£HE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. APRIL 21st.. 19ý27 PAGTHREZfli~ LOCAL AND OTHERWISE At the regular montbly meeting of Jerusaleni Lodge, A.F.&A.M. No. No. 31, on Apnil 13, Mn. E. J. Won- mington, P.D.D.G.M., Port Hope, gave a very interesting addres on ~ asonry. Cecil Greenfield, who has been iiandrnaster of Whitby Citizens' f,*nd for the past two years, bas tendered bis resignation, owing to other duties requining bis attention. Coasiderable progness was made by the band while Mn. Greeiifield was in charge, last faîl a senies of open air concerts in the Town Park beinî carried out. The band nectived several good engagements and a uni- forni fund was started with good ne- sults. Mr. Greenfield wjIl stili ne- tain an interest in the band wbicbh i believes is a fine asset to Witby.- Gazette & Chronicle. Cecil is a son of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Greenfield, Bowmanville. Delicious Steak In No Time One Day's Work WeIl done, medium or rare -steak "Today, ulth 1 gal- cooked savory brown and juicy! And lon of ailin ta yPsfe- quickly, too, on the Pre I. Soe tic,, sove, 1got theeretiASev breakfast, ae2 apple Yusimply turn the wick until yeUlow pies, 1 custard, 1 duck tipa 1!l/ haches high show above the Pe, 1 >astir, 4 sausage blue aiea. The intense beat pouns up rolls, 12 brin, jasas,I chocolale Cak", 1 ie# theu long chimney, covering the entine Padding; goi the ain~- surface of the pan or broiler. T'he steak nez, got I&t zapper and - hai soma od 14:. Row is evenly cookeci, delicioua and tender. mamy ca, cook'as ma"ch sxth 27 cewts linmy range wil/, cool or ,eood? No one ca», if 1 knowaaytbitgahogjt.' Mni. M. H., Elora, Oct. You cen cook anyehing ou a Pef.cdo. Seove. B. sure to Ume genuilue Perfection wicks only. Othans caum, trouble. Se.ethe lat.g Perfection niodelo, prîced from $9.00 te 0170.00. Ditributed in Canada by THEn SHIMT METAL PRODUCTS CO. OF' AM LiMdrIE MONTREAL TOXONTrO ViNNI]MzO EDMONTON VANCOUVER. CULOAT 87 PERFECTION Oit Cook Stoves ami Oven .1The RylBank of Canadat Bowmanvi.lle Branch ILR F. Aitchison, bMnager Choice Meats Fori Ail Occasions APPETIZING NOURISHING HEALTHFUL Delicious Beefs Choice Pork Young Lamb Hama and Bacon Whether you corne to our shop you are sure to get the kind of meat 1 iig for. our phone us you are look- Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowrnanville Phone 64 rophet could easily have foreseen the comîng Statesman and Minister f Militia ne the late great war. Even Ia straw shows w.hicb way tbe wind J. A. r1ULIAirE lows". Iules uple n beueof the deep and lasting im- Phone 153 or 202 pression niade upon niy mind that ay. No othen individual of Msy DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN? SALEM RECEIVI )y______ ______ in Dear Mr. James-If what 1 arn Report of S. S. No. 9, Darlington, , r about to write. is acceptable to you for Easter examinations: Congra 9 for insertion in your ever-popialar Jr. 1V-Helen McDonald 75, Les- were ext papler, The Statesman, well and good. lie Welsh 74. er, Roya' -If nlot consign the copy to your waste Sr. I-Marion Honey 82, Bill ru l6tb., - paper basket witbout hesitation. A, Cowling 68, Edng Sadler 65, Violet residents erecent occurrence whicb 1 will flotl Strutt 54, Doris Collacutt absent. birthday. lstop to relate takes me back in Jr. III-Lorne Foster 72, Bert more fan - thought te a circumstance which Fse 9 le tut6,Ade the city I trnspied n th vilageof y:e Cowling 