PAGE ?IVE frE GAH LêDIAN tSTATESUAN, B(,WMAN VILLE, THUPUSDAY, PEBR1JARY 17, 1927. CARD 0F THANKS I wish ta extend my grateful thanks for the many expressions of sympathy and also my great appres- ciatian te the staff of the Hospital for the many acta of kindnesa ta my ate wife. Stanley Piillipa, Bowmanville. Handsomie Pair of Candlestil,.c Given Awy Free wîth pui-cl-ase oF quarter pint canf 6RUSH1êEIGLACQUCR Fill in the coupon pinted below and present it ta us together with 50c. We wifl give Yeu in retur aa quarter pint ca o Rogers Brushing Lacquer, the won- derful finish that "dries while nou wit 1 and a pair of bautiful hadwood candie- atcks without any charge whatever Every housewife should take advantage of this big offer, The can of Rogers Brushing Lacquer is piced at 50c. The candesticks arc worth $1.00 at the v"r leat. Se that you get $1.50 worth of suerchandise for 50c. Fil in and bring us the cou- pan now. You'Illikthefree candlesticks which you cam beautify with Rogers Brush- ing Lacquer - the beautiful, durable, fast drying, homne decorative finish. SATURDAY ONLY at DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Bowsnanville COU PON This coupon and Soc. entitie me te s quarter int cen of Rogers Brush- ing Lacquer snd ana Pair ofcandla- stick@. fee. Atidres............................. ....... .-And every room is 80 beautiful MAXIMUR Wall Paper wil give ta, each room of your home an aimosphere of beauty and good taste--an indicat*on of the care you exercise in planning the f urnishing of your haone. Come and sec the beau"iu MAXIMUR designi we carr in stock. Let us show you how you can make your home more beautiful tbrough this exceptionally wall paper. We bave Wall Paper as low as 5C a Roll W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bowmanvillie w- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Don't miss the Music Study Club concert on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. Miss Flora Aicuibrack, New Tor-1 onto, is visiting Misa Alice Highfieid. Mrs. AIf. Mitchell, Newtonville,1 has been visiting Mrs. W. J. Williamsi and other friends here. Miss Dorothy M. James was recent guest o! Miss Agnes Vanstone at Annesley Hall, Toronto.t Hear the program by talent from the three lakeshore towins, Opera House, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Thos. Woodbey, Peterboro, is visiting her niece, Mrs. L. R. Wood, Mrs. T. C. Jewell and numerous other old frienda in town. Dr. Cartwright, Principal of St.1 Hilda's Coîbege, Toronto, was guest o! Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Shires, at the Rectory whibe in town. Misa Winni!red Varcoe was in Toronto last Tueaday and Wednes-1 day viiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Reid and other friends. Mr. John Box, Port Hope, was taken tq Port Hope Hospital sufer- ing front adhesion o! the bowels. Re- port says his condition is quite ser- ioua. Rev. and Mrs. S. T. Tucker, Orono, attended the funeral o! the late Miss Agnes Hampton, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. James Hampton in Millbrook on Tuesday. Miss H. O. Burk and niece, Miss Sybil Burk, represented Bowmanville relatives at the Clarke-Hughes wed- ding which took place in Lindsay an Satu.rday. The choir o! St. Paul's Presbyter- ian Church, Port Hope, went ta Co- bourg Thursday night and put on a conert at St. Andrew's Church there., They also presented the cantata "The' Nativity of Christ". Rev. Roy H. Rickard o! Albert Col- lege, took the services in Tabernacle United Church, Belleville, on Sun- day. We understand the pastor, Rev. H. B. Kenny, who is nat in good health, has gone for a reat ta