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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1927, p. 4

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MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univer- sity, Fellow of Trinity Medieal Col- lege, Licentiate of the State Univer- sity of New York, Matrlculate of the Post Graduate Medical Sehool and Hospital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medi- cine. OffieeMrs. McNaugbton's Rom- Idence, Newcastle. Hour-8 to 10 a. m. 1 to 3 p. mn. and by appoint- iment. The announcement tbis week by the Dept. of Agriculture at Ottawa that ocean rates to England on cattle bave been reduced from $20 to $15ý per head also favors tbe breeders of beef cattle througbout Canada. John H. Kellogg, M. D., of Battle Creek fame says among other things in bis "Monitor of Healtb", page 225, for Constipation EAT BAR- LEY. thus CREAM 0F BARLEY is a food and a medicine. à, ______________ i -Try Bowmanville First- -20- Men's Overcoats Sacrificed In Price YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY AN OVERCOAT Before packing away our Overcoats to maki room for Spring Goods arriving, we are placing line of 20 Overcoats on the Bargain Counter. These comprise our Best Coats and Values up t( $35.00 for $19.95 MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL A line of Men's Fancy Tweed and Worsteé Suits, 15 only, odd sizes, Values to $25.00, Out They Go $16.50 WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Acadia and Penman Makes, $1.50 value foi 98c EACH WORK SOX Ail Wool, Grey, Fawn and White, heavy quai- ity, Regular 60c, ON SALE 2 PAIR FOR 95c FINE SHIRTS .. 50 Shirts, ail patterns and sizes, values to $3.50 ON SALE $1.98 T. B. GJLCHRIST Phone 61 Bowmanvill Opposite Bank of Montreal Opportunity Knocks Now is your opportunity to buy good teaii Harness Cheap: 111," Team Harness, Back Bands, Bridles Pole Straps, Martingales, lines, traces with hee chains ............................................. $30.0( Home Made 1 '.ý" Team Harness, Bridles, Pol Strap, martingales, lines, back pads, cruppers hand sewn ail through ........................ $57.5( No-Buckle Harness on hand at $10.00 lesi than advertised in catalogue. Royal Purple Caîf Meal, Chick Feed, Poultr-, Specifle ,Cough Cure, Worm Cure, Roupe Cure, always on hand. MASON & DALE Phone 145 . Popular Hardware Store Bowmanvflle WINTER EGGS PAY BLATCHFORD'S EGG MASH AT $3.75 cwt. BAR NUN SCRATCH AT $3.15 cwt. Feed these and get your baskets fifl- ed with eggs. This is a correctly bal- anced ration and surely makes hens EARLY CHICKS PAY So get your Incubator and start it going. To start the season we are offering: 120 egg Incubators at $22.50 250 egg Incubators at $35.00 400 egg Incubators at $48.00 These are ahl hot water machines, copper tanks and pipes, fire poof lamp jackets and have turning trays, come and see them in operation. L. H. PEARN Poultry Supplies Phone 304 Liberty St. Bowmanvillie a o PAGE 4 Mary Found; Cor. Secretary-"rs."The Fortnight Times" was read by R. Doak in Windsor..Tbe Eckardts Will Bickle; Treasurer-Miss Hazel Crystal Fallis. The concluding nuni- Bell Ringers visited our burg last Rundie. Social time witb games.ber was an address by Rev. P. G. week and gave a good programn, mak- - and refreshments was enjoyed by alI, Powell having as bis theme "Little ing music with belîs, glass tumblers, about tbirty-five being present. Mrs. by Little". The meeting closed band saw and other instruments-a Balance of Ladies' Winter Coats E. Griffith, B. A., bas arranged to The doctors are busy these times as ýd clearing tbis week at half price.j corne to the sehool every Tuesday at there are many cases of cold, etc... Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman. 3*1 o'clock and take up witb the , .On Friday evening a basket social _____pupils a hall hour study class on "The was held in the Community Hall un- -Life of Christ". On Tuesday, Feb. der the auspices of tbe Women's In- HAMPTON 8, his subjeet was "Life's Founda- stitute. A good program consisting tions"; on February 15, the subject of music, readings, and two plays jThe sympathy of the community is! was "Point of View" or "Right Re- were put on wbicb was very amus- extended to Mr. E. Trull and familly! spective". The pupils are making ing. Daddy,Porteous, altbougb get- in tbeir bereavement ... . Mr. A. E. arrangements for a skating party on ting up in years wielded the hammer Allin, Toronto, spent the weekend at Friday, February 25th., and have in- in bis old time form and sold the r home ... . Miss Marjorie Pascoe vis- vîted aIl the ex-pupils. basorets,...a . oo segrviceing Unaited ited Oshawa friends over the week- frte...N evc nUie end. Church on Sunday-very stormy day. In a recent edition of the "New, TYRONE 10 only, Ladies' Fur Trinuned Outlook", Toronto, it was reported O aetn vnn h on Coats originally up to $25.00, now thtthe Rev. Donald M. Solandt, D. nVInieevnn h on $10.00 at Couch, Johnston & Cry. DAssociate Book Steward o h People's Epworth League *Dramatic derman's. j_ United Publishing House, Tont Club presented the play "Placer had addressed Montreal àtary Clu GoCd". We believe this to be the best on "The Intellect-ual and Spirituali ever given by our club and much Background of National Lif e". Ouri1 credit is due the trainers, Mrs. (11ev.) AUCTION SALES chureb is to be congratulated on hb- J R. Trumpour and Miss Hazel ing secured the services of suchba Turner. Cast of characters :-Nath- Friday, February 25th-Mr. John popular speaker to conduet thet an Bardwell, a farmer, Lorne McCoy; Naylor, "Rockwell Green", Brooks Tbank-offering services here on Sun Maria Bardwell, bis wife, Evelynne Farm, Lot 31, Con. 6, Darlington, da are 1tb oring~ jBrent; Quincy Bardwell, Ned Bard- will ý-elI al of bis farm stock, impIe- dy, Mac 3hmrig andiwell, their sons, Morley Hooper and mns t. uniyhueodfri evenng. Reseve he dte. Dean Hodgson; James Monore, Ned's ture, including stoves, kiteben cabin- Tyrone Leaguers visited ouriChum, SalyPye oehMr League Friday evening. Meeting py tneyPye osp u- et, sideboard, bedsteads. Sale at 1 opeed ithtbePreidet, Bardwell's bired man, Howard p. m. sharp. Sec bills. Wm. Maw old Saltri the chasir. AMr Har-j Brent; Squire Crosby, Miserly farm- Auctioneer. old altr inthechai. fter op- er, Clarence Woodley; Nellie Crosby,i ening exercises the President of Ty- bis daughtcr, Lola Richards; Mike Tburoday, March 3rd-Durbam cre L e proMssGrwicerwas kO'Connor hbis hired man, Tom Barr; County Shortborn Association Sale chare ofthe rogrm whc a asMatilda, Crosby's hired girl, Mae of 28 bead at Beitb's Stables, Bow- le I follows: Piano duet, Mrs. Barr andl Cameron; Chas. Mayhcn, Richard manville. Sale at 1 p. m. See advt. Miss Gardiner; topie, "The Cause of' Blynn, Prospectors, Arthur Richards elsewhere and write J. Baker, Hamp- War"T was eyaly taken by , o1jand Fred Goodman; Belle Bardw'ell, ton, for catalogue. R. T. Amos, I L T.McLugbinD.SOC .M.'G. the orphan ,Leverne Burgess; Gipsy, Auctieneer. piano duet, Misses Beatrice Bigeloyw the Waif, Margaret Moore; Sheriff,l and Mary Brightwell; reading, Mrs. t Stanley Payne.. . Our young people Wednesday, Mardi 9th-The live Russel Wright; solo, Miss Evelyn! bad a pleas-ant time on Friday even-istock, implemerits. etc., of M. W. Brent, aceompanied by Miss Maer ing wben thoy visitod the Hamptonî Crook will be sold by auction on lot Brent; a short contest and refresb-i Young Peoples' League..Attend- 5, concession 3, Darlington, 1, mile monts brought the pleasant ovoninglance at church services on Sunday north of Providence Scbool-house. toaclose League meeting thisi was intcrferred with on account cf See bills. Sale at 1 p. m. Theo. Mi. tweek will be on Thursday cvening! the high wind an(l snow fal...... Siemon, Auctioncer. instead of Friday because of thei Ch urch service next Sunday ovenin, J ply" Deacn Dbb. Miss Hazel