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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1927, p. 1

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,tatetmmTn With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES &,SONS, Publishers. BOWTMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1927 $2.00 aYear r IAjluorna np BOWMANVILLE TO CELIEBRATE DIAMOND JUBILEE Men's Canadian Club Takes Initiative To Arrange Local Plans Plans are being made throughout Canada for tbe celebration of the sixtietb anniversary of Confederation on July 1, 1927. Arrangements are being mnade at Ottawa for the ob- servance of this national holiday. No doubt most cities and tow.ns will take advantage of this occasion to show their pride in aIl tbings Canadian. On Tuesday evenîng, February 8, the executive of the Bownianville Men's Canadian Club passed the fol- lowing resolution: That (1) tbe various organizatious and lodges of Bowrnanville be requested to urge their members to plan to celebrate July lat in Bowrnanville; and (2) that eacb association or loldge be re- quested to appoint one representa- tive to meet representatives of otherl organizations for the purpose of making plans, appointing commit- tees, etc., for a celebration on July lst in Bowmanville. It is to be boped that aIl such se- cieties will entbusiastically ce-eper- ate in this matter. An organization meeting will be called by Mayor, T. S. Holgate at an early date when the various erganizations in tbe tewn have been invted to send a represen- tative. Tibbles of London, says the addi- tion of barley products to cow's milki makes it more digestible and pre-1 vents the coagula. INSPECTED GOODYEAR PLANT STANDARD BANK HAS BEST Several hundred citizens accepted YEAR IN ITS HISTORYI the invitation to visit the local plant Net profits of $821,886.71-tbe of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., highest in tbe bistory of the Institu- on Wednesday afternoon. Tbey1 tion-were reported at the fifty- were well repaid for the time and1 second annual meeting of the Stand- effort as the process of manufactur- ard Bank of Canada at the Head ing crude rubber into the finisbed ar-, Office on Wednesday, February tbe ticle is extremely interesting as wellr 23rd. as educative. People went to the.Dpst losoe nices factory in sucb large numbers that fDepoit lo $3s700e00anincrds resrveguies ere reqire tonow stand at $72,148,588.13. As- bandle the crowds. sets irnrediateîy available are $43,- It is certain that those visiting the 808,121.11 or sigbtly over 55% of factory will now have an entirely diff-1 the Bank's liabilities to tbe public. erent impression of this busy hive of j The improvement in general business industry froni that wbich tbey had conditions tbroughout Canada is re- freni the outside. flected in an increase in current loans of $ 1,243,000 whicb now amount to As the various departments wereg $39,493,951.95. visited the escorta explained the pro-1 The report sbould prove very grat- cesses underway whicb in general- ifying to the Shareboldens. It in- terms consisted of mixing, heating dicates that tbis ba'ik is doing its and pressure. full share in the development of Canadian Industry and Canadian Agriculture, and during the year just closed, it has been able to attract to HIGH SCHOOL NOTES j itself a considerable volume of new ____1_ and profitable business.1 r -Try Bowmanville First- NEW SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING it may seem a littie early to be talking about New Spring. Goods, but we can't resist passing on the welcome news. Big packing boxes, cases and cartons are pouring into our~ store almost daily. Everyone of them 18 laden with articles of Dress Goods, Novolties or Wearing Apparel which is going to assist in making the ladies happy and admired when they step out into the East- er Fashion Parade. With competition becoming keener each year and other con- ditions of retailing changing we are determnined to keep apace with the times by continuing to make this store the popular shop- ping place it has been for nearly 50 years.