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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1927, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. Just Drink 110 à17 1D-A& TEA T Its superb fla'vour satisfies. fil - - - -- - - Prosperity Follows the Dairy Cow Agricultural surveys prove that the fariner who banks a montbly milk or creain check seon becomes independ- ont of financial worries. The dairy cow-the milk chque- the bank account forin an indestructible chain which defles "bard times" and bus- iness depressions. Since 1873 the Standard Bank cf Canada bas cat- ered te the needs cf the daîry farin- er rendeming efficient service te bis business. STAN DARD BANK BOWMANVILLE BRANCH -H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches alto ut Newcstle. Newtonvlk, Orono, Oshawa i ; i IJ i :~~: rrI~'1 '111*., ~ BymcCiell~2SCO, tzmded .You n~t-i-d heîroî,îr heat tce combat thie col. XVî n Or is î,anned irn advan- Why flot order yoiir conl the samu. way'. Lumber Jack. Don't wait until the fire is out and you are shivering with the cold ho- fore you chatter into the phone that you need coal worse than any other thing on earth. Order now and be a'isured of full weighed fuel that'Il keep you comfy. MCCLELLÀWeC0 LTD. PHONE -. -R.ESIDENCE OFFICE- __ -__228-274 15 -ýý Vjb -2 18 NINE Good Reasons WHY Overali Wearers like Brotherhood Made of Best CANADIAN denim Non Slipping Suspenders Safety Rule and Plier Pocket Side Openings faced and tacked Hip Pockets Reinforced Roomy, Long Jacket Cinder Proof Collar New Wide Cuf Unqualified guarantee of SATISFACTION The Genuine Register- ed BROTHERHOOD is madle only by H. S. Peters, Limited Welland Ont. - ~ They Mue Make Good « VW ia BROTHERHOOD uNONOVERALL,% I4ADL. IN CANAy ASK YOUR DEALER for a p)air and if not sat isfactory take them back. ORONG IOBITUARY (Froin The News of Febbruary 10th) Gao. A. Beggs, Janetville Mrs. Mary Allen is home froin Oshawa for a couple of weeks. Mr. Geo. A. Beggs, of Pontypool, Miss Ethel Palmer, Toronto, spent a former resident and Public Scbool tbe eeknd wtb iss red Wilon.teacher of Janetville, passed away on theweeendwih Mss rea Wlso.Friday, February 4th, from pneu- Mr. Thompson, Havelock, bas been monia. engaged as butter maker at Orono nteudndatofM.Bgs Creaery.Pontypool Public Scbool, Churcb and Mrs. H. G. McKay and Mrs. James community lose a devoted teacher, Dickson are delegates to the Horti- active Christian workem and much cultural Convention at Toronto. esteemed citizen. The ease with which corns and During the long course of bis warts can be removed by Holloway's teaching profession, almost ail bis Corn Remover is its strongest re- work was accomplisbed in Victoria commendation. It seldom fails. and Durham Counties. Sixteon, Mr. Fred Duncan, wbo tenanted years ago bie took charge as Principal the Harry Cowan residence, Station of the Public School at Janetville. Street, bas rented the Manse on Park Since then lhe bas taugbt at Fleet- Street. 1 wood and Pontypool. His work Mrs. J. P. Cooper was a guest at was eminently successful as is known Government House luncheon, Toron- by the number of years hoe remainod to, Tuesday, given by Mrs. Ross, wife at each school. of the Lieut.-Governor. In Janetville, the late Mr. Beggs For years, Mother Graves' Worm was a faitbful worker in Cburch, Exterminator bas ranked as a me- Sunday School and Young People's hiable worm preparation and it ai- Society. He was aise a prominent ways maîntains its reputation. member of the Orange Order and Mr. R. A. Fitcbett's residence, the Oddfellows. Ho is survived by completing bis new block on Main bis serrowing widow and one daugh- St., is nearing completion. MrN. ter, Miss Estella of Toronto, aise one iD. Cbanbers did the complote car- brother, Robert Beggs of Camoron. ponter work lone-banded. Tbe funeral, wbich was held on A special ladies choir of twenty- unday, Feb. 6tb. from bis late resi- four voices supplied music, and Miss dcPotpool, to Riverside Cem- IPresten, returned Missionary from etery, Lindsay, was largely attended. Japan, spoke at the W. M. S. meet- Services were conducted by Rev. ing of Park St. Cbumcb on Feb. l3th. A. J. Terrill, the family pastor. The Mr. W. C. H. Mitchell bappened floral tributes were many and beauti- with a painful accident while skating fui. His kindliness endeared him to on the flats, sufl'eming a double frac- his pupils and