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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1927, p. 5

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THE CA24ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, APRLIL 21st., 1927PAEIV A very pleasant evening was spent Mr. Harry Allin, the popular good on Thursday, April 14th., in the S. natured proprietor of the Corner 0.E. Hall, when Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grocery Store ,tells us he had a Bateman celebrated their silver wed- wonderful sale of Easter lles and9 ding anniversary Mr. W. J. Bragg cut flowers due to the effective pub- M.P.P., acted as chairman and ask- licity used in The Statesman. Thanloe ed Mr. and Mrs. Bateman to take, for the bouquet, Harry. the chairs placed in the front of the About 40 members of Jerusalemi room. During a program of songs, Lodge paid a fraternal visit to Acacia recitations, etc., Conipanion M. Clark Lodge, A.F.&A.M., in Toronto on read an address on behalf of the Coni- Monday evening, where they received panions of the Forest, Maple Leaf a hearty welcome by Worshipful Mas- CUÉircle No. 143 and Companion Mut. ter H. P. Phillips and officers and ton presented Mr. and Companion menibers, Second Degree was ex- Bateman 'with a silver casserole. Mr. emplified by Worshipful Master, R. King of Oshawa, then read> n ad- J. Gi and bis officers assisted G. dress on behalf of the Dai ghters Wor. Bros. T. A. Dustan, L. T. Mc- and Maids of England, Lodgt~ Dur- Laughlin and John Baker. Adjourned hami No. 28 and Fýiends and Sister to the banquet hall the usual Masonic Childs presented Brother and Sister toasts were given, those taking part[ Bateman with a silver bread tray; inciuded Coi. R. J. Gui, Dr. G. C. after which Mr. and Mrs. Bateman Bonnycastle, W. J. Bragg, M.P .P., made suitable replies and thanked John Baker, Col. L. T. McLaughlin one and ail for their generous gifts. and Thos. Annison. The entertain- Refreshxnents were served and the mnent was thoroughiy enjoyed par- happy evening came to a close with ticularly the lnoving pictures and the the singing of "God Save The King". slight of hand tricks by Edwin Bal- four. THIS SPACE WAS RESERVED FOR BROOKDALE NURSERIES But they advise us they are too busy filling orders to make up an advt. They inform us they have a real good assort- ment of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Perennials. They are also prepared to fil any number of window boxes and hanging baskets. STOP AND SHOP Coats For Spring TWEEDS, POIRET TWILL, TRICOTINE, SILK AND SATIN Lots of Navy and Black Poiret Twill Coats with light fur trimmings PRICED FROM $16.00 UP Tweeds in wonderful assortment of styles from $10.00 UP MI Gloves of SiIk and Kid, made in Paris just arrived Lovely new Scarfs in ail the newer patterns from $1.50 Pure Thread Silk Hosiery aV $1.19 and $1.50 PAIR SPECIAL DISPLAY Watch our Window Display in Cowan Block as well as "The Little Shoppe with the Large, Stock" C. S. MASON'S 'LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK' There Is A Martin-Senour Paint and Varnish Product 100% PURE PAINT: For Interior sud Exteriar Use. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT specially niade for inside floors. PORCH PAINT: For porch stops sud veraudab floors. NEW-TONE: Fiat ail paint for interior decamatian. MARTIN'S WHITE ENA- MEL: High-grade enaniel For every surface sud evemy pyurpose We want you to know, when thinking cf paints sud varnishes foar home decora- tions, that there is a Martin- Senour Produet fan every purpase you desîre. Below le listed sanie of the principal hunes. Ask us for color card or informa- tion about your particular requirements. MAUBLE-ITE FLOOR VAR- NISH: Made ta withstaud bard usage eubjected to floomi. FINEST INTERIOR VAR- NISH: Higb-grade vsmish for interior woodwork. OUTSIDE SPAR VARNISH For outaide womk, front doomi, porcb ceilings, etc. VARNOLEUM: Specially made for oiiciotb sud hino- QUMi. Dustan' s Cash Hardware WE SERVE YOU WELL BOWMANVILLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Edna Jewell is spending East-I er holidays with ber aunt, Mrs. J. W. 1 Jeweli, Bffalo, N. Y. Mrs. F. J. Horne was called to Montreal Sunday owing to serious ilînesa of a friend of the family. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reid and dau.ghter Kathleen, Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs.j Arthur Trimble. You'll thrill-you'll marvel-ti the greatest spectacle in years--"Tell it to the Marines" at Royal Theatre, April 25th and 26th. Several Bowmanville merchants re- port exceptional good business dur- ing Easter week. 0f course, they are all consistent auvertisers in The Statesman. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merrick, sons Albert and Junior, Buffalo, N. Y., Frank Merrick, Toronto, with Mr. J. T. Allen at Mr. Robert Nicholson's Silver Street. Mm. and Mmi. George Rahn i daughter Aileen, Shaws, Mr.à Mrs. Walter Cochrane and daughi Jean, Bownianville, Sundayed at1 W. H. Rshm's, Burketon. Members of Flamenco Nighting Lodge Na. 66, will attend div service at St. Andmew's Presbyter Church on Suuday, April 24th., il a. ni., when Rev. R. McDein will preach. Membemi of the local Boy Se Traap wha are always an the a] ta do the "daily good turn" were in full force one day lait w cleaning up the lawn at the Munici Park whicb surmounds the ,Soldii Monument. Rev. Dr. W. S. Pascoe who the past four yeami bas resided v and been cared for by Rev. snd h and Miss Spamgo slipped an Suni morning and broke bis hip. Pascoe is over 90 yeami of age bas enjayed remarkably good hies, Mmi. Chas. Scholl and childi Mary Katheiue and George Si boens of Charleston, Va., M. andh R. T. Stephens, Misses Carnie Ida Stephens, Bowmnanville, Mr. Mmi. George A . Stephens aud lM W. E. Pollard were guests of1 and Mrm. F. L. Squair on Monday Bowxnanville Women's Instit wiil boid the April meeting in S. (Y. E. Hall when the annuel bi day party will take place. AUl mi bers came and bing your frienda don't forget youm pocket books. meeting is in charge of Mrs. Jackman's goup. The pmog promises te bie good. So bie thei While building the addition Central Public c hool lait fal girls' play ground *as cousidemi cut up. These grounds arei being graded, teraced, levelledi sadded and shrubs planted an 5< aide of new building. Wheu ci pieted the school suroundings prosont a greatly impoved appg suce. The work is being doue dem the pemmnal direction of Mr. thur S. Baker, F.R.H.S. Eng., La scape Gardener sud Archîtect, wii I espansible for many of the bot fspots sud attractive outdaam raundings af nunieraus rosidencei Bawxnanville, Oshawa sud Oron( fFirestone Tires-niost miles dollar. Buy 'emn frani JaMiE Bras. Remember the concert in PRul's Lecture Rooni, Friday, A 29th. You'Il see a new Lou Chant ane you nover suspected-in onE the greatest oles hoe ever pîsye "Songeant O'Hara" at Royal Thea April 25 sud 26. AUCTION SALE 0F JEWELRY Saturday, April lth-I have rece instructions framn Mr. Alex. Eliiot, 1 nianville, to sei by public auction balance of hie Jewehry stock. 