-where you- may buy witlî confidence and satisfaction. AIl we ask is an opportunity to show you our goods. Ladies' Winter Coats Clearing at Haif Price A FEW COATS AT $500 EACH DOLLAR BARGAINS IN CORSETS A special lot of corsets, regular $3.50 to $5.00 are marked dom-n at $1.00. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats Almost ail sizes available, well made, this year's styles, soîne priced as low as............................................ $14.50 Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and they ar'e marked down to haif original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is being cleared at very low prices. MEN'S SUITS FROM $12.50 UP BOYS' SWEATERS WORTH $1.45 FOR 98c Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104 Limiten FORSALE! 2 storey brick veneer bunga- low; contains 3 nice bedroorns and commod.ieus 3-piece bath- room b lail and ample closet ac- commodation, upstairs; and liv- h ngroom dininglroom,- ktchen and halldZnsta irs; hardwo.od floors on downstairs (except kitchen) ; cernent cllar, divided; pipeles.s furnace, electric lighting; piazza across front of house, and cernent walks to front and ide doors. Haif acre of nice ]and with about 13 Spy apple trees. Price $3300 on easy ternis. Five min- utes walk nortb from C. P. R. Station. 2 storey brick bouse; contains 4 bedroorna, 3 piece batbroom, hall and living!roomn, diningrooni, kitchen, hall, summer kitchen; bot air furnace, electric lighting, cernent cellar. About quarter acre of nice garden land. Eight m'inuites walk east frotn C. P. R. Station. Price $3300 on easy ternis. Aloo several other resdential properties for sale, as wdi a farm properties. Apply to Edith V. Scobeli Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bowmanville Dorothy Helen Wrigbt, St. Mary's, Ont., graduate of the University of Toronto, and winner of several achol- BUY SHORTHORNS NOW anbîips, bas been awarded the lm- ON A RISING MARKET peril Order Daughters of the Em-____ pire war memonial overseas post-~ Present demanda and future pros- graduate scbolanship for Ontario for pects peint te a very thriving and 1927. It is valued at $1,400 Shelsuccessful business for breedprs of is the daugbter of the late Lieut. W. Sberthonn cattle. J. Wright, 19th Battalion, CE.?.,I wbo was killed in action nean Lens A despatcb in Tuesday's Globe in 1917. Fie was a member ef the jsays: Orders for 20 Shortborn bulîs teaching stalff of Bowniranville High have been placed with W. A. Dryden Scolabout 20 years ago. and John Miller of Brooklin, ont., Schoolby the 'British Columbia Stock Breed- ers' Association for the annual bull sale at Kamloops on Marcb 23 te 25. Apocalypse" au ix ws iunciimpssilUt secure any bulls on the Prairies so the associa- tion bas again bad to secure a supply from Eastern breeders. Jas. B. Davidson, ýCarman, Man., Western Representative of Dominion Sbortborn Breedens Association, in a recent letter said: There bas been quite a demand for bulîs out bers at moderate prices wbicb indicates tbati there is something stîrring in tbe de- mand for Sbortborns. ,Only last week Shortborns at the Dryden-Miller Sale in Toronto, fori the first time in several years, went at higb prices to United States buy- ers from Ilowa and (Çalfornia. Wbile buyers from Britisb Columbia, Sas- katcbewan and Manitoba took sorne of tbe best offerings whicb indicates an era of good pricti. for Sbortborn cattle ,and-also tbi.i Ontario is the Place wbere breeders corne from al