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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1927, p. 5

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PAGE - Fm MHE CAIÇ &DUN 5TATE8MLAN, BOWMN NVILLE, THURSDAY, MARGE Z4th., 1927 Royal Theatre, Bowmanville Monday-Tuesday, March 28-29 The Epic Photoplay of The Heroes of Peace! Neyer such spectacular thrills filmed bef ore! The Fire Chiefs of America got together to help put on the sereen the true, the smashing story of the real heroes of peace. Here it is-a picture that will help you live every thrilling, throb- bing moment of the ariny of fire-fighters! "THE FIRE BRIGADE"P WITH MAY McAVOY AND CHARLES RAY SEE: Daring rescues from burning buildings! Whole companies buried under falling wls! The greatest modemn fire-fighters and apparatus in action! Behind the scenes of a smoke-eater's life! A thousand thrilling moments and action! Action! Action! Under auspices of the Bowmanville Fire Brigade Both nigbts at 7.30 and 9.15 sharp. Doors open 7.15. Admission 35c and 2c tax Matinee for public achool children Monday at 4 p. i. Admission 15e and le tax NOTE:-We are forbidden by law to admit more than our seat- ing capacity. Anyone arriving after aIl seats are filled must wait for second show at 9.15 p. m. 5~. . 'c. ,~ Cjcsr Lhde-we.-ltr THEY ARE HERE New Spring Coats and Dresses You are cordially invited to inspect the newest in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear at C.-S. MASON'S LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE BIG STOCK YOU MAY NOW ENJOY FRESH SOUTHERN VEGETABLES Canned vegetables rnay be alright when you can't get fresh ones. But now you can satisfy that longing for fresh vegetables-and besides your systern dernands these new vegetables after a long winter. Serve thern cooked or make an appetizing sal- ad for a welcome change. We have fresh Beets, Celery, Carrots, Spin- ach, Head Lettuce, Cabbage, etc. DEMAND INCREASES FOR FLOWERS People are realizing the service, *values and assortrnent we offer in Cut Flowers, Plants and Shrubs. Phone your order or cail and be assur- ed of prompt attention. Goods delivered any place. Business is good, thank you! We recammend and Bell gâ mct HARRY ALLINPer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILI.E 7 Spring Inducements MARTIN-SENOUR'S PAINT BARRET'S ROOFING AND SHINGLES (ail varieties) MILLER INCUBATORS AND BROODERS MURESCO POULTRY EQUIPMENT STAMINAX POULTRY FEED MAMMOTH SPRING CLEAN-UP HARDWARE SALE-APRIL 1-2 (Reserve thesc dates for real Bargains) We Serve You Well Dustan's Cash Hardware 'WO Serve Vou WoII" BowmaliSlI LOCAL AND OTHERWISE i rtha, Marrlg and Death a reý __________ charged for he folîowlflg rates: Birtho MissNelle Patinsn, Tron o5c; Marrlagea 50c; Deathe 60c; Memorlal MissNelie attnso, Toontp Crds50c10eper lino extra for poonis. spent the weekend at home. J____ Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. BJRTHS Miss Mary McClellan, Toronto, COLE-In Bowmanvllle, March 20th.. spent the weekend at home. 1927. to Mr. and Mns. Arthur Cole, a Mr. R. G. Williams, Niagara Falsp daughter. N. Y., spent the weekend at home. RUNOLE-In Bowmanville, on Mon- Mrs.Cha. Manin is isiing day, March 21, 1927. 10 Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs.Chas Maningis isitngher1 Jý. s.Rundle, a daughte.r. sister, Mrs. Isabella Seripture, Tor-i STAC EV-la BowmanviUle Hospita, On onto. Sunday, March 20. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs.a Mr.W.B.Cocbisviitng his Alvin A. Stacey. a daughter.1 dMgtr rs . C. W. E. Meaith, Ot- ODGiiAM-4fl Walkerviile, on Sun-« tawa. Ms . .E Mah O-1dy, March 13. 1927. to Mr. and Mmu. H taH. Todgha.m, a daughter. <Mary Pat-t You will get a bargain if you bidý ridia.) for the Pinch house by tender. See' «______________ advt. Sn1MARAE Mr. Frank Bray, Enfield, was Sn ARAE day guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B.1 OAINER-HALLED-At Bowmanville, James.1 on Saturday. Marcb 19, 1926, by Rev. W. Misn Joyce Muirhead, WiIlowdale,1 A. Bunner, Grecs Kathleen lialled, and spent the weekend witb Miss Jane Wilfred Gainer, both of Hope. Mason. 