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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1927, p. 7

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THE CÂNADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MA-RCH l7th. 1927. TEA T As free from dust as tea can be. Ibuy befauty It RINCRLY beauty is reveaed in every Une of the Greatest Mc-. Lauhlin-Buick Ever Built-jn the rich blendings of the Duco colon-... ini the snlart upholstery and interior trinL Door-handles, window regulators and other fittings are of a style and qual- ity which wouid grace any custom. buzilt car. See the gleamning nickel on radiator and lamnps-see the rich, jet-black tires and rims, the natural wood wheel- spokes, the ultra-fashienable shades of Duco on the Fisher-bujît bodies see the exquisite lines of the bodies theru- selves, each a masterpiece ef the body- builder's art. See the Greatest McLaughlin. Buick aud yen will have seen aà' perfection ef beauty that neo atutomobile, even the world's =ost expeissive, can rival. It is the great volume of Me- LaughIin-Buick production that makes possible the moderato prices at which the Grcatest Mc- Laugblin- Buck is obtainable. Grerdmaesz' GHLIN-BUICK EerBuili Corbett Motor Sales Bowmanville Ont. WHENBETER ATOMBILES ARE BUILT MsiLAGHLN. BUICE WILL BUILD THEM i «ri4je Off to Work T 0 do his best work, a man must be comfortable. Warm, dry feet are the foundation of out-door com- f ort. Wc are now carrying the complete line of MWOl1iiE rubber footwear - Tu rubbers, work-boots, mIIn~~UN Iovershoes-and we *Un.ER 'f stongly recommend j ..Tao theni to men and wo- men who have to be out-of- doors at ail seasons. Core in and look thema over. A. DILLICK, General Store Bowrnanville Ont. CO NTENTED! Contentment is not merely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked so hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY! That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmaugville Annual meeting et the United Church W. M. S. was held in the S. S. Hall on Tbursday afternoon. 70 members were prosent. New efficers are: President-Mrs. E. B. Coolie; let Vice-.Mrs. McLaughlin; 2nd Vice -Mrs. Meffat; 3rd Vice-Mrs. Nor- man Rickard; 4th Vice-Miss Dru- mond; 5th Vice-Mrs. Normian .Alin.; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. Floyd Butler;I Cor. Secretary-Mrs. Walter. Ri cl- ard; Treasurer-Mrs. W. E. Beman; Stranger's Secretary-Mrs. J.R Ficher; Secretary Christian Stewýard_- ship-Mrs. Cee. Honey; Secretary Supplies-Mrs. J. A. Butler; Liter-1 ature Secretary-Mrs Cee. Ja!mieson;l Superintendent et Mission IBaud- Mrs. W. H. Cooke; Asso. Hepr Secretary-M ns. J. E. Matchett. Af- ter the election, refreshments were. served aud a social haîf-hour spent. A very enjoyable evening was spent when Newcastle A.Y.P.A., en- tertained St. George's Supday Scheol. i Atter opening exercises the program opened by a chorus by the boys and girls; Mrs. Howard Toms gave an iu- teresting reading taken frem the A. Y.P.A. monthly; Mrs. Branton rend- ered an enjoyable solo, accompanîed by Miss Brock on the piano; Mr. ,George Crowther played a tew pepu- lar pieces on the mouth organ, fol- lowed by a solo by Master Jimmie Lovekin; Miss Florence Spencer and Miss Gwenuie Williams sang a pretty littIe song, Mrs Anderson acceiiipany- ing. Messrs. Tom Spencer, Charles Brown and Lawrence Gaines sangsa song dedicated te this branch; MS. Garrod and Miss Nellie Carrod gave a piano instrumental enjoyed by aIl. Community siuging was tellow.ed by ganses for the younger eues. Dainty retreshments were served. Next meeting will be held after Lent. Subscription te The Statesnian is $2.00 ai year. payabîle in advance. Have you psid yours for 1927? MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univer- sity, Fellow of Trlnity Medical Col- lege, Licentiaite of the State Univer- sity of New York, Matriculat. of the Pont Graduate Medical School and Hospital of New York and Follow of the Toronto Âa«demy