PAGE 4 TEE CANADIÂN BTATESMAN, BOWMANVILI.E THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 In the year 1865, John W. Totten' with twelve other young mon were received into the Methodist Confer- once on probation. Four years lat- er, the thirteen were ordained and appointed ta fields of labor. One by one they passed away. Rev. J. W. Totten is thle sole survivor of his con- ference class. He la the only one who roached the 50-year limit in act- ive work. He spent in ail, fifty-five yoars on 19 circuits, then he retired to Tottenham whero he la happiiy sponding the closig years of bis lifej -Tottenharn Sentinel. $50 MEN WANTED $6 ta $8 DaIIy Men-you can naw earn while train- ing for world's greatest paying trades: Garage Work. Flectrical, Battery and Welding; also Brickiay- ing and Plastering, the Barber trade and Hlairdressing. Write at once for free catalogue. Hemphill Trade Schools Ltd.. 163 King Street West, Toronto. Branches Coast ta Coast. 5-1 FREE CATALOGUE AND PLAN 8BOOK One hundred pages ofI Lower Prices on Building Materials and -Comfort- tested Hom es., Write Haiuday -om- pany P. 0. Box Y198. Hamilton.5- YOUR EYESIGHT An Experience 0f 35 Years enables us to give you ad- vice that is often worth a great deal to you. Consultation Free Jury & Lovel J. R. Stutt, J. H. Il. Jury, Registered Optometrist Doctor af By Examînation Optometry Graduate of Toronto. Chicago, New York and Detroit Optical Colleges. ENPI E LD Mr. Albert Niddery. Tweed, spent the wekend at Mr. John Itepburn's..Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Smith and M2%rs. Geo. Or- miston recently visited in Toronto.. Mr. Chas. Simpson is visiting at Riudge- town where he exl)ects ta rside,.. Mr. John McCuiloch bail a serions faîl on the ice on Tuesday. requirbng medical attendance. MAPLE GROVE Miss Greta Mundav w:(s a weekend visitor of Miss Grace Hastings. H.mpton ...Mr. a.nd Mrs. F. Swaitow are spenil- ing a few(iays with iriends8 in Toronto -'Miss Elsie anul Mr. iErni, Laird vis- iteil their parents. Nir . nd Mrs. A. LairdI S ..Nr. Alan Snow(i,,n ,ntetta inel a few~ irienils with pirogressive lost heir hasti Saturday evenIng..Miss Dora Ea mesl gave ber report oi Winter Sehool on Sundly. HAYDON Pastor Trumpours sermon on Sunday wa~s based on t.I,ov,. "The Love ofý Christ compe-Is us, or constrains us-A force which catIs us ta the service ai aur Maistr ... . Leeigue meeting in charge of Mrs. Chas. Garrard, Rema B3radltey ta.k- ing the chair; devotional, Mr. Thewonj Mountjny; topic. Mrs. Beach; rcadings l'y Louis Ashton andl Roy Thompson. Social evenlng 1Monday. February I4th, Everybo<ly welcome. Rereshments.... Mrs. Jno. Wright bas returnîed home aS- ter~ a pleasa-nt visit w ith irien<ls in Tor-- onto and Oshawa.W.Nr. Thos. Greer and Gordon Sunulay.-ul at home. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples attenued the funeral ai Mr. Oea fleggs at Pontypool on Sunday. Young Peoples League. som*ewhat in- terrupted by the recent "Shart.Curse, re-apened last Wednesday with r.: Frank Dorland in charge. Plans were1 I the for more interestîng gathermngs fort1 tenext twa months. Miss Newton and Mr. Arhur Brunt wes-e appointed graup leaders ai the lIeds and Blues respectively. A contest in attendance and offerings lo ta beý cariled on... The students oi the "Short Course" had a skating party aI Bowmanville on Tuesday nlght .... Milton Stainton taok a sleighload ta Burketon ta hear Rev. Ar- cher Wallace an Sunday night, andji Gardon Werry tank a motor truck load on Monday AIl report a good titne... Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were called away1 on Tue8day ta attend the funeral ai her2 sîster aI Part Hope... Mr and Mrs. Df Burgmaster have been quite ill but ar-ej now improving .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Orr Ja&ff- ( ary vlsited aver the weekend a x Scu-l ' gag ... Gad We repart Mrs. Will Smith1 gusons mother, Mrs. Silvcrside-s, Mount Albert, andl-son Wilired ni Saskatchewar, are with Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson. DURHAM FARMER HONORED D. J. Gibson At the annual meeing ni the Ontario Seed Growers' Association hehd n Tor- onto last week, 1). J. Gibsan. R. R. 4, Itowmnanville, a lîrominent a.nd highly re- sî,ectedilfarmer and apple archardiiton the- Town (Carke-Darlington), wua e-ecled trepîdent of this important or- ganizat ion. Mr. ;îisons hasts oi friands through- 0out the caunty and eisewbere affer con- gratu lations on Ibis recent binor which bas ben conferred on bim and which distinction he bringsB t is native county. For mnany yesrs Mr. Gibson has been assocîated w-itb anul is an activa and vaiued worker in the 01(1 Fartners Inati- tute. AWest Durham Agricultural Society, Clarke Agricuitural Socie'ty, Durham Ap- pie Growere' Association, Durham Coun- ty Holstein Club and other farinber or- ganizations wbich work in a cooperative way for the benefit, belterment and a.d- vancament af the ag-iculturalist and rural conditions. Hie bas aiso acted with cansiderable acceptance for a number oi yasas a goverfiment judge at is.l iairs tbroughouî the province.j Omeiers ai the Ontario Seed Growerai are: President-D. J. Gibson, Bowtnan- ville; Vio3e.-Preident-H.L R. Crosby, Markham; Secreary-J. Loekie Wilson, Toronto, DIrectors: John MeFariane, New Liskesa-d; H. A. Dalson, Chell.en- bamn; L. J. C. Bull, Brampton; James Mcleam, Richmond Hill; T. C. Frazer, Streetsville, A. G. GormnIey, Unlonvtlhe,; A. R. G. Snnùth, New Hamburg; John Gardhouse, Weston; Garney Taylor, Wellington; A. B. McKague, Teeswater; E. K. Hampson, Kempîville; William HllI, Queensvîlle; Robert MeCowa.n, Scarbaro. HAMIPTON COURTICE League meeting Fniday evening I r. onu Wmrs, S, S. Brooks spent Stun- was in charge af îst Vice-P!resident,i fday wth friend in Bowmanviile ;.nul issNorait Horn. Scripture lesson attinîeulth fan c ofInitie la te Mirs., & read by GT'ace Hastings;I iP"rw(-. W re uchplemd tiatdevotional period was taken by Miss Prowr.W ar mnb peasd ltaIElsia Langmaid; Mr. Theodore Salter, JiI Matr mlancock retuirneu so quiI'k- favorad with a v>cal soilo; MiSs Nciih ly from lowmanvile Ilosplai iif,,rI, Horn gave haîf of hier report Of n-cent npem-tion for aîîîendici tis ... jWintex' School held at Cobourg. Me tr. I.courîie. R. Suil'y, IL. .1 C'ourtîe, llarotd Miir ami C'ecil Xordî-ýn 10 anly, Ladies' Fur Trimznedl attt-n(lrit(-tuemeeting ai the î Coats originally up ta $25.00, nowl uuîg Association in lPart Ilopi l.îst %v.'