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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1927, p. 6

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r *~-, - ~~'- 9 *DJWK NVILL 1 Uft.SiAY, MARUI-1 7th. 1927. DARLINGTO COUNCILBLACKSTOCK RN SOFT__CORNS BY-LAW No.... Re1~~::_ONILhl O RN at Harm et n on eiarh th. wIth melerowded out last week) (From The News of March IOth) Money Back Say& Jury & Loveil if A By-Law of the Municipal Coun- aIl present. Reeve C. A. Wght presid- How tirne flies! Here we are facing Mrs. J. N. Stanley of Nipigon, isi ln g. Minutes 0f last neeting were readj h changing o h esosoc 'stn irsrt r.Js utr Moone's Emnerald Oil Doesn't Do cil of the Town of Bowmanv ille to and approved. ofmoe.the opcesands once vissng heront,MRs.Ja.,Hne. Away With Ail Sol-eness and grant a fixed assessment to The R. Douglasl Bartont asked Pam"in'aareo the wodpeer and crh h saow's YokMvisaie Bgreltvsi own N .Nw Pain in 24 Hours. M.- Hollingshead Co. of Canada Ljm- eut down trocs at lot 24, con.'5. Re-areout ain, anetditsason SIYor. isevryting r bss ited and to authorize an agreement ferred ta Coin. Paacoe and Roed Supt.aout ail d he ito dop issit on lai e ntow a Cet a bottie of Moone's Emerald for that purpose. H-arold Skinnkr tendered bis resigna- joobcuian the icGrp ali,* enJer bas sered aks Oul witb the understanding that if it tion as Sheop Inspectior. Reslgnation se- and Wait for Spring. If any of usoi h eoriMtrWrs does not put an end to the pain and Whereas for the purpose of mr cepted and Arthur W. Annis was ap- would like to work in the garden we Oshawa. sornes ad o aaywib te ornefectaly arrîn ou a mare- pointed ln bis place. might do so as seeds, sucb as popy Mrs. Fred Tamblyn spent a few sornes nddoawy it te or efetull crrin ot n gre- Count. Pascoe reported that permissionl onlwrlrsu n cosmos days witb bier sister, Mrs. Ferguson itself your money wili be promptly ment made between the Corporation had been given ta Alyrner Beach ta trlm 1crfoesHlrsu n returned. 'of the Town of Bowmanville as a.nd eut down sonne trees at lots 24 and mnay be s0wn on tbe late snow now at Hampton. Don't worry about bow long you've Vondor and the R. M. Hollingsbead 25, con. 9, onices of trees to be $500. anytime witb good resuits for early Miss Annetta Waiker of Hampton, bad it or bow rnany other prepara- CmanysPrhsrdtdNvm Clarence W. Woodley offered to sup- bloom. È sPrhsrdtdNvm On Tuésday, March Ist., formniry of McCrca's, is visitîng at tions you have trîed. Ths ow r-rl3tb., 96 b eefto hc ls 5000 teet of bridge covering at $40 Rev. J. E. Griffith, B .A., continuod Mr. B. Wbite's. lui penetrating oil is one preparation bas been assigned to The R. M. Hol- P Thspoe-,er6 Mebnei f h feet which was accepted. i his talk at tbe Continuation School, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Walsh, Port Clerk was ordered ta notify prisi having as bis subject "Choosing your Hope, visitird bis b rotber, sister and tchaiIl eit o ak youdrepaifullngbadC.ofCnaaL-ie, b rrute a forasownsdipageasuatreompno " Tb PC achngfee S halty ndfre fomMunicipal Council of tbe Corpora- utb pl sTwnhp'r a ne omp ns .. ..Te Progress Cub otber relatives here. corn and bunion troubles tbat yui tion of tbe Town of Bowmanville or belore April 7, 1927, or amounts now Of the Continuation School beld its M owing wuI1 ho placed in other bands for regular meeting on Fidy Mrc s. Wm. Allen wbo bas been vis- be bletogo ny er anod a h em oit raio nd igrn ta itestcollection. 