rilE GAIE .DIAN 5TATESMAN, B4,WMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 PAGE FIVE CHLJRCH HOCKEY LEAGUE This league which le sponsored by the local Boys' Work Board has been or- ganized snd la weIl away. Three gaines were playa.d Mondity night with t.heee reauite: Trlnlty 1-5 va St. John'.1 -2; St. Paul's--14 va Training School- 2; Trinity 11-9 vs St. AndrewB 2. League la compoaed of A- Trinity No. Andrew's; E-Boys' Training School; F- Trinity No. Il. The gamnes are played each night elajt- -$ l ng at 7 o'clock and allowng an heur for each gamne. Balance of schedule fol- Iowa: Februsry Fridaty il-A-C fl-E B-F Monday 14-E-F A-fl C-B Frlday 18 C-fl E-B A-F Nionday 21-fl-B A-E C-F Admission: Adtlis 1-ce Child1lre.n l0c Rotary Club Cul) which goes to teajn winning the champlonshlp la on displsy in S. W. Maaon & Sons window. SILVER WEDDING On Friday evenLing a large number of relatives and friends gathoe-ed at the h8me of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cox, 13 El- gin Street east, Oshawa, to participate in the celebratlng ef their silver wed<ing anniversary. Progr-essive etichre was piayed, the prizes belig won by Miss Mary Hambly, Mrs. (union C'ollins. Mrs. McMa3ter and Mr. Hlarold Cox. The comps.ny then called on Mr. and Mrs. Cox, and Mfr. Samn Glanville, of Bowman- ville, a groomsman of 25 years ago, r-ad the addreffl. Mrs. Sam Glanville, brdes- mald ef 25 years ago, presented Mr. and Mrs. Cox wth an electric percolator on behalf of t.he relatives and friands. Speeches, solos and duets ware given a!- ter whlch a ta.ty lunch wa" servad. ~.Ater lunch, round and square dlancing was enJoyed; the party breaking up at daybreak. Mr and Mrs. Cox were the reelpianmte of niany beaulitul giftt, among which was a silver pie casserole given by the aewing ci-cIe of which Mrs. Cox is a membar. They were aIso showet-ed wlth many bast wishes. STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Eusrop--Canadian Pacifie, Wite Star Dominion, Cunard, American, Ask for information. Phono 58 Statesman Office, Bowmanvifle. A Vîrgnila Negro says that ho doesn't hit hie wife any more inca he got fined in police court. "No, sah, frein now on wben dat wlfe zaaperates me, l'se gwine kick ber good-den she cant show it to de judge.' St. Valentine's Day Thse quautiîty of Chocols.ees gven fwu thia occason is imnmes- ing yeax by year. This year we are pie paning for a large vaiwne oi busines at thse fofUcwing pices. Laura Secord ......... 60e Smiles n' Chuckles . . ..60e Maraschino Cherries . .60e Theise are wiftlout doubt the leading liner, in Cana)da at this price. In hugeî priced boxes we have very attractive packages suitable for this occasion at 40c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50,. $2.00, $250, $3.00 and $3.50 BULK CHOCOLATES Very Special 29c IL Jury & Loveli LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mis C. Windatt, Toromto, epenit the weekend with Mmi% Tioa Tod. Miffl Gladycs Jacksomf, Newcastle, wae guest of ber auui, Mmre James Cio'rtàce, on Sunday. Mis. Gaifiead, Detroit, Mich., ia vi5iting Mr .and Mm. C. Rehder aund other relatives here. Mise Jessie KuigOvt, Toronibo, bas been viaidting Mrs. J. W. Yi§lt and otheýr relaltives here. Counciilor William C. Caverly and Mr. and Mis. Rex Caverly left Mon- day f or Bowsnian, Man. Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh, Toronvto, spent Saturday with hier aunt, Mms W. H . Wxllîams, Liberty St. Mrs. J. C. Truil, Toronto, spent the weekend with hefr mother, Mm W. H. Wiliamis, Church Sïtree.t. Music Study Club Concert-Osh- awa, Port Hope and Bowmanville talent, Tuesday, February 22nd. Trinity United Chut-ch Choir will give a high class concert in Whitby Tabernacle on Friday, February 18. M.rm W. J. Bragg -was Pealled to Omemee lest week owig o tlhe ser- ioua ilines of her siAjeur, Mii. John T. Fee. Mr. Rhys D. Fair'oairn, Toronto, was recent guest of bis si-ster, Mi-si Fajibaitn, aind gave us a friendly cal on Monday. Mis. Fred Roblûlr, Mules Irene aind Mx. Fred Roblin., Hamnii4tnn, spent the weekend with hec sster, Mms. T. H. Knight, Westmotnt. Mr. J. D. Fluker whe bas been -in charge of the C. N. Ry. Express of- fice at Wliitby untîl it was closed, hais been transfered te C<>bouurg. Mi. Airthur J. Trebilvock, Touronito, and Mrs. Noirman Hasnley and <lsuugh- ter Jean, Peterboire, apent thse week-1 end uith inother, Mrs. P. C. Tre.bilcocit. Mrs. F. W. Brovn and M"s. Ceo. Weîekes attended t.he opening of the Provincial PaxUiinent in Toironto on Wedmesdary and the Speakeir's s-ecept- ion afterwanr's Miss Muriel Haneock, natrie-in- trainuing at Wellealey Hospital, Toi- onto, on Saiurday visàted her aunt, Mms Louise Paterson, who la grad- uaUy girowing weaker. Mise Gieta Pollard wvas on.e of the succeseul debateis in the Imfiea'- Schnol debate between Wbitby and. Bowmanýville, neut Miss Beatmnice Cry- deoen'an as announoed in last issue. We regret ithe iistuake- Lady Hughes, Lindsay, announces the engagement of her daughter, Aleen Victoria, to Mr. James Free- man Clark of Boston. Mass. The marriage to take place at Lindsay on Satuîd-ay, February i 2tb. The White SMd~d Club will cele-1 brate ValenWtmne wkth a fancy diess pa&by on TueLsday, Februairy l5th., at 8 P. nm., in St .Pau-I's Lecture Room, Motheure! Don't forget a forfeit will bave itto ha given il not in costume. The montbiy niueeËblg of ithe Wo)-nen's Canadien Club will bhohelld lu St. Paul's Sohool-rooni, on Mon- day, 'February l4th., at 3.30 p. mn. Mis. H. T. Pluniptre, Toronto, will miceak on 'Education forr eveury Child." Messrs. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mayor T. S. Holgate, H. J. Knulght, G. R. Mason and M. W. Cointock aitended the banquet at King Ed- ivard Hotel, Toronto, to, Hon. Malc- kenzie King, Premier of Canada, sud the Liberal cabinet. Keep Tuesday, February 22nd for the Music Study Club concert. Par- tic ulaws later. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mie. John Thickson siniceoeely thank ail those w-ho sent flowers and messages of sympathy in their recent sad bereave- ment. Lost or Found KEYS POUND-Near Prospect Street Bridge, Bowmnanville. Apply Statesman Offce. 