PAUE EIGHT TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 OBITUARY Mrs. W. P. Prower, Bowmanvulk Tue sfarfling texvs of tue sudîlen pas ing of Mrs. W. P. Prower at noont Tlturstlay, Felîruary 3rd, came as a shoý to lier many frierîts anti citizens gen' ally Slite halheen arounci fle fout as uiial.t attendlng 1,0 somo light dtîti, atdtin iiissing front tIi.'sittk t1 t pattîy te attention of ber daughte Mrs, %W. i.llîrr. wms stîtll,'t calf-i1 t ite fiet that sometiuing xx wtoitg. Site w,-nt 10 her assistance ai suîttnoned itelît but befot'e meulîcal w sisîtiuecotîlîl teaclî lier she b.ttl ase( ,Its. Proweî 's niitiutt n.iame was 1-,iz. bles. Jatmes Rolîlin. Site w.s one of large fantiy anl wms bot'n tît Tyronec Fettru.iry 1t1Sf.1,50. IiNosember, 187 sIte wms tifiteil i ntirtag- witi W'illtmt ville wiicre lie, cmrried on al furni bure ai undluttakititli usttess for tîmtt>'y ymu Thirty-two yeitrs ago whiltii' iey ver ott a visit t 1 Engîmun(i Mr. Peowr to< 111 aind died in Novu-tîter, 1891. The r' nmains were brought bomne for hurla funerai takitig place in December ar wmuo one: of the largest ever witnessed i titis town. While cleeve of Bowmnanvill Mr. Peower was elt'cted Warden of tf United Counities of Northîumberlantd as, Dutrham. Tho fun'rai of the laIe Mrs. Prowe took place from ber late residence, cor ner Weilingtxan and Division tiSs.o1 Sunday afternoon, service being contc eti by 1ev. R. McDerment, minister o St. Andrex's i'hurch. lfrs. Proxter n'as al life-long meinhe of te Disciples' Ciurch and an activý workcr as long as Ihat cbuîrch continue- In this town. She was always cheerf t and friendiy with ail, a good neiglitoi ant ilcper wherever and wiienever op portutiity offered. Site ieaves 10 rnourn tte loss of a goo' mother, one daughter. Mrs. W. B. -Mc. Mlurtry. with whom she resided, anti oni son, Mfr. William Prower of the Bank ol Mtntre'tl. Port Arthtur, mlso four grand- cblidren, Mrs. G. Il. Andterson, Mr Prower McMurtry, Miss Luec' McMurf.ry itetroit. Mlich., and Milas Isobel McMtu'ir try. lowmanville, aiso two sisters. 1fr, W. H. Williams, Ciîurcb St. of titis town, and S. M. Moffatt. Paris, ail of witom w're çresent aitheb funenual. The al-harers were lMessrs. Anthony and J. B Mitchell. John Perey, C. A. Johnston, Archie Tait and J.A. McClelan. The floral offerings wcre many and very Ibetutiful. expressive of te sym- fiathy antI love of a large circle of friendt and relativ~es. Amiong titose fresent aI lite funeral fromn a distance not previously mention- ed were: Mrs. Fred Roblin, Miss Irene atid Mr. Fred Roblin, elamilf.ton; Mr. antd Mrs. John McGiII, Miss C. Windaf t. Mri. B. E. Ewing and Mfiss Ewing, Mrs. Niai'- garot Anderson Grahamn, Miss Hlarrieti Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Truil, Mrs. Chester New, Toronîto; Mr. anid Mrs. Chas. Tod, Whibby: Mrs. John Coolidge, Brooklin: 1Mr. T. H. McMurtry, Oshawa. Mm'.. J. M. Lasby, LoweII, Mich. The Lowel Le-dcger, Micis., Stn- tains tlhe following obituary of a former' resident of tilss town whons iaîny of our oMier ireadeils w111 re- MT. Lasby was employed in thse Upper Canada Furniture factory: Again ithe deatis angel ba. paid a biief visit to our connunity antd has borne away one of our best beloved old residents. 