4tb. The meeting opened witb thel iting at Peterboro and Lakefleld, is tbing in absolute feet comfort fteCroaint rn fixe Collector of taxes wvas lnstruoted ta minutes of the two previous meet- ireturning to Oshawa. Mon' marvelously power .1l s assessment for the years 1927 tO nourtiy ail parties in arrears for 1926insbngra yteectr, Ms.GoCwnanMs A lp MoesEmerald Oil that tbousands 1936 botb inclusive to The R. M. Hol- ta xes that ail said arrears of taxes must insbin edbytesntr rs. GavCowan nd rs. dof lpbs ave fou n d it g ives w on d erfu l results lin g s ead C o. of C anada L td . as setl Io", h ii on oh ef r a d 1 9 7 a j r e N s i t f e b c a : H n y b v e n g e t f M fort in cetainpropsedAgr thebrwise tey will bo ha.nded over to tors of business were discussed. Pro- Louise Cowan, Tononto. in the treatment of dangerous swol- for th in tcertaip oropoAreonthera rties for collection. gram. Genevieve Beacock a recita- Miss Mattie Hill of Two Harbors, len or varicose veins. Jury & metbtentbGadCrorto yIw was passed appolnting F. J.tin pao duet by Kate McLaugblin Mo., is visiting at bier brotben-in- Lovell is selling lots of it. and the said Company manked Scbed- roat, T. Wray, W. R. Allun and the topa I oe 'A" boreto. Reeve as Park Commissioners for yea and Mabel Argue; a debate, "Re- law's, Mn. W. E. Davey. I eittbreor eacedasa y-1927. solved tbat Western Canada ha? Worms causa fretfulness and rob Be i theefor enctedas aBy- Treasurer acknowliedged recelpt or $5 done more for the Dominion than, tbe infant of sleep, the great nour- I Sonac H rt Lwoffthe Coroporation of The from Mrs. Win. Smale for tree and bas Eastern Canada since the Great isher. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- Town of Bowmanville as follows:- $79473 from L. T. Pascoe for 1926 taxes. Wr yNro aCm n en iao ilda h tmc n First :-Tbat the Corporation oiI Orders were drawn on Treasurar: Trewin upbolding tbe affirmative and intestines and restore bealtbfulness. Drink Hot W ater tbe Town of Bowmnanville bceand is ad S lt. rond maint., Feb ... Jon en33 ad er0 John Armstrong lae h boey uboiedt etrH.x * McLaughlin, indigent, sup .... 10.00 upbolding the negative. The neg-lte part o ftbe veek for tbe West hecuebyad deiver a eneraintagrex- C . l nn M .,ated tive ide won. Thon the "Fort- as salasman for Lownes Co. Clothes. Netrlae toac Aidty Pe eten d dib TbeR. a.cHrtaingbo- ad nce Mol. Parker ................ 6000 nigbt Times" was read by Kate Me- Food Fermentation. Stop Co. of Canada Limited, dated the J. Smnale and Mrs. M. Adams.. 73.50 Metig loedwibhe rGo. Wtnnaniandefalok bavte J. .Mason & Soin, insurance Town National Antbemn...Misses Smith moe fnopltce, firer blok t th Indigestion. 3lst day of January, 1927, in ac- Hall, contents ..........22.5o and Belman visited fniends in Tor-Pnfud pae fomrHmn cordance witb the form beneto an- J. J. Smith, adv. T. S.,S..No19îoeonovrtewekd.ioia Davis farm. "If those wbho sufer from indigest- naxed marked Schodule "A". hereby Council adlourned to April 7, at 1 p. m. Women's Institute held their regular Rev. F. J. Reid, B. Missionary ion, gas, wind, or flatulence, stomae.h declared to be and forti part of this W. R. ALLIN, Township Clerk. meeting at the home of Mrs. Leslie in China, who bas just returned, will acidity or sourness, gastric catarrh, By-Law. ______ Graham on Wednesday afternoon, speak in Park St. United Cburcb, heatburn, etc., would take a tea- Second :-Tbat tbe Mayor and Marcb 2nd. The President, Mns. A Sunday morning. spoonful of pure Bisurated Magnesia Clark of the said Corporation are STARKVILLE