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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. APRIL 2lst.. 1927 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTIL Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipmient in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. 283. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College 'if Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ite brarnches. Office-King St., Bowranville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bovwmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor te lat. D. B. Simnpson, LC. Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Monoy to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD. B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for aale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phcnes: Office 102, Rouie 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS CompletMORoIorCO. F. F. MORS CO. Horse Equipment Ail ca l promptly Private Ambulance Boewmanville phone 10 and 34 Branch Stores Orono & Newcaatle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calls given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ,ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medaliat of Trinity University, Toronto. Four yeare attending Phy- uilan and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. XV. SLEMON. M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, forînerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowrnanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR.' F. -. TICHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs proznptly attended ta. Office: King St. East, Bawmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honar Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and caroful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. 2 AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and Bouse Sales a Specialty.r Ternis moderate. Enniakillen P. O.t Phono 197r3. 1-tf.i CHIROPRÀCTIC AND DRUGLESS TKEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honiir graduate of Toronto Collogo of Chiropractie will be in the B o-w- manvillo Office Tuesday, Thn.nsday1 and Saturday evonings, phono 141J. Residontial calla made during fore-, noons. - -1ý Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN In Bowmanville on Wedinesdays Studio at Trlnity United ('hureli Toronto Address: 220 Yonge Street. Innuire at Statesman Offl ce THE EDITOR TALKS FACTS FOR ORCHARDISTS CANADA'S DIAMOND JUBILEE 0f late letters coming from the Questions and Answers Regarding Preliminary organization work for republic te the scuth of Canada bear The Contrai of Apple Aphids Bowmanville's celebration of Can )n the cancellation imprint on the d' Dino Jblehs en envelci)e the slogan "Let's Go- Some cf the questions which are startcd. Various suggestions have Citizens' Military Training Camp-.1 comonly asked by Ontario fruit grow- been made as te how our Dominion's, Thinking Canýdians miay be curbcusi crs rcgarding the control of apple birthd ay should be celebratcd. The t) kaow;% the sigaificance cf this calli aphida are answered hercwith: committee in charge would, doubt- of the U. S. Goveromnent we shal laa3 ubitngi . less, welcome furthcr ideas that are give Statesmnan readers sinie pai - pi ied just'before the buds burst asî suitables acde workablc. Wthtcve CUIZIIrSfrîni literature sent us ')y1effective as nicotine s*îpate-fmatueres abred îleci the upon itshof Re V ar-ren Jamies cf Cleveandsulimte-1m be remembrthethat th purpose o whe urpsesaîtndig uc ~~f ' lie siphr? t te peset tme uch a celebration is net simply te wh upssatndn h .M .there is no vcry definite information )cdesotadthrntti- Camip this suinier at Fort Befjam: eadn h au flurctn ii1;)oie pr n te neti in Harrison, Il miles north east (ofrgrigtevleo urcta i ment, but te focus the minds of thc Indianapolis, Indiana. fremi June 20 sprays for the coatrol cf apple ap- people upon the day of Cenfedera- to uly19 T ) i nst s abeutiul hids, an(l in view of this, fruit grow-i tien and somte cf the outstanding mocdern ariny home. built of brick and, ers would be well advised to con- events and steps cf progress in thel stene and i the second roltrýtinue 10 use the nicotine-lime sul-! it er fhscy hssirn reservation in t1he state of Indanaihu ixue our patriotic pride and inspiring us te beur the naine cf that illustriousi ln applying the delayed dormiant! te ncw endeavors fer this magnificent olii Hoosier siidier-statesnian fan,-, aphis spray, is it necessary to cein-I yîung country cf which we are se ilv and bas heen the host to tîvo 1îlete the sprayiag of the troc? Iti fortunate as te be citizeas. Dealing highly successful C. 