Cali- fornia. Mr. William Cator, Oshawa, Mr. John Catar, Maple Grove, and Miss Edith Cator, Toronto, spent Sunday, February l3th, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Cator, Salem, in honor o! their mother's birthday. An afternaon tea and musicale, un- der auspices af Mrs. Calan's group o! Trinity Ladies' Aid, will be hebd at the home of Mrs. W. F. Dale, King St., an Thursday, February 24, at 3:3 0 p. m. Good program. Ad- mission 25c. At the annual meeting of the On- tario Horticultîlurai Society heid in Toronto last week Mr. J. H. H. Jury was elected a Director of the Society and representative for the Counties o! Northumberland and Durham, Pet- erboro and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright Crosier, Manchester, Ont., announces the en- gagement of their onIX daughter, Al- pha Gertrude, ta George Wesley Sam- elîs, youngest son o! Mr. Walter Samn- elis, and the late Mrs. W. Samelîs, Scugog, the marriage ta take place quietby in February. For saine montha past efforts have been made to induce a prominentl horticulturist ta locate in Bowman-J ville and assiat furthem in makiîng aur town the horticultumal centre o! On-1 taia hich it is fast becoming. We rgret, howover. ta earn that this, plan has now heen abandoned as the land required is being hebd at a pricel fatr beyond its value. Mm. H. Wilbur Hutchinson, Winni- peg, Man., was in town last week ý%vhile enroute froin Montreal. Ho cabbad on rn.any old frienda in town and Hampton, visiting the scenes o!i his youth at Enniakillen, enjoying a visit with oid frienda in the village on the hili. He is one o! the Dur- ham boys who enjoys "coming home" occasionally, although nany o! the oid friends are missing. "A GOOD TIME COMING" We take pbeasure in notifying the public that on Thursday evening, February 17th., at 7 p. mn., Durant Motors o! Canada, Limited, Toronto, Ontario, are giving a banquet for their dealers, froin ail parts o! Can- ada, in the Palais Royale Hotel, Tor- onto. They are providing a high class entertaininent o! music. The gath- ering will also be addressed by one o! Canada's mast eminent speakers, Mr. Norman Somervilbe, K. C. He is weil known thraughaut Canada, fer his ahility as an orator. This entertaininent will be Broadcasted aver Broadcasting Station CERB, Toronto, on a 291 meter wave length. We cordially invite ail radio fans o: Bowmanvible and vicinity ta tune uti their receiving sots ,and enjay thi evening with us. Thickion Motor Sales, 9 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ont Englanda very excellent type af an STA HPTCET Englishman he was, too. How truel SEMHP IKT are these ines: M. A. JAMES9 Friend after friend departa, To Europe.-Canadlalî Pacifie, Whte Who hath not bast a frien? IStar Dominion, Cunard, Ainertcau. There is no union here of hearta IAak for Information. Phone 59 That finds not here an end. Stategman Office, Bowmanvllbe. -Try Bowmanville First- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE - MARRIAGES Musc SudyClu Cncet, ues dSHoRTT-STAPLETON-Ofl Thurs- Musi Stuy Clb Cocert Tue- dy, Februa.ry 10, by Rey. A. C. Reevee, day, February 22nd. See advt. for Bale, daughtrer of Thomas and the late partculsrs. àtaplton. Oshawa, ta Kenneth, son Darlington friends will bie 80177 toi BRAGG-RICI<ARD>-At the Parvon- learn that Mrs. John Hiler is ser-l age, N,,wcastle, on Monday, February 14, by RevE B. Coke Wesley D. Bragg, iously i11 with pneumonia in Starl Bowmanville, and Eena V. F. ickard. City, Sask. ongest dauqhter of Mm. ad Mrs. Gea. Mr. nd Ms. F L. an Nst, sh-riekaird .Newcastle. Mr.andMrs F.L.VanNea, Oh- CLARIE-HUGHES-The marriage awa, announce the