'Your chance ta buy jewelry, etc., St your price. Sale afternoon and ever Watch for mare- particulars next m F. . MASON, WM. MAVA Clerk. Auctiai ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Mm sud Mrs. H Sienion, Toronto, witb Mm. sud John Slemon; Mrs. Stainton sud Johnson, Toronto, visiting t niother, Mrs. John Pye; Miss GlI Stainton, Town, with ber par( Mm, sud Mmi. Staintan; Misses Ge sud Wiunie Oke, Town, witb Mm. Mmi. Wesley Oke; Miss Luelia Er ens witbh lem parents, Mr. sud? Howard Stevens; M. and Mmi. F Cotes, Rochester, with Mr. sud SD. Burgniaster; Dr. snd Mmi. E Forguson witb friendsaiat Uzbr Mm. sud Mmi J. J. Ommistan, Oebi with bier brother, Mr. Fred Smut Easter was celebrated underi conditions sud brought its t quota of welcome visitomi ta fri aud home. Many were seen welcomed ta the Easter simvict church which were very bearty more Iageiy attended than us. .On Easter Monday afternoon local W. M. S. eutertained Hanm Society. A large gathering ai first-class progmain. Tes was se froni 5 ta 7 p. ni., sud another gram givon at 8 p. mi. Mms. Ri Ormiston gave the Recomding S tary's ep art which shawed membomship had doubied during past yoar. Mrs. W. Ashtan, T: uirer, repomted $99 sont ta the T: urer of Pesbytemy besides c charitable work. Rev. J. R.1 Hampton, gave an iuforming effective address on "hurmigmal and its relation ta the missionar3 torpriso. The Burketon Y, Peopl's League gave a short sionamy play "Slave Girl sud S( Girl", wbicb showed iu a es way the working of Christian sions in China. Offering $1 ...Mr. Russel Ormiston bas cbased a car .... Tbeo. M. SIemg installing a new gasoline bowser Nathan Byems is remodelliig hii brikprpetylute centre a: BIRTHS FRENCH-In Toronto, on Tuesday,ý Aprîl îth., 1927, to Mr. and Mms. S. H. French: (nee Forence Bennett), daughter. MARIAGES G AI as Ja v M AI of vi T Ti of w Mi and and iter,1 G Articles For Sale HAV FOR SALE-Apply to J. K. Val- leau, Bowma.nviile, phone 311. 16-tf CAR FOR SALE-Chevrolet Sedan. Cheap. Apply Duncan Smith, Liberty Street, BowTanviile. 16-tf CBABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Cream B E NNETT-WA LICER-At "Rockwe1 Wicker, rubber tires, in good c.,d. lon Green" Farm, Sauina. on Wednesdayr Appiy G Meadows, Newcastle. 16-1* .pril 13, 1927, by Rev. J. R. BiCK, Thom- HORSE FOR SALE-Good work horse. sL Ilenn-ett, Bowmanville, and Annetta Appiy Wm. Gilliam, near Boys' Training Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter School, Bowmanviile, phone 474r2. 14-3 Waiker, Darlington. _______ ELLIOT-GIRVEN-At the Preabyter-, NEW AUTO-If You want to trade In ln Manse, Bowmanvlie, Frîday. April 15,1 your aid car for a new Ford ,any style, 1927, by Rev. Robt. Mcflerment, M. A., phone 400W, Sam Glanvilie, Bowmanviile. Alex. Eliot and Margaret May, daughterl 14-t f Mr. James Girven, both of Bowman-I ville.1 FOR SALE-Large Chesterfield and WOOD-HANCOCK-At Park St.reetl chair, oak library table, phone 346, Mrs. United Church, t&prI1 13, by Rev. S. T. Howard Lapp. Centre St. Bowmanviile. Tucker, Myrtle Irene, younieest daughter 15-tf f Mr .and Mrs.'H. Egerton H-ancock t o MOS FR- Wesley Richard Wood, son of Mr. and HOS FR SALE-Quiet driving 1r.RcadH od i fOoa horse, suitabie for lady or gentleman. .%Ir. Rchad H Woo, al o Orno. Apply ta H. B. Foster, Horsey St., Bow-1 ...manville. phone 45. 13-tf DEATHS STOVE FOR SALE-Happy Thought . 1Range, wlth high claset and reservoir, In GALBRAITH-In Bowmanville, on f irst ciaffl condition. Appiy ta Edgar Wednesday, April 20, 1921, Miss Margareti Horn, Hanmpton, phone 129-23. 16-tf Galbraith, daughter of the late ai- --_____--_____ Galbraith, Duntroan Farm, Datrlington. 1FOR SALE-Ried Bird Meat _Slicer, her late residence. Queen St. Coffee Grinder, ail as good as new, ln gýe BROWN-In Orano, on Saturday, April firet-ciass shape, will sel St unbelieve- 7ae9, JmsBon nhs5t er able bargains. Apply Jas. Poulos, Jane G BownAt hi 6t ea. Olympia Cafe and Candy Works, Bow- vie GBO-tOshawa, April 13, 1927, manvîlle. 