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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1927, p. 8

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PAGE EIGK¶ ~ ~ ~ ~ fHE CANADIAN STATESMAN4, SOWMANVILLE, TUSAMY5h,12 CONSULT R. M. Mitchell REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST for QUALITY OPTICAL SERVICE 'Glasses if you need ther- Good advice if you don't. Know the condition of your eyes hy having theni exaninel today. MITCHELL'S Household Drugs and Med icines Iodine, Peromide, Glycerîne, Rus- sian Ou. OEve Oi, Castor Oil, Cascara Aromatic, Epsomi Salts, Rochelle Salts. Boracic Acid, Suiphur, etc. We specialize in the "LYMAN BRAND" and the word "Lyman" assures you PURITY and STRENGTH ASK US FOR LYMAN'S R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG Bowman ville Phone 92-Nights andi 280 STORE1 Ont. Suntiays If It's Footwear Ives Has ItI Tennis Shoes Boys' Oxfords Men's Dress Oxfords Ladies' Colored Shoes in tie and strap patterns Ladies' Hosiery Travelling Goods Misses and Children's Dress Shoes Baby's Boots and Slippers Shoe Dressings Schol's Corrective Appliances AIl Reasonably Pniced Ives' Shoe Store Foaotwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville RESTORED TO 0000_HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Intereating Experience B cigarn, Qebec. -"I arn the Mther f eleven living children, 77. andry babyisa five rnonths old. I arn only 38 years old and I have taken L yd ia E. S Pinkhar's Vege. - table Cornpound for weakness and ny nerves. 1 knew - fit from rny sister, Darne Ed- ouard Bellefeuille lamugwu ' ofp 0 arsayville. £ , For five years 1 was lanrisery and was always ready to cry. Now1Iarn so happy to have good health. My daughter, who is 18 years old, has also taken it and wiil be happv to recommend it to ail young irl.. '-Darne WILLIAM PAR- ENT, Bo"x 414, Buckingham, Quebec. Why sufer for years with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments cornmon to women frorn early life to middleage,when LydiaE. Pinkhamn's Vegetable Compound will give you relief? In a recent country-wide canvass :)f purehasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetahie Comnpound, over 2.5ly),(4 replies were received, and 98 out of every li repirted they were bene- fi ted by i ta use, C MINISTER REMEMBERED Rev. andi Mr&. Gorley Brown, Me treal, Given Suitable Gite. Rev. S. Gorley Brown who hý been the minister of St. Luke's U ited Church, Montreal, for the past years bas recently been called1 Chalmers Church, Richmond, Qu On the eve of his departure to h new charge he was given a farewe banquet by the people of St. Luke'E Among the guests present were number of city ministers who wei there to hear testimony of their loý; for and high esteeni of Mr. Brow and to express their regret at his r( moval from the ranks of the Presbý tery of Montreal. Some of tho, present were Dr. Wm. Munro, Se( retary of Presbytery; Dr. Runnell! Convener of the Settlement Cornril tee for the Montreal and Ottawa Cor ference; Rev .A. S. Ross. interi moderator of St. Luke's; Dr. W. J1 Clark of St. Andrew's, Westmount Dr. McIntosh of Dominion-Dougla. Westmount; Rev. J. B. MacLAod City .Missionary and Rev. E. Wood ey. formerly a missionary in Tu.rke, under the Congregational Board. Th, last two named have been member of St. Luke's Church for some timý past, being ministers without« charge. Representatives of the Ses sion, the Board of Managers and o: the various other organizations o. the congregation bore testimony t( the good and faithful work that hac been done by their minister since ht had corne to them in 1920. It wa pointed out that over four hundreé members bad been added to the Com. Imunicants' Roll during bis pastorate IThe Superiatendent of the Sunday Sebool, the President of the Women'E Missionary Society and of the Ladies' Aid also spoke in terms of highest commendation of the work that bad been done by