VanCamp, occupied the chair, in bier Mr. James Cuttoîl and daugbt er, in baif a glass of bot water immed- bareby aothorized and ampoivored to ualpeanste. Mting op- Miss Alma Cuttoîl, are occupving iately after oating tbey would soon siga and execute the said Agreement (Cnowded out last week) ened with the Institute Ode, followed the ir comfortable new bouse' on fonget tbey were lever aflicted with on bebalf of tbe Corporation, and the Tbe beautiful brigbt spring-like by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Cburcb Street Soutb. stomach trouble, and doctors would Clerk of the Corporation is hereby days are makîng the farmers think of Scnptune lesson was read by Mns. J. Fraises This Astbma Remedy. AIJ have ta look elsewbere for patients." authorized and ampowered to affix Sping and they are busy sawing G. Marlow. Minutes of the last grateful user of Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Ia explanation of these words a wellithereto its Corponate Seal. wood and finisbing up their winter's meeting wene read by the secretany, Astbma Remedy flnds it 'the only known New York physician stated wonk, while tbe ladies are planning Miss L. Venning and approved. Cor- iremedy that will give relief, thougb tibat most forms of stomach troubles Third :-That upon the axecution spring housecleaing ... . Mrs. WiI- respnec was read from Mrs. 1 fon thintean yeans lhe bad sought oth- are due to stomach acidity and fe-of the said Agreement by the Cor- fred McKay is visiting friends in the Stcy. A short talki was given by or ,ýhelIp. Years of needless suifer- mientation of the food contents of poration and the Company the assess- city .... Mrs. S. G. Hallowell is is Mrs. A. VanCamp on the Townshipingma be pnevented by using this the stomaeh combined with an in- ment in respect of the Lands and iting Mns. Jennie Graham,, Newton- School Board, bier remarks being wonderful remedy at the finst warn- sufl¶cient blood supply to the stom- Promises thanein descnibed, and of ville.. .. Glad to report a very great based on a latter of Premier Fergu- ing of trouble. Its use is simple, its acb. Hot wator increases the blood ail buildings, plant, machinery and improvement in the condition of our so n, dealîng with rural problemrs as almost anv-wbere. fixtures now erected or which may friand, Mrs. A. J. Souch .. . .Social wel as those of urban contras. t MsLeaHnýk asrund supply and Bisurated Magnesia, bereaften be enected thereon shall Cincle meets this Tbursday,..Mrs. was decided that every member t MisoLeta a NwYck, basi reurnd which can be readily obtained at any for a Il purposes, save and excopt for Richard Hallowell spent a few days and get ail the information she ca n e from liepsitonk avingassitn- reliable drug store, in either tablets school purposes and local improvo- in Peterbono witb ber daughter and regarding the bistony of our Town- d from ber osition a assstan or powder, instantly neturalizes the mont rates. ho flxed at not more than attanded the "At Homne" given by ship and report the sanie at our next narni optltae excessive stomach acid and StOi95 the sum of Fiftaen Tbousand Dollar tbe Normalites at the Normal School. meet .ing when a committea will be Mn. Ollie Cooper and family will food fermentation, the combination ($1,5,000) for each of the years 1927 She reports a good time ...Mucb appointed to arrange the samne in occupy the sbop and dwelling in the of tka two, therefore, being marvel- to 19,36 both inclusive, and sava' as sympatby is extended to Mn. Arthur book form for