With Which Is Incorporated Tne ]Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. RnwftfÀA KTTTT r ' x rur'rm mTT~-% X I ~l. .------.-.---. I Iii Il EASTER F0OTWEAR EXCLUSIVE STYLES IN WOMEN'S SPRING FOOTWEAR Just placed on display this week for Easter the newest and most distin- guished in Footwear. The assemblage in1- cludes in ail the favored leathers and spring shades Step In-Try Them On Ives Shoe Store Potwear and Travelling Goodu Bowinanville IC 2 Qualified Optometrists ive you carefully conidened ad- ice aiter a dependable scientifie yo oxamination at our store free i charge. O GUESS WORK. NO LONG PRICES VER 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE ASTER CHOCOLATES A wonderiul assantment ai 1oi Speciais for Easter. s0 for Mothers Day. E TER HANDBAGS A rge assortment direct ironi the tory. Lateet styles $3.50 valu SPECIAL $1. ry & Lovell Enater Supper in St John's Parish Ha on Thurs. April 21 1927 From 5.30 p. m. MENU: Hoe-cooked ham, Jellied Tangue Devillld Eggs Mashod Potatoos Salade and JoUies Aipple, Raisin and Cutard Pies SCake Price.Soc -il -T1Bomanville Ffirt- Fascinatiýg'Spring Goods That Wil Attrýt Favorable Comment Ini theÉ,aster Parade Stunning fýw Coats For Laster Distinguished models fashioned ai the iveiest fabnics, Black Satins, Black Stike, Poiret Twil and Ticotines, in pretty ishados of B ýe, Tan, Capon and Navy, sizes inom 4 ta 46, 1 SPECIAL 1UCES $10.75 TO $45.00 BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESiS Just received in Satin Crepe, Canton 1 repe, Crepe Romaine and Georgette, ail m#rately piced, sizes 16 to 48. ARTISTIC DRAPERIEý Just received a large shipment of noti Silk and Cotton, Lace and Silk Panels, Cl4z and Cretonnes, alinarked at our usual low pes. NEW DRESS GOODS1 In Satin Crepes, Canton Crepes, Fan S lka, Rayon Silks and Crepes, latest design. sk to see dur 60e lino of Dress Good FINE SHOWING NEW GINGIMS Best Canadian, fast colore, 32 inchei wide, check and plain, 25c and 30e per yard.*i LADIES' VESTS AND BLOOR Siik stnipo in White, Peach, Pink anave' ONLY 50c EACH GARMENaa .ART SJLK VESTS Ladies' Art Silk Veste in White, Peach, Pink and Mauve, Veste $1.00, $1.25, Bloomers 89c,< $1.50 LADIES' SILK HOSE 75C A spocially gaad hase for tho maney, pure silk, noînforced with rayon, silk ta tep, in sîl the good shades, including White, Black, Nude, Sand and Champagne, sizes 8i,% ta 10,' SPECIAL VALUE AT 79c LADIES' SILK HOSE $1.00 At this prico we show tw.o paticularly good lines including the Monarch Green Stripe and the 'Jenny Lind'. We have these in ahI the new shades, sizes 8 % to 10, they are excellent value at $1.00 BETTER SILK HOSE AT $1.50 For those who nequiro s btter Silk Rose we have three makere goods at $1.50. These are pure thnead silk, eithen nîbbed or wide tope la sîl the now shades, sizo 8% ta 10, good ta wean and goad value at *1.50........ Spring Fashiq's for. Men and Boys The New Suite ,Top Coatsa ate, show better qualities, new ah«s, I prices show a very marked moca&tiol tinctively smart wear of our esk fc MEN'S TOP COATS See aur Young Men'e Overcoate of Ligh4-eed, the veny newet at $ 15.00 BOYS' 4-PIECE SUITS! Boys' S,;its ifi Natty Tweeds with mire li andi one short pain 'oi pante at only $10.1 FANCY -SOCKS Silk and Lisle 50c, 75c and $1.00' iCape and Furniehings ini general ail lateet style requiremente, and withal n. You will be pleased with the dis. crSpring. SNAP RIMMED HATS Try one ai the new Snap Rimmneti ate witb coioned bande at $2.95 Black Stiff Hats, new and very dressy at $5.00 The famous Canadian Made Brack Hat whicb is ativertiseti in Toronto at $6.5~0, aur pnice bas always been $6.00 MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS New patterns are vony distinctively and pions- ing, ail sizes $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 Quality ai aur goods are nover sacnificoti ta meet a prico. Dependable goade at reasonable pices make Iasting