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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1927, p. 7

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TRE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILmL.E, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. PAGE SEVEII Terrible Eczema GoesQuickly Strong, Powerful Y.t Saf e, Sur. geoa's Prescription Called Moone's Emerald Oji Ha& Astonisbed r Physicians. êThere is une simple and inexpen- sive way to reduce the danger of swoollen veine and bunches, and get thern down to normal, and that is to apply Moone's Emerald Oul night and morning, using the Moone's Bandage te support thLm during the day. People who have painful, enlarged veins shuuld not negleat them for they sometirnes burst and cause mauch misery and expense. Moune's Emerald Oil besides being suo marvelouzly antispectic that it des- troys germs and poisons caused by germs is such a remarkable healing agent that eczema, barbers' itch, saît rheumn and oCher inflammatory skia eruptions go in a f ew days. For years it bas been used for boils, ulcers, abscesses and open sures that discharge and with the most per- fect success. Jury & LovelI will be glad te supply you. MOTHERS If you want your children te bave alert mnds, aound Merv"&, ruddy cheeks aglow wth health, give them OLAJEN-They love it I Now on sale at al Dwuggit"-1.OO a jar. Cook's Regulatint Cornpound A el , whia ualm JJ-Sdiia old in tic e 13 'I Kal duqt.oren THE COOK MEDICINE CO.. )WO.~PmOSPHOD8N£-. The G <reat i'nglsh Preparatffif SToneaie' nvigoraies the whoie ilervous %ysem. makes new Blood on~r old Veinn. Used for Nervous UifiDebiitv. Mental ard IDrain Worry, =eprdncv.Louaof Inerrv, Palpitatin a n ,71Har. aing Memory. t'ies2pe. 00.3 ' for 15« SoId by atidruggits, or maîled in plain pkg. on recripi utiînte Nemi'pîmphit maulei '.IgWOODO iICINE iO-TONONTO.ONI taDRTH MAS, *ECLEC'fl!C* R p. AE ANQ"ti O'r M ( 'F lAN NDSU ' * ~". WI _ 'tr7 ON A,,[) t' AMotr '-FR.r VI'- aL,le AI -,) 0L li LETTER FROM INDIA The following interesting letter from Cora Hepburn Gibeon, wife of Rev. Harvey J. Gibson, was received1 by Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Secretaryt of Newcastle St. George's Women's Auxiliary and read by ber at the January meeting- Saugur, C. P., India November 25th., 1926. (Continued from last week) Twenty-four hours by rail from Bombay brought us to Saugor, a city of 3500, a military centre, and destined for sorne tirne at least, to bet our horne. A missionary convention1 was in session so there were a good1 number to welcome us. Dr. andi Mrs. Keay's bungalow is just out sidet the city and is situated on a hili from which you may look over Saugor, the1 lake on which it ie situated and the( surrounding country. The eleva-1 tien is about 2000 feet and for this1 reason it ie a very good climate here. Dr Keay is the Superintendent of thel entire field and he bas already woni our esteem. Our bungalow is undergoing some repair su we are with the Keay's but expect to be in our own home in a couple of weeks. The English bouses are aIl large, thick-wialled, and white inside and out. They are kept freshly white- washed and so are very white, and really quite artistic wîth their huge pillared verandahs. The servants are not too energetic and because of the Indian caste system they refuse te do any work other than their par- ticular line, hence many of them are employed by each household. For- tunately you can get a cook for about $7.00 a month, and, of course, they have their own lodge or quart- ers and provide their own food. But ail is not ail joy. They require very close supervision lest they neglect to boil the drinking water or else a'p- propriate some of your food stuif. What shah I1 say of the people in general? "The East is the East and the Wçst is the West and neyer the twain shall meet", seeme to be true. People! People! People-with water pots and burdens on their heads,, leadin.g goats, driving ox-carts, beg- ging, salaaming and bartering. if you desire a real thrill drive your car through an Indian bazaar. The first day Mr. Gibson drove I alrnost had nervous prostration. The people certainly aren't nervous. Mrs. Keay and I went o'ut twelve miles to an Hindu village on Tues- day. It was quite dlean-as à people they are quite so-but the sick ones that they brought to us were heart rending. They have no idea how to care for themn. Most of them receive you gladly and listen in- tently. Only the Brahmen or priests don't hesitate to say you are a devil and urge the people not to listen to Yeu. Another day we ail went to a me- lee or religious festival. They had corne by the thousands to cleanse themeelves from sin in a rnuddy hole and then give their offering to, the priest in charge of the idol. Dr. Keay preached and we sold testa- ments. Some women carrying littie children and walked twenty miles. We are having rnost delightful weather. It is the winter season and one sleeps comfortably with three blankets