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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MÂROH l7th. 1927. Phone 529 AT THE SERVICE STORES Bownmanille Shelled Walnuts (Halves) ....................49c lb. Large Juicy Oranges 45c Doz. Bananas 30c Doz. Electric Light Bulbs, 60 Watts 25c Each 5 String Brooms 49c Each Clark's Pork & Beans Squab Tins 2 for 25c Evershine Furniture Polish, Regular 25c for ....19c Kellogg's -Horse Shoe Corn Flakes Shaker Sait Salmon, halves 2 for 23c 2 For 19c 25c tin Quick Quaker Shredded Wheat Crossed Fish Qats, Large 2 boxes 25c Sardines package 29c11 2 tins 35c Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday We Deliver Country Customers With bad roads travelling to town is difficuit -but thanks to the rural mail we can give you prompt service. Phone us your next order by 8.45 a. m. and we will send it out to you same morning. This applies to any of the 6 rural routes going out of Bowmanville. For town customers we deliver promptly to ail parts of the town. We solicit a share of your patronage. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone 518 Bowuavll -Try Bowmanville Firt- Cheese Bread SOMETHING NEW AND VERY TASTY Try a loaf of the new Cheese Breadi made with grated craft cheese-particular-ly good for toast. _nv 15e a loaf at store or from wagon. Tra loaf of this delicious bread. Hot Cross Buns During Lent we wiil have Hot Cross Buns every Friday at 25e dozen. Willard's Ice Cream We have ice cream for ail occasions kept in a sanitar'y Frigidaire refrigerator. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bownianville INSURE POULTRY PROFITS By Using QUEEN INCUBATORS AND BROODERS Superior Scientifie Construction '-0 Points of Merit 2-7)veans Successful Use 70 to 2000 egg sizes fî'om $18M0 Don't huy until you have ins1 Queen Incubatoî' at our store. -MASON & DAL Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store oUp pCcted the Bowmanvillct YOU PAY LESS FOR MORE King St. W E RVI C E GROCERY STORES HAMPTON ofthte tUnited Church R(ecord and ________The New Outlook, Miss M. Newton; Hean "Maggie becomes a Lady" by District visitors, Mrs. J. Bradley, Mrs HamptonS. Trewin, Mns. W. J. Stainton, Mrs. HmtnYoung People and "Money F. Ellis; Strangers' Secretary, Mrs.* and Mud" by Women's Institute,D.Brmse;Uhs,'itn an- basement Ad mission 5e; ton, Harvey MeGjll. After a splen- 15c.n. Amison2c children1 did lunch pnovided by the Ladies' 15c. Aid the gathering closed by singing On Thunsday last, Manch 10, a of the Doxology. number of friends gathened at the______ home cf Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Souch to welcome tbem to their home town MAPLE GROVE after spending the winter With thein ____ daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Caverly, Miss Edna Swallow visited fniends Windsor, Ont. in Toronto oven the weekend.. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cny- Rev. W. A. Bunner, Town, occupied derman, Newcastle, witb his brother, the pulpit on Suîiday, Pastur Wash- Mti. Lewis Cryderman; Mn. and Mrs. ington being at Napance.: . .Mr. Ed. A. Stainton, Zion, at Mr. R. Avery's; Grant. Toronto, spent the weekend Mr. and Mirs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina,1with Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Freentan. 