of Medi- cne. Offie-Mrs. MeNaughton'a Ras- tdence, Newcattle. Houri--B ta 10 a. m. 1 to 8 p. m. amd by afflInt- ment. Elegance! T HE wondcr of Wall Papcr nowadays is flot alone thc vast va- riety of designs in per- fect taste... Not alone the exquisite color harmonies and fas- cinating t pattcrns and authentic textures, like silk and darnask and tap- cstry and fine 1athr ... The wondcrful thing is the litte cost of making a roorn elcgant, in the fine sense of that word! Whenever you like ta corne in andi see for yoursclf, wc ,vill like to show you ahi we imply here. Wall Paper Fronu 8c ROLL UP Champion Paint $1.25 QUART Cuarsnteed or mnoney retunded G. Pritchard Decorator aud Painter Phono 489 Bowxnanville lis! ti Hamrli'on, later ceýrng teý Bowniville where se marred lier laie, isualiand and reeflded ever «Ince. There were tbens chlldren berr te ibis union. three of tise eldeei died in irifancy. Her busband predeceased her In 1913. MM. WskeUJn waa a Metisodiat and loved lier cburch and aiiended thse ser- vices regularly as long as healtis and streugtis permitted. Sise was a lite member ef the W. M. S., a trMe Christian woman, always and ever ready te speak et her tord and Master wisom sise loved se dearly, and ma.ny did sise help and encourae on tise Heavenly road by ber i aitfulness. a highly respeeted citizen Ibeloved by ail wiso knew lier. When iser Lord sald, -Ceme ye blessied etrny Iiaiiser isenit tise kingdom prepared for Yeu-. It was witis joy se iseard tise cen. We tiink o!fiser ai God's rigist iand ,o do flot meure as those whio have ne hope. Truly a motiser In Israel has ',:,Iled hlome. itest on dear miotiser ,,ur 1iris atid home are se lonely wvitisout Yeu, but you have reachied yeur 1leaven-j iy H-ome wherc ,yeu loeged te be. Tise fttterral service was iscld at lier- home St. George St., en Feiîruary 26i1î, andi was lergely attendei. fier paster, Rev~. J. 17 Robins. stieke very higily of lier trupChîiristian charaetsr, lier loy- J tîty te lier clitirch and lier Lordl. H e wa iqisteil 1w Revs. E. A4. Tonkin, W. 1A. Binncr and Jolhn NW. itiînner. AI- thougli MIm. Wa.keiin ivas fend ef lowers, shic rquîetM very few et lber funeral. Atrong trilsîttes were: Tise <ats-e-Jar from lier liilîrîtn; wreath from Trleity I'nitl Stiiev Schteel oetwhiliîsite was tise old. st nemier; sprays tram Trio- lsy hUnited W. M. S., Mr. aed NMrs. iClauode Wilson, Toronto; M r. anid Mrs. .. ('. Langmaîil, Osawa, in meniory ot bier mothier, Mrs. Ane Proks: Mr. anîd *tirs. PteîilKnox; the,' ard Dett ettise Go- yea.r Tire and Rubbier C'o. Thise iall-i>iirrs weca-Nlessrs. Wi liaîîî 'rrexsîn, T. C'. JewelI lolin liellyar. D>avid Mutiln. iBurton Anilriis atndlNS. Il. Ja mes. Shl, i,vs te rnoirn thb, Ios cf sgool, fa i thfi îtiolnethr. thre, sots a ni t wo lxiipglit (crs i ni 10 gril tdoiili ren:Joli Il,, Doyer. Mass: Pnink A.. Concord, Meass. M1%réi,11orgrltson(Liotiie,, ihailtîn:tier. lien G. andi Eve T.. ai home, île latter iîaving bei n lier iioti>rs 'constantt coiii- paioniff for many yiîrs caring for lî,tr ivr,. tiniscti th be fîltîcril oxept ciFrank illiiess. CARD OF THANKS Tl'le tumily ot , (hic laie Catiserine Wakeliii wish te sincereîy tha~nk their friends and nelgisiors for tiseir kindnes, isellp and sympatliy durlng tise Ilines md pasaing efthieir dear moth-er. An Oul that is Famous.-Though Canada was net the birthplsce et Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oji, it is the home et that famous compound. F'rem bore its good name was spreadi to Central aud South Amerîca, tho West Imdie., Australia sud New Zeel. and. That la tar afield eouuh te attoat Ita excellence, for in aîl thons comitrios It la on sae m and dmaud. le ! li PAGE 8EVRM Scientifically PacIked NEWCASTLE music EXAMS jWEDDINGS (Crowded out of last issue) Pupils of Miss Vera E. MeGilI, A.T.; Park-Yorke Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp spent C.M., Blackstock, piano, who tried Aqitbtoet wdlgto lc Tusa1i ooto1h rcn idwnerea atos A qibtura Mrdi th, adirt Lak Iel tec ing't the Toronto Conservatory of, Homne, Keswick, the residenc o f Mr. stws aStinson O shaw th eaig Music: ind Mrs. Darius Yorke, when Mrs. Heleni staf. ~as weken gust ithherMillicent Yorke, their daugliter-in-law,' cousin. 