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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1927, p. 5

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fER CANADIAN BTATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. PAGE FIVE 's.'.. 'f Lost or Fouad GLaVE- LOT-In Bowmanville, suede glove, fur-llned, right hand, Friday even- Ing Phone 246w. 4-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Gentlemans furlined coat, reasonable. Âpply Mrm. W. P. Prower, Bowmanville. 3-t FOR SALE-One cutter, two sets bar. sess, one road cart. Apply to Mrs. A. ]I. Elsworth. Newcastle. 2-3* FOR SALE-High grade Sbîriock Manning Piano. Slightly used, $250 cash. Neil Tellowleee, Centre St., phone 262, Bowmanvllle COSFOR SALE-Two regstered Holstein cows, T. B. tested, 4 and 5 yeare old. D)ue to renew Jan. 30 and Fveb. 20. Apply to A 1H. Ciemens, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 237-3. 4-tf. COWS AND PIGS FOR SALE-Gond renewed Jersey and Durham Sprlnger, 7t years old, quiet and easy mlker. aiso 8 pige, 8 weeks old. Apply J. L. Metcalf, Lot 20, Base Line, phone 183r5. 3-1r PURE BRED SHORTHORNS FOR SALE-I Bull, 10 montlis aId; a few goed registered females ln caif. Reason for aelling making change. Howard R. Foley, phone 475r32, Bowmnanviile, R. R. 2.3t ARTICLES FOR SALE-i gasoline etreet pump, 5 gal, visible nicasure; 1 ln- aide 1 gai. Bowner pump, would niake al good pump for handlng coal ail or Lubri- cating ol; i rubber tired open buggy. Apply ta A. W. Piakard, or phone 185, Bowmanville. 4 8-tf FOR SALE-Dominion Piano. of ail kinde sold on payments *pread over two yearu. Steinway, Heintan &nd Ger- bard Heintuman used piano. tairen aut part payment on Dominion pianos will1 be cleared et barý*In price and an ea.y terme. IF J. Mtchell, Dltributor. Bow- a.nville. 6-t Wanted POTATOES WANTEO-By the ioad. S1.50 per bag delivered, phone 133-2, I3ow- BOARDERS WANTED-Board and roomn with home privileges, gentlemen preferred. Phone 182, Bowmanville. 1-tf POSITION WANTED-Practical nurse with consîderable experience, disengaged. Apply 8. F., Drawer B, Bowmanville. 2-4t BOARDERS WANTED-Acaommoda- tion for two High School students or a v ntieman. Confrtable home. Applyt corner Wellington a.nd Liberty $te., Bowmanvillîe. 4-1wo To Let TO RENT-Apartments in Cowan Block. 3 and 4 mrne, everY convenlence, Including heatine. Apply J. J. bason & Son, Bowmanville. 4-tf. Property For Sale FOR SALE-Prame semi-bungalow, 6 roome, almost new, gond cellar, garage. electric lights. water, gond dee'p lot, large and smali fruits. Price $2000. See J. J. Maon & Son, Bowxpanvilîe. 4-tf. FOR SALE-One of the most desirable1 residencee in Bowmanville. brick with all canvenienccs, very modern, central location, can be bought at haîf present cost to build. Sec J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 4-tf. FOR SALE-Besides the abov,' proper- ties we have several othér very attract- Ive properties. Caîl and eee us if in- tereeted. J. J. Mason & Son, Bowman- ville. 4-tf.1 FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acres, south haif lot 21 ,con. 5, Darlington. Plowing possession at once. Full possessain April 1. 1927. City property will be considered ln exchange. For terme ap- ply to Mra. C. J. Kerslake, R. R. t, Hampton. 37-tf MEN WANTED $6 to $10 Per Day Giond Auitomotive, Mechanical andI EIec- trical Experts, Bricklayers, Plasterers andl larhers are always in demanci at large salaries. Join our schools and be- come one of the many thousande of suc- cessful gradiuates. Short time taken to learn. opportunities andI salaries un- limited. Write for Free Catalogue. Hemphill Trade Schools, 163 King St. W. Toronto. 