With Which Is Incorporated Tue Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 7 - See Deacon Dubbs, a rural coinedy- RESEARCH IN LIFE 0F CANADA~ draina in tbree acts, with orcbestra and mixed quartette in Newcast1l Prof. DeWitt Gives Interesting Community' Hall on Wednesday ev- Acidresa Before Men's Ca...dia. ening, February' 23rd., under auI Club pices of United Churcb Ladies' Aid.1 Canada's recognîzed position as ar Admission 25e and 50c. 7-1 'autonomous nation witbin tbe Brit. ish Commonwealth of Nations, wbicl position was fully recognized by thE Imperial Conference of the Common. wealth's Premiers, and wbicb bas 1~4 sic S d l b since been clearly, defined by the M usic tudy C ubleading statesmen of Canada and sister nations, seems as migbt have ~ been expected, to bave spurred up CO N CERT nterest in the many Canadian Clubs tbroughout tbe country wbich afforc , sucb a splendid medium for the ex- 'pression of intelligent Canadian citi- fzenship and tbe acquirement of true 'Canadian ideals. Oshawa Port Hope and Thi recognized and newly defined Bowm nvile Taent given sucb an impetus to the Can- Bowmnvile Taent adian Club of this Commyunity tbal it starts off tbe present year with tbe OPERA HOUSE larg;st rnerb:rsbip in its history,ex acty 9, a sttedby the secretary, Mr. W. J. Morrison, to tbe accomp. BOWMAN VILLE anilbient of cheers by tbe 80 odd members present. Tuesd y, Fe . 22 This first meetin and banquet was Tuesd y, Fe . 22 eld at the usual place, tbe Balmoral Hotel, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 8th. at.j,M' 15 p. ni. Mine Host and Hostess, Mr. and Mrs. ADMISION35c A. J. Wadhams, provided one of ADMISION 35ethose roast goose dinners-Canada Goose-whicb aIl past members an- No Reserved Seats ticipate with such pleasure, and everyone Who bas once partaken re- niembers with sucb coniplete satis. _________________________a faction. Tbe service was faultless and tbe meal left notbing to be de- sired. And it was typically Can- adian: soup of Canadian meat and green peas froin Canadian summer fields, exquisitely cooked apples froni local Canadian orcbards, covered with pastry and crowned with ice creani manufactured from Canadian products by Canadian industry; witb just a few importations to sbow that '.IO O D S Canadians appreciate the good tbings ARE ARRIVING it may seem a little early to be talking about New Spring Goods;' but we can't resist passing on the welcome news. Big packing boxes, cases and cartons are pouring into our store almost daily. Everyone of them is laden with articles of Dress Goods, Novolties or Wearing Apparel which is going to assist in making the ladies happy and admijeed when they step out into the East- er Fashion Parade. With competition becoming keener each year and other con- ditionis of retailing changing we are determined to keep apace with the times by continuing to make this store the popular shop- ping place it bas been for nearly 50 years-where you may buy withi confidence and satisfaction. Ail we ask is an opportunity to show you our goods. Ladies' Winter Coats Clearing at Haif Price A FEW COATS AT $500 EACH DOLLAR BARGAINS IN CORSETS A special lot of corsets, regular $3.50 to $5.00 are marked down at $1.00. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats Almost all sizes available, well made, this year's styles, some priced as low as........................................... $14.50 Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and they are marked down to haif original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is being cleared at very low prices. MEN'S SUITS FROM $12.50 UP BOYS' SWEATERS WORTH $1.45 FOR 98c Couch,Jtihnston &Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 104 Limiteai jSupper ever and The King toast- ed, Dr. J. C. Devitt, by request ot the president, Mn. J. H. H. Jury, intro- duced