riL CMAiADIAN STATESMAN, iSOW1IANVILLis, THURSDAY, MARCH 17th. 1927. PAGE EIIJUI BANNER OATS FOR SALE 1 arn getting a car of Peace River Oats from my father, R. H. Carveth, Grande Prairie, Alta., about March 22nd. These oats germinated 94%,,c and weighs 44 lbs. They are being government tested for purity. I have had three cars of these oats in past years which gave splendid resuits on light and heavy land. -Price 95e Bushel At Newcastle C. R. Carveth 11-3* Have Ysju Tried Sheli Coal Oil? It gives he. Try it ce Phone 10 ýat and light instead of soot and smoke. Land be convinced as otheîrs have. Batteries Charged A., Bartlett IKing St. East, Bow'nanville IWhen You Needa I GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES.- f PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it xiii receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. ~ H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newc4stle The Newvc,% THURSDAY, aEtIe Iridfeperîcferit- MARCH l7th., 1927 Misa Edith M. Smith, Bowmanville, was guest of Mrs. John Robinson H us sFor S l ovrteweekend.H us sS l W.-hav~e on or list ia l ten ii loteo!l POSITION OPEN lproperti. s in Rfowxnianvîie foryoîîr ______t_ ion The trices are riErht and thero $6.00 to $8.00 Per Day are sýome extra speciaj off.ýrings amotii Foi tvrcks only to qualify. I1,eorn and! there. earn part im, onl Moor Mechaznies, Bat- We cannot ilescribetei eall 111n-t- tery, W.elîîîng, Bricklaying. Barbering, space but these two art, au Cinl1. Beauty Culture. Goorl positions now Six Roomel liouse on Cliioreli St. franie~ open, ivrit,- or cIli for fretý instructive Nvi h v r.niait. fîrnac, .1ý trie lglts bcoký 11i- iiphil l Cartered SChoOIS. ,î andito wn water, il iii Il000dIcond itio0n, King St. W., Toronto. g1 arage arnd sniîll Lrarden. lrie, 1below, value. BUILDING BARGAINS Soliii brick lîoîae. central location, a Ioapfor sonhion, %o n .t s a real first - Heavy Slate Coated Roofing îaiss honte iaiowoi floors,' i.eiiutifn r.'-, 2.88; House Paint 2.45 gallon; , ioionthl.l, l i 01 i'ii'S garage and Doors, Windows, Framos, Floor-I ;.xtrthiiîi2 tour lie un can Ilsire. Price ing, Wallboard. Thousands of I SoeocodY lete litif ol aee.ik Building Bargains. Frec catalogue. ini0 of uir f~uîaeti Halliday Company, Box 231 R J. .J. MASON & SON qHamilton. 9-1insurance & Real Estate, BowmalvIIe. Annual Sae-Durham County Accredited Hoisteins 30 Buls-Ali FulIy Accredited MILKING COWS AND HEIFERS PROSPECTIVE HERD SIRES Carefully selected from this well-known district, and selling at BEITH STABLES, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. THURSDAY, MARCH 24th., 1927 Eighty per cent of the females in this sale are frcsh cows and heifers , or cows and heifers that are in full flow of milk. The offering is made up of daughters of such sires as Nockdair Prilly the Model, Lakeview Johanna Lestrange, Edgewood Echo Pontiac, Pabst Creator Arrow, Hillcrest Sir Ormsby, Segis Alcartra De- Kol, Ormsby Jane King and Lord Wayne Toitilla. The bulîs are also mostly sons of the above sires, and include a son of the former world's record 303-day cow, Orndyke Piet- ertje Korndyke. Another 7 mnonths old caif is a son of a 1.3,128- lb. eow, and sired by a son of the former world's champ ion., For berd sires or milking females. comte to Bowmtan 1'l.I Archie Muir, Pres. R. R. Stevens, Sales Mgr., L. E. Franklin, Auctioneer. For Catalogues Address