24r. and Mrs. Howardi Introductory Grade-Edgar Em- -as mnarried to Walt,.r Forbes Park of' Cooke. nmoîson, lst class honors; Norma Tyrone, ont. The e,remony was con-, -NIrs.(Dr) BdfodWinnipeg, MeQuade, honors; Birdie Gibson, Iluted iet 4.3ecP. In. bY Rev. C. E. Fock-1 Mrs.(Dr. Beford honrs. Frimry GadeGldn Ar, in the Àriwing room hbefure abn w~ho has been spending the winter in hro. Piaycrd-ln f fOW T 'ii1, ri(jelok00,.(, et Ontario ,is at present visiting at Mir. Gibson, honors. Junior Grade- tractîvo, in lier embroidered sandlewoodl Fran Alin', Maver StKate McLaughlin, pass. Theory, Ele- crepe gown and wearing a rope of Pearis FrnkAlinsMaees t.mentary Rudiments-Ruth McQuade, the gift of the groom. The bridesm-ai,, Bado dcto tits Monday honora. Miss9 Veda Pollock, was iwettiIl' attired Board esofnEducaonte Ms in oean green silk crepe with corail Etevenig sesionre-appontermhd Missbead&. Uttie Eva Yorke, daughterho!l Ethe Lokhar, wosetermhadcx- Students fromn Miss Emsley's Classe the bride, wvas very charming inhr pired, a member of the Public Lib- Oshawa, were succeseful in the frilled silk peach crepe. Thse groom was attended by Mr. Wesley Taylor, brother rary Board for another three-year heory of Music examinations set by of the bride. The groomns gift to the term. the Toronto Conservatory of Music. bridesmiaid was a beautiful signet ring. Mr Peter Dodds, recently in the lntermediate Harmony-Lois Stacey, mr. and Mrs. Fockier sang. Following employ of Mr. W. H. B. Chaplin honore. Junior Harmony-Berthai tie signing of the register the guests has moved with hie family to Belle- Northcott Istt dace honore; . sat down to an elaborate w.,eddingtsup- Quita1 Per in the dining room which wae taste- ville, having accepted a position with Davidson, honore; Mrs. Lee, honors; fulIy decorated with Pink and white a farmer juet outside the city. Hie Audrey Werry, honore; Marion Ros. streamiers. The hostess, Mrs. yJorke rytr s dressed in duchess satin wl Igod successor has already arrived. Junior Counterpoint-Audrey Wer mw"ning, and the brides mother ini Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Glidden, Sask., honore. Primary Theory-Mrs. black satin with touches of mauve. A who has been in Ontario for eeveraî Lee, lst class honore; Marion Ross, large number of thse brîde's friende ai- months, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. W.let class honora. tended a reception for her in the even- __________ ng. Mr. and Mrs. Park will reside in Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bas-f ryrone. kerville, 'Mr and Mrs. G. H. JolI and. OPNOS0FTEFRS other friende. CMAIN FTEFRS Ladies' Aid Dramnatic Company Bowmanville Maple Buds Visit Wood-Rae has accepted an invitation from thel oot ice ue edn okpaei t Ladies' Aid of the Rushton Rd. Un-TootCileAqutwdintokpaeiS. itedChuchoffSt. lai Av., or-Paul's Presbyterian Church, Peter- inte ChrhofSe t.heClair Ave or- Saturday afternoon, February 26, boro, on Tuesday, March 8, when onto, tospressntfthedplByu"DwaconSdella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dubb" i th lecureroo ofthe1 ir e in -the Orange Hall, Euc]sd & John Rae, Peterboro, became the church on Tuesday evening, March College Sts., Toronto, a juvenile bride of Mr. Robert D. Woodfs of 22nd. circle was opened by H. C. C. Miss Toronto, son of Mr. and Mre. Georgel Among those attending the Apple Burt snd Comp. Vosppr acting as Woods of Owen Sound. The cere- Growers' Convention in Bowmanville cecretary. xnony was performed by Rev. William1 on Tuesday from this section were: Comp. C. Odd as R. G., presented Allan. A. A. Colwill, W. H. Gibson, Harold the officera of Maple Bude Cirele of The bride who wore a champagne Gibson, D. J. Gibson, Frank Gjb- Bowmanville No 22, who were invited georgette crepe dress with hat and Gso. C. Wrigh, W. F. Rickard ,te put on the initation work, came shoee te match and carried a bouquet AeC.rkrih,W. Dudley, a. H.'