PAGE EIGHT THlE CANAIJIAN STATESMAN, ZIOWMKANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th., 1927 Ladies' Fine Fabric Coats SPRING'S NEWEST FASHION FEATURES These coats express their Easter andi Spring- time smartness in tuckings, seamings and diag- onal line icleas. Many are clever reproductions of imported models suggesting the littie trimming diff erences that make them distinctivie. In fine Poiret Twill and French Charmeen, with short fiat shawl collars and narrow edgings in fiank squirrel, genuine squirrel, American broadtail, mole, French Monkey fur. Springtime shades are shown in their smartest variations, in- cluding chic black Coats with facings and bows of ribbon. TAILORED COATS FROM $18-00 TO $25.00 DRESS NAVY BLUE COATS $18, $25, $35 sa NEW EASTER MILLINERY More charming new Hats arrived this week -snug and chic with clever crowns and intricately cut narrow brims, while others suggest broader brims. Stylish hats neyer sold at such reasonable prices $3.95, $495 TO $10.00 S.0 W. MASON & SON Dry Gooda, Ready-to-wear, Millinery Phone 106 Bownxanville Choose Your Easter Outfit at Dillick's Sale A rnost compiete stock of Men'a and Women'u Wear, Dry Goods and Footwear. EVERY PURCHASE MEANS A SAVING Men's and Young Men's EasterBos Eatr Ted Sts Suits, featuring the newest Bicey'madern Tlwedi matr- styles, colors and patterns, jis ,twomaei blloom, - single and double breasted, astopiblme, ON SALE $11.95 TO $17.50 ON SALE $5.95, $695 Men's Spring Caps, al iatest patterns and colors, Sale $1.29, $1.69 Men's Khakj Heavy Drill Work Shirts, On Sale........... 98c Men's Tweed Work Pants, On Sale..................... $1.89 Men's Lisle Socks, patterned, On Sale.................... 39e Men's Oxfords, Black or Brown, On Sale ............... $3.69 Men's Military Work Boots with outside counter, On Sale $3.89 Misses' Patent Strap Shoes, size 11-2, On Sale........... $1.98 Women's Silk Hose, Silk to hem ,all new shades, On Sale . . .. 69c Women's Patent Strap Shoes, severai styles, ...On Sale $2.49, $2.98, $3.49 See our Blonde, Blush and Cherry Trimmed Shoes, at ve-ry low prices. 0F COURSE AT A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville WhenYou Need Il~EDIr n rr T, . t ri c -.-1 PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. 'I a' 'I I Baker 'i H. S. BRITTON, & Grocer Newca.stle 7--7-77f ,/11"7f / ff l Consider Wha a Roof bas Io do - Toronto Asphait Roofing By practical (-xpelience and use has been named "The Roof of Permanence". JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& Phono 153 Bownianville The Newvvcasýtle Iridepgenidert THRSDAY. APRIL i4th..1927 NEWCASTLE Councillor J. H. Jose has coin- nenced seeding and several other farmers are gradually getting on thc land. Mr. an(l Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and Mr. Jerry Breen and party, Toronto, %vere weekend visitors with the Misses Breen. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson and family, Oshawa, were weekend visit- ors at his father's, Councilior J. H. Gibson. Mr. Ceorge Gaines, Chairman of the Property Committee, B3oard of Education, has been on the sick list the past week. United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor. Easter Sunday, April 17- il a. m.-Morning worship. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. m.- Evening Service Choir practice this (Thursday) evening. Special music by choir at both Sixnday ser- vices. Soloist, Miss Grace Bragg, Toronto. A large shipinent of white fish f ry arrived at the C. N. R. Station froin the Belleville Fisheries last Monday. The littie fishes, thousands of them in the cans, were in charge of a gov- ernment fishery man w.ho deposited them in the lake outside the harbor with the assistance of Mr. J. Bentz and hiz motor boat. Newcastle dramatists presented their play "Deacon Dubbs" to a full bouse at Salem on Monday evening. Owing to the regrettable iliness of Miss Hazel Barrie "Trixie", Miss Minnie Pearce acted as an emer- gency substitute. After the play the Saem people generousiy servec lunch to the Newcastle players anc singers and to the whole audience as weii. St. George's Cburch, Rev. E. R. James, Rector. Holy Week ser- vices: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day, April 12, 13, 14 at 7.30 p. m. Good Friday-10.30 a. m. and 7.3M p. m. Good Friday Offertory or Jewlsh Missions. Easter Sunday, April 17th-8 a. mn. and ila.n. Holy Communion. 