58, Olive Morden 56, Ed- been pra iapproaching sixty years ago, and my. ao 8 HnyFacs'4. hr ai reason for recounting this incident, gar. Catori enr F7ncispahrenthav is the extraordinary courage, bravery, Sr. Il-eatrie Clatr 7 pieofaet and self-confidence of the man who Jor. lMri olaot67 ile ofage. figured se conspicuously in the event;' e 6 L. T. Savery, teacher. tillen ar an d the profundi impression madel arlleno upon rny mmnd as a mere lad, of the as hie is( transcendent superiority of man over PROVIDENCE In con every living thing that movetb upon er Mr. Sa the earth"; also for the purpose of Report of Easter examinations of his early recalling the fact to the memory of, -.N.5 Drigo. Nme nOeo thos wh winesed t wth yself 1 order of mnit. *....4enotes failure: members and are reading of The Statesman Jr. IV-Howard Wight, hon, Helen of the Gý and to those who heard it ait thel Smale, bon. OshawaE time. for it became known on everyl Sr. III-Jean Wight, hon, Leland over this side and ivas the special topic of con- Crago, Stuart Crago, Frank Woolner. an active versation for some time to corne. Jr. III-Maude Ruiter. revealed This is the circumstance: One sum- Sr. Il-Bessie Simpson, hon, Hugh built mar, mer afternoon during the holiday Sinale, hon, Alice Luxton, hon, Ruth wbich are season and .iust after the noon houri Fogg, Myrtle Ruiter, Beverley Fogg, years ago a number of men and boys incident-j *Wesley Luxton, *Ronald Crago, building4 ally gathered in front of Archie~ *Jack Crago. many yea Bingham's 'hntel-sbed, and as we Jr. 11-Aileen Wight, hion, Mild- ties te ce stoo(l cbatting the .one with the red Andrus. bas been other. a traveller îvitb an especiall1y Sr. I-Peter Woolner. sactions1 bandsome outfit and a big massive Jr. I-Marion Crago, Douglas real estait bull dog running along between the Wgh.connectioi bind wheels of his rig drove into the Wigh.-Ja al odnBri. te r shed. Tieing bis horses, hie ordered P.Ja al odnBri. te n the dog up into the seat he had just Eileen M. Souch, teacher. ed that lie left and theu-turned anound witb an Hoen. Jobi air wbicb said "There everytbing is COURTICE When hie sale". _____ trade the, Just ait that point Matthew Cole Easter report of S. S. No. 8, Dar- their lumi came acnoss the street froni bis own lington. Honors 75; Pass 60. materialr home and joined the company, wben Senior Room sucb as eî one of the number said to hm "Say, Mr. Sali Matt, don't you go near that dog overi' Sr.~ IV-Clare Courtice 79, Annie ene there or he'll eat you up". Theb'Wilkins 77, Archie Muir 74, Doug-j bouen stant and deliberate reply was, "Fini las Courtice 69, Norman Walter 67, osie jus not afraid of the dog"! Della Soper 51. sddjs Jr. IV--Jack Gay 78, Hazel Walte a niember Witb a good deal of swaggen in 75 Nora Adams 71, Walter Sboret for onet bis nianner and voice tbe traveller 71, Robert Courtice 67, Eva Court- Comsi said: -l'Il give you a ten dollar bill ie6.Twsi if you will go over and put your Sr. III-George Sbortt 79, Wilfrid e fsh hand on that rig anywbere". Brown 77, Alice Rizneck 73, Dora aiso inspec Where's your money" asked Mr. Rizneck 69, Bernice Gay 67, Elsie for a numl Cole? At once an X was placed in Courtice 62. Mr. Sal the bands of one wbo stood by, Jr. JII-Talbert; Gearing 80, Sadie ment to ai wben Mr. Cole pullinr bis pipe out Allin 74, Bruce Muir 60, Florence tory statii of bis anoutb and sboving it down in- Wilkins 60, Ross Balson 58. wbo were to bis pocket started toward