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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1927, p. 8

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PAGE EELGEI Yes, Dillick's Week-End Valuesi Mean Wonderful Opportunities to Save Money W onîca s House Dresses, beautîful styles, Speccal .....98e Chldren'- Ronipers. Play Suîts, 0'.eralls and Conîbînatîcas, Special, gaunicat.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49e te 98e Glo-Sill, Gîngbanî. scmthîng neis, Specual yard............ 25e Checked Tea Towelling. Speciai yard................... 12 1à M en's Spîing Weight Combinations, Speciai............... 98e Some more cf those gcod Cbambray Wcrk Shirts, Special .. .89c Men's Big B Overalîs, black or striîîed, (you kaow thern), Per pair $1.39 Men's Work Boots, Special per pair................... $2.98 Wonîen's Patent Str,-p Sboes. niccly trimrned, Special .$2.69 A. DILLICK TRY A LOAF TO-DAY CORBETT'S HOVIS (The Bread of Health) Eat this nourishing, golden- brown bread, and you will find a new food value and flavor that no other bread possesses. KRAFT CHEESE BREAD Every day customers are buying this tasty bread for the first time-and invariably they corne back f or more. It contains 20 % MacLaren's Kraft Cheese. CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD While we've been sayinga lot about these new breads we haven't neglected our good old fashioned wholesome white bread which is always popular and continues in greater demand. Wedding Cakes A Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville ILadies' ine Fabric Coats SPRING'S NEWEST FASHION FEATURES These coats express their Easter and -Spring-I time smartness in tuckings, seamings and diag- onal line ideas. Many are clever reproductions of imported models suggesting the littie trimming diff erences that make them distinctîvie. In fine Poiret Twill and French Charmeen, with short fiat shawl collars and narrow edgings in fiank squirrel, genuine squirrel, American broadtail, mole, French Monkey fur'. Springtime shades are shown in their smartest variations, in- cluding chic black Coats with facings and bows of ribb on. TAILORED COATS FROM $18-00 TO $25.00 DRESS NAVY BLUE COATS $18, $2.5, $35 NEW SPRING MILLINERY More charming iiew Hats arrivedt this weebî * snug andl chuc with clever cîrownis and intricately cut niari'ow -b'rin.s, wxhile otheîrs suggest broader brims. Stylish bats nex-er 801(1 at such reasonable i priiets $3.95, $495 TO $10.00 SW. MASON & SON Dry Goods, Ready-to-wear, Millinery jPhonie 106 Bowmanvilli I WA1Vhen You Need G R OCE I ES -BR EAL-B UNS-CAKES-- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. I;-igor send your order to this siore whlere it wl! -ev prompt attention and you 'vill get good vailue H!'S. BRITTON, rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 15OWIANVILLIL THURSDAY, APRIL 2Sth., 1927 The NgewvcEýýst1e nIrideperidflerit TLIURSDAY, APRIL 28th., 1927 NEWCASTLE LAKE SHORE, CLARKE CELEBRATES 90TH BIRTHDAY 'Mr. and Mrs. John Scott receivedi Sunday School Anniversary A lovely reception was held or. a visit front his brother's family,l April 16th for Nirs. Lily Cameron1 Montreai, over the wcekcnd. 1 The Lake Shore Union Sundayý Dicks;on, widow of the late Andrewl Rov. John Bonathan, Toronto,! School heid its 36;th anniversary on Dickson, at the home of her daugh- spent part of iast wcek with bis par-1 Sunday afternoon last. w ith the bis-, ter, Nlrs. W. J. Gibson, 49 Traaby ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bonathan. toric old schooI-houscedlli to theý Ave., Toronto, in honor of her 9th,1 Mrs Cmre ndnice, heMis-doors with resgidents of the commun-' birthday-. She resided in the vic- es Cullea, Cobourg, wcre weekend, ty and their frienls front round initv of Newcastle for a great num- gucsts of Misses Mary and Elieni aboit. : ber' of ycars but -,enît to Torontoi Breen, Picrview. Rcv. E. B. Cooke, Newcastle, con-' 20 years a,,zo. She is stili enjoyiagl United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, ducted the service and spolie ini warm good health, sews without glassesl 