14-3 rîan Vaientina Rice, beloved wtt e of William_________________ - at R. Gîbson. FOR SA LE-Dominion Pianos of al 1ent DEMILL-In East Whitby Township' ikindsald on payments spread aver two April 16, 1927, Mrs Mary Ann DemilI, ag- years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- ed 96 years. i bard Heintzman used pianos taken as Cout CORY-In Oshawa, an April 14. 1927, Part payment on Dominion pianos wil Llert William James Cory, belaved husband be cie.ared at bargain prices and on easy o! LdiaMau Lucs. n he S4h yar.terns F. J. Mitchell, Distributor, Bow- Out o yi adLcs nhe5t er manville. 5-t 'eek SUMERSFORD-In Bownianville, on Saturday. April 16, 1927, William Harold,.--- iplinfant son af Mr. and Mr@. Harold R. iers' Sumersford, aged five manths, 1 week. Bb hcsadEg Interred in Bowmanvilie Cenetery. Bb hcsadEg for1 CHIKS FOR SALE-A liniited number with IN MEMORIAM chicks, hatched from heavy lay- Mrs. ers. Belamiere Strain. Cal or phone iday In ioving mnemory of my dear wife,' 211J,. F. W. Battle, R. R. 6, Bownian- Dr. Hannah Mohun, who died April 18, 1926. ville. 16-tf and Peacefully sleeping. resting atl lst HATCHING EGOS & BABY CHICKS- lth. Lifes weary troubles and sarrows are Prom aour bred ta lay Barred Rocks and past, White Legharns, our flacks are Govern- [ren, In silence she suf ereà in patience she1 ment Inspected and pens are headed tep- borecaed erhm tauirno with Governmnt Pedigreed bîrds. Place Mrs. mare. Husband. tao late. L. H-. Pearn, Iàbert . and-- phone 304, Bawmanvilie. and érs. HAMPTON BAB3Y CHICKS-S. C. White Deghorns, liens mated with cockerels from speciai Mfr. pedigreed stock. This lUne has given Y. Mr. W. J. Cale, Master F. L. Cale, great satisfaction to aur customers. tute Mm. and Mm. F. A. Cole, Mr. Don- White Wyandottes, gaod matinge, als theaIdCal, Mss ele MansMm.mated ta choice John S. Martn ackerels. irth-1 Phil Bass, Taranto, Mr. and Mrs. Price $5 for 15. AIea es for batching em- Cleve Clemence and daughtem Mild-, by 110,.W. H. Cl-arruthers, R. R. 1, and red, Whitby, were Easter vigitorS Bowmazîville. Phone 38-2. 9-tf The 1with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cle.-... _____________ a was held at the home of Mm. W. W. Lost or Found JrmHono eety in o 2teW.t !re.HonoTeda, prl1,it good attendance, Mmi. J. G. Burns, PEN LOSTr-Waterman Fountaiiý Pen. 1 l st Vice-President, having charge in Flnder please leave at Stateoinan Office. the place of the President, Mrs.. Horn, LOST-Âuta Crs.nk, between Ontaria ably who was hostess. EncauragIng r'e-~ Street and Hately's Garage. Re-wamd if flOW ports of the year's activities were lef t at Rie & Ca's, store. 16-1 and given by the different afficers. Mrs. >itb A. Peters was appointed 2nd Vice_ FOUND-Will the persan wha ieft Par- Presden inplae cfa dceaed al-cel of men's wearing apparel at Miller's will ursdn npac fadaed va-Barber Shap severai weeks aga cal for wiludmember, Mrs. C. F. Corden. A saine and pay for this advt. 16-1 )ear- discussion an the ules and reguIia- LS-ierc o e hvae un- tions was led and explained by Mrs. Otruk, pinedrckfred. etween lron Ar-~ Clwil, r. Mrs. C. J. Kerslake Creamery and Carveths store, Newcastle and- favored with a piano solo. Devotianal Fnder please advins Orono Ceamery. 10 15 topic was taken by Mri. A. Trenouth 16-tf auty followed by a vocal duet by Mrs. A. sur-1 and Miss Mary Peters. Next meet- T e 5s in1 ing at the home of Mrs. James Cur- T e ýo. ... .... At the invitation of the En- AMT RE -10arfa fr per nlkîlen uxîîar, aouttwety-rent, gaod land and buildings. Apply ta esan five membors froni Hamýptan visited -c.P. Kent, 126 Alle St.. Oshawa. 