publication. The roll Miller block as barber shop and ously successful and decidedly pre- aforesaid the said Company and the Duan and family, also Mr. Dunn, caîl was answered by' a riddle. Thora residence, vacated by Mn. Geo. Wan- ferable to the use of artificial digest- said lands and promises and the Sr., in theinrocent bereavement. The were forty-four prescrnt. Two splen-, nan. ants, stimulants or medicines for buildings, plant, machinory and fix- funenal of Mrs. Dunn was the largest did interesting papers were given one The young people wbo staged "Miss indigestion. tures erectad or to be enacted, usod around bore for some time, there on "How to Keep Well', by Mns. Somnebody Elsa" bave bad offens to or to ho used thereon, shall for the were between two and three bundred Thomas Smith, the othar "A Woman's give tbeir play at Brooklin. Court- yaars 1927 to 1936 botb inclusive be viewed the romains. .. .Mr. W. Day Agricultural Duties" by Mrs. A. Bail- ice, Oshaw-a, Tyrone, Kendal and exempt :from taxation by the Corpor- installed a radio. ... Mr. Victor Par- ey. The meeting closed with tbe Fenelon Falls. ato.National Antbem. Mrs. A. Baileyl Mrs. Chas. Bebae, Port Granby, bas McKa is abk .. l to ho anund.......Il ententain the Institute for April' bougbt the Alfred Beal residence, F IG L A XFouth:-Tbat upon being ne Mn. Edwin Rutbven is visiting bis meeting. A social baîf hour was jStation Street, and will move bare SURE RELIEF FOR questad hy the said Company tbis friends at Westport. spont. Lunch being sorved by the Ishontly. Mn. Beal may go to Osh- By-Law ho submitted to the dlyv hostess assisted hy Mrs. J. Henry andliawa t eie Co sia inqualified natepayers of the __________Mns. Thomas Smith... .A numban of Mr.A. Beal bas eundfo ~os1~a1-1 tion for their approval.I women gathered in the United Cburch Chisie Stret H rsptad ornom 25cSecond50ading Marh 7, 1927 HAMPTON on Fniday afternoon for tbhe obser- where ha undarwent treatment for 9-4. Second reading March 7, 1927. vance of the service nf interc essiona e wek. Hscnions Passed this <ay of (Crowded out last week) arranged by the Women's Missionary a fewat n w e . Hscniini -1927. A mo"iTîng of lot hotIders and others Boards of the Protestant churches of snw timrvd întni.sted, in their nprrovî.mînt of t' Canada. Mrs. Roy Taylor pnesided, Requisite on the Farnm. Eveny eed Reief....................rounils of Haýmiton union (north) cerne. and those who took part in the pro-; farman and stock-naiser should keep SafeaSdac elef ......... ..........treli Fnuinia ath baoo -n t r ih atI nau wr: Mrs. Powell, -MI s. F.i a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Ou M--- Neuraigla VA l 1 Clerk. Mayor.1 wais frir1v xweil attindeti from Haîinrî)tan Stinson. Mrs. W. Marlow, Mrs. Jas. on bond, not only as a rvady ramedy Sto Yor Rcumtis tnniskilin, Enficl radI foraanviIIu. Gordon, Mns. Robt. Jackson, Mrs. Aj for ilis in the family, .but bacause B YpY u hu ais usgs o in u t in it,' atir Jobnston, r.A Bailey, M s Ma-j it is a hanse and ctl eii e o Seld 10c for m!e nerutraorrortî.d fotTîîrîno, h.wi.bod, Mrs. J . R. can sastle m ediinfo No... tot.iin l Jn1R 1Luhlnat great piîtency. Asaustutfn B Y-d..LiA MW[ N ocrd .Mn. . anelssweet oil for horses and cattle affect- Sh-, . r YOtdr,.11 dlCecrilaHill.ti,' pMrs..fT... <nil xv ____ ~lira, ljbairnî,-nof turny fcrrmitii ad is El Fenguson attended the, (d hv etlie it fanr sutpasses anytbing e AP 3vLaix ta provie for the tak-.itda err .i. lithos. rair-fnra fteir grandmotber, Sarah ta a uadînseel ing if the Voesif the <ulte ~; rn,, i -inc îtlt-xA nn Warren, relict of the late Pt i r.W.isnO W.Rîlb ___________________________n___tcidrr.ii,.s uot o r W.Sison 0.Wter1h, E!ectrs o tf th(-Tr'matn of Biiw 01011 îi.