2.30 p. m.-Sn day School 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. Speciai inusic by choir under direct- ion of Dr. R. L. Wright. The community sympathizes with Mr. John Cunningham and Mis. dl .Oin.. . ins.. ii. benett as eLufL- CARD 0F THANKS turned fron visiting her son, Mr. W._____ Bennett and famiily, also Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce join Mrs. D. J. Galbraith in Toronto.. . with their son Albert in extending Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Harris and Ray their sincerest thanks to Mrs. Smyth, and Mrs. McMullen, Toronto, visited Miss Rundie and the nurses of Bow- at Mr. W. J. S. Rickard's. . : »Miss manvilie Hospital for their kindness Zetta Anderson, Wbitby Hospital, i" to hlm during bis two weeks' stay in spending a short vacation at home. the bospital foiiowing his operation. Tbey also wish to tbank the many kind friends who visited hum during SOLINA that time and brought or sent fruit and other delicacies; also the W. M. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and S. and the Mission Band of the New- baby Murray, Mr. Bill Rogers, Bow- castl, United Church and others who manvilie, were weekend guests at sent hin cheering messages, and his Deputy-Reeve Wiliams'. .Mr. and fellow pupils of Principal Rodger's Mrs. W. T. Taylor spent a few days roomn of the Newcastle Publie Scbool at Mr. Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock. who purchased and set hlm a lovelyl ...Mr. Jack Reynoids bas rented new book. They wish to express the bouse owned by Mr N. E. Wright. their appreciation too, of tbe beauti- ...Easter services wili be beld at fui flowers, Carnations, Marigolds, Eldad next Suiiday. Speciai music Tulips and Sweet Peas provided for by tbe choir._Mr. Alan Bàlson, his room by Stanley and Garnet Biackstock, spent tbe weekend at Rickard, Jack Hare, Misses Annie At- home ...League meeting Monday kinson and Marlon Baskerville and evening was in charge of Mr. Harold the Ladies' Aid of the Newcastle Un- Pascoe. Bible lesson was read bY ited Cburcb. Tbey wish to take this Mr. Ernest Hockaday; piano solo, means, too, of gratefuliy acknowiedg- Mrs. Isaac Hardy; Devotionai, Mrs. îng the many little kindnesses of Elgin Taylor; Topie was weil taken numerous friends expressed in var- by Mrs. A. J. Balson. Our League bous other ways. expects to visit Maple Grove League on Wednesday evening, April 27th. Keep informed by r>eading mer-, chants' advts each week. WEDDING Superior styles and values in Lad- _____ies ' Spring Coats at Couch, Johnston Scott-Stewart & Cryderman's. 1 F rank i3one in thc recent death of their sister, the late Mrs. James Hearx, Montreal. Tbe renains were brougbt to Oshawa for burial Iast Wedncsday, April 6th. Deceased is survived hy ber husband and one daughter, Miss Gladys Heain, who have been frequent visitors to the Cunningbam and Bone homes during the summer seasons. Mrs. Bone spent several weeks witb ber sister in Montreai this winter and had been back oniy a week when she was cali-, cd down again owing to ber sister'si deatb. Mr. Cunningham and Mrs. Bone after attending the funcial ini Oshawa on Wednesday again tookth trip to Montreal. t1e DARLINCTON COUNCIL jTown Hall, Hampton, April 7, 1927. Regular meeting of Council was held this day witb members ail pres- cnt, Reeve Wight presiding. Minutes of las, meeting were read and approved. Jas. Curtis, S.A.O., gave report of bis work for montbs of January and February. Approved. Russell Perkins compiaincd as to excess of water held back on bis pro- perty at south baif of Lot 24, Con. 4. Council decided to look into cause of complaint. jThos. Stevenson appeared before Council in connection witb tile drains emptying fron bis property intc, ditcb on nortb side of road at Lot 19, Con. 7, wbicb were said to, bave dam- aged the road. Clerk was requested to write Mr. Stevenson to the effeet that he migbt have the option of cither lcavin.g drain on side of the rond as at presenit and assume ail re- sponsihiîity for any damages done,I, or that be change the course of hiqý ditches so as to, empty tile drain drainage in a way as not to allow water to reach the roadway. By-iaw wvas passed