4-1 r i -ASK IERSLAKE'S FIRST- PUBLIC APPRECIATE The response we have had ta aur efforts ta make ours a better service, is so good that we are again adding to the List of R.duced Prices: Parrnlo's Pilla .......... 22e Brama Quinine............ 25e Laxa Cold .............. 25c (Chocolate Coated) Tanlac ..................98c Oromo Seltzeu . .25c, 5Oc, 95e Calit. Syrup ot Figs ...55c Rusian Oil, 40 azs.8...1.50 Catarrbozone . . .23c, 46c, 95c Frostilla ...............29c Feliow's Hypojîhosphites $1.35 (Large size) Pape's Diapepsin ......... 55e Tuask'e Ointment ........ 32e Hoad's Sarsaparilla .8..100 Burdoek Blood Bitters ..$1.00 D. D. D ................. 85c SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Free 1 Safety Razor and Blade-Free Buy a Tube of Par Shaving Cream for 50c. (Double size tube) We give I, Durham Duplex Razor and Blade FREE K!ERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE-. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mms J. N. Kent, Campb>ellford, 35 Mms (Dr.) G1. C. Bonny- castle. Miss Lena Haddy bas been enjoy ing a short holiday with relatives in Taronto. Mi. Fred R. Foley, St. Catherines was in town Wednesday calling on aId friends. Mus. Wm. Grahamn, Lindsay spen the weekend with hier sister, Mus. J. Hamiltan Bateman. Mus. L. Hamel Cooke is spending a few weeks with hieu parents at their haine in New Jersey. Mrs. W. 1. MeTavish, Toronto, has been visiting her inother, Mis. F. J Manning who hbas been ill. Many merchants help ta postpone their puosperity by curtailing adver tising and talking pessimistically. Mu. John Hellysi is visiting bis nephew and niece, Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson, New York City, N. Y Miss Doris Foster, Taronto Uni- versity, jent the weekend with hier parents, %ri. and Mrs. F. A. Foster Mus. F. J. Ellis and sans Billy and Stanley, have gone te Sault Ste Mar- ie wheue Mi. Ellis is spending the winter. Miss Olive Mutton and Miss Emma Alcumnbrack, Toronto, spent the weekend with the fammer's paren-ts, Mr. and Mus. D. Mutton. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rahn, EBuke- ton, and Mr. and Mus. C. W. Rabot, Weston, spent the weekend with Mi and Mrs. Walter Cochrane. Res-euve Tuesday evening, Febru- auy 8th fou a sleighdrive and social evening under the auspices of the Yoiung People of St. Paul's. Mi. and Mrs. Maniey Cole and son, John Rager, Consort, Alta., are visiting bis sister. Mus. Roy Jackntan and other relatives in this vicinity. Miss F. M. Wilson, Part Hope, slipped on the ice Sunday evening. Heu left shoulder was dislocated. and she also received a cut over the eye. Mus. D. F. Canteron, Vernon and Margaret, Maberly, are visiting lier parents, Mu. and Mus. Thos. Mc- Muilen, Scugog St., and other rela- tives. Mis. Thos. Mason, Dalton, Sask., who was called ta Port Peury ta at- tend the funeral of hieu father, Mi Jas. Britton, is now visiting heu sis- tei, Mia. W. B. Pollard. Miss Sybil Burk was home tram the city over the weekend accent panied by Miss Taton, Miss Bartlett Miss Wright, Miss McCallunt, ail of the Supervisoi's office, RoyaI Bank, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Alfred Fuisey Learnington, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Loiena Maud, ta Mi. Ernest Nivins, son of Mi. and Mus. J. F. Nivîns, Teeswat- er, Ont., the mauriage ta take place the latter part of Februauy. A veuy interesting meeting of the local