PAGE SIX 1'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH lOth., 1927 rsn.c.,m i È-11> LAJJJ.lm FIG-LAX SUERELIEF FOR 25c and 50c at druggiats 9-4 &C J6L AG W IVL-lk 1Wîtb thankfulaoss and pride, th acu beold Tise ud they nurtured, so tender Woul notbe itho netilled Wouldnot e Wihout Onehy oac tts precinus lbaves cafo etSj Their earaest prayers wiii surely1 Zutoo laumls fulfilled, How hsappy tise fatiser, and great t A tAny Co t S bght the f ti f their ban, Mr- A. 0. Norton, tise millionaire some boy. Jk Manufacturer, of Boston, ho ne- Cently died, was a great --'bostrw frA Youth tif noble mien, athletie mai Zutoo Tablets. bose"lo y grace, He suffered froon headaches f con child- Now iauncbed on tise fickle stre& hood aud wisen ise fouad Zutoti Tabiets o tf life, sttipped these headachesin afew mmautes Determinattin in bis oyea, an boa( and left no bad effect, ise began recoin- to tise race mendimmg them to bis family and friends. 0f mon who hattie and conqueri Ia an unsolicited letter, Mr. Norton says tise strife, lu losin&: Tho father's and mother'a heari "y family use them wben ever needed now sweil witis .oy, with equaIY good results. I bave fre. So true and manly, their noble bti. u ey g vn th e oannd h o ere Man sood at last, t se goal almo at a- suf'e-ig from Headachefand tisey tneyer Zutti Tablesiany r e o irtid Witis tiews f iron, and sturdy wol and WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT kait frame, THEM AT ANV COST."1 Onward ho prosses undaunted, in th ,scents per box-at ail dealer&. Helpa Build Resistance Againat Cou ghs and Colds scorr's EMULSION Ricli In Precious Cod- liver Oil Vitamins ISCOU & Bowne. Toronto,. ont. Vý 4. MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 ampîoy ne cemetery caretakers as agents preferring to sell my own Coods thus saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A caîl solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor BowmnIOville Phone 326W Box 94 0W 's PMSPMODINE: - ~ The (Great Efi~sh Peaain STones a f jnigorates thre ahole prcroîîs ,ysïen. makes new Blood in <il V,iis. Used for Nervous Ë l)e'îittv. Mental and Erain Worrv, bespondeni-v. l.oas of bnergv, Palpitation i the feart. Ildn~ Memory. P rice $2 pe. box, 3,é for 15' Lt 'y W I druggi-t, or rmaile in plain Cook's Regulating CompOund M A le, reliablî, reautaint nedc,. f$old in tlîr,-e de- gl-"fHrbut-No. 1, Si$ No, -1 3:3; 3, 85 pf-r box. SîId h, ail derugi,. or ent THE COOK< MEDICINE CO.. Determined to exait bis honour ai ýHia progresbis parents note wit ioy, AIl loudly praiso their honorable boi Man bow weak and frail tisou art, Thso' blest witb courage to do th part, Mortais la bis ifo oft propose, 'Tis God la wisdom dotis dispose. A cboud la gathering dark witis gitia Soon we'Ill iear tise cannon boom, Tise Country sways la anxious tisrtiî Our homes are threatened by foreig f oes. Tise eau to armafliles o'er tise land Each officer gatisers bis own cor mand, Tise uaemy, ahi are ready ta face Wlth valour and might tise foc to dib place, Our Huroth ie first to be enrolcd, Danîtless tif mien, tif courage bold. Thte foe la tlrawn Up ia battie array, Strong as a rock to bar tise way, Our soldiers anxious for tise fray, To crash tise fouanad gain tise day. A tltittthly stihiness ouer that bras( baadin sIl sle ntlyv uwa t htieo.