--k $10.00 at Couch, Johnston & Cy Tb. y rîpa)rt vlery init.ltîgînt Ln(I ingtrtî('t- derman 's. iveiîdneseon tlisii'nilwortantf,îîr of agit-iulti iro, îritiction .... teeve andt M 7rs '!î,rl-s Wîilt . ere r e ut n.s!SDARLINGTON of NIr., lk- (*,,lîrti,-,- <.. i(i Sinîia .%,,,niig tii. auî of niîr \V.M, S. ,41 Repart for January of S. S. No. 3', tî,îr iînîlimb îîi,e s. 'a' teDarlington: hthlîchý T'. lir wais le ~ it;, ',ý . WSr. IV--*Iva Foley and *Walter i ~2,iuieeîiti, e ti, i .r HJr. IV--Lewis Rundle 6,tEthrl awa, r-iirn.1 mriseîaiary front Nii«':iytFreda Attree 48. jii tîlothi' r vtr staîilons al~ . Sr. 111-Robe rt Finnigan 66. et! iîiîl iîtr n li iîr wîîrk aon, he Jr. lII-Florence Foley 78, Bas- Iuîiîîue.îiîî îî:îîî::I ii ilutrlii-Sr.akII TlW 67. Gibsan 75, tJack 1 - î T'l' 'on if Finnigan 49. riie\i , tirouiliî, .bath i i uitng Jr. I.l-Wilbur Black*aurn 71, Haz- ils îsterandi taking th1e affî'ring el Happa 67, tAlaysius Kush 58, tAn- auîîoantu to .about $211 ii.Inlaadittion nie Kush 54. ta ihie lîI.siaring on ti.h, iiin work IJr. î-Bobbie Gibson 71, Graco iMsJckon hrsentý.îi;a set of îlelT rIli5, j-Eunice Lane 58. entitled( the iity ('îty îlurring whieiî MWr. Jr. Pr.-Vera Gibson andi Helen Fra.nk wat,'r sang tii s,-hî'etian aiotat Rundle, Hazel Roberts, Berniecel nuevery aci'.'ptahbly. ..Mrs. Johin Wor,- Roberts, Sammy Van Camp, Hazl en lias iieen visiing ber gran lîlaiîcb ter,1 Truli, Douglas Happs, absent. W,, Town .... r. StInoni *honours; t-Failure below vacuinateîithie pupîls ai Na 8 lasI wî--k.60 % on total. Sîhool n-haort on vage Ruby M. Bragg, teacher.1 Man's Fanîcy Tweed Ovorcoataj SOLINAfrom $14.50 up at Couch, Johnston i SOLINA& Crydertnan's. visitors: Mr. anîl Wr,,. A, L. Pasco,« tt WIrIR. J. Luike's, Keuron, Mr. andi TYRONE M r,,. Jack lReynliîls .shunt ttîî - ,'ek.»nîl_______ in Troronbo; Mr. andl Wrs,. John P:îîîeoîI iMr. nd Mrs. Levi Skcinneo have viîiîeîlah ".%r. Jobn lau.e Osha.wa; reîurneK home aftar a trip Vo Niagara WIr. ('harles shîîrtridge anîlrMisa Aluna by bus with thse T. Eat.on Co., and Slîortriîlg,- vieîîî'îillirookhînin ti.ndsliî r, sitig nany friends in Toronta and A. L. Pasco,, visiteil ber sa inîld' mule. 1tht-jr dughteT, Mis. George Scotit, Mr. l SrSi jA Jîmîs, ltîunul.Oshawa... YOUungFeýoPies League Mrs. Vuiî ice is vi4itiag bn .- 1iîigiî-I laý,L wec-kwans ini charge of lat Vice,, ter, Wiri l,îroIl .Jehsiîn, I:rookhja W r I Mj,ýs Hazel Tunwr. Topic wuîs and!Ntrs, W. 'r. 'îayýlor nî.îciv. "l Nuiîrîi sýnIîdIy given by Mrs. Abbeot Huis Wanîloy thatt Mies Lana E. T:îvhr wt o Wha.t dot-s aur hhurcit teach i iirty aif<tlir,ewîîs lerîving 'hî-ng- about Ourtelves"? ..Leagua meat- lu foîr Shanghai. Msr S \Wîiim.s, ing thi.s week il withd-a-wn . . .. W> A.h l aeviaî* uiuîî.1. llt,k.-r aIhînîlîîti .ansMi&sionax'Y Society Valerntine -Waiiu-n's baniuc-t ia ltowtnaiiill.î on i social wasiheld at te Parswonage, Feb. Trîîs4lay evîninc .. Srs. Willîim <'<owingta, 3td., with a good number in attend- I lluiuiron, Who is crtiiitii hr bl1iis oant- Aflt&-r opeirsi-ng exerclises NITS. wittî ber îlaîîgltter, INrs. Slîlnîy Ilocîkt- Tom Barr favox'ed with am inrqtrame- îluu.Mesre.Ihltaion nd'hi rifle. 