îati lt.(of n 1.1 r t<tý l 'î- l". Warren, at Bobcaygeon, March 2nd. ou(iiA. arsittnielt juln pîîi pon af aîituinin fohe i-i the th,\rlch r. en , l~iii.-a -The late Mrs. Warren. neSara:l Junrir thaaîipiinrhi1r llitcki\gaine 0liio uit f t u Tw zn g if o po a- ii île tirl liii. inling tiiu ~ A nn Beacock, w as born in (Cartw ight ! a t the A 'r aa. Tori io . , Ti r siav ev- ; tp n o th Ton (f Iwninvlit'b tn,, i hs-nvlsa i ii,- giumsi,i it îrî1838. She lbaves four sons, Johbn eaîng httweenirIlrnIitînil. l! mi etrintni an agreement with th(,IR. bu miii iro-ni i, iril maris-i gooîl sig- and Frederick. George anti Abraham j Oi triSuuni. ýý;Jiîllnigshea<i tompany <f Canatda iStil,fs for sani,- %îr,-rr gîve-il..A corn- and two dauzhîens, Mrs. John Hurst i Stops headacheI.iiiteil. andI iinthe' intei'e-t <f this îrsif rrniir ioyîpî,î f (' cf Bltisb (Columbîia, anti Mrs. Jîîs. N jMi. and -Mis. l'eu-r )ýaikei-, le- Copa~aion agrant a fi\ell Assess- i'tY rs, W W %V.i or-,i iii Chirnan), liii Taylor, South Venulam. ico nt Mc 'ruas ngageî~ifm p-1 in 20 rminutes 00ntt 0 ¾U.0 foi- tire x ai s Mrt-v NI l ls apintuîr,altiil % li tn,ainacete egtmtn f by the edock. 1927 ta I 930. lîîth inclusive, tii the dtliduiil i toocti wliii %wir1< rîti, as thIeir tirly îiaughter. Annetta June 25o per box. said R. M. Hallingshead (Company of %Vzt itrîermiitf-d, ird iGOOD TEA aNOT CHEAPER B r. homs ennett, Jr., Ca ad ,iept . s a1 tîi 'ivi ofl ,ýr nýn 11-1ldad t arly in A pîi I. 'rhcre<iit.tht. Mniciptl Utiincilu ta nwta se a- Because cliiand pooir bulk ton caoi cftharo rtio Mncithe Totn of ho okno ha ate ay cpuncbascd tîday rathen cheaply, Mis. Jennie Stantoanda rs ii ofth Cprnlatin o sfrthe Twns. niant] Burns is inîpnoving ..Miss the public should not tbink they iill enjiiyed tht' Mendelsstohn Chotir con Bonavleeat sflos- Mary Runtile is visiting bier aunt, Mns gtstsatinb uig t hacent in Toironto recently.M. The Tonic That First«-Fan the purpasu of racui*- W. Pickeil, Ebenezer ..Mrs. K. tea is a most expansive~ luxury 1 ton %,as also a guest at the n ion taini lîg whther the raturtayers of the Winterbunn reccntly visited ber ais-1 meeting tif the [)urhaiOui Boy-s and J Hbelps Build Totwn tif Bttwnianville qtualified ta ter, Mrs. E. Parker, East Whitby.. . - - -- 1l a1hehoecfT.E Wsh vote upan a Bv-Iaw of tbe ('orpitra- Women's Institute met on Mancb 3 ýigo. Aognayohraq-1 tion rof the Town of Bawmanville at Mns. Langmaid's, with an attend- ,SrAlln. Metng close hy sinexinguintnces Anesnrimaîîv the Revac. Strength Rapidly granting The R. M. Hollingshead Co. ance cf about 40. Eigbt parcels of mepeigAd alitte Gladnte ss" Nagxt.uainandsDr.s.L.erH'hese. J of Canatda Lti., a fixed asseasment fruit, etc., had been sent to sick, ai- meetngiAssiotharat teopasenay XofRauantrrk . uhSt. in respect of the lands and promises so some flowens. Arrangements xwere whan Mrs. Jtohn Baker, District Msinr cit fPr t thenein iiescribed and cf ail buildings made fan the St. Patrick's ententainPrsdtiepatdOvstouIn- United Cburch belld its monthly S u u n 'serecteii r %hich miay ereafter lie read the pay "Morley and Mud,, er daugter, Mrs. R. Metcalf, Map- lretenance when Grou a plats. macine~', and fîtuns ncw ent Maching 7th. re y s PatersletGrae. ...M . Te o t iielar e t e d ay atenoupN 1 le Gove.witb Mrs. Dickson as leader, bath i E1(sL~1.I I Cave and except for school purpose~s Piano scia "Souvenir of Stephen Pleased to report that Narman chareof the prtîgramn. Ti beii EM U L IO N anti Local lmniivenient rates i b' Feston' by -Mns. C. J. Kersiake. (lemens whrt bas beaui seniouslv ili the h ast cf the series cf group meet- fixd t nt or thn he umofPaper "Leisure" read b Mrs. Lewis. with flu adpocumoniafo the at ings 'h standing wl i announcu-d Fifteen Thousanîi Dollar's ($15,000.