Hcdgson, Belleville, Wednesday, Marc.h l6th-Mr. Har- -n Hmptn Wmen' Intitte penttheweeend t hme.Ailthe vey Curtis, lot 13, con. 6, Darlington, Hampto Wome's Ins tîun., sp nt the w ee athomae . AU, ,having sold bis farm, will selI ail of Th e press reporter being absent hioung montfrkm here who areetc.rSal from the January an ing in the fac tories and spent thebsfamtokipeensec.Sl fromtheJanaryandFebruaryv woekend at home badl an exciting at 1 p. m. See buis. Theo. M. S, t fWme' nsiuewll1 time makinz their way back to work Slemon, Auctioneer, H. G. Maeklin, epnwthe 1~delay in reporting thesgel trough the snow driftq. Miss Clerk. 8-3 0 January meeting w-as held at home' Toronto._.Mr. Harvey Curtis. Mr. of Mrs. C. J. Kersiake with an at-I and Mrs. Robt. Burgess, .\Ir. Harold e ieng. Af 3, r.KnxPrsid-1 and Miss Leverne Burgess attended ing. ftersinging The Maple Leaf, the golden wcdding of Mrs. Burgess' Forever and repeating the Lord's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Stevens, l'Prayer, minutes of previous meeting, Hampton, on Saturday. M .%r. Wmn. were read. Committee for sendingi Staples spent the weekend with Tor- ýS Christmas fruit to "shutins" reportedl onto friends. j13 parcels delivered. Regret wAsI _____ j expressed by members for absence tbrough illness of Mrs. C. H. Wal-i ENNISK.ILLEN lace who was te have assisted on pro-!IAN gram. 1 Visitors: Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson at Programn as arrange(] by Mrs. C.1 Hamilton; Mr. Arthur Brunt and AN J. Korsiake was as follows: Miss Nor- Miss Alice Marks at Scugog; Mr. and ah Hurn presided at piano for sing-1 Mrs. Herring with their daugbter, ing of "Old Folks at Home", Mrs1Mrs. Wotten, w'bose husband bas: Stevens read "An Intimnate view of h been very ilI; Miss Luella Stevens Stephen Foster", composer followed' and Miss Gladys Stainton, Town, by more singing "My Old Kentuekyl with their parents. Hm", botb .f these ehoruses being! A very successful and bigbly amn- Foster's compositions. A paper> using valentine social was held in .Music in the hlome" prepared by; the Young Pcople's League Room. Miss Nora Kersiake was then read The young womien's class entertained WT IL - by bier mother. A sketch of life of'the aduits and young men's class... John Howard Payne composer cfj Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo. Slemon enter- Home Swveet Home was rcad by Mis.i'tained the choir te supper on EHi- Katerson w-ho aIse gave a good piano day, February 1i th. This week the solo "Home Sweet Home" with var-' choir is invited te Mr. and Mrs. Jas. iations. A few interesting remarks A. Werry's for Friday evening.. H1 ers was followed by Roll Cali 'MVi in the roads last Sunday's sterm was iFavorite Song." This xvas responà-1 the worst so far this winter.. cd te by most of the members and a Mrs. J. Baker of Solina, and Mrs. E. number of old favorites were sung M.CokadMsNctn ita A vte f hans ws ive Mr inumber cf local girls met at Miss Knox for his kindness in bringing ai Elva Orchard's on Saturday and or-, sleighload cf ladies te meeting, ail ganized a C.C.l.T. group... .Mr. By- singing "He's a jolly gond fellow".i ors bas teams drawing gravel to bis Meeting was closed hy singingi bricke oet nth ilg. H "Spenda lttl Gldnes" .bieh sis nds te make extensive alterations the favorite chorus at Institute meet-j in the Spring . . ..The play, "Doctor W /est En( ings. 1 Jim" which %as announced te be giv- en at Enfield on Wedncsday badl te Fehruary meeting was beld at thel ho cancelled owing te the illness of homeocf Mrs. L. T. Pascoe with an at-I Miss Maud Ashton. but Tyrone Young tendance of 43. M.%rs. Knox resided1 Peopîe's Play "Placer Gold" was ar-ha andaforaI sngng"OcnngOd" angcd for Tbursday. Wc arc glad the Institute creed was read byMs erport Miss Ashton imprcving... Johin Cowling. Afer ncossa!.ry cug People's League met Wed- business was transactcd some sintzing ncsday in chargec of Mr. Roy MeG;ilI "My Ionnie" sung by occupants cf wAitb over fiftY present ..'