customens 1- ton & Cryderman, Phono 104 Lg ninÉ A.n. ilau 1. -1 - ai H et GI ou Te us frq of ver B. iti fib: us Br, chi 'y st< the are of Bei als abc 'y of cou roi frc whi La] fra fm rab are ma: yol else Coi Fir ri Mi Fit Im boo Kyi fori jing will got, Wec He: erei ed, ble: see sen The Now Couch, Jçihi Bowman ville 1 1 -1ý/ 'y Y 11-ilin, . APRIL 14th., 1927 $2-00 a year In Advance 5c a CODv NO' 15 KEEPING PACE WITH CHANGES RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN i "C,'OME OUT 0F THE KITCHEN" MINISTERS AND CHURCHES IN DRY GOODS BUSINESS THE CANADIAN CONSTITUTION FredjCAydwe l-eTdience and well- St. Joseph's R. C. Chunch. Easter Frd ryeman Gives Intoresting C. H. Caban, K.C., M.P., Montreal,f filled Opera House wero two con- Sunday-Morning 10.30 a. m. Even- Talk ta Rotary Club on Ancient Delivers Able Address ta Men'& tributing fetures to the successful ing-Sermon and benediction. Rev. and Modern Methods of Gonead Canadian Club. presentation of the comedy "Corne P. P. Butler. Morhanusig.ThoMens CnaianClu whchout of the Kitchen" which %yas given St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. bas now the largeet memborship in in thre acts on Tuesday and Wed- Rev. R. McDerment, minister. An- its history with an enroîmont over nesday eveîîings, under auspices of nlversary services on Sunday at il the 100 mark made a new high re- Ladies' Aid of Trinity Church. a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. A. S. Rotanians were again priviloged cord for attendance also at ite ban- The scenle je in an old fashiond Grant will preach at both services. to enjoy an address fnom one of their quet at the Balmoral Hotel on Fni- Southern homo occupied by Col. and Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. membens at the Friday luncheon day evenîng, Apnîl Sth. As it was Mrs. Dangerfield and their family of Trînity United Church, Rev. J. U. when Fred Cryderman, junior mem- Ladies', Night when each member two daughters and two sons. The Robins, Pastor. Sunclay services il ber of the old established firm of had the privilege of ontortaining one parents are in Europe and the famîîy a m. and 7 p. m. Special Easter Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Lim- lady guest,.the majority of the mem- realizing the financial sermons by the pastor and special îtyed, an yoe on ofMr J H bers gladly av'aîled themeelves of the are in, resolve through an agent toi atrmscb h hoir under Crdemnepk o hsclassifica- n] ,adtepaurwhteîes' leadership of Myr.Francis Sutten. tino "eealMrhnds" r.j adte laueogt elae the home to a wealthy man for St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. muio no Grai Merand is. S lorult tat practically ah the firet a couple af monthe for which they BeD . iitr la . muc ifomaion an iteestngflorroma of the Balmoral w.ere ne- are to receive a princely sum for ":The groat Easter Faith". 7 p. m.- facte were given in Fned's practical quired to accammodate those pros- rentai. The difficulty arises over "Ho Loosed tho Bonde of Death". and enlightening talk that we are ent. While the freedom of a con- servants and until a new staff ar- Appropniate Easter music. 2.30 pîublishing herewith the groater part siderable portion of the second floon rives the family decide to assume p. m.-Sunday Sehool and Bible of his remarks: was courteousîy conferred upon tho these raies and in doing so. many Classes. My classification ie "General Mer- ladies for the disposaI of their wraps humorous, pathetic and exciting in- St. Johin's Anglican Church, Rov. Chandise", but with your permission by Mr. and Mrs. Wadhams, who cidents occur which holde the inter- R. J. Shires, R.ect9r. Holy Week. 1will confine myseîf to General Dry throughout the Ovening were most est of the. audience throughout the Wednesday, April 13-Devotional Goods and Furnishings. asiduous in their efforts to pleaso rgnain service 8 p. m. Good Friday, April their numorous guests and make them 1presentation.7p.m.Pracer will first mention brielly the ma- comiortable. The charactons were well chosen lthia.man7p..Prcer erils ro whchoun goda Te sppr o fwlveetaleand played their -parts well. MrsI Rev. George Roe, L .S.T. Easter n e aa u fa c t u r e d : W o is p en h a re T esth eo f w l e e t b e C . A . a , A r l 1 , 1 2 . 