1 witb bis mother, Mrs. T. Pascoe; Mr.! . Miss, Ollie Cromsbury, Uxbnidge, is Walter Armour, Oshawa, at Mn. G. visiting Miss Viola Stevens. Mn . .l Arnieurs; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cry- Raymound Snowden, Toronto. spont derman, Solina, spent Sunday at 11r. Sunday witb his parents. . .. On Fi-1 F. J. Groats; Miss Betty Sargent, day evening last about 40 relativesi Bownianvillc. with 'Mr. an il Mrs. J.,i aad friends ut Mr. andl Mns. E.R Curtis over thc wcekenîl; Mr. and Freeman, wbo are leavinz for Port Mrs. t. Wooîds and farnily, Orono, at Daîbouise shortly, gatbered a h jMn. J. L. Johns'; Nlr. C. Burroivs, -pacious home uft Mr. andl Mr.J.DJ JOshawa, spent Sunday at borne; Missi Stevens. After aIl bail donc justicej Ruhy ('latworthy, BoNvnanville Hos-l tu a splendid îîvster supper the curn pital. with her miother, Mns. J. ('lat- pany ivas callîl te order by 'Mr. Nei î j w îrthx; Mr. and Nlrs. T. R. TLennant Mutton andl Mr. W. Claudle Iv es rcluli andI son, Bruce, and M rs. J. L. the following- address: Trewîn, Toronto, at Mr. F.G. Kers- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freeman:- lake's; Miss ilargaret NleKe-.s;i)k, Dear Ern. and Era.--Ai. o i;r, al'r Mlr.('larence andl Miss livelvn T'ink. h 1,olit îsosiîitb. iiîîu t otir Solina. at IL. T. I'ascoe's; Mr.s Fed .otiîl stlt- ii,'r, ttjis un if :til :it. E tina 1-- i sur irs t'il, ii loit Tarnlyîn, Orono, at Mrs. Bîruce Fer- t i îiilt noi l, i .for ýuî'i l-ttîiti iii guson's; Mrs. John Chal ond Miss1 l l tî~tîi ~. oiî , Mahel iChalljs. Lx' Mr. Ifi:51 tîosl,' .front lir til.îî lni llîtî lrlî,. Se o n i it ý,,îîr r'Il Wilcox's, Jr; Mr. Ruoy McGilîl, Ennis-1 nd îiifri- lui hait,. tol du o i killen. at Mrs. C. T. La.ngrnaidI's . .. ! 1-rl. , î.ti i ir l tu ou ac I (lad to know that Mrs. lehe sI, i ie i llip)y s50i'î .ii i,.ilO tii- Run le . 'uhur ;ln,1ilt, , ' tii gol,-l halî.n ,i t- Rudeis recovering nîceîy aroim ber l iliani.-ung loE yoîr i,-tfiotili. wai operation in Bovrnanvi1lleHospital, apt'îîr iî,.taiT,, 1v, tr,' .Sorry te learo that Mrs. C. F.1 -i ur .As ai t.-iînhor w.l- ien'ilult Corden continues quite ilî I frundl vou rl-auly to iîiiui a h-Aluiîig ltuti n"'i , nlh uîî'ion.4 h rlituer than wtiurils. Thank-offering services on 5unda j ii s elurchi y.11iwil I l(' rytîss i lnl' I were very successful. The addresses luit w,.r Kr(i. giai uh in Youi l W.- jgiven at ail thre services by Rev. i ktio- ItIYlouii ilreiîonii uaie iDr. Solandt, D.D., Toronto were; iff"i ' i n nlbîot. rîîiy grelitý very întcrestîng andl belpfull. The! Î-rauan se ri. k o sl ac, p Ilti s music rendereil hy the choir \vas .iz gifahe iîk~tc enimnd voti ofrtw much apprcciated. Mns. T. R. 'eI ntl rnarlviiu,. the.' i utilti. and the hag Toronto, rendered appropniate solos1 th.-'of rl-i] i lsisn carnying yoiir nluces-' iat he mrnin andevenng srvicsi toeýi.non eîorne hark for a w.iui< at th rnoning nd eeningsenvcest(u) asm kienmnsif î'steeýrn and iwarni n-i in excellent vuice. The offening forl gardîl atiîîtlii sinrene wislî i t lt h the day exceeded the amount asked l a:hf-ail mna * of feliowslîul witlî voiîj for .... League meeting Friday even- rk ino,î .,s i t nerVtr ciuu ing wsin careof MsiayVie tiaré i:' t *Nu, oman iiv<i ii iito Iiti- President, Miss Louise Johns. Lesson 'qs f". , nts imy .away buit haitve- an wvas rend hv T. Svkes; devotional byi iflItoin'Ei', 1.iilil tliat tilrvivl- 5 Tit l Miss 1. Carnpbell : reading, Mn.I a i1 tl hi h , ii, tu cry o1f i hi htinm ;t i i " -; 1 ,'sien t t] in lir 011,51 will o ,tr ,r verne Clemens; rnissionary topîc v er;' friîizîîî wtfii i ilîs ihlltiii, nt i nbly taken l'y M ns. W. ('raig; iluet aî u i. 1 lis , ail w. shlîTl tilt iii. l1 hy Mr. Bert Mead and Mn. Leonard' li 011' u-- f iltofacl. anilt i luit toi Rus el.'oîîas f, vtlri -t voitti willstillI- ii' Russeil. ~~I iv r:i.ti ,' tî,îr mnifoldi tirttix. Thene will he on display at the , l*oairirii îiuih(. iria:tirui lifli l_ Sprint Op)ening .ýat l)invniîan & Ed-1 1 si itifl-n titm1ýad spai k efEra antd s ool]t i n Manch 18 and 19 - i l] pEot f-- , listit Nil i ii tt. . hats if 0 k. o lblh t tsu i f uîtl.. 1, i r-lIt' l aîii i ilir tiI itt'îtitîn-1 1rtht lîîiuus mand i:îiiovk xsI î"î s. ill.. i' ,. vlr Iii' tî aî lilt lin f1 Atc il the Open ings andl *chooî tfi l i riild t iniv ' îotîr lI.