1 MULLETT-THORNTON--Ofl Satur- day, March 19th. at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sterling and brides parents, 70 Wellington Street family, Oshawa, were Sunday viS..l North, Woodatock, by Rev. R. W. itors of Mr. T. A. Garton. Knowles, MMA., Ph.D.. of Central United Church, Edith Marie, daughter of Mr. Miss E. E. Haycraft recently vis- and Mrs. E, C. Thornton, formerly of ited ber sister, Mrs. Richard Blîght,; Orono, Io Clifford Latier Multt, son and rs.J L.BranerWhiby. of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mullett, Orillia. Miss Annie Mountjoy of Toronto,' spent the weekend with ber sister,' EAH Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Concession-st. DAH Mrs. Edwin Worden and Miss Hel- HOOO-At Port Hope Hospital, March en Adair are visiting the former's 16, 1927, Nellie Blertha, daughter of Geo. son, Mr. Gordon Worden, Ottawa. and Mabel Hood, aged 9 years. RUSSELL-In Millbrook, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown and Mr.' March 14, 1927, Margaret Johnston. be- and Mrs. T. A. Garton attended the loved wife of Robert Rusel. Interred Royal Arch Masons "At Home" in at Cobourg. Oshawa. TREBILCOCK-At Queen itiary Hoa- pitlI, Peterboro, on Thursday, March 17, Mrs. E. R. Thurston, Toronto, vis- 1927, Paul E. Trebilcock. Peterboro. son ited bier parents, Mr and Mrs. Jerry of Mrs. and the late Paul C. Trebilcock, West.away, and other friends here' Bowmanville, aged 41 years ovrthe weekend.1 MUNROAt 309 Chandler Ave., De- over troit, Mich., on Tuesday, March 151h., Miss Annie AllUn and -Mr. Albert 1927, Thomazine Elford. wldow of the late H. Allin were in Detroit last week at- G. K. Munro, ag.ed 92 years. Sister of tending the funeral of their sunit, the late Mrs. Samuel Allin. Bowmanville. Mrs. G. K. Munro. VARCOE-In Pawtucket. Rhode Is- land. on Saturday, Marcb 19, 1927, Nor-. Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. man Stanley Varcoe. second son of Mr. Frank 0. James and Miss Gertrude and Mre. George Varcoe, 1owmanvllle, Hamley, Oshawa, visited at Mr. M. 1,hi 37th year. Interment at Paw- A. James' on Monday.i ukt Miss Lenore Quick, nurse-in-train- ing at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto,' IN MEMORAM spent Saturday afternoon wth ber. mother, Mrs. Wm. Quick. H4ALL-In lovlng memory of Louetta. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, younger daughter of Mr. and the latç PMrs Charles Stewart, wbo died March Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and 25tiÏ, 1926. Mrs. C. H Mason. Mr. J .J. Mason She fell ssleep in Jess returlled witb them for a visit. i Neyer to wake ag.ano Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Neale, Buffalo, Ont earth wlth all e trials, Its acenes of grief and pain. N. Y., motored over on Saturday and But to her heavenly mnansion, are visiting their son, Mr. M. A. Preparesi by Jesus love, Neale and Mrs. Neale, Lowe-st. H1-en ransomed soul bas fled, Mr. G. H. Bickell and Mr. Alf.i To be with H-lm above. Bickell were in Toronto on Tbursday Her kindneoa and oweet patience 1A dep rimpression made, attending the funeral of the form- 0o neyer froni our memony er's niece, Mrs. Bertha May David-I May that Impression fade. son.i Sadly missed by Sister, Phenila and The Pastor and Parishoners of St. ahr Joseph's Church wish to thank al who co-operated in making the euchre party in Foresters' Hall a suc- Help Wanted he ie.fMr uiu. ooe WANTED-Man to work in garder Thenam ofMr.Lucns oopr fomApril to October. Apply to M. was inadvertantly omitted from the J. DBaldwln, King St. East, Bowman- list of flower-bearers in the obituary ville, Phone 144. 