the speaker et the evcning, Prof. N. W. DeWitt, Ph. D., Dean of the Faculty et Arts, Victoria College, Toronto. Dr. Devitt assuned the members that they were in for e real intellectuel treat, wbich was fully neelîzed during the next ficeting1 hour. The Protessôesk A'ed is ad- dress, "Research in tbe Lite et Cen- ada," witb soie bits et nich hume, and reîerked that neyer betore bad lie escperienced the pleasure et essec. iating witb and addresaing onch a Canadien Club as this, a club which, numbers ameng its meîbership sucb a large pencentage et young men. Amnong bis interesting remanks the speaker said: An intellectual survcy et Canada weuld bring te ligbt soie very gratitying tacts and others that are ràtber dùsmaying. Ourn population is naturl'y intelligent. 1* is doubt-. fIif any weuld rank higiier. Our primary and secondary schools in mest parts et the Dominion are geod. The rating et oun university gradu.. ates is satistactory. The best teature in Our provincial university is thse ne- cognition et honour courses for these who can specialize early. Theze bonour graduates are welceîed in tiie great unîvemaities of the United iStates and usually coîpete success- fully wîth the best candidates tram aIl quarters. The American student is net sup- crier in knowledge but seenis te have more self-confidence and initiative. Canadien students who go te the Un- ited States become infected witb this spirit et enterprise and edventure, wbich, added te previeus training, gîves tiien an enermeus edvantage. Thus we are contronted with the dis- couraging tact that many Canadiens seern te beconie more capable and courageous wben they leeve their ewn country. The explanation et this discour. aging situation may be ascnibed in part te, the superien developient et industriel research in the United States. American industries are protected by tariffs but they do net depend upon this protection. Tiiey pnotect theniselves ageinst the wonid and against anc another by means et research. A mere list et their research leboretonies wauld fi11 a tair- sized volume. It is doubttul if Can- ada ccsuld muster eneugh te 511l a tew pages. Industriel- research pays big ne- turns te investers and te govern. nients. The researciies et two or tiiree mcn like Edison have created in the space et hardiy torty years nieny billions et dollars' worth et clectnical enterpnises. Al et this new preperty pays dividends te in- vestors and pays taxes te the gevern- ment. To the people it gives cm- ployment. In this respect Canada is rather bebind the tumes. We are intelli- gent eneugh 'but tee content te learn troni others. Perbepe tiie tariff is te blame. A prohibitive duty on iniported goods bas enabled many a manufacturer te dispense with research. Thus there is ne en- couragement in certain fines et in- dustry te give cmployment ta train- cd brains. To correct tuis situation the federal gaveremeet eught te adopt tiie pninciple that ne industrym should be protected by means et a1 tarif that refuses te proteet ltaelt by1 measieoe research. This measuret is a daty that the. country owe. ta its1 yeung men aed vomen. Tii. neglott ef t 1is a @in against youtii.1 1As thé. Profeaaor'a addreu wuvas et 4 .18 'i Registration Certificate. Bowman- ville Troop is one of the first in Can ada to receive these certificates. We are glad to welconie Jini Wil- liams back after his recent illness Jim bas been appointed Second of No. 3 patrol. TRIS 15 DIAMQND WEEK That suprenie desire may be sat- isfied tbis week. Who bas neot wished and longed for a diamond in a ring,' pendant or bar pin? The price usually made sucb a luxury im-. possible. But now-this week- Alex. Elliot is concentrating in hie Selling Out Sale on Dianionds. He isi throwing his $3000 stock of high quality diamond rings, pendants and bar pins on sale at 25 te 50 per cent reductions. My wbat