Mrs. Brown and ex- pressed profouad regret that she had suffered illness for the past seven montbs whicb bad prevented ber from being actively eagaged in tbe work which was so dear to her beart and in wbich she had always beer such a valued leader. As a toker of their esteem and good-will they presented ber witb a beautiful silver entree disb. Mr. Brown was mnade the recipient of an illumiaated ad- dress, suitably franied, an electric desk lamp, a club bag and well-filled purse. The address a copy of which. follows was signed by the fffteen El- ders and the twelve mernbers of the Official Board. Rev. S. Gorley Brown:- Reverend and Dear Sir :-We de. sire to take this opportunity ol ex- pressing to you a few of our kindest thoughts and wishes on the eve of your departure to your new field of labor at Richmond, P. Q. We bave it la our hearts to wisl, you every success and we would pray that our Heavenîy Father may, bless you witb an abundant rneasure o bealtb and strength and thus enable you to continue in the Master's worli for aiany years to corne. Your bigbt disposition and good- feîlowsbip together witb your ack. nowledged abilities bave endeared you to us al, and we take this occas- ion to express to you our fondesi bopes for the higbest bappiness tbis wonld can give you and also for youx coatinued success and greatest pros- perity. We shahl always retain a deep in- terest in your future and earnestly hope and pray that love and bappi. ness may be with you and yours at every turn of life. WiIl you accept this small token as an expression of our regard for you and as a sîight indication of the place you have won in our bearts duning the sevea years of your ministry amongst us. Signed on behaîf of the Members, Adbenents, and Friends o? St. Luke's United Church, Montreal. Mr. Brown closed bis pastorate la St. Luke's witb a Communion Service on the eveaing of Easter Day and be-ý gan the work in bis new field of labor, the foîlowing Sunday. Richmnond is a fiourisbing town situateti on the St. Francis River in the picturesque and istoric Eastern Townships of Que- hec. t la a raiîway junction anc' divisional point on the C. N. R. lines nunning from Motreal to Quebec City and Sherbrooke. HAMPTON Ni. Donald Cole, Mn. A. F. Coop- er, MNI. J. H. Cooper, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke and son Eanl, Oshawa, wore weckend visitors with Mr. and IMrs. E. H. Colo. Seed Grain For Sale BARLEY FOR SALE-75r - ifr trust-i1. wri- r phone (0f-Srrr forri Sain, Burkî-ion. or îr-r- ort Pî-rry 165r2t. 1-t The Necvv4cd as THURSDA« an- a.stie Iridepiendierit Y, MAY 5th., 1.927 SKECH l.NEWCASTLE LIBRARY AID CONCERT BLACKSTOCK àis i AND HUMOROUS KTH e11 Mr. Wmn. Brenton, Toroato, called ______ Victorian Womea's Institute met s. on Mr. Merkley Clark and other Women's Meniorial Library Aid with the cooking class in the Orange a friends. bas laid the commnunity under a last- Hall, on Friday afternoon. Mr3. ýre' Mrs. 1. E. Bowell, Kilvarock, re- ing debt of gratitude for its untiring1 Cooke, Bearnsville, the class instruci- ve~ ceived a visit from Belleville relatives efforts in se largely assisting te es- or, lectured and then dernonstrated. vlast week. tablish and maintain an institution1 It being cheese day we had "moacar- 0e Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. of wbich every citizen of Newcastle' oni and cheese"; "cheese souff le" 'y Howard Allia on the birth of a little is justly proud. Without the Library -wîth tomato sauce"; and "welsh rare- Sson this week. Aid it would have been impossible for bit" served on crackers. At the I Mr. Lorne Thomas preached la St. the library te have materialized and 1 close of the lunch, Mrs. Cooke re- ilGeorge's Church Sunday rnorning to then in the space of four short years turned to ber home for tbe weekend. n- good sîzed congregation. to bave been brougbt to such a high She will be bac' to take charge for4 mi Mr. Loftus Buckley