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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1927, p. 5

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PAGE PIVE THE CAli àDIAN STATESMLAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1927. -Try Bownianville Fîrt- GRAB Bag SALE IT'S SECOND NATURE TO TAKE A CHANCE -SQ HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Friday and Saturday this week I am havrng a Grab Bag Sale. There will be 50 packages, box- es , parcels and envelopes, each one containing an article worth from $2.00 to $8.00. - FOR ONLY $1.00 You rnay take you pick of these "mystery packages" and be assured you are going to get something WORTH FROM $2.00 TO $8.00 Nearly every department of the store has been visited for this mystery sale. Maybe you'Il be lucky and pick the best bar- gains. Who knows? I did a big business in Diamonds week. Didn't imagine there would be such a demand. But you neyer can tell what wiIl happen in a sale like '~this. Good rnany people have had their eyes open- ed at the unheard of bargains I arn giving. Some are going to realize it too late. Alex. Elliot,, Phone 207 Bowmanville W. P. Corbett Now Sele Willard 's "Famous Chocolates" The demand for chocolates has become s0 great that we have found it necessary to improve our facilities for handling this growing business. We have, therefore, been fortunate in securing the .selected agency for Willard's "Farnous Chocolates". TRY A BOX AND YOU WILL FIND Chocolates of outstanding quality and variety. Chocolates always fresh. Chocolates attractively and conveniently boxed. Chocolates that are popularly priced. Chocolates that carry guarantee of satisfaction. We have installed a special Willard Choco- late Shoppe display caise which insures the fresh- ness of these farnous chocolates. POPULARLY PRICED AT 60c POUND Don't overlook the fact that we seil bread at store 10c loaf cash and carry, or lic delivered or charged. W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Conf ectioner Bowma.nville -Try Bowmanville Frt- Poultry Supplies Our stock of poultry supplies for the spring season is now complete. From the Incubator to the Hopper we can supply your requirements. Wicks, Wafers, Buttermilk Founts, Troughs, Mash Trough and Hoppers, Water Founts in diff- erent types, Thermorneters, Brooders, etc. MILLER INCUBATORS AND BROODERS We seil Miller Incubators from $27.50 Up, also Miller Royal Brooders. Our cash prices on these items make buying very attractive. Money back guarantee goes with every Miller Incubator. We invite you to look over our display poultry equipnient. BOYS! READ THIS The balance of our Hockey Sticks Saturday, Regular 25c each for 15c; Regular 40e for 30c. Corne early. We serve you well. Dustan's Cash Hardware *'Wa serve Voit WsII" Bowmanvlll. ively turn te "Kerslake's Drug Store" when net quite sure what remedy te use.I Past experience bas givenI them confidence, for they have net been misjnformed. Try us for yourself. We say PINOL is a reliable cough remedy pleasant te take, works well and is good for young and eider folks. 3 aizet 25c, 50c and $1.00 KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 The Dependable Drug Store B ARLEY FOR SALE-About 200 bush- Pl. good feed harle>'. 76c bushel. Apply te James MacConnachie, ing St.,.asat, 1lewmanville. phone 353. 8-2w CLOVER SEED FOR SALE-White Blofseni Sweet Clover Seeei. Farmeru wanting home gi-own so.ed aend fi-ee fromi bad we.eds appiy te W. J. Leaak. for. Spring deliver> ai Ttunton, phono Oahl- au-a 161-l 8-14 BOWMANVILLE MAILS CLOSE (Standard Tume) 8 points east, includ- ing Newcastle, Orono, Clarke. 