I -. O-ATMjAN', BWMANVILLE, THURSDAY' MARGE 318t., 1927 r Beam o>u reaüll â wùth you. BiOors, sS tbem Iiterally at every step-because tbey are ccnstantly ameb widhil the view of.- every guest, Soe.MM- they shoMl always do jtusice te 112W utYOur taste an:d jaudgnt. SeamaD-Cent Plonrng, safeguade through eivery stage of manufacture by a desire to produce the best, will always be a visible compimnent to your good taste andi good judgrnt-.-e., will outlast your hous. McCIellan & Co* ]Bowrnanville Limited We crrya flI ne of Seaman-Kent Hardwood Floor JIiamuIo PONTIAC Six introduceda îtotaîly new and revolutonaryl,'-" standard of values when the first Ponti.ac ~ was announced a littie over a year ago. Now, Pontiac Six is increaaing ittc hid-. awceping atill furrher ini advance of its eid. For, in the New and Finer Pontiac Six, Geo. eral Motors has achieved a cominjatjon ci fine, six-cyliîider performance, strikingly beautiful appearance and low price unequa]le in ail the automobile world. Again Pontiac Ieads in value-and by a wider mai-gin tlhdn ever. Smnall wonder that tlhe records cstablislied by I>ontiac's first year sales arc aiready being surpassed by the enthus- astic public reception of the New and Fine, Pon-iac Six. Corne in and see the car, and the reasona for Pontiac Icaderslij) becomne at once apparent. New Fisher Bodies N<.w Duco Colora T c- De ionRadiator M aslv'.Cron Fend-dr& Tzla.g.BamHeadliphts New Design Steering Wheel -New Transoemebiom am BraIte Lever@ Sinoother and More Poalelv clutch Oil-Sealed Universal Joint TItre. New Body Types AT NEXW LOW PRICES CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO., Bo wman ville Ont. PRODUCT 0F CGFNERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMTTBD BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWSj LIFE THE RETAIUING OF MEATS An auditor from the Parliament I've come to the end of everything-Lez. Ednondàtone Addresses Fellow Buildings spent Thursday and Friday So I tbought on one sad, sad day, Rotarians on His Classification at the School. But I find tbat I'm at the beginning, Farm Director E. P. Bradt took bis That life i. more glad and more (Continued from page 1) apprentices to Thos. Jackson's suc- ga The fresh eut surface of lean meat tion sale on Wednesday to let them Tban ever I thought that it could bie should turn lighter when exposed to see how it is done. In the past, wben shut were my the air. Rev. W . P. Fletcher, O shaw a, ad- T h eyesTh re s n t t lo s a d ri s f dressed the Vesper service Sunday ITs trees, and sbeauties of naure Tbeefar re osl thatlsandother part afternoon. Mrs. A. Colville, Bow- Iskires. n t flowers, and t of the carcass is owing to the demand manville, was soloist. e. for those parts or cuts. They con- Dr. F. W Routley, Director of the How could I have e'er been so foolish stitute one quarter of the weight of Red Cross. Toronto, visited the As to think that the world was aIl the beef and selI for as mucb as the School last Monday and had lunch drab; remaining tbree quarters. Natur- with the Superintendent. That life was just barass and scuffle; ally the cuts in demand must pay for For the past month the boys have While nman was out solely to grab9 the cuts which the retailer bas diffi- been constructing bird-bouses in tbe Wby, Life is juat full to o'erflowing culty in selling, or which lhe must selI Manual Arts Building. These bird Witb osbltewodradlvat a lbas. bouses were put uip on the trees ini From the smallest, wee child on this A government investigation show- the grove and around the grounds on planet ed that in general tbe low priced cuts Saturday to accommodate the many To our great loving Father above. were by far the most economical, birds wbicb nest there annually. Any-Otekdeson both as lean and edible meat. nedesrn bird-bouses sbould get 0 he' . es n meets onl life'a With aIl that may be said in