an opportun- ity! Dianionds at such low prices are a real investment. direct interest to men of almost every calling of if e represented around the table: agriculture, manu- facture, arbsnsmedicine, re- ligin, awpolitics,-everyone lis- tened wlth the keenest attention and at the. close gave vigorous endorsa- tion to a vote of appreclation movod by Roy. J. U. Robins and aecended by 1Mr. RL F. Aitchison. day, Macb 2nd. ST. JOHN'S WOMAN'S AUXIUARY Honour Mise Rayn.s The Bowmanville 'Btanch et the Woman's Auxiliary te tthe Missionary Society etftthe Church et England in Canada beld a vcry interesting and helptul meeting in St. John's Parisb Hall on Friday. Miss Cartwrigbt,i Principal et St. Hilda's, Tenonte, andi Diocesan President et the Wemen'sI Auxiiiary, was the speaker, and gave an inspiring addness on the. main acti- vities efthte seciety. Tii. Missionaryl Litany was seid, and othen special de- votions and prayers. Atten the reguler business efthtle meeting bcd been coîpleted, the. President callcd Miss Raynes torward and prescnted ber on bebaît et tbe members etftthe Bovasanville Brancb witb a Diocesan Lite Mcîbersbip in the. Women's Auxiliary. Tiie impressive torm etf admission te this office was used, and thse badge et membersbip pinned on by Miss Cartwright. Tii. presenta- tien vas a complet. surprise te Misa Raye. Tii. heneur vas centerred in recognition et Miss Rayne.' fcaitii- fulaincd devoted service toe i.mis- slonary cause aned et her ldndness mod assistance te tbu momberu eoftth. Bovexanville Braneh. *- ure ana MM mareing ite uew gymne- Miss Mildred F. Cole awing ta ili healtii bas rcsigncd fron the tcach- ing staff. Miss M4arion Warder, daugbter et Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wanden, Concession-st., bas been al- pointed te flîl tiie acancy, duties Dte commence March ist. Mm. B. M. FWarnica is supplying in Miss Col.'. 1place et present. VISIT 0F DISTRICT DEPUTY 31 To Jerusalem Lodg. A.F.&LM. District Deputy Grand Master et Ontario District, No. 12, Rt. Wor. rBro. Frank H. Brown, Port Hope, .paid bis official visit te Jerusaleni bLodgc on Wedncsday cvening, Fcb- 1ruary 9tb. A large nuniber et 1brctbnen were in attendance includ- 1ing 30 nienbers troni Part Hope. Tii. First Degree was exemplified with musical necital and later the. District tDeputy cengratulated the. officers and Peat Master for tiie veny excellent 1manner ie wbicb tuis work bad been ipertormed. Adjeurncd te the banquet hall a splendid repeat was served un- der the. direction etftth. Junior Word- cxen, M. W. Comstock cnd Stewards C. H. Dudley and W. G. Rico. The fanal masonle toaste vere <'iven. Commue- ity inç1ng v as enJeyed by &Il. and a. veypezzs t tisas vas bro t te a close byr ulngieg Auld Ilweg ye. FORSALE! 2 st.orey brick veneer bunga- low;i contains 3 nice bedroonis an(l commodious 3-pie-ce bath- rooni, hall and ample closet ac- commedation, upstaims; and liv- ingroony, diningirooni, kitchen and hall downstairs; hardwood floors on downstairs (except kitchen) ; cernent cdlar, divided; pipelens turnace, 'electric lighting; piazza across front ot bouse, and cernent walks te Tfront and ide dooms. Haîf acre of nîce land with about 13 Spy apple trees. Price $3300 on easy ternis. Five min- utes walk no-tii troni C. P. R. Station. 