L. C. SNOWDEN, Secretary, Bownianville, Ont. JolI, Glidden, Sask., at Eatonia Hos- at the Ladies' Aid election of officers The flower-bearers were Messrs. pital on February 13tb. This brings at the homte of Mrs. John Douglas, Melbourne, Roy and Herscholl and the number of Mr. and'Mrs. Geo. P. Tbursday afternoon. Officers were Hubert Hooper, Glen and Jack Rickard's living grandcblîdren up te aIl re-elected as folloivs: President- atnDold ronTmDua, the full score mark. Mrs. W. F Rickard; lst Vice Prosi- 'tnDnldBonTmDutn 1- Lorne Allîn and Walter Colo. Last Friday evening was a heavily dent-Mrs. M. E. Moore; 2nd Vice-j taxed perîod of time ia this neigb- President-Mrs .Herb. Tomis; Rec1 Besides ber sorrowing busband shel borbood, the perfect day closing witb Secretary-Mrs W. Couch; Cor. laves to mourn the bs cf a good succesaful and enjoyable bouse par- Secretary-Mrs. H. R. Pearce; Treas-1 mother. tbree sons, William and tics at at least tbree separate homes, urer-Mrs. C. A. Cowan; Flower Frederick of this town, Lorne ofi Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin's, Mr. Committee-Mrs. Laura Fisher andI Shaunavon, Alta., andI two daugbters,j and Mrs. W. F. Riekards, andI Mr. Mrs. Percy Hare; Lunch Committee Mrs. F. W. Coucb andI Miss Carnie and Mrs. Milton Wi.gbt's, la addition, -Mrs. J. S.* I. Joncs. and Mrs, Martyn at home, wbo bas lovingly to, the regular weekly practices of John Robinson; Visiting Committee andtI tougbtfully cared for ber St. George's and the United Cburcb -Mrs. J. Cobbledick and Mrs. John mother tbrougb al ber illness. She choira. Douglas. also leaves tbree brothers, Mr. J. T. Dr. R. L. Wright, Mrs. Wright andI .IHooper of thîs town; Mr. S. F. son Dickie motored down from Tor-HoprTrnt;ad M.Fe ente on i.dyan pn tewe OBITUARY Hooper, Rochester, N. Y; aIse tbree, Friay nd pen th wek-1sisters, Mrs. William Jackson, Osh- end at their sommer home. Dr. Mrs. Chat. Maybee, Ottawa awa; Miss E. J. Hooper andI Mrs. C. Wright conductcd choir practise in ______P. israeî of Rochester, N. Y. GeresidCburctheon riay a en Her frienda andI acquaintances in The floral offeringa were very, na anI rsidgedratite.ogna h this ber native village, and particu- beautiful including wreaths, baskets, I Sunaymorin sevie. At other larly ber former achool mates, were piîlovvs andI sprays from distant antI services tIuring the late Dr. FaTIm- grieved to learn of the passing of near friends expressive cf sympatby coml's last ilîness, and new during Mrs. Charles Maybee, nec Stella for the bereaved. Mrs. Farncomb's absence la Detroit, Cla'rk, at ber home in Ottawa some Among the relatives present from Mrs. John Garrod bas been playing tvvo eeks since. She bas been an a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. S. F. the pipe organ, with Miss Phebe invalid for more than a year and bas Hooper antI Donald, Mr. Glen Martyn Brock relieving ber occasionalîy. suffered mucb. She was the young- and Miss Greta Morris ,Toronto; Mr. Mrs. S. Bragg, wbo is at present est tIaugter of the latte Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. C. P. Isael, Miss E. J. living in the Wmn. Kenefick bouse, Robert Clark and sister of Mr. Mcrk- Hooper, Mr. Fred Hoopor, Rochester, George St., witb ber son and daugb- loy Clark, Chairman cf the Newcas- N. Y; Mrs. William Jackson, Dr. and ter, Mr. Arthur antI Miss Rowena, la tIc Board of Education antI