with Mr.H. W Standard of excellence that Inspecter, nte week. Mrs. A. VanCamp, Dudcystrator bs ben elpngsize and class in Ontario. ing which was opened by the Lord's t;, sevralfreskth ters.n But the Aid bas no intentions of Prayer in unison. Secretary-Treas., i, Don't fail to see Harold Lloyd in resting on past laurels nor wearyiflg1 report. il coming atte reorte d"Kid Brother" at Newcastle Corn- in weIl doing. And it certamnly ' rs.or. A Devmitteevs appoited ýy munity Hall, Saturday, May 7th., at well doing in more respects than one, hm nfrs.S .Dteetion aoffiters fo wenitprviesa ubicene- which are: President-Mrs. A. e 8M. andMs yn uly.n o tainaient as on last Thursday even- Van Camp, re-elected for the fifth se M.a dMs yaDde n o ing, for instance, it not only gives eMcand Miss Laura Mf'Queen, double or more what it receives but terni; Vice-President-Mrs. A. a Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. then turas around and hands the re- Wright; Secretary-Miss G. Henry; sand Mrs. H. W. Dudley. ceipts to the Library Board. Lib - Treasurer-Mrs. A. L. aly )f A number of farmers were tbrough rary Board spends the amount on the Directors-Mesdames Powell, ila, seigbefore May lst., with others very hest books obtainable, costingDeitSmh;AdorMses . se ediag eidte.Teehsbe rm$.0uwradtectzn Swaia, B. Hooey. Gift comrittee- Od noatifa behnd sthemc. Teebsbe rm .0 pad a iiesMrs. John Wright and Mrs. James prcialyneetbcs of Newcastle read these books, as G. Marlow. The following volun- IMr. and Mrs. J. Ricbardson, Mrn. many as they like and as mucb as teered their bornes for the year's sMeMann and daughter, Mrs. Shaw tbey like by paying a nominal rnem-metnsMsd esBabr.P - -and daughter, Pontypool, spent Sun- bersbip fee of 5 cents a year. Sev- ell, Swaîn, Van Camp, Bailey, Henry, day at Mr. J. W. Glenney's. eral patrons of the library have re-et. Mtigcodwth iza y Rev. and Mrs. S. Pickup and mernbered tbat tbey take out one benediction, and will again meet in 'S daughters, Toronto, Mr. W. S. Pick- book every week of the year, sorne the Orange Hall, Friday, 6tb., at one up, Weyburn, Sask., were guests of read two a week; but if the average o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex- their cousin, Mrs. W. N. Buckley, on person had to huy these books, be tended to every lady to be preseat dSaturday . would neyer read them. On the when Mrs. Cooke will again lecture :_ Mr. and Mrs. F. Ballagb, Wbitby, other haad if a person were te bu y 0f food values and dernonstrate on dwere Sunday guesta of Mfiss Rowland. 52 books a year at an average cost of "Horne-made Candy". Tbis is the il Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lockbart, Tor- $2.00, it would cost hlm $104.410. closing day for the class so we would *onto, were weekend guests ai his The Library Aid bas assisted to a like to see everyone preseat. mother, Mrs. W. T. Lockbart. very great exteat la providing read Msae Sreî, il ohason,i tj Bishop Brent and party frorn Buff- ing matter for this person and othersi Larmer, Taylor, Marlow and F'ergu- c alo, visited Newcastle by motor the e hiai at a saving of $103.95 a son atteaded the Women's Missionaîy nweek after Easter and called on Mrs. year. Convention whicb was beld last Tues- 5 Alfred Farncomb, the Misses Wilrnot .What's fifty cents then? for ad-I day la Bowmaaville. rand other friends in the village, mission to sucb an entertaianent as1 There were 132 at the United Sun- I Dr. J. A. Butler, Messrs. T. W. that of Thursday evening last wben1 day Scbool last Suaday mrnring. - Jackson, Geo. C. Wrigbt, W. F. Rick- tbe members of the audience are glv- Next Sunday "Motber's Day" will be card, J. E. W. Pbilp, Percy Hare, H. en such great measure of pleasure observed ia the scbool and we r 1R. Pearce of this village attended the aad afterwards share in aIl the profit. hoping to see aIl mothers present thati iCanadian Club in Bowinanville, April Well, tbe members of the Libraryj day. Service at i1 a. mn. 27th. Aid are certainly deserving of aIl the The United Cburch had la connec-1 Eý nied huch Re.