-B:12jvenil,, and 12 aduits. These of erchide and lily-of-the-valley was A. Prke, H.W. udly, W H.B. fficrs ook their respective sta- attended by e sister, Margaret Rae, Chaplin, -Russell Osborne, W. E. tions Cemp. Gould as P.C.C; Comp. wearing a blue crepe dress, with hat Beman, H. R. Pearce. Tull as C .C; Comp. Ashley as S.C.C; of the came shade, and carrying We regret te record the death in Comp. Allen as R. G; Cornp. Mit-I butterfiy roses. The bridegroom Chicago last week of Mre. Schaubel, chell as kG; Comp. Brown as Secre- was attended by Mr. Norman Ellîott. eldest daughter ef Mrs. James Wade, tary; Comp. Thompson as Treas; The wedding march was played by and sister of Miss Ethel Wade of1 Cemp. Cole as I.G; Cemp. Gibbs as the organist, Mr. M. B. Chenhaîl, this village. The remains were O.G; Cemp. Thomas as Chaplain. and during the signing of the reg- brought here via C. P. R. Mondayl The P. G. then escerted D .D C C ister, Mise Bertha Hill sang "AIl Joy morning by her son, Mr. Wade Mth ..,.Btma'Co**B hn1 Schubl. OnModa atenen iMitchell,' ..,. aea, on.BFThlin hecreoy .cp ScabMuttondyafenona n, C.C., Comp. Bell,' C.C olwn tecrmnyarc short service was held at Mrs. Wade'sI Comp. Vine, C. C., te seats ef hono' tien was held at the home ef the home, conducted by Rev. E. B. Cooke beside the JI.C.C. 0 bride. After a short heneymoen, who aIse performed the burial rites Mr. and Mrn. Woods will reside in at Bowmanville Cemetery where the. The visiting officers ef Maple Bud IToronto. remains were interred in cemplance initiated 26 candidates inte the my.f with wishes of deceased. steries of Forestry with ten more ap- plications te follew. The work was' Edward.-Van Nest A literary society was recently or- done remarkably well. Election of ganized in our High Scheel te con- officers followed. After election D. On Wednesday, March 2, 1927, at tinue te function until the Easteri D.C .C. Bateman installed the offi- 11 a. m., at Simcoe Street United holidays, with Miss Bertha Cowan, cers in ber genial way with Comp. Church, Oshawa, a quiet but pretty president, and Mr. Clarence Gaines, Bell as Marshall. wedding took place in the presence secretary-treasurer. A most inter- A short program followed. A re- ef immediate relatives and friends, esting program was held Friday af citatienb op eg hmsnwenWlaLvre eodduh teroonconistng f sog i Itl-1ofBowmanville, Charleston dance by ter et Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Van Nest, ian by Alex. Demai, vocal selectioni Comp. Lawrence, recitation by Comp. 75 Ritsen Road, Oshawa, was united by Miss Brock, reading by Roy Jenes Fleming. The Cempanions and vis- in marriage with Mr. George Fred- and the reading ef The Buzzer byl itors adjourned te the diniag-room erick Edwards, enly son ef Mrs. Ed- Charles James. The meeting con-1where tables were well laden with wards and the late Mr. James Ed- cluded with a brain-rÎcking contesti good eas. A fine social time fellow- wards, Toronto. and he Ntionl Anhem.. ýed handshakîng with visitors whe left The bride who was given in mar- The United Church Choir held ai fer home with the memory of their niage by her father, entered the short business mîeeting and its an- visit te Maybell Brunswick Circle. church te the strains of Mendels- nual election ef officers at the close Hurrah For Oshawa! sohn's Wedding March and was at- ef last Friday evening's practise. Mr. Saturday, March 5th., a new Circle tired in ber travelling costume, smart W. J. S. Rickard, leader, was re-elect- wasadedte iForstry when HC.C.Fench hat ,black seaI coat, the gift ed president, Mrs W. D. Bragg, Miss Burt opened a Circle in Oshaw of the groom, and satin pumps com- treasurer and Miss Beatrice Bragg, assisted by officers ef Lady shunw- pleted ber costume. She carried a