'M. T. Camips.1 is. Each tree should be sprayed -with this point the Righît Hon. George We are net aware that this Domin-' from ail angles i)efore passiag on te P. Graham, Chairman of the nation- ion has aay geveramieat supported' the ncxt, in order to coat thorough- ai committee, says:-"la every pro- erganization similar te the U. S. ý ly aIl parts o fthe buds. If only the gramme there shculd bo a clear, Citizens' Nlilitary Training Camps.' windward skIe of the tree is sprayed, strcng dominant acte cf patriotism High and Public School Cadets and most of the aphida on the leewardj that will inspire confidence in, love Boy Scouts are the only ones ap.-,ide of the three will be missed. for and devotion te cur country. Ani proachiag this U. S. organizatien. Is it advisable to add nicotine sul- impression should be left on the * * * phate to the delayed dormant spray inds and in the hearta of aIl who A prospectus gives these particu- in aIl apple orchards? The only caîl Canada home that will tend to lars of the 30 camps for youth of thel answer we can give to this is to ad- quicken the national soul and ea- U. S. It says after the introduc-! vise growers to be guided by the fol-1 courage the dcvelopmeat of a robust, tio: Te itien' MlitryTran-lowing recommeadations: self-reliant, national spirit without iag amp aftr sx sucetafulTran-I ol hich n country cai attain real ing amp aftr sx sucesfulyears1 - (1) Ia the case of young trees, d rans" in the training of young men in the, not use nicotine sulphate, unlessgrans" duties of American citizeaship and, black, shiny aphid eggs are present equipping them with strongen bod- in conspicuous aumbers on the wood. AOHRFR ies and more aIent miada te ýface (2) In the case of large trees, add AOHRFR life's problcms are planning to in- nicotine sulphate to the delayed dor- OUT OF BUSINESS crease thein value and their influence ý mant spray in ail orchards where thej Just one of the ncws items which during the summen of 1927. Ap-i rosy aphis (the aphid responsible for are appearing in papers quite too pnoximately 35,000 young mca, from the production of clusters of dwarf- oftea these days throtighout the aIl walks of if e, from the city aadi ed, deformed apples) is injurious in Dominion. And what is the the country, the achool and the shep moat seasoas. reason. There is only oae, and will be accommodated ia the campsj (3) In orchards where aphids are that is lack of loyalty to home in- this summer. Thirty days of train-1 destructive only occasionally, and stitutions and the lune of the flash- iag at the expense of the Govern- this applies to moat Ontario orchards, ing publicity of the large city es- mient, wholesome food, outdoor life,! it does net pay to use nicotine sul- tablishments. Many citizens, while expert medical and dental attentioa,1 uhate in the delayed dormant spray. eanning their wages and salaries comfortable clothing and free trans- How can summer outbreaks of the in one place, neventhelesascnd a potation te the camp and retura green apple aphis be controlled? If lange proportion of this money eut home are offered the young mea who. the green aphis appears in lange of the community for questionable qualify for these camps and the dc-' numbers and threatens to be destruc- bargains, thus depiviag such comn- mand for attendance this summer, tive duning the summen, the trecs,, munity of that much necessary began as fan back as last .August panticularly young trees, should be working capital. when the 1926 camps closed. spraycd with aicotine sulphate % * *1 pint and 2 Iba. soap ini 40 gallons of1 BUSINESS MEN Referring to the benefits conferred i waten, or with nicotine sulphate % DO THE SAME ispoida these .M .Camps intuain pint, 5 lbs. hydrated lime in 40 gal- They have local firma who are able is rovdedat hes caps n awide, Ions weak lime suiphun (1-50). In an edtosplthmwhal varity of subjects, fnom a study Of! making this application, it is essen- andi redy to spytefowitheaI the Constitution to radio, telegraphy,l tijal to hit the undensides of the i- tir rilremnsryecfor the telephoay, map-rcading and sketch- fested leaves with the spray, and this wim os etrieasn orexcsepathony ing, sanitation and hygiene as appliedi can be done most satisfactonily by wigel cose toexte this patron- to if e outdoors. The candidates, meana of roda and angle nozzîes. ato utsiupde iat cthus ahen wili leara te nianch and ride; shoot; In view of the fact that the green to buildofup distanmtites the pistols, rifles, field pieces and.lre apple aphis will thrive only on tender, sexense o fo thr he teney seacoast guns; walk with a a s rgenssuccteeforget that thismoney se i tertea gleam in their spîgifIsculn rwti s advsl sent eut might otherwise have been ther tes eys ad'onchards subjeet te green aphis in- îlargeîy retunned to them by those pride inchartering-bod ad omeul1 jury to check the production of sap-, with whom they should have left standing caatr nbd n ol py grewth by stopping cultivationi this business. Therefore, when Each day's activity has been planned earlien in the season. This should