friends, and bis death ture of tho leg above tbe ankle. He1 will be widely regretted. was carried home and a doctor im- Deceased n'as stop-father of Mrs. mcdiately summonod. (Dr.) R. E. Dinniwoll, Bowmanville. Mrs. (Dr.) J. P. Ross and little ________________ daugbter, Eleanor, have joined bier husband at their non' home in De- troit, Mich., bier sister, Mrs. H. N.neia Fo Junker, accompanying bier and re- maining for the winter. r i ag e a Fo M.FakMorse, Baker, at the S o ~ 4 r u l Orono Bakery, bas rented the Robert t m c r u l Foster residence on Park Street, at present tenanted by Mr. Fitchette To Neutralize Acidity and Fermen. wbo expects to occupy bis own dwell- tation.. . Provents Indigestion, Sour ing, now neaming completion. GsySoah Several Past Masters of Orono Soah Lodge attended Past Masters' Nigbt People wbo suifer from indigestion at Lebanon Lodge, Oshawa, Tuesday usisally bave tried popsin charcoal, evening. P. W. Bro. E. J. Hamm dmugs and various digestive aids and was chosen to take part in the work. know these things will net cure their bis nephew, Bro. Moifatt, being a trouble--in some cases do nà~ even candidate for one of the degrees. give relief. The Oul for the Fammer.-A bottlel !B/ut before giving up to chronic of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul in the dyspepsia, just try the eifect of a farm bouse will save many a journey little Bisurated Magnesia-not the for the doctor. It is not only good ordinary commercial carbonate, cit- for the children when taken with rate or milk, but pure Bisurated colds and croup, and for the mature Magnesia which yen can obtain from who suifer fromn pains and aches, but practically any druggist in eitber theme are directions for its use on pcswder or tablet forin. sick cattle. There should aln'ays be Take a teaspoonful of the powderc a bottle of it in the bouse, or four compressed tablets witb a lit-b Mrs. Fred Souch, of Starkville, bas tle water after your next meal, andL bougbt the fine residence on Station see what a diffemence this makes. Itv Street front Mr. Harry Cowan, and will instantly neutralize the danger- tenanted by Mr. Fred Duncan. Mrs. eus, barmful acid in the stomach Souch and family wo understand ex- wbich now causes your food to fer- pect te move bore in the early spring. ment and sour, making gas, n'ind, Orono Women's Institute will flatulence, heartburn and the bloated meet in the Council Chamber on Fmi- or heavy, lumpy feeling that seems tlay, Fobruary 17tb, at 3 p. m. Mrs. te follow mest everything yeu cat.v Robh will givo an address. Plan te You can enjoy yeur meals wAithout a 1 attend. Progrant committee: M2ýrs.j fear cf indigestion.9 Thoé. (owan, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. ________________ Bowen. -- Mm. C. Sturgess, cf Chicago Uni- versity, enroute to visit bis homo at n Syracuse, N. Y., spent Sunday here Trouble Sins~ with bis mother at Mr. S. ('uttoll's. c- 'Mrs. Sturgcss acconîpanied him backJ oTrnofoir medical teatmnt. For Those Past 40 home over Suifftuy. Badr Wans, Nroses Witb so tborougb a preparation atBade Waks, Nevues, hand as Millor's Worm Powders the lHeadaches, Frequent, Painful, Scantyb mother who allows bier children tel Urination, Getting-up-Nights.. suifer from the ravages of xvomms is C unwise and culpably cameless. A The embarrassing annoyance andj child subjectod te the attacks cf gonuine misery of Bladder Weak- r: worms is always unbealtby, and w-ill ness, eften brings "discomforts cf T ho stunteul in its growth. It is a1 old age" te those who meally ougbt t( merciful act to rid it cf those des- te ho in the vemy prime cf life. L tructive parasites, especially when it Countless tbousands perhaps seven C can ho clone without difficulty. eut of ton ,of folks noe middle life I Mr. Harvey Curtis, fammer, Ty- ame pitiful victims of Headaches, mene, bas bougbt the Louis Junker Nervousness, pains in back and down mesidence on Main Stmeet South, Or- thmough groins, frequent but scanty S ono, the purchase price being $3000. and painful urination-getting-up. 'î It is a 9-meoin modern framo rosi- nights. % donce erected only a fow yeams age Wbile serieus, if neglected-it is They take possession on May 1st. ordinarily a simple matter te relieve We welcome Mm. and Mrs. Curtis to these troubles by the pleasant home E our town and aise the roturn of lber use cf Dr. Southwemth's URATABis T fathom, Mm. John Buckloy, who makesj which bave been victorious in thous' C bis home with them. 