1arîK Elizabeth la"y, wrif e of oe .Laiby pasged away at ber busimess-borne, Sundeiy at 12:.30, ag- ed 70 years, after an. iinesae of about four days, at no time deemed seriousý by her fiamily. Although *,e dad been ailing f tir some tine, tshe hs.d kept about the 9tore, waitimg qpon patr'ons as ehe feit able untb the last four days of ber if e, when e2se took to ber bed, -expedfing each day to resuini ber activities in a moderate way and ee Stinued hopeful and thetfui to the last hour of ber life. Fortun,- ateily her daug>htEiîs, Mesdanies Maimh and Shuter and her husand werte witai Iir dtirmg b;er last moments sud m'tnistered to her with tender haasdis Allen had udt -even been infooened of he moth.Wr'AInm antd ber sudden summs was doubly bard te hlm. Mary ElzaWeh Giddis was boni at Rt-ghton, Ontario, J'uiy 19, 1856. At the age of 18 yas ohewa.3 na iried tic JKhn M . Me by and fo, twenty years they resided at Bow- mnanville and Ridgetmown, Ont.airii. Four chil4ren wore bot-n to them, ElIa, who died in childho.od, Esusa E. Marsis, Allen G. Last;by, and Anna E. Shsuter, who with the aged ihusbaird uni fatbîeo, two sit4rers and one brother andl four Orand-chiildren are left to mourn the 1b-s of a faithf.u1 and loving wife, mother, sister andi dear one, while lamenfing friendsaraO' limited only by the wide circIe of berl aequaintaince. Mt.and Mrs. Lasby rnoved vtl thepir faimily to Lowe1llin 1 R9, id ity, Fellow of Trlnity Medical Col- lep, IAcentiale of the State Univer- sity of New York, Matriculait.of the. Post Graduate Medical Sehoal and lHoapital of New York and Fellcw of t*e Toronto Aeademy of Medi- cine.' Oflco--Mrs. McNaughton'a Ras- Ifeffl, »ewcaatle. Hours-S to 10 Ik 8 » àp. m. sud by saffint- nue. OBITUARYi eMi'.. John Thickson, Bowmanville The N ie vv ce 9- A oýl*resident of Bownianville )passed away on January 29, 1927, in THURSDAY,1 the person of Sarah Jane Johnson, -relict of the late John Thickson. She iwas in ber eightieth yoar, being bortsNWCSL on July 12, 1847, nean Harwood, ____ Rice Lake. Hon parents ivere Unit- liei . lmruriot Stltîy y ed Empire Loya'lîsts, and among'at the vîsîîîgitunhr fpar-ntsNiet-utti %Trs. Robe-rt fitst settlers in that district. Her t y.a> dearly yeans wcre spent in tbat vicin- vital statistîcs for village of New- -ity. Sixty years ago she married emsle for yutr 1126: irîfs lit; llarriages i4 tise late John Thicks<'n and resided , it eatits 9. noar Harwood for a number of 1.Its ar iron Ailin enttrained a nuni- -year,', aftenvards moving to Hope I lier of >outng îît.oiuie mt aitt njoy.îble tpmr- toslhip. About forty-five vearsl ty a t lier tioto" Fnriuim eveni nL Saro, they came to Bowmanvillc where lîs 3,o Il lTIllIli te rnîsfortuîîo ,n they weîre highly respected bv al 1 fmli on thte icy xvtlks on hue tva>lhonte large numiber of friends. frottli(,ettttrtmtinîttenb Sautru>' tvin- -n Dcceased was a Presbyterian ini ing miu fractureui lier vrisb. -religion and bad many good quali- Itoiit fmil 10 met tetuPconlilus tu d tics. She wa's the fourtis of a farn- (to in .',omutîuiit flatu.n, in(ýr mutsiicrý ily of nine, ail of whom predeceascd of Ladies' Aid of lt,,t'nitei ('iiuircit ber except ber youngcst brother, Mn.r ueum>. Feitrttmry 2Srt Thats tut, kBen. Joihncon, Peterboro ,who wsaslate 6-1 1present at tise funeral, and ber' 1V.E1'. t'ookemi l- v. E. R. Jmmnt. ,youngest sîster, Mrs. Samuel Wilson, haXve iteen mpîointedi îy the Botîrtu Of nHavelock, who wa's unable to be El,,uczition f0 attentu ite mnnutal 0. FE t, *present on account of ill-healtis. ConventIon in Toronfo iuring Bastutý * Hein husband died fourteen yeara w,-ek. f ago, but her family of thre daugh-s- mit.'ogs('turclI. zv. _. R. jnws ters and fou? sons are ail living: Iteetor, Sunday. FelruarY 13. 8 a. rn.- r Mrs. T. B. Veale and Mrs. W. P. lily a. ni -Morning Lougbmnan, Bownianville; Mrs. F. G. Pray-er. 2.30 1)t ti.