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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1927, p. 4

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TEE CAU àD1AN BTATE8MAN, BVWMANVLLETHURSDAY. APRJL 21st., 192.7 Another Lot Sheli Rim Spectacles Many Dealers Get From $700 to $1000 For Thom Caîl and see themn. Ligbt weigbt witb gold filled metal lining, beavy dark frames, stylish Library glasses YOUR CHOICE $2.95 and $3.95 2 Qualified Optometrists Consultation Free Jury & Lovel Wben we test eyes it is done propenlyj It's Easy to Ri The one sure feed th, your chicks safely al t. the sheli to an early stur It will speed up the gro chicks as no other feed Every bit food. Let your g BLATCHFORD'S "BAR4N Order t( L. H.]1 Phone 304 Also for sale Incubator' Eggs and1 Thursday -Fr1 Spei A line of Young Mi Breasted Suits, Fancy I Worth a great deal mor above days at YOUNG MEN'S FA WORSTED SU1TS-ý This is one of the best uines we have ever shown, double and sing- le breasted models. New shades and pat- terns SELLING AT $25.00 Other makes from $15-00 TO $3500 TOP COATS In all the leading shades and colors from $14.50 TO $35.00 A Special Coat we are showing, worth $25.00, FOR $19-95 BOYS' Two and four piece sui- Union Make Men',c A line of heavy quality I Plain Blue and Black, Or MEN'S BROAD In White, Fawn, BI Phone ( T. B. GIL Opposite Bank 61 'in Bownianvi11le -Hospital. M -r-s. o aeu(rn IRobert Adams is visiting ber sister, Yuaeudrn ,CH RISTMrs. Welsb, in Bowmanville and uspending some time with ber daugh- k of Montreal ter, Mrq. Walters in the hospital ..» E P JW. R. Courtice during Easter boli- Opst esaesD days. TYRONE MAkPLE GROVE HAYDON Easter visitors: Miss Hazel Hodg- Easter Visitors: Miss Marjory Easter visitors: Mr. Lorenz ai son, Belleville, at home; Miss Ethel Stevens, Uxbridge, at home; Mr. Miss Mountjoy, Nestieton. Miss Rig Skinner, Toronto, wîth bier parents; and Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, at Slemon ,Bowmanville, at Mr. Thc an 'an Mr. H. G. Freeman's; Mr. and Mrs. Slemon's; Miss Dora Mountjoy, Os Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd adfi L. C. Snowden, Miss Mildred, Masteri awa, with her sister, Mrs. C. Garro ily, Bowmanville, with hier parents, Bob, spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beech, Po Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dudley;Mrs. Silas Beke'r's and Mr. A- L. Pascoe's, So- Hope, with Mr. A. Beecb; Mr. si Hoar, Misses Etheland Dorothy, Or- lina; Miss Laura Wickett, Toronto, Mrs. John Graham and two sor ono, and Mr. Harold Hoar and friend, spent the weekend witbh ler cousin, Kenneth and Milton, Campbellfor Toronto, Sundayed here; Miss Viola Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina; Mr. and at Mr. D. Graham's; Mr. Fred ai Shortt at home; Messrs. William and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, Port Dalhouixe, Miss Meta Ashton, Toronto, at M Wesley Little, Oshawa, with their Mrs. H. S. Freeman, Miss Chrissie H. Ashton's; Mr. Thomas Greer ai grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Little, Sr. j Freeman, Town, visited the former's Harold at home; Mr. and Mrs. N. Mrs. Glover, U.S.A., Mrs. LillicraP1 brother, H. G. Freeman on Sunday; Campbell, Oshawa, Mr. and M: and Miss Velma, Cannington, witb1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allun and son Ridge, daughter Margaret, 0shaw Mrs. Lionel Byam; Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon, Kingston Road, East, with at Mr. John Wrigbt's; Servie Reid Virtue and Miss Mabel Virtue, lber sister, Mrs. C. Hone; Mr. and Mrs were conducted by Rev. Mr. Trur Toronto, with Miss F. Virtue; Mr. John