16-t "XVe Serve You Wei" Since inaugural lng the cash business we hava feund It a vory mutual and acceptable aystemn. Our cutomers are able te socuetbe advantage et tha cash price whicb pet-mita us te e- duce our overhead expense whicb la a great conaid*-mation te amy retail business today. The eulta ut this insu systein have been vais satistactery. Our sales have inc-reas-d naterially andl business in general bas improved. Our higb ambition is te compote wth mail et-dem bouses ani prove te, the people ot this district that va cLnoeslI hardware as chaaply anti as good values as lbey will recelve frein mail order lieuses. Our mtte Is "Guarantùed Value". W' bave aIso notlcad an ii'.rease In the number o! vernit het- pers which Is a favorable condition. Many womnen thiank that a hardware store le a place where plougha, cultivatoma. stoves sud other beavy merchandiae el od. On the cosîtmsry, we appeal te tha women te shop wlth us andl examine our stock tram the fry pan to the distinctive bridge prize. We are always pîeased te show our stock without any obliga- tien on yeur part te purchase. HAPPY THOUGHT HEATERS AT COST Balance of our Hapîpy Tbougbt H-catema vIli ha aold at ot price thia week which will mean a great saving aven though you de nul retiire a healetr tilt next ye. MILLER'S "IDEAL" INCUBATORS NOW ON ISPLAY Dustan's Cash Hardware --W. serve Vou WoII.' BowmanvIlio LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1j Article8 For Sale Misa Connie H-ughe, Toronto, apent FOR SALE-Bed, Dresser and Baby br, the weekand wlth MisseI.eola McMann.f Carnlage. Apply Mrm. A. Piper, Cowan ter Apte. Bowrnanville. 5-at' ces Mr. Hart-y Eastarbrook of the C. P. R. Pi staff apant Sunday with hie friand ln WARDROBE FOR SALE-Mabogany-F Toronto. finish witb full length miifor. Apply te Bowmanville Hospital. 5-tf roo Mr. and M?&a. J. Rose Stutt were in ellaI Wroxetar last week attending tIhe funt- FOR SALE-Holstein and Jersey hait-aa, era, juat renewed. phone 219J1. F. W. Bat- J. erl'f ietlae. i, R. R. 6, Bowmanville.- Mm. and Mra. J. B. E. Staples, Mrs. C. - _ F- H. Haddy and son Jack, apant Sunday HORSES FOR SALE-Two Clydes, ris- rae wit rlatve hee.Ing three and six years. T. J. Cola, R. p. aI wit rlatve hee.3, Bowmanville, phona 203-4. 6-3w' lec Mr. lRoy McMNann who bas heen spend-I FO. -- cegad gi" o ing two waeks hoidays with his mother,j Manning Piano. llghtly used, $250 cash. - bas returned f- Toronto. Neil Yellowîees. Centre St., phono 26%2 F Bowmanville tii fr. Cecil I3elman la ln Guelph attend-' _ ___ . Ive ing the short course at the O. A. C., i COWS FOR SALE-.Ona Holstein andite .and la guest of bis unek-. Air. Merkley, One Jersey', juat freshaned. One Ho-v Itlma.stein-Jersey tofreshen lalstofMrh Air. and Mrs. P. D. îiarnstock sudi ~6-t Iaughtar HelIen. Shaunavon. Sask., are! COWS FOR SALE-Two reglstered vlsitlng ber aunt. Mrs. J..D. Caracaddenl Holstein cows' T. B. tested, 4 and 5 Baech Ave. years old. Due to renew Jan. 30 and jFeb. 20. Apply to A. H. Ciemena, R. R. AIr. E. P. Weatherilt. Cîarkaon, came, 6, Bowmanv'ille. 237-3. 4-tf. town for the complimanta.ry banquet givi ----_ en In bonor et hie former naighbor j FOR SALE-Ganuina Roller Canariea. Prize winners. 3 flrsts ai flowmanviîle Warden M. J. Eiîiott. Fair; yellow singera $500. liens ready tqr mating $1, aIse cages.( Selling out). Apply Mr. B. Bennett, Elgin St., Bow- manville. 