fav- intoucblwith Mr. Cairns. .jouriney! Our of a vegetable diet there ia "Shr" Campbell, who performed Taness "Shrt Tismore than the tongue can ex- something about tbe flavoran at the Inter Sports Club dance at i prtesu; stimulating effect of meat that most Nt vastle riday night, visited tl the su in the midst of one's people crave for, occasionally at Necli h ftrnadente body least. Your doctor will tell you tahin the bosfoernoverand hour- Well nigb bursts witb its thank- there is an energy derived from meat certainly showed some great tricks fles.wbich makes it so essential to an at rope-spinning, one-hand knot tie- Kindness so frank and spontaneOusfathelete or person engaged in active ing and a host of other difficult feats. That surely the least one can do work. He hadn't gone ]ong before every la to hand on that kindness to others, Fresh fruits and vegetables are available piece of rope including the That their lives may bie made glad- boosted as being blood purifying ton- clothes 1line, was pressed into action der, too; ics. I amn not denying that fact, but hy the boys themselves. As together we zo on life's journey in purifying the blood they don't Side by ide, botb in peace and in suPPlY the atrengtb and energy ne- DURAM OUNY BYS rife, cessary to sustain life and strength. DURHA COUNY BOY Jint amle, and encourage each other,1 One m uat bave meat to develop T he T or nt Gl be ec ntl J u ! hatl a w on derful thing la L ife! m uscle . he Too GoeMr ewis ora- Gertrude M. Liddle. The cuts of Beef are generally lish for manyoyeftMra ewsden f__________________classified as tough or tender. (Who Bs, omanie, a isa nrestingofsaid mostly tough? That is perbapa Bwiteup:Le, isnd orish who wsiîî because you don't know wbat to aski write-up: ewin CV a r ic whe "Ilfor). Th e:reason for this is because celebrate bis eighty-third birthday'on a iose V iusm uce ietoeo h e April 7, and who la acc.ustomed, on adom e e iexter ge oe th le occasion, to walk from bis home s t ouhr eisrngeerciand moe than 53 Simpson Avenue to the Parliament Keduceci or Thb I b Buildings, or to the down-town busi- Jvion ey yave also been suppîxed witb nessections of the city, or to the Ju y & more nourisbment on account o new nio Sttio. M. Conis Da K, avstheir extra work, su they are richer bas been a resident of Toronto for nodvle Dntfrgttste morethanfiveyeas, cmingfrotougb meat that contains the moat Bometan ie eralie omn tefrn Lovell flesh forming and invigorating juices. lier part of his lîfe and for 57 years_____ The trouble la to get it out of them, w as active in business as a jew eler. A Si m p e o eandti nt T a Th e iat u tse fo m t e in reader of The Globe since bis boy- meHoeTetotTa is hefr usfo he in hood hie declares that hie "is a twin Giving Anazing Resulte. Quarter is the flank used for rolling of The Globe" baving been born in and corning. The fat taken from it the year when Canada's National The world progresses. Today ail- ia called Caul fat, and wben render- Newspaper first appeared. A stauneh menta that took weeks to treat esn ed ia "dripping." The suet whicb Liberal, Mr. Cornish bas ever been now be ended in a few days. If you sa the only fat suitable for puddings keenly interested in politica, and, have varicose veina or bunches you is around the kidneys. Sometijkes despite bis advanced age, it is stijl can start today to bring themn back the cook ia fooled unintentionally by one of the chief pleasures to take a to normal size, and if you are Wise the butcher not knowing the require- walk down to the Parliament Build- you wiII do so. ments, and somnetimes tIbL cook fools ings and listen-in on a lively debate Just get an original bottle of 1herself. In making puddings with or a timely speech. For some years Moone's Emerald Oul at any dispen- suet only this around the kidneys Mr. Cornish served on the Board of sing pharmacist and apply