'ands of cases, after other treatments James Henry Stutt passod away on have failed. ai Sunday, January 30th, at Wrexeter, No matter how semieus or cf bayw Huron Ce. Deceased was hem noar long standing your condition may be, Clarke Church in 1859, and when at you can quickly prove the value cf the age of 4 years with bis parents URATABS without rîsk cf cost- went te Bruce County. About the for any good druggist will supply d( middle cf January ho was taken with you on an absolute guarantee cf sat- tu a stmoke from whicbholienover rallied. isfaction or money back. IF URA- Lý Intermont took place at Wmoxeter TABS bring you quick and certain P' cemotory on Fobmuary 2nd. Hoen'as comfomt, you will ho greatly pleased. n, a brother cf Mm. W. M. Stutt cf this If they do net fully satîsfy, their use :own and a grandson cf the late will cost you nothing. Try URA- James Henry, Sixtb Lino. TABS-today, and ses what a differ- '1î'medy antI it will faîll ack even 'aster. There is no baîf way meas- J.A e O G ure about this rmedy. It go es rightBudesSpp eo work and drives asthma eut. it uleaSpl 'caches the inmest hmeatbing pass- Poe13o 0 .ges and leavos ne place for the Poe13o 0 trouble te lurk. Have it by you manville- 'TTINC LOW? iys are certainly causing he coal bin. rets so low that you must a couple tons of the fam- Lt sure does make warmn eyou prompt service. sa Specialty ýTE & SON Iies and Fuel Bowmanville BURKETON CITIZEN PASSES William Chaliners Sanderson Once more we are reminded of the words of the Poet: "Friend alter friend departs Who bath not lost a friend. Is there no union here of hearts That bath flot here an end?" On Tuesday, February lst., Wil- liam Chalmers Sanderson entered in-1 to the larger life. Deceased was born in the township of Cartwright, April 1, 1869, son of the late Fran- cis and Amelia (Argue) Sandorson. LOn May 4, 1892, he was united in marriago to Elizabeth J. Byers, daughter of the late Robert and Jane Byers, Purpie Hill. They spent the larger part of their married life in the township of Darlington, baving resided at Bethesda, Enniskillen and Burketon.1 Mr. Sanderson came to the end ofi the journey to wbich we are ail tra-1 volling. The vacant chair, the kindly greeting, the social character, the friendly hand-shake wbicb have now hecome momories, bring feelings of depression which only tboughts of the larger life into wbichhbe bas entered can dismiss. Tbough scarcely reaching three score years, the departed one was called upon to wage continuaI War against bodily infirmities, whicb grad- ually wveakened bis vitality, yet no word of complaint escaped bis lips, while he toiled on in his frail, frail bouse. Hope flourished in bis heart and faith in the Sa,.iour's promise of John 14 grew stronger and strong- er. "In my father's bouse are many mnansions, if it were not so 1 would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you". He lelaves to mourn his loss, his wif e, Elizabeth J. Sanderson and four children: Wilfrid E.. of Ennis-1 killen; Milton R., Pastor of Birch Cliff Heights United Cburcb; Gert- rude E. (Mrs. Adam Sharp) of En- niskillen and Eva A., of the Montreal Bank, Toronto. Fo~ur brothers and one sister survive, Mrs. Charles Virt- ue of Enniskillen, John of Cadmus, Herbert of Toronto, Frederick of De- troit and Garnet of Orangeville. To ber wbo bas been a lufe com-~ panion and helpmate and to the fam- ily in wbose welfare be was so inten- sely interested, we can truly say: 'We flot only mourn witb tbem wJuo mourn but can rejoice that our mourning is not in despair". The funeral wbich was very large- [y attended took place from the Un- ited Cburcb, Burketon, on Friday, February 4th. It was fitting that this should be, since from his youtb- fuI training in the Presbyterian Church of Cadmus, he possessed a [ove for and an interest in the bouse of God ,which strengtbened witb the years and led him to be an office bearer in the various churches with %vhich he was associated. Service was conducted by Rev. E. R. Cook, bis pastor, the choir render- ing suitable music. Interment in Union Cemetery, Blackstock, where the service wvas conducted by the Loyal Orange Lodge of Plackstock ,vith representatives of miany other lodges in the dlistrict, in which loti- ges ho haîl been entrusted ivith the highest offices in the gift of bis brothers. The Royal Black Pro- ceptory of which ho had been for nany ycars a faitbful member was represented. Paîl-bearers were two brothers, John andl Garnet and four brothers- n-law~. Mr. James Byers, '.