PAGE THEBE £RE CANADIAN MTATESMÂr. I5OWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th., 1927 Here is ti'-e rost econo- r.lCr21 ond ef7,cieritlhot water he:uer ever invented. I3y aLjustiflg it to your presefit boier you wi11 have hot water when you want it- wilhout a minutes delay or inýconvefliefice. The efficiency of Mc- Crys A & F Electric Water Heater .s flot aff ect- cd by lne or sedi- ment. it fits snugly on the outside of the boiler-giviflg a contlfluous sup- 1ly f hot water at minimum coSt. Suitable for either fiat rate or meter. McClary's A& F Heater and Fibre- forni Cover are the Miost satisfactory water heating equipment on the market. The cover, attached to your present boiler, pre- vents 80%/ of heat loss-saviflg with- in a year or less ,,, enough to pay for the entire cost of the equipment. Your dealer in electrical suppl'es will show you. AIX Electrie 'WÀ&TER HEATER Alm cse cMclary's Electric Range with Speedirom Elennents SoId in Bowmanville by P W. LEN ELLIOTIT Bownanville's Newest Industry LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. H. W. Burk is visiting rela- SAFETY FIRST tives and friends in Brantford. Wbat the safety valve is to a steam The merchant who is so busy be houler, the fuse is to an electrical does nolt have time to read bis trade circuit. papers is like the man who was so Whe a oilr i ovrlodedthebusy chopping wood that h did flot safety valve lets go or else the boiler tm osamnhsae lets go. When an electrical cir- The opening date of Bowmanville cuit iB overloaded the fuse blows out Chautauqua has been definitely set and if there is no fuse, serious conse- for Thursday, July 21st. It's a long quences may follow. way ahead but make a note of it now Rarely do people monkey with tbe as it is among the "coming events" safety valve on a houler or overload that are really worth while attend- ît with weights, yet it is an everyday ing. occurrence with themn to tamper MsS .Hl svstn e with fuses. The resuit àla aserious dugr, Mr . Hilames ae, nd ber lîfeaadfirehazrd.grand-daughter, Mrs. H. H. Ear],l Fuses are placed in a circuit for Toronto. We are pleased to kh'ow a very good reason to guard against that Mrs. Hill who bas been confined overloadiinç the wires and againsti to the bouse ail winter is able to get short circuits. When fuses of th~e out again. Sbe will be 87 years proper size continually blow out, it 151un ex onh flot the fuse that ia wrong. If in yo1 nx mnh doubt as to the proper fuses to use, A pleasant evening was spent at consuit your local hydro. office. When Mr. Wm. Woolner's, Liberty Street, a fuse of tbe proper size continues on Tuesday, April 5th., when the to blow out, consult a competent double birtbdays of Mrs. Wm. Wool- electrician and have the cause re- ner and brother-in-law, Mr. Walter moved. Woolner, were celebrated. Friends Hydro-Electric Power Commission Bowmanville A 'Joint Savings Account Is a Real Convenience Particularly as a matter of family convenience does the joint account denionstrate its value. Ail funds deposited are subject to witbdratval at any time by eitîter of the persons in whose names the joint account is opened. In case of the decease of one of the parties holding a joint account ail money may ho withdrawn by the other. A joint savings ac- count in the Standard Bank is a rea] convenience wherc two people desire access te the saune funds. qP CNADA STAN DARD BAN K~ * BOWMANVILLE BRANCHH. W. Lapp, Manage L Branche@ aise uet Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono. Oshawa Choice Meats For Easter APPETIZING NOURISHING HEALTHFUL Delicious Beef s Choîce Pork Young Lamnb Hamas and Bacon Whether you corne to our shop our phone us you are sure to get the kind of meat you are look- ing for. Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWK£ERn & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 and relatives froun Oshawa, Provi- dence- and -Bowmnanville were pres- ent. The evening was spent in games and enjoyment after whicb refreshmnents were served. Many gifts were received wishing botb hcaltb and much happiness. MUSIC STUDY CLUB The regular montbly meeting of the Music Study Club was held in St. Paul's Scbool-room on Wednes- day evening, April 6th. A very enjoyable programn of Easter music in charge of Mesdames R. Thompson, F. Joness and M. Hooper was given. Mrs. Russel Bale of Oshawa, was thei soloist of the evening and delighted ber audience with ber selections wbîch included "O Come to my Heart Lord Jesus" (Paul Ambrose), "Tby Cry of Racheal" (Mary L. Salter), "Aleluia" (R. E. DeRees), and as encores "Star" (Rodgers) and "The Woodpecker" (Nevin). Miss Margaret Abýernethy showed ber ability as a very talented pianist in her nuifibers wbich were "Rondo Ca- priccioso" (Mendelssohn), "Dancing Waves" (Albert Tieczonka) and an encore "Ballet Music (Schubert). Besides these there were quartets "Awake up my Glory" (Barnby) and "King of Kings" (Semper by Mes- dames T. W. Cawker and E. Ander- son and Dr. C. W. Siemon andMr A. Hircock; a violin solo "Souvenir" (Franz Dedla) by Oscar Jamieson; quartet "We Arose" (Toury by Mess- rs. Tapson, Pollard, Holgate and Dr. Slemon, and a very interseting paper on Easter music by Miss E. iPainton. Tbe accompanists were Miss Matbay, Oshawa, Mrs. H. Cleun- ens and Mr. F. Sutton. IN MEMORIAM Loving memories ever live in our hearts for our dear father and mether, James Scott and Elizabeth Orr Scott, who passed away at the Eastertide of 1919 and 1922. In ioving memory of Pte. A. F. King, No. 745409, 2nd Batt. CEF., kifled In action at Vimy Ridge, Aprit 12, 1917, aged 21 years, 2 montha. A Sleeper In France Ins ever giorious France Near the unresting se. They laid mny boy te reat Par, far from me. Kind were the stranger-hsflds That bore my soldier-son To hie tast bivouac To rest weli won. 'Ihey placed the lowly cross, Blest sign to ail who weep And then with other boys Left hlm asleep. Wild birds sweet requiems stig Wiid poppies radiance strew Above those boys who died For me and you. They fought their Inward fight, They conquered mortet fear Then flung away sweet youth, To them odear. Oh boy, my boy, my boy The heartaches ever new But oh, 1 arn so proud So proud of yeu. Aiways remembered by Mother, Father, Sistersad Brothers. In ioving memory of our dear mother, Hannah Mohua, irst wif e of Jack Mo- hua, who died just one year ago, Apriti 18, 1926. Melody-land Music Club, pupils of In' our- home you are fondly rermembered Mrs.H. lemnsA.T..M. me atSweet memnories dling around your name Mrs H.Cleens A..C. *'meear t la oved you with truc affection her home Friday cvening, April 8tb. CENTRAL ONTARIO ASKS PRICE iHe you M emr uiesue After the minutes of last meeting 0F PURCHASE 0F LOCAL Gone but nt forgottean. Deeply mourned and roll caîl, the following program . PL.ANTS by ber loving son and daughter-in-law, was rendercd: Piano solos, Phyllis BnadLl Darch, Fera Smith, Grace Rundle Audilar Will Make a Survey and Dear Nana, how we miss you. and Doris Bennett; paper by Margar- Prepare Exhaustive Report on At each lura every day, et Colvlle; piano duets, Lyle Woods aus. For things have neyer run the saine, an rs lmes Llin rtcadAsst. andVaus Since God calied you away. and rs. lemes, ilîtn Prtchrd ________saîiy m s1but wiitievsr be remeun- and Mrs. Clemens, Helen Pritchard Iwred hy your ioving gadhlrn and Mrs. Clemens, Margaret Colville At a private meeting hc]d in Tor- (liadys and Jack.grncide and Eva Hooper. After a lesson onto on Friday between the commit- onntevlusan urMsi amtee reprcsenting the Central Ontario_____ onrshet noe