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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1927, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. Constipation Biliousness Stomach and Bowel Trouble Relieved by Fig-Lax Tablets 25c and 50c a box CONVALESCENCE After ilineas: To get back to your normal self take OLAJEN. It supplies perfect *ourishment in the. Most palatable form known to the medical world. Now on sale at al Druggists--$1.OO a jar Zutoo WIU stop an y headache in 2e Min- utes, wiU nip a cold in the bud, wilU relieve the montiily nains of women, and in every case I Leaves you !feeling GoodJ Susceptible to Cou ghs and Colds ? You Are Probably Vtamin-Starved scorr's EMULSION Abounda In Health- Giving Cod-liver Qi! Vitamins Scott & Bowne, Toron in, ont. 26-36 speedy Relief le a~l' O couGHU coLDU ^Nbnop4UO CMITIB WHEN TRILATEO W1114 TAT WONDOENUU.Y 5Er v. O5EO _e. ,#, )CrATOF CoDLIVER sOA OF THE :E R Cook's Regulating Compound edcn.Sodin etjeedde- pees of etrength-No. 1., lia 'o. 2, 83; No. 3, 85 per box. Sold <y ail druggits, or sen% iee pamphrletAddresa:c THE COOK MEDICINE Co.. TORONTO,ONT. FormerlyWindow The rat Fn ,'tsh Preparatn n i»* oncs ariei nvigorates the whole nervous %ystein. makes nffw EIoo) n oki '<e. Used for Nervous 1eility. Mental and Brain Worry, DeSpondency, Loss of lnergv, Palpitation nf the ilferg. faitn. Memory. Price $2 pe. box. 3- for 15 1)oI by al 1 druggists, or mailed in plain picg.on reurip o! pnce New p"mphlit maîlea ',e.Tiw OOD mrDiriNiE <r.-TUtsRnNT.GWV MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLJSHED 1857 Imiporter direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the. best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I amploy no cemetery caretakers as agents preferring te seil my own gooe thus saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A cal olicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmanvllls Phone 826W Box 9 4 OBITUARIES MOTHERS' ALLOWANCE BOARDj Andrew J. Swain, Crainahe More Beneficiariea on Iàsts of Dur. hamn Board Than Last Year. Mr. Andrew J. Swain, an old and ____ 'higbly respected fariner of Craxnahe A meeting of the township, died early on Tuesday Mothers' Mllowance Board for Dur- morning, January lltli., at the home hamn County washJeld et Bownianv-iIle of bis son, Mr. Howard Swain, Salemn. on Saturday, January 15, F. W. GaI- He was in bis 8sia year, and bad braith, Port Hope, chairman of the been quite active until a short lime board, presiding. ago. He is survived by five sons5 The secretary, Mrs. A. L. Nichols, and two daughters, Fred of Belle- Bowrnanville, reported seven new ap- ville; Samuel of Brighton; C]eland plication.s received since the lest and Harold of Mansville; Al.bert, meeting, and two others were also Howard of Cramahe Township; Mrs. handed in althte session. One of the Ira Purdy, Bownianville; and Mrs. W latter was returned for furtber de- H. Usborne of Haldimand Townshiip. tails, the necessary information be- ing inconmplete. The applications James Trew, Oshawa were considered and necessary action taken. The death occurred Sunday moin- MFfty-four appications bave been ing, January 23rd, in Oshawa Gen-j received by the board since ils in- eral Hospital of James Trew, after1 ception in 1920, and the 'present Ilst an ilîness of tee weeks, wbich re-I of beneficiaries now numbers 7, as sulted from a faîl in whicb Mr. Trew~ against 15 this time last year. The fractured bis hip. He bad been con- I ist of beneficiaries, with the fined t~ o. opital since that lime. amnount paid, was carefully scanned. Deceased, who was in his eighty-fiftb ITbe first mother to receive tbe al- year, was boni at Oak Hill, nortb of lowance in Durham County is still a Port Hope. He came te Oshawa beneficiary under the Act. Tbere are twelve years ago to reside witb bis some others wbo have been receiving son, Sanmuel Trew. He ivas a life- the allowance for ta period almost as long Libera and a member Of St. long. iNothing Like It 1 Before "There bas certainly been nothing like HERB JUICE before", said Mrs Leenea, 139 Wood E., Hamilton. i suffered fromn a nervous breakdown, had constipation for -sixteen years, al continuai dizzy feeling and could flot sleep well. You can imagine my joy when after taking HERB JUICE. my troubles began to disappear. Con- stipation and that terri )le dizzy feeing are now a thing of the past. 1 sleep splendidly, my appetite is good and I eat anything without fear of any disagreeable after effects". For sale by Jury & Loveli Ltd.,l and leading druggits everywhere. ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do The Same Andrews United fLCflrc. JJWO sis-1 The board conidered the advisa-l l ekmnadwmn ters, Mrs. Jos. Carscadden, Toronto, bility ef meeting more frequently in lwekmnad oe. and Mrs. Robt. Pye, Tbamesville, al- order te keep fully informed on the AlI nervous men and wemen. se survive. His wife predeceased work, and arrangements te this effect AlI skinny men and wemnen. bîm seventeen years age. A service were made. Can gi'ew stronger, healthler and was beld at the family residence, 232 There are in the prevince 100 le- more vlgorous and take on solid .Mary St., on Menday, conducted by cal boards witb a membership of 500 needed fiesh la 30 day. just by tak- Rev. H. S. Deugaîl. Tuesday mern- ladies and gentlemen wbo give vol- ing McCey's Liver Extraet Teablets ing the remains were taken te Oak~ untary service in tbe administration four times a day-sugs.r coated and Hill for interment. of tbe Act. An appropriation Of easy te take as candy. Mrs.Davd Banar, Labet $1,800,000 was asked for la.t yeer,~ And what a bit these flesh pro- Mrs. avidBainad, Lmbet and $1,781,281 was expendied,. andlucin tableta have made. One drug- increase of $73,387 ever the previonsgs rpld @ls i n ek. On Wednesday, January 19tb, year, yet the cest ef admiitration g8 rpe i ae noewe Mrs.Davd Banar pased-way aIs reduced te 4 per cent. Everybody knows that frein the ter abre illness at ber home 'i The municipalitiea and the pro-liescthhubeodshersa Lambetb, Middlesex county, in bier vince eacb pay 50 per cenbt of the al- first clame vitamine tiat la a1wen- 8 4th vear. fier maiden naine Was lowances for beneficiaries, and in derful vitalizer, flesh producer and IMartlia Farrell, yeungest daugter 1924-25 (the last report issued by health creator. of tbe late Edward and Jane Farrell. the Commission) the mu.nicipalities Millions of McCey's Cod Liver Ex- Sb e was born in 1843 in Darlington contributed $814,967.50. tract Tableta are sold everY week township, Durham ceunty. In 1871 There are 17 investigators in the and thousanda cf frail randown un- she married tbe late David Bainard nrovince, working often under severe derweight people are being helped. M.Baindlvdnard wson d andicaps, but giving faithful service. A box of 60 tablets for 60 cents er oftb Boadwan de ntend Eacb must 4over a large territory, and if any sklnny man or woman er o th BomanvlleNew an whether reads are good or bad, and doen't gal at leest 5 pounds in Sttesman for nearly sixty years. 'visit regularly the beneficiarie.s in bier 30 day-.monsy baek. Aek any The late Mrs. Bainard is survived district, meeting as fully as possible druggist anywhere In America. by two sons, Edward of Byron, and the obligations cf the office, through Be ure and get MCeY's, the or- Charles of Glanwortb, aIse six grand- beurs of liard, and at times discour-ignladeun ndo'tfrt cildren. aging, work are entaiied. tivnal an genin e addthfoget The funeral was beld from bier Miss J. M. Burry, wbose bead- there la nothing on ert, ogod med by he seN. cen'way c Lambtb quarters are at Port Hope, is the in-1I welght children crow atrong and ro- Untd Ccsssed by Rev. N owyo abt vestigator who covers Durham Ceun- bust. ô Uoites hrh mslb e. ty, Northumiberland, Petexi>oro _______ Ceu.nty and Prince Edward County. A cemparison of the number cf bene- Odi . Veale, St. Catinerines ficiaries, and the amnounit expended in Bladder Troubles eac, i ofinterest; Durham, 231 Fodlo'wing an operation, diaath beneficiaries witb $9,270 paid out;B ' came unexpectedly Friday, January Nortbumiberland, 32 beneficianies, BoLler M n a t4 2lst., te Edwin Oliver Veale, prom- $13,958; Peterboro County, 29 ben-Sve Man P st 0 mnent bouse furnishings and un- eficiaries, $11,295; Peterboro City, cOu f Ten Are Victinu, But ture merchant of St. Catbherines. fie45 beneficiaries, $20,694; Prince Ed- Writer Telle How "Urataba" Bring was boni in Cartwright TewnFhip 52 werd, 21 beneficiaries, $7,997 paid Swift, Amazing Relief With were be fo med tote pateri o ut. The figures are for 1924-25. 