over the continent looking for good seed stock. Tbe fact thtat a bull caîf in tbe above mentioned sale sold for $1000 and tbat ten young bulîs averaged $400 eacb is some criterion of tbe future for Sbortborn breedens. Durham County Sborthorn As- sociation has neyer lost faitb in tbeir favorite breed. During the past few years of a somewbat indifferent mar- ket they have consistently gone abead improving tbeir sires and berds. So that today they are in a position to offer young stock of real quality as to breeding and individuality. At tbe association sale at Bowman- ville on Tbursday, March 3rd., tbey offer 28 head from tbe best fainilies of Shorthorns including Lavenders, Duchess of Gloster, 'Marr Flora, Miss Ramsden, Clarets, Minas, Golden Drops, May Flowers and otbers. Be- sides these tbere are stock frorn suchi sires as sons of Browndale, *Millbillst Cornet, the $36,000 bull, and other1 world famous sires. One outstand-t ing sire is J. Baker's son of Milîbilîs Cont wbicb at the last Royal Show in Toronto was adjudged tbe best 2- year old bull in Canada. Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, February 25.26 "Winners of the Wilderness" With Col. Tim NleCoy,' Joan I Crawford, Roy D'Arcy and a big V cast, in one of the finest Cana- dian-American historical pictures c yct to reach the screen.h Monday-Tuesday, Feb 28, Mardi i Marion Davies in The "Red Mill" With Owen Moore, Louise Fazen- da and KarI Dane. Love and laughs in tulip-land when the Dutch and the Irish get tegether-watch eut for fun and excitement! Marion Davies as the little Dutch slavey-Owen Moore as the son of Erin ahe loves from afar-provide more laughs and thriîis thon you'd think could be crammed inte one film. With the star cf Beveriy of Grau- stark at ber beat. Wedneaday-Thuraday, March 2-3 "A Little Journey" With Claire Windsor, William Haines and Harry Carey. Clear the tracks for action! fun! rom- ance with a kick in it! A trip of unlimited excitenient and laughs on the Overland Limitsd! Don't mlas this one! Monday-Tuosday, March 7-8 Mas Murray in "Altars of Doe"e March 14-15 "The Four Horisemau of the v ( Citizens Delighted With Nurses' New Residence Many People Inspect Fine Building Tbe popularity of Bowmanville 13 years ago contributed $5,000. Hospital and the keen interest tak- These amounts witb the gift and en in tbis institution by citizens of legacy already mentioned still leaves town and district was evidenced on an indebtedness on the building of Wednesday afternoon and evening, about $11,000. February l6th on tbe occasion.of the It is the hope and desîre of the informai opening and public inspec- Board that this amount may bie re-I tien of the Nurses' New Residence. duced very rnaterially by severaIl The stormy weatber did net inter- thousand dollars in the near future. fere witb carrying eut the desire of The humanitarian work and scien- citizens to attend tbis opening event. tific treatment administered by this Over 300 naines were recorded on institution in the paat and the faci- the guest book during the afternoon lities available to alI -for future needs and evening. of this community deserve tbe earn- The visitors were given a cordial est thougbt and generous support of welcome upon entering tbe residence every citizen. by Mr. Normian S. B. James, Presi- The Nurses' Residence was design- dent of Hospital Board, Mrs. (Dr.) ed by D. E. Kertland, Arcbitect, 2 John Spencer, President of Women's Bloor St., West, Toronto, wbo aIse Hospital Auaciliary, and Mrs. Flor- supervised the werk while under con- ence Srnytbe, Superintendent of Hos- struction assisted by the well-knowni pital. local contractor, Mr. Wrn. Brock wbo In the beautiful reception room acted as resident inspector. wbicb presented a rnost attractive Mr. T. E. Flaxman, general con- and inviting appearance with a glow- tractor, Bowmanville, was awarded ing fire in the grate, bright laghts the contract for tbe erection of tbe frem the electrical fixtures and gold- building. Those who are farniliar en bouquets of daffodils on the tab-1 with construction work bave been les and mantel place the guesta were beard to remark that no building bas received by Mns. J. W. Alexander, been more tboroughly or better er- Mns. L. A. W. Tole, Mrs.,N. S. B.