valuesador nîusc gehePower District Municipalities, of rerehnsewee serve wtd Weaten wbicb Bow-nanvillc is a member, and in îoving memory of our dear cousin, Thoed uK eeingwt odSv the Hydro Commission, it was decid- Ilannith Mohun. wvho died in Toronto ed that G. T. Clarkson, the Hydro Ilospiti on Aprit 18, 1926. The ing.She habd no one a Iast fareweil, Wise mothers who know the virt- auditor, should prepare and subuit She saiti goodhye to none, ues of Mother Graves' Worm Exter- te tbe committce and to the Central lier spir t before we knew minator always bave it at hand, be- Ontario Power Association, a memor- That shi had from us goae cueit proves its value. andum or report comprisîng a scbeme Dear Ilannah rest th3y work Is o'er, causeThy loving hands shall toit no more. for unscrambling the systeun, selling No more thy gentie eyes shahl weep _______the local distribution plants to the Rtest dear I-annah gentiy sleep. municipalities, outlining the basis of Sîîdiy missed by ber oousins, Jack and BLACKSTOCK power costs to tbe municipalities af- Bella. Just a thought of ynu deîir Auntie, terwards, the basis of ultimate own- .Just a memory fond and true, Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., will ncrsbip of the systeun by the muni- Just a token of affection, complete bis series of ten talks 0on cipalities and generally dealing witb That our hearts stit liong for you. the "Life of Christ' on Tuesday the ytma ehw'tmgtb o eryvdt e forgetten afternoon at the Continuation made a hydre electric systeun. This akePot. School. The topic will be "Wîll information was given by G. D. Con -_________________ Right Triusmpb"? These lectures ant, ex-Mayor of Oshawa, and one - have been carried on evcry year for of the committee, after the meetinlg. meeting in Cobourg appointed the the ten weeks before Easter. It is The approxîmate cost of the muntct- cemmittee, consisting of chairman F. a splendid education for the pupils palities possible purchases will be in TL Mason of Oshawa, J. O. Herity of of tbe schol. .. A special address the neighborbood of $2,000,000 if Belleville, Mayor Thes. S. Holgate of will be given in the United Cburch purchase is decided upon, he said. Bowmanville, ex-Mayor Conant of at the Easter service by Miss Ceea, The Central System is not now ai Oshawa and H. Fullerton ef Cobourg, a returned missionary from China. . Hydro Electric systeun at aIl but bas te confer wîth tbe Hydre Electric .We wish te extend congratulations been carried en by the commission.1 Commissien as te the liasis of sellng te Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright for the Followîng a recent increase in rates the local distribution plants. gift of a daughter, and te Mr. and the 'Central Cemmission at its las Mrs. Jos. Forder for a son... . Regu-1 lar monthly meeting ef tbe Victorian Women's Institute was held on Wed- nesday afternoon at the heme of Mrs A. L. Bailey. President, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp presided. Following the __ opening the Ode, Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Scripturc les- The Sec rear yMs Vnnig, ave a Sp ing Prospects sonewas read yM s. R. Mg aveoa report of last meeting. A short business session was held. Domcstic Foir B uilding Science course whicb was te bave commenced on April 18, bas been______ postpened te the 25th. Mrs. Fred WilIan brought in the best history ef We would be pleased to quote you prices on our village. A letter ef apprecia- tien was received from Mrs. Free- building materials. hemn. Mrs. R. Mahood read "Parm Lm Thrills"; Miss Esther Streng, a re-1Ln citation; Mrs. J. G. Marlow paper on G po Hymn Anthems, taking Sara Adamns G p and Dr. Palmer. Meeting closed Cernent with the National Antheun. A social haîf heur was enjoyed by ail. Lunch