'rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL.1E, THURSDAY, MARCH 3lst., 1927 PAGE ~Vfl It Wil Delighft You Il Perfecti," balanced-ouuerb in flavour. Eveiy DominionSMmrecries a eo@Mfl hmli.of ATIONALLY ADVERTSBD SProduct--Where Qneity Ccmt%-at priem tdut wiII sme yen mn.y. W. br direct frein lb. nunfaetur.r, thus .aing the mdd4em.,,probe-.ad tdu sering e . fle art pued dizecty on to jeu. la addito t th a r tht sroy of *>Ai@erec'In<x *fre.h ceréandla.. m t rencias you quidker tbrough or ace. mStar P. BG. 014D utcb AMMUM laWhite Naptha I dr OP Cleanser ~4 l&tu230c10O«k«e490 2t- 19e s s ~Natioal Ketchup Quako I Fake - 3 pkrts. 27Cm Grapo Nuts - - 2 pkts. 33~ w*ik Keiiogga COinFlake 2 for 21 le àfr M&teAI»dSroddWheat -*- ilac pkt. Cream or Whoat- - 24ec Rielus Post Toastiffl - - 2 for.21ce Tomate Ketchup Hp. Sauce 2"c IKipper SnackslOW1ei smcli 2 £fe350 Tim rcatsp 22c Bird'a Custard liS ~, BtII*Beusmc'. a for Large 2fo 530 L. & P. Seuce 24c Cor-n Starch 25c 5 Guest Ivory SoaP 4 C.a- 17CI Oralng: M arniaade 11. 49cla S Saowdrilt Delmonte pu"e 0»1'e Cocoant Aspastague Maple 5wu S..C 33 N. eU $L7 51~A1Y BREAD W=9C)5 IT'S WRtAPPED owigna1e . K**Wo IDeator t abeS Aytea QuIek- S . I D.I. I soupe Quakai Cieks a t J os" UiSU1t <~~ "f 1lb. - 17e S2du Oat 35et.. 3.1b. pain 49ge c 1719 You'Il Catch a Whale \ 7if you go fishingfi II strong, long-wearing boot, and land a MH1 We carry a complete line of this famous footwear, and will be glad to show it to you. A pair of " Nortberns'" means dry, warni, comfortable feet under ail conditions of work and weather. Drop in and inspect them. .or a good, l -working. l mm. zm A. DILLICK, General Store Bowmanville Cook's Regulatlng Compound ~~ A af. i.fol ~ua W ~ m.dicW,X. relia lubre e lM4¶ 0e. of strength-No. 1, Ila o 2 88 No. 3, 85 per boz 1H CO MDCINECo. Ont. 0 13 PHOSPHODLJE!, MU*Jio<nesanîd ,nvigorates the whoje '~1 Jnervous aystem. makea new Bîeod i old Veine. Used for NVenss Deblity. Mental and Brain Worr>y Despondeacy, Loss o En«j . Palpiation c tha Heart. Failing Memor>'. rice S2peeb0x3P (or $5.1 Sold by ait drulaia or miaitdta plain pkg..on rfeiptoetprice. Heu paupAWf uigd - TmWOOD mgbi«Cie OmmONTOOST Ml landed b fond t t be juat like any other country witb probably a few exceptions. Australia, aîtbough of different climatic conditions, is net any more overrun witb natives of the Australian negro stock than Can- ada ia witb Indians. It is with mingled feelings of joy and sorrow that the news of Ed's selection te bead Division "A" of the Australian plant was received. Glad te see bis promotion, but regret at baving te lose him. There is net much use of mentioning what Ed. bas done for the baIl team and the inter- est be bas taken in the Recreation Club in general as everyone knows this and know how much be will real- ly bc missed". APRIL IS COMING There's a cry in my bcart for April, 1 listen witb car te the ground; 1 listen alone in the daxvning For the first faint rustle of aound; For the click of ber pattering footfal In ber sandals of silvery blue, Trailing the doorstep of winter With violets drencbed in dew. There's a cry in my beart for April And seon I am going to bear Her answering cry in the meadow, The wift of ber bluebird's cheer. 0 then wlll my heart turn to singing With hope and wlth joy I shaîl goi To dance on the hiîltop with Spring- time, For April I. comlng, 1 know. Oh, that men would learn that the true speaker is he who speaks only when he bas something to say.