12-2w' of the late Mrs. J. B. Martyn in our WNE-aTe a ihu hl lastiSsu. cn for general work. Residence up* Mrs. W. R. Philp, son of Mr. and plied. Apply to G. D. Conant. Bàrrister, Mrs. W. A. Pbilp, Coborne, leftl Etc., Oshawa, Ontario. 12le Monday for South America, where hel MARRIED MAN WANTED-Foir ge bas accepted a position wjtb the Im-1 eral farm work and ulied to milking. freé i perial Oil Co. bouse and other privileges. Apply H. Mý Mr. ohn . Cae ofGilcrists~ oster, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville, phone Clothing Store was in Hamilton - - over the weekend and wbile there in- MAN WANTEO-Good man ta work setdthe Spring showing of Cam-! on fruit tari by the montb for season; specte age preferred belween twenty-five and bridge Clothes made by Coppley, forty and single, good with horses; Noyes & Randall Co. Cn.nadian preferred; state wages wanted. Mrs. Papinnu and son, Oshawa, G. Graves. Leamington, Ont., phone 641r 2, box 124. 12-3w have been visitîng at Mr. H. Lath-I rop's. Miss Carnie Lathrop feli lasti week and broke the smaîl bone of beri Apartments to Rent right aria and suffereol other injuries which will lay her Up for a littie CFOR RENT-Four roon apartnment in while. Cowan Block. will soon be vacant, heat and water pnovided, electric stave sup- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor Walk- pied for cooking. See J. J. Mason& er, formerly of McCrae's, and now of Son. . 5 Hampton, announce the engagement,_ _______- of their only daughter, Annetta Jane i Taylor, to Mr. Thomas Bennett, eld-I Real Estate For Sale est son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ben- nett of Bownîanville, the marniagel FOR SA LE-A good comtortable trame to take place early in April. 1 bouse and barn and three acres of splen- Mrs. W. A. Quibell a former meM- b oilanc situated in Newcastle. Wil ber of Bowmanville Public Schooli e ol heap for quick sale. Terme cash. Apply ta J. E. Hayes, Newcastle teaching staff and a popular elocu-, Ont. 5-t tionary entertainer, was among the BNAO O AECI moîbes ofToroto Lcal ouncL ,owe, Centre and Division Streets,6 of Women on Monday when the city roomsa and bath, hardwood throughnhl. newsliaper women were entertained AIl modemn improvemnents, recenty cor at luncheon at Queen's Hotel, Tor- pletely re-deoorated, toilet ln basement onto Mrs Wilougby ummigalarge lot, ba»oment garage easily arrang- onto Mrs Wilougby ummigsed, ready for Immediate, occupancy. Ap- LL.D., was chief speaker ply on premises, L. J. Clayton, Bowmar. Watch for the Hovis Loaf at Cor- ville. 12- bett's Bakery. PROPERTY FOR SALE BV TENDER Meatpries ownFriay nd at- Solid brick bouse. conlalning 8 roins urayat piEdmodonFi n d's t r addition: one acre land on whbk urda at dmonston'saaemanumber of fruit trees. Anyone in. Wednesday, Marcb 3tb., the as- ter'ested la 4nvited ta caîl sny time anc sociated Music Study Clubs of Osh-1 inspect the property. Wllh a lîttie out Bowmnvîle an Por Ho1e "Y the bouse may be made suitable fi awa, Bwavlead Pr oet wo familles. As tbis property lea 10 i will give a concert in St. Mark's Par- sold you may gel a home et your osi isb Hall, Port Hope. price and termes. Tenders will be re ceived Up to Thursday, March 3lis1. Ai Bowxnanville Women's Institute piy on the premises t0 W. B. Pincb, cor will meet on Friday, March 25h ner Liberty and Conoession Streets, Bow at the home of Mrs. A. L Nicbolls i manville, box 97. 5 lrish prograi in charge of Mrs. REDPATH CHAUTAUQUAS DATES ANNOUNCED Word was received this week that' the tentative date for opening ofl Chautauqua in Bowmanville îs July 20th. Mr. R. E. Bendohl, Manager, whoi always receives a cordial welcome1 whenover be visits Bowmanvilloj writes: The paat soason proved very euc- cessful and every indication for the coming years -points ta an even big- ger and hetter one. We are plan- ning a feature program of great ex- cellence and of an unusually wide variety-one we are confident wil maintain Redpath's preeminence in1 the Chautauqua field.j Wanted I ICE LAKE-Summer cottage want- ed. cose to lake, state prie, Will a cash. Write R. Campbell, 644 St. Clan- ens Avenue, Toronto. 