it night should bie used. If it isa mixed with Councillors in BowTnanville. He ia and morning to the enlarged veina. flour when chopped up it spolia the a member of the Simpson Avenue It is very powerful and penetrating, pudding also, but that is the cook's United Churcb, and is proud of theland only a little is required. business again. fsct that lie bas been a lifelong ab- After a few days' treatment the In the loin we have the sirloin, and stainer froni alcobolic drink'and the veina will begin to grow amaller and Porterbouse roasts and steaks. Even use of tobacco in any forni. by regular use will soon reduce to a novice can tell the porterbouse normal. from the sirloin on account of the T- Moone's EmeraId Qil is also a mar- shaped bone in the porterhouse. HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN SALE velous healing agent. One applica- These are the most tender and iuicy tion for instance stops the itching of cuts mn the carcass. The rem-ainder Members of Durhami County Hol- eczema, and s few applications cause of the hind quarter isa cal1ledte"i stein Friesian Club reiport satisfact- the eruptions to dry up, scale off and of beef." The rump rosat is a large ory resulta froni their sixth consign- completely disappear. It is equaîîy roast, a good rosst but bas a lot of ment sale beld Tbursdsy, Msrch 24. as effective in barber's itcb, sait bonie. Wben buying a roast look Tbirty-nine besd, 30 females and 9 rbeum, rednesa and inflammatory skin an(l sec for yourself the amount ofi hulîs realized $49.45. Females aver- trouble. bone tbat you are buying. Below agcd $135 and maies $100. Particu- People who want to reduce vani the rump is the round. The upper - lars of sales foliow, first named in cose veina, or get rid of eczema, ul_ round is the best because the inside each paragrapb being the consignee, cers, or piles in a few days should Romunscles abe noastedercasedhe foilowed by buyer, animal, price not beitate to get a bottie at on ce. i Rloudste re ot send aer aste paid: It la so powerful that a smali bottlej srl oi oraporerbusand re betteNer .1. D. Stevens:-Ontario Hlospital, lasts a long time. Any pbarmacyue( ftbrisnhad rokng Na Kingston, female, $215; Lorne Ev- can supplY YOU. Jury & Loveil the shank thre la more gristle and ans Noham fenal, $00;Onarl seis otsof t. th mn t is used for stewing and for ansNor ani fe ale $iO ; O taro sllslot Ofit-sour. Round steak being ban and Hiospital, Whitby, femýale, $1 5-7; F. E _________________ highiv fiavoured ia good for niaking French, . Oha. feniale, $1 50; M. beef tea. JBail, Linds~ay, female, $120; Lorne , Evasfemle ~ ~* ~In heforequartcî' the foreshank R. R Semaens:Ooajo$o1i05. ~rn n t wae or shin is aloo used as a ssup hb n. R.iRSten, o femMes, $215 .Drink Hot0(te (omnerciailv it often troes lOto Bol- K145;on. tIl-Arfnlstr( $215Bo nd O1J . logpna sausage. The lirisket is verv $il4.7,lulI lf, 1n2.50; . BH ikTVALAIW ogristiv but if*properly corfled a' Vill 'b ll clf', $ 2.50 D.Il. ,,- W it M e a s T boied iak q god m a i artjcuiariv &Son, Onîemeve, maie, $190; F.W. if the animal is young. The plaite' Tod Sakvil eml,$10O5 Sto Stnia h est used for hoiling adia ae M. J. Tambivn: Lot-ne Evans, Le- tp t m c the rihs removed and be rolied and1 maie, $80; C'. Dickson, Port Hope, coroed. The first five rihs, that are maie, $40. Disorders furtber fromn the shouider andl calied A. J. Tamhyn:-V. Tborn iYke, the prime ribs miay be used for- Newtonvilie, femaie, $145; J. D. Ho- WHAT PHYSiCIANS ALVISE roastiog, hoiling or for pot roasts garth, Hanmpton, female, $100; A. K. Frequently tbey are eut across-the Vaileau. Bowmanvilip, maie, $45; Thousands of unfortunate people thick part roasted and the thin end John Aldsworth, Bowmanville, maie, sufer almost daily from dyspepsi,hoiied. Wbat is ieft of the fore- $100, John Munday, Bowmanviile, indigestion, fermentation, sour, acid