9 a. m.-Hampton, Enniakillen, Tyrone, Courtice , 8 a. m.-Toronto, Oshawa, sil points west cf Toronto; Port Hope, Peterboro, Lindsay 11:10 p.m .-All pointe wot 9 p. m. -Eaat and West, Newcastle, Orono, Clarke LOCAL AND OTHERWISE DEATHS Houses For Sale .. FARNCOMB-At -Ebor House-", New- Mrs. A. L. Hagerman is vistingl castie, on Wedneaday, F'ebruary .13,1927. friends in Lindsay.1 Alfred 1>arcomb, M.D.,Lcp&., We have on our Let a splendid lot of Mr n r.F . asoead EDIN., aged 67 years. propertiea in Bowinanville for your selec- Ms.F.C. antoe nd Funeral froni St. Geoe'ts Curh tion The prices are rîght and there family were in Toronto over the1 Newca»tIe, F'iday, February 2th., at are Borne extra special offeringsa anong weekend 13 p. m_ to St. George's Cemet'ary. theni. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Greenfield,I McCRORIE-Neari Beth5Ily, on Feb '. We cannot deacribe thern&in the Coîborne, spent the weekend withl 21, 1927, John McCrorie, in his S3rd year. apaze but these two are an exmple:, relatives. 1927, --O Friday, February 1sui., Six Roorned house on Church Si. f-aine 1927 atBlyheFan, Fenelon Falls, Mia with %merandah, furnace, electlje Ughts Miss Lillian Scott, Toronto , spent: John Graham, Sr.,* In ber 89th year. fand town water, al In gond condition, the past week with Mrs. C. S. Hall- MILLER-Belay Miller (Aunt Bety, garage and oamall garden. Price below man and farnîly. lof Exeter, Devonshire, England, died value. I Friday, February 18, 1927,.in ber 95th Solld brick bouse, central location, a Gra Ba Sae aticesfro $200iyea. sapfor sorneone wbo wante a real irst- mak Grab8.0BfgrSale ar0 ticls roe$. 0 E ar. camhome, hardwood floors. beautiful e to 8,0 orony 1,0 t le. l~ TRULL-In Hampton. on Thuraday, eption hall, ail conveasencea, garagean hom liot's Jewelry Store.1 February 17, 1927, Margaret Ellen Pet everything your heart can desîre. Pnice Miss Mary Hume was recent guest aes beloved wife of Mr. Ervin A. T'Pinl right, away below value. of Miss Harriet Scarfe at the home GREn bot oeron62nd daySeeoui- complete lilt if you are tbink- of the latter's parents, Cobourg. lRE-tPr oeo hrdy ng of buying a home. February 17, William James Green, b,- se The White Shield Club meeting loved husband of Charlotte Maude Little,, J. J. MASON & SON se will be held Tuesday, March lst., i n is 5tb year. Inaurance & Real Estate, Bowmanvllle that St Paul's Lecture Rooni at 8 p. m. CORNU SM-At Hospital, Toronto, Mon- ______________ o day. Februai-y 14, 1927. John Roes, dea-«rlyfo1 Mr. T. A. Dustan was in Toronto beioved son of Mr. and Mrs. &joi last week attending the convention Cornish. gd1yersi 4mnh. OIIN PNot of Ontario Retail Hardware Associa- BURKE-At ber late residence, 17 $6.00 ta $8.00 Per Day tn.SpadinaRoad, Toronto, on Tu7lday Feb. Few weeka only te u» f. Learn Miss Zella Sleep has returned home Enund G. Burke. Internient at Bow- Battery, Welding, Bricklaying, Bar-ber:-d alter spending several pleasant manvile on Thursday. ing. BeautY Culture. Good positions nowi weeks with frîends in Bowmanville.- VEALE-O4f pneummlnia, at Antier, Open, write or cali for froc instructive chai N s.Sask., on Saturday, Februai-y 19, 1927, bdOk Heniphili. Clarteied Schoolsý Pickering Nes 1Lry Estella Thonipson. <Minniie). dear- Kinig St. W., Toronto. 