engagement of!j took place at the United Church Lind- their second daughter, Wilma La-, say, ntarto, on February 12, oI .Aeesi verne, ta Mr. George Frederick Ed-'GemralSir SIaXm Hughes K * B and wards, only son of Mrs. Edwards andý Lady Hughes. ta James Freeman 'àlarke. the late Mr. James Edwards of Tor- son of the late Eliot C. and Alice de B. onto, the marriage ta take placer oe lreo oso.Msahsts quietly in March.i Bowmanville Women's Institutel EAH will hold next meeting in S. O. E. 1ETH Hall on Friday, February 25. Valen- BRAY-At Raglan, on Tuesdaiy, Feb- tine program in charge of M rS. Col_1 ruary 7 , Jonathan Bray, In is 77th yeam. 1PATERSON-In Bowmanvlie. on Wed- ville's group. It will also be grand- i'îaFetruary 9, 1927. 1,ouise Piper, mother's day when the grandmothers widow of the late George Paterson, aged will appear in costume. Prize for -.4years. best costume. Every memiber at-' SEARL-At Grace Hospital, Toronto, on Wtedn-sday*, Pebruary 4. l1927, Mary Ethel tend. 7-2w Lowery. _ loved wife of Samuel, Mr. W. F. Stephen, Huntingdon, age 041yelare and 1 month. Interment Que., husband of Laura Rose so well DUNN-At Bowinanville iHospital on and favorably known in Durham Tuesday, February 8 1927, Helen Cowan, Couny aslecturer before marriage belov«I wife of Amîhiur T, I. I)unn of Couny asHope Township, aged 26 yý-r@ and 5 at Farmers' Institutes, is the new months. Interred in Orono. secretary of National Dairy Council DRYDEN-At the of ber succeeding the late E. H. Stonehouse sister. Mr@. Leonard Burnett, 5 t>eleware Ave. Toronto, on Monday. February 14, of Weston, with Ottawa as head- 1927, in hem 78th year, Anc liza, (taughb- quartera. ter "f the laie James Dryden of Brookfun, 1 and young'est sister of tne lhec lion. John The Women's Missionary Society Dry den. Interment at Ilaîtist Burial of St. Andrew's ýChurch, Oshawa, Grotmnri. Sixth Concession or Whitby. celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of BINES-Patssed peacefuily ta rest ut the family residence toimin Street, its organization on Thursday, Feb. -toiworth>y, Devon, iligland, an Sunday.. iOth. One of the outstandinig feat- .laiuary 30, 19.17, Williamt Bines. aged~ tires of the celebration was an intQr-76 Mar An Bieay father aii Mga Jmof esting address read and prepared by Arthîur Wemmy, Enniskillen, Ont. Service Miss Jessie Panton, B. A., giving a was held on Thursday' Felruary Ird in 1lolswortbv t'nited Methodiat (humch and complete history of the society fromt interment'at BJndgerule. its inception.: HENDERSON-Suddenly, at bier home Military District No. 3, Branch of 24 Alhambra Avenue, Toronto, Februar3r 12, 1927, Maria (Miya> Frances Hender- the Canadian Infantry Association at son, srecond and dearly beloved daughter ,Kingston at its annual maeting, Of the latt. Wilson and Frances li-ender- elected the follo'wing officers:- Presi- son, formeriy of Peterboro. dnCol. A. E. Bywater; Vice- HENDERSON-AMter a lngering iii-I dentnese tzabler home, 24 Ahambra Ave., Tar-i Presidents, Coi. R. J. Gi, Bowman- onto, on FE'bruanry 13, 1927. Elizabeth ville; and Col. F. D. Boggs, Cobourg. Louise (Beesie) Henderson, rlearly belov- *ed youngest daughter of the late Wil- Lieut-ýCol. E. E. Snider, Port Hope, son and Frances Hiendersan, farnilerly of was appointed delegate ta, attend Peteboro, sister of the laté Maria Fran- meetin at Otawa.Double funera.l front the above addx'ees Mrs. W. Michael of Harmony, was o>n Monday, February l4th. Interinent given a very pleasant surprise on in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Friday evening, February 11, on hier birthday, when about 35 relatives from Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Har- IN MEMORIAMd mony and Hampton assembled at her TUSTON-In ioving memrn o f Mar- home. A dainty lunch wgs served. garet S. Tbureton, who passed awa.y She was presented with a handsoine Feb. 19, 1924. large birthday cake, made by her She had a nature YOU CoUldn't help loVtng sister ,Mrs. Gea. White, Hampton,'AÀ 4eart that was pumer than gold. And to those who knew hiem and loved hier and many loving remembrances of i Her bE'Mory wil neyer grow cold. flowers and carda.1 Sadly miseed hy Hushand and Children A very enjoyable evening waa spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.I George Allen, 63 Melbourne Ave., r! SHARP-I loving memnory ai Andrew Sharp, Enniskillen, who paa&Ld away on Parkdale, Toronto, on the occasion February 11, 1926. of the 25th anniversary of their wed- No one knows the silent beartache, ding. They were married at Bcsw-1 Only those who have lost cmn tell, S0f h grief thats boent in silence manville, Rev. B. H. Haydon being For the onýe we loved s0 well. the officating clergyman 25 yearsj Wedo notk forget you, lier do we Intend, ago.* A large gathering of oldi end. yudiy dwi at friands and relatives were presenti Gone and forgotten by soine you miay be on this occasion. They received1 But dear ta aur mesflory forever you'Il numerous presents of silver. The b" Wife and Fanuly home was beautifully decorated withi fiowers. Miss Greta Allen, daugh-I Articles For Sale ter, presided at the piano for thel dance, after which refreshments FRSL- ic ant pro weresered. Telgi~ms nd on-suite. Apply to Mrs. D. Darcb, King- gratulations were received fr e t., Bo'wmanville. 7-2w' California, U. S. A. CFOqR SALE-Bed, Dresser and Baby On Friday, February 4th the Trin-I Criage.. Apply Mrs. 4.ý Piper, Cowan bity United Church Choir hel its Apts, Bowmanvllle. 5-t* yearly election of officers after choiri WARDROBE FOR SALE-Mahogany practice.,Treasurer's and secretary Il finish with full length miror. Apply to reprts S'92 ee ed anlIowmanville Hospital. 5-tf adopted. Mr. Francis Sutton theni FOR SALE-Holstein and Jerseybe- took the chair and the officers were; er, just renewed, phoae 219J. F. W. Bat- > re-eiected: President-Dr. C. W. Sle-i tic, R. B. 6, Lowmanville.. Imon; lst Vice President-Mr. WV. B.1 HORSES FOR SALE-Two Clydes, is- Pollard; 2nd Vice President-Mr. iJ lng tbree and six years. T. J. Cole, R. R B. Tapson; Treasurer-Mrs. W, j . 1, o,,nnvillë, phone 203-4. 5-3wo -Morrison; Secretary-Miss Helen G. FORD CAR FOR SAL-n od con-1 1Morris; Executive Committee-Mes- dition. Good reaison for selling. Ap- dames R. Thompson, J. E. Anderson, vil e. R.rcia,.R.3lom.n jMisses E. Painton, V. Spargo, Mess- 41.- rrs. M. S. Dale, A. E. Hircock, S. B. COWS FOR SALE-«One Holstein tamil A. . ickrt one' Jersey. just fre.shened. One loai- Leggott, A .Pikr;Representa,, strnn-Jorsev ta îr,'shr-n Iat of Ž,aruh. tives ta Church Board-Mr. F. Sut-j Pion,' S. Faster, ,,16 or E. Foster 45 ton, Dr. C. Slemon, Mr. W. P. Pal-11 ' 6-t I lard, Mr. W. B. Tapson; Audiors-1 FOR SA--- un. ollr-C--7-'s Messrs. W. R. Strike, M. S. Dale. lutt inera, 3 fists at Bowmanville Faim: yellow singers $5.00. Hens eady fof nmating $1, aiso raîges.( Selling out). HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Apply Mr. B. Bennett, Elgin St., Baw- manville. 6-3w' On Friday February il the Liter-I ARTICLES FOR SALE-i gasoline ary Society o! Bowmanville Hight street pump, 5 gal. visible measure; 1 in- eSchool held its regular meeting. Af- aide 1 gal. Bowaer pump, would makeaa gaod pump for handllng coal oil or Lubri- ter the minutes o! two precedingi cating ail; 1 rubher tired open buggy. tmeetings had been read and apprav-i Apply ta A. W. Pickard, or phone 186 led, Doris and Gladys Jamieson fav- Bowmianville. 