ia advance te provide a well bal-1 have the effeet te a greater or les anced program. There will bc juat extent, of checking the aphids. In- enough physical exercise, drilla andi cidentally, it should be mentioned games te keep the stnong, young bod- 1 that early cessation of cultivation is ies fit and young bramas alert so that in lime with the preserit trend of they may grasp the instruction more herticultural thought. readily, and with greater enthusiasm. Following valuable information is The moral ide of the young man's sent ta The Statesman by William A training will also receive due atten- Ross, Dominion Entomological 1gb- tion. Each camp will have its chap- oratery, Vineland Station, Ontario. laina who will functiori as pastors ini______ their home commun ities-visiting studenta in their tenta, lecturing up- The death of Mns. Valentina Gib- on inspiring topics and holding ne- son, wifîe of Mn. William R. Gibson, ligious services in the camp chapela. Rochester, N. Y., occurred Apnil 13, on the Sabbath. at Oshawa Genenal Hospital after a * *1 long ilînesa. The late Mrs. Gibson Naturally most parents are likely, whose maiden namne was Valentina te desire some insight into motives, Rice, was bora in Bowmanville, but of the government fer incurring so bas been living in Rochester with hier great expense annually for these husband, and only son, Russel. For miliîtary training camps, as we were.1l the past seven montha deceased had The authonities say they are lived in Oshawa. Mrs. Gibson was "Imoulders of men-essentiallyt a Methodist in religion. The funeral achools of citizenship" and t bat at-I was held Good Friday fnom the home' tendance at any of these camps doesi of ber sister, Mns. A. M. Jacobi, 63 not inîply any further obligation for; Drew Street, Oshawa. military service. The Governmenti is satisfied to train the applicant for ______ ____ ____ men inthecaue f ctiznshp. o'are only a few of the vaious and' be eligible to attend, candidates, delightful ways the aovernmentl muat be physically fit American citii makes sojourfi at camp the moat zens, on at least have taken out finst, pleasant thirty days of a young man's papers for naturalization, and be of: life. Since the C. M. T. C. were )r- good moral character. Age require-' ganizèd in 1921 it is reponted that monts arc: Basic-17 to 24, Red-I 150,000 young Ameicans have been 17 te 25, White-18 te 28, Blue-1 tnained ini them. 19 te 31. That is, a basic candidate _____________ must have a 17th irthday and mustl not have bis 24th birthday by thel time camp opens. A physical exam-1 ination, inoculaiton and vaccinationi against typhcicî, paratyphoid and 1 small pox, and a certifleate of good 1 moral character arc required before . on rolmont. zinc for Apnil xwrites thus interest-HuhFîetî nLhry Mg-I ingly cf a visit tii a C. NI. T. Camp1 last yoar:- Roveille! 5:30 a. m. on a cicar, crisîl day. The hugle's staccato0 notes ringr through pinc ,woO(sdsal Cu yo R1 ovr herufldwaters cf a beautil C ty ur B llfor ialancî sea. The sun. isinir in a clear skv across the lake, turns the Lo gD sa e dlLIa ks cf, the Green Mouintains to deeîî prîtie, edged with farnte pink2 As a business man if you Seventen hundred younz Anericans ask us to do so, we can stîr under four Miankets each.* Crim rbrnysowyuhwt .ýr_,eants, abettped hi'.'nappy yiiung poal.hwYUhwt cr<rlsbrave in their first stripes,, save quite a sum each l('al intc net, n. eads energo rnmonth on your Long Dis- frei tent flaps. Barked orders miix, % it.h laughs and s;houts. Tent flaps, tance business. A large andI ides roll up. The second bugle' nme fponnn im rail fincls puttees wo-run<I, lieds mîle have recently been sur- lilankets folded, company streets~, 7prdiscdl and delighited to po! ccd anidsepaond, in an wer te1 find the savings they could the bugle, 1,700 mii--wýh " W(re boys two weeks befî re ar rc,. rauke by following.( the re- fe.î. poinding rbvthmnicalv, t, the' comnmendlatîons of oui' ex- ici hab. * pt'rt inv(t;tigLitol-s. On(, nav forci somie conceptioîn of; the attractioins andl îihysîicatl n it te a'Yoîung oman %whuiuiý :1,as trbnii t a C". M. T. (Camp. and hasj a for f 1w grîtl tf ' IRiilit-, hiii.hïking, ;îlhîn.1 "tif 111I îîý ,and nuîneroiiu r hir iv r,,i- sill iiaiie th-l ir ti-i great port1ion if the cadlels tioiî- wiobe lft irtion u are <evted te frîenîllv ripelttion i all branchesî of sport. Base.bail li;mtl(hztll, trackl nîcets, swinming, fooîtball , lîîiog ,ai go teo mtke this iiuting a scujc.urn tii rementher a lifetime. L.eisurù time at camps are takcn care cf li mciv- - les, gantes, professional andl amateur! cntertaiam-ent. For use cf post cx-1 changes, mail service andi club, roomasi arc given. Silver, gold and bronze medais are given to winncns of var- ious branches of drilla and sport. Cash prizes also are offcred . These No matter i lat liteocf husi- ye. u iarac< iii, or he w h Iet oîu Iayý lie