8-1 ab St. Paul's choir and others are giv.. ly beloved wife of Albeet Veale. Nieoe tbl ing "The Trial by Jury", a dramatic of Mrs. E. J. Burk, Bowmanville. W ntdlani contata, on Thursday, March l7th. HAMPTON-In Millbrook, on . Satur-W te Reseve he, February 5, Agnes, daugbter of the Resere thedate.latie Mr. and MIrs. Jamtes Hampteon o WANTED--500 Plymnouth Rock Pul- Mrs. W. H. Williams and Miss Cavan Township, for severai ycars teach- lets, Bied-to-ia.y. hatched April, 1926. and Emeline Willianms left Tuesday to rfhof Adult Mens Bible Clasq in Ilnited Apply W. R. Grier, box 482, Bowmanviile. visit the former's daughter, Mrs. J.: OhrYDN-h.hers8ene2w e C. Truil, Toronto. lîroth*r-in-law, Mir. Leonard iturn,-tt,5 Miss Reta T. Bennett of The Delaware Ave., Toronfto, on Moflday. Feu gsFrHacigm Sttsa safi i emngo hsruai-y 14, 1927, In ber 78th year. Anna geFrH th gini weeas resma f sidnfr ear nousin, Eliza, daugbter of the late J,t)i ry- wee asbriesmid or er ousnden cf BrocklIfl, and younger sister of WHITE LEGHORN EGGS FOR HAT- Miss Lorena Fursey. the late Hon. John Dryden>. Interment CHING-Fi-om exceptional layes, Me- Mr. ohnHelyar ho as eencession of Whitby, east cf Dryden home- lar per setting. $10.00 per- hundred. W. R. enjoyîng a visit in New York City, stead. (7-1er, box 492, Bownanville. 7-3w and Miss Eva Hellyar who bas been______________ in Toronto have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gaudin,'P Stettler, Alta., have been guests of Articles For Sale HeIp Wanted h Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown, also vis- WANTED-A nurse lieuseloeeperfo iting a number of old friends here. O SALE-6 piece walnit p,.rior Inval:.s Suier.lysindsa 7-2wrs Mrs. Muriel Dunn bas returned suie. AIpiy to Mrs. D. Dairit. King - _____ froni Ottawa alter having spent a st. __anle -2 WANTD-arredan tnî ork on> pleasant week with hier uncle, Mr. WARDROBE FOR SALE-MNahogafly, ari.ree doe, RaR.2, owmanpvilee. W. J. Robinson and other relatives, finish with full length mireor. Applyi.O ph n 4R4. R 7-tfanile MsR.J ueMran r.Bowmanville Hospital. 5-tf ________________ Mrs.R. . LkeMr.andMrs *-~ iMARRIED MAN WANTED-Free honnel Clarence F Werry, son William, and FORD CAR FOR SALE-Ini geod con- Iand other privilegea Apply to H. A. Far- Mis Benie Wrr, Kdro, isieddition. God reason for s.Iling. AI>- i-w, R. R. 3, Bowlns.nvilIfi. phone 477-14. Ms enc erKdovstdply te E. R. Freemafn, R. R.3 -«,n -t their uncle and aunt, Editoir and Mrs ville. 7-tf______________ M. A. James at Lorne Villa on Sat- FO SAEGlMeaTakn M- urdy.chine at second-band prie, in good work- To Let Mfr. and Mrs. John Rae, Peterboro, ing order. Muet be -oId. Spee t at J. announce the engaement of their J. Mason & Sor, MOUSE TO RENT-With t.hreacre.a duheStella, to Mr. Robert D). MREFRoAEBal f la.nd in BowmanviUle. Apply ta W. F HOaEuFRhter-la, Percheron Ward, Barrieter, Bowma.nvllle. 8S-tf Woods, Toronto, son cf Mr. and Mrs. tlelding, 4 yesrs old. broicten. double or________________ George Woods, Owen Sound, the wed- single. Applly te Noble I. Metca..f, TOsNipatnns n Cvi ding to take place early in March. Maple Gi-ov, phone 477-31. 8-3w Blok, 3 And 4rme eve in convenc Rev. S. G. Brown, Minister of St. COWS FOR SALE-One Holstein an d Including heating. Apply J. J. 4tf. M& Luke's United Church, Montreal, and on Jersey, just fehnd One Hol- Son. Bovînanvilie. -f Me Mr Thos. A. Brown, Musical Dirtr Phone S. Foster, 546 or E. Foster 475r FOR RENT-Four rooma apartnwent In Mei cf The , Collegiate, Ottaiwa, vere il. 6-t Cowan Block, will soon be vacant, beat oeust c tei brthr, Mr F ~ PLAVERPIANO FOR SALE-Withi plied for cooking. Ses J. J. Mason & Brwn over the weekend. over 200 Player Rolle. Cost $1,000.00, insoan. 