2 storey 'brick house; contains 4 be<roomts, 3 piece bathroom, hall and livingqioon, diningreyoin, kitchen, hall, sumnier kitcfren; hot air turnace, electnic ligihting, cornent cellas-. About quarter acre of nice garden land. Ei.gftt minuites walk east frein C. P. R. Station. P'irice $3300 on easy terms. Aise several other reeidential Properties for sale, as weCL as tarm. properties. Apply to Edith Y, Scobel Insurance and Ral Estate Agent Bowmanville Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, February 18-19 Jackie Coogan in "'Johnny Get Your Hair Cnt" Jackie's letest and by tar bis best picture. Matie.. Satnrday et 2:30 Reguler pregrani and Chapter 2 et "Sunken Slver" Monday-Tuesday, Feb. 21.22 Lionel Barrymore ,Roy D'Arcy Greta Garbo, Antonio Moreno, and H. B. Werner in Blasco Ibeyez's stery Wednesday-Thuraday, Feb. 23.24 Rod LaRocque In "Bacheior Brides" With Elnor Fair and Julia Faye Friday-Saturday, February 25.26 "Wjnn.rs cf The Wiid.rn.as" Witii Tii McCoy, Joan Crawtord and Roy D'Arcy A stony et the early conflicte on tiie North America Continent. Of more than ondinery interest to Canadiens. A FIRST ANNUAL MASQUERADE TOWN COUNCIL MINISTERS AND CHURCHES 91A Joyous Occasion at the Boys' Ail Town Officiais Reappointed St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, Training School D. D., Minister. il a. m.--"The 1 Members of council with excep- secret sources of strength". 7 p. m. One of tbe most delightful and en-I tion of Coun. Wm. Caverly, wbo is -"The ark of God". 2.30 p. n.- n joyable social events of th e present[ on a business trip to Western Can. Sunday School and 'Bible Classes. season was the first annual masquer- ada, were aIl present at February St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, hade et tbe Boys' Training Scbool on meeting, Mayor Holgate presiding. corner Temperance and Church Ste. eFrîday evening, February llth. Mayor of Osbawa invited council Rev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- 1- A Mardi Gras in the Sunny South to attend meeting at Cobourg on ister. Morning worsbip il a. ni. b ad notbing on tbe geiety, grandeur February 17th of Central Ontarir Evening worship 7 p. m. Sunday eand colorful spectacle the jolly nmas- Municipalities affected by inicrease in School at 2.30 p. m. dqueraders and the gaily decorated Hydro rates. Council and repre- Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. eroonis 'resented. The dormitory sentative citizens are expected to at-I Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: ppart of Cottage 'A' had been very tend this importan tmeeting. il1 a. ni. and 7 p. m.-Sermons by artistically decorated in the scbool Letter froni Hydro Commissionl the Pastor. Good musical services colors-blue and gold-and thie many notified town of increase in lîghting in charge of Mr. Francis Sutton and~ -festoons of Chinese lanterns and streets from $11 to $14 a light, the choir. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday bunting, together with the variegat- which mekes a difference of about School and Bible Classes eed costumes of the nierry niakers $1000 a year. St. John's Anglican Church, Rev, were likened uinto an Oriental pag- Letters from Ontario Good Roads R. J. Shires, Rector. Sexagesinis ieant. Association, Cockshutt Presentation Sunday,,February 20, 1927. il a. m. Dr. G. E. Reanian, Superintendent Fund and Union of Canadien Muni 2:30 p. n.-8-unday School. 7 p. ni.- of the Scbool and Mrs. Reainan re cipelities were received and fyled. -Holy Communion and Sermon. tceived the guests and welcomed thein Deputation from Public Library Evening Prayer. Confirmation clasa moist graciously. Board addressed council and received each Tuesday at 8 p. ni. in Panish The first part of the evening was grant of $400, sainie as last year. Hall. spent in pronienades. These were Finance report for $764.39 and Miss Foster, Secretary for Canada interspersed with an excellent pro- Waterworks accounts for $ 112.40 of the Zenana Bible and Medical Mis- 1 grani of music presented by the fol- wr do e.sion,, will give an illustrated address lolwing artists: Mrs. G. E. 1?eaman,weedoed in the Lecture Roomn on Monday ev- soprano; Mr. A. E. Semple, flute; Mr it was decided to take out an in- ening, February 2ist., under the eus- F. A. East, bassoon player, and surence policy in Globe Indemnity pices of the Junior Missionary So- Miss Marion Kearney, pianist, alI of Co. at