î 'i1"-l' fîi f i ,'î'. ; iii i,-irîity. As ytit gi you rs. fînii'- , -nîwit hoic uliio, r wl ilih s li Oi S o iT uicon ii- j lIfit(f lîî-, mi l Mn. Hooey, Mrsý EX RAMutton. Mrs. Pturdy, Mr. Stevens, Ms 'ut 1, rîtil lI,n w ii' l ,-a S VE To the custonien purch îsîng the ,'ic-N îîî<i ns IiN' i, i langest quantity, of Rextall (,'iss ',Nr ît:i'il'"ir'-îo h ti li during thisteis Sale e wijl ,clt' ot andi i, u. rii i ia andl 151tnti- Fish -Aquarium -SEE OUR WINDOW- SEE OUR ADVT. ON PAGE 1 PROVE THIS Mrs. Syblila Spahis 'lonsiiLtis l~îiîed .~('Ces u] v t reats Crrîs ioujp, Qitis-v, loî chitis, i at;îrrh and S<,re 'Flroat troublls or '000 gvt vour nmoney Jury & Lovel Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE-71< si i nîir,-îm- I~ ~ ~ ~~~~r ..'ii.'î itIi gi',I. ri FA R P.S FOR -,ALE- 1lii .,. lot 1 ii i l i îî - , goîtîl 1îisî,- f; i' Ilion, k 'iiilot 1,i, <coni it -FARM FOR SALE-17ii cnliniiOn- or i, tti1 '1,"t un9 throîîghoîîu t 'ih 1 v;i i i 1 1 1 i ,% i ,'r i'ooius fîî; ietnia '. i s fîîîî ii iiii 3 ni-s ECîl <i i tîîi'-titi il'ii' ' tii rouric, hall rUi 7u , li lr i s ac o o l F W L as n g- S, 8-4w@~ 1 in i (lsig iswhaimthl adies Waflt. Secue it at Openings at Dingman ý&j Edmondstone's on March 18 and 19.1 one Neyer IÇnew iSetore A mother who had been buying the famiiy footwear out of town told us last week, she neyer knew before that we sold footwear at such low prices. "Guess V'II corne here regular in future" was her parting rernark. This is the best Sale we have had for a long time. Customers are buying liberally and are free to admit they are the best values in reliable footwear off- ered for many a day. Sale continues with greater enthusiasm this week. Lay in a stock of footwear while prices are at their lowest. Here's a few of the many money-savers: TYRONE Rev. A. C. Hoffman, a returned missionary from China, will preach next Sunday, March 2th. He will have a quantity of models of woc carving reprcsenting Chinese Life. We would like everyone to see thesel especially the children and learr something of the Chinese situation and our Mission Fields. Mr. Hoff- man will also speak at Haydon in the afternoon and at Salem in the even- ing. SOLINA A typographical mix-up appearedi in the school report last week. AI corrected report of classes affectedi follows: V ('lass-Arnot Van Nestl 81, George Kerslake 71, Helen Bak-1 er 70, Margaret Scott 68, Ruth Mc-1 Kessock 65, Tom Westlake 65, Mur-j jel Baker 64, Ileen Balson 63, Elean- or Shepherd 62, Frank Westlake 19 Evelyn Tink 53, Madeline TrulI 52. Sr. IV-Maurice Baker 74, George! Werry 74, Bruce Tink 65, May West- lake 64. Vis itors: Mr. Fred Bray, En-1 feld, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr.i James Smale with Dunbarton friends; Mr. S. E. Werry attended a sale at Cannington; Misses Margaret andi Ruth 1McKessock with Miss Aura Os-, borne, Fhenezer; Mr. Leslie Gibson,ý Oshawa, at Mr. Walter Vice's; Mrs. S. E. Werry with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family, Maple Grove, at Mr. Thos. Baker's; Miss Nora Robbins Miss May Armour, Osh- awa ... . Don't forget thepin e citai given by Mrs. J. Albert Cole and pupils at Hampton, Thursday~ evening, March 24th. Everybody welcome . ... Mr. Frank Shortridge who has accepted a position in Osh- awa, spent the xeekend at home... Solina Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Russell Gilbert onil Thursday afternoon. A St. Patrick program was given in charge of Mrs. 1ý R. J. McKessock. Music, Mrs. Everetti Cryderman and Miss Kate Cryder-1 man; readings, Mrs. A. J. Balson, Mrs. A. Milîson, Mrs. Cecil Brunt;I vocal solo, Mrs. John Baker; Com- munity singing. Refreshments were served and a social haîf-hour enjoy- ed. Spring Millinery Openings on Fri- day and Saturday, March 18 and 191 at Dingman & Edmondstone's. ENNISKILLEN SOW PURE SEED à Enniskillen United Chunch con-1 We have a supply of Government h gregation held its annual meeting on Tested Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, I Monday, March 14th. Business wasl Sweet Clovenr and Timothy Seed al- 1i nterspersed and eolivened by con- so a limited quaritity of Two-Rowed gregational singing and a programn Barley suitable for seed. AIl at eof vocal and instrumental music, put reasonable prices. Caîl and see us i on by Miss Alice Marks, soloist, Mrs. before placing your onder. 