-Sttnuiay School.-7î1. un. Greenlleld, Coîbotine; W. H. Thick- -Evensong. -son, Deputy-Re-eve of Bownsanvlle; We learnnIhat Mre. S. Alcorn, Lîidsay, Johnson Thickson, Boî,wýmsnvillo; J. vhîo n'as iii town a forînigbt ago. lias B. 'liickson, Toronto; and J. Norman hougbt te Wnt. .Immieson prolierty and Thickson of Thickson Motor Sales, thwveling on King Street, with the vien- O5bhawa. Ail were present at tise of retiring ht-ce wben lie supermnnuaîes. funeral. t'nhîeui Churcit, Rev. E' 13. îý'ook., Mayor T. S. Holgate and merahers Pmstor. Sunla>-, F,,brutary 13ft if11a. ni. of th.e Town Council and representa, - -lforîuing 2riui. 230 iît un.Sunialy tives frein tise factory council of ths ehof7 .h. un -Enittg service. Rev. Goodycair Tire & Rubber Go., a.nd %I 'oulti. IBA., ru'centix- r"tueiel numerous other friends from Bow- foî ietotîe rmaof (Cbina wifi manville attende.d the funeural, aqsuo 1s,,k tkmlof h chturcht services anci Irohi- tise following fromt out of town: bl mutrslieiîta> ctolnii Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Co-____ bouig; Mr. a.nd Mis. D. W. Johnson, Fraserville ;Mr and Mrs. Thos. B'uck, OBITUARY Norwood; Mr. and MT8. W. A. Bow-1 en, Napance; Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Miss W. B. Walkinigton, -Tornnto Veale, Harrow; Messrs .Fred G., Tilo deeplest symptiles of titoi' Reginald and Wallace Greenfield, nitîtnt>' are extenuietu 10 Miss Florence Coiborne; Mrs. J .N., thle misses Wilkington, fornier leacîter au. slixîs, Kathleen and Elimor Thickson, Mr. ini tbc lamentable, deatl of ier sist -r, antd Mme. C. N. Jackson a.nd Mr. and 'litsW. B. wmlktngton, Toronto. inthli Mrs. T. L. Burden, Oshawa.; m . J Getierai Hospital, lfoniay, February 7 B. Thickson, Miss Vers. Veale. Tor- . .t Ibe resuit of lteing knockedi uown hý it- m u n atfotîtohtilu on t - Tturti> ie onto; Mesars. McCutcheon and Hax-.r- ' lthe mi htnsuilyi.,-m_ ris, Trersenting Durant Motois, Ton- fracttîred anti site nevu'r regminetu con- onto. sciousnems. hLtting t'isitk'tIlie'n 551er, Thse floral tributes were veryt i, Flore'nce Walkington mt ft'itomte beautimful and included: Basket of or Mrr andi 1fr,. T . .t'rlem,-iç on cer- R,e-J. Y. Tbickson and fanuilY; tain occasions in the ptust. su,' iunîiereul pitlotw-The daugiters of tise Fans- Snîong ber utquaintances several htw ihy; Wreaths,-W. H. Thickson and anti Newcastle foik She liai for sorin, faumily; Johuso-s Thickson and fain- titte hien nursing in lte, 17. S. A., but4 ily; Goodyea.r Factory Counicil, Good- for the hast year hall been living wxiti year Engineering Dept., Goodyeair her mother and oth&r members of the 1 Depts. 271 and 273, Goodyear Depts family at il Crang Ave.. Torontto 270a, 270b, 274, Durant Motors, Toronto. Sprays-Mn. and Mr.. J. B. Thick- son, Mr and Mrs. T. L. Burden, Mr. and Mns. T. H. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tait, Mr. and Mrs. lobert Greenfield, Mr. and Mn-. E. G. Mit- T. eleChrotsuDr.aMrs. GergeJ a m ii c.oU a Chr.arnttd rs. Gdeor.gW Keog'h, Miss Vers. Veaule, Miss Made- âine Veale, Mr. George Veale, Bow- Co.,#Daghtrs H abkr Cdbw a Thse pal4>eaners we're Moan. J. L. Morden, Archie Tait, Samuel Oke and Ridhard Hs.mley. Thse services were conducteel by Rev. J. U. Robins orf Tinity Unitedl LChurch. Interment took place in Beowmanville Cemetery. î Mrii. H. W. Pearman, Bermudla Wte record the îîasshng of Mms. H. W. Pearmnan .whose maiden namre was Jes- aie Marion Keachie, and a native of Bow- ma&nville, where she was born on Mareh 25, 