prescrnt Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. to be congratulated on having pur- ewner of the Clark bomestead which Henry Doubt, Oshawa; Mr. William chased a building lot from Mr. John bas been ln possession of the male Martyn, Port Pcrry; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas with the intention of erect- line of descendants for four gener- Duncan Hayes, Smiths Falls; Mrs. ing a bouse thereon this coming sumn- ations, the present owncr.holding the Geo. Runnails, Zion; and Mrs. E. mer. This lot is one of ten into original crown tdet donc on thick Caldwell, Port Hope. wbicb Mr. Douglas bas divided bis parcbment. - two-acre orchard so ideally situated Deceased who was a widow la sur- between MilI and Beaver Sts., just vived by five cbildren, two sons antI Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sparling andI two blocks north of the Community three tIaugters, and also, by one sis- cbildren latcly of Cbengtu, China, IHall and wbicbho is now offering for ter. Miss Lena, of Rochester, N. Y. arrived in Vancouver from the Or- sale. Following the funeral service in Ot- ient this week.--St. Mary's Journal. Mrs. W. E. Beman beld an enjoy-', tawa, the romnains werc brought te able afternoon tea on Wednesday. the little village of Cataraqul, near, Marcb 9th, whicb was attended by Kingston, the former homo of thei quite a number of the ladies of the Maybees, wbere without any furtberî H village. Intercsting features of the ceremony they were placed in tbc T H evont were contesta in judging the vaulta, according to the custome of number of heans in a jar, and in the vicinity, to await huril several R guessing wbo was wbo froni photos \veeks hence. When interment takcx f I. SIJft i brougbt by the ladies cf themselves place in (luc time, the tîsual relugius in infancy or girîbood. This caused rites wiîli e performeil at the gl.ave-CJ 10-28 Nelson St., off Simcoe, Toronto lots of amuisement andI there was 'side w tb friends and relatixes. in at- nuuch comparing andl contrasting <if tendince.- I Phone Adel. 0858 present appearances %vitb past like- .Mr. and Mrs. McIrklcy Clark re- nesses. Mrs. Wm. nnuflgs io ii evld a t gr informing 1huni ofý er i th ph tos to roleh tta a i tine i-Ci rthe ser-1 lîh îtîsV (,e u t tI e o tîsu e , i.o x ',' n t (1 ( ",%n to i Fruenuis in Newcastie tverî nuîiîv ti liuîgStîîn anl eut tii iaturaîui tii see turnonfthe îluth <of Mrs. Johniti <m,1-depositeîlin ithe xatlts, .\îlankin at hler hote iî'n l<iroiin'o W înîiax, March 2nd. Iaboîut tti'e xeei.:i.aLit. Tlhe uoj _______ is wteliian(] fax vorab!: knot'tvi i -i'.1 M\r. aînud Nîs. .'.iaskin and sons ilo liv' CARD 0F THANKS Iand< M urray 'having irst e'.niî' t' NvvI s N ' e iîn the suinuer <of Il)",* 'lhe faitîilv cf the lut'lDr. l"arn-ý andil . t tthei' siton in0n("fil' if17.1,cili jii-pn.te tbuink iheir nuaiu Il Nk I Ctîte î ..eitt:Iti'x utihe ' itI','. 'l'heur friend uttuLnd neighboirs for al thi'ir! s'înIilarrv, a iembur of tihi Hart kiudnes'-.o wîxn 1n thvir receni lîl'av llotst Strng,' t andI tir the ouan .v saie tiune s' tilg uit <,OeSt IlotIci'. iutit fi luaIfferings. - LaIstCmmsloà;reSae .Nu'. rohin .\iuasin r.,l .upît ttin Lr tCmisinîreS e luui fu11(Iiii' îuuîih f the î'ui.î'of Ihi,---Stables in Canada nt~îId î1u in yi1 ait iui.~siii -I Notice to Creditors ON TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd., lu-,i'înr";iri i~fli'atii! il the Great Auciion Sale fo IN MVlii.