appointing A. W. Annis as sheep inspector in place of Harold Skinner, resigned; aiso By-iaw for comfirming hy-lav fort combining the offices of Cierk and T reastirer and for paynient of saPir 'v for same quarteriy dating from Jan- Iuary 1, 1927. Treasurer acknowiedged receipt of $7.0 foinWalter Park for damagest te sheep i)y a (log said te bave l)e(n iowned lv hini; $1 0.001froni Ilvretîrt a.lfor wiiiow trees on readside;. $1 2G0.77 frîmi..L T. 1'ascov, taxes I9260;$6.00 frem ('yrii Mumford, rent ofrend I12.5, 1926 andl 1927; anu S'27t freni Jamei(s Pline" for -ihare of damiages te sbeep aliegeul to have leen caused by a dog beienging tîî bimn. (rder: ere dlrawn on Trea,,urer: . 1*Snuxîlen, gavl192--)..î 1. 5 lRoad et. salary and offliuî eX lenses ..................;. 1i it;el supt , inaclîinery anrd rpi...................7.:1 iRcîd Suit, renîl îiiit<itoe< iç-,2 S7. 7,<) I Itry & Level, dinfct nts, LI1 . efol................11.) W. i). Afin, .;>i.rv te April i 175.0 lil i ugus'en, M. fi., (are of Nb ... Aaeîs ............5.00 i C has Pslarher, refund crer in <ieg i........................00)) F XUîrîl I, i iiJtetc 11.75> N. iF. n cuhan ost of i aî.îîaîs tfaxes ilnOn- tai PlIIealark lots, 192-5 1 'ý. 57 Nole.INfe tcalf, adv. 1T. S., S.S.Neo. O..............100.00 .Sî i il 1 ujr, adiv. T. S., S. S. No. 1iO.............100.00 A il hu Millsîn, adv. T. S. S. S.No. 14............. 100.00 J. J. Smith, adv. T. S., S. S.No. 19............ 100.00 F. C. Sbcrtridge, adv. T. S., S. S. No. 20............. 125.00 Counicil atljourned to Saturday, Ma ,1927, at the bour of 1 o'clock W.y7 R. Affin, Township Clerk. LAKE SHORE, CLARKE NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Easter report of S. S. No. 2, Lake COGEAINA1ETN Shore, Clarke:Jon It required the whole Sunday Sr. IV Bella Wilson 73, Jh School auditorium, the young men's, Hendry 73, Jack Holmes 68, Billy1class rooms, and a considerabie por- Rowland 67. tion of the gaiiery to accommodate Jr. IV-Annabeiie Hendry 73. ail those who attended the annual Sr. III-Manson Souch .52. congregational meeting of the United Church on Wednesday evening iast. Jr. III-Rutb Holmes 57, Olive The numbers present of ail ages in-I Jaynes 50. idicated the very keen and generali II-Aiex. Hendry 62, Myrtie Allun1interest taken in the work of the. 41, Neta Alihn 30. church and ail its departments by the] I--Jobn Mitchell, Alian Clark. mnembers and adberents of the church.1 Pr.-Floyd Powell, Morice Pow- Practicaiiy every phase of the year'si ell, Jean Holmes. activities \ývas presented in turn ini interesting and concise form by var-' Theraa McNeiI, teacher. ious Board, Department and Society officiais, and putting theni ail toget- her, the rank and file got a splendid OBITUARY conception, a cîcar mental picture as A. A Lochar, Netonvlle it were, of what a thriving, progres-1 A. A Lochar, Netonvlle sive, vigorous institution, mcntaliyl After a short iiincss, Mr. Adna AI- and spiritually aiert, is the Newcastle bert Lockhart of Clarke Township, United Church under the pastoral passed pcacefuily into the Great Be- charge of Rev. E. B. Cooke. The! yond Monday morning, April 1lth,l meeting and the full prograin were at the home of bis brother, Mr. pianned and arrangcd by the foliow-1 Arthur J. Lockbart, Clarke. ing committee-Mr. J. W. Bradley, The late Mr. Lockhart bad been Chairman, Messrs. Geo. P. Rickard, aiiing about a week. Deceased was Thos. Moffat, Miss D'rummond, Mes- in his 73rd year and was born in dames E B. Cooke and J. R. Fisher, Clarke and had lived there practicailI and they are to be congratuiated on ly ail his life, being a farmner by oc- the splendid success of their efforts. cupation. Left to mourn his ioss is Mr. Bradley, as chairman of the one sister, Mrs. Fred Lowe, of committee, responsible, opened the' Charles City, Iowa, and one brother, meeting and gave a fine introductoryf Mr. A. J. Lockhart of Clarke. and explanatory address and then1 Internent took place at Newton- rlodestly turned over the control of ville Cemetery on Wcdnesday after- the prograrn to foliow to the pastor, noon. Rev. E. B. Cooke. Mr. John Doug-, las, Local Church Treasurer, report- ed total receiipts of $3031.76 and an SHAW'S expenditure of $2697.00, Ieaving a Miss Elsie Crago, South Darling- balance on hand of $234.76. ton, is visiting her uncies, Mr. J. Mr. J. E. W. Philp ,Treasurer of Osborne and Mr. George [ane. ..