1885. the elditst child of Mr .and mi J. D. Keachie ,now of Toronto. Site marii Mr. Pearnian on Novemr- ber 22, 1923. and bas beefn resident in tbe Bermludas sfo,- then, taking an active hart in Chbrist 'hiurch Iher,' anti otiter work of a gooi and charitaztble kini. If usicaly gifteul ber fine voice was often hittrul in song. 11cr moften. lira. Keai tt'has bet'n It>' i,"r beuiside in ier iast In,',, unîfisitehI)assei on Suntiay, F'-hruat-u' tIf Th,, inlerm"ýnt too)k plmace in Ilmnilfon. lrnuulm NIfrq P'earniamn mc tihm I , vl>I,.,-hi uts- bamntd visilti br 1ft.mnnts for four imoulus aimu itlrtnrne-r mndi fumuiti uvisilt t mili r'i- flv,-s in I urtmit'ouînty, i noi and is-r-tti4 niog t'i.,' Y ai ulose f alto egreî -t - eath. GOOOBYE In cam.suimu i,'ru'tutig as wxxi tt';i-] patt. gî' ril-îucm hiîolhirs lîh ttl iith ".îîui fttai't; A.4 on oun n'ay w,- %ss".nd -tint iity suni le. Wlth haPPY grae. we say this word. Worthbwalli; W, qay il as wtt huit-y on iii y",urx. NV,- su- il rnîiilng mmalndýs atyt Ir, lttes; Il ntevîr conk, 10 u nyone muitiuîm Anti >'-t, Il s no otit'r wor'l thati thus: Wom humve- no demrer wonul for ouîr litrtsq friend. Fuir hini alto jourtucys btoitis wori's qel (-n l, A'nd i ittioun so)ufiin mIingtlut', " but ky.w Ao tiîtubteitm, i alt letiuu o",î ug,,- To flilm; wbo îiass-th iîy us sin the nighmî Crossing tht' ba.r far ontf iýond uiîtr eigbt; Goodhîy,'! Lot us In îîasluug on our tit'vioua wsy, Give the glad hani; tomornow make t»- day 'Twill help t10 mako life's itlle oan casier Jiust say this word; Its never ou t>of place; GbodbyA'! J. 0. K»Ohie Attracts Th, Neyer in the histor widespread interest been ing event as our mammo are flocking in from ail di of the unheard of bargai SMASH GO' I E 1 LETTER FROM INDIA a.S l& rIýI r1iCInaerIt The following interesting E frons Cora Hpburn Gio. wife of Rev. Haslrvey J. Gibsýon, was received RBRU RY 1th.,1927by Mrs. W. H. Anders-on, Secretary _________of Newciatle St. George's Wonien's Auxiliary and read by her at the NEWCASTLE YORK BIBLE CLASS, TORONTO,1 aur neig 'i'ietîtniti tîe'itg o ft i ttiorVISITS NEWCASTLEI Saugor, C'. P., India, 1'_ic;_____l__1Mt-tingoft1 1 ii o Novomber 25th., 1926. Ftiîttrs of Clark., Towtnship tafkes plac-î"lie Vork Yoting Ntens îBible Cîass ofl To the wotnen of the various de- titis 'i'iîrsday ev iî,lelrtiry loth ilii Hoe t'nited ('htîrch, Toronfo. untier te paitmonts, w~ho in the past have been tiie Town Haill, Orono. Arrtjtgetttettts t'o-ltîîerliii of Mr. l>,totO sse andi interested in us and who are labour- are tîeing made for te tittlgaimtion of Air. Davitd Meller paitl w hztî miglit bc img at 'home for Christian Missions: thlit Newcastle znîlOrtto Associatiotsa mît,-friteul a frit eral visit. to tflic '.cotîte Ever since our arrivaI in India I titis tmeefing. Ni,,%,cttstle and Orono yotittg MI,,ns ('ass of Newýitlsîi' iteti hav(. desiredju.ofind time t. give you ti-atits xiii delîmie flic Sutitect tu'olveti t'lureh it ntlt.r the lî'adersltip of Mirs. an o.tine o f our journey anti ou'r uai. te 49 four xvek sîtttilil bci titiolit- 1 Iex. E. K C(ooke, Safîiruiav aftrnoon. first imiprea'.ions of Itîdia and now ed on the farms". Ladieis of Orotto ire;Tis venftre niighftibc regardo itas sorte- the opportun e momient bas arriv- uitoviting lunch Mfr. Nortîtt Hogg. 1jfittg quite ouf of lte oroinars' in flic cri, I1.rit dunib. 