îmantd, Tht'bub- unds, bnrk 'tis tise eau Tri bravt-ly charge that sîuld waii. la sihent prnvt-r to (od above, T1htir t-ns-v, trur homews, and thosue we ltuse Ftiart al -with one mntd rush Tise eaemny's ranks tisey strive to crushs. Bravely tise charge, witis unbrokun front la met, Tise eaemy trembles xitb tise sbock, and yet Again our heroes witb frenzied zeal, tiseir cny Our brimes anti los'ed tines, for thean we do or die. With ringing cheers, forward again, 'tia donc ITise enemy's ranka give way, tise bat- il tle's won, Our Hentu, brave leader ia tise strife That moment for bis country gives bis life, A*ringing in bis ers, tise glad victor- ionîs cry, Ht' feebly whispers, for my country 1 gladly die- Ia meaîory t-vt-r, fntber's pritie and nîotiser's jtiy, Their sncred isero, tisoir saiatod boy. STOP! LOOK! LISTEaN! "Sttl) and lt-t tise train go by, It clv tak-es a minute; Ytiur car wlll start agaîn, intact, Anti, bcttî-r stîi, yuu're ini it". A BENEFACTOR IN DISGUISE? L.arksun : 'i'm gcing up to th(- jniil. 1i -nat tri taîX sitis tisebandit w hi tiuiil my car". 1-arkstia: "Wisat's tise use?" Larksun: - M hbr e'il tell me boxe het grut hfty- nile. an ruar tout of bt-r". S.fé, Speedy Reli.f f-îlalza--Iladch S -EMPLION*S M ~ TC ar~..~psRHEUmAT -c £'w c CAP SUL.ES .,Euris u ;lynL'AT: Swi Mgkal loyý»_crls-Lii.ziSitc Rheurnatism ierid sinih/-,i forcirs ot il'ltîi îlit 'Un1ai rumonN(ýurjï cPai. Pain almost alwaysyielul totleic - P ' If y,,'"i n d i Ûî1),b, k t cuit -ýîîiy (Temnpletona Rleumnatic Capsules) you uwill mnidiOand îwlry 1,e T R C',q treatment. Vour druggist canctnrrt15S SULfift vcry likely tell you lrow greatly w l!' it be bct 1r to kîîù,w T-R-C's have helpei trme 0f K.l how ticessfuiiiT-R-C'a can be his own custrners. Toa e evetn by usizig tliem for your own a fcw of the hundreds of Pain? Get e 50c or $1 box testimonial letters in our fron yoîrr druggist, or send files, would coîrvince you 10c for bookiet and gcner- that T-R-V's are extraordi. ______ ous trial to Templetons "X", narily successful in the trcat- Toronto 2. T46 TO THE GL. By S. W. Mason 1884 With fair high brow, and light c ing hair A sweet babe slumbers in its da cot. With hallowed love, and ter fondling caro A proud mother guards that sa( spot, A fond mothor's treasure, a fath joy, The one they love best, their br boy. The bahe from the eradle bas grc apace, As a rare exotie tonded with care Bright with genius, his lovely face Like a bud just opening its pei rare, StilI mother's treasure and fathi joy, The one they love best, their darl boy. As a bud un folds e'er bursting i flowelr, Sweet promise of loveliness true kind, Features of purest lovoliness2 latent power As truly betoken the beautios of mind, Now fathor's pride and mother's j Thoir future hope, their lovoly ho: One -obuul fidrive uns tuf st-verni :,oC tomiafl, prevents tacettirnratiton tiese ahierth isherr ,te 1umi-j muta sis natt-enie drive up 4,500 feetotf excusa ac-iîh ad thore la rio scur- btrana, tise otît-dictr ialorer and ahi itîuuve tise city nrouîndth i face uif Mt.a-sg opn. B-uaui ag wh are t'xposetî to injury andtihie Firnklin, amdi t i- a gr-anmd ighit,- fou at-sia (ia powuder or tablet forai - Ultaîtatut xii! fnd la Dr. Thsomas' Ec- cf thrilia anti yet perfectly safe, day at-ver ltîttirlorr miik) ns bntrtnit-s-i tir ecti-ic Ohl a truc andi fnitbfui friend.