-Maintenance and Extension Fund, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Riekard were reported receipts of $1322.11 of among the guests at the C.G.I.T. which $1316.00 had been remitted banquet in Bowmanviile on Wednes- to the General Treasurer. Mr. rlay evening. ... Mrs. Sidney Venton Pbilp urged a more general and sy and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Downs stematic use of the Maintenance and came down from Oshawa on Tuesday Extension Fund end of the duplex~ evening to be present at the farewell envelope. ceîebration for Mr. and Mrs. Irwin A pretty wcdding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Tyrone, at bigh noon on Saturday, April 9th, 1927, when Florence Mary, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WiIlis Stewart, was united in marriage witb Ronald Bruce Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scott, Tyrone. To the wedding music piayed by Miss Helen Brown of Peterborough, the bride entered tbe drawing-room witb ber father. Streamers of pink and white entwined witb smilax adorned the large window before which the ccremony was performed by R'-,. J. R. Trumpour of Tyrone. The bride was becomingly gowned in a drcss of beige canton crepe with smocking at girdle and wrist. She carricd a ""ouquet of ophelia ruses and maiden-bair fern. Beautiful bouse plants and carna- tions in red andi pink madIe colortul spots in the (lecorative scbeme of the rooms. At a flower-adorned table, over wvhicb hung the large white weduling i)eil anI trom wbich eunerzed pink and wbite streamiers, %vas served a dainty luncheen. The bride's travelling d ress %vas of raisin-colored silk, witb smiall beige bat and fur roat. Amidst geî,d wisiles îîf guests, laniîng wbîîiu'xere friends frein Tor- eontî, ieîrîeg,(eîui~ andI Cnrtretîîn, thb, bridai couple lefIt for a trip, .ineluliîng Toronto ani Niagara Falls. ALL RINGS now in stock, and every other article in the store considered Jewelry Wili be soid in our Final Clearance Sale at EXA CTLY HALF PRICE It will be many a day bef ore such values wiil be available again. Alex. Elliot Jewcler, Bowmanvile O NLY Chevrolet-world's Iargest builder of gcar-shift automobiles-could pro- duce sucli a car as the 'Most Beatîtiful Chcvrolet in Chievrîdet Historv -înîid inuro- duce suîch sîîî,spirited p) such lîe.uty oif He, such eviîlenî diiincriîîn. suc h unî.,ÀleîIqtu;:iy in a car at any- wlere nceîr (* hîv\i- 1, t pri& e. Only (iîe\rt, ., -il tus ermîîrnus purchasing and ni.tnu fatc 1,1 lu) g CIîO 11~ cî ulIcicombine the leauuîv. 11w îîiaiity, the distinction andi the performance of tbce Most Beautiful Banner Qats For. Sale These are Peace River Oats grown by my father, R. H. Carveth, Grande Prairie, Alta. They Are Government Tested: Test No. 46-9594 Graded No. 1 Not a Wiid Oat in test Germinated 9417c Weigh 44 lbs. Plant the best for satisfactory retLurns. Price 95c Bushel At Newcastle C. R. CAR VETH i 'I Chartran 's Easter Suits AND Ove rcoats $12.50 TO $35.00 This is the place to corne if you want to save money S. G, CHARTRAN PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE E aster SaleI NOW ON AT Rosner's Dry Goods Exchange King St W. Phone 276 Bowmanville Ail kinds of Ladies', Men's, Boys' and Child- ren's Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and yard goods at the lowest of prices are available here. Corne and look the prices over and you will convince yourself that they are marked down as low as pos- sible. N. B.-A new assortment of Ladies' from $2.50 up and SiIk Stockings have just Hats comp Easter Gifts Stili Giving p 'i Chevrolet, at such phenomenafly low prices -the lowest prices for which Chevolet bas ever been soJd in Canada. NEW I.OWER PRICES Roadster . $65 5.00 Coach Tî,uring - $655.00 Sedan Coupe. $780.00 Cabrioet I undju Scdan................... Iteidst(,t1 I ivcry . . . Ltîiliîy LExpress Claussis----- $760.00 $86 5.00 $890.00 $9 30.10 $655.00 $.190.00 e645.00O Prices al Factory, Osi,"wî --Govertimcil Taxes Ext r,,ý CF-3516 ulChevrolet evrolet Historq PRODUCT of GLNERAL MOTORS ni CANADA, LUTD DEALERS FOR CHEVROLET & OAKLAND ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Sub Dealer, End Garae. Bowma>yil.e Only Chevrolet Could 2222M li