%r. William Byers, Mr. John Byers and Mr. HIir-j ani Wannamaker. The floral tributes were manv andl beautiful ineluding wreaths front '1hel Vamnily; United Cburcb Burketon; L. 0. L. No. 141, Enniskillen; Mrs. An]i- Irew Sharp and farnily. Shas rrom the staff of the 'Montreal Bank, Toronto; Herbert Sanderson, Toron-1 o; Mr. David Kay, Toronto; Miss Louisa Argue, Toronto; Mr. John' 'harles Virtue and famnily, Enniskil- len; xir. and Mrs. Meirose Sander- Sanderson, Cadmus; Mr. and Mrs. on, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lanel Sanderson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Henry, Lindsay; Mr. and Irs. Elgin Mountjoy, Bowmanv-ille; Mr. and Mrs. Sbarpley and family,, 'Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean,l lurketon; Miss Alberta Campbell, Toronto; Mr. Clare Myers, Argylej Ont. The fiowor bearers were nepbews nd close friends. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. W. C. Sanderson and family esire to express their deepest grati- tde to the neighboms and friends for 'eir many acts of kindness and ex- ressions of sympatby during the il]- iess and death of hushand and father. Ilere's Proof That ZUTOO Ends Ileadache Plr E.F. tmanln, x-Mayor of Coati- 'Your aloti are asafe and effective remedy for hoadache" Mr. Geo. Leige, Editor off the "Granby Leader-Mail" p esit. 1 rourzuto îjVýta 1d eserve to be w 1de- ly kncw- -aà remedy that will stop A.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * .Ha on .A,.CColonel of HI ze uteoTalt. and find thein a very satisfactory renuedy for Hcadsche."1 àlS cents per box-at aIl dealers. w S«fe. Sreedj, Reli.f frem Pain Magical for Ifeedoches Dont surrendem te Pain. Pain is Nature's warning t!iat soinetising seri- oui is wrong in youm body. Therefore yeu sbould flot e.ign yaurself te suifering, but sbould elîu:eavor te flnd a means of correctin' j" sny poison or cuber destructive agent. wbicb is botb citusing your pain, and breaking stn ruturing Templeton' st ruct rmIn Tepeour odiya Rhcumatic Capsules, or King St. East, Bowmanville w Jteralza Headache -RKHE UJqMATISM .Vcurtz.s -- Lumbailo . Sciatica T-R-C's, you have a rmedy that will flot rinly b; izig you safe, speedy relief from vair suffering. but one Sthat wi;l alto enable yeum body te thrî w out the poisenous substances u:îat causes the pain. Prove it fuir yoî:rsclf to-day- S get a 50c or $1 box of T.R.C's from your druggist, or send 10c for booklet and generous trial te Temraktons "L", Toronto 2. T Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuritis Headache W R N ING I Neuralgia Toothache Beware of Counterfeits Cold LumagoThere is only one genuine Pain Rheumnatism ";\ýS1>IlZIN" tablet. If a tab- let is offemecl as "ASPIRIN" DOES NOT AFFECT auttiis nat stainped with the Bayer Coss"-rcfluse it %vith THE HEART cenitc'îîPt-it isnot"ASPIRIN" at al Don't take chances!I Accept only "Bayer" package whicli contains proven directions. Ihaiduy'"Btayer" boxes of 12 tablet.a tYOeý Alîuttles otf 2A andl l0O-Druggise. Asoiirin ln the tradI,'mark ýi, trr edln C'aris,î;i of Rayer 'r auif.'wture of Manoacetlc- a 'I,' f Mii A ý,'i A ty i Sai eyliv'Aeid. "A. S. A."')I. wile A le well liniiwn that A "î,îiriiit'aim Le îir nuîu ;,' !'t a thi, i tuui lnt iitsla.tiTahiete 01 Bayer CoMPanY wil be atâmiied witb their geasrsj Leade mark. the -Bayer Cros.'l Safeguard Your Body Againat Winter-Ills With Vitamin-Rich Nourishment- Take SCOTTIS EMULSION ft Abounds In Cod- liver Oil Vitamins1 Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 26-39 w t' ~ t 4 Almost Every Day We have the pleasure of adding new custom- ers to our growing list of satisfied patrons. Our aim is to build up a trade by giving the best and choicest meats obtainable-at a price that is reasonable-and a prompt and courteous service that makes folks feel they want to deal at our store regularly. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Dolivery Butchers Phone 518 Bowull Have You Tried jShell Coal 011?07 Lt gives heat and light instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. I Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 J.- -Mý ý .ý;' -.- -. PAGE MX . ýl 1

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