*1 or aigist. it May ho, of iatent-'sttise stomnacis, im-xpensix' to, take anad 'l'o cse pai n, relieve couds, tîres ton, to know tisat tise iigist thor- a is tt efl*cicat form iof magneus- wuotnils, subduc lumbago anti over- oîigbfane la tise worlr isl Main St., ia for stomnacis ptrposes. Tt ia u.Süd comne riseuasatism, it is excellent. Dlenver ,Colo. Tise widcst is Market by thousantIs i)f people who enjOY Thenefore ,it sbcuid bave a place la St., Piiladeiphia; tise aarrtiwest is tise their mneals witb no more feaur of la- ai home medicines and ho amongsti Via Soi, Habanna, Cuba-47 in. wide. digestion. thoso taken on a journoy. ASTHMAý CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, HEAD AND BRONCHIAL COLDS, MAY FEVER SwaIIOWRAZMAHc*Psules.SeSnd 5efor trial. Templetons, Toronto. $1 et your eruggistas. "l A le. %d À " SEEING EL PASO, TEXAS The shortest ia the Rue Bla in Paris; ORONO AVE the dfrtiest is Tchangsti, Nanking, No. 2-Alpha Pinch, Bowmanville China; the cleanest is the Via Castle (From The News of Mareh 3rd) I hve eenroqestd t wrtein Sonîle, Spain; the wealthiest thor- Mr. Walter Sherwin returned' laati 1 hve eenreqestd t wrteoughfare Park Row Avenue, New j wek from bospital at Bowmanville. curl- sometbing about El Paso. I have York City ,with its 16,000 inhahi-w givon somo information about thisitants. It is estimated that the aver-1 Mrs. (Dr.) Wesley, Newmarket, isl inty ity in previous letters, but III give age individual incomo of the resi-I visiting ber aunt, Miss Carscaddon. sorne more for tbe benefit of thosel dents to ho $75,000 a yoar. The Miss Livingston, Antioch, after an rider who may flot bave read my former man wbo only earns $50,000 a year onjoyablo visit in the city bas ro- descriptions.1 and lives on this avenue is a poor turned. ýcred El Paso is a city of 80,000 popula- man. Wealth undroamed of a gen- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elliott of Sas- tion and is located almost in the cen- eration ago pours from tbe apart- katcbewan, spent tbe past woek at1 lor's tre of the arid region, formerly caîl- ment housos that tower along botb bis sister's, Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn. ed tbe Great American Desert, and sidos of the avenue. In some blocks Dr. M. M. Tucker, who bas been a aby this is partly responsiblo for i ts as many as 50 or 60 millionaires,or successful physician bore for maayi beautiful climate. It is ia about 1 might say multi-millionairos lve years is at present coafinod to bed. I the samo latitude as Savannah, in a single block. Many incomos ex- Ooo Lde AF&.. o ,onGeorgia; Vicksburg, Mississippi; ceed a million a year. There are 325, iL odgea.ast MterNo.t Cairo, Egypt; and the Babama 1s- 4,000 familles comprising 16,00032,wl odaPsMstrng, 2 lands. men, women and childroa botwoenDMarcb t. Wrk nteThd e34tb and 96th. It is the home of Dore ýtals El Paso is 200 miles wcst of the fashion and wealth and much of it isi Lieut J. C. Gamey is taking a' ersfrrwest tbunan onverxaosado ovor a subway that brings trains into throe weeks' course at Stanley Bar-I ler' furherwesttha DenerColoadoracks, Toronto, qualîfying for Fieldj and Santa Foe, New Mexico. Centra] the Grand Central station. Ofcr ling Texas and Southorn California are The most aristocratie stroot ficr about oqual distance from El Paso. Grosvenor Place ,London, England. Corns cripplo the feet and mako The most beautiful is the avenue Les walkiag a torture, yet sure relief in There have neyer been any fogs, Champs Elysies, Paris, France, and the shape of Holloway's Corn Romov- nto blizzards, tornadoes or earthquakos; the oldoat is the Appian Way built er is witbin reacb of ail. tovery little sflow falls bore and there by Julias Ce:ar in the days of the- Miss Rutb Hancock, Newcastle, is to ae n iceor lus. Roansandstil inuseand n godwith ber mother, Mrs. Egerton Han- adEl Paso is in the county seat of El ropair. 