes After you have tried Corbett's Bakery Pro- ducts you wilI say they are decidedly diff erent-so fresh, so sweet, so good. Every product made by us is the resuit of spe- cially prepared recipes which we know and our customers know to be the best. When you are preparing for company, or ev- en for the family meal-make sure your table is' complete with Corbett's Baking Products. You can buy them at our store or fromn the wagons. W. P. Corbett Bowmanvulle Phone 3 O rono 7 -Buy In Bowmanville- The Old Reliable Grocery Is determined to give ail its 01(1 and any new customers the Best Service Best Groceries Best Satisfaction That will be the means of adding you to our Lgrowing list of customers. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65Bowmanville 1. ràd% %rilt ov&acunz:o IN THF- F-DITORS MAIL - . - - mý- Mrs. Robent G. Dickiî.,on, Lesj Angeles, Califonie, former member1 if The Statesman staff, under dote f January 17 descrihes .tho excite-1 nent in that city as reports o! thel iwimmng contest wore bnoadcastedl evocy 15 minutes on se. She saysI that when observons on shore heard I George Young, the Canadian, wos nearing band they lit thein flores and the shone was hriliiaîtly illumineted. The reports said wben hoe saw the ights it z'eemied to give bu crenewed nergy and ho changed bis stroke andi s'as soon at the mainland o! Soný Vicerte. She says the report that Y'oung bod gotton into a Kel.pbed aid had difllculty getting eut causod in- tense elanm. They stayed up tubl 3.15 a. ni. when the final report was broadca.stcd. Tiho radio stations gave continutius programns ta 611l in -btwoon reports. Mca. D. saya that wbeî they got the news that Young had won they danced for joy. Mcs. W. W. Dickinson is eîjoying the Slunny South aid they hope ta koep hon there tilI Spring at le'ast. She clozes 'ber letton 'with thoso bines which site fhougbt wcce very apt to our business: The constant dmip o! water Weacs awoy the hardee-t stone; The censtant gnaw e! Towser, Masticatesý the teughest bone. The constant nvooicg lover, A