1 E. M. Cook and Mrs. E. Carter, pian- McCIeIIan & Co. Limited, -ists, Messrs. Milton Stainton and Phone 15 King St. E., Bowmanville cGeorge Rimmer, violinists, and Wi11 11-4 Sinith as mnouth organ artist. Rev ____ E. M. Cook chairman, complimýentedý them on the good attendance. HelCUT E reported the membershîp on the c CORTIC cuit had increased over a period of Miss Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, i.s vis- ten yeans, being now 139. The fln- iting hier aunt, Mrs. L. J. Courtice. . ancial support of the church reached . .Miss Myrtle Montgomery, Toronto, 'high water mark in 1919 and 1920- is holidaying with hier grandmother, National Campaign years. There has Mrs. W. H. Nichols.... .Miss Annie been a noticeable increase for local Allun, Bowmanville, was guest of Mrs support and a corresponding shrink- G. F. Annis... .Miss Lila Osborne, age in givings for the non-local work Toronto, was home over the week- of the church, such as missions, etc. end .... Mrs. A. F. Rundle is in Tor- W . J. Stainton was appointed secre- onto, for a few days .. . .On Thurs- ,tary. James Arthur Werry as super- day afternoon our W. M. S. held its intendent gave a general report of montbly meeting at the church when ard Pyea School followed by How- the annual election of officers was ar ysecretary, Theo. M. Slemon, the business of the day. President treasuren, and Mr. John Slemon on -Mrs. <Rev.) C. C. Washington; behaîf of the Adult Bible Class. lst Vice-Mrs. John Found; 2nd IThese reports sbowed the S. S. to bei Vice-Mrs. F. W. Rundle; 3rd Vice a flouishing and well organized in- -H. Hancock; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. stitution having an average attend- H. F. Osborne ;Cpr. Secretary-Esli ance of about seventy-five. Miss Mae Oke; Treasurer-Mrs. R. Gay.. Werry and Frank Dorland on behaîf Friday evening our young people of the Y. P's. League reported well put on their play "The Hoodoo" in attended meetings and good progress Ebenezer Church. It was intensely made over a peniod of years, and $50 interesting and full of mirth and for the Maintenance and Extension merriment, each one taking his or Fund. Mrs. J. A. Werry and Mrs. her part splendidly. The house Howard Stevens neviewed the acti- which was nicely filled was in laught- vities of the Ladies' Aid and report- er mucb of the time. The stage Mas ed an income of about $200. On pretty with its attractive decorations behaîf of the Boand of Stew-ards, and the dresses worn by the ladies *Dr. H. B. Ferguson, reported finan- made the whole thing very pleasant cial returns to date of $769 and an to look at. There were visitors expenditure of $766 expecting a fur- from Maple Grove, Bowmanville and ther income to balance accounts at Oshawa and Toronto. Proceeds about the end of the month of $350. Res- $67.00. .Mrs. B. M. Warnica. Bow- olutions of appreciation for service manville, has been guest at the Par- nendered through the Board and sonage..Our Pastor. Rev. C. C. choir respectively were passed and Washington was preaching in Nap- lettens ordened to be sent to W. H. anee on Sunday and Rev. W. A. Moore and E. E. Staples, who in the Bunner, Bowmanville, supplied our one case has had to relinquish his pulpit Sunday morning very accept. duties through pnolonged illness, and ably. in the othen through the illness of ______ Mrs. E. Staples. The newly elected Mrs. R .D. Davidson has been viis- Board of Management whose duties iting her niece, Mns. Mont. Bickle, combine those of Eiders and Stew-j Canton. ards are as follows: J. A. Werry, Dr Mr. John Bessey and Mn. B. Mon- H. B. Ferguson, John Slemon, Fredl iTrno ae envstn hi Ellis, Frank Orchard, Thomas Me-'rins, rotohe ave bee sigthe in Cill. Treasurer, Dr. H. B. Ferg'uson;cuis h adbohr Tnustee Board Representative, Gond- Something new in colon, something on Wrry thelocl rpresntaivenice in matenial and something styl- _# . .. .