'cock, Antiocb Section, wbo ila*con- adPaso County of wbich the area is ietobdwhabdcl. 1,100 square miles. At a ýpoint a Here you can study tbe contrasta ios obdwt a od bis few miles nortb of the city, one can of the old and the now; the civilizod Mr. Kenneth Hall of the Toronto stand witb one foot in Texas and tbe and the native meet on common Public Schools Teacbing Staff, bas 03T, other foot in New Mexico, and with ground; the peak battod peon san- been sick and la now home at bis )Y- bis banda on Old Mexico. dal-shod from the interior; the digni- fatber's, Mr. W. J. Hall, rocuporat- hey Most of the buildings are built of flod and handaome don; the swag- ing. bric, cmen, succoor eopado e gring metadors and torodors; Feder- Mr. and Mrs Howard Challis at- baicstemnflsuce of delp anbeal soldiers ln gay uniforms and Ma- tendod the funeral of bis uncle, the ýy isbarcheitectue i nevieace opn ai donna-like senoras, aIl rub shouldors late Alfred William Allin, Bowman- ol is. aarr i neeconutodwith tourista from al parts of the ville, wbo was la bis 63rd yoar. o arod urs. Dwelng are mons re world. Messrs. S. L. and John W. Berry also attractive becauso severe extremos of Alpha Pinchatedd he weather do not bave to be considered 1230 Myrtie Ave., El Paso, Texas, Mothers can oasily know when in their building. Inlesbs favored 'tercide r ruld.wt nd- localities tbey must build to keep tbe February 26, 1927. tbermcbindrte are trnoubled wit woatber out. But El Paso homes plying a reliable remedy-Motber are built to let the weatber in.1 Graves' Worm Exterminator. an Flower gardons, sbrubs and troos Mrs. Dobson, wbo made ber home amenhance the attractivenoas of many bore for somo years witb ber brother, eity and suburban homes. Almost &.j the late Jas. Maguire, accompanied or every varioty of posies tbrîve-bolly- Puts A End TC) ber daugbtor, Mrs. Stewart, back to hoa s cannas, sweet peas, tiger lii- B ninStratford wbero she will make e ilies, l ahoe ikzinnias, B nin Pains homo in the future. daisies, larkspurs and gladioli makeMebrofrno odeLO.. ,~ grdon evrywhre.409, with a Degree team visited Cow- A continuous mass of bloomn from No Need to Suifer Another. Day an Lodge, Newcastlo, Tuesday evon- '. oarly spring tili late la the Aut- Those Agonizing Torturing Pains ing, wben five candidates wore ad- umn. Hyacintbs and tulips wore out vanced to the Royal Arcb degree and at by Fobruary 1, and in sholterod plac- There is one simffle yet inexven- two to tihe Blue degree. os some bloomod ail Wintor this sîve way to reduco inflamed, swollen f- yoar, as thore bas not beon but 6 de- toe joints and get themn down to A new bardwood floor is being grees of frost-aad only one nigbt normal and that is to apply Moone's laid la the Sunday Scisool rooma of ho January 2, so it bas almoat been a Emerald 011 nigbt and morning. Park St. United Cburcb, the work year witb no Winter. Ask Jury & Lovoîl or any first- being done by voluntary labor by ýnd Roses and chrysanthemuma are class druggist for an original two- members, and thse Ladies' Aid of thse popular and many fine varieties are ounce bottle of Mooae's Emerald 011 cburrch furaishing tise material it grown. Climbing roses have been (full strength) and refuse to accept known to reacis a holgist of 20 ft. la anytbiag la its place. It is sucis a Tise members tif the Duarham Regi- Y. a single season. higisly concentrated preparation that ment Baad and tiseir ladies were on- Many miles of paved stroots and two ounces lasta a lonz time and tertaiaed at an oystor supper at tbe ;hy bighways contributo to the pleasure furtisermore if this wonderful dis- home oif Mr. John W. Tamblyn on of motor trips througis avenues oif covory does not givo you complote Wodnesday eveaing. Cames and trees and beautiful parka. El Paso satisfaction you cnhv orm ey ch hi ovoauscîng., aeams citizens are a chureh-going pepe refuaded. toi oybe vnig Its tweive thriving religious organi- Special note: People who waatto The young people ipreseatod their )m zations havo a membership tif more reduce swolien or varieoso volas1 piay "Miss Somebody Else" la Ebon- than 61,500. 1 immediately feit at should got a bottie tif Emerald Oul at ezor Cburch, Darliigton Township, on s, home in my Fatber's bouse as tise once. Applied nigbt and morning Tuesday eveaing and wero greotod '.a first hymn sung was "My faitb looks as directod tboy will quickly notice with a good bouse. The cast are up to Tbee, Thou Lamb tif calvary- an imnprovement which xiii continue credited witb having givea even a Saviour divine. until the volas and bunches are r-btter presentation than at their big It seemed there had heen some duced to normal. bit la the Town Hall bore. a- disappointmeats la some reform movements and thse Pastor told this________________ An Oul That ýis Prizod Everywbere. story: Out near bis homo whon a -Dr. Thomas 'Eciectrie 011 was put s- boy, there was a steop bill that was I upo n tise market without aay flour- bard to cllmb, especially la wet My.tisriver ifty years ago. It was put weather, for tise soul is a red layL 0W Sleeps Fine up to meet the wants oif a amail sect- *kind that gets very slippery whoa it i on, but as soon as its monits became ran. Oeday ho romombered a Ail T*LLi wn it ha<l a whole continent for a man with bis boy driving a team oif A ll N1ghL .ong field, and it la aow known and prizod - mules up this bill ith a load oif wood_____ throughout this continent. Thore is but tisey were both on tise load la- FwDy Ue fUaas nothing -qual to it. -stead of xalking making it harder FwDy'Ueo rth &goîynti)rgtee ob- for the mules to draw the load. Tise Stops Annoying Bladder Irritations! odynunC ahee ohari ve itle uls eredongtheir bs Getting . Up-Nights the tint- programi given by tise young but tise man was shouting at themifl fteMsio adFia v encouragements. Wisun tbey got Those w-ho know the trials and dis- i oning last, wbich consi>t-ud of instru - ishaîf way up tiseibill, toneo f thorm comforts of Bladder Weakness sbou Idi mental and vocal music by botis boysi slippcd to bis kaces and struggle as ho interested la this letter: "I bave and girls, roatlings andi a good dia- they rnigist, the loaded wagon went but-n bothei-ed wîth Bladder Troublel logue. Their leader, Mîri. Rowe hasi to the foot agnin. Tbey tried it for more than tbree years. A burn-, reason to be proud (if thet Band. Sagail anti got aimost to tbe top this ing irritation was almost constant- Ladies oif Park St. United C-hurch time wb.henuutb mules siipped, and anti I xvas obliged to get out of bcd wî oda oileenn ate Sun- la spite of sbouting and wbipný7 lprhaps ive orsix tiares guri day Seool oomaTbursday vin inh tise agon scent again to tiho foot night. Thon i heard of I)r. South- eeig adthis time weat off thre aide tif worth's Uratabs and xithout nrucb rbIOh oîdpormwt the road into a isole and tîîuere it hope oif help tried tbem. Woncierful aysrrssa en rprt stuck. relief camne witbin a few days, and li One feature will be a tielate: "T'hat j "Ait w laan wfl fx" aidth feel my trouble la practicalîx' a shiftless good natured busband laý n "Aeaded. Am verywgrateful fordwh-et1 preferable to a thrifty cantankerous father to the son, and there was n this grand medicine bas donc for me, ubn" disagreement. and siil alxvaya use Uratabs wbunever A Real Asthma Relief. Dr. J. D. Tbey wore poor tases for asI feel it nocessary". 