48-a~ rored with an instrumental duet. This- FOR SALE-Dominion Piaao, of 1ail was followed by the reading of the kinda .oîd on payments apread ovar twc * Ipper School section o! the "Screech yeara. Steinway. Hintaman andi Ger- Owl' by Minnie Pearce. Winnifred hardHintsman used piano« talien aà 9 Lacaser nd hylls Drchgav repart payment on Dominion piao. will *~~~~~~~~~~ Lacse n hllsDrhgv e cleared i Atbargain prie« andi on easy i- citations. Winnifred Rickard read terme. V J. Mitchell. Distributor, Bow- ethe School section of the mlanvifle. 6-tbr "Screech Owl". The concludin.g___________________ te le number was a piano solo by Muriel P LMoore. Meeting cbosed with the Na-' Eggs For Hatching - ts tional Anthem. iro d The Sceech Owl has recently! WHITE LEGHORN EGGS FOR HAT- ei h, een conducting a competition ftgj CHING-Eirmm ell-known MîcLean lay ar lng stra.ln oai edigreetd stock. $150 peJ. the best senior short story and poomi doz.en of $1000 per illo. Apply ta W..- 1 and the best junior short story andr G., Box 482, Bowmanvilke. 73 ni po. Winners are: Senior Shortl--re Under ordinary conditions many people have been un- able to satisfy that supreme desire to have a Diamond Ring, Bar Pin, Pendant or Scarf Pin set with Dia- monds. The price was al- most prohibitive. But this week it is different. SACRIFICE $3000 STOCK 0F DIAMONDS 25 to 50% BELOW USUAL PRICES It would be impossible for me to buy these Dia- monds today wholesale at prices I arn offering them to you. Going out of business is the only reason for mak- ing this unheard of sacri- fice. Don't take my word for it bring your own and be convinced of the quality and values I am are a f ew of the special values for this week: diamond expert off ering. Here DIAMOND RINGS 7 Stone, Fancy Setting, Regular Price $250.00 for . $13500 7 ta il Stone, Fancy Setting, Regular Price $175.00 for. .$100.00 Single Stone, Basket Setting, White Gold, Reg $150 for $ 75.00 7 Stone, Cluster Setting, White Gold, Regular $160 for $ 90.00 Solitaire, White Gold, Regular IPrice $125.00 for..(...... $ 75.00 Solitaire, Yellow Goabd, Regular Price $125.0 for ...$ 75.00 Solitaire, Yellow Gold, Regular Price $100.00 for ...$ 50.00 Solitaire, Yellow Gold, Regular Price $90.00 for ...$ 45.00 Solitaire White Gold, Basket Setting, Regular $75.00 for $ 40.00 Solitaire, Yelba'w Gold, Fancy Setting, Regubar $75,00 for $ 40.00 Solitaire, White Gold, Fancy Setting, Regular $100.00 for $ 50.00 Solitaire set in Onyx, Regular Price $100.00 for......... $ 50.00 Solitaire, White Gold, Basket Setting, Regular $75,00 for $ 40.00 Solitaire, Basket Setting, Regular Price $65.00 for ..$ 35.00 Solitaire. Basket Setting, Regular Price $43,00 for . .. . $ 21.50 Twin Setting, Regular Price $40,00 for........... -.$ 22.00 6 Single Stone Rings in Fancy Settings, Reg. $35.00 far $ 20.00 Single Stone, Green Gold, Regular Price $50.00 for ... . $ 30-00 Single Stone, White and Yebbow Gold, Regular $27,50 for $ 15.00 Single Stone, Yelow Gold, Regular Price $34.00 for . ... $ 19.00 Singe Stone, Fancy Setting, Regular Price $25.00 for . .$ 15.00 Single Stone, Basket Setting, Regubar Price $30.00 for $ 17.50 Single Stone, set in Onyx, Regular Price $24.00 for .... $ 13.50 Single Stone, l4kt, Yellov Gold, Regubaîr Price $5.00 for $ 2.25 l4kt White Gobd Bar Pin, Single Stone set in Onyx $34 for $17,00 14 KT WHITE GOLD PENDANTS Pendant set with peari and diamonds, Regular $25,.00 for $15.00 Pendatlt set with 3 diamonds, Regular $136.00 for ...$75.00 Pendant, single stone, Regular Price $75.00 for.....1... .