branch of Ontario Vegetable Groweus' Association was held Fri- day evening in Town Hall. Pictures wex-e shown on the culture of rasp- berries, celeîy, lettuce, which pioved veuy heiptul. Mu . G. A. Richmond of Guelph College spoke on bot b.ed and greenhouse wouk, also answering any puoblenis of the members. The staff of the T. Eaton Ca., Osh- awa, enteitained at luncheon Satur- day afternoon in honor of Miss Con- stance Sewaud, popular bride-to-be of this weck. Duîing the enjoy- able luncheon Miss Sewaud was pre- sented witb a handsome dlock and luncheon set by Miss,F. Alîman. Mise Sewaud was showeued with confetti, Land many good wishes fou future happiness.-ReformerO. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman still have sarie widtbs in Oilclaths and Linoleums which they are selling iaL gîeatlv îeduced puices. J. B. Mitchell, Mayor John Percy, Couneillor A.chie Tait, Councillor Richard Wortb, Cauncillor William C. King, Councillor Thomas H. Spry, Councàlor John K. Galbraith, Coundilior John Lyle, Town Clerk. George Haines, Police Mfagstrate Harry Rice John Daucb G. Maxwell Haruy Cànn W. T. Allen W. A. Neads F. J. Haine David Davis R. M. Saxby W. W. Aluin Thontas Tod F. F. Mrris Levi Morris A. L. Dauch W. B. Couch Alex. Lutrel F. A. Haddy John Heliyar W. G. Glover Fred A. Hoar Jantes Morris John MacKay William Cann John H. Kydd W. H. Dustan Fred R. Heal E. M. Cawker A. L Nicholis J. H. H. Jury Hariy C. Tait L. A. W. Tole Joseph Jeffery Maîkus Mayer James Morraw Richard Darc~h J. C. Vanstone Peter Murdoch John J. Mason James MicLean R. D. Davidson T. Geo. Mason Chaules Young E. R. Bounsal James Deymnan Richard Moyse W. R. Gaodwiln Charles F. Rîce John MeClellan John S. Rundle Rager Fishleigh John McMurtry Wm. H. Horsey John T. Hooper William F. Dale Walter Chartran P. C. Trebilcock Dr. J. C. Devitt William C. Tole Gea. P. Freeland Frank H. Mason John Hellyau, Jr. Thos. H. Knight Dr. S. C. Hillier Wesley W. Shaw J. H. Cryderman Williant Fishleigh William Morrison W. F. Allen, J. P. George R. Mason Alan M. Williams Reuben W. James Samtuel W. Mason C. Arthur Cawkeî Dr. James Colville John S. Moorcraft Chaules M. Cawker Jantes A. Joffhnston James Gale, Editor Luther T. Courtice James McCannacbie T. E. Higginbotham Robert Young, V. S. Jantes Gilfillan, B. A. James Beith. H. M. C. Dr. J. M. Bimacombe W. W. Tantblyn, M. A. George McGill, Banker Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle Robert Beith, Ex-M. P. Thomas Bingham, J. P. William Wood, G. T. R. H. F. Hunter, Barrister Tlhomas G. Bragg, B. A. Rev. E. O. Irwin, Dieciple M. A. James, J. P., Editar Rev. R C. Seaboin, St. John's William E. TiIIey, M. A., Ph. D. Richard Jas-vis, Chiot Constable James B. Faiirbaîrn, J. P., P. M. Rev. J. H. Turnbull, M. A. St. Paul's Preshyterian Rev. W. J. Jolliffe,B. Ç. L. Metho list For the best materiai, the best made, the best ftting and best valuel ln Men's Suits caîl at Ca'ich, John- ston & Cryderman's.1 CARD 0F THANKS Mus. Robert Nicholson, Silver St. Bo'wm-anville, wishies to thank aIl her friends, the Supeintendent and Nur- ses for their kindnoss extended ta ber during ber recont ilînesa in Bo'w- manville Hospital.1 Selling Out Jewelry Sale Alex Elliot Offers His $8000 BOfWMANVILLE IN 1901 Ite Business and Professienal Men In 1901-26 years ago-Mr. H. C. Tait, Photographer, executed a comn- posite photograph containing the portraits af mot of the leading bus-1 iness and puofessionai men of that' tinte in Bowmanville. It was a splendid graup, artistitcaily, inidicat-. ing that Mu. Tait