Sanders, Westmount, visited bis pour Sunday afternoon who gave Irving Clemens, Montreal, at home; brother, Mr. Sam Snowden on Tues-J fine Easter message. In the venir Mr. A. W. Clemens in Toronto; Mrs. day; Miss Hilda Foley, Toronto, atl a good congregation greeted Re Howard Findley, Unionville, witb lierj home; Mr. and Mrs. John Brick,i Geo. Mason of Bowmanville, wl parents; Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Find- daugbter Jean, Mrs. Macivoy, Mr. based his sermon on I Cor. 15: Vs ley and family at Mr. Edward Vir- and Mrs. J. 1- Rooke, Toronto, vis- Lives". The choir gave splend tue's; Mrs. A. E. Dudley and Marion ited at Mr. F. Swallow's; Mr. and Saster music. .League next Sundi in Bowmanville with ber mother, Mrs. N. I. Metcalf attended the fun- nigbt in charge of Miss M. Beecb. Mrs. Thorn; Miss Dorothy Walker eral of their cousin, Mr. Wm. J. spent the weekend witb Mrs. Storie Cory, Oshawa, on Saturday .... The and other friends; Miss M. Moore is annual congregational meeting was SOLINA visiting Miss F. Down, Centreton. held on Monday evening in the hall._____ Mr. Wesley Coucb, Bowmanville, A fairly good crowd was gathered Easter visitors: Mr. and Mrs.1 has been moved to the borne Of B and good reports from the different R. Taylor at Mr. E. C. Hoar's, Nei daugbter, Mrs. A. A. Hilîs. Miss organizations was thrown on the castle, and Mr. Wrightson Wight' Frances Crydarman, Bowmanville, isi screen beside a number of oral re-' Providence; Mr. Kenneth Frase in attendance, and Mrs. Albert ILlls ports ail of wbicb revealed eacb de-! Brooklin, with Mr. Alan McKessoc accompanied bim home. .. Mr. Dean partment in good bealtby conditionl Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, at honý Hodgson bas purchased a new truck. and keen interest sbown by the mem-j Mr. N. W. Reynolds, M. A., Toront ....Choir practice and Tuxis will bers .. . . Curcb service next Sunday- called on friends Good Friday; Mi meet on Friday ......... Our dramn- at 7 p. m., instead of 2.30 p. m. Russel Reynolds, Toronto, spez atic club gave "Placer Gold" to a Easter ait home; Mr. and Mrs. Rai splendid audience on Wednesday ey and family, Orono, at Mr. W.' evening .... .The play "Hoodoo" giv- NESTLETON Taylor's; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest La' en by Ebenezer Dramatic Club on 1 mer and' family, Blackstock, at Mi Tbursday evening was much ienjoyed.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin andj A J. Balson's; Mr. Wallace and Mi ...Cburcb service next Sundayl family, Enniskillen, visited bier s'- ee ace nilwt f evening. ter, Mrs. Stanley H. Malcolm o MrH oglen hPasce nfd, with. Msc _________________________Sunday.... Mr. and Mrs. Georgel Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett ,Bowmai Marlow, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.1 ville, at Mr. P. Walker's; Mr. an _______________________ IGeorge Martin, Sr., visîted Mr. Char- Ms L. T Pascoe, Hampton, at Mi les Marlow, Oshawa, recently. .Mrs. R J. McKessock's; Mr. and Mrs. Ha: AH.Veale is spending a few daysI vey Hardy at Mr. Frank Gilroy' intecity wtbh er daughter, Ruby,î Bowmanville; Miss Gertrude McMu and friends... .Mrs. John Veale isi len and Mr. James Spicer, Toroni aise Chicks on much irnproved after bier recent jil: Mr. and Mr.L. C.Snowden, Mil sor Public School Staff, is bolidaying T. Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. W.