secretary. The following_ commit- wick Circle. Initiation of cad- lovely bouquet et sweetheart roses, tees were appointed :-Program- ates was put on by officers eft lyelily of the valley snd sweet peas. Mr. C.wa.dCoan Mra. Cee. Honey1 Leaf Circle 143, BowinanvIlle, which The bride's sister, Miss Evelyn Mr.Howrd ook; Lokot-Ms.was done in a splendId manner. Mis Van Nest, acted as bridesmaid, and Laura Fisher and Mr. Lawrence Burt resumed the chair, when elec- the groom was attended by Mr. J. S. Cryderman; Observation-Mrs (Rev) tien ef officers resulted: Cemp. Dcran et Toronto. Reverend Dr. Cooke, Mr. Mark Allun and Mr. Robt. Johnson C.C., Comp. Garuer, S. C. Dougaîl officiated. Walton. C., Comp. Wilson, Secretary, Comp., After the ceremony s reception There was an unusually good at-, Reid ,Treasurer, Comp Wade, Chap- was held at the home ef the bride's tenanc attheYoug Popl'1lain, Comp Brown, R.G., Comp. W-ig- parente, and s dainty wedding din- League Monday evening when re- gins, L. G., Cemp. Mclntyre, I. G., ner ses-ced. The groem's gitt te the ports wer egiven by Mr. Cordon Comp. Fraser, O .G. Name of the bridesmaid was s wrist watch and Ashton and Mr. Chas .Glenney et new Circle is Lady Burt No. 185. te the best man cuif links. the Conference Wînter School at Refreshments were thon served. An Cobourg of which they were enthus-1 open installation of officers took iastic members. Other appreciated j place. OBITUARY items on the program which was pro. - --M.Caein Wkln sided over by Mr. Clarence Allin _-----______Catherne_______ were a vocal selo by Mrs. Cee. Honey, 'Phere pased away ont Wednesds.y, paoselection by Miss Evelyn Rick- jFabruary 23, as tise evening sisadows ,.dad dn g yMssCaaW*ere gaiaiering after oe eweek's iliness, Cadsud a readin. By Miss c larai i e Catherinse Wakelisu, widow e! tise laie a ietiatonRevi . .ceoktwhehonisces William WakeUtin rihier 57th year. Mr& an iitiaion ervce a whih MisesWakelln was bom In Devonshire, Eng- Eileen Cooke, Clara Caswell, Velma ] and, a.nd sailed for Canada wiîh ber par- Browxs and Mr. Chas. Brown were 4 enta, Mr. anid Mrs. James Hoar, on ber enrolled as members.. slxteessth birihday. For a Urne she Phone 337 Bowmanville "Froni the teret where the giant trees grow te the town'you lice in- the luniberman renders you a worthy service".-Luimber Jack. XVe render a lumber service that wc ar~e îîiout of -and eue that is appireciated by the -public. We selI yuîu the' proper woods at the right price snd help you with your build- ing plans. We want te adviee with you. Our punctual delîveries help the cause et building. 1'ICLELLAN&CO. LIN ITEID LUMBER &W FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 ,Neyer Satisfied i We are always trying to improve the service to our customers as well as endeavoring to give them the best quality and values in fresh grocer- ies. Our long experince enables us to buy to ad- vantage-and thus our customers reap the profit. We have worked up a wonderful demand in our Fish Department. Let us fil your next fish order and see what tempting fish we supply. CHINA AIND GLASS WARE Mother, children or the hired girl are always breaking a dish or glass. It can't always be help- ed. But you do know we can replenish such ar- ticles from our large stock of China and Glass Ware. ARCHIE TAIT Phoe 65Bowmanville L u 1 Westinghouse 55A Unequalled for long rangevoIumetone and selecîivity Rrdlo is uJ*'stnho. "We want ta dance and we want to dance at home. There is always a Jure and thrill ta dancing. It is doubly so when the music is played by the world's greatest and best orchestras." "Perfect reception of dance music right in reason we selected a WESTINGHOUSE" ASK YOUR DEALER Sales Offices In Principal Canadian Cilles CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY. LIMlTED 4ANIILTON ONTARI 0 HARRY ALUIN The only Authorized Dealer of Westinghouse Radios for Bowmanville and District King St. West Phone 65 V

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