- Plutarch. CI CHA.uLEs CITIZENS VISIT TO GOODYEAR NEWCASTLE PLAYERS DELIGHTI A short account of citizens inspec- TRNOADEC tion of Goodyear factory was pub-I Highly Diverting Rural Comedy Pre- lisbed at the time of this event but~ sented at St. Clair Ave., United f an interesting report appears in al Church, Toronto. recent issue of "The Wingfoot Clan": a The Goodyear tbrew its doors oli- Newcastle amateur dramatic coin- en recently to the public and invited, pany Marcb 23rd invaded Toronto p the people of this locality to inspeet and gave a highly creditable account their plant. The day was not par- of itself in the presentation of a ru-,t ticulbsrly suited for getting a large raI melo-drama entitled "Deacon b number of people out, but the crowd Dubbs". The play was presented camie through the ramn and along in the church hall of the St. Clairh the slippery streets to visit us. Had Avenue United Church and xvas un- the xeather been fine, there would der the auspices of the Newcastle t likely have been more and the staff Ladies' Aid Society. The visiting of guides would have been complete- players were greeted by an audience s Iy swamped. which comfortably filled both the si Nearly 350- people turned out to lotver floor and the back section of visit us between the hours of tw*o the gallery of the hall, and whichE and four. The factory was run- gave their play an entbusiastic recep- si ning on its regular scbedule and a tion.I number of men were picked as The story of the play led to the ti guides to take parties tbrough and happy climax of the love of a charm- 1p explain what was being done. The ing country girl who during three in foreman met eacb party and ex- years in the wicked city bad married pîained the purposes of the various, the black sheep of a fine famiîy. Mrs. c( machines and materials. P. Rare played very efi'ectively thel It was estimated that not over role of the heroine and to the lot ofle two hundred would be bere and Mr. E. Fisher felI the part of Rawdon arrangements were made on this bas- Crawley, in whicb he made a most is, but xvhen the crowds began te satisfactorily black-moustached and 1. arrive it became necessary te get villainous villain. "Deacon Dariusi more and more guides. The people Dubbs of Sorghum Centre, West entered at the time office where they Virginy, by the jumpin' grasshop- were met by W. A. Edgar and shown pers", was played by Mr. H. R.D into the Recreation Hall. Here, Pearce, and in this the title role he H Miss Helen Osborne registered their created an eccentric character partci names and made them feel weîcome of ne mean order. As Major McNutt, while J. O'Neill arranged them in the bibulous southera auctioneer, Mr. il groups and started tbem eut under T. W. Jackson achieved a make-up vi competent guides. and delineation worthy of a much yo Theparieswer cndutedby heheavier play. There was a coavine- foelpoin essrs vr co ye, D. îg quality to Mr. Jackson's inter- p R. orin, eracbE. VOlive aDpretation of bis part that is seldom te H. Lapp made two complete trips, moudi aaer rmtis and Messrs. M. A. Neal, L. J. Clay- Thie secondary and comedy parts ton, H. M. Cole, A. Cole, C. Searle were very well carried th-ough. Mr. et S. R. James, H. Fletcher, R. Green- Howard Allin as the bashful hero dis- ti fild, Hebbs, F. Dilling and J. played the strength of bis good rigbt ut O'Neill made one. They entered by, arm, to great eff ect in downing the the shipping roomn door and were villain ,and both Mrs. W. Moore and si met by F. W. Goddard, wben they Mrs. W. F. Rickard, as Philipena W travelled over to the new store room Popover and Emily Dale respectively, and were brought by F'rank Bottrell lent effective support to the prin- P as far as the machine shop and te the lc'pals- fc milI room. Here Arthur Frise car- Supply of comedy relief fell te Mr. T ried on till met by G. Corke at the I. Colwill as Deuteronomy Jones, and ' mat departmnent. W. Short was wait- he wAs neyer for a second out of bis îng ait the belt department to show part. The professional stage hasi bis new equipment and turned tbem net displayed many better impersona- P( over to Mr. Richards, who took them tions of the bumpkin. Playing oppo- m~ tbrougb bis new buildings and ex- site hlm in effective comedy was Miss , l plained a few tbings about tires. Mr. B. Cowan as Yennie Yensen, wbo got S Nichols welcomed them to the heel ber share of laughs by ber persistent and sole press room and sent them bidding of bier entire savings, $ 10.68,1 P( up the elevator to C. Samis, wbo con-1 for "Deut", ber ideal of a husband. sp ducted them through the trimming Miss H. Barrie as Trixie seemed to en room, the tire chain department andI bring to a mischievous 'part a natur- ai the flnisbed goods. W. H. Tbickson aI aptitude for its performance and had a busy time in the bose room as the little sister of the bero made wl showing -bow bose is made. Eachi herself most unweicome to those on au party was then brougbt to the office the stage and quite the opposite tO ti and met by A. M. Hardy wbo showed f the audience. Ml tbem the offices and explained thel As an example of the work of the le purposes of the Labratory and somei dramatic societies of the smaller mi of the products they had seen made. towns of Ontario, the performance al He welcomed them and after a short~ given by the Newcastle dramatic com- s conversation brought their trip to a' pany proved îtself deserving of the so close. - warmest praîse. It bas set a standard it It was sometbing new for the that many similar organizations may wl town and it made people realize tbe well strive to emulate. way this plant bas grown. The ma-__mi__ jority of tbem said they did noti th realize how much business was being NEWCASTLE FLOWER SHOW to done bere and althougb tbey.had seen M tbese buildings for years tbey bad List of Prize Winners h neyer bad any idea tbat tbere was soiW mucb floor space. It was an exper- (Continued from last week) am ience that they will reniember and Calla Lily-Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. talk about and they bad sucb a good T. W. Jackson, Mrs. E. C. Beman.ipl, impression here that tbey will boost Sbamrock-Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. JohnITh Goodyear among their friends. Garrod, Mrs. J E Matchett. Primrose al Among the visitors were many ofl -Mrs E. C. Beman 1 and 2. Prim- ro the prominent people of the district.I ula-Mrs. E. C. Beman, Mrs. George ha Mayor Holgate and Town Council Eilbeck, Miss Blackburn. Begonia Ar came in a body, as did tbe Rotarians, -Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Chris. Law, Mrs th the staff of tbe Public Scbools and Herb. Hancock. Begonia, coll. 3 we the Boys' Training Scbool. The varieties-Mrs. Eilbeck, Mrs. J. M, wives of many of the employees Smith, Mrs. Law. Tulips-Misa thi came, as did the business men of the Blackburn, Mrs. M. Brown 2 and 3. town. It certainly was a pleasure Tulips, best coll., 4 blooms-Mrs. to the employees to see the interest Brown, Mrs. J. R. Fisher 2 and 3. Ec taken by aIl these people. Mr. Hyacinth, wbite or cream-Mrs. tic Hardy asked the Higb Sebool and thel Brown 1 and 2, Mrs. Jackson. Hya- iU Boys' Sebool to arrange for a visit cinth, pink-Mrs. Eilbeck, Mrs. th ait some other time, as we could not Brown, Mrs. Matchett. Hyacinth us do full justice to so many visitera at yellow-Mrs. Brown 1 and 2. Hya: dù tbe samne time. cinth, lavender or purple Mrs. Jack- ab It was a success botb from the son, Mrs. J. Cunninghamn, Mrs.1by view point of the visitors and from Brown. Hyacinths, coll. 4 color- the view point of tlje factory. Mrs. Brown 1 and 2. Narcissus-o Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Matcbett, Mrs. ti Hancock. Daffodil-Mrs. Matcbettd GOING TO AUSTRALIA Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Fligg. Geranîun, Man ofourtow rades wll e Mrs. E. C. Beman 1 and 2, Mrs W. c Manyof ur ownreaerswil beE. Beman. Geranium, col. 4 plants- p interested in the following news item Mrs. Matcbett 1 and 2. Draceana or appearing in the Goodyear Wingfoot Cordyline-Mrs. J. C. Hancock 1 and n Clan' about a former Bowmanville 3, Mrs. Matcbett 2. Aspedestra- M reaident: Mrs. E. C. Beman, Mrs. Matchett, Mrs e "'Ed. Bliley is going to Australia to J. C. Hancock. PaIm-Mrs. Chris " take charge of the Stock Preparationi Law, Mrs. E. C. Beman, Mrs. Mat - in the new Goodyear factory being cbett. Rubber Plant-Mrs. .Jack- th built just outside of Sydney, Austra. son. Fern Plumosa (asparagus)-Mrsi i lia. Fisher, Mrs. Law, Mrs. Eiîbeck. Fern,i ti It will be some montbs before Ed. A. O. v.