'h'nk ta; aflex'which wae a debote "Rea- toak mi jotiy sI-iîg!iIoaii ai 3alng l,'aii- vc-d t.hat educa.tional work on thse ta) ltuîwmanvilu rink on Tîiîslay -v--n- Mrson field lins conlmributed monre inc îil uftwuiîl, en.rtiinI um largely t-a Vite progirees of Chrnistian ut Ihlir home- wbre- a good i1lme- was N'LLsiions than moedical wn'rk", Mr,.. .-rioyedby al ... 1"-asRutorulIl .Wtight andi MiIýse velyn înjyii b ul. l',usei t1rtieî(at Bra-nt takingJithe. negative, and Mx'. St.l'. J AMc1îssoi-k egr'&; l i-Halrolul Maçkln andl Mir- .,etHit- lroing..lint forgert thehtlîkel Sa-the affirmative, tl.e liatterwon. Mit-2 cutI r l llI 'îitil vnîuîc, le Mae Cameron gava a vety nice ren-mi 1lr1hi. A hiae R slîi ht Ei-ii--ingu and Mitiss veivn Bient esang tion:il .ork on [(lie Mlission Pichu huihs niceiy several parts in tiie recitî- coitriliit,ii uimorî t-rgîty ta (lie troi,,mtjin. Misie'es Mary Bright'xvc1irJnd ri Ch'rishtian Missioln,, lliaii Miiii ati Bigeloxv pdnyed an instru- Work', WiI be the lrarit iî1-ighmi mental tuftex' which al enjoyeti a mo-at tii i 'mliiiiav i i~iitc .itailuîîîeî. iciouous sýuppenr. Collection $13.00.. texii,, î;. .ulîîîl si liiîî .Saer'anment service on Su.ndy mail- Eliluiil ,iagil ill uîi.itiag Moniiuy iv. î icg ing wuL; wall attedaul. Cbux'ch wais i l!i.rg..', if It VX,. ii , nu mIs 1sxrvicei naxt Stîwl a nt.he evaning. E vor I iPtiroI rai iin uIt ifia pianoi Tu.x j hoy,. W ill me44 . on Fr1I ay c ven - (luit lîy NMisýs e Elx.i ami vi lau uIîiaril, ing ita th<- v est ry.- l;nni- uuhîîon. àtli. e 1a , i s h11lieWn Laudies' Dressas in siik or cloth, naw luikir. ihixNotîinalmes. A.Jr tilson, redureati o $4.98 at Coucit, John- ri.,ciluice Mies.Edin.i Il' ynohIls uiiî Mis-s stan & Crydermana's. Ev . ýiiiti;vvalatioa, Mrs. J. Itakor, Coucit, Johnston & Cryderman in- Misti Nora Wirr-y, Wr. S .;,.wrry, vite any lady wha thinks af buying (aflli, -What doe,, aur u'ir'lirliach 'eh a Fui- Coat ta eaul at their store as aut 1Oiirsulves'? was I)rprid bf-1 y Mrst they wili flot only sol] any kintiofa S. E ;Wîrry a nid rui i livNMr, ',harles]i Fur Coat at xnuch less titan lte or- short iigle; vimiin qoio, miss ulva ,C>r- dinrprice but every coat they soul 1 1 1 SHAWS Mr'. and MiË. W. C. Ashton entew-- tai'ned soute friendË at. tea on Wed- nesday evening ...Miss Grace Bragg was the city over the weeked... .Mr. lrvin ARUln made a busiiness trip ta th.e ciby on Tuesday ... . Miss Mairion tRickard was recent guest of Miss Gxreta Muni- dsay, Maple Grove. ... Shaw's &hooli hani received a very fine Wa.r Menior- il picture, a gif t fren the Indepen- dient Ordeur of the Daugiters af Em- pi-e * the Kerire ta rentind students of jie heirodc heritage of which they must poove wortliy in times of peace as well as wa ... .Mrs. W. C. A'b1ân met with a paduful acclidenitt one day last week by faling on the ice anid breking 'her xight arzn- .. Mr. W. E. G<ibank la b'u.y hauuling cedar pre- pairatry to rensacleling his bairn on his ne'wly acquiired propeaity.- Reguilar meeting of tUhe Fanneoea Club was held on theisechiol-house on Tuesdaly eveining. Prezàdent En«aggwas in the &Oair. Mis Beat- lke Crydermain gave an inteireedung reaing on "Wolves". Mr'. EaSu Os.