1 1.m.I praise and appreciati.iî of the spien- takes a keeti interest in thc topics ofi Pastor, Sunday, May ist. ilr di oktahabenndsbin the day. and looks eageriy for thel Monn g wScorshi7p. 2.30 enngcearieid on by the sul)erintendents llowmnanvilie Statesmian everv week. sunyrvoicep.m.Eenn and teachers of the school in nourish- She %vas the recipient of nmany pres- Mr.Lone hoas avng er- ng the spiritujal l'fe of the young ents and good wishes. Her roonis Mr. orn Thmas avig cin-people of the comlnîuiityan thus' were a bower of Easter flowers. The peted bis year's studies at, Trinity strengthening themi for- their future tbewsldnwt odtig a College, Toronto, has secured cm-! spheres of service. With a know- cltiding a large birthday cake decor- ployentin ocheter N.Y., s o udge oif what this Sunday Sebool has atel ith 90 candies, while a silver former summer vacations and wilI belacn o h eglcbobths ~lasket of pink carnations formed the ieaving sbortly. ; attendance at the service could read-' cenltre piece. Refreshmients were St. George's Church, Rev. E. R. ily appreciate the significance and scîrved to a large aumiber of friends James, Rector. Sunday, May lst. appropriateness of Mr. Cooke' s text, w-ho came to ofFer congratulations. il a. m.-Morning Prayer. 2.30 p. m. 1 "Instead of the thorn shall corne up -Sunday School. 7 p . m .Evn.the ir tree ,aod instead of the brie r BYS i ng service. On Sunday evening, shal1 come up the miyrtie tree: and il, t Y' RAINING SCHOOL NEWS May 8, the Bishop of Toronto, wi.ll shaîl be to the Lord for a naine, for' conduct confirmation service, an everlasting sign that shaîl not be Nearly all the boys were home for M.and Mrs. Abert Spencer, eut off" The Newcastle mixe~ Easter vacation. Ail returned to formerly of Oshawa, have rnoved in- quartette, Messrs. W. F. Rickard, the School sharply on time. to 'Mrs. Ellswortb's house, Mill St.,, Harold C. Allun, Mrs. W. D. Braggi Eight boys graduated at Easter recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Hattie Mason led in the' tiuie and took positions which had Frank Branton. We wecome thcm singing of the hymns and contributed, been arranged for themi. To fi11 thel to our village, Mr. Spencer is con- two sacred selections. with Mrs. vacancies six new boys arrived Sat- ducting the King St. Butcher Shop. (Rev.) Cooke accompanying on the, urday front London, St. Catharines Mrs. (Dr.) William Anderson, suif-1 rgn. Mrs. Cooke also sang dur- and Toronto. This makes a total of ere a evee troe lstFr.'y nd ing the service, "Building for Eter-1 seventy-five which is slightiy over- her condition since bas been sucb as* nity", with Miss Mason accompany- ridn the accommodation. to cause the members of her famiiy~ ing. After the service, Rev. and! Rev. George Mason addressed the the gravest anxiety. Besides heri Mrs. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.' Vesper service on Sunday afternoon. son, William H,, and family bere, ber! Bragg and Miss Beatiicc Bragg, Miss, Mr. R. Cole and Miss Marion Pickard daugter Mr. Nalandheryoug-,Theresa McNeil. the Misses Thomp- sang a duet, accompanied by Miss D. daugohtar, hrs. Neai, ad r oung- son and Miss Anale Swim. Mr. and Plummer at the piano. berson achvebe cle t e Mrs. W. F. Rickard, 'Miss Mason and Extensive grading and beautifying bedsd.. Mr. H. R. Pearce weat by invitation of the grounds is goiag on around alil Mr. and Mrs. Adams and famîly, to the bouse of Mr. Robert Martin, S.' the buildings. Maay trees andi eileviile, were weekend visitors at S. Superinteadent. foi- tea and cajoy- shrubs have already been planted un- Mr. Merkley Clark's and Mr. J. H. cd heyond measure the kiadly and der the supervisiion of Mr. H. J. Jose's iast weekead. Their daughter abuadant hospitality of bis f arm Moore and Mr. Burrows. and son had been up a few days vis- home where bhey were pleased to MrJon ndhiiadbsit- iting at Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Cow-1 meet too, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin ing.machi neh aandsung ite an's. Many in the village ,vill r,-' and cbiidrea from