was a capable ar-ý tist, and a glance over the familiar' faces shows that t1his town a quarter century ago 'had a rentaîkably fine loaking assembly of citizens, many of whom have since passed tram the activities of this lite to their eteimnali reet. Business and puotessional men ot Bowmanville in 1901: The Original Cost In order to meet my just and honeat debts I have decided to seli out my entire stock of Jewelry at a frein- endous sacrifice which on the surface is almost unbelieveable. But I1xmust and will meet my obligations, no matter how great rny loss may be. To raise the money quickly and at the same tinie dispose of my stock every article in the store froni a cuif link to the most «~pensive diarnonds have been slashed in price to at least cost and in most instances below wholesale prices. I couldn't go to a wholesale house today and buy these goods at the prices I amn now offering theni to you. There is no camouflage about this sale. The original price tickets are on every article s othat you can see ,,for yourself the sacrifice 1 -am making and the real savings that are yours. Sale Starts Saturday, Jan. 219 at 9 a.m. I cannot begin to list every article but enough are given here to show you this is a genune 'bargai. sale which you cannot afford to miss. DIAMOND RINGS We have jeeveral thousand dollars worth of diamond rings which are alsa being sacri- iflced in price. White Goid Rings, basket settingu, single stones, ranging in price train $150 ta $15, Now Reduced ta $75.00 to $9.00. Diamong Rings with various tancy settings and designs, single ta 7 stones, priced tram $260.001 ta $15.00, now 40 Per Cent Off Regular Price. BAR PINS Diamond Set Bar Pins, White Gold, diamond set in onyx, $34.00, Reduced ta $20,00 White Gold Bar Pins set with pearîs, $15,00 Now $9,00. Yellow Gold Bar Pins, set with diainonds and pearis, $25.00, Now $15,00. Other Fancy Bar is up ta $3.00, Clearing at Haif Price. FANCY FINGER, RINGS Large selection, 10 and l4kt gald, set with anyx, pearîs, amethysts, blaad stanes, îub- ies, sapphires, etc, Regular $15,00 ta $2.00, aIl marketl down ta HaIt Price. Baby Signet Rings lOkt, up ta $1.00, Now HaIt Price. Baby Birth Stane Rings, lOkt, $1, Now 60e MEN'S EMBLEM RINGS A tîay ful af emblein rings af nearly every traternal saciety on the map $10,75 rings for 86.00; $6,50 rings for $4.00. EMBLEM PINS Solid Gold tram $1.00 up. Now Hat Price. SCARF PINS A lbeautiful assortmnent set with dismonds, peauls, ainethysts, eineralds, etc., up to $20, your choice at exactly HaIt Price, WEDDING RINGS Even the Weddin g Rings are being reduced, plain or white goid, engraved, l8kt, $10.00 ta $6.00, Now HaIt Price. PENDANTS One tray includes various colored stones, priced tram $2,50 ta $15.00, marked down ait $1,00 ta $5,00. Diamand Pendants front $25 to $150, at HaIt Priie. LADIES WRIST WATCHES Elgin Movement, fortune case, $26.00 for $18.00. Rolex, Sterling Silver Case, $15.00 for $10. PEARL BEADS A beautiful selection, including Deltah and Blue Bird Bends, froin $1.20 te $40.00, New Marked Dawn 40 Per Cent. COMPACTS OnIy a few in stock from 75e ta $1.75, Going at Hait Price. SILVER THIMBLES Priced from 75c to $1.25, Now Hall Price MESH BAGS Different sizes and designs, $3.00 to $15, Away They Go At Hait Price. BROOCHES Traya of thein, old, new and antiques, Ail Marked At Half Price. LADIES' UMBRELLAS Durable Make, newest shapes and shades, were $9.00 to $5.00, Now Down 25 Per Cent FANCY PERFUME BOTTLES Filled with delicate Pertumes, 50e to $1.50, cGoing at Half Price. MEN'S WATCHES It