%r. Lloyd iNor<th Rom. apn "Teinflu hee" Atn adeHa tePrend tpi" onevC H EV R ( inoth Room. ad "S7mie y the , «Ashtond gave%,a spentoIc'.on o f Environment" prepareE.y Mis . Cook read an article from the E. E. Haycraft, Bownvle an Canadian Journal cf Religious read by Mrs. S. G. Niddery was fol-I Thought hy .1. B. Reynolds, thon Iowd by a rcadîng "The Old Dairyi gave a paper of bis own in friendly H sas qip Ccxv" hy Mrs,. Sykes. Miss Marjorie' criticism. Subjeet was the '"RuralHei lo qup d Pascoe gave some music on the play- PIroblcmn". The Journal's strong or piano, after wbich Miss Knox gave p oint wvas that rural problenms wero to a gond paper "How te entortain and1 C largely solved by certain radical e ho entertained". This xvas follow-j changes in the rural churchbhrought cd by a piano duet by Mrs. A. Colel about hy a ditrorent training cf and andI Miss N. Hern. A musical con-i more efficient leadership hy the rural test arranged by Mrs. W. l)oidgc mîrnnister. Mr. Cook's contention ONTA] proved a test cf memory as weII as was that the rural problemn adnîitted vocal skill andl even an attempt at te bc ecenomie, was te be solvod hy " Bagpipcs". Meeting closed by, the rural ccmmunity scrapping an out singing "Spread a little Cladness". ! cf date systvm cf marketing and Next meeting, Thursday, March 31 adopting cooperative secieties fo r at2 . ., at Mrs. Charles bang-, cooperative buying and selling and I ia 'a. Please note change of meet- thus climinate the spcculating mid- ing place. AIl ladies welcome. . dleman. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1927. COURTICE SOLINA 1 MAPLE GROVE Mr. Herbert Perkins, Toronto, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tinkl Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, Co- was guest of bis cousin ,Mrs. W. R. and Miss Evelyn witb Brooklinibourg, witb ber parents, Mr. and Courtice... .Mr. and Mrs. Charles friends; Miss Irene Argue, Tbronto,I Mrs. Truman Power ...Mr. N. 1. Wight and Mrs. Blake Courtice spent1 at home; Mr. John Gilbank, Haydon, MetcIf spent Thursday in Toronto.. a day in Toronto recently ... .. Mrs.~ at Mr. A.- J. Balson's; Miss Margar- . . On account of the stormy weather, Blake Courtice visited Mrs. A. E. et McKessock at Mr. J. Albert CoIe's, services Sunday were flot well at- Clemens, Bowmanville .... Our Ep- Bowmanville; Mr. Arthur Virtue, tended .... About forty of our Leag- worth League meeting on Tbursday Regina, Sask., at Mr. B. G. Stevens'; ur went in sleigbloads to Eldad on evening was most successful, in Solina Women's Institute and Young' Monday night to visit the League. charge of 3rd Vice-President, Miss People's League bave placed four The program was presented by Map- Aura Osborne and C. G. I. T. girls. new gas lamps in Eldad Church. .ý.. le Grove young people after which a Meeting was opened by a pageant by Maple Grove League visited our most enjoyable time was spent. We the girls representing "Canada". League Monday evening and put on intend to have a second league meet- each girl hein g dressed to representi a splendid program .... A very suc- ing this week on Thursday night, a Province and they sang O Canada! cesaful box social was held Tuesday when we visit the Ebenezer League after The Maple Leaf had been play-, evening under auspices of Women's. . Sorry to hear that little Gordon ed bebind the curtain. At the close i Institute. Misses Dorotby Pascoe Metcalf had to undergo an operation of wbich they sang "Land of our~ and Ruby Smith, Enfield, and local in Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesday. Birth" and then Miss Hazel Rundlei talent furnished the progi'am. Pro- A play entitled "How Unele Nathan gave the bible lesson very nicely.1 ceeds over $36 .. . .Mr. and Mrs. B'. Lost His Faryn" will be presented Program as follows: Vocal solo, Mrs 1 G. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. R.