1-w HORSE WANTED-One ta weigh 12501 to 1400 Ibeg. wben in condition. Will conider a thmee year aid il propely broken ta, harnwes. W. J. Clernence, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 111r». 12-3 Youm face chafe? Youm bande got rough? Cream Baln Will Ralievo Bath It is not greasy Drys in quickly Does not shine or grow hair Is a good after ehave SMALL SIZE 25c LARGE SIZE 65e KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 lTe Dopendable Drue Store Italian Bahm 29c Aricles For Sale YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE-Apply ta H. A. Farrow, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, phono 477-14. 12-tf BARLEY FOR SALE--Quantity of O. A. C. No. 21, barley. 90e per buabel. L. T. McJ.aughlin, -Tyrone. 12-3t FOR SALE-Happy Thought Cook Stase, in good condition. Mrs. (Dr.> C. W. Sîeanon Phone 259, Bowmianvllle. 12-1 POTTOE FR SL-ren Mun-1 ain TE potaRee SApLE-ta reelnigout- R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 181-31. 11-2 FOR SALE-Binden, Mower, net beavy tearn Harness, Fanning MiII, Bain Wag- gon and other articles. Phone 176r32, Bowrnanville. 12-i FOR SALE--Gold Medal Talking Ma- chine aI econd-hamd pnIce, In good work- lng arder. MuaI be aoîd. See Il at J. J. Mason & Son. 8-t FEED GRAIN FOR SALE-Engllsh 2- rowed barley, also American Banner Oata. C. A. Blanchard & Son. Hamp- Ion, R. R. 1. Phone 350mB. 11-2 SOW FOR SALE-Improved 'Yorkshire White; Bacon type; due 10 farrow Apnil 2nd. A. E. Belîman, Govennment Higb- way. BowmanviIle. Phone 367J. 12-tf MORSE FOR SALE-Good driving harse, aIea buggy and barness. Will oeil eeparately If dealmed. Apply 10 Han- oId Hoaey, Duke St., Bowîanville. phone 182. 11-2wi over 200 Player Rolls. Cost $1,000.00. in best of condition. will seil very reason- able, rmuet be sald. Inquire Statesman Offce. 8-t BARN FOR SALE-30 x 50 ft. on atone wali, stables underneath. Will seil cheap. Price $200. On Lot 14, Con. 5. Darlington. A. H. Hardy. R. R. 6, Bowmanvillel phone 237r13. 9-t FOR SALE-Two yaung Durham hbules, 10 a.nd 13 months aId. pure bred, color red, Gloucester and Ramsby Strain. Ap- pîy to W. C. Ashton, R. R. 4, Bowman- ville. phone 104-22. 11-2w FOR SALE-Fordson Tracter, con- pleteiy overbauled with new engine; Case Twelve Twenty; Case Eigbteen Thirty; Cockshutt Plow; Blizzard Ensilage Cul- ter ail working excellent. Apply North- colt, Taunton. 12-3w- BANNER OATS FOR SALE-Car of Peace River Oats, germinated 94%, weigh 44 Ibo. These oats gave splendid resuite In past years on light and heavy land. 95e bushel. Order early. C. R. Carvetb, Newcastle. 11-3' FOR SALE-i Jacson Wagon, box and apring seat, nearly new; 1 set double breeching hamneas; 1 set bridles, brase mounted; 2 homse collars; 70 bred-to-lay Barred Rock pullets; 1 Durhami cow, grey; 100 bushel cats; 1 Ford ton truck. J. E. Flett, King Si. iEast, Bow-manvilie, phone 284. 12-2w FOR SALE-Dominion Pianos of ail kinds sold on paynîents spread aven two years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- bard H-eintzman used Pianos taken as part payment on Dominion pianos will be cleared at bargain pricea and on easy tennis F. J. Mitchell, Distibutor, Bow- manville. 6-I Baby Chicks and Eggs FOR SALE--Guilds (220) Bred-to-lay S. C. White Leghorn Cockerel purchaeed direct heading pen aeiected large prav- en îiualty bred-ta-Iay Hene. Eggs for batcbing $100 setting. Also good 60 egg Peerlese Incubator. SelI cheap. H. B. Creeper, Bowmanvillt., box 306. il-tf rEGGS FOR HATCHING-White Leg- horn egge for batching fram Oldham strain dams and slred by registered cock- eerels froni 220 10 260 egg dams, $100 per [setting, $750 per hundred. Baby chicks eApril, 20e each. Apply Howard Gibson , Bowianville R. R. 4, phone 3811 Clarke 10-3w' t; BABY CHICKb-S. C. White liegborns, dbens mated with cookerels froni speciai pedigrecd stock. This Uine bas given greal satisfaction te aur customers. ,rWhite W-indottes, good matings, aise a Ilniled number of setlings fromn pens naled to cioice Johin S. Martin cockerels. Price $5 for 15. AI.o eggs for batching ly 100. W. Il. (itrrithers, R. R. 1, B'owiiivil e, phone 38-2. 