the dog..E.Whmotecr. however,2 He looked the dog squarely in theC.E iamotchr pride of eyes ,talking to him ail the w>uile as Junior Room harniet to he advanced until in a moment or two bie not only placed bis band on .Sr. H1-Florence Courtice 78, El- a city of 2 the rig but on tbe dog's head and in aie Brock e4, Rosena Edgar 63, Mar- former. another moment bie bad bis anm ion Courtice 60, Edith Allin 40. around the dog's neck. Jr. II--June Walter 63, LeslieAT RM Receiving the ten dollars he im- Kinsman 50, Ella Baldwin 50, Hat-ATAM niediately bailed a butcher wbo bap- tie Snudden 45. pened to be driMýng by just then and I Class-Gladys Reynolds 90, Mar- 1 canrE buying a big cbunk of very cboice garet Gay 80, Ivan Cochrane 77, meat he fed it to the dog and it was Gordon Balson 74, Jean Gay 66, John buy a pou very evident to aIl wbo stood around Walter 63, Bernice Cochrane 63, Now your that as between the two, the dog Sandy Muir 63, William Cochrane 56, yoti don't and the traveller, tbe dog feltrngiRaymond Balson 40, Elmer Huggins remember on rings better than the traveller 40. o i o did. To use the language of the Sr. Pr.-Frances Reynolds 90, member w street the poor fellow "looked like Fred Adams 89, Dorotby Snudden cburcb ce' two cents". 88, Lawrence Courtice 79, Ethel when y'ou1 Howeer, ontrllin hislee Walter 72, Alex Konopaski 68, Theda tic.YI Ca as es h cold le sidteMr.l'gsTaylor 60, Herman Allun 58, Ernestte. Ic ase b ete oldbstanId toMr.Cole, Gearing 58. but it costi "Yu retb frs mn bve ever Jr. ýPr.-Blanche Taylor 75, ]ilto tell aboi met who bas dared to venture near Vace7,JnoVroe7,Gdy We are tht ig. Matthew Cole was, a very Welsb 50. Sevenal have niissed Big Store unusual nian in sevenal respects. examinations. Figures indicate per family usei The mention of this nanie sug- cent. can't spare gests another circumstance. About C. G. Nicholson, teacher. us writec this time or a littie laten Mr. Cole in- ______ anywbere. stalled a steani boiler and engine- selI and y< with whicb to run the saws, turning No Rest With Astbma. Astbma not satisfie lathe§ and other appliances in bis car- usually attacks ait nigbt, tbe one penten sbop, wben the outfit bad been 1tume when rest is needed most. Hence placed and everytbing was ready toi tbe loss of strengtb, the nervous de- THE CHEj start, an engineervame t(; hand to bility, the loss of fiesb and othen evils set the sanie agoing. This heîng theijwbicb must be expected unless relief first steam power in the village. orj is secured. Fortunately relief is With tbe anywbere round about, tbe engîne-i possible. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- the cheape nooni was sinîply packed with menitbma Remedy bas proved its merits sumed drir and boys aIl deeply concerned in 1tbrougb years of service. A trialdrnits what was going on.drn ti In due tirne the machine w~as run- Iwill surely convince you. good tea, ning like a dlock and everythsng! poîntnient seemed to bc al 0. K. wben, sud-.bvodhf vrgipdnea a denl, te eginen pend de he1Hujgbes did and this may be evidenc- safety valve wuth the result tbatl ed by the fact tbat the first recita- Ho there wvas a roar of escaping stearn' tion I gave after I was somewbat Ho that would be alrnost enougb, onelgonwsteoeIbadbmgv would tbink. to wake the dead and n and be.was my nuodel in tbe execu- aIl the buman scrambling this worldItion of the saine. And I but state We have properties In has ever witnessed in order to safe-I a