-I.uik'. IIr. onu MuSTi'xi'î The Robert Simnpson lI A".îtasinîîî viii'aloilgîîîsis of 'l Ï-I I i.itîii .ç. . î Com'pany, Limited th Me.ei lriiiituun ilu1xi"ieIi nl'ii ,iiiti,î i Comprising Horses and Harnes& Mîr I0. \. Parike,Liiir:riuin îf lb" Ni('i'.11 1 lI-.y ivci'.'. îî' t oi hn , n .'eîî'ial iv fille lot of I ii i itiil I ll tî h e 1 , uiti lii c l r.iiiîio .î îln:ý Iuî lîi,0,iho se 1,1 ri -ýt l'lit if baril wolrk,, anil î.uîîl, t iui'iuuu f h Lîîa 11 ae i .f the' saii' I11.ulii î'l'lîili ilgiiiî iinilii,in i "< r'tl ii hiiuîiî I 110. ii xit'iix<'l Ifluii ii :iiiUl htItp.. otlii'iî~. îf tii'.typîe xiilindou theiîr of th(, Tolîi,îîîhiîi 0. R. I1,'_ . 1. I I uitî I 7 t th,- xillig-'-If N ' tî ii'11 spît in lit tii 'îding tiis I.'uigue. Suciiisitlui Yfiing I:iriîi ti t I S1- , i -nd It pV <pIl > i. ' . q ch anid ix iîy liî'i' v iîîlibe 'et'., Ilue ita'ti suo'îni't il x i '*ie '\ii.' ,lo* iott'l- . On'~iii i' iiisa il daeiu ii î ' l ~ing thîîîguî> utîiii l% p1'uinuil i I sur uîIl,. n h' fulliuii xx. xIlxi I ir'î'lulWiîli.iuv ieining w-lt 'l';1-1'telu 4Ila~ 2 Carloads of I..umber roitin I\- Li]I e2îoblllilk:andut 1). ni.i WfIui ~ oods Horses, mysteriîuîisîy takî'n tti tie iill'iie lt 'i îîIlo,.' lx. îîîî s tu ('nsigncil ly honme xxherî' hi' fîuîîîl Nirs. ('<îiîiî1îIiqtrilIit--i hie u s t f i lu. tllek racinîisîy <bing the luties'îîf uîmd n, înon g t1w5î. îllî tints -îiliedDr. T. C .Young of Sudbury, receiving hostess andl the hotîs ul qx, i îtliltl h iv','noPe.'. ln.!Ontario of friends andI neighbors, aIl gather- t liL thf liIi sllE'xcitors will ont Il, cd by invitation to assit Fber in pro ;iilîucfonrliii, salîl uislt qor any part borses were aIl purchased duigaparty for Orm. N edeî,,liofl .Yprsf rp'snso hs last faîl at big prices andI bave just tIucing etii noui,' shah not havI- h,<'nrc to say, everyhody bad a good timeci uyIi1nui ietnt f uh distrbu finished their season's work in the the bours sped by, andI as Wednesda ltio. woods; they are in excellent working hastened to greet Thursday, the gen- IATED) St Port Ilope tijis sixteenthi condition, and we are instructed to erous contents of many sizable lunch luîy of Iiehruary, 1927. selIl the entire consignment, by basetsap redon he cen an Pot HpeW. A. F. CAMPEBELL, auctio baskeappeared nteicn adprtHpOntario, Solictor th Is ion, without reserve. dsperdas rapidly. 1,8_4ExeCUtors. COULTER BROTHERS, Proprietos. PLANTS AND FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS For your convenience we have been appoint- ed UI) town agents for Brookdale Nurseries. We can suplpy any Plants, Shrubs, or Cut Flowers at the same l)rice as if vou went direct to the nurser- ies. Ail goods delivered including mail orders. Order early for Spring Planting. We have a I)ractical florist who is in a position to help you make best selections. RAISING CHICKENS FOR PROFIT We are recognized headquarters for Poultry Feed and Supplies. Get our special prices for quantities. We recommend HARRY ALLIN NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE OBTUAI NIrs. (Dr.) Farncornb has return- Watch for this: On Monday even-I Mrs. Sophia Legg, London etd froin Detroit. ing, Marcb 28, in connection with th e. Miss Sara Moise Millbrook, was at Y. P. League Anniversary, EnniskiIlt On Friday morning ,March llth.,l home for the tteekend. ' len Dramatists -will present theirithere passed to roat Sophia E. Pol-j Mis HaoldTom an daghtrspopular iplay, "Doctor Jim", in thel lard, widow of the late W. J. Legg,il Belleville, were weekend guests of Sunday School Auditorium. 