1 arn no John Alden President, sandlMr. lmrry htmvey ec!xîî f Stîîind- Scbool Chitutuactivitues.1 -retuant, extenuf a cordiaml inttion 10 mthi bothi on tbe part of te honte cias, and dyouung fmrmers of ('lirke tutind urm thtfe visitons. to mt f-nul lisiiiti-etitig ad miii l (il) it I ST-eImi tien muni seulin Itro fangr uss titi~~ Assciltnhe bcnumber of flfty-nine, incluuiing a e Missioin Band of Unitedl Churchs Diçladhy friends, mni n-ee eateti to a i kindly accepteil the invitation of tise slithutr of ihot iemît Pies, coffee, cake. sparent aiuxiliary, tise W. M. S. to un- pitue itatnil whihitieuicrenîn in the stîtu. ite with themn in theuun negulan nmeet- ptur roomn of Conimtnity himli by .Ins. ing on 'Phiuui-day afternoon in tise tooke uanalber thitny Yotng Men. The Sunday Sebool Hall. Botis auxilneanw cîussa wtt, generotisly aîssiste(] in titis by tes ve're we,11 repreutented. TiSelIes. J. IFI. Jose vhio mail,ý the' coffee, Presidenît, Mrs. E. B. Cooke, ocumpied lins. hienj. Moise ant ilisst,,iîîiiancock thse chair for the opcning eXerCIiîeS. wtulaImid the Imbtýs tund by rîsîîc oie- Mrs. Bell ably coiducftted ise bible les- conmttion matie bem f0 apliemit a vision son. Aften tise necessa.ry hIt-sMneffs of loveiiness in srm mlîcb hîmît they in- n-as tbtiaissac'ted. tise President g'ra- ci cul the immedimute anti ouI spoken aul- c.iously wek-iom.ed tise Superintend- niration of 1fr. Massey and ail bis boys; cnt of Miss-ion Baud, Mrs. W. H. aiso by Miss iedges and NMisa Bileen Cooke, and As-siSant Supenintemtdent Cooke who belpei with the senving of Mrs. Geo. Homey, aind tise mnihýers the deep meat jileg. Before rising frorn Îaviting the two ladries to the plat- the tables a vote of f hanks xvwmrox'edi fors, asking Mrs. W. H. Cooke to be-anscdead uprd corne "Chaerge D'Affaira-". A splen- atseoeian suoed ' Othter did progiram wn-.' resented by lthe s pemkers and ca.nieuI tîproarnusy 10. M ns. foillowing gils ecri giving a ert-e- Cooke un i cIa, for one of the best rn,.ahs nminute talk on the study book, In- thîey bail even partaken of. anq masBon- dia, wbhich they have bee-n using this ny IfIorgatnso>n, Prusithent of the Toronto year; Eleen Cooke, Marion Rickard, Cburchs Basket B1ail Leagute saii, t hel Hildia Rovlavti, Rav De;àne, Minnie first lie couul rernember whezîe ho Pear-e, Phyllis Clemence andI Main- hai beeîn unable to est ail ltaI was seti jotrie Convan. Ths girls al did n ie efore himl. mrk.ably wcll eaci show,,iug tvhbt Beginning at 8.15 lte visitons sîngefi in dbIey 1-ad gi-ten mucis tue and earn-1 the ntitonlun of the bail their nesv 19271 est thougfht in preparation. An iss- Ifuisiemil Revte before antmauience of terostingi exorcise n'as given byl nearfy 400 people who agitin andh îgai)n Evedyn Rickand and a group of registts'i'ultiein apureciation of lte !nialler girlsWmith Dorothy Rickaind ati thtr,'t and a haîf-boun.Ihîre prn enter- tise piano. Other miusical numbot-s tatinnîtý-ni. tîy laugitter ana hîtnth uap- were rendered by Elleen Cooke and, l ping. Miaule Pearce in s. vocal duet, siing- J n. huenc-' Aluin who is wefh ucq- ing with mucis pathos a song Jof .:- munfu i tih one of te Toronto Young dia" to that favorite mielody "Juats- nittn, andl xvo availed bimself of the' ita", and by Phyllis Clemueice and Piviiege of abîeniing Mn. Massey's cies, Maion Rickard in a piaino dinet "Tise one Sonda>' affernoon xvben there wereý Charge of tise Uhans". After tise ovex 200 present on a n-et Stinday, ap- prograni Mrs. (Dr.) Butler VO.lCeid hiareti before the curtains befone tbeyl tise sentiment of tise W. M. S. in a were drawn amid forntally introducei the hearty vote of.1tl'isnks tetise Mission visitons t0 the Newcastle atiience. Baud for ;the delightfu] program thus