Plaster Paris was served by the o bstess assisted byAsh tRofn Mrs. Luther Meuntjoy..Mr. and shlRofn Mrs. S. A. Devitt returaed home on Monday having spent tbree months Hard Wall Plaster in Florida. We welceme tbem ad o F orn home again .... Mrs. W. C. FergusonHad odF orn and Clarence, Bewmanville, were Stucco (best on mnarket) guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill onCstrespeaerunai cot C Sunday. Cso es laertr l lt anada Spare the children freun suffering from worms by using Millers Worm Powders, a most effective vermifuge with wbîch te combat these insidious fees et the yeung and helpleas. It us an excellent worm destroyer, and when its qualities become known in a heusehold ne other will he used The medicine acts by itself, requiring no purgative te assiat it, and o thor- oughly that nothing more le desfred. Cernent sacks in their possession as in future nothing but paper sacks will be handled. J9ý A. HOLGATE & SON Builder,' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville fyGuaranteeing a Boys8 Education Nwefahers taeroytsplaes onmaur whsen thersmone mut be foundto mauar- whnethe cost omstool and ollage.An anfe yohae undeo s45 yads old, e.And i ifgouaelt, teren5umar loand limihated nthe r, iare Now M do ExmisoUin nRcqr, ad fo Mounts $2500 or under. Write for our interesting_ BooJlet for $1000 Age Raue 25-$38.75 30- 39.15 35- 39.70 40- 40.45 45- 41.70 EXCELSIOR INSURANCE LIFE CMPANY HIEAD OFFICE-EXCELSIOR LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO -MAIL THIS TO.DAYs 1 z: W. BLAKE MeMURTRV. District Agent, .% Send me fuli information about your "1CHILD'S EDUCATION Myaei.............. . .... ........... . .. . sih THE COLEMAN Stove l a modem up-to-l.- minute coolng unit. Ih bringe U t h. advantagee Il of cdty gaz service right into your home-no I maler were yu Va. Easy, economical and aife ta 3operate. Makes and barnasise own gas-no plping, D' o wlring, Do Installation expenée. Wlth the lmproved generator, the Coleman le ready wlth full cooldng hast in a minute or lesi Producez a clamer cooklng fire-no oal on utensils. QuicheT croking action-boils half a gallon of water in 4j minutes, You have a steudWe coolng blaze --instantly regulated. Uses any good grade of regular motor gaslUne sfuel. Yos now have your cholce of many new and attractive modela with aniwithoutoves anld wmilg cablinet&. An reaaolnably prlced. Let your dealer demonstrate Coleman Stovea. If ho leafot supplled, write us. Addrme Dept. nsiO THE OLEMAN 1-AMP & STOVB CO., 14d. ____ý St. Esut admaes Av*. Coleman GAS PRESSURE STOVES How far wil your car Io hefore the miles beçlin to t«l? A LMOST any car will give you atifactory resulta for the £ýfirsî 10,000 miles or go. But if you want the saine fine service on through the second, third and many following teas of thousand of miles, boy a XcLaughlin-Buick I Accurate testa at the great Proving Ground of General Motors, where ail cars are driven and examined. show McLaughlin-Buîck's sturdy construction and powerful Valve- in-Hcad Engins atill gaining in efficiency at the point la miles where other cars are distinctly on the down grade. It ia the care ln McLaughlin-Buick deslgn-lhe tests at th. Proving Ground to bc sure a suggested change is right-the search for better and more durable performance conatantiy carried on-which are responsible. Enornieus volume and its savinga make possible thia ezteS nive research and McLaugblin-Buick's auperior construction. McLaughlin-Buick cars are built for big mileage on their apeedometers-for greater satisfaction ta thel.r owners. Buy one for yeara of exceptional service. MS-199e CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO., Bowmanville Ont. MÇ-LAUG N-BUICK rnoDucT . ouNa51i&& - Na mass 1 tes 1 iciiiniiiailln leMe 1 - 1 liki?, rI r e 1- Ir