8 a . H l mhief-fn tge t Wol sucrap h g e courses, pie, ice cneam and fruits .Wight doserves well merîted DaymApniln.1,1978 a. m.- Holy srvc Tweeds, Meltons, Serges for over- was gneatly enjoyed and relished byrdtfrtaiigtecs and ir- Communion l0 . m.-sric oatng ad sit, elan_, ashal present. The preparatian andlecting the play so successfully. CandrHoIy Commvio. 2.3 p. rn oatnsgrs and utlanes, ecsfo the eerving of such a meal was no Between acts and proviaus ta the Evoning Prayer and Sermon. mrs gooepe and house rshinc.,fs littie undertaking and Mn. Wadhams presentation Tninity S. S. Orchestra _____ 'hssoeinin and houeav rsing f and his officient staff are containly assisted by outside talent, unden ANNIVERSÂRY 0F VIMY RIDGE lie nn an weaingof ooldeserving of ail the compliments leadership of Mr. H. A. Fletcher with Wa nnoe int o Edlnd y a Oheard in regard theneto. Mn. Frances Sutton as concert mast- CLBAE YVTRN Romans. The meal aven, President J. H. H. or, and Mise Helen Morris as pianist, A no-union ai vetoranh af the. Cotton, which is the moat import- Jury caliing upon Mn. F. W. Bowen, nondored a fine selection of southern Great War was held at the Bowman nt vegetable fibre ini the world, we M. P., ta introduce thespeaker of melodies and other numbers. House an Monday evening ta cele- eet Chintz, Cretonnes, Repp and Ton- the evenîng, Mn. C. H. Cahan, K.C., baetecpueo iyRdeb ry Cloths for draperies, Denim, Drill,j M.P., drew the attention of the club Cast af characters: rt h atrec iyRdeb Duck, Print for shirtings and work1 ta their indobtedness ta Mn. Bowen Olivia Dangerfield, Aliaà Jane El- tenanadians. Oer 50ayore inat-, rite, whi, t omoo o sheoting ortheclubeuvches tandingprigfor len-Betty Sargent. mombers af Council and town offi- ndie vansoter goode.r eeetntenianbsucno ttaa s n. aan ElzbehDangerfield, Alias Ara- cials were among the guests. After and va io s the g od . nt ria s t o O taw a M . ah n umnta- G entrude M orris. fulI justice had been done ta the Fro lien e gt oelln and others who had dolivered ad- Mr.Fuknn ukreSse- good thinge *provided by Capt. C. andkerchiefs, Table linons, Colas dresses here on previoue occasions. Mrs. H. W. Lapp. Dickinson addresees wero givea by .tc. Mn. Cahan is a prominent front Cana Faulkene, lhon daughter- President J. O'Neill, Rey. R. J. bencher af the Conservative Party at Marion Pikard. Sbires, M. A., Dr. G. C. Bonnycast- From Silk wo get Liaiags, Hosieny, Ottawa. As hie rose ta speak hO Amnanda. Olivia'e Black Mammy-. le, Mayor T. S. Holgate, Wandea M loves, Sewing Threads and nume- exhibited a splendid physique, t r aryAla J litt .R Mrio, .Sm is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ne drm a 'mtras*iha straight, broad shouldered, around Burton Crane, from the North... is, F. C. Palme, L H. Cooke and Caifettas, Crepes, Satins, etc. The~ 70, one would judge but hale and vig- Clemens Poney. Rev. (Capt.) F. H. Anderson, Port se of uilk, (being as you know mnade orous. Hie vaice is dep ad pIoas- Th asLfetStiiclp t-Ho. MnD.RMnronpsdd ar h acoon or outer covering ant, such as can be Mit enedto wîth Percy Cowling. at the piano and Mn W. Rose Struke ýfthe si11k worm.), dates back ta a case and pleasuro. As Mn. Bowena Sl rn' tonywowsI ieviosn oo ery early age, used in China in 2641D montioned, ho in one of Montreal'a oln Tucker, rn' Atoeyw asifnevc agasl. >C. Before we finish with silk outatanding attorneys and represents and Guest-Walter O'Boyle. Dr. Bannycastle led the cammunity ;substitutes are worthy of mention. the canstituency ai St. Lawrence and _Paul Dangerfield, Alias