1 Renewed Vital Force. Veeale fro.:es thbis rther A of The investigaters bave a special ____ Veal BTches wth is roterA.epportunity te see the results of the "No one knows better than I tbe J. Veale, new of Windsor, the part- Act, and the Commission is ju.stified horror of joyless days and sleepless was a mbengder o S. eorine's20.gei in reporting that the expenditure i nigbts. Tihere bave been times wAF.a.M.,ero St. CaGeres LR ' volved, though incre.asing eacb year, wben 1 felt bopeless and belpless- and&AM St. Catherines R otaryI bas been fully warranted; better and wben my weakness caused me the ClubS. aa embner cf St.Bawl'sg1 omsbetter bealth -and education, 1 most intense~ jumiliation. Only Clunstd amburcbS..ausan a chance given, in several 1nstanT- those wbo havi gene tbrougb sucb Henist uried by is ido an ces, for a widow to remain on the torturas can possibly realize -Y He s urivDn;b is fahe, o n farni and raise ber, family under cir-1 great satisfaction wben Dr. Soutîh- one daughter, Dn;hsfteJh cumstaeces conducîve te finer Phy- wortb's URATABS brought me quick Veale, Nestieton; two :sisters, Mrs. sique and morals, are some cf the relief. URATABS are truly won- P. Wright, Nestieton, and Mrs. A. benefits that bave accrued. derful, and I give them full praise". McGill, Janetville, and five brotbers,1 The total number of beneficiaries Such amazing evidence serves as con- Alfred H., Nestleton; William S., in the province, accorcling te the vincing preof cf tbe power of URA- Fortier, Man.; A. Joseph, Windsor; last report, was 7,2Q0. TABS to, relieve those distressing Walter and Marwood W., Toronto. The personnel cf the Durbam alIments se often a handicap te those Initerment teck plnce at Nez' leton Board is: F. W. Galbraitb, Port Hope, le middle life.1 on MIonday. Chairman; Mrs. A. L. Nichols, Bow- Oewre, sugs iny, manville, Secretary; Messrs. C. J. I Ovderwke slusan Kidntaes Joseph Britton, Port PerrY Thoreton, Orono; T. B. Chalk Port GladderouWeakin nessoand Prost Hope; W. A. VanCarnp, Burketon; tGlasn Troulentbrwing o ead After an ilînescf several wonths. H. Band, Ida; Miss P. Burnham, Mill- tores s imets bih s t en leadiff .%r. Jos.eph Bri.:toe dieci at his home brook, te ryei hara ie ereus dLaiesess tPaievein suif in~ ~ , Pot ner eThursclay, JanuarY Rev. PtrByesearinc rrfe ainsPisi ak 13th, 1927I. j the Commission wbich administerstnd down thru ions, scatntyu MNr. Britton bas been a resident ofj the Act; Mr. John McCull.ough, Sec-bufrqetriain'Gttnu- Port Perry for the greater part of 1Iretary; Dr. Elizabeth Sbortt, 'Vice- Nights", Nerveus Irritability and his life, and was' bighiy respected as Chairman. Miss Dorotby Farncomb, Lack cf Force-sbould try the amaz- a good citizen. He was very unas-1 chief investigator; Miss Elizabeth igvlee r etwrbtUA suming le his conduct, and bis in-1 King, senior investigator; Mrs. Min- TABS at oece! Any geod druggist dustry and tru.twertbiness set a fine; nie, Singer, Mr. A. J. Reynolds, and up' PIYyoyu on a gaateo example te these aaout him. ! Lieutenant-Colonel T. J. Murphy, K. satisfaction or money back. Mr. Britton wes bore in Hartland,l C., are members.______________ England, 76 years ago las: April.