- . .. rk, ood words that are said of thera, aI- tien witb the usual service on Sun-1 Pastor. Suaday, May 8-Motber's ment are hoto be comtin eaete on iday nigbt "The Sacrarnent of the Day. Il a. r.-Morniag Worsbip. muente o ts unmiqenaater.onaad9Lord's Supper" at whicb ninety par- 2.30 p. m.-Suaday Scbool. 7 p mn.- fon tbe meonits ofiqucb nival flUr an took. There was also a special1 -Eveniag service. AIl will be special ber,.evc ie o hs oji h - Moher' Dayservceschurch on "The Profession of Faith".1 Moters ay erics.Before the program cornmenced Tbey were Misses Dorotby Stephens,j t Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Perrin are Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Batler delivered a icJostFeaJontnVi fbusy getting their cottage at the lake brief but luciti explaaatory address v lane Johaston, Mer arr Joaston, i fin readiness for occupancy and ex- and introduced the two little maid- and Allan Balson. New members pect to move la this week. Mr. en pages who were te announce thewhcaninbletr ee: Ms 1Perrin whose wife was formerly Miss numbers as tbey were to be e.Whoodardi Mr. and ere Mrs.rce FSinger, Bowmanviile, bas engaged They were Jean Gibson and Jeani and Mrs Harold Larmer. with Dr. Walton-B aIl for tbe suai- Rickard, cutely attired in black shoes,-_ ____ ___ ___ L> Friends in Newcastle were shocked paper dresses, with taîl conical bats, cto leara of the comparatively sudden also of orange crepe, eacb adorned odles, and fashionable canes la their death of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Nich- with a large black rosette and black gloved hands, they cut dasbiag fig- -ols' only son, Clarence Walton, Bow- tassel at the peak! At the ringing ures,Aw, really stunniag you know, -manville. Ia company w ith bis lit- of a silver bell behind the scenes they as tbey sang their rolîicking airs and j tle sister he bad spent Easter boli- appeared in the partiag of the cu-1jaunted ni mbly back and across tbe -days here witb bis grandparents andi tains at tbe back of the stage, bear- stage. tother relatives. 1 ing between theai a large white plac- Another vocal .treat was a solo by 8 Rev. E. R. James wbo bas sufered ard aanouneing in good-sized letters Miss Hattie Mason "Sing, Sweet. ra break down la health bas been ad- the next nurnber. They walked Bird", which gave abuadant scope for vised by bis physicians to take a trip briskly up te the footligbts holding ber wide voice range and for the de- abroad. He and Mrs. James are their card until al had time to read velopmnat of bier alluringly sweet preparing to leave for Eagland short- and then once more at the sound of and eestatic high notes. Visions of ly. Citizens unite la wishing theai the bell retreated backwards, silent- skylarks, thrushes and nigbtingales a pleasant voyage, an enjoyable vis- ly as they had corne. While the var- rose before the audience as she sang tit and a happy home-coming. ious aumbers were being presented and at the last ravisbîng note ber St. George's Church, Re';. E. R. the two little girls gave 1f e to the listeners burst into a stori of ap- SJames, Rector. Sunday, May Stb., background of the stage secenery by rlause that would not subside until 1Mother's Day. 8 a. m.-Holy Coin- sitting one eacb on the cusbioned the singer returneti and produced an- munion. Il a. m.-Morning Pray- divans placed at eîther extremity of other thrill with "Cupid's Conquest". er, Confirmation service by Bishop the stage. A masculine aumber was a %ketch. of Toronto. Confirmationi Classes of First on the program appeared the enacted by Mr. S. W. Sutton, Dr. Le St. John's Churcb, Bowxnanville, aiàd Newcastle Public School .Hohner Har- May, Mr. Howard Gibson and M r. i of St. Saviour's, Orono, will "ce con- monica Band of tweaty-five members Clarence Allia. It was entitled firmed at this service ;n comp-iay under direction of Miss Hattie "1950", when the women are -3up-1 with the class of St. George's. 2.30 Mason, making a most successful posed to be filling aIl the positions, Ip. r.