( S witb bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R- Werry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R.J C. Jackson. ..Mr. Henry Sbeffield Luke and Miss Florence, Mrs. W. wbo bas been around for a couple Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc of weeks bas returned to Detroit... Werry and baby William, Kedroi at il caryMiss Grace Gordon is spending vaca- Miss Olive and Mr. Bert Luke an ýat wil carrytion with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss 1, Wickett, Toronto, Mr. an hewyfrom James Gordon .... Mrs. Payne and Mrn. j.A. Werry, Enniskillen, M îe ayfamily, Toronto, were recent Vi5it.. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and famil ors witb ber brother, Mr. James Maple Grove, at A. L. Pascoe's;IV dy maturity. m Gordon .... Mr. J. Murray Emerson and Mrs Everett Hoar and son Cha )wt o >o~who bas been spending the winter lie, Dowmanville, at Mr. Harve Dwth o yourwitb bis daughter, Mrs. Wilton Cread, Hardy's; Mr. Joe Reynolds, Simco, can. Gravenhurst, returned home on Fri- Mr. Jim Reynolds, Toronto, at M~, Mr. and Mrs. Cread coming Jack Reynolds'; Mr. and Mrs. Doc witb tbem and returning on SundaY ald Yellowlees and family, Columbi . . .. Many of the cottagers from the at Mr. Walter Vice's; Messrs. M. Most economical. city spent the weekend in their cot- and N. S. B. James, Bowmanville,j g r tages along the lake front. .. .Maple Councillor A. L. Pascoe's; Mrs. S.1 Tain feed be syrup barvest is over with a fairly~ Werry, George and Wesley visitE succesfhl run .... Week evening Grandma Short, Courtice; Mr. ar IUN" CHICK SCRATCH meeting last Thursday was in charge Mrs. Jack Reynolds motored to To of George Black and a good and pro- onto Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Awc frmfitable meeting was held .... SnndaY and family, Toronto, Mrs. Walt ,day fo service in charge of Pastor Grffth, Langtnaid, Oshawa, at Mr. H.C when a returned missionary fromj Pascoe's; A number of our your China, Miss Coon, gave a good ad-, people met at the home of Mr. ar PLAKIN dress on conditions as she viewed, Mrs. J. J. Brown recently. Mi them there. The choir furnished goodj Chas. Sbortnidge was chosen chai Liberty St., Bowmanville Eatr musc...Mr.Frank Joblin man and called on Miss NoJra Wei ited bis aged father and mother. ý... At the proper'tlme Miss Ruth M~ Sand Brooders, Ilatching Mr. and Mn,. R. W. Philp are spend- Kessock and Mr. Howard Wonnaco Baby hicksing a few days witb bier brother, Dr. presented the bride-to-be, Miss Lu( Bab ChcksT. W. Manlow, Toronto... - Mr. and Brown, witb a pyrex pie plate ar Mrn. Davidson and family, Manvers, a casserole set in silver. Miss Brom -j spent Sunday witb ber parents, Mr.j rplied tbanking aIl for their ni and Mrs. Jos. Campbell ... . Miss Ellai gifts, after wbicb a social time wý Crawford, Toronto, wîtb bier parents,! enjoyed ..Mr. Harry Thornto Mr. and Mrs. Crawford.. . Your cor-, Janetville, bas been engaged 1 respondent extends sympathy t h teach Our scbool for the remnaindi senior Editor and family in their re-1 o h er r .J ces ia - a u d y cent bereavemnent.1 is stili confined to bis home .. .. Won day Sa urd y Wlso h he~en's Institute meeting in the churs COURTICE ed. Program consisted ofco munity singing, a paper by Mrs.ç Mr.andMrs WisonClewell and Williams on "The Stranger withi cial famly, uffaort oer theMr. and1 our Gates"; vocal solo, Mrs. Joh Mrs.Jams ShrttovertheEaster1 Baker; reading, Mrs. B. G. Steven bolidays ...Mr. and Mrs..Howardi May meeting will be beld at ti - -Flintoif spent a few days witb theini bome of MNrs. E. R. Taylor ... Ti daughter in Hamilton.. Mrs. Smith,j C.G.I.T. under the leadership of Mr .en's Navy Blue Double Barrie, was guest of Rev. and Mýrs.