- ected in 'town in recent years than James, Mrs. (Rev.> D. W. Best, Mrs the Nurses' Residence. R. J. GilI and Mns. Geo. E. Chase. Tebidn so oi rc Thft rern as rmostiofathe frnîtue wîth dark red face brick, 3 storeys andt frnimsings bave be nitea nd 1-6 rooms. On the ground and urnshigs hve eendonated floor besides tbe. reception room, by local citizens and a former reai- sprnedn' prmnsadkt dent of ow ma vil e. henette already m entioned, there is Miss Mabel Borland, Keitbley 1 single bedroom, 2 double bied- Creek, ia C., wbo until 1914 lived for rooms and a batbroom. The latter many years witb ber uncle and room las equipped witb 2, wash basins, aunt, Mr. and Mn. R. H. Turner, a tub and sbower and 2 stools. Tbe Centre and Lowe Sts., Town, sent a floor covering is of green battleship liberal check witb whicb was pur- linoleum. Second floor bas 8 bied- chased a bandsome cbesterfield, twe reomrs and a bathroom sirnilarly laid chesterfield chairs and two Cox out to that on first floor. Each bed- well chairs. Other gifts and donors roorn is supplied witb one or moret are: Graduate Nurses, fire place bask- clothes closets. fet ,fancy mantel mirror, mantel The attic is left unfinisbed witb ex- ciock; Rebekah Lodge, Chesterfield ception of floor and a store roem. walnunt table; Mns. Thos. Tod and There sailbepc nthati Miss Olga Tod, R. N., 2 large ferna for fouavailabhle pae the atticd and wicker stand; Nurses in train- fu ros bul he e ed ing, bridge lamp; Mn. and Mrs. Non-ed mnan S. BR. James, bridge lamp. The Tbe basement consists of a lecture riumerous bouquets of daffodils us- and dernonstration room, wash reom, à ed in decorating were ifts fromn the trunk and storage reoni, fruit and conaervatories of S. J. Jackman & vegetable room, and furnace reoni.1 Sons, florists. The building is heated tbruoutl 1 Opposite the reception roorn offwitb bot water installed by Rice &' the main entrance baIl are the cosy Co. The electrical work was done by v apartrnents of the Hospital Super- Mr. Gus Bounsaîl and the painting v ntendent whicb consist of neception by Mr. H. H. Dilling. c room, bedroom, bathroom and clothes bg closet.1 The hospital bas neyer badl a more b faitbful, efficient and conscientiousi "TRY BOWMANVILLE FIR.ST" o' Superintendent than Mns. Smytbe.1 j Her interest in the institution waa "Try Bowmanville First", shoulà furtber demonstrated in a most be the slogan of every citizen who practîcal manner wben she asksd for wants te ses this town progreas. the prîvîlege of furnisbing bier It la the comrnunity spirit that own apartments. As a token Of bnings the citizensbip dloser together regard for Mns. Smythe two beautifilj and elirninates the Uines drawn by Ir frarned pictures «race the walla of cliques. To accernplisb anything a er apartrnents, the gift of graduate for the çod of the comrnunity a sen- Ir Lurses and-a handsorne bridge larnP tuent in favor of sucb a preject p from the nurses in training. must be created and it la easy te Aýfter inspecting the reerns on thce create this sentiment if the proper B main and finst floons liglit refresh- spirit prevails. 