-_________ iseven weeks is improving. laiter. A chorus was sung by the Ricn In cod- liver 00)foifr iach of the y('ars 1927 ta No surgical tîparation is necessary gnoup The Stutly Botik was'takeni Iî:10 httth incltusive, anti save as Orlicer andl Miss Auna Caldwell shaîl in remnoving damrs if Holltîway's Cor~n hy Mns. T. Prîwei's, MXrs. W. AI . Stutt, 1 O v ~afîtresaid the saiti Coampany anti the bec1Poil Clerk. Reniaven ho tsi-i. Mrs Cuttull, Mrs. G. Waiide Il.NMrs. Oil Vêtamins r ltantis antI promises manditht . J. Sîmîplus, M Solo J.SîcMs A bicldings, plant, inrachinerv andi fix- "C' Foi' the South Wanîl in thetA.S 'mb illegs. Stîlît uv Mrs. CA -amit & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. . tuits tret'tti tr tii le erecteil, useiPulic Sehacl an Victomria St. and MSNon-lu rahn x'Ms or t h f- seti th-retin, shail foîr the Jiames Niikes shallhocl)uputy Retui n B laddr] vvewa n s naiachto ytegop amok". no sprays jut aw'IIow twut RAZ MAH C8pàu j L i biirrlth:-'Tbis B- shal lakelN m. wayorgenRb'USSL 'T vit a bot drink nt meaime. -frt-ltt-on lite finaîl paasing theretîf. or ow many medicines you bave us- l &T0UF E To Siep T nîgt Tie RA MA4Mo. d witbout succesa, if you want to TLET-A AND day, for I thmna Clu-oni- Broncht, TEM Pa Tlmssu'd tht' 7th thay atif you a E Y f edano r om fia ort HauseerA7L 1.). 1927. the rest of peaceful, unbroken sheep,VILE T tny URATABS Icday. Your drug- IR A Z OOM MClark Mayor are flot well pieased.fio I BENSONS GOILDIEN TFECANADA STARCII O.. LIMITED. MONTREAL Proved safe by millions and prescribed hy physicians for Headache Neuralgia \.ARN IN G Pains Lumbago Beware of Counterfeits ToothcheRLumagosm There is oonlv ccgenuine Toothche Reumatsm .ASIRIN" tallt. If a tab- DOES NOT AFFECT nd s nOtasnorîei with the "Bayer (-ross"-refîîsc it xxith THE HEART cotcmenPt-it isiit".SPýIRIN" at aill! Doîî'î take chances! AECccptonlv "Baver" package 5akwhichi contains provei directions. Ilamdy "Býayer" botxes tif 12 tabbets tYeOe--Ahio -botties of 24 and IOG-Druggiste. Appiral s ii i--l rittr tiaeiterei n Canada) of Bayer Manîitî-îure of Mciiiuie.tje. ,id,' oter 01 Salii-yiit-î, ui 1 tAvtyl Sajicylir Acte. *A.- 8. A."- i - N' ilii. wl adi 1tnown at Aspirîin meana Bayi' nm asalt the Publie agzunaî Iimtationo.,the Tahets Df Bayer Company wdil e tarnped with their genertl trade mark. tae'"Bayer Cruas." PAGE SIXL 1 V - . - r q Save, 1 - by buylng the ROYAL St andclard Cleaner Free Attach en2t The Royal atttchm ints, are an honest to good.s.i.di cleaning, thev c 'able 3ou to clean everytthîn.-frcmn cellar to attie, and even inside of your motor car. An unusual thing about this cleaner is that it is j?,-st -,s ef- ficient on bare floors,. llx-oleurn, tile, as on a rug. It is so liit that any woman can carry it ail over the house, up-stairs and down. At the regular price the Royal Standard Cleaner is the greatest value on the market. Now with the free attachi- ments it is beyond conipari- son. 0niy s5cq-oDown )aac n easy paynmenta The Hydro Shop THE CANADIANSTATESMAN. BowmANvll.l.v

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