8-t Mei A special meeting cf the Women's best o! condition, will seIl vei-y reason- M Canadian Club will be held in St ab"e"nutbesld8nqie t tesmnTEAMSHIP TICKETS e Paul's School-room on Wednesday,1 Office,'..___tM.A 1ESMei March 2nd., at 3.30 p. mi. Madame' FOR SALE-G-Cenuine Relier Canaris. .A AE Fremont will gave an illustrated lect-'Prize wInners, 3 firats ai Bowmanville'1 To Europe-Candtdiatl Pacifie, White Mei tire on "The Heart cf Quebec". Pub- Fair; yeilow singers $5.00. Hens ready Star Dominion, Cunard, Americar4 lic are cordially invited. ferpmatinit $1, aise cages.( S.llng out). Ask for information. Phone 5.' Ap ly '.Ir. B. Bennett, Elgin St, Bowi taemn05, o anil. Regular monthly meeting cf On- nanvilie. 0 6-3w- SaemnOfce omnil.$25 tarie Vegetables Growers' Associa- ATILSFOAL-_asln tien will be held on Friday evenîng, :treet pump, 6 gai. visible measure; 1 I- February 25th at 8 p. ni. in the aidelga. Bowser pump, would mnake a 1 Special Corset Sale-regular $3 Council Room. Mr. N. S. Pumrgeod pump for handllng coai ail or Lubri- $3.50 to $5.00 corsets selling this will give an interesting report of c ting A.;1 r tii-ad open buggy. week for $1.00. Couch, Johnstonl annual convention held in Toronto. Ftiowmavllle. 48-tf & Cryderman. m Everybody welcome. 1____________________ Bowmanville Wemen's Institutel FOR SALE-flominion Piano. o! al Sc willhol net metin ins. . E kinde uold ont payinentsapaPed over iVo FREE CATALOGUE AND wil hod nxt eetng n S 0.E.,yeai-u. Steinway, Heintzrnan and Gai-- Hall on Friday, February 25. Valen- bard Haîntuman used piano. takren au PLAN BOOK tine program in charge of Mrs. Col-I Part Paymeflt on Dominion piano. wili IOebnrdpgse ee iie villes grup. t wil alo bcgran be leard atbai-gain pricea antd on easy On udepasofLwrPis vill's rou. Itwil aie hograd-.terme. Fr J. Mtchell. Dîstributor. Bow- on Building Materials aniCd fit niothers day when the grandmnothers, manvillia. 5-t Ltested Homes., Write Haliiday Ceom- will appear in costume. Prize fori pany P. 0. Box Y198, Hamnilton. PHI bcst costume. Every member at-I BABY CMICKS AND EGGS FOR HA T-.j5-4 tend. 7-2w1 CHING-We are now booking orders for _________m________ Prsdnihai)y chicks rrom our Governm'-nt Test- Mrs. John McGillivray, rs oet d Bre<-to-Lay iiar-ed Rocks and White of the Dominion Board of the Woni-I Leghorns. These liens are al mati-i en's Misionary Society of the Unitedl with Pedigreed li-ds. iili rUse have a Church in Canada, will spea i number of cggs for batching io these pens ai $10 and $12 pe-r 100. L Paul's Lecture Rooni on Thursday,i H. Pi-arn, Liberty Si. Bowrnanville, Mai-ch lth., a t8 p. m. This meet- pion- 101. 8-tf in g is open to men and women and iti _________ ____ is hoped that a great number willlI- ____ avail themselves cf such a rare Proerv Fr al "Winners cf the Wilderness" which L IiL will ho presented at Royal Theatre, FOR SALE-A goed confortable frame j j j ~ E Friday and Saturday this week wasi bouse and barn and tbree acres o! spien- F N 3A the feature picture at Loew's Theat-l dii land, situated in Newcastle. Will hb- soid cheap for quick sale. Termes re, Toronto, recently. In coin- cash . Apply te J. E. Hayes, Newcastle nnenting on this film the Mail & Em- Ont.5- pire says: "Winners of the Wilder- FO SAES.obsRcey.Bc- peseninganthestrul epibeteen t FOR Ct 3onsRcorBak O A T S T ( ness is n hstorcal pisde r- sock, 9 roonts, double brick, furnace, presntin th strggl beteenthe oftwater clatern, 8 acres cf land, fruit C British and the French in the year' tr,üs. steel bai-n with diiveshed and gar- 1775. It deals strongly with thet age, stale for 2 herses