ý He came te Canada as a Young mnan, and married Miss Martba Revnolds Th e absent ones from yeur bouse-Si peR m d of Cartwrigbt wben be was 27 years' bold wouîd lbe sure te appreciate your îof age. Had Mr. Britton lived until: thoughfulness if you arranged to For Bad Stoniach April bc would bave celebrated bis, bave The Statesman sent te them reg- R le golden wedding.1 ularly, as numbers of your neigbbors Gives Quc R le For many years Mr. Britton con-, are doing for tbeir young folks wh o ducted a blacksmi'îh sbop on the are away from home. N edo togMdcn&o corner lot wbere bis bouse is now' oNe:fSrn eiie situted.Diet-Famous but Simple Old Eng-j( Deceased is survived by Mrs. Bri- Z i. Rcp ep teahiiFn ton and three dlaughters-Mlrs. W. 'B. ýVar icose Veins Cniin aihs AtrEt Pollard, Bowmanville, Mrs. Ma son, inZ Distress. of Daltuon, Sas.k., and Miss Maud at ICeduced or M n y I o r itmo tmc borne. l lo e TIrou-aesvictimofstPinoar The Loyal Orange Lodge took B c-~ToilsGs ores ano charge of the funeral ceremonies, Bac ,SbayS Bloating-you may bave' quick and Rev.Wm. iggs beig th offciatngpI certain relief by following titis simp- mini ster. Jury & Lovelj le diec Claa My Ddle, Cibone imle omeTretinnt hatIs Don't take strong medicines, arti-i Clar Ma DudeyColbrne Simpe Hme Teat.-t h-tle finial digestants or pull dowvn yeurr Giving Amazing Resuits system by f ollowing unnecessaryl A higbîy esteemned residen: cf', al-starva:ion lit:'. ed ee- (Cîlborne passed away at ber late Thýe h rgese.Tdyal Neyer burry your m eal r rt residecn(-e, Cîlborne, on Satur- ments that toek wceks te treat cati est cf anytbing, but within reason b day, January 15tb., in the person of new be ended ln a few days. If yen j meet folks may est wbat they like- n Miss Clara May Dudley, daugbter Of have varicose veins or bunches yen if tbey will keep their stemach sweet, I the late John G. Dudley and Mrs. can star: tctlay te bring them back clean and active and free from the e Dludley. te normal size and if you are wise souring acids that hinder or para-i Deceased wbo was in ber 42nd, you will doe se. lyze the work cf digestion.E year had been in iii bealtb fer sorie years and on Friday suffered a stroke' .s get an original bettle of And the best and easicst way te doEI from which she did ne:ý rally. She Nloie's Emerald Oul at any dispen- tbi.: te- follow every meai wibih s smali was cf a lovable disposition and bore sing pharmacist and apply it nigbt aniount cf pure Bisurated Magnesia ber long ilîness with Christian for-'and mc rning te th e enlarged veins. -a pleasant, harnless and inexpen- titude. She was a member cf the,, It iii very powerful and penetrating, sive form cf 1Mýagnesia, that proniptly. e Presbsterian Cburcb and the funeral and only a little i3 required. neutralizes acidity and keeps yourllI on Monday was condticted by berý After a few days' treatment the, stormacb sweet and dlean. 0 pastor, Rev. T. McCullougb. At veins will begin te grow smaller anti A week's trial cf Bisurated Mag- s tbe conclusion cf bis disceurse, the, by regular use will soon reduce te nesia, wbirb mnay be obtained from impressive funeral service of thenormial. any druggist "at siail ceet", will Eastern Star cf whicb the deceased1 Moone's Emerald Oh le saIse a a-eslcovn yufthgrtvl-J was an esteemned member, wa.s rend- velous bealing agent. one appliica ue cf titis oId Englisb recipe. e re i. The interment teck Place atý tien for instance stops the itcbing of--.- Union Cemetery. ý rena, and a few applicatien.. causeM Besides bier mother she ie survived, the eruptiens te dry up, scale off an<l Miller's Wiîtn Pewders nt -o c by onee ier andl six brothers. icompleteiy disappear. It is equally thorougbly that stomachie and in- ci Among those frcm a distance whot as effective in barber's itch, sait testinal wornis passa from the cbild fi attended the furteral were: Mr. andt rheum redniess and inflanimatory skie without heing noticed and witbout ei MNrs. Elwood IDudley, Mr. S. H. Dud-j trouble. incenvenience te the suferer. They hi ley, Mr. and Mrs. Keiley and,,Mrs.j People wbo wae:tet4 reduce vani- are painles atnd perfect in action, 1s Jaques, qMr. Lyvne DuleyToronto;-cosevoie, forget id f e/e- _dàat ail tim.s11illbe foundA -h ORONO (Frein The News cf January 2tii) Mrs. George Butters is spe.nding