11-1 pteangillews bone lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Ladies, don't fail to attend thewth great-aite nce. Sho w on- Rickard. Spring Millinery Openings on Fridayldugtrsliss Wilma Legg and Mrs.1 'Mr. Ncd. Buckley, now in the cm- and Saturday, March l8th and l9th.; Robert Lcach. Four daugbtcrs pre- ployment of General Mlotors, Osh- Dingman & Edmondstone wlll have deceaocd lber. She has lived in Lon- awa, spent the weekcnd with bis lovely bats to suit cveryone in ail tbe don ai e r married life baving- gonel brother Loftus at Major Dudlcy's. popular new shades, mimosa, biege,1 there as a bride on October 31, 1786.1 IM1 Wm. Montgomery, Uxbridge, rose biege, nionkey skin, IlervoucheI She is survived by tbrce sisteis, Mrs. is now employed wlth the J. Ander- bluc, Hyacintb blue, black and white,1 John Rundle and Mrs. J. H.*Wcrry, son Smith Go., as sa finishor. Ho bas red, navy and rose.i Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. H. Rice,, found congenial board and lodgings S.Gog' hýh e.E .SdeNS at. Mr. and Mrs. Bonj. Moises. StGercsCucRvE..SinyN.5 Mr.Tayorownr f Rlya Pol-James, Rector. Sunday, 'Marcb 20: Mrs. J. B. Martyn, Bowmanville Mr Tylrowe o Rlyt io l a. m.-Morning l'rayer and Holy ___ tbry Farms, and Mrs. Taylor motor- Communion. 2.30 p. n.-Sunday Thrpasd uity orctn eti from Toronto and spent the week- School. 7 p. m.-Evcn Song. Lit- Sundav cvoning last in the prosence end with bis new manager and wife, any is being said Wcdncsdays at of nearly ail members of ber familv Mlr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller. 4.3 0 p. m. Confirmation Class Mrs. Elizabeth Martyn, bcleved wif, Mrs. W. F. Rickard wbo bas beld meets on Wednesday at 7.30 p. M. o r .B~atni e 3dya. the presidcncy for some time wlsbed Lonten services Fridays at 7.30 p.Mo'rJ. r. ecasd as the s leond atr to retire but owing to the difficulty followed by choir practise. of teaed aGeorgend An akolye of cboosing a successor, consented toofteleGoreadAnWky romain in office for another month. League meeting this week tvas Hooper and was born in Clarke, nearý Mr. Cecil Carvetb, motoring home presided over by Missionary Vice- Wilmot's Creek, a few miles east of i from Toronto Sunday ovening, xvas President, bIr. Gordon Ashton Mis Bowmanville, being one of a family among those wbo had the memorable Minnie Selby gave the topic and Mr. of ton cbildren. Mrs. Martyn was experience of remaining in bis car Carence Turner read the Scripture united in marriage witb Mr. Martyn aIlnibtatPikerng witngfor lesson. Miss Lillian Clemience and fifty-five years ago, baving celebrat- the floods ovor the road to subside. Mr. Chas. Glenney contrlbuted read- cd theirygode17 edig1n9ierar Mr.J.E.W.Phlp mnaerof ings and Misses Elleen Cooke, Nora on aaurro7,i922 Mr.J. . W Pblpmanger Cowan, Bernice Gilbank and Beatrice Mrs. Martyn suffered from abrk thoComuniy >{aI pitrhowsr.covering from that and able to alk la pleased to acknowled~tba r rg edrdaqatet. nlgls cobradtog o Fred Anderson bas since apologized United Cburcb. Rev E. B. Cooke, around sbe lator was stricken wltb for bis conduct totvard hlm at theli astor. Sunday Marcb 20th: Il a.prJ ssadfrteps be conclusion of the picture show, Sat- m.-Morning Worsbip. 