6-3w' MARRAGESARTICLES FOR SALE-i gasoline TERRY-BRANCI--At Trinity tlnitedl streat puinp, 5 gal visible measure; 1 ln- Parsonage. on Saturday, February 5 aide 1 gal. Boweer pumP, would makes a 1927, by Rev. J. U. Robins, William Wes_- good pump for handling coaI ail or Lubri. ley T7erry, and Irene Branch, aIl of Bnw- cating tail;A.i rubber tired open buggy. manville. Apply te A. . Piekard, or phone 186, RYLOTT-VANSLYKE-At Trinity Un-;,omnvîe 48-t! ited Parsonage, on Monday, Fabmuary 7, 1927, by Rev. J. U. Robins, William' FOR BALE-DOmnion Piano. of al James Ryîott and Beatrice Evelina Van- Monde .old on paymnents spread avor Ivo slyke. both et Bowmanville. year. Steinway. Heintzman and Geor-- "ard Heintaman usod piano. taken as -,part paymnent on Dominion piano. vu b. elear.d at batain Prices adon easy DEATHS ternI l J Mitell. , Distributur. Bow- manvilie -t BEGGS-At Pontypool on Friday, Feb. 4. 1927, George Albert Begge, aged 57 UeT i lbigLs years. U eT i lbigLs BRANTON-At 159 Simcoe St. S, Osh- awa, on Tbursday, February 3, 1927, Jas. lhCmda-ttsa llb Branton, aged 92 Years.Th udn-t« m flb MOORE-At Port Hope, on January 27, clubbed with any of the follo'wlng 1927, Sarah Farcie. beîoved wite of John J. Moore, aged 83 yaars. publications for 1927 at the follow- STUTT-In Wroxeter. Ont., en Jan.' Ing prices: 30. 1927, James H. Stutt, agad 68 years, Father et J. Ra ttBowrs.nvilla. 'Globe...........65 PILLIPS-In sBowmanville. on Se al&E pr......65 day, February 6, Annie Wood, beloved Toronto Daily Star. ....60 wite et Mr Stanley H. Phillipa, agad 44 Fermer'. Advocate .......... $3.00 years. ROBERTSON-At Port Hope, January New Otitlook.............. $4.00 31, 1927, EinlIy Louise, youngest daugb- Christian Herald ........... $4.50 ter et the late James sud Fanny Matilda , Robertson. Ladies, Home Journal ....... $8,00 FOSTER-At Buffalo, N.Y., Fabmuary SatardayEeigP#... 40 6, 1927, Elizabeth Iikland, beloved wife ayE nngP t . 40 et William John Foater. internent at Famlly Herald &1 Weekly Star.$8.00 Port Hope.1 PROWER-Suddenly. in Bowmanvillîe, WeeklY Witneu ............ $4.00 Thumaday. Febmuary 3, 1927, Elizabeth Canadian Hfome Journal .... $&8)00 Roblin. widow et the late W. P. Prower,i an ln ber 77th year. Fr & Dalry............. $2.50 HEARL-In Bowmanville, at the resu ,Fermer.' Sun .............. $8.50 dence of hie eon-in-law, Mr. F'red Tc-MLen Maan.....40 in, on Monday, February 7, 1927, ai-.... 40 ual E. Heaml, aged 84 yeama. Sam-_______________ L__ TRELEAVEN-At the rasidenca of hie daughter, Mrs. George A. Cooper, Mea- tord, Joseph Treleaveqi, Palmerston, a __________________ fermer residant etf Darîington.g MANTON-On Frlday, January 28th., 1927, at her late reaidance. 264 Rushoinie wife of Jamnes W. Manton, Sr., ln bar 58th yaar. KIDO-At 228 Sherbrooke Street, Pit- arbore, on Tbumsday, February 3, 1927, Archibald R. Kidd, aged 91 yeara. Grandfather o! Mr. B. E. Inghamn, form- erlh et Bowmanvila High Sohool Staff. PEARMAN-At . Hamilton, Bermuda, on Sunday. February 6, 1927, Mra. Harry Pearman, (Jessie M arien Keachie), in her 42nd year. Eldeat daughter et Mr. andi Mra. J tD. Keacîuie. Toronto, torm- erly of Bowninvllle. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory o! Minnie Jane MaIson, beloved wife et Arthtur Il. Sm- meons. wiîo died at Indian Head, Sask., on F,.bruary 11, 1926. D)eep in our hearts there's a picture, Of a lovei one geone te mest, In memorys traîne we shaîl ke'", it Because aie n'as une of the best. Our lips cannut speak how we loved her, Our harts cannet tell what te 53iy, God only knows how' n' miss ler,' As n-e Jeurney along lites wn'y. Insertedl by Ilusband and Daughes RMILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOINO EAST 12.39 a. mt-flly Flag for Passengers ta Tren ton and Elast 8.42 a. m.