$4000 Pondant, set with Diamonds and Olivines, Reg. $55.00 for $27.50 Pendant set with 2 diamonds and pearl, Regular $25,00 for $12.50 Scar! Pins, set with diamonds, Regular $20 ta $25 for Blal! Price THIS IS DIAMOND WEEK-BUY NOW A chance such as this to buy Guaranteed Diamonds only cornes once in a life time. Act quickly before the other person buys what you wanted. Alex. Elliot, Jeweler Phone 207 Bowmanville ______________________________ E- Property PFor Sale FOR SALE--One nine-roomed solid rick bungalow house for sale, on easy trnis. Re-modeletl, modern convenien- es, '1 acre garden. Apply ta J. 4j bhiIpScugog St., Bowmanville. -2 W FOR SALE-Frame semi-bungalow, 6 morne, almost new, good cellar, garage. lectric lights, water. good deep lot, large and amall fruits. Price $2000. See J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 4-tf. FOR SALE--One of the most desirable esidencea ln Bowmanville, brick with Ill conveniences, very modemn, central lcation, can be bought at haîf present cost ta bulld. See J. J. Mason & Son. Bowmanville. 4-tf. FOR SALE-Besides the above proper- lies we have severai other very attract- ie properties. Caîl and see us If in- erested. J. J. Masan & Son, Bowman- ville. 4-tf. FOR SALE-A good comfortable frame aouse and barn and three acres of aplen- 11(1 land., situated in Newcastle. Will be sold cheap for cjuick sale. Terme cash. Apply ta J. E. Hayes, Newcastle Ont. 6-t FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acrea. uouth haI! lot 21 ,oon. 6, Darlington. Plowing possession at once. Fuill poaaeuioin April1 1927. City property will be ...a1 1;e. la exchange. - For terme ap- ply to Mga. C. J. ICeralake, R. R. 1, Hampton. 37-tf PROPERTV FOR SALE BV TENDER Solid brick houts, containing 8 rooms; frame addltl9ti; one acre land on which are a number of fruit trees Tenders will le received Up to Thursday, March 31Bt. ,tighest or any tender not nccessarily LcceiJted. Terme to suit purchaser. A.pply on the premises ta W. B. Pinch, Corner Liberty and Concession Sts, 3owmanville, or box 97. 6-tf MEN WANTED $4 to $10 Per Day Wages paid part timo whiie learning, garage work, electricity, welding. bat- tory, bricklaying, plasterIng. '%V, alon ray commissions while learning barber- in md heauty culture work. Write o; oraur free llltwtrn.ted catalou. Hemphill Schools ltd.,' 163 King St.W. Toronto. Branches and Ernployment Service Coast to Coast. 7-1 P -ASK KERSLAKE'S FIRST- LOST A number of people have lost the lists of reduced prices we published early in January. Wc anticipated this and had a limited supply of extra copies made. They are yours for the asking. We repcat a few: Dodd's Kidney Pills 35 pilla 40e Castoria................. 33c Nyal's Kidney Pis 60 pui's 50e Dextri Maltose ........... 85 Philips Magnesia, 12 oz. 48e Wampole's Magnesia, 16 oz 50c Thos. Eclectric Ou......33 KERSLAKE'S 4 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- HAVE YOU TRIED CREOPHOS FOR THAT COUGH? Ruskin's Good Advice It was many years ago that these Words were written by the famous author Ruskin, but they are as true today as the day they weye written: "I would have our dwelling house built to be lovely, as rich and full of pleasantries as may be within and without."-Ruskin Our many years practicai experience in the furniture business is at your disposai when you desire to "have your dwelling house buit to be lovely". Let us enhance the charm of your home with odd pieces or sets of new furniture. Fe F. Morris Co. The Home Furnishers Phono 10 .Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle Now You Can Satisfy That Desire To Own A Diamond 1