a f ew days with friends in the city. Mr. Eveyet Tucker was delegate te the Winter Scbool at Cobourg. Mr. Charlie Knox is out again af- ter bis rece nt -9-ruggîe with pneumon- iMrs. Fred Duncan bas returnedý from a visit to ber son, Clarence, at MilIbrook. Orono Women's Institute nieets in thbe Council Chamber on Friday, Jan- uary 28th at 3 p. m. Mrs. Neil McKenzie, Toronto, spent -a few days witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Miss Elsie Rainey spent a few days in Oshawa with bier sister, Miss Eva Rainey, wbo is ilI in tbe bospital. Pleiased te see Mrs. Adolpb Henry able to be eut a.fter some five weeks confinement te ber hume tbreugb ilI-. ness. Mrs. J. E. Richards is cenfined te bed, witb pneumonia. Her daugb- ter Mrs. C. Mewat, Toronto, bas ar- rived te nurse ber. ,Mr. Orme Gatmsby bas reicently- received communications from Osi-j awa and Port Hepe wisbing te a-r- range hockey games bere.1 Worms sap tbe strengtb and un-' dermine tbe vitality of cibildren.l Strengtben tbem by using Motberi Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. Mr. F. W. Relfe returned home, Wednesday from Toronto a.fter a suc-! cessful operation to his eyes. Ris, daughiter, Mris. Rena Fairbuairn went: te Toronto and accompanied bim. home. Mr. T. W. Underwood, a former! ex-Reeve of Clarke Township, wbo' fias been living for some years pasl' at Markham, bas renxoved to New-' market. Tom is still keenly inter-1 ested in the welfare of the Sae Mr. William Armstrong,Jref Wednesday fer Seattle, Wash., where, he will spend tbe winter at bis sis- ter's, Mis. Karl Katz. Mr. John' Armstrong will be chief Acceuntantý at the big store until bis return. 1 The anniversary services in Parký Street Unined Cburch Suzuday were a great success. Tbe messages given by Rev. Dr. A. J. Johnsten were tiioughtfu-i and inspiring. Owing te, tbe condition of tbe ronds the con-1 gregations were ne.t as large as hop-: ed for. The choir selections were1 well rendeïred. Tbere was plaeed oni thse plates about $40,0 with a good! sum to stil cerne in. 1 Rub it in for Lamne Back.-A brisk rubbing witb Dr. Thomnas' Eclectri, Oil wvill relieve lame back. The skUn will immediately absorb the oil and itl wvill penetrate the tissues and bringj speedy relief. Try it and be con - vin;ced. As the liniment sinks in , tbe pain cernes eut and there arel ample grounds fer saying that ilti an excellent Officers cf Orono Lodge I.O.O.F.j were iestalled on Tuesday nigbt ai open Lodge beld in tbe Town Rail, B3ro . Crowhur.-,t and bis degree teant fromn Port Hope putting on the work in splendid style, assisted by Past D.D.G.M. LittIe, BowmanvilIle. The Oddfellows and their wives were af- terwards ban quetted. Many were present from Cobourg, Port Hope and Bowmaeville, te witness the work. Orono members and their ladies cer- tainly know bow te enitertain and their reputatien had gone eut abead te the district, consequently a large tunut. To ssy tbey bad a royal tinie weuld be drawing it niild- the best ever the ladies said. Music was provided hy the Oddfellows Or- chestra of Port Hope and a most en-1 joyable time was spent in dancing. Witb thanks te the Orono bretihren for tbeir bospitality and best wishes for their future sucicess, the visitors teck their departure at an earîy heur. It Wili Prevent Ul-cerated Tbroat. -At the flrst symptems cf sore throat, wbicb presages ulceration and inflammation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Ou. Add a little sugar te it te make it palcatable. It will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and swelling that are se painful. Those wbo were per- iedically subject to quinsy have eîus made themselves immune te attack. O-rono Lodge A.F.