- - i i dqý-q-- Society Brand Clothes Double and Single Breasteci Suits Slip on Style Top Coats TOP COATS FROM $15.00 TO $35.00 SUITS, PRICES l'OR $14.50 TO $37.50 Cambridge Clothes Week End Special Boys' Suits at $6.95 25 Boys' Bloomer Trouser Suits with belts, in Grey and Brown Tweed ,worsted effeets. Values that were from $10.00 to $13.50, broken sizes, CEARING AT A BIG SPECIAL PRICE $6.95 T. B. GJLCHRIST Phone 61 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Black or Brown, sewn soles, solid leather irn- soles and some with rubber heels, sold regulan- ly at $4.50 to $5.00. Sale Price $3.49 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES Made of good grade black caîf leather with solid leather insoles and counters, good weight soles. Good value always at $3.75, Sale Price $2.99 MEN'S MEDIUM FINE BOOTS Suitable for country wear for best shoes, made of best grade side caîf Icather xith welted soles, solid leather insoles, rubber heeîs, size 6 to 10, Sale Price $4.49 TEAMSTERS & TRUJCK DRIVERS Wc can give you a 1.7)in. top lcather boot with shoe pack toe, heavy Icather sole and bcdl, slid insoles an(l counter, made of oilC(l ta-n Icather. A real shoe at a real bargain. Sale Price $6.99 FACTORY WORKERS For men who are on their feet all day we have some real solid lcather7 boots ini brown light grain leather, black box caîf boots and these have sol id leather insoles and counters. Real value when purchascd at regular prices. We offer you your choice Sale Price $3.49 For the young otaniwbo xsants the new style tixfurus we have te offor this w'eekcend a fine lot cf lblack and lîrown oxfîîrds with welt soles and ruhber heels at Sale Price $4.49 Phone 241 THIS I5 A CASH SALE IVES' SHOE STORE Bowrmanville N 4' Spring Arrivais Men's New Suits and Top Coats_ Choose Now For Easter Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmànville WOMEN'S FINE FASHIONABLE SHOES We mean by this the fine hand tunned soles and tlress styles that make ry lady' proud of ber footo cear. Sente in purnp styles, others in strap witb vanying heights of heels. These are neal savîng. Sale Price $6.99 GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS It il; with confidenîce we can recornmend these in patent, black kidl. hlack caîf and bnown caîf. They hav'c the sensible round tues that give fuît case and have sulid inner soles and rubher hcels. Well wurth $4.50 _______ Sale Price $3.49 LADIES' KID OXFORDS Cumbincîl <if ilifferent niakci. we are placing aIl oun Kidl<xfu l that suld altove $6.50 in une Ikit andl ci leaig titi ut . ________ Sale Price $5.49 MISSES' OXFORDS Sizes 11 to 2. Yîuur chîjice of patent leathen, black or lin<wn leather (Mordnis with rubber bcd l lfts. Sulîl nt $3 and iîxen. Real bargains Sale Price $2-49 WOMEN'S STRAP SLIPPERS Thest iarc in ciihait tînd l Iîw' heîel, made cf pat- ent and lblack kjîl.- .Iidi lellttlîî intsolcs sold us- ually nt $.1.00 tît $4 '5 . Jiîst what you need for cvcnvday use Sale Price $2.99 CHILDREN'S BOOTS Wv îotl'c t hcse il,î aIl îîmksW'ith 'iliicKay or tom ssoles, îblaick (iIP iroîtk iîldîorcaîf. Values tii $4.00 perî pair. Sale Price $2.49 vir lm% -il PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MARCH 17th. 1927.

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