-Daiîy ezcept Sunday stop 9.11 a. m.-Sunday Only stop 10.14 a. i.-flaily stop 1.47 p. m.-Daily Except Sunday stop 2.46 p. i.-flly Except Sunday PI1ag 7.14 p. m.-Daily Except Sunday stop 9.58 p. m.-flly So 11.21 p. m.-flaily Except Saturday Flag GOINO WEST 4.22 a. mi.-flly Flag .31 a. m.-Dliy vilIl]et off passongers troin East o! Trenton 8.39 a. m.-Dally except Sunday stop 2.02 p. m.-flaily Excapt Sunday Stop 7.11 p. m.-DaIIy Except Sunday Flag 7.06 p. m.-Sunday Only Stop 8.40 p. mi.-flaily Except Sunday stop CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION GOING WEST 8.10 a. m.-Monday, Wedneeday Friday 8.45 a.m.-Tueaday, Thuraday, Saturday GOING EAST 4.15 p. i.-Tuesday, Thuraday, Saturday 7.32 p. m.-Monday, Wednesday, Friday CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY GOING WEST 6.28 a. m.-flly except Sunday. 6.09 a. m.-Flag Stop, Sunday onîy 7.20 a. m.-Sunday only. 8.20 a. m.-flly excapt Sunday. 4.31 p. m.-Dlly. 7.20 p. m.-Sunday only. GOINO EAST 10.22 a. m.-fliy. 2.22 p. m.-Dlly except Sunday 8.25 p. m.-flly except Sunday. 11.27 p. m.-flly axcapt Saturday nlght. 12.26 a. m.-Dlly for passengema froin London and West, aIse fiag stop Sunday only BOWMANVILLE MAILS CLOSE (Standard Time) 8 a. m-Ail points east, lnclud- lng Newcastle, Orono, Clarke., 9 a. m-Hampton, Enniakllens .Tyrone, Courtice 8 a. m.-Toronto, Oshawa, ill points we.t of Toronto; Port Hope, Peterboro, Lndsay 6:30 p.m .-All points weat I19 p. m. -East and West, exempt Newcastle, Orono, Clarke Property For Sale 1 FOR SALE--One nine--roonied solid i lck bungalow heuse for sale, on easy1 ema. Re-modeled, miodern convenien - sn, % acre garden. Apply te J. R. >il P, Scugog St., Bowmanville. 6-2w' FOR SALE-Frame seml-bungalow, ô orna. aIment new, good celiar, garage, lectrlc lights, water, good deep lot, large id sinaîl fruits. Price $2000. Sea J. Mason & Son, Bowmanvilie. 4-tf. FOR SALE--Ona of the mniot desirable esidencea ln Bowmanvllle, brick witb I1 conveniences, very modemn, central cation, can be bought at haIt pr-oent est te build. Sea J. J. Mason & Son,1 lwmanville. 4-tf.E FOR SALE-Besides the aboya proper- ies we have several other very attract-1 ae propertias. Caîl and ses us If ln-à rested. J. J. Masoli & Son. Bowman-1 Ile. 4-tf. 1 FOR SALE-A good coinfortable frame house and barn and three acres et splen- d]id land, situated ln Newcaatle. Will ba sold cheap for quick sale. Terma cash. Apply te J. E. Hayes, Newcastle, Ont. 6-t Help Wanted HELP WANTEO-A girl for general bousawork. No wasblng. Âpply to Mrs. E. Rebder, Beach Ave., Bowmnan- vile. 6-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acres, .outh hait lot 21 ,con. 6, Darlington. Plowtng To Let possession at once. Prull po.sessin April 1, 1927. Cty property vil be considered ln exehange. For ternms ap- TO RENT-Apartinents ln Cowan ply to Mrs. C. J. Keralake, R. R. _1, Block, 3 and 4 rooms, everir convenience, Hampton. 37-t! Includlng beating. Apply J. J. Mason & Son. Bowinanville. 