Mr. Denfon Massey, leauden Of the cas,, afforded. Mtrs Cooke and Mrs. Hon- familiarly known as Dent by the hoy's, is ey are to h congratu lated 0on the ia Itandgome Young rnmn of about 27 splenid work they are doing itise Yeans of age, over six foot hn height, traininsg of tiseuse youug 'ives to tako broai shouhdened, sbnlking in appearnnce, suu h an acdtive intere;t in tise cafuse andwtawnln prsniy. ts ofea Su rol ts and hey iall wbole appearance and bis -every action brou iel upo tisen-as adthysisljstarnp hlm s. man mong men. fiore Netatemny ays snpae7hefore the curtain iurtng an- intermrission lior Ne-cathe ewsappars on îag 'l e treateul the NewcastiE, folk 10 just whîat Ibey most desirei. a bit of Inter- esting famlly history. He ls the son ____________________________ of the hale Walter Massey of Denlonia Park Fatrn, who was bot-n la Newcastle, a younger brother of the fate C. D). llassey. "Dent" spoke n'iib deep affm.c- l ion of his uncle Chester who had been e so n sin cvery way as a second faîben 10 him,< e ~ u ii ShI, owsn failher having diei when ho wasj oniy sîxtûen montbs of ago. "Dent'," ali- pearanee befOre Ihis Newcastle audience -nd his references to bis grandfabher.1 ire S a leHart A. Massey, hi, oncle C. D. Masseyl the audience to a degree unecîuallei udur- Ing aaîy othen part Of fthe evening. rifty Buyers M.Dvi iler r affleys co- tereBtlng enttertalnment wherein the boys - - ray displeuy thelr several staLge abliihe. At the close of the pmugraun the ment- bers of Welcomne Cas, gathered binai 'Y of Newcastle has sueh group in front Of the stage- and gave thse visiton, a good send OIT with 1he foi- e reated in a merchandis- howing yelh. tite cas, reaponding ta bthe Preaideitt, Mr. 82t-icPearce, thug What. th hardware sale. People thse malter wlth the Yor-k Bible Clam-- irections to get their share It'a AU RigItI. 'Who gays go? W. Bey .fls. oatle, Hlp Hip Hurca&y. THE PRICES YOUNG PEOPLE'S LA 9 qil rnim 1 A 1 ivsn nonli>Iers, Kegutar 4pz.u U L................ i4 Bell Face Hammers, Regular $2.25 for ........98e Muresco Wall Covering 75e package for ....48e Varnish Stain, Pint 80e for .................45e Coal Scutties, Regular $1.25 foi'.............79e Nails, all sizes only ..............................5c lb. Team Harness, Regulai' $60.00 for ........$51.48 Viking Cream Sepai-ator', $100.00 for ....$78.50 Clothes Lines at oniy ...............................19e Dust Pans, clearing at ..............................16e Apple Pickeî's baskets $2.00 foi .............$1.19 Long Handie Shoveis 75e foi-................48e Aluminum Ketties, 12 qt. $1.75 for ........$1.29 Clothes Hampeî's, Regulai' $2.25 for ........$1.29 Quebec Cook Stove $60.00 foi'............$44..95 Perfection Oil Stoves, 3-burneî', $30 for .. . .$23.95 Galvanized Pails clearing out at ...............29c Axes, values UI) to $2.25 foi'...............$1.48 Blachfoî'd's Caif Meal, 25 lb. bag, Regulai' $1.50 for $1.19 Zenoleum Disinfectant, $2.75 gal for ........$1.98 Paints at 1./j off Regular Price. This list only gives a slight idea of the bar- gains that it will pay you to share in. FREE GASOLINE Customers making purehases of $15.0C over wilI receive 5 galionîs gas free. .Remeniber The Place Wm. Jamieson HARDWARE or NEWCASTLE [.eague meeting on Monda>' evening was under direction of Mr. Clarence AI- lin following usual opening exercises led by the Preaident, Mr. 0. A. Parker. Mr. <'iarlit- Glenney rend the Scripture les- son. An Interesting feature was a de- bale 'Resolvefi that the world has heen growing better in*the