9 menta were served in oe of the The main object of this life should " ouble bed-roorns whicb, for this oc- lie te make the world a better place casion bad been cenverted into a tea, in which te live but this cannot b. room. Mn. Thos. Ted and Mns. F. accornpllahed with a citizenship pull- et W. Goddard were cenvenen eof the ing in dîfferent directions .li s rooni, while Mns. A. E. McCready If every citizen of this community C eoured tea. During the afternoon wouîd get togehrad lint $ thse assisting in the tea reeni and mn. rjuiethewrkan im ne $- isior atng s theides inchoing the mie predies, w.ork ith ensrob-yU la ci n g sro u idth es in ce oinclu h- ject in view and that te m ake Bow- Y ed Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, Mrs. E. R. ince t e bes town i the prev- u- r red akr, Mrs. . . iston, .complished wuîd ferrn a monument fc rn. D.akdre, Mrs. . H. Masghon, te the present generatien that would P lias.D Pet e, Ms d C.teHensMss live tbrough the ages and lbe an in- in is Caver, Miss Aua SRuns,MAs- piration for future genenations te H C a e r l , M s s u r a R u n l e , A s - c o n t i n u e t h e g o o d w o r k . istant Superintendent, Miss Sauva,R [igbt Superviser, and others. in This idea of "Try Bowmanville R le evening these pleasant duties First" dosnet reat entirely witb is ere perfornied by the nurses in private citizens. Local merchants E a-.ining. Miases Enmma Niddrie, shouid bie firat te set the example. Si ois Lamib, Mary Jebson, Mamie In this connection the foliowing roajene, Annie Atkinson, Olga editorial froni The Sun of Wauke- R Lami), Laura Cockburn, Ruby Clat- gan, Ill., nîight be seriously consider- vortby, Ada Jackman. ed and acted upon:iV The kitchenette wbicb la very Did you ever stop te think that vi mmplete in its appointments bas there are a lot of merchants in every te sen equipped witb a 2-plate electric town who believe in "letting George, orner. the gift of Mr. and Mns. do it" in the matter of advertiaing. qi eo. E. Chase. Like leeches, they neyer spend ai . Many favorable and complimetarydue witb the newspapers. But when,11 rniarks were heard about thnaew tbe real advertising merchants jein I ar esidence. The whole building, as in a big special sales day for the coin- P me passes through it, bas an effect rnunity tboae non-supporters of the C] Ifairinesa and cherfuinesa that ia newspapers dreas up their windows, at [ligbtful., It sbould prove a real slip in seme seemingly attractive bar- da )ni5 for the nurses in wbich they gains in order te get their incidentaI P ay find pleasure, pride and rest. ahane of the trade brought te tewn ýeauty and utility bave been happiîy by' the men who have put on the lia ombined in the architecture of the canipaign.. da uilding permitting ne tbought of This is the fact in sîl communi- I :travagence. tics and you can go up aas "n7li ta: The Board of Directors are most every business street and pick '- a rateful te Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stor- these men by the appearance of their by - - - -7 ---- yý.vv a Lzai Lil ziuvalicu au a uopy ýN 0. ýi nswbn ocial haifï-hou'r was en- oyed. MINISTERS A»~ CHURtcHE St. Jos p h' R. C. C hurcli: ?forn- g-~ M as 8 30 . . Sunday cheo-2 30 p m. Evening--Ser- onan endcto 7 p. m. Rev. P. Butler St. Paul's Churcli, Rey. D. W. 3est, D. D., miniater. 11 a. m.- 'The Glory in the Grar". 2.»0 p. m. 'The Unknown Road'. 7p.l . Sunday Scbool and Biible lase. Re. E. Haraton, Woodvilce, bhm e- eived and accspted an invitation te )come pastor f St. John's United ,hurcl, Campbellford, t a salary of ',5010 for the comuxng conference rear. The Officiai Board of St. Paulls Jnited Churc, Pickering, unani- ýousIY invited Rev. A. R. Sandenson or another year, and that is sti- >nd be increased another $100, mak- ng bis salary $1900. St. Andnew's Presbyteruan Cburch, orner Temperance and ýCburcb Sts. tev. Robt. McDement, M. A., min- ter. Merning worship i a. m. -vening wersbip 7 p. m. Sunday ;hooi at 2.30 p. M. Tninity United Cburch, Rev. J. U tobins, Pastor, wiii preacb atil1 a. aand 7 p. m. Sunday Sehool at 10 P. M. Good music at ail ser- icea in charge of Mn. Francis Sut- on, choir' director and orrganist. St. John's Anglican Cburcb. Quin- îagesima Sunday, February 27tb., 927. 