aend Swv, cernent floi-, gond veil. House telephon 172-4, social life of that period, as well as Port Pei-ry. .8-4 the more sordid side cf the battie-- fields. The massacre of Bradlock's FARM FOR SALE-150 acres, more or For Less T hai command by a few French and a less, ail workable, cia>' loam, veli fen- ced, alfalfa and fal wheat seeded ta hoard cf Indians under Pontiac, is prffsent, bip-roof barn 4Ox65, hay bai-n forcibly demcnstrated, but fi-cm tbis 36x55. atone etahling thraughout w1th one is steadily led away until thle pro- 'atr on tap, driving shed, gai-age, nezw 1 only, Misses Brown Needlepoint Co per climax is reached with the ending miesodbic Os -.war3mes furae, 6 ize 18, fur collar, lined and interlin cf a perfect love story in the coîony ~iesfo Ohw.I ie nrho throughcut, gocd value at $43.50, of Virginia. fi-cm churcb sand achooi. F W Lang- NO $150 naid, H-ampon R. R. i. Phone Oshawa N W $50 1648r22. 9-4wl PROPERTY FOR SALE BV TENDER ficlBakNel itCaS Solid.brick bouse, containing 8 reoma;1olBlc ed in ot a -ASK KERSLAKE'S FIRST- frame additien; one acre land on wblchui are a. nuniber of friit tres. Anyene in- Opposum collar and cg,', lined and 1ter-"estcd 1s inviied te cail an>' time anterlined throughput, size 44%, gcod va: The Home Furnishers Bowmanvillîe Stores-Orono and Newcastle LJTIFUL 0 BE SOLD kn Price 0f Material cOat, ined ;ble 1 n- ialue 25 only, Silk, Crepe Satin and Geor- Sette Dreses at very Special Prices For ,mick Clearance. 1 only, Grey Imported Suede Coat, Grey Fui- collai- and cuffa, lined and interlined throughout, size 44, good value at $45.0, NOW $20.0 1 only, Black Coat, fur collar cf Coney, fancy lined throughout and interlined, size 44, good value at $25,00, NOW $10.00 1 only, Brown English Suede Coat, French Seal collar and cuiffs, silk crepe lined throughout, size 38, good value at $37.50, NOW $10.00 Watch Our Window For Bargains XJJe f-ittie Sh opp e ~W i eI5 £ L ar je Sock RO £ 5 l v lte 1OWMANVIL Speciaist in Wvomen:sRpparel1 Exclusive but not Exp ensive Womens Coats-Suits-Dresses-I1osierU-GIoves-Underwear-Etc. tne 10 -Try Bowmanvulle Firt- Winter Goods >elling At Cost Price en%$200Ail Wool Underwear ..........$ 1.25 en's $2 Stanfield's- Red Label Underwear 1.95 en's $3.00 and $4.00 Wool Combinations 2.50 ens $5 Ail Wool Combination Underwear 3.75 en'c Caps, alI sizes ............................-.95 en's $1.00 Work Shirts, all sizes ............ .78 MEN'S OVERCOATS, 1/2 PRICE :.00 Men's Overcoats for ...............$12.50 ).00 Men's Overcoats for ............... $15.00 ý.00 Men's Overcoats for ............ $17.50 All winter goods mst go regardless of price to Lke room for Spring Goods. )oie Agent for the Famous 2Oth Century Brand Clothing S. G. CHARTRAN IONE 26 BOWMANVILLE Il Ji &n O1d Proverb WITH A MODERN APPLICATION The truth of the old proverb, "bare walls ke a gaddnig housewife", is emphasized in the ne sparsely and unattractively furnished. And. who is there would blame the woman dng relief from a sordid scene of drudgery, ýwalls her in like a prison, finding refreshment her starving soul in the glamor of pretty things ,ide her own home. A happy custorn is that of every littie while ling a bit of new furniture to the home-an odd ir, a bright pillow, a new Chesterfield, an odd )e, a picture, a gay shade for the floor or bridge Lp. with an artistie home to enjoy, the housewife dthe family will be boath to go "gadding". Let us assist you in making your home more riting, attractive and comfortable. F. F. Morris Co. F

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