-Sunday Scbool. 7 P. a.- debut, after only two months of stations and occupations, and carry- Evensong. Note chai'ge in time of training and practising, before a ing on the wbole business of ruaning Confirmation service fî'om eveaing to Newc.astle audience. Miss Mason the world, w>'ile the miea are doîng morning. bas developed this harmonica band the housekeeping and looking after from thorougb work witb the public the chiltiren, etc. It was a cleveri sehool pupils as Musical Director, and little caricature in one act depicting BOARD 0F EDUCATION it was no little surprise to the aud- the ladies of today at an afteraoon 1 Iie ace to leara what she and the boys tea with their gossip and chitter chat- Rev. E. B. Cooke, delegate to 0. and girls bad accomplisbed in se ter. It rnay bave been true of tbe E. A., gave a most interesting reportI short a time. Incideatally, if moutb ladies of 1850. to the Board Monday evening of pro- organ vendors bave wondered aboutl The piano selections by Miss Sa- ceedinga 0f the Ratepayers' and Trus-' the recent boom la this particularl lorne Howard were the bigh lights tees' Section. i ne of musical instruments, tbey will of the evening la the musica! line. Board will require $6000 from; now know that it was genuine and This was the first time the general Municipal Council this year for1 there was a real potent reason for it. public had experieaced the pleasure school purposes. The Band contributed two selectionS, of bearing this taleated young lady Board expressed its appreciation "Evening Song," and "Drink te me display bier genius on the pianoforte, of ricipl oszl' secil .ntretsonly witb thine eyes." The band l and the continued applause following in bis classes as sbown by bis open- quartet. Betty, AIf. and Cordon Gar-I bier viv-id interpretation of a fine ing school from Easter to Midsumimer rod andi Rosa Cowan f urnisbed ai masterpiece denoted ber bearers' ein- at 9 a. ai. n umbeîr, %hile the four youtbful!joyment and appreciation. She Keen delight vas also expressed meailers o hsqattec edr rcoyrsoddwt neci with the work of Mi-ssNlason, Musi - cd a solo o? tis qfuatoe aede- inawcus respded wth nencoî e cal Dinecton, as sbown in the splen(Ii(l ment andsig fulutophoeinatabh l bchaedipayd te1ai and altogether unique p"rformancoin-'t rumI kilflt'toguig hersmoothnefs and finish and 3trict of mouth organ band at recent co- en . ld'ity of expression as in bier finst cert in Comrnunity' Hall. Mr. Rrrit. Walton appeared tw,,ice s;electi:on. Inspector Snider's report of Public "Il the. prrrgrami and generouslv re-' Final number was a humorous Scbool was satisfactorv in Pver1v par- srîdu encores eacb tinse iwit' sketch -Six Kleptonianiaca", la whiclî ticuilar. Additions to prize list this 1Mr I.i iIsher playing the accom- 1 ton characters were impersonated by: year are $10.00 front Mr. J. Ande'-- 1, airn:it. is wonderfully fine, Miss Cora Butler, Mns J. C. Han- son Smith for conduct prizos in Pub- 1 ichvoic%- îitb the best o? traininig cock, Mrs. Earl Wynn, Mrs. Cecil lic and High Scbools, and $,)250*(0 Torontir cao give, and witb consistent 1 Carvetb, iMrs. Floyd Butler, Mrs . from Mrs. I. E. Bowvll for* 11gb practicu-. dcveloping in beauty all Walter Deline, Miss Hlazel Barrie. School Science, botb o? whicb ai-e the %hi:c and bis audience can notel Mns. S. Suitton, Mrs. J. A. Butler and greatly appreciated by the Board. the iiiir-mient evei-y tiîne he sings.1 Miss Gladys Matcbett. This %vas a 1 lis soietions jncludu(I "Awake Myl furiously funny farce, a r-al howler. qity of New York, of the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospita of New York and Fellow o? the Toronto Academy of Medi-1 ci ne. Office-Mrs. McNauglrtoii's Re.