Toronto. Mr., action on the Somers Farm. This memer rs.Adas s agir heelHarold Allia hid tea with Mr. and work will soon be complcted. when she was Miss Bessie Hamilton. Mrs. Leslie Allun and family.ThHord eguo Tope- Mr. and Ms.S.W.Sutt, Mr. 1Terinaddoer he wkcadovpenu- Iand Mrs. Percy Hare and Miss Hazelltrandoeth ekdfi p- Barrie attended the funeral of the'NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH roi leaders from various Toronto late George Woodhouse at Tweed, COGEAINA1ETN Troops under the leadership of Mr. iast Friday afternoon. He was a' ________ L EETNGH. willet. Toronto boys did quite youag man of unusuaily fine quali t (oniue rm ael) a bit of entertaînîng on their own) ticsanda wnnin pesonlit, an i Coninud frm pge ) ;part and ivere decidedly the most1 tis nd a wînnîng pes roalt, o"- Mrs. W. F. Riekard. retîrîng Presi-ý popular figures at the schooi during' his~~~~~~~~ un(eydahhs ruh o-leint of the Ladies' AId, in presenting thcir short visit. The entire programi row into the homes of many ia the, a report of that energetic organiza-, wvis under the direction of Assistant village and community roundabout.!ticîî spoke in part as follows: A1* cu Mse lad noradgv Mr. Clarence Ferguson, Victoriat though we, as a society, ai-c credited, h colsot terfrttseo College, Toroate, supplied for Rev witb being after the nîoney yet wve.dote Sol scout s hirfrsgaseo E. B. Cooke very acceptably on Sun- not consîder that our highcst aim.I elscuig day moraiag in the United Church, The supreme work of the cburch is while Rev. Thomas Wallace, Newton- the spiritual dcvelopment cf the' EDRSWNE ville, preacbed la bis usual forceful character of the individuai. But the! TENERS____ E manner la the evening. A speciai church must provide for the develop-1, Tenders will 1)0 receivcd by the un- feature of the morning's service was nient cf the individual along otheri dersigaedl until May lst., for the a sacred quartet by Mrs. W. D., important lines. The promotion of, purchase and removal cf the shed Bragg and Misses Beatrice and Gracel!the social, intellectual and financiai belonging to former Preshyterian Bragg and Miss Marlon Baskerviile,.~ in terests of the church is the aim ofi Church, Newcastle. Higbest or any Newcastle dramatists presented any Ladies' Aid. During the past, tender not nccessarily accepted. "Deacon Dubbs" te a ful bouse lai year the Aid xvas dividcd int(> six. .E .,ilNwate Bowmanville last Wednesday even-1 groups, each piedged to raise $2500.J1.W Pip ewate ing and after the performance werei Altogether the groups raised $W2.00., overhelmd wih te kidnes and Invarious other ways, beginning .vithi everwblmed wo t the aiesdofS ls and balance on hand cf $90.00. the re- music bh optyoe the laieof ouSot.eaui's a rebrougbt u t 573.00 Miss Berniece Gilbanl< Ladies' Association under wbose aus- Bp te Aprîl lst., Deacon Dubbs" i -1nnrei r,-rngie p.g m on- it pices the play was given. On Friday had actted the socicty $18700, but: HR, I)trlington, Phon- t111-6. 16-4w evening the group joumneyed te up to date the net procecds from thîs' Kendal and played hefore an appre- play on a fifty-fifty basis w-berever ciative audience in the Orange Hall. it bas been presentcd bave amounted Rev E.R. ame wa inTorntoto nearly $29000 apart front New- Rcv.E. . Jmeswas a Trono icastle wherc the society cf course last weck attending the 0. E. A. rcive h e rpedtepa Conenton s adelgat frnt hebas aise netted organizations of other; O IJI"1'Y Board of Education. He aise took ai tnpto arnlto onbusnes an points considerably over $200.0 1wbile away was taken se ili that he The expenditures încluded $200.00,f was unable to retuma for bis Sunday t) local cburch budget, $5000 te w A N TED services. He returned the first of Maintenance and Extension Fund, the week but bis friends and parish- 'ums for flowcrs and fruits for sick ioners have learned with regret that members and flowcrs for church and, bis condition o'f health is sucb that he gift cf a hospital bcd to Willowdalc. 