will be a long tinte betore you will ever have a chance to buy a reliable watch at such low prices: One only, Railway Watch, 21 jewels, ad- justed and tested, $65.00 for $40.00 Omega, fancy gold dial 17 jewel, adjusted, gold filled case, $50.00 for $35.00. Waltham, gold filled, $25.00 for $15.00. Elgin, Gold Filled, fancy case, 12 size, $20.00 for $14.00. Green Gold, fancy case, $20.00 for $12.00 White Gold, fancy ease, $15.00 for $8.00 FOBS AND LOCKETS Dozens of themn tram $2.00 up, Now Clear- ing at HaIt Price. CUFF LINKS Gold or Gold F'illed, plain or engraved, some with ernblems f rom 60e up, While They Last Hait Price. WATCH CHAINS Waldemar Chaîns, $3 ta $10 Now Haîf Price Waldemar Pocket Knives $2.00 for $1.00 CLOCKS A limited number, but t.hey will go quickly at these prices: Mantel Clock, 8-day, $10.00 for $6.50 Mantel Clock, 8-day, Mahogany, Tambour shape, $16.00 for $10.00. Bedroom Clock, Mahogany, Tambour Shape $6.00 for $3.50. Fancy Metal Bedrooni Clock with alarm, $5.00 for $2.75. PENS AND PENCILS Fllipse $1.50 for $1.00. CUT GL.ASS Berry iBowls, Water Sets, <res3n and Bug"r, Sait and Pepper, Nappies, Bon Bon, etc, stock limited but going at Hall Price. AMBER GLASWARE The ver newest lad, Sherberts, Goblen, Saiad Plates, Candy Jars, Bon Bons, Candle Sticks, Fruit Bowls, Selng et Hait Price. CHINA Odd Cups and Saucera, $1.25 for ...5e Odd Cups and Saucers, $1.00 for . 5. .,5e Fancy Cake Plates, $1.00 for ........ 65e Fancy Cake Plates, $2.50 for ...$150 Vases 50c pair for................ Soc Vases 75c pair for.................. SOc Vases $1.00 pair for ..........75a Vases $2,25 pair for ....*.* ..... .$160 Salt and Pepper, $1.00 for .......... 60e Sait and Pepper 50e for.............. 35e Creain and Sugar $1,25 for .......... 75e Creain and Sugar $3,25 for ........ $2.25 Ash Trays $2,25 for............. $1.50 ELECTRIC LAMPS Table Lantp, $20.90 for ......$10.0 Boudoir Lamp, $10.00 for .... $ 6.00 CANDLE STICKS China Sticks, $3.50 pair for ...... $2.25 China Sticks, $1,25 pair for......... .80 Silver Plated $10.00 toi ..........$8.00 Silver Plated $9,00 for .......... $500 Fancy Candles 75e pair for......... .40 MANICURE SETS In cases $2.50 to $5,00 at Hait Prite FRENCH IVORY A tew odd pieces at Hait Price. TORTOISE SHELL TOILET WARE Brush, Comb, Minrou, $10,00 for .... 85 Brush, Coznb, Mirai 8$11.50 for ..7.50 GENTS' MILITARY BRUSHES Ebony $5,00 for.................. $3.00 Gents' Travelling Set $7,00 for .... .$4.50 Odd pieces of Ebony at Halt Price.. BEADED BAGS Spendid range $1.00 to $2.00 at Hat Prico CIGARETTE CASES Newest designa, $2.25 to $8.00, Hall Price FLATWARE Contmunity, Wnt. A. Rogers, HaInes & Ed- wards makes, almost everything tram a 26- piece cabinet ta a sugar shell at 25e off on the dollar. SILVER HOLLOWARE Casseroles, Pie Plates, Roil Tray, Comporte, Sugar and Creant, Cake Baskets, Baking Dishes, Sandwich Trays, Salad Bowle, Butter Dishes, Bon Bon, Honey and Marmalade, Baby Muga, Napkin Rings, Salt and Pep.. per, Ash Trays, etc., ail clearing et 25e OFF ON THE DOLLAR 'Drh e £ ittIe Sliopp e- ~-Wt'kh VeIarle Stock Q Iia~Specialist in 7Women ýr 'pparel BOWANILE. NT Exclusive but not Expensive LWomen5 Coats -Suits- Dresses- 1osi ery - Gloves -Underwear -Etc. Customers are kindly requested to cal1 for repairs. This is a Strictly Cash Sale-No Goods Exchanged ALEX.eLLIOT Phone 207 Bowmanville i-> Stock at Less , l Than --Ill ý --i ME CANADIAN STATESU", BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. PAGE FIVE

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