9-tf i &-1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE-70 acre.- mare or I'.sq, being lot 21, P.. F., Clarke, good 'buid in gs, one acre. orchard, watered iîy a well, twa- cisternas and a spring. For parlicultîrs aliply te H. A. AdIanis, New- ie calstie, 31Il R. 3.11-v' FARMS FOR SALE-100O acres, lot 24, con. 9, Dailington. gooil bouse, faim "abuildlin gs.aiso 100 acres, lot 25, con. 9, eVa rlilitot. wilI sei st' a eif desired. _tReasonabl . Ici us. Apply ta W. G. r Benthia. 619 ('bîîrcii St., Toronto. 6Phone Randoiph 4503. 10-4w' a- Winter Sports Club of Bownian- tville will hold its first annual dance at Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, March 25th. Mugic ;ýrill be -t furnisbed by Burton E. Til's Or- -chestra, Toronto. - I - - - Help Wanted-Female Lost or Found HELP WANTEP--Good general1 ser- va1nt wanted at once. Good wages and no. wasb:ýng. Apply 10 Mrs. (Dr.) B. J. liazlewood, Wellington St., Bowxnanviîle. 9-tf raphy womk, but .nptly eIcal, muet be good at figures. V tate expenIence, sal- amy expected, aP wben cao tart. Ad- dresa, Advertiser Box 184, Bowmanville. 11-t Sping equinox lrougbt snow and main on Sunday and Monday._ LOST-Tire Chain, 32 x 4, loat on Mon- 1day, Msrch 14tb. on Scugog St., or High- way weat 10 Oshawa. FInder phone 551. il-tf. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN In Bowmanville on Wednendayl t Studio aI Trlnity United Church Toronto Addreas: 220 Yonge Street. Inquire at Statesman Office BETTER BUY TIIEM NOW WHEN YOU MAY BUY DEPENDABLE FOOT- WEAR AT SAVINGS THAT ARE WORTH WHILE Our popular Profit Sharing Sale of Footwear makes it stili possible for you to save many dollars on the farnily footwear bill. Buy now. for future needs. You will find it a paying investment. .See the shoes, try them on and be convinced you can't do better elsewhere. Ives' Shoe Store Footwear and Traveling Goods Bowmanville ont. Good Values in W alipapers Bedraom Papers, in pinks, blues, greens, ail ovor pat- terne, suitable for bedrooms at 5c and 10e per rail. Borders ta match. Living Room and Dining Room Papers in dark shados over patterns' for 15c and of blues, tans and greens. AIl 20e per rail. Any of theso papers would ho good value at double the prico. Socure some while they last. W. T. Big 20 Bookstore Sýo mach de pends on the Wall Paper THE dilerence between com- monplace rooms and thos possessing beauty and charm depends greatly on your "hoce of wall paper. From our extensive stock of famous M.AXIMUR and odier Vai Paper you vil find your idea of the right paper le properîr decomate echd roornicf thte hoase. Our expemience in home decoration is always at your dispcsL ALLEN Bowmanvillle tii! 'III * IL Sid. Chartran Says:mm You can accept my recommendation of the fine NEW SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS that I arn showing in Natty Tweed EfYects and Worsteds. I selected them carefully and I only ask a chance to show them to you. They are really beautiful. MEN WHO LIKE TO BE WELL DRESSED WILL COME TO THIS STORE Clothes that will keep trim and right until they are finally discarded. I guarantee both fit and quality. The moderate prices will be a pleasing surprise. $12.50 to $35.00 Every courtesy will be shown you in rny shop and a visit incurs no obligation to buy. S. G. CHARTRAN PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE i i 1 - Il

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