Ut pr*esetit a. iIîg îit,îgto Laçoe me cf crrex- ip r', ý ose îur bu > - odi \(ru a re ocrt. \%le hope ti,:Lt ni Se'os' a iîter.e.ts you iii iiicilt ', ill bctoi.. t /ic <e i iiif w ii l 5/ i e/oacan oaîpeinftncet for theic ui1ip(ie. HOME rIt takes a heap of livin' in a house to I make it home, nA heap of sun and shadder, and ye a ometimes have t' roam sAfore ye really 'preciate the things el ye lef' behind. An' hunger for them, aomehow, with el them allus on yer mind. rýIt don't make anv (lifi'erencc how 1 rich ye get t' be, fHowv ruch yer chairs and tables coat, D how great your luxury; -1It ain't home t' yc, though it he the c palace of a King, Until somiehow your scul is sort of wrapped round evcrything. Home ain't a place that gold can buy, s or get up inl a minute, tAfore it's home there's got to be some babies born, and then Right there ye 'vo got to bring them up t' women good, and men, And gradjerly, as time zocs on, ye find ye wounldn't part 7With anything they ever used- they'vc grown right in your heart, The nId high chair. the playthings, ton, the little shoes they wore, Ye hoard: and if they could ye'd keep the thum-marks on the door. Ye've got to weep to make it home, ye've got to sit and sigh, And watch beside a loved one's bed, and know that death is nigh, An' close the eyes of her that smiled, and leave her sweet voice dumb For these are scenes that grip the heart, an' when your tears are dried Ye find the home is dearer than it was, an' sanctified. An' tuggin' at ye always are the pleasant memories 0f her that was, and is no more--ye can't escape from these. Ye've got to sing and dance for years, ye ve got to romp and play, An' learn t' love the things ye have, byui'them each day. Even the roses round the door must blossom year by year, »Afore they 'corne a part of ye, sug- geatin' some one dear Who used to love 'em long ago, and trained 'em jes' to run The way they do, so's they would get the early morfia' sun. Ye've got t' love each brick an' stone,, from cellar up t' dome, It takes a heap of livin' in a bouse t' make it home. -Edgar A. Guest. in need of printed matter of any kind, whether fanmer, business man or professional man, always extend first consideration to your local newspaper-The Canadian Statesman. e l>is17ocrab ! Q UALITY New Star Car Features Re'l Seal "L"-hc-ad Continental Af otor Full Pressure Lubrication Morse Silent Chai,, Drive Therînostatie-alliy Contre/led Coolie g Systern WhIirla jil Aeeelera/:eî, I.eesnc!ji e- type Bfi, e Siiper-Sepisitit-e Steering COUl Rit ted Chassis Frame And 01/,,P Quality Features Na! ion-wide Service Facilities Saler Driving for Everybody Talk to the car owaers of todJay and sce how many of them are dependling on the sifety features of Firestone Gum-Dipped Bailoons!1 For Fircatone engineers have designed and buiît these big tires-with full appreciation of their reýsponsibility for the safety and comfort of that big army who use the moton car. With Firestone Balloons there is no skidding, sliïîing or slidin g. The tread is broad and scientifically designed to hold the road-on oily boulevard, slushy highway on frozen, rutted places. You will be delighted in the way the tread seema to iron out the road beneath you, giving fneedomn fromn joîts or jar. The Firestone proceas of Gum-Dipping adds so much strength and flexibility to these tires that you get much miore mileage and are relieved of annoying tire- troubles. The Firestone Dealer wilI flot only sec that you have these better tires but he will give you the betten service that goes with these tires. Ask himn to caîl and explain details. FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED HAMILTON - - ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR TI restonet PIRESTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Tires Are Sold In Oshawa and Bowmanville by JAMIESON & JAMIESON Tire Repairers and Vulcanizers 1~ Liý _____________ '-I - j VERY dollar in a New Star Car means 100 cents worth of value. Every hour means 60 minutes of comfort. Every mile means 5,280 feet Of satisfaction. The New Star Car is Canadian built and conforms to a standard of quality that is essential for Canadian weather and road conditions. Its re-sale value is higher than other motor cars for two reasons, firsi, because of a stable factory and sales policy; second, because the number of Star Car owners desiring to sell is proportionately smaller than that of any other auto- mobile in its class. Dirart Motors of Canada, Limited To,ronto, Canada IYhe* NEW * STAR* c ARt% FOURS i ESl r-' Aertstocrat t=e Lo w YPrzce ]ield De~ Exclusive Agents for the New Star Six and Four Cylinder cars, for Darlington and Whitby Townships 9 Bond St. W., THICKSON MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, APRIL 21st., 1927 Oshawa Phones: 533, 172 and 457 Bowmanville Phone: 419

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