î John Baker bad a very successfi C. C. Washington recently.... Miss concert on Thursday evening. m~ Diamnd W ave atten, 1Lear, Oshawa, Sundayed with Mr. W. T. Taylor acted as chairman an re but selling special the and Mrs. A. J. Gay. ... Mr.Howard the progranconsisted ofchrs $22.50 EACHI ing bis fatber, Mr. W. E. Courtice R. Taylor, Miss Margaret Scott, M' during the bolidays... . Tbe annuaîj Chas. Shortnidge; vocal solo, Mrs ýNCY TWEEDS AND congregational meeting was beld ini John Baker; music, Miss Effa Ba the Sunday Scbool-room on Tuesday son, Zion; piano duet, Misses Hele Am SPECIAL AT $25.00 evening. A splendid supper was and Muriel Baker; piano solos, Mh served by the ladies after which the Margaret McKessock and MastE reports of aIl departments of churcb George Werry; piano trio, MissE work were put on the screen by Our Helen and Muriel Baker and Mai pastor, the Rev. C. C. Washington. garet McKessock; and a pantomin Comrnunity singing led by the pastor ",Rock of Ages" by six of the girls was ndulged in and some items of~ During the intermnission home-ma. lbusiness attended te. During thel candy was served.... .Cburcb servie evening vocal solos were sung by was well attended Easter Sunda: Mrs. G. F. Annis and Mrs. W. R. Rev. J. R. Rick preacbed an exce Courtice. Reports of our churchi lent sermon and the choir rendere work were most encouraging and ifi two anthenis very acceptably. anything on the increase from last Sjperior styles and values in L, year..On Saturday afternoon the îs pig(otsa ocJhs Mission Cirele beld their montbly & Crydrm -a'sa oc, o meeting at the home of Miss Hazell&Cyemns Run dle. The Pres ident, Mis s Annici_____________ S. S. NO. 13, DARLINGTON 1Report of Easter examinations for S. S. No. 13, Darlîngton: V Class-Kathleen Dudley 79, Ruth Farrell 75, Freddie Smith 75. Sr. IV-Laura Davey 75. Jr. IV-G-race Smith 63, Augustus Johnston 62, Agnes Hooey 62, Grace Farrell 62, Gladys Smitb 55. Sr. Il-Doris Dudley 76, Myrtie 1Hughes 65. Primer-Ivan Brown. Reva McGili, teacher. SOUTH DARLINGTON Report of S. S. 4, Darlington, Easter examinations: Sr. 1V-Norma Wade 85, Louise Courtice 84, Byron Worden 63, Gordon Vinson 58. Jr. IV-Selia Siblock 69, Marion Rorabeck 61. Sr. 11-Ada Annis, Evelyn Wade, Harold Osborne. Jr. 111--Jean Vinson, Glenn Pick- ell, Harry Worden. Sr. II-Donald Courtice, Sydney Worden, George Siblock. Jr. II-Doris Wade, Douglas Oke, Allan Vinson. Alan P. McKessock, teacher. ENNISKILLEN Report of the Easter examinations at S. S. No. 16, Darlington: Sr. 1V-Doris Griffin, Myrtle Brad- ley, Leona Bradley, Elma Dickinson, Harold Stevenson, Annie Oke. Sr. III-Naorni Virtue, Grace Wýerry, Joe Stevenson, Wilbur Dick- inson, Alice Ashton and Oswald Peth- ick equal, Howard Oke. Jr. LU1-Mona Dickinson, Helen Brunt, Gordon Stevens, Floyd Peth- ick, Lloyd Bruxit, Audrey Brunt. Sr. II-Marie Oke, Ruby Vîrtue, Bruce Ashton. Jr. II (a)-Bernice Stainton, Ruth Stevenson, Wilbur Stacey. (b)-Verna Pethick, Marion Gri- ifin, Clifford Pethick, Earl Bradley. Sr. 1-Dorothy Stacey, Muriel Kennedy. Primer-Albert Carter, John Oke, Lorne Bradley, Howard Petbick, Harold Ashton. MAPLE CGROVE Report of Easter exams of S. S No. 6, Darlington: Sr. IV-Ellen Gimblett, hion, Etel- ka Trimble, hon, William Laird, May Freeman, Vernon Trîmble. Jr. 1V-ElseSms oohStv ens. îî:t ooh tv Sr. II-BttySnowden, hon, Dav- id Bothwell, bon, George Jarvie, Al- fred Laird, Wîlfred Aldworth, Les- lie Alldread, Will Coyle, Lavonne Trimble. Jr. III-Nornan Bothwell, hon, Lloyd Metcalf, Whelsby Flint. Sr. II-Kenneth Flint, Douglas Bothwell. Jr. I1-Mildred Snowden, hon, Alex. Chobator. Sr. I to Jr. 11-Thelma Freeman, Helen Metcalf, Hazel Flint, Elsie Flint, Jean Stevens, Robert Both- well. Jr. I-Gordon Jarvie, Lyra Pree- man. Sr. Pr.