1- tho neighboring saclety on Basteri_______________ St. Manday when they wore royally en-1 pril tertained. Hampton ladies render-1 od a program in keeping witb the W ne e season. The Ennisilon ladies SITUATION WANTED-By maxried e of served a most appetizing and daintY man on farmn. Experienced. Apply ta d- supper. Ail repart having had an John Staeey at Service Store, King St.. atro, onjoyable tixue and hope ta have the Bownianville, phone 529. 6f privilege of èntertaining the Ennis- WAT -erolfuntepOlr kîllen W. M. S. în the noar future. rope beds. corner cuphoard, bureau. The Hampton cammunity are under- chairs, ta: les, mirror frames and orna- gaing a worth wvhile entorpriso in thel monte. Write Advertiser A. F., Drawer impravoment of the Union North1 B, BaowmanvIllie.5t eved Cometery A Board of Management 30w- bas been appointed ta supervise the ithe epW n d last work The New Cemetory act pro-Hep an d own viding far reaching legisiation for Earn $25 weekly up at home address- nlng. such a venture. A circular letter ing envelopes. No canvassing. every- week. sent out acquainting lot halders and thing furnished. Spare or full time. f friends of the plans is receiving a Men ,womnen. Write Mailing Service, ner.sympathetic rosponse. Already do- Bx8'SdeNv eta. 1- nations have came ta the Secretary- Treasurer, Mr. W. W. Horn. Thase from a distance might bie mentioned: Help 'Wanted-Female [erb. Mr. F. L. Fowke, Oshawa, danatedî Mrs. $10.00; Dr. Lomne Hastings, Detroit, HELP WANTED--Goad generai ser- Mrs $.00; Mrs Albert Maore, Whitby vant wanted at once. Good wagee and 'îno washing. Apply ta Mrs. (Dr.) B. J. their and others expressed their gratitude Hazlewood, Wellington St., Bowmsnvilie. ladys with liberal donations that the citi-f 9-tf 'ents, zens of Darlington have been seizedi ýertie at lait with a desire ta beautîfy the1 Carting Wanted .and r esting place of their loved ones. Six~ Stev- mnen are busy remaving the sod in 1 arn prepared ta do aI kinde of cart- !rs. preparatian for leveliing the grounds. ing. piaugbing, etc. Apply ta T. C. "rank Any support will be grstefully e- Cistyn. weian St.,phnezt84. rg-a4 Mrs. ceived by the Board of Managers. Fcoy onavle hn 8.1- l. B. Mare new laid eggs are needed at, idge; Horn's Store and highest cash or Seed Grain For Sale .awa, trade pricos are offered-Our new th. wall papers are very excellent in de-I BARLEY FOR SALE-75c per bushel. ideai sgn and values are exceedingly good. 1 Write or phone Stanford Swain, Burketon. usual Repart af Hampton Scbool for or phone Part Perry 165r21. 1-tf ends Easter terni. Namnes in order of BARLEY FOR SALE-Quantity of 0. and merit: 1 A. C. No. 21, barley. 90c per buehel. s at V-Liiian Jebson, Ethel Stophons, L. T. McLaiighlifl, Tyrone. 12-3t rand Helen Virtue. ial. .i IV-Retta Billett H, Jessie Knox Ra saeFrSl ithe H, Stanley Cawling H, Elinor Sykes, elEtteFrSl pton H, Henry Stainton, Vera Shackelton, FOR SALE-Solid brick 7-roomed bouse ýnd al Sidney Martin. centraîîy îocated, sewer, water. furnace, rvedI Sr. II-Florence Burns H, Bmn- lights, lots o! fruit, garage, stable. Cheap .Pro- est Horn. for quick sale. Apply H. M., Drawer B, Lussei Jr. III-Elsie MGome H, Helen ttowmanville. 1- ocre- Knox, Elias Greenaway, Merwin BUILDING LOTrS FOR SALE-Thr7e thati Cryderman ,Elwood Shackeltan, Eth-1 o! the finest building lots In BowmanvIile. 9 the eh Wakely. on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain mes- iSm.Il-acsonWma HAusinfor quick sale. Apply ta Norman S. B. 7ra- S.11i snWayH utnJamwesSt Statesman Office. 'ras- Barron H, Katie Osadzuk H, Jean other Stainton, Nelson Rabbins, EarI HOUSE FOR SALE-New 6-roomed house, centralhy located. ail modern con- Bick, Wakeiy. venienaes.ire place and wired for elec- and Jr. Il-Gardon Phillips H, Violet trie stove, îaundry tubs. 5 minutes wahk tion" Petiey, Bioyd Wilcox, Harold Mart- from Poot Office, ln a gaad localty. Price ,y en-1 yn, Olga Cawling, Pearl Cannaghan, rigbt for quick sale. Apply H. H. A., oun Flssi Conagan.Drawer B, Bowmanvilhe. 