- bern-ie recited 'Whistling in Heavein"; Mr'. W. J. S. Rickatd opened up a diqcuuoion. o~n "How lia eterminate the Gro=ud Hog", which la tihe cause of niuch annayance tea tfr fairner. Several inethodb wewee in- troduced by Mx'. NormiaitAllùi, Mr. Charles Aulin anti Mr. Earl Osborne. Axtyoine wùtfing ta benefit by thesei effectuai reinedgfes should becom~e memtbers etf Providence U. P. O. Boys' Brownie Suits now clearing att Hall Pricie at Couch, Johnston & Cryderxa.n'a U. F. O. NOTICE Providence Fsrmers' Club meets at Shaws Schoal on Tuesday, February 15. Interesting program, cnmmuniîy singing leýd by Walter Rickard. Admission tIc.c at close. O. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne. President. Sec'y. -Treas. COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE IN SOLINA VILLAGE Prame houela good condition, well equipped barn, suitable for Blacksmith Sbop ; large loit; stabting for 2 cows, 2 borses. chicken bouse. plg pen, garage; %acre land, excellent garden, emnaîl fruits, bard and soit water; splendid Public Schooh; cburcb near by. Good hj argain for quick sale. Appiy Norman E. Wright. Owner. R. R. 1, Ridgeville, Ontario. DO ARE YOU TRYING TO CLIMB? Air e yu itrDying to ciib where the. chosezi are, Do you long for "a jo>b tha.t us wortii one's whlbe?" Where the feet of men are f ew? W e , e e isa th ou g h t for e yo u. Tii 7osofg at the rainbow's end Are oeght gy ibe teeniing mob, Buu h airie, who guaa'd themn cho.ose as friend The man tihatloves his joÏb. It imnt tihe kick, it's fot the pull, Thst brings the strong man out; But It's work, and it's al time wiil, And the cheerful htaftt andlsot Have you faith in yourself? D you want to win? Is your heart for success a-throb? 'liber. la just one thiing that can brin g you in WiVh tie winner-ove your job. -The Caae Fagle. IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTH- UMBERLAND AND DURHAM. In the Estate af Mary Reynolds, late of the Township of Darlington in the Gaounty of Durham, wldow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail persoa havlng dlaims agalnst the Estate of Mary Reynolds, late af the Township of Darlington, wldow, deceaeed, who (lied on or about the 22nd day of Jan- uary 1927, are requlren ta mail or de- liver the same wlth full particulars ta the undersigned on or before the 18th day oi Fabruary, A. D. 1927, veritled by affi- davît, aiter whlch date the Executors wlll distribute the aseets af the Estate having regard anly ta the craims then filed. Bownmnville, Ontario, Ja.nuary 27th A. D. 1927. W. F.WARO, B. A., Solicitor for the Executors. 6-3 Bowînanville. Ont. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM MITCHELL HORSEY, DECEASED. AIl persoa having dlaims against the estate of William Mitchell Horsey, late oi the tawn ai Bowmanville, In the County af Durham, Esquire, deceased wha died on or about the tiret day af January, 1927, are hereby notltled ta send in ta the underslgned Executor on or befnre the seventeenth day ai February, 1927, full particulars oi their claimon. Irnmediately aiter the said seventeenth day ai February, 1927, the asaets ai the tesatar wlll be distributed amangst the parties entitled thereta, havlng regard only ta dlaimsai which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Bawmanville thîs 26th day oi January, A. D. 1927. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED 20 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario By: W. R. Strike, 4-3 Thelr Solicitor hereln. APPLES WANTED We buy ali kinds of apples. Wli-te- J. PODPULLOCK, Box 263, Whitby 6-2w* YOU Ruskin's Good Advice It was many years ago that these words were written by the famous author Ruskin, but they are as true today as the day they were written: "I would have our dwelling house built to be Iovely, as rich and full of pleasantries as may be within and without. "-Ruskin Our many years practical experience in the furniture business is at your disposai when you desire to "have your dwelling house built to be Iovely". Let us enhance the charm of your home with odd pieces or sets of new furniture. F. F. Morris Co. The Home Furnishers Phone 10 Stores-Orono and Newcastle ONE? Then Make Your Selection Now During Our February Sale of Overcoats opposite Bank of Mantroal We have only about 20 Overcoats left-but we are sure going to seli them now-not next winter, and the price has been reduced to where you can't afford to pass up the opportunity of buying the newest Overcoats at le'ss than cost. Be here early for best choice is our ad- vice. 10 Only This season's smartest Overèoats, in light shades, checks and plain blues, values to$149 $2.0. ou coiefor only$1 9 10Only Extremely smart Winter Overcoats, in the newest shades and styles. Values up to $35.00. Your choice for only $ 99 THESE ARE THE BEST OVERCOAT BARGAINS YOU'LL CET THIS YEAR! Men's Fine Shirt Sale 75 only Men's Fine Shirts, Tooke and Arrow Makes, plain colors, stripes and fancy patterns, collars to match, ail sizes, values worth up to $3.50, On Sale Only $1.98 Te B. GILCHRIST Phone 61 Bowsnanviii. SALEIrREGISTER Wedneaday, February 16thb-Auc- tion ae of 25 hones. the propez'ty of Oliver Denny, lot 24, con. 4, Whitby, Tp. Sale at 1.30 o'c!o,2k sharp. See bis. Wrn. M&w, Aucti.oneer. 6-1 Saturday, February l9th--Chairles liur- gesa.Wellington Street, EBowmanvîll, wiii seil hi,, household furniture anid effects, also severali ords of good mrixed wood. Sale at 1.301 p.m. Ternis<Cash. Theo . M. lemn on ner. 6-2 FARM SOLD Friday, February i 8--Mr. Charles Simpson. Lot 32, Con. 8, Darlington, will sou ail of his farin stock, impie- monts, etc. Sale at 12.30 sharp. See bils for particulars. Theron Mountjoy, Theo. M. Siemon, Clerk. Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors COUGHJNG YET ? you should have a bottle of CREOPHOS Not a cough syrup, but a palatable mixture of Ext. Cod Liver Oil, WiId Cherry Bark, Hypophos- hites and Creosote. It's a builder and restorative and works wonders for Bronchitis and stubborn coughs. Large Boule $1.00 KERSLAKE'S 4 THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Ask about the 50c bottie of Day Dream Perfurne we are giving FREE this week e, f. FORDS Good Used Cars SoId Under Our: "SATISFACTION POLICY" Prices Right-Car Rigbt 1-1923 FORD SEDAN 1-1920 FORD TOURING 1-1922-FORD TOURING 1-1920 FORD TOURING Every car wo are selling has been inspecteti anti put in fi-st- class running condition ail ready for the road. Corbett Motor Sales Dealers in McLauglslin, Oldamobile and Pontiac Cars and Atwater Kent Radios. . PHONE 248 BOWMAN VILLE Bowmanville i NEED I 'I .»«._j PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATEM", BOWAtANVILLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927