last 100 Years", wtth Mr. Archie (iienney aînd 'lise i"-l flan ('olwtll taking the afIrmafive and NIr Ke'n. t'earct' and Miss Lillian t'lem- *'nce. the neg;ttive. The Ju'iges., Ir. .1. W'. L'a.miss Iýlattj-i Ma.son andi Mrs. Normian Rickartl. gave t1heir ver- dillt for lte affirmative. Miss m aso«44n fa-r.,it f avora I seletfion atim rs. t'A. ('owan and àMigss eatrict' iraggi with a pilano .iue. CELEBRATES 90TH BIRTHDAY Tii, Toronto Star of Saittrdtty, Feh- ritary .5f h, îîu lishesa an in lerestin g in - t'rvie'w, of over a column in lengtliîif hati with MNr. Andrew. James Glenney itn tntieîptîtion of ie iinetieth birtfhlay wht'lî h.' celr'hratî'd on Monday, Fetîru- ar-y 11h ai tht' home or his daughter, NIre. Wm. 13annerm-tn. 56 Rose Ave., Toronto, with whont he htîs bt'en resid- ing for the' east thret' yeitrm. Mr. (SIen- n'y is flicfather of ',%r.Wesley tllenney, l'ont 3'îool. wiîo expeItes îo ieco me;ki ti-i zen of our village In the near future a.nul of Mr. IlowtLrt Glenney, Sulîcrinfen. tient of tho Utnifed ('hurch Sîtnday School of titis village anti who tn this r,-t'ftles cosely following tn its g,' father's footsteîîs. the latter besides h- i ng a la y tnt' iter of the !Me thodisb Ciîtrch, having iteen durlng his resitiency at Janetx le anti i'onfyliool. flic Supier- Ifltentitnt of tiie'Stîntay School In eaçh pliace' Boys' Sweaters, worth $1.45 for 98e at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man's FIG-LAX SUR£ RELIEF FOR Comtipation- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___1__ ___la___5-4 Iansd if 1 were, chere is si2ch a multip- Llicity of tchings a-bout which 1 might %vrite, that 1 arn b-ewildered. How- ever, 1 know you to be long suifer- ing and so 1 scf'ew niy courage and hope that ilike Shakespeare's it uill flot fail me. Our Atlantic itrp lasted from September 3 to 11. Tihe Montclairel Bwa- a palaitial ship and the service we receivod svas quite ini propoition. The passengers were wealthy Eng- lish, returning homo. Prom ithem we forrned quite an erroneous opinion of thse poople in genenal-women and men alike, spent most of their time în smoking and dirinking. None-the- less we found a nuniber wbo were quite congenial and our voyage m'as most plcai'ant. For a couple of days, w-hen at least fifty per ýcent had 1succumbed to seas. ikness, I f oared the worst but we played deek ganses continuously and strenuously and ýso the crisis passed. On our arrivai in Liveypool, one of our Society met us and bonides giving us a lhtcarty welcome, infoîrm- ed nsy h'usband thut 11e was due to take charge of the .se<tvices in Nor- wich the following day-Sunday. Ac- cordingly we crossed Eng<land, travel- ling until niidntight. We were en- tertained in a real o]d English home and although veiry weary our week- end was delightfuul. 'Ne visit;ed the cathedral wohich was firat built in the time, of William the Conqueror by a Narman as an act of penance. 'The GLADNESS Glad that I live amn 1; That the sky is bue: Gad for thse :country lanes, And tise faîl of dew. Aften tise sun, the nain, After thc ram tise sun, This is tise n-ay of life Till the work is donc. AIl that %ve need to do, Be we Ion'onc higis la to sce that n'e grow Nearenr the sky. stones weî'e brought Thiom Normandy. We remained in England until 0c4- bc-r l4th. Our headquarters were in London. We had meetings in Bristol ,Weymouth, Wortihing, Doveir and London, s0 we saw considerable of the country. It is indeed differ- ent f rom Canada. London is nod; so appailling as 1 had anticipated, and we soon became accustomed t.o tube t-ailways, omnibuseý', shilling, ser- vants, etc. 