14-tf mis- I-Hamry Winterbumn, John Virt- FOR SALE-Two brick bouses on ;choal ue, Mandy Connagban, Annie Stain- Ontario Street, nearly new, in goad con- ilistic ton, Bruce Clarke, Doris Cyemn dition. One brick cottage on Church Crdema.Street, nice home for amali fanmly. mis- Katie Joues. Aiea Bungalow on Churcb Street. Al 6.00. Sr. Pr.-Muriel Scott, Thelma the above cheap for cash. Apply ta Wm. pur RbbnsNomaCowling, Drniece Brack, Bowmanvile phone 114. 14-3* ion is Rogers. HOUSE FOR SAL-Frame dw(ehing .... A-Betty Knox, Eva Johns, Bil- and one acre o! strawberries and other isbglie Osazuk, Vers Martyn. mai fruit, the property o! the late AI- big bert E Gaode, ituated on Brown Street, ýf the B-Dora Cowiing, Jack Cawling, lu Bowrnanvilhe, good barn and bsn bouse. is ta Jack Jones, Isabel Rogers, Ruth Col-1 eiectric iigbts and water. Thispre- nente will, Ruby Colwill, Wauda Carke, t utb odfo h ups f wind- bas.era--B Y-k,1Jck Ndde. .1Ining)p he Estate. Bargain prie maYý Exclusive, Imported and Domestic Quality Wallpapers AT NO GREATER COST THAN THE ORDINARY KIND Those individuals who are contemplating turn- ing *hîte walls into places of beauty, of changing the tone of rooms that need refresh- ing, wiii find amongst our Spring Display Wallpap- ers of exceptionai menit for every rooni in the home. Neyer have our stocks been more coni- piete, neyer bas variety been sa great. And never have prices been so reasonabie, consistent with the high quality of our Wall Papers. Our convenient shop makes selection an easy and pleasant task--especially when you pay no -preni- ium for quahity. A FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK Dining-room, Living- room or Hall 1,000 rails, papers in 30, 22 sud 18 inch widtbs, conven- tional sud floral designs. A wouderful vaiety of the popu- lar coloings. Offered at a fraction of their original prices. TO CLEAR, PER ROLL 50c Varnished Kitchen Papers 500 roils, Canadian Kitchen papers, niotly block patterns, blue, tan, buif, bordera and ceilingu ta match. SALE PRICE PER ROLL 25c EnglishBEWd-room Papers 1,000 rails, aîl 22 inches wide. A really worth-while selectian ,taken froni our regu- lar stock sud placed on sale. The range of design and color- ing is so large you wilI find no trouble in getting paper for your bedrooxu at the price of a very ordinary one, PER ROLL 25C Moire Ceiling Paper, white and cream, PER ROLL 10. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Dooator. n.wmaavile When the Guests Are Ail Seated Are you sure that the meat wilI be tender and juicy when you serve your guest? You take no chances when you buy your ineat at this store. The beast must be young and well fed before wé con- sider offering it in roasts, steaks, etc., Vo our eus- omers. We take ev ery precaution to see that our pat1- rons get the best meats at reasonable prices. We Deliver the Goods LANCE CARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and D.livery Butchers Phone 518 BOWMaaVIUe Resolve Early TO LET US DO YOUR BAKING DURING THE HOT MONTHS--YOU WILL BE WELL SERVED Neilson'. Ice Cream Sold The Bowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bownianville Special Bicycle Bargains Cleveland Bicycles from $45.00 Up Bicycles Coniplete at $28, $29, $35 Soe Our Bicycles Bef ore Buying MASON & DALE Miono 145 Popular Hardware store Bownmau'ile t' MARTIN -SENOUR 1000/P INo PURE IN & VARNISHES W"ihare ble" &bar" Aemldb JDUSTAN'S HARDWARE PAGE PM

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