Smithfield singing. A number of vetenans rt and Fibre silk, made ironi wood St George in the second îargest Smith Ferguson. wero unablo ta be present owiaç ta nre and mixed with cottan, give nnhsekn iyi h o Charles Dangerfield, Alias B'nind- working in factoris on niglit shifts. athe numenous drees goods such as Mn. Cahan's subject was "Recent lebary-Alian Knight. Singing ai O Canada brought a most roadcloth, Rayon, etc., and aiea the Developments in the Canadian Con- Randolph Weeks, Agent ai Dan- enjoyable ovening ta a close. Mn. heapor linos ai hosiery. stitution" and hoe handled it in a way gerfields C. H. Dudley. J. O'Neill, Prosident of Bowman- ,ville Soldions' Club, under w>îoue as-' Fui, ltouh ens~not proper- that bore unmietakable ovidence that _____ pices the banquet was held, made a beoging ta general dry goodsoi ensudn fCnda very capab>le preuîdîng officejr. el, 1 constitutional histony, an intorested1 >ree, is handled mare or oab observer ai the present trend of C. G. i. T. BANQUET tm. Seal, Sable, Fox and 0ttr affaire and an optimiet as regards the "THE DARKEST HOUR' re called theo preciaus furs. Borne future. Mn. iahan is a native ai A veny pleasant and profitable so- the othens are Coon, Lamb, Mink, Nova Scotia, the province which pro- cial gethering was enjayed on Wed- The Sacned Cantata "The Darkest aven, Rat and Ermine. Thon. a" duced Joseph Howe, a leader, in nesday evoning, April 6, when "A Houn by Harold Moore, wiillho pre- .o numonous substitutes ior the~ Nova Scotia's colonial days, in th, Mothen and Daughter" Banquet un- sented b Tninity Choir in Trmnlty reemlethersi sinessohatomo- stnuggle ionrorspansible govenment, doel' auspices of the C. G. I. T. was United Church on the evening ai thsem aay nluea ilathenator and one ai thoshod in Tinity School-room. Cavons Gaod Friday at eight o'clock. Bih- thld no bedisong uhdanom pe greateet political thinkere B'ritish wene laid for 125, the tables being ver collection. ml. or e istnse Hudo te North Ameica has even produced. ncely decorated and a very tomptngi ýal. Forinstnce Hudon eal The speaker quoted freely îram menu served by the Young ladies. Ai- 'm nmuskrat skins, (the boat ai Howe and also mentioned Samuel ton the good things had had the full EASTER SUNDAY DINNER ich are being obtained froni RiCe Allan Wilmot ,the New Brunswick attention ai the guesta, a progranià 1 %ke); Electric and French Saale statesman ai the saine period ta aven which Mre. (Dr.) C. W. Sleman, alraoral Hotel WiI Serre Turk.y ,m rabbit skins; imitation Fox show that Canada had made long, presided as taastmistress, was p e- Dinner on ,Snnday onm white nabbit; Sable fromt dyed long sndstwn fuller Statua sented as folaws: The toast ta "The bbit, etc. Numerouis enial skias i ainatioaîetthos *rl King" was responded ta by aIll ing- Thoso wiehing ta be noliovod of -a ued or rimingcoas. hes nietenthcentury days when the ing heartily "The National Anthem"; preparing dinnen ion Easten Sunday, ay be made froni anything. i1 political thinkers and leaders of the" Miss Beatrice Cryderman pnaposed Apnil l7th, will be interested in the iu have miesed yaur est somebadyl maritime colonies and the Canadas the toast ta "The Mothers", ta which announcement that the Balmoral e's wife might be weaning It onl hera o hogta skn ra rit- Mrs. F. F. Marris made a veny appra- Hotel will serve the iollowing dianen at. ain for any concessions other than priate neply. A sang "Mather"' was inom 12.310 ta 2 pi. m. at 75c: (Continued on page 6) the right te gavera theniselves in ne- given by the Hawnahweas graup; and MENU: --spoct ai ail internaI on damestic a neadine by Mies Leola Miller. The r, Toat SOUP eeal - affaireaaoly. From that attitude, toast to ~Our Le-aders" was given by Crem amtoVe.tbl and progreesshas been made grad- Miss Kathleen Hall and neplied ta by Pruit Cocktail ually ail through the years but fast- Miss Mary Allison, Girls' Work