and a bot water bot- tle. In the day time I enjoy a woollyi dress. In March it begins to geti bot and continues bot and dry for three months; then cornes the ramn and season of great growth. We have hegîun our language study. Findi it is called. Each of us bas a undit or teacher. As yet my vocabulary is much limited. In April we go to the bills and se es- cape the heat and also attend a very good language echool. This year we rnay stay for four months but after thse firet year there are only six weeks holîdays. This week is the Cburch Assernbiy at Nagpur- day's journey from bore. Dr. Keay and Mr. Gibson are in attendance. Now 1 muet stop with very best wishes for the varjous societies. Much moro work could be accomplished if there were more in the field; aise much prayer is needed. !Pray for us constantly and pray that the ligbt of the gospel of Christ may dispel the darknees of India. Very sincerely yours Cor& Hepburn Gibson. Russell G. McLean, Vancouver, su- loist and instructor in singing, who was known te a number of the music- loving people of Bowmanville, died in a Vancouver Hospital frorn double pneumonia. Mr. MeLean sang as. a boy soprano in St. Janmes Cathedral, Toronto, and was also a member of the staff of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. He was soloist for some time als<) at the The-Little-Church Around the Corner, New York City. Mr. McLean was a cousin of Mrs. P. M Crvdernman. Bownîatîville-.- U.,is CLARKE DARLINGTON COU.NCIL Itagular meeting of Council was held On Wednesday evening last, a at Town Hall. Hampton, February 7th., party of friends paid a surprise ViSit! 1927, with members ail present, Reeve C to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell,I1 A. 'vîght 1residing. Clar-ke, and presented the couple: iîue flg etn eera ii with týwo wicker easy chairs, uphol-< .oteIx as rvaui. stered, as a wedding present. An address accunîpanied the presenta-' < oninitinicatioiis were îlisposed of as Lion. Mr. Os. Cowan acted as chair-I follows: man, and after a short progi-r ofl Ontatrio School Trustees' and htate- music, calied on the Committee to l pycrs' Association. re-annuita conven- make the presentation. Mr. and tion. Fiiad. Mrs. Caswell suitably responded.' Ontario Municipal Association, re An- Afterwards dancing wAs enjoyed by Convention. Filed. the company, wbich numbered about Ontario Good Roads Association, i-e 150, to the wee sma' hours. Re- ïtnnual Confereîîce on roadi construction. freshrnents were provided by the rîîed. numerous ladies of the party. A Clark, City of Oshawa re iîîueî-ting to be thoroughly enjoyable evening was hein in Cobourg in conneoi with in- spent. Mrs. Harold Caswell (nee i creasadI hydre rates. Filait. Miss Chrissie Robb) was until r e- lios)ital for Sick Cuitlren, Toronto, cently teacher at Cowanville School ppa. l.K gatd Orono. 'rairanala)1l ii f riîd 1Il. MeLaughiin. I3urketon, malde ie- 10 only, Ladies' Fur TrimmedI1 quiet for permission Eu place gas tank Coats originally up to $25.00, nowlin front of his store. iteterred to $10.00 at Couch, Johnston & Cry. county Road Supt. derman's. Aylmer Beech requested Permission to trim trees at lots 24 an-d 25, con. 8. Rot erred to Coun. Pascoe and Roe.d Supt. Ontario Bridge Co.. Toronto, re road tirage. It 'aan decidi-d in arder 8 nýew drags. "A fy-ituw te repeai By-iuîw No. 626. andi ail By-iaws :imenuing the saine. ra- isting to the payaient of a tbonuis un the building ut wira tendes- was passed be- Ing numbered 899. (Note-In view of the tact that under the new systei-n adopted as Eu road construction and maintenance the Provincial Hlighways De- turtrnant wli l ot pay 30% on a wire tance bonus uniesa the road ls 66 fect wide, the passing of thse above i3y-law vos censidered necessary. Auditors presented their report, show- ing receiîîts for year 1926 as $106462.29, andt expeniitures as3 $10639059, leaving a balance on hand of $71.70, and 1926 taxi-e tu ue cullectedIamounting te $5.- 816.08. Report was adopted and 50 copies ordî-red prtnted. Treasurer acknowledgd receipt of $583'6 fromt The Soidiers' Settiensent Boardl, taxes 1925, ani $1200 for rent ut Hall Provincial election from W. A. Van- Camp. Oriiers mwere drawn on Treasurer:- i oad Suplt., sai Oiry nil office ei- linsffl, Dec . 15, 26. teuFeb. 1, 192 7------------------------------$8434 Rtîad Suit., rota]nmaintenance . 89.90 E. Vý Seoblal, treasurrs bond- 0 Fi. J. (1mat, auditor-----------1. 5 W. G. Rundle. auditor---------------12.50 Division Ragistrar, tees 1926 ...2150 M. A. James & Sons, îîrinting ... 3825 S. R. Hart & Co.. supplies......... 73.72 M. A. Jtames & Sons, printing. L. B.ut H------------------------...10.50 F. R. Kerslake, disinfectant, L. B. of Il-. -..... ........... .......... 17.01 Sick ChiidrnasH-ospital, Toronto, grtuit-------------------------------i1.00 Toronto Stamp) and Stencil Ce., dog tags ......... .............. 23.18 J1. J. Smithi, adv. T. S., S. S. No. 19 100.00 ('ouncil adjourneil tEuMonday, Mai-ch 7th, 1927, at 1 o*clock 1). m. W. R. Aluin, Township Cierk. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA A TOWER 0F STRENGTH- 1926 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net) $1 925 694909000 An Increase of $235,393,000 New Assurances Paid For - 265,889,000 An Increase of $72,41 2,000 Total Incomne - -- 78,97 2,000 An Increase of $9,825,000 Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries - - - 38t5769000 i Total Payments Since Organiza- tion - - - - - 257,816e000 Reserve for Unforeseen Con. ' tingencies - -11 Ii,000,000 Surplus over ail Liabilities and Contingency Reserve - 34,01 1,000 An Increase of $ 5,3 7 1,.000 ' ASSETSatDecember3l,1926 345,251,000 An Increase of $42, 195,000 Dividends to Policyholdera increased for seventh successive year EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT The operations during the past year have re- stock privileges received in connectîon with An additional amotunt of -ý40)',000 bas sulted in substantial advances in aIl depart- many of our holdings. Leen set aside to prov ide- for _geater longe'vity ments.. . The quality of the investments listed in the of annuitants. The total held under this head- The new policies paid f..... almost double assets may be judged fromn the fact that on ing in excess of Government requirements, rthe figures of two years ago. 99.55 per cent of the bonds and on 99.71 per is rOW $1,500,000. The assurances in force, after deduction of cent of the preferre& stocks, flot one~ dollar of .i- The reserves on tiîe newlv acquired busi- reassurances, an increase of...... terest or dividiend is in arrear for even one day. ness of the Cleveland Life, and on other re- ' over twenty-three per cent. On our common stocks the divi?'ends now being assured policies, have beeit*raiscd to the same Policies and group certificates; now outstand- received are greatly in excess of the dividends liigh standard as that uied for th:e valuation ing aggregate well in excess of half a million, payable on the sanie stocks a t time of purchase. of liabilities under our o .,,i contracts. The figures relating to resources and earning The total surplus earned during the year To ourpocv crs profits have lieen power are equally satisfactory. amounted to $20,457,077.28. From this the paid or allotted duri:îý t he year to tL.e amouint The h igh quality and profitable character of f ollowing appropriations have been macle: o 1 S9,23 5,5 26.80. our investments has again been demnonstrated. The sum of $2,000,000 bas been de- After niking thesed'utin and alloca- As a result of continued reduction in prevailing ducted from the official valuation of ot:r se- lions an addit oni of '15,371,5641.56 i s een rates of interest, and of satisfactory industrial i-uflties to prov'ide for possible fluctuationis in mîadle to the pnvd dîrofits. 'f 1-e surplus conditions, there bas been a further rise in the mnarket values. This raises the amount set OVcr ail lia iFitius, cîtnîc:a-c ',un'; and market values of our long-term bonds and of asi<]c for this purpose to '5,000,000. capi tal stock. 110w stands at r S1Ilu.. ourseurtie mdeby heGoernenansur SCUitis recartocikts.blacThhee s iior refrrd nd thoftocs.ore aprisl o Iionie wrd, te ale a wiîh or o ; x'ar insuce onwehae icrasd ance Department shows that the excess of S5,000,000 less tlian the appraisal miat]. he po)I-iL to IIt:iJli Pdylo<cs ur- mîarket values overcost hasincreasediduringthe y h Gvrniîcint autiiorities.ibsprolarrÀsee sbedoîe. year by $6,894,266.26. In addition, the suni The account to provide for unforeseen cona- \\hîilc halfmsu- nc u 1920,fa t he OîUl.l of $1,729,364.52 bas been realized as net profit tingencies has heen increased by SI 000,000 tw>a(lahMins iîel),teCA": fî-om the redemption or sale of municipal deben- bringing the total uinder this lîcading tu paid or allotted as profits ti jîol*cyhîl~is b1,is ml tures and other securities which liad risen to $11,000,000. inultiplied five aîd a haîf t i n xs. Wcare gri tiîvl high premiums. The rate of interest earned on The book value of our Head Office building to announce, for the e,îl -îst-îCtinue the mean invested assets lias also risen to the lias been written down by a further sum <of a furtiier incr-cse in the scale of jîroi's to be remarkable figure of 6.69 per cent, as the result $250,000 though it certainly c-ould nil distrihuted ta aur jiolicyhiolders ini the eilsuingl of substantial dividend increases, bonuses, and be rcplaced at even its original cost. vear. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE il COMPANY 0F CANADA WE HAVE IT--- NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Kept in the Frigidaire Refrigeî'ator. SoId in bricks, bulk or by the dish. There's none better. Bread is now 10e cash and carry at the shop or lic a loaf delivered or charged. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATUMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. PAGE SEVICN

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