1wili prebably be eut cf bis pulpît for: Rcst Home. Balance on hand1 r rprdt u several weeks. Dr. R. L. Wright, $2()8.00.1 1 n pr aedt bu assisted by Rev. Scott Howard con- Iatervening betweea the re- ail kinds of poultry and ducted the merning service la St. ports, giving an added intereat te George's and Rev. Scott Howardi the program, were choruses lîy the will pay highest market prcachcd at the evening service onj regular cburch choir, the Juniocri Sunday. choir and selections by the mixed prices. The following show's the standing quartet. Messrs. W. F. Rickard and 1. cf te Forth lasscf ccastlc (". Alun, Mrs. W D. Bragg antdMi~ Don't dispose of your Pubic chola Easter exmn- Hattie Mason. The Ladies' Aid w-ith, Puie scholexmia the assistance cf several cf the you ng1utl hv -Sr. IV-Lawrence Gaines 63, Viv- epeqre ersiet tti olry utlyuhv is ian Simpson 60, Betty Garrod 59 i,ý, c lose. 'hiairman J. W. Bradley ar-I seen me. Alfred Gaîrrod 58, Rosa Ccwan 56, raiiging for the division cf the as-I. 1 Ruby Nicholas 56, Marion Rinch 51, semblage into four groups according 1Violet Henaiag 50, Veima Brown 44. lo the îîîcntbs cf tb-iî i-tirtys.1 Write direct or phone Jr. IV-Verna ONeill 83, Ruhy The attendance at the church services, 1 Shaw 69, Jessie VanLiosen 64, Fired r-nd i. Sunday Sehool hbIetel direct 81 Whitby If( 6-1, Garnet (asw cli 60, John inîaiuîttiîo-d througbîtut the- v-tar witb! icikard 58, Don McEachern ý7. iPave irticticall n falling off ut' aayse- Gry5,BtyLýe5,RtîIis on Occi-r two hundu-ed coinmuni-! I Also Want WooI \vo-rth 54. Figures stand for per partook of thtý sa-ri nient (if J. A. BUTLER, M. D, C. M. Honor graduate cf Trintty ih':ver- stty, Fellow of Trinity ttia Col- lege, Licentiate cf the State Univer- ,ity of New York, atricula'e of the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital of New York antd Fellow of the Toronto Aeatlemy cf Medi- cine. Ofice-Mrs. McNaugton's Res- idence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m. 1 ta 3 p. m. and by appoint- ment. w rtw-,; \v tu-uIt-.\ l ( à1, u ir 11 tu r, u :f tttt\ Ir1i,- t ttt tiit,-rotîht-lttunlie tt nu bîî,titjîîof pu%% -r, snîout Oints and rugg- l liiMcmi ' i titifi rii Cht-vrulet in Cht-t rik-t History is selling NEW, L.tWER P'ht lES, the Lowest fttr which Chevrolet bas ev4 bcen sold in C'anatda. Roadster -- $655.00 Coupe - - - $780.0c Sedan - - - $86500 Touring -- 655.00 Coach - - - 76000 Cabriolet- - 890.00 ILandau Sedan - - - - $93000 Roadser Delivery - - .635.00 Commercial Ch-«la - - 490.00 Utihy Express Châss 645.00 Pw" as Faacey, Ohu-oteuetTua S La Men's Suits and Spring Overcoats to7 $35-00 rAil you have to do if you want to be satisfied - -' corne to this store and select your clothing. ~ Icarry the largest stock 1 '" in town and my prices are lower than others. ' S. G. CHARTRAN PHONE 20 BOWMANVILLE Insurance Protection INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION AGAINST YOUR LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, BY ACCIDENT, IBY ILL-1-EALTH, BY DEATH This Protection can be provided for you by sound representa- tive English aad Canadian Companies la this Agency, at lowest possible rates to give you proper protection when you require it. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED TO-DAY? IF NOT, WI-Y NOT? If you bave not secured this protection against loss, or are insuficieatly protected, ACT NOW. Delays are sometimes dangerous, and simple every-day accidents, frequeatiy occasion serious financial loss. Evening appointments made on request. This Agency represents, arnongst others, the wcil-known SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, and THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY, both cf whicb are favourabiy knowa la this vicinity. EDITH V. SCOBELL General Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bownianville Learn moi-e about this rooling by consulting JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies Phone 153 Bowmanville onBt ut ChevroiLet ~AY~t#eVroletHitr -L CF-716 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Sub Dealr, Wet End Garage, Bowmaaville Bowmanville King & Division Sts

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