- idence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10j a. mi. 1 ta 8 p. m. and by apD)oint,- ment.1 Six imlIoping Majors on close - ,vvîtarwre discovened to be Mrs. Wynn, le? t wiag lead; Misses Cora, Sutton, ring w-lag Iead;, Mru. Earl Butler, Mfuriel Bradley, Hazel Bar- rie and Gladys Matchett. Attired ln white flannel trousers, dress coats and Tests, with silk plug bats, mon- SLATE COATED ROOFING i'-avy mlaie <oatcd Rooflng; orna- mental Gireen color only; 3.35 Per square dellvored. ten dollaîr ordPrs: M1'r Doors 2.88; .9x-lght glazed i4asLh 110; Sereen D)oons aâ Iow au 1.29. Ask for free cata- logue of BulldenWBrýgains. Addneas HraIliday Comnpany, Box J221 Hs.mllton. on t. 19-2 Newcastle High School Easter Examinations The following is the report of the Easter Exaininations held in Newcastle Higb School. Namnes are arranged in alphabetical order. Pupils taking Iess than four subjects, are not ranked. FORM 3 T," I.. o I.' T,., a O ,~ e '- *' a a -O ~.r .~ E 60 . a - ~ 1~ .0 .f>~ .<~ Q Blackburn, Farewell 83 Casw-ell, Clara Clark, Bessie 32 Clark, May Clark, Rae 49 Cooke, Eileea Cowan, Bertba 74 Cowvan, Marjorie 56 Cowan, Nora 57 Cowan, Richard 65 Deline, Raye Gaines, Clarence 95 Garrod, Nellie 67 Graham, Stanley Lake, Muriel 39 James, Charles Rickard, Dorothy 52 Rowland, Hilda 88 Spencer, Doris 30 Tbackray, Charles 74 92 94 60 67 60 62 56 70 86 76 64 66 66 56 74 68 76 75 61 56 70 89 67 70 38 54 64 60 88 41 55 32 90 53 55 53 68 78 56 54 42 88 92 58 54 73 61 86 90 52 79 74 73.8 4 94 44.6 16 57 60.8 9 56 60 10 76 84 80.3 2 88 75.3 64 74 78 65.7 8 60 85 67.6 à 73 57 67.2 6 56 54 57.3 13 80 85.2 1 62 67.1 7 52 15 50 56.5 6 61 54 67.2 6 76 59.3 12 77.2 3 56 54.3 14 45 59.7 1.1 FORU 2 .0 C '4- O. o ~' e >~ ~ ,C 8." ~.0 ~ 4> E - e '~' - e e * ~. e o o t' u Anderson, E. 81 Butler, F. 76 DeMaio, A. 88 Henderson, M 86 James, M. 67 Martin, A. 52 Walkey, E. 87 Gibson, L. 82 74 74 85 59 57 57 55 56 760 84 2 736 82 3 73 726 81 4 779 86 l 611 68 6 417- 6C 7 718 *65 6 not ranked FORM 1 Butler, M. Cowan, R. Dudley, D. Gaines, G. Jones, R. Law, M. Lycett, H. Parnel, C. Rickard, E. Samis, M. Wright, D. 64 ', 69 64 69 76 79 75 73 63 45 53 Plant Your Shrubs and Roses Now 'They will be able to get a good start before the hot weather cornes. Our stock is complete and we invite inspection. We are also taking orders for window boxes and hanging baskets for later delivery. Brookdale Nurseries PHONE 7 BOWIWANVILLE Uptown Sales Station at Harry Allin's Grocery Store j King and Division Streets jFlowers for Mother's Day We will have Carnations, Sweet for Mother's Day. will be heavy. a limited quantity of Roses, Peas, etc., on sale this week Order early as the demand FLOWER STAND OPENED For the convenience of shoppers we have op.- ened a Flower Stand between our store and Bab- cock's on King Street. Ilere you will find all kinds of Flowers, Plants, Shrubs, Trees. See this beautiful display even if you don't intend buying. THIS 15 TOMATO WEEK Buy a can or case of Tomatoes-Nature's Perfect Health Food. eomn and SelI HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you wilt get good valut. BerH. S. BRITTON, Bkr&Grocer Newca.stle iAîfl ~ Ar WHY PAY MORE? REMARKABLE VALUES OFFERED AT DILLICK'S Men's Spring Suits From $10-50 To $22.50 hulage stock to choose from M'omeni's Patenit or 1)ogola Kid Strap Shoes.ý2.49 Mr'm's (4einiie Militaîv Workl Boots,........ 9 Meîl's Oxfoiîds, Black or Browii................6 Men's Finie Boots, Black or Browni..........$2.9 8 Womeni's Silk Hose, sillk to hem, al lu' shadr's 69c She(,tiiig, ",6inches ide, unbloach(ed, yardl . . ..15e Pureit .,J ieii Roller Towelling, yard .. ........... l7e WTe 'hxuý a niice rang~e of Womenis Broadcloth Street Dresses at $2.39 Men's Khaki Pants, good quality .............$1.59 A. DILLICK King& Division Sts Bowmanville -J 1 PAGE EIGRI THURSDAY, MAY 5th., 1927

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