trutb wben I say that tbnougb bis tion The ty that was the limit.1 life be correspondingly infiuenced are Borne e And of ail tbe rollicking, side- tbousands and possibly tens of thei. splitting laughter buman-kind know i thousands of persons besides. AlaspW ace ut anytbing about, that took place after: and everywbere, "No man livetb un- Six Roonix we aIl got outside and found oursel- 1to biniself ". with vîerand ves unburt. And the engineer!j Lest I sbould unduly trespaas on anld town Weil, if be's alive, l'Il bet be's laugb-: your valuable space, let me close by gargeand ing yet. i extending to you niy beartfelt sym- Solid bricl Let me cite another circurnstance pathy re your recent great loss in snap for son of those days ,one that features tbe'the deatb of your life companion and css home,1 beginings f a vry dstnguisbedi I sincerely beope that your healtb- may celition hall, career. It was an event thiat bas1 speedily improve and years be added righthingay been a fixed star in memory and a to your life that you niay still belp See oxir C, sort of dynamic in my life from then land bless tbe world. Truly yours, Ing or buyin until now. Tbe occasion in it'sf Thomas Brown. J. outcome furnisbes a very striking il-i Lindsay, April 15th., 1927. Insuranced lustration of the adage comnion among us, "the child (or youtb) isi the fatheraof te i ný",f-fothere is ES CONGRATULATIONS ON 79th BIRTHDAY -tulations and best wisbes tended to Mr. Harry SaIt- al Street, on Saturday, Ap- ,one of the city's best Iknown son the occasion of bis 79th 1. There is probabîy no miliar figure on the streets of than Mr. Salter vvho bas actically a lifelong resident ng corne to Oshawa witb bis s'ben be was but two years Mr. Salter is enjoying the bealth and present indica- cthat tbis esteerned resident )y many more such occasions celebrating today. iversation witb The Refonm- alter necalîed briefiy some of recollections 'of Oshawa. the incidents that be ne- distinctly was the building nank Trunk Railway tbru and the first train to rua road. That be bas played epart in Osbawa's growth ia by the fact that he bas my of the large buildings .e bene now. Twenty-five ,bc supenintended the ne-i of Oshawa barbon. For ira he confined bis activi- ontnacting and in late years iactive in real estate tran- being the second oldest te nian in the city. In Dn witb bis building activi- Salter incidentally mention- i superintended the enection n on the farm of the late n Dryden, at Brooklin. first started in the building y were obliged to make ber for bouses from the no facilities being available rnployed in the present day. ter mentioned the fact that came here be lived in a log- SCollege Hill and later ne- ýeast of Oshawa. He was ýof the town council and term Bat on the Waten in. While in Darlington )he was Secretary-Treasur- so section No. 8. He was cetor of sidewalks in Oshawa nber of years. iter did not cane to coni, any extent on Oshawa's bis-1 ,ng that there were others Sbetter able to do this. He, spoke witb a great deal of Osbawa's growth froni a )its present proportions of 20,000 -peope.-Oshawa Re- STRONG'S BIG STOREi ORONO remember when you could mnd of mixtures for loc. rgirl would shake you if bbring chocolatea. 