-Bob Snowden, Albert Bothwell. Jr. Pr. (a)--Gordon Holbrook, Jean Jarvie . (b)-Nora Meredith. Miss A. G. Werry, teacher. music Miss Berniece Gilbank I arn prepared to give piano lessons to beginners. Term.a modierate. lOt ?, 1'. F., Darlington, Phone 111-6. 16-4w U. F. 0. NOTICE Providence Farmers' Club will meet at Shaw's School on Tuesday, April 26th. Programn consisting of the reports of the 0. E. A. Conven- tion in Toronto. Special music. 0. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, President. Secretary. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. S. B. Leggott wishes to tbank Mrs. Smyth and the nurses of Bow- manville Hû,spital, also Dr. C. W. Slemon for their kindness to Mrs. Leggott during her three weeks' stay in the Hospital following ber operation. He also wishes to thank the many friends who visited ber and brougbt fruit and fiowers. SHAW Schools ::r er::Toronto train on people for and aid them t euegood business positions. Enter any time. No vacations. Free caendar. Write W. R. Shaw, Regis. At housecleaning time you are always looking for ways of improving the appear- ance of your home. Beautifying the wind- ows may be done most economically by using Kirsch Curtain Rods. We have Arch Rods, Sash Rods, Bay Window Rods, Single, Double and Triple Rods, also brass tub- ing. Ask for bookiet on window drapings. ~r/itic Mdo1 Flat Curtain Rods WHAT HOUSE DOESN'T NEED NEW WINDOW SHADES? There are veî'y few. Our large assortment makes it possible for you to choose any size, shape or color, ine1uding shadow proof shades, PRICED FROM 80c TO $2.75 Onward Sliding Shoes save your floors and furnituî-e, ail sizes in stock from smallest to piano size. We recommend Stafford's Renol Furniture Polish as the best. We use it at ail times. 'F. F. Morris Co. Phone 10 The Home Furnishers Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle SUN WORTHY WALL PAPER Leaves No Patches Behind the Pictures Gone are the "patches"-Sunworthy paper leaves no marks. Gone the disappointment-Sunworthy's original beauty lasts indeflrritely. Now we have a POSITIVELY NON-FADING Wallpaper. Designs are colored exclusively for Staunton Cus- tomers-moderately priced-and procurable only from us ini Bowmanville. .uIE~~=:J imported hangings and our extensive range of semi-trimmed, made-in-Canada pap- )er roll. shop is small don't think we haven't the goods. We have a fine ass, apers ever shown- in Bowmanville. obligation to have us hang your paper when you buy it at our shop. sortment of tfie RITCHARD, PAINTER & DECORATOR rug Store Phone 489 Ru zumuivuie ~~~~~~1~ t Insurance Protection INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION AGAINST YOUR LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, BY ACCIDENT, BY ILL-HEALTH, BY DEATH This Protection can be provided for you by sou.nd representa- tive English and Canadian Companies in this Agency, at lowest possible rates to give you proper protection when you require it. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED TO-DAY? IF NOT, WHY NOT? If you have flot secured this prtection against Ioss, or are insufficiently protected, ACT NOW. Delays are sometimes dangerous, and simple every-day accidents , frequently occasion serious financial loss. Evening appointments made on request. This Agency represents, amongst others, the well-known SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, and THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- PAN-Y, both of whicb are favourably known in this vicinity. EDITH V. SCOBELL General Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bowmanville XVe Vi1I Gadly HeIp TO- MAKE YOUR HOME MORE ATTRACTIVE PAGE t Jcbowrnanville

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