-Mrs. E. C. Beman, Miss lt leaves on bis long journey wbicb Blackburn, Mrs. Jackson. Coleus- C. takes himself and family tbousands Mrs. E. C. Beman 1 and 2, Mrs. c. of miles away from friends and rela- Jackson. Coleus, best coll. 4 plants c; tives. It will be like going into a -Mrs. Matcbett 1 and 2, Mrs. Jackc- t new world, yet this will be no new1 son. Collection 6 bouse plants- experience for Ed. as he came toMsE.C Bma, r. Jackson, Bowmanville on almnost a similar mis-1 Mrs*. Matchett. Exhîbitors win- sien 14 years age, and probably ning most points-Mra. E. C. Beman c o tbeught before bis arrivaI that Can-1 50; Mrs. M. Brown 29; Mrs. Matcbett. M CI th J. D Wi th m D Miller's Worm Powders flot only make the infantile system untenable for wormns but by their action on the stomacb, liver and bowels they cor- rect such troubles as lack of appe- tite, bilîouaness and other internaI disorders that the worms create. Children thrive upon them and no matter what condition their wormn- infested stomachs may be in, they will show improvernent as soon as the treatmnent begins. After taking 1000 ZUTOO TABLETS Says they are llarmless et r$. (Dr.) SBlurtleff, of Coaticook, mye "I muet bave taken 1000 Zutoo Tableta. Ater tryin every remiedy wlthia reach, 1 discarded tbem aIl four yearu ago FO; ZUIQOO, which 1 have taken ever aiues 1 find the tablets a harmIesa and effici remedy for aIl kinde of! headache.le *5 cents per box-ut &U derniers -M ORONO (From The News of Marcb 24tb) Miss M. A. Walsh is spending a few days in the city. t Higb School Oratorical Contest1 and concert, Frîday April 8tb. Miss Hilda Gamsby spent the firsti part of tbe veek in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sberwin spent tbe past week witb friends at Co- bourg. Don't forget to bid for that Pincb house in Bowmanville to be sold by tender. See advt. Mrs. W. T. Maguire, Bowmanville, spent the past week or two witb ber sister-in-law, Mrs. O. Scott. Corbett Bakery bas installed an Electric Frigid-Air cabinet whicb as- sures solid ice cream at aIl seasons. Mr. Ewart Tucker left Menday fori the Collingwood District wbere he purposes engaging in the apiary bus- ness. No matter how deep-roeted the corn may be it must yîeld to Hello- way's Corn Remover is used as dir- ected. Mr. Chas. Bebee and family have noved inte their residence on Sat- ion St., recently purchased from Mr A. Beal. Congratulations te Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Holdcreft, (Hazel Adams), Havelock, on the arrivaI of a yeung daughter. Mrs. Breslin was taken critically Ill in the cîty, where she went on- a. visit a couple of weeks ago, but is n0w irn proving. As a vermicide an excellent pre- paration la Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator. It bas saved the lives of «countless children. Mrs. Robert Gordon wbo was tak- en witb a streke some time ago, con- tiues in a belpless condition, being unable te leave ber bed. Mr. and Mrs. Megit, Concession Street, Soutb, are leaving sbortly for Windsor where he bas secured em- loyment in a large bakery. Miss Pearl O'Neil, Department forewoman witb the T. Eaton Ce., [oronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Vm. Seymour's and other frienda. Mr. G. M. Linton, Supt. Provincial Forestry Farm, accompanied by fore- man W Joseph Hall, spent a few days last week looking over the Forestry Station. Prof. J. H. Bilings, Philadelphia, Penn., bas returned home after spending a few days witb bis par- ents, brother, and other frienda in nd areund Orono. Could Hardîy Live For Asthma, writes one man who after yeara of suffering bas found complete relief trougb Dr. J. D. Kellogg'à Aathma Remedy. Now be knows bow need- leas bas been his suffering. This matcbless remedy gives sure help to ll affiicted witb astbma. Inhaled1 is smoke or vapor it brings thbe heîpi ;long needed. Every dealer bas ýor can get it for you from bis 'holesaler. Mr. W .S. St.inson and daughter, qias Florence, were in Toronto over àe weekend, where they were caîled othe bedside of bis daughter-in-law, 4rs. Ross Stînson of PaWassan, wbo iad been in bospital for several 'eeks there, and wbere sbe passedi iway on Sunday. The C. G. I. T. presented their ýlay in the fine large ball at Brookl hursday last and were greeted withi full bouse, and apart from tbe poor oada between bere and the bighway mod a mest enjoyable night of it. .kmong those te warmly welceme ;em on their arrival at Brooklin 'as a former Orono Hîgb Sehool bey, [r. Kennetb Fraser,- new teacher at 1at town. Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' :clectric Oil is se simple in applica- on that a cbild can understand the tastructions. Used as a liniment le only direction is te rub, and when aed as a dressing to apply. The firections are se plain and unmistak- ible that they are readily understood by young or old. The Irish night in the school roomi Df St. Saviour's Churcb was excp ionally well attended, and those wbo did come were rewarded with an erz- cellent program followed by a nice lncb. A number of well renee piano, violin solos, songa andre- ings were given, aIso a burlesque by M essrs. Bell and Harrison, "On the Hill Maggie", which amused the aud- ince greatly. Cheapeat of aIl Oiis.-Considering the qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric )il it is the cheapest of aIl prepara- tins effered te the public. It is oe be found in every drug store in Canada from coast te coast and aI ountry merebants keep it for sale.1 oe, being easily procurable and ex-1 tremely moderate in price, ne one should be witbout a bottle of it. It was Past Master's night at Or- one Ledge A.F.&A.M., Tbursday, vlarch l7tb. W.P.M., S. Cuttell DEALERS FOR CHEVROLET & OAKLAND ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshaw,4Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Sub Dealer, West End Garage, Bowmanvill. PIRXXJCT 09 GHHRAL MOTORI 0F CANADXA, LnMr«= Neyer. Satisfiedi Building the rigbt home means that yeu must employ the rigbt mat- erial, says our Lumber Jack. This bouse is widely known and fa.vorably se because of its reputa- tien for supplying the right material at the right price. You wAnt the beat that money can buy but you want te pay a fair margin of profit and ne more. That brings you te our office. 14cCLFLÀN&-CO. LI MI TED LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 Internai and External Pains are prom 1 reiav.d b DBTHoMASeCÉËICT R 1CO THAT IT MAS SUEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FI FTY YEAU AND 18 TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVEII DKFRE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOI% ITO NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIEI. Chevrolet la Chevrolet Hifstory: te aiow selllg at New anad Lower Prîces - the lowest for whlch, Chevrolet has eve been soulailnCaniada YoelumO RADSTER COAàcacou»f *655 - 655 '760 1790 SEDAN LANDAU SEANfAflLE 1165 **81190 j_ 2 U Prim a t ]Pacmor, Oshawa, Tam..Buspa  We are always tr-ying to improve the service to our customers as well as endeavoring to give them the best quality and values in fresh grocer- les. Our long experince enables us to buy to ad- vantage-and thus our custorners reap the profit. We have worked up a wonderful demand in our Fish Department. Let us fil your next fish order and see what tempting fish we supply. CHINA AND GLASS WARE Mother, children o r the hired girl are always breaking a dish or glass. It can't always be help- ed. But you do know we can replenish such ar- ticles from our large stock of China and Glass Ware. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmaî ville r 1 CON TENTED I Contentment is not merely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked s0 hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY!1 That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! J. J. N4ASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Liq THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL-B, THURSDAY, MARCH 31st., 1927 PAGE SSVM