1 can ,wben a dance was free. sts two dollars. I can ne- wben 75 per cent of the oIlection was coppera and dropped one into a wooden sune would hear theni rat- an remember a mighty lot s money in The Statesman Dut it. Ssbowing this week in this 9of ours everytbing any es, eatB or weara. If you ethe tume to conie and see or phone. We deliver We guarantee wbat we ,u get your money back if AETDRINK IN THE WORLD i exception of water, tea is est and most wideîy con- ink in the world. As a sgood when niade froni but is a terrible disap- if chçap, tea is used. ises Foir Sale on our list a splendid lot of IBowmanvillc for sour selec- tprices are right andl there extra specia.] offerings axnong t describe theni ail in the these two are an example: ed house on Church Si. tramne iah, furnace, electric Lightsi water, *aillIn good condition 1 maîl garden. PrIce below k hotîse. central location, a neone who wanla a real first- hardwood floors, heautiful -- 1aIl conveniences, garage and î'our heart can deaire. Pnice vhelow value. imrplete liat If you are thlnk- Ig a home. J. MASON & SON SReal Estate, Bowmanvf lie 1111K 1111K 11111F JIIIIIT 1IIIIEYIIHY~flhI?1flTF~ To be U's Good as McLauIjh1in - Buick" a car would need to have A Six-Cyinder Valve-iu-Head Engîme; AVgmasonlau Eugine-with all mountings of remiliassi ilendiaff rubber; A Triple-Seeled Engiue; A Vecuum-Cleaned Crnkcsse; Automaic Heat Contnol; Thennoetetic Contnol of water circulation i Seiled Châsis; Torque-Tube Drive; Auooeadc Lubrication of angine, universel joint aud fan hîbl One piace, I-beam Front AxIe; Cantilever Rear Springs; Flahan Body witb V.V. WindshkMl; Duco Finish; Tan-Plate Multiple Diac autcih; Controllabîc-Beani Headlightal Machanical 4-Wbael Brakesl Baanced Wheela. lCORBETT MOTOR SALES CO., Bowrnanville MÇLAUGHI qnt. -BUICK Wfi tiNTTaKAUJTOM0LS OI EatuILT M'LAUOHL!N.UICK WILL DIJLDIidaba biony SClark's or' Aybmn we&edBeans 'P» t2 ,21 S csrry a tlu]] line ofoilfWeil ayeuM&"o c snd lways .. " mBacon l!33 f SvouL e brands Si sny Of our Shtorecandawy t Mssi ale Leel 3c au s oticcable saving Matchges3l,23 Theniechndie ato Peeket Si,.. 19e doz. bxs. fresher We invite you b o wnRm ialZh stores at Four îeisure. Corn Syrup sl. 3 Nationeiiy Advertised Pahusolive Kellogg'& CornFlakes Zapmp. 210S.p3 ees S bredded Wbet 120 Vry's Dreakfast Pest Tomties 2 pkge. 210 C.c.a Y' 220 Quaker Corn Flakes 3 pa. 270tg22 Post9s BDan. >2 p4s.250 New Seasom's u..aeuas Pop Dran (KeU.gg'.) 2 fer 250 MlaplO SPuiref.iWheat 2 fer 29C 1Syrup- Driand uler 7 TeIfe Iranw1li mey y.. Dominion wlond Af terien.. male botte, bit 690 Discut -0b lb.. 4 lk. Sb. 3 Mb.Jar Taeteee si... Pure Orange Ts*teDfrn 07 9 c LMarmaladeC Fe d Travancore .g D.9L. ulà 59% 3 C. 10" S LUX MC c.37l.paucake ~~~~b Ve i.fb la s Pi Cmnte. 234 Ilour emcuan immuor l u 2 1 if .îb. p2s0 *l a c NN m m m lm M M Now, wbcn tbcir boys are young, man SeinRas wise fathers take out policies to mature fo antee the cost of school and college. And AU Rab. if you are uender 45 years old, ad lun 5$87 o od healtb, the prerniums are low and 25$87 lîtedrin number, and No Mediczel 30 39.15 Examination as Required for amounts 35- 39.70 $2500 or under. 40- 40.45 Write for our inicresting Bookket 45- 41.70 "Like Father, Like Son" INSRACELIFE _COMPANY HEAD OFFICE-XCLLSIOR LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO MAIL THIS TOPDAY I W. BLAKE MeMURTRY District Agent. l Fi UND" POLICY. oIDSEJCTO -ele 11 . fi.. 25____________-______ do Adnam-.._______________ ;pects te you prices on r jizz 1DAdlim IrilirbiLlim ,<et) c loth Canada kas in future handIed. & SON 1Fuel Bowmanv ille iâmUzièW i i i (ej i i i: e 11 11,.oi 1111* 111 (tri i i i rw i i i rai i i i -*i i i i ýe!d