2.30 P. M.- weeks bas been confincd to bier bed.I urday evening. Sunday Scbool. 7 p. m.-Evening She bas been a very active woman, Mrs. Truman Clark entertained a service. Sermions by the pastor. a good mother, sister, neigbbor andi number of young people at ber Antbems by the choir and special vo- friend and bier passing will bie keen-, borne Wcdnesday evening in bonor of cal numbers at a cc urcb service.1 ly foît not only by bier family buti Miss Marlon Baskerviîle wbo recently Monday, Marcb 21 ,Y. P. League,. by many others to whoni ber kindly rturned from Toronto, and wbo annual election of officors and so- i ministrations were given s0 freely in commences bier training course in cial bour. Prayer meeting and times of sorrow and need.1 itursing at Bowmanville Hospital. choir practise WXednesday and Friday The funerai wbich was private took Mr. and Mrs. Perey Haro and Jack cvenings. Tbursday, March 2-1, Ib place on Tuesday afternoon, serviceý motored down to Trenton to visit ter League dehato in Sunday Schoollbeing conducted by bier pastor, Rev.. bier people on Sunday, accompanied1 Auditorium, bctwecn Newcastle and 1 J. U. Robins. who gave a very com-I as far as Coîborne by Major and Mrs.1 Canton teamns. Sunday, 'Marcb 27Î,1otn esaeio te wrs Dudley wbo spont the day witb Mrs Y. P. League anniversary services. I "Fear not, etc'. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Dudley, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sarni Column of Newcastle nows on page 7! an old friend of the family, *also add- Dudley. I ____ d a few kindly words. A recent issue of the Eatonia Et The paîl-bearers were Messrs. Wil- terprise, Eatonia, Sask., publisbed by1 LDE'ADEETOFCR liam and Frederick Martyn, Fred 1 r. Tos.Atknso reord tb1 ,Hooper. C. P. _larael, Rosa Stevens Mir.t o atn s hEH T erwaavrylgotennc adD.W.JLnmi Pure Silk Hose .............................89e A. DILLICK King & Division Sta Bowmanville Pe-roof- for the last time with these perm-anent Shingles of Asbestos T) GH-T over the <ld roof go these permanent J--fire-proof shingles. Each rigid slab of permanence is a combinatiori of indestructible asbestos and Portland cernent. These shingles cannot rot, curi, or split. And they are absolutely fire-proof-they can't burn. No bother or dirt tco laying' these shingles, They go right over the old roof and brin g a new beauty, permanence and fire-safety toyour home. You*ve re-roofed for the last time when you've roofed with Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles. CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., Ltd. f 19 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. JOHINS-MANVILLE Asbestos Shingles BOWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Phone 15. Limited Ladies' - t.~ 'i i~kus.SS~tM~J~tl .-w~ 7-P 0.91V WY(I-Zzql Buy Your Spring Necessities At Dillick's Store We Save You Real Money Men'a and Young Men's Spring Suits From $10 up Men's Fine Boots, Black or Brown ..........$2.98 Men's Oxfords, Black or Brown Welts ....$3.69 Men's Work Boots ................................$2.98 Boys' Fine Boots, Black or Brown ..........$2.69 Youths' Boots..................................... $2.25 Men's Fine Rubbet-,................................98e Men's Big B Overalis .........................$1.39 Men's Work Shirts ..................................69e .11 ..,ý Ac" ir: 1 rbizi Tif Au Y 1 BOWMANVILLý PHONE 186