cost of about $260 te safe- ciety ef St. Paul's Church. There Toronto, with the exception of Mrs. guerd town against claims for dam- will be a musical prograi. and re- *Reaman. ages tbrougb accidente on roads or freshiente et the close of the meet- Following the promenade prograni sidewalks witbin the town limits. ing. This meeting is open te all. A refreshients were served in tbe din- Report of Police Department silver collection will be teken. jing hall by caterer W. P. Corbett. sbowing activities for 1926 was read The Junior Missîonary Society of The latter part of the evening and and appears in full on page 3. St. Paul's held a most succesdul well into tbe eerly heurs of the By-law appointing town oficiels sleigh drive and social evening on morning was spent in dancing te the for 1927 was passed: Tuesdey, February 8th. The night syncopated and jazzy streins of the Assessor-J. G. Manning $350 was ideal, and after enjoying an hour Serenaders Melody Orchestra of Osh- TAx Collector-Richard Jarvis $350 and a haîf sleigh drive the party re- awa. Chiet of Police-Richard Jarvis $950 turned to the Lecture Room where a About one hundred guests were Night Constable-Walter Hall $900 supper of pork and beans waa pre- present, including these :froin out-of- Cenietery Caretaker-J. H. Highfield paredl. Group gaies were then town: Toronto-Deputy Provincial $1200 participated in under the able direc- Secretary, Mr. H. M. Robbins and Special Constables-S. GlanviUle, Ar- tion of Miss Edîth Peardon. Every- Mrs. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. chie Methews, Thos. Hughes one is looking forward to the next East, Miss Marion Kearny, Mr. Ar Fence Viewers-Har.ry Ailin, John C social evening for the young people. thur Semple, Mrs. A. Weinstien, Mr Elliott, Wni. Barrie V. S. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Inspector Fruit and Noxious Weeds S.JH' AETN AR~ Cumnsings; Whitby-Mrs. G. A. Can -R. Jarvis S.JH' AETN AT ning, Mr. and Mms. Morton M. Gib- Particulers of reforesting the Avr ucsflVlnieBrh son; Oshawa-The Misses Kennedy. grounds belonging to the town and dAyverty sceltul Vaentne Baut- knowni as the Oid Electrie litdp ars f t Johs'eLdinerthe us-i Plant were presented and reterred pie PshHSt. onn's ai es' ud BIG CROWD AT CARNIVAL to Public Property to consider and 1 th PrThe hall onMay, Fld ebnary J. B. Martyn Awarded Prime For1 report at next meeting. city, perbaps a little more, and an ex- Treasurer was authorized te strike cellent prognani was given. Even Oldest Skat.r on the. k.. off taxes froni collector's roll ageinst the electric light entered into the The large crowd of fancy and Ross Can Co. for $5850 .43. spirit of the occasion apparently, as comnic dressed skaters which pecked Council authorized coîmittee te a fuse burnt out just as Mr. Coake Taylor's Rink Thursday evening for take urgent action te collect out- had started on a recitation. This the carnival held under auspices ot standing accounts owing the Water- gave a chance for an imrvised the WbAmen's Institate was an enjoy- wrkg Dpartnft for cons rcion. ghost story whîch fitted the. period able and hilarious event. It reîind- end installations. et darkness very nicely. ed one of the many similar occasipris F. C. Palier, Town Engineer, waa J Those contributing to the prograni held in the old Drill Shed Rink way eppeinted delegate te attend Con- were Mms. C. H. Dudley, Mins Jean back in the 19tb century .Costumes vention of Canadien Waterworks As- Ramsay, Mrs. (Rev.). D. W. Best and of every description were there from seciatien in Ottawa ,March 2nd. Mfr R. M. Mitchell. These sang in the bobo in rae te the stately and _____ their usual happy and acceptable way imniacujate courtier. The work et to the great satisfaction of the aud- the -judges was ne easy task but MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB ience. Mr. Francis Sutton contrib- their awards wene neceived wlth gen- uted two excellent violin solos, sc- eral satisfaction. Prize wlnners H-a& Record Memberahip in 1927 companied very syrnpathetically by are:___ _ Miss Helen Morris. Mrs. W. Adams Beut Dressed Couple-i Miss Mar- Thi eniebersbip committee of the related the experience et a (Bow- je Aiea* and Mr. Lloyd Varcoe; 2 Men's Canadian Club report tiit eu .