1 elg' sbaRmd a oe tin c tom roe heothr bold No matter wbat your age may ho,' heon advertised by extravagant have carriod a biock tif wood or atone- tn bokteweli tsipd if you waat to end days tif trouble- atateats. Its dlaims are conserva-i to bockthewhee ifit ILppd. omeannoyance and aigbts oif rest- tive indeed, whon iudged by the bene-1 There was no neod tif it goiag to tise bas miscry due to Bladder Weakne-s fits wbich it performa. Expeet real bottom tof the bill, because the team and Irritations-you sbould try tise' relief and permanent benefits wboni islippod haîf way . amazing value of Dr. Southwortb's you buy this remedy and you willý Now altif us at home must carry "URATABS" at once. not have cause for dlsappoiatmeat. It, -a block la tise temperaace cause and Dr. Southxxorth is a well-knosvn gives permanent relief la maay casesI neither la spirit nor in fact must Wtt practicing physician tif nearly 50 xx hure othur sti called remedies have elot tise load slip tri tise ottomn and vears 'successful experience. URA- utteriy failed. s lose ail we have' gaiaed; but climb TABS are marIe from bis own special tise bill to or rightful succeas. -rvt formula and ail druggists are Tesbet"hti elSe- * El Paso is w-el! supplied with authorizeci to stnpply themn on guar- tic" w-as deait with la bis usual cap- schools. Tlradlr scisur-is giving training aatee of mcacy back if nt sntisfact ' able manner by tise pastor oif Parki in tveive dureroent trades and crafts ory. St. Churcis un Sunday evuniag. Aý are a part o>f tise public scisool sy- beautiful vocal duet by MrS. R.- 1l1.1 stcm. Tise city la well supplied with B Irow'n antI Miss H:ttie D)uncan, %xith i attires atnd rt'taii shorîs that sup-1 Mýiss Alice l)unean rit the- orga-n, wý as! Proved safe by millions and prescribed' Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache 'IRIN by physicians for Lumb~ago FDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART j Acce2pt on2MË' package whichi contains proven direction~s Ilanrlv "Bayer" bo)xes of 12 tablets tYa/AIso botties oif 24 and 100-Druggists. Aspirîn la the trade mark (reglatered in Canarlai ut IBayer Matufacture of Monoacetie- acld"tlrr of (Acetyl galicylle Aeld, -A. S9. A.'"). Whlle It la well known thst Auprrlr mearie Bayer maanufactue, to10asslit tlhehpublile gaitint Iitations, lte Tablets, of Bayer (3orpany wlll lie stamptd wlth their geireral trarle mark, t.he "Bayer 0noa.'> Almost Every Day We have the pleasure of adding new custom- ers to our growing Iist of satisfied patrons. Our aim is to build up a trade by giving the best and choicest meats obtainable-at a price that is reasonable-and a prompt and courteous service that makes folks feel they want to deal at our store regularly. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phon. 518 Bobmai l Have You Tried Sheil Coal 011?IL It gives heat and Iight instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmnanville Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust and packed in Aluminum. RIEDPROSIE TEAis good tea'M RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. THE CANADA STARCH Ca., UMITRD MOWrRLL CROWN BRAND CORN YRU PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MÀRCH 10th., 1927