Sec- Siaoed Tomatoes and Coiory R yalT eor r since the war, Canada has pro_ notary ion the United Church. Miss ROASTS grossed a long long way, until now Allison aIse gave a veny helpful and D)reosd Young Turkey & Black Currant as a nosult ai the Ïs Imperial Con- oxplanatony outline ai the C. G. I. Prime Rîb fJeelan-u Friday-Saturday, April 15-16 ference which meets every four T. wonk which aIl thonoly enjoyed. Le-g of Lamnb and Mint Sauce Louise Fazenda in yoars, Canada stands and is acknow_ The pragram and social spirit which VEGETABLES "FngrPrnt"ledged as s wholly eelf-govenning ns- pervaded the gsthering wae a vony i3rawned and Boiled Potatoeu "FngrPrnt"tion within the British -Commonwealth happy one and concluded by ail- Green Peas rom the stony by Arthur Soeos of Nations, vitally inteneeted in bath aoîning heartily in singing the usuai Presl hub DESSPe adVRT ipd r oche with Helene Costello My- intor-Imperiel and world affaire. cloeîng hymn "The Lord is in Hie huarbl Pie and WhllydOra, ns Loy and John T. Murray. Mn. Caban spoke af certain anom- Holy Temple". ApoPeadel [tinee Good Friday and Satur- alies that stihlI xiet in the way aiCmaioso ors r day at 2.30 p. m. 1 Canada being an ontinely free and Copnon f orest Ar inal chapter ai "Sunken Silver" independent state and appealed. to OIUR and regular pragnam the Young mon prosent ta appîy FinalARY oldeig Echr tbcmselvee ta the study ai Canada 's ucnBih onaylo FnlPorsie Ecr 1utuno and the task ai workingF out Dunan ______wmnvll in the Monday-Tuesday, April 18-19 hier destiny. In concluding hie ad- Another ai aur older citizens and Peter B. Kyne's drees ho voiced the sentiments ai aIl a member ai a well-known and highly A.O0. F Hall "The Understanding Heart" present when hoe declared this helief, rcspected iamily passed away on ith Joan Crawford, Carmel sbarcd by Canadians everywhere, of Manday, Apnil 4, in the persan ai Mn. on yer RcklifeFelos nd English and French descent alike, Duncan Beith in hie 2dyaratr T ayApril19th uns ,ockclffe ellow and that Canada's best interests lie in thea short ilîness. 82dyaate1Ueu , prs'n Francis Busbman, Jr. maintenance ai Britisb traditions and edwste8hr ona h1 at 8 p. m. nîmensely successiul bath in in maintaining honr cannection an d Deceasedwste Ir o fte )k and serial forni Peter B. co-opcrating witb the matherland late Mr. and Mre. Alexander Beith,J Admission 25c yno's etany is naw hero in film and the sister nations ai the Coin being born at the farm an town lino., Praceeds in aid ai the Juvenile rtn ta delight bis great foliow- monwvealth.- Clarke. For many years lhe bas re-, Branch. Pnizes and refreshments. gThe forcet fines scenes alone Principal W. J. Morrison maved sided in thie tawn being assaciated hl make this a nover-ta-be-for- and Rev. J. IL. Robins seade, in business with hie brother-in-law. ýtn pictune. vote af thanke and appreciatian ta ho aePtrMrab n ne Mr. Caban and everyono signified witb hie brothors, James Beitb and The. Comedy Drama their pleasune in listoning ta such an Senatar Robert Bcitb, in the mari- ednesday-Thursday April 20-21 intoresting, informative andi nspn-agomeîît ai Waveriy Farmn, interna- 66l L , "The Waltz Dream" ing atidress by viganous cîapping ai tianally knawn fan Hackney and Cly.. ie c f iIIJ ýre is a picture altogethen tiff- hande. dostiale hors, and since tbeir doatb nt and delightful! Light-heant- Mr. Caban xvas accampanîed hy bis be bas been ape'rating the far-m bim- will be presented la the its lave and draina skillfully charming wifo ,a daughtor ai La- self.* nded witb bumar, it is easy ta Belle France and ai tbe City ai Par- The funcral taak place on Wd OPERA HOUSE wby it bas been hailcd as the is. Slîe sat between Prosident J. nesday iram bis late rosidence,!ý isatiion ai twa continents! H. H. Jury and Mr. F.- W. oeChuirch Sresriebigcnut Il Il; m . i 9 JDV YY iVIIIIN ( )NT TH 11 R.ç-ZI) AV A DD TT -1 A i-1- n n-- 1 1 1 1 j eo