- C. by Tyrone Young People in the Hall G. F. Annis; reading, Miss Marie! Scott, Mr. H. G. Argue and Miss at Maple Grove on Friday, March 4. Rundie: piano solo, Miss Dorothy Irene Argue attended tbe golden Admission 25c and 15c. 8-2 Rundle; topic "How do wars get wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. started" wa8 ably presented by Mr. Enoch Stevens at Mr. Bert Stevens Carlyle insists tbat Mabomet re- ClarncePenound Aferwrds he t Enisklle, o Satrda afer-volutionized the religious and bodily Claenc Pefoud. ftewars te jat nnikilenon atuday aftr-life of MILLIONS on a diet of BAR- groups retired to the rooms and the, noon bEY. Young People's group bad the discus- sion on "How does the trouble in Boys' Sweaters, worth $1.45 for China affect the Missionaries", ledi BLACKSTOCK 98c at Coucb, Johnston & Cryder- by Mr. R. E. Osborne, Bowmanville. ngh te Bl kto man 's. A social time with candy andapes O rdy igtte Bakok and games was spent and the meeting Continuation Scbool Progress Club proved a very enjoyable one.... .Our6hld its regular meeting. Meeting op- NESTLETON Mission Cirele met on Saturday at the) ened by the secretary, Miss Marjorie home of Mrs. Ceeul Found when aý Nesbitt reading the minutes of the Mr. Jonathan Lane, Regina, Sask., good program was given by thel two previous meetings. A program called on many old neigbbors and children and the following officersî was then given: recitation by Dorothy friends last week. . .. Miss Jennie were elected for 1927: President-l Proutt; a stunt was given by Susie Proutt, Blackstock, was visiting ber Miss Annie Hoît; lst Vice-Mrs. Van Camp and Hazel Mountjoy I sister, Mrs. George Nesbitt and other Walter Rundle; 2nd Vice-Miss Vel- showing how they could make a Ford friend s last week.. Mr. Harold Nes- ma Gay; Recrnz Secreta. v.... ocar and tak<e a joy ride in it. Then1 bitt spent a wxvek xvth h;i ..i.,te.. M. 14 Bulis - 14 Females Last week W. A. Dryden's 10 young bulîs witb a top price of $100000 averaged $400.00 eacb, and nine heifer calves vr aged $250.00 eacb. Step in and get good foundation stock at this Sale as they are a real quality lot in breeding and individuality. Catalogues on application to J. Baker, Secretary, Hampton, Ont., or at Statesman Office. R. T. AMOS, Auctioneer. -Try Bowmanville First- Jury & LoveIl's BIRTI-DAY SALE CLOSES MONDAY NEXT Regular Special Truly Good Chocolates.................... (.... 60c 29e A. S. A. Tablets formerly called Aspirin ......... 50e 25e Syrup Tar and C. L. Oil ..................... 50e 39e A. B. S. & C. (100>.......................... 25c 19C Radio Sbaving Cream .......................... 25e 19c Peptona, The Best Spring Tonic.............. 1.00 79c 6 oz. Chocolate Bars.......................... 25c 19e Good form Hair Nets, 3 for....................... 25e Beef, Iron and Wine......................... 1.00 '79e 1 pound Symphony Lawn Linen Writing Paper o... 60c 49e Sbaving Brushes........................... ...2.00o 1.59 Hot Water Bottles........................... 1.50 95e MineraI Oil................... ............... 1.00) 79e Tootb Brushes............. ........... 35c and 25e 19e Absorbent Cotton ............................. 85e 59e Toilet Paper, large size, 4 for....................... 28c Little Liver Pilîs, 2 for ... . .. . . . . . .25c Our Regulai, Prices are always as Iow and often lower than any Recluced Prices Quoted in thia paper. JURY & LOVELL The Safe Satisfactory Drugeziats and Opticians VERY SPECIAL Bulk Chocolates, Regular 60c, 10 varieties nixed 29c LB. F BUY SHORTHORNS Now On A Rising Market At tbe 6th annual sale of Durham County Shortborn Association to be beld at Beith's Stables, Bowmanville Thursday, March 3rd, 1927 -28 HEAD 28 - )UNCEMENT take pleasure in announcing that D. CLEMENS of the id Garage, Bowmanville been appointed Sub-Dealer for OLET & OAKLANDS d to give owners of above autos, first-class, de- endable and prompt service. ,RIO MOTOR SALES, OSHAWA

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