~nanville?) lady on hier first visit te a Miss Victoria Turner and Mr. Arthur effort wa» required in securing meni- basebaîl match and then, by nequest, F"rank. bers this season than any previous invited i-ke toe'"%«k up and %spress ~Best Dre#aed Grou'p et three lad-. year there being already over nine- himself". Mms. Albert Cole aed les--Misses Oke, 'Cirran and Desth ty citizens enrolled. tw~o of lier pupils, Misses Derotby aed ele.Ada Allie,gaen attractive piano- e.Officers elected for 1927 are: Hon- fot ave, ans r.P C ale Best Dressed Ladies-i MisaM. orary Prenidenta--W. B. Couch, Eaq., pfore rio whulst 1fr.P.oC. a er Roach, 2 Miss B. Rundle, Mrm. W. Dr. G. C Bonnycastle, Rev. Dr. D W. eoiedseseitetadcd Cole.Vie conjuring tricks. Mn. L RL Cooke Bea DeaedGet-iRuel YoBest; Preh3ident-J.H.L Jury;Vie reîated the story of the woelng etftthe Bes C. ese Caverlusslly. President-C. Arthur Cawker; Sec'y.- Lord et Burleigh and then gave Ten- 2 C. Caverly. ~~Treas.-W. J. Morison; Executive-nsnspe eln ihta o Best Comic Gent-i Hubert Os- Dr. J. C. Devitt, J. H. Joheston, W.ysans e. ein eain wthth lie- borne, 2 Roy Hocoper. Frank Rickard; Mernbermhip-Archie toma snce. Laer in the eeein e Best Dressed Girl, 12 te 16- Tait, Cheirmnan, A. M. Hardy, H. P-. Toh irs nowfaomeusgae'Orbe tle.- B. Bagnell, Nellie Kirkton. Pearce, Geo. W. James, A. J. Wad-1Te dgirls orthornirgaectao ofrEsslt Best Comic Boy-i Jack Martin, hais, W. R. Stnike.tcdaeudrthdicioetis 2 8111Y Loughmae. Sissons, and Tulip Tii. was given Best Comic Girl-Mary Martin, Prof. G. M. Wrong et Torontol by Miss Sissons and Miss Peggy Oli- Phyll Chalis.University, who is recognizd as anl ver. Best Dressed Girl under 12-i usadngatoiy nCnd n A the conclusion et the prograni Ferne Smith, 2 Marion Slemon, 3 Censtitutional History addressed the refreshients were scrved, lecluding Frances Clark. organization, meetingj in December. a piece ef the birthday cake. The. Beat Dressed Boy under 12-1 He chose a very timely subject in hall was suitably decerated for the John Mornisen, 2 Louis Wiseman. view of there being se mucb discus- Valentine panty, and thse whele ar- Eldest Lady-Annie Atkinson. sien on the Imperial Centerence, bis rangement refiected great credit on Eldest Gent-J. B. Martyn. rcmerks being based on Canada's these wbo got it up. Girls' Amateur Speed Race- Probleni et Equality with Great Brit-_____ 1Evelyn Bickle, 2 Edne Curran. ax. Judges-Geo. E. Chase, Alan A repert of Prof. N. W. DeWitt's PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS Camipbell, Alex. Lyle, F. C. Palier. address ,which was the first et the 1927 series, eppeers clsewhere in Total number et pupils on roll for this issue. Januery was 602, with average at- BOY SCOUT NEWS And new the club bas enother tendance et 540. - treat in store for its niembers. Mr. Teachens were recently pleaaantly The lst Troop et Bownianvillc Boy Taylor Statten, Toronto, known ententained et the home et Dr. and Scouts had a banner meeting tuis througbout Canada as e successfiaj Mrs. C. W. Slemon. week. Mr. C. E. Rehder. Chainnien leader in boys' work and. their pnob- Each class in the school bas et least Boys 'Work Committee in Rotary lemis is speaker for the next meet-I one peried a week in physical cuit- Club,. presented eachb-scout- with a, ing et Balmoral Tntel onWednp- u ,,,ad ar..inth- .-*1__ r -Try Bowmanville First- NEW SPRING( ie 'y J. 5: 'y .5 d ýy r. h a e f t r Zbe a 1