'Ne viewed 80 niany ab- Ibeys and museunrs that 1 thoughit ihe worIld &Mwas made of stone and beg- 'ged Mr. Gîbson to corne to the shops and art gaIlerie. and parks, by way of a change. The second span of our joutrney was on board the 'City of Paris" and lasted from n Oatober l4th until No- veniber 6th, when we alsrived iii Bom- bay. This time there were five in our party, three gIrls coming with us to Bombay. The passenger Eist was very ful-for the mott paloit, muli- tary nmen and tfheir wives and child- ren. Once in the Bay of ýBistcay and again in the Mediter<Ilaneain, the sea was rnuch distressed and accordingry the dining-ro-om depleted. We sýÂ retained our equilibriu I but I -wG glad when it was again cains At five sent pantic to our hearts. Drec- ing gow.ns ,coats and life'belt.s were soon on and peoplel' wiîh white faces wehe making for the 11f eboats, when the word came tihait "ARW was well"'. Th4 wires had become crossed in the Wtrn. 'e recedived slighter and more pleasant thrills frorn flying fisih volcanie islande and gk>rious sunsets. The weaither, especially in. the Red Ses., was too warm for mucih exer- cise, so we did consàderablet'eading. (To be continued.) A Rousing Finish to Our BigSale Just a few more days in which to acf, and they are going to be the mont hectie days of the entire sale. It's up to you to act quickly if you Want to ehare in thieae genuine savings. Only 15 Mens High Grade Overcoats left, will be sold at your own price. Mens Fine Rubbers $1.50 ........................................ .98 Ladies' Fin(> Rubberi $1.00 ................................... .59 Mens Big B Overails. you knuiw therm $200 ....................... 1.39 Mens Overalis, Black, Blue or Striped $1.50 .................... .98 Mens Work Sweaters $200 ................... ................... 1.19 Balance of Winter Caps, witlt or without ear bands............. .75 Big B. Work Shirts $1.00 ........................................ .69 Boys' Fleet'e Lined Shirts or Drawers 75e garment .............. .45 Boys' Fleece Lined Combjnations $200........................... .98 Mensa Fleece Lined Underwear $1.00 ............................. .69 Ttîrkish Towelljng, Rtegular 30e yard ............................. .19 Pure Linen Towellimg. ReguLar 25e yard ......................... .16 Ginghamo, good pattern. fast colorsl Regular 25e ya.rd ............ .15 Mensa W ork Pants $2.00 ............. .......... 1.49 Boys' Corduroy Bloomers $22 ................... 1.59 A.';DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you wlll get good valut 1 I BkrH. S. BRITTON, Bkr&Grocer Newcastle Ail Winter Goods Must Go Regardless of Price $35.00 Men's Overcoats ....................$20.00 $30.00 IMen's Overcoats ....................$16.50 $25.00 Men's Overcoats ....................$14.50 $2.00 Men's Ail Wool Underwear ..........$ 1.25 $1.00 Fleece Lined Underwear ...............75e 2 only, Sheep Lined Coats left for ..........$ 9.00 $2.25 Black Overalls for ..................$ 1.85 75e and 85e Boys' Black Worsted Stockings 59e $1.50 Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats ....95c 75e Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers . .. .50e $2.00 Boys' Fleece Lined Combinations ....$1.50 45c Ail Wool Work Sox, 3 pairs for ........$1.00 50e Black Cashmere Sox ..........................39e Ail other winter goods reduced in price. PHtES, G, CHARTRAN M DF. OWMAl4VILLE i THL CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 PAGE EIGHT