8 a. mn.-HolY Communion. la. m.-Morning Prayer and Lit- y. 2.30 P m.-Sunday Scbooi. 7 . .-Evening Prayer. Confirmation asa eacb Tuesday in Panish Hall t 8P. M. March 2, Asb Wednes- .y 8 a. m.-HoIy Communion.8 m.-Evening Prayer. Trmnity Junior Missionary Auxi- .ry held a supper meeting on Tues- ay evening at the ore of Mns. as. H. Mason. After ail had par- tken of the goed thinga pnovided, short session was beld preaided over yMisa Vesta Spargo, President. e Study Bok on India was taken SMiss Nellie Montgomery. TOCK BREEDERS' BANQUET Fanmera wili be greatly intenested the announcement that Prof. G. E y, Secretany Dominion Shorthorn sadcîation, Guelph, and Mr. L. E. r'eill, Live Stock -Branch, Toronto, ll be the chief speakers at the àortborn Breeders banquet te be ld at Bowmnan Houas, Bowmanville, iTbursday, March Srd., at 7.30 M. Fanmen wll be particularly ;erested in this gathering and wiIl 3made welcorne. Town foîkg igt; do a lot worse, tee, than thon around the banquet board Itl these prosperous fanînen and iran mrt hand facte on the probleme the live stock lirceden. Ticket& ow on sale at hotel. SPLENDID PROGRAM GIVEN By the Music Study Cilubs of Three Lake Shore Towns The benefit of excbange and inter- change of good things possessed by talntd people was shown to advan- tage on Tuesday evening when the Muisic Study Clubs of OsbwA and PortrHope assisted Bowranville Club pn rovidng an evening of musical peasure for the citizens of the town. The Opera House was comfortably filled with an appreciative audience that enjoyed the good things provided by musical people from these lake shore towns. Members of Oshawa's Club who àssisted were: Mn. C. M. Munday and Miss M. E. Ross in vocal duets, 'Buy My Roses' and an encore 'Corne Sing to Me'; Miss !Beulah Gat gave a three-piece piano number; Mrs. Ina Tod Gray sang 'A Birthday' and as an encore 'In My Garden'; Mns. Russel Bale sang two numbers, 'He's such a Little Fellow' and 'Morning', and as an encore, a catchy litte song 'The Woodpecker'. A vocal trio, Mns. W. A. Hare, Mns. T. E. East and Miss J. Keddie, sang 'The Kerry Dance' and as an encore 'Spring is Corning' which took well; Mrs. C. M. Munday's recitations, 'The Musician' with 'piano accompanirnent by Mi-. Unitt and 'The Little Fera' were es- pecially fine. Port Hope's contribution included vocal numbers by Mr. Bev. George 'Sink Red Sun' and 'The Curfew' with encores 'The Lassie whio loves me stili' and 'Rosebud'; Miss Hazel Burnhar, vocal solos 'Horing' and 'The Star' and encore 'To Sing Awhile'. Mr. Fred Skitch gave two piano numbers; Miss Gladys West- away's vocal solos, 'Tis Snowing' and 'Love's a Merchant', and encore 'The Second Minuet', were also good. Bowranville 'sprt was a piano trio by Mesdames Ê. D. Clemnens,, Al- bert Cole and C. H.,Dudley; read.. ings by Mrs. Wm. Adams, 'The Song in the Market Place' with te or solo accoxpanirent by Mr. Francua,S ut,. ton and an encore 'Specially Jin'. A vocal duet 'To Hear the -Gnbe .ark', by Mesdames M. A. Neal and R.. J. Guil, a violin solo 'Serenade' by Mr Francis Sutton also called for an encore to wbich hie kindly res- ponded. The accompanists were Mr .Leslie Initt and Mn. F. B. Hallett, Oshawa; M r. T. W Stanley and Miss Gladys Westaway, Port Hope; Mn. C. . Dudley and Miss Helen G. Morris, Bowmanville. The prograrn throughout was of a very fine character, witb plenty of variety to make it interesting qçi1 enjoyable to the appreciative aud- lnce. 1 il il j eana, b i an

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