4-t!. PROPERTV FOR SALE 9V TENDER SoIId brick bouse, contaînîng 8 rmoins; $40 WEEKLY FOR YOIJ trame addition; one acre ]and on whlch are a nutuber of fruit trees Tenders wlll Ambitions, Inexperlenced men vaated. bie recevad up te Thursday, Marcb luet, Write at once for free catalogue sIpluia- Highest or any tender not necessarily ing how you can eamn wbtle learnilng acceptad. Tarins to suit purchaser. Garage Work. Battery, Welding, Barber Apply on the prainisea te W. B. Ing and Halrdresslng. Heinphlll'a Practi- Pinch, Corner Liberty sud Concession Bts, cal Schools, 163 King West, Toronto, Ont. Bownanvllle, or box 97. 6-t! 83- Watch Our Window This Week For Bargains IN Ladies' Coats and Dresses C. S. Mason is Doing His Houscleaning This Week. He wants the ladies to help hlm dlean out the balance of his stock of Winter Coats, also a special lot of Ladies' Dresses which are at- tractively priced. If you are looking for real Bargains-at almost unbelievable prices-watch our window or better stili coipe in and try on the garments. c,*l Womer i e f-ittie 54 opp e Withli ,eLarje&ock 1Specialist in *omen.ppafret Excluswve but not Exp ensive is Coats-Suits-Dresses-Hosiery-GIoves-Underwea-Ec Dollar Day Bargains - At Alex. EIliot's Selling Out Sale ,Just to let the people know how much a real Canadian Dol- lar will buy during rny Sale I arn concentrating on special Dollar Day Bargains for Two Days Only'-- Friday and Saturday Corne to rny store on these days expecting to get alrnost give-away bargains and you will flot be disappointed. Were I in- teîîding to stay in business such values would be impossible-eut the goods must be so]d and this is my way of clearing Ü7e cases and shelves quickly. Prices Lower Than Ever For Dollar Days Cuf Links, Sta-hokt, Regular 50e pair, 4 pair for ..........$1.00 . Cuf Links, Gold Filled, for soft cuifs, $2,00 for .............$1.00 Waldemar Knives $2.00 for...................................... $1.00 / 10k Gold Birthday Ring, $2.00 and $3,00 for ...............$1,00 Scarf Pins, Gold Filled, $2,00 to $5.00 for ..................$1.00 Lockets, Gold Filled, $2.00 to $5,00 for ....................$1,00 Fobs, Gold Filled, $2.00 to $5,00 for .......................$1,00 Pear~l Beads, $3.00 for ............................................. $1.00 Silvcr Thimbles, 75e each ................................... 2 for $1.00 Compacts, $1.00 each,...................................... 2 for $1.00 Vanity Cases, $2.00, for........................................... $1,00 Brooches and Bar Pins, Gold Filled $2.00 to $5.00 for ....$1.00 Bal'y Rings, $2,00 for ............................................. $1.00 China Vases, $2.00 each, for..................................... $1.00 Bead Bracelets, $1.00 each, 2 for ...............................$1,00 Sterling Silver Sait and PepperShakers $2.00 for ..........$1.00 Gents' Waldernar Pueket Combs, $2.50 for ..................$1.00 Pei-fume and Compact Combination, $2.25 for .............$1.00 Cup of Knowledge Cups and Saucers, Regular $1,50 for ....$1.00 Birthclay Rings, 10k gold, Regular $1,50 each, 2 for ........$1.00 Some of the above goods are lirnited in quantity, so corne early. ALEX. ELLIOT, Jeweler Phone 207 Bowinanville ta£ CAli ILDIAN STATESUP.,N. BUWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 PAGE IPIVIC