&A.M. held a degree mee'ýieg afternoon and even- ing sessions, Tbursday, January 13, wben three randidates: Bros. Ken- neth Gamsby, Dr. Floyd J. Cutteli and Ralpb Stutt were raised te the degree of Master Masons, W.P.M., S. Cutteli taking the work of Rais-ing bis son, (having at previeus meetings initiated, and passed hlm te the Se- cond Degree> it being the flrst time in tbe bistory of Orono Lodge, and rare le the recordls of Nlasonry le Canada, that s father bas had that distinction. Thte work 4)f raising the other candidates was well taken by W.M. Bro. G. M. Linton. A number of prominent members cf Durham Lodge, Newcastile, were pres- ent, among theni Rt. W.P. District Mvaster Bro. F. W. Riekard, W.M.1 Bro. George Law; P.W. Mastersi Bros. F. Ceucb, Fred Fligg and T. %1. Jackson. At the close of tbe Ledge lunch was served and the "Fourtb Degree" witb brigbt speech- es and song made thle evening one long te be remembered by mernbers of the Craft. Elections for Police Trustees re- ,ulted as follows: Chas. F. Awde 122; Clarence O. Cain 113; Francis J Hall 109; William E. Dsvey 96; James Dickson 82. Cause ef Astbnma. No one can say uitb certaiety exactly what auses the eý:a.blishing of Iksthynatic onditions. Dun' frem the street, from flowers, from grain and varieus other irritants may set up a trouble inpossible te irradicate except thru asure preparation sucb as Dr. J. D Kellogg's Astbma Resmedy. Uncer- tainty may exist as te cause, but there can be ne uncertaiety regard- ig a remedy wbich bas freed a gen- eration of asthmatic victims fromn 5is scourge of the bronchisi tubes. b is sold everywhere. Sale, Speedy Relief from Pain M«gieal fer Headch. Rheuniatisrn and similar forma et Pain almost alwsysyieidtethe T-R-C's <Tempitons Rheumnatic Capsules) treatmcnt. Your druggist can very iikcIy tell yen how greatiy T-R-C's bave helpcd somne of lus ewn customners. To sce even a fc:v of the hunüreds of testimiilletters le aur that T-R-C's are etraordi- narily successful in the treat- ACTUAL $AI are experienced by customers who trade ai Sanether Elst cf Money Savers. Start now i your groceries at the nearcat Dominion Sto SPANISH VAENCIA 'w ~RAISINS15., Pure Orange MarnialadeL 3 lb. Jar' 35'0 9Shelled Walnuts .Nuralqia -4feadache RH ELMATISM Yeuntis .~Lumba9o ,' Scia tica ment of Rheumatic and Neuritic Pain. If yen resd ou booklet carefuUly yen will understand why the T-R-C's S trcatmeet is se successfui. But wouldn't it be better to know how successful T-R-C's dan be by usieg them for youç own S Pain? Get s 50c or $1 box from your druggist. or send 10c for bookiet and gener- ous trial to Templetons "X", Toronto 2. T46 ,VINGS t Dominion Stores. Heu, ts and save regularly by buying tore. Crispo Fig Bars 2 Ibo- 2,9c BFrec b - L BREAD bARES A O@OD »3UI BOYS AND GIRLS « L!D C-1-t G.-JK? t I. .»dd .g t.n..-FRE e . the seaver brega c Deeleu cJ.,TEA S Me Oxo Cubes ICHMElLLO 79-1.. *a laine 4 .ub« LTr a ILauh 9 ,Peanu 14 Z ~n 25 ~ .U6~1~5;*ç,.Butter Dominue Avina.,. Sirna santa Clan 5 lM. Poil vr Tomato Celery Cooking Prunes Cor, Soap jil Catsup Relish Fige Large Six. S.yrUp 6 02. Cake z S19 . 15 2îi».21c 2îb. 27c 34e cI te .o Victery Brand 3...t Mi.n.d <N PAGE SIX ECONOMICAL BUYING It's very often quite a task to, know just what kind of meat to have for dinner or any other meal. It is veryj often quite a problem after you have de- cided upon what you want to, make it fit your pock- etbook. But both these problems can be easily solved at Edmondstone 's. Our experience in cutting meats is proven to your advantage every time you buy meat here. We can give you the most profitable cuts at the Iowest prices, quality considered, of course. We are not quoting prices here but you can be assured the most economical buying, if you allow us to cater to your Meat needs. Always The Right Cut At The Right Price. G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville Buy In Bowmanville- COAL BIN CETTJNG LOW? These cold wintry days are certainly causing lots of exercise around the coal bin. Well, when the bin gets so low that you must have more coal just order a couple tons of the fam- ous Lehigh Anthracite. It sure does make warm friends. We are here to give you prompt service. Builders' Supplies a Specialty J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville 1

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