quarter is called tbe square chuck of , male $45; N. I Metcalf, Bowmanviile, stomach, flatulence, gases or distress beef and is usually divided lno, the female, $180; E. V. Cooper, Bath, after eating. If they would onîy cbuck ribs, cbuck roast and round maie, $100. forni the agreeable babit of slowly sbouider roast. Wben the animal L. . Sowdn :T. enntt Pot dinkng fte e.chmea a lasfulofis not young these are best used as L. . Sowdn:T. ennttPot dinkng ftr ech eala lasfulofpot roasls. The neck can be used Hope, female $70; John Swift, Port bot wster containing a teaspoonful nyfrseig rmne et Hope, female, $140; Ont. Hospital, lor two tablets of Bisurated Magnesia And the tail as you aIl know is used Kingston, female, $180; J. D. Ho- they would soon find their stomach 50 as ox-tail soup. giart, fmaIe, $185. 'e.Zelad strengtbened and improved that t9y Beef is the mosai popular meat bie- F.nW.ay, am, :-.1W.Mac could est the richeat and most stis- ing used more than Veal, Mutton, F.aW.iLetwo fem:ales. $100 fying meals without the ieasl syn- Lamb or Pork. Il is more palatable Kay, Oavle w eae,$0,tom of indigestion. and bas lesa abrinkage or loas in eacb; J H. Jose, Newcastle, malel N ryai Oclddgetvlou-okn. $105. Nal l ocle ietv ru-coig C. B. Sissons:-R. Trimrble, Bow- les are caused by an excesa of acid Veal is supposed to bie very diffi- manill, fmal, $10.and an insufficient blood stpply in the cuit to masticate but a veal roast is manvllefemae, $ 10.s omacb, causing the food lu ferment consdercd a great delicacy. There J. H. Jo-e :-H. Baker, Portsmouth and sour before digestion can take is a law prohiîing tbe kiliing of female, $85. place. A glass of bot waler willicalves under 3 weeks old. Noble 1. lMetcalf:-R. L. Worden, draw the blood tu the stomach and Mutton is popularly regarded asa Bowmanville, maIe, $95; F. Baker, tbe Bisurated Magnesia will neut-I iight fnd, i fberha-bef.I-ba Portsmouth, two f m le, $2 a nd rlie te-t1ah aid11d m k la ed hoo.uce, a ue te tr J sV~JJ~3i r de o cthede, but- th .àe ho .me cooke<l ii locri(l o 0ac Iodate thecustomner, nmany people F I G - L 1. IA bounds In H ealth- i "' nabîîîo aways provie a ot F OitRi 'f<M S ( AIIANI) i mt Giving (Jod-iver von Oiinii itai ns There is notbing good that a man C ON ST IP AT IO N QV mn cannot do.-Mencus. 23 ad 5 cens a Drggmss j~ ~Ont. 26-6 aThere is not one of us who la not 25an 5 cnt a Dugiss sctt & 01ti-6 nexample lu some one cs.- ~Edward W. Bok. Chics Mats With change of seasons corne change in appe- tites. So often you need to coax the appetite along with "sornething different"-tasty-extra palatable meats-meats that are tender, whole- some and full of food nourishrnent. No doubt we have just what is needed to ans- wer that problern 'just what I wanted". Our large variety of fresh, cured and cooked meats makes shopping a pleasure at this-shop. G A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville Have You Tried Sheli Coal Oil?0 It gives heat and light instead of soot and srnoke. Try t ad b conincd a othrs avI Ce .Batei8are C.n A.. B atlettnvl Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Is <6ur??gfRrewresistant? Fire-protection is ail important in modern building. HeIp protect your home from the menace of fire by using Brantford Roofing. Ail Brantford Roofing products are fire-re- È~3 tardent and usually reduce insurance rates ic by 10 to 20 per cent. Specify Brantford for permanent roofing satisfaction. Brantford Roof ing Co. LiM*ited Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnishedi and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rice & Co., - - - BowmanvilleI ïfter long tests we are con- vinced Ai'uminum is the best container for tea. R ED Now I)aCked